Nafion's Top Sailor Naval Chief Burke To Talk on Defense I:. NIAXINE 11Altiti-; Admiral A neigh i Burke, chief of nasal opt-rations of the Nasy, will speak tomorrow at 10:311 a.m. iii Morris Dailey eC.R auditorium. He is to speak on "Deterrent* in Perp,peelise,." dis- VOL 47 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1960 NO. 114 cussing the national military posture with emphasis on those factors which contribute to deterring an enemy attack on our 'Deterrence in Perspective' country. Following the lecture, there will Ire a brief raee. conference To Lose 'Chest' Support, with the major west coast news’s - Y media represented. were hit by Japanese suicide Admiral Burke is being mot at planes during the Okinawa cam- Moffett field by Admiral George paign. Russell, commandant of the 12th FAR EAST SERVICE College Housing Naval disttiet, and his wife. They At the outbreak of the Korean Facilities and Mrs. will lunch with Admiral war, Admiral Burke was ordered BATES Burke In the Spartan cafeteria fol- By RON mally the withdrawal of the funds ganization has approximately 40 to duty as deputy chief of staff to The Spartan Y. oldest organiza- and to sit with the Y advisory members. lowing the press conference. the commander of naval forces in TOP SAILOR tion on campus, Informed the Stu- board in working out a solution to Dean of Students Stanley C. the Far East. From there he as- Admiral Burke, the nation's top dent Council at yesterday's meet- the impending club crisis. Benz informed the Spartan Y that sumed command of cruiser division sailor, has been an officer in the ing that financial support from the 'SMALL MEMBERSHIP' the building which the club occu- five, and in July of 1951, he was Navy since 1923 when he was com- Community Welfare council (Corn- The Welfare council stated in a pies at S. Ninth and an Antonio made a member of the United Na- mNaissyionThedroausgrouetshiigns fthe U.S.U.S. say Chest) will be terminated letter that the fund cut-off was sts. will be razed in June. tions Truce delegation to negoti- professional June as will its free housing, affected "due to the small mem- The problem was referred to the ate with the Communists for a mu. career, Admiral Burke has served which has been supplied by the bership and rate of program devel- campus problems committee. itary armistice in Korea. college. opment, particularly in view of the EXCHANGE STUDENT AID on battleships, destroyers and in After six months in the truce administrative positions. BrianPaddock, Y president, greatly increased enrollment of Another problem brought before tents, he returned to the office of During World War II, Admiral asked the e.uncil to protest for- San ii)SP State College." The or- the council was the question of chief of naval operations, where he Burke successively commanded de- financially aiding the exchange served as director of strategic stroyer division 43, destroyer divi- student from San Jose's sister city plans division until 1.954. Then he sion 44, destroyer squadron 12 and in Japan, Okayama. The San Jose took command of cruiser division destroyer squadron 23. 'Master Plan' Moves family which currently is supply- six, and the following year as- LITTLE BEAVERS ing room and board for the stu- sumed command of destroyer force The latter squadron, known as dent says It can no longer keep Atlantic fleet, lie served there un- the "Little Beavers," covered the him. Marsh Ward, ASB treasurer, til he succeeded Admiral Robert State Legislature initial landings in Bougainville in To B. Carney as chief was appointed to look into the of naval opera- November of 1943, and fought in tions in 1955. The California master plan for approximately the top 45 per cent problem. 22 separate engagements during Admiral Burke has received nu- 1.igher education was introduced enter state colleges. OTHER BUSINESS--The Spar- the next four months. During this merous combat awards during his into the legislature yesterday. Th University of California tan Camera club and Industrial time the "Little Beavers" were 37 years in the Navy, including the The plan would write into law would accept the top 124a per Technology society received cam- credited with destroying one Jap- Distinguished Service medal, the a revamping of California's high- cent, and junior colleges would pus recognition when the council anese cruiser, nine destroyers, one Navy Cross, the Legion of Merit er education system, and if ap- accept any student in either of approved their constitutions. submarine, several smaller ships and the Purple ITeart proved by the legislature, will be the top two classifications, be- The senior male representa- SPEAKS TOMORROW Admiral Arleigh Burke, chief of naval and approximately 30 aircraft. submitted to voters In November. sides those in the lower 55 per tive and sophomore male justice operations, will speak in Morris Dailey auditorium tomorrow at From destroyer command in the Donald L. Grunsky (R- cent. e posts will remain open until next Sen. 10:30 a.m. Admiral Burke, a former South P, he i s sen- Wednesday. chairman of the joint chiefs acificas chiereportedf Watsomille), chairman of the The plan has been endorsed March of 1944 of staff Gene Mahn was appointed of staff, will speak on "Deterrence in Perspective.- StudentParty ate education committee, intro- "with reservations" by Gov. Ed- - - the commander on the fast carrie, chairman of the public relations duced the bill into the upper house. mund G. Brown. and SJS Pres. task force 58. While serving wit? commit tee p Companion measures were intro- John T. Wahlquist approved of this famed carrier force, Admit ans Caucus duced into the assembly by As- the planalthough he also said he Burke flew many combat mission semblywoman Dorothy Donahoe thinks "it could be improved." Book Tells Problems He was aboard both the Bunk, (13-Bakersfield), chairman of the Hill and }intern' ke when the For Tonight Assembly Education committee. Song Girl and Assemblyman Sheridan Hee- TASC, a new sn. political land 1D-La Mesa). Judges Award party holds its pre-con. ention cau- by a Contest Negroes Today Last Day cus tonight in CH227, featuring up in was drawn South The plan Ends;Of Dave Armor, University of Cali- special liaison committee of ex- "How would you react, even in He added that none received fornia ASB president, as speaker. perts on education, and has been an enlightened city like San Jose, sentences because the U.S. Su- For Lyke Stories The party platform, whose ini- *Proved by the State Board of 'Help' Trophy 7 Selected if a Negro family wanted to move preme Court nullified the state's day to submit tials represent "toward an active Education, the Board of Regents Four sophomores and one junior, into your neighborhood? What "sedition" law. Today is the last stories for the first issue of this student community." stresses such of the University of California, and all education majors, were selected would you do?" Dr. Feldman shortened his re- semester's Lyke, San Jose State I matters as student determination numerous local and state faculty last night for the 1960-61 song view to allow a 20-minute ques- To Sigma Chi Dr. Leonard Feldman, assistant feature magazine, said Ron Miller, of all ASB policy, a student voice and administrative groups. girl squad. Two alternates also tion-answer period. The enthusi- The master plan would set up professor of mathematics, hypo- editor. in national and international mat- semi-annual Alpha Tau were chosen from the 13 finalists astic audience bombarded him with separate governing boards for the The first thetically asked this question of Stories should be typed double- ters, and promises to run candi- "Help Week" trophy has who appeared before spectators opinions and reports of various University of California, the state Omega the near-capacity book talk audi- spaced and be of short-story dates of "imagination" and "con- to Sigma CM fra- and a selection committee. local and national segregation colleges and the junior colleges. been awarded length. Copy should be submitted tinuous platforms." of pro- Joining Sandi Ashabraner, who ence yesterday while reviewing problems, All boards would be somewhat ternity for their program at the Lyke office, J4, before Armor also is prominent In the services to the was appointed head song girl by Ann Braden's "The Wall Be- "One main significance of the 5 similar to the present Board of Re- viding beneficial "student committee for abolition a "Hell the Student Council, are the fol- tween." book," Dr. Feldman concluded, "isi p.m' gents for the university, and the community in place of of capital punishment" on the Uni- lowing regular song girls: Jackie Dr. Feldman explained that the it indicates that one should not ig- i three would be coordinated to in- Week." versity of California campus. Erickson, 19, a transfer from San author has written a factual ac- nore the racial problems in the sure harmony within the overall The board of judges who pre- Student political parties gained Francisco state this semester; Bevi count of incidents she and her bus- 'northern' states. Persky, Stanton system and to provide efficient sided over "Help Week" were Don- Houck, 19; Jan Johnson, 19, and band experienced in Louisville. ' "Little Rock is down," he said and cautious direction of the sys- ald Ryan, assistant dean of stu- Sue Myles, 19, and junior Cyn- Ky., when they sold a home to a "but where else can they go 1, tem for dents; Robert Baron, housing co- the "good of the state." thia Spalding, 20, a fall semester Negro family in a "white" district, up!" Tour to Stanford Another part of plan, which ordinator; Ron Rock, inter-frater- the transfer from Santa Rosa junior The book, written in a personal Next week's book talk will be I Dr.
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