Vol. 32 No. 7 Kellenberg The Continuing Memorial the Marianist High School Tradition Summer 2019 Since 1987 1400 Glenn Curtiss Blvd, Uniondale, NY 11553 “The Good Is Diffusive of www.kellenberg.org Itself” 72 New Eucharistic Ministers Commissioned

2019 Senior Sentinel Inside!

May Crowning– Page 2 Junior Ring Banquet– Page 4

2 • Summer Issue 2019 • THE PHOENIX and Mary in her home, as Mrs. Mrs. as home, her school in Mary grammar and in Crownings Fr. May of memories early her about Masiulis statue, Mrs. to talked Regina Thomas Maria the cherry FPFD the in up Park Firetheway Department. On Masiulis Mrs. was Cairo Heaven Faith of Queen as Nazareth. Mary in crowning in Thomas Fr. Jesus Helping raise and temple the in Jesus present beth, Eliza- cousin her visit stable, a in him to birth give Jesus, of mother said, Mary May. of month this in Mary is it “ that shared S.M., Cardone, Thomas Fr. homily, the In John. St. to according Gospel Holy the from Reading a and Apostles of the Acts the from there Reading a Prayer, was Opening and tion Introduc- the After Mary. Virgin Blessed the honor and community a as together come to is Crowning al birthday. Dylan his is 23 May memory. in created fountain fellow Pavilion his Madonna the bless of to classmates be some would by joined ceremony, the who, Murphy, after Dylan of family day, 23. May Thurs- on the Crowning May annual celebrate to together joined family Memorial Kellenberg the portant in that moment. Then, the Mass Mass the Then, moment. that in portant unim- was that everything by was consumed I and head. my around thoughts danced worries Countless there. except everywhere to was I wanted but it there, sat I I so leave. faster. already, finished be start the would just wished I would work, Mass my do go and to home Wanting impatient. and restless, agitated, feeling pew the in sat I started, myhead. around mom to the was on concentrate could My I thing done. only the but get me, to spoke to need the I except things anything do to me for hard following is it plate, the my on lot a have I When school day. over- before done feeling get was I to work much so had I because whelmed pew, usual in our down sat and Bellmore St. in at Barnabas arrived we When sister. and dad mom, my with car the in got and dressed o nine at morning o our responsibility to reflect on on reflect to responsibility our ’ Last Week MyInner at Mass:Finding Peace clock began as any other Sunday Sunday other any as began clock Murphy Family Joins Murphy Family ForKMHS Crowning,Fountain Dedication By MelanieBy McManus During the few minutes before Mass Mass before minutes few the During nine at morning Sunday This The purpose of the May May the of purpose The the was event the at Present weather, rainy the Despite ‘ Yes! By Ally Goldsmith Ally By

’ ‘25,

to God to be the the be to God to

‘02 ’ clock. I woke up, got up, woke I clock. biology teacher, teacher, biology n te Floral the and - do list floating floating list do - ‘20 picker to to picker ’

‘20 s actu- s

” aoie elneg vns f the of events Kellenberg favorite “ Capri and Suns. Bites Little com- of prised breakfast Crowning May to dismissed traditional the enjoy to homeroom were students the as ended morning the sung, was blessing song closing and and prayer closing the After followed. Beckford Camryn junior by led Mary of Litany The tery Mys- Glorious Fifth The praying in auditorium the led students of group a Lady, Our to Flowers of Presentation was pink flowers. with and crowned Mary played Jesu song the as feet her at vases and in them placing stage on Mary of statue the to up tions carna- blue yellow and white, bringing students were um, auditori- the in and waving. were her ground the from watching dren Masiulis hy il e ap. n wrd f con- of labels. by ensnared are people sumerism, world a In happy. be will they will they that ensure will not are they someone be to tending pre- that think teenagers These in. fit to longing parties frequent students school high most not if Many places. many so at do realization. a had this I time always However, fulfilled. I and as complete Mass: felt I moment In this help. to there be always handle will can He and I than more me give never will He to that me me told He worrying. telling stop was God shoulders. my of off lifted being weight a felt I as me to noticeable was mood of change This only the God? matters: thingtruly that on focused was mind cleared my cluttered and my instantaneously that were possible thoughts it is How peace? at split completely feel could a I second in that possible it is How sible? worries pos- my that is How Eucharist, vanished. immediately the of bration cele- the to us welcomed Michael Father started. The May Crowning is one of my my of one is Crowning May The - As the organ started to play and and play to started organ the As People go in search of happiness in in happiness of search in go People ” él Donnelly Céili the After Meanwhile

The Coronation of Mary. Mary. of Coronation The

’ chil- s “ was

Pie Pie

statue of Mary that adorns façadethe of Kellenberg. Mrs. Masiulis, Faith Cairo, TomFr. and an FPFD volunteer aboard cherrythe Photo by Nick Castelli Castelli Nick by Photo “ O Sanctíssima O “ i in fit ‘20

and thus, thus, and shared, shared, ” oim itnd as listened torium audi- the in students Thebuilding. Mary Club to tune Bagpipe the playing the and Collins Mr. by performance a with first, a of our church. mother the Mary, celebrate to ers teach- and classmates fellow my with together coming love I year. cause wetoutside. ofthe weather be- homeroom in livestream a via action the all watched body dent stu- the of rest the while Chorus, Mary where else, would I have felt the same same the felt any- have I were would I else, where if because me with nated reso- This love. with is world the change truly to way only the said He world. the change willever military or politician no that preached He inspiring. and sightful him.for heart broke he badly my moment, how this At up. stand sense to wanted could I stand. to the for stand not supposed youwhenare Mass ofthe parts did He me. of front in sitting man old an was there that ized whenam inI God perience ex- I what of half even not is happiness false of will period short The that misery. in end happiness deceptive a wealth create material and friends Fake ness. happi- false create things These illusion. not satisfied. am and thingelse some- want I later, days of couple A py. hap- am I think and months, for have wanted I item the buy stores, favorite my into walk I countless. are stress relieve to shopping go to going are they that say someone heard or said have I times The ahr Michael Father real- I Mass, the into minutes Ten It fleeting. is happiness This The prayer service began for for began service prayer The ” ” ‘17 was sung by the Gregorian Gregorian the by sung was on the front steps of the the of steps front the on

’ hml ws in- was homily s “ “ Immaculate Immaculate ’ s presence. presence. s

’ s an an s

tunes at the Golf Outing. of variety a play will we and ing Crown- May the at hymns gious reli- played We Outing. Golf nual An- the and Crowning May the at play to are year every spring the in occasions biggest our of two as pipes, the playing school the sent “ club perform onthat level. to able been have to honored very was club the that mentioned tor, what happened last week at Mass. weekMass. lastat happened what is patience That hand. helping entire test a with end the would which to situations taken world, be could pletion com- of spirit this If home. at and peace, at fulfilled, feel I week, every Mass ing that and Him There you. people accept not or do things who material no are there God In else. anywhere to come to is understanding God. to growcloser and for patience patience this have to have strive To you. to around strangers done than said easier is It lesson. this of reminder a was me of thyself. front in sat as who man elderly The neighbor thy love Jesus lessons: of one forget to easy so is it chaos, the In going. are they wherever to get to bustling and rushing commonly are People love. and control self trumps well, move sympathetic? have I been would to up inability his line of the because holding was man this and of front supermarket the at line in on were I If sitting me? man the about way e r awy hpy o repre- to happy always are We

At Mass, I feel a calm that I cannot cannot I that calm a feel I Mass, At impatience life, in Sometimes ’ About the experience, the the experience, the About modera-club the Collins, Mr. isrco M. yc said, Lynch Mr. instructor s ’ s is enough for me. Leav- me. for enough is s - picker crown the

’ ’ s is only only is s

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main main

72 Eucharistic Ministers Welcomed KMHS Reflects on Work Done in Solomon Islands By Sean Ronan ‘20 she stated, “I have always felt a part of the Church, but by distributing Holy 72 Eucharistic Ministers were re- Communion I am more involved and cently inducted to spiritually serve the connected. When I first started High community in their final years at Kel- School, being involved in the faith lenberg Memorial on May 2, 2019. seemed like something I was expected Eucharistic Ministers are Extraor- to do and I felt no meaning towards it. dinary Ministers of Holy Communion As the years progressed, I grew so who are Catholic lay people that assist much in my faith and I can’t imagine a in the distribution of Holy Communion day without going to Midday Prayer or during Mass and other school events a week without going to Mass.” and to the homebound. Similarly, Brendan Cullen said, Bro. Michael, moderator who will “Being able to bring the faith to those guide the new group of students, de- who value it so much is a very reward- scribed a Eucharistic Minister as being ing experience — especially helping a “strong Christian who can extend the those who are unable to receive the friendship of Christ to others through Eucharist on their own.” the distribution of the Body and Blood Annalise Scorzari added, “The of Christ.” eldery tell us how special the gift of This defining role in the Church Communion is and how they are so requires that a person be baptized and a thankful that we have come to distrib- Photo courtesy of Photography Club confirmed practicing Catholic, a person ute.” who is faithful to prayer, a person who So far, the new group of extraordi- Miss Fiore speaking at the Last XLT about her work in the Solomon Islands. attends Mass in the local parish each nary ministers have had the chance to and every Sunday, and who attends distribute the Holy Eucharist at school By Andrea Lauritsen ‘20 night and felt appreciative”.

Midday Prayer in the school Chapel. Mass, visit Fulton Commons Care Cen- The final XLT of the school year During Adoration, students were The new Eucharistic Ministers ter, distribute Holy Communion to took place on May 18. Guest speaker able to devote time to God while build- prepared themselves by attending two the sick, lead midday prayer during Latin teacher Miss Fiore spoke about ing a foundation in their spiritual life. retreats. One at the new Stella Maris lunch periods and assist at XLT events. her time helping the Marianist commu- The new Eucharistic Ministers were Retreat House. Another with the Dio- Annalise said, “The role of a Eu- nity in the Solomon Islands. Her speech warmly welcomed, and able to take part cese of Rockville Centre. charistic Minister is so important be- talked about everyone’s role in the as new leaders of the Church. For most, Linda Cesark was one of many cause you aren’t bringing just bread and Kingdom of God. She emphasized how adoration seems to be the best part of students who was commissioned as a wine to someone, but you are giving inspired she felt and how lovely the peo- XLT, and is what students really look new EM. Before coming to Kellenberg, them the Body and Blood of Jesus ple were. For her, the kindness of the forward to. her faith life was not strong. However, Christ. The Eucharist is not just a sym- people, and the generosity she was able Meaghan Barrett said, “XLT was an throughout her six years at the school, bol — it is the true body of Christ.” to provide was what really hit home. amazing experience, especially after She mentioned that no matter where you recently being commissioned as a Eu- Photo courtesy of Photography Club are from in the world, everyone is part charistic Minister. It was a great oppor- of God’s Kingdom, and everyone has a tunity for me to be in the presence of call to serve Him. Even though the peo- God and reflect on this important leader- ple in the Solomon Islands are less for- ship position”. tunate, they never seem to give up on Eva Siegel commented, “Being a God. They are a true testimony of what part of the XLT and singing each month it means to trust God’s plan for them. is very emotional because I’m singing For the seniors, this was their last for something that matters so much to XLT as a Firebird, making this XLT me”. extra memorable. Mr. Bursig explained XLT, which stands for exalt, takes that the seniors leaving is always a bit- places about once a month after school. tersweet moment because they aren’t The evening consists of dinner provided just part of a school activity, they are by Kellenberg, along with adoration and part of something more: a community. a presentation by a guest speaker. Each Julia Coben commented, “I believe XLT, a new speaker, usually a teacher XLT was a really great opportunity for or faculty member, speaks about their the seniors to reflect on their future and relationship with God, and how im- be grateful for the time and people they portant it is to take time aside from eve- met at Kellenberg. All the seniors were ryone’s busy schedule in order to dedi- 72 newly inducted Eucharistic Ministers beam on the front steps of KMHS. really emotional throughout the entire cate time with Him.

Kellenberg Memorial Open House Saturday, October 5 Self-Guided Tours

9:00 A.M.—1:00 P.M. PHOENIX THE • •

Come visit! Don’t miss it! SummerIssue 2019

• •

3 3

4 • Summer Issue 2019 • THE PHOENIX Photo courtesy of the Photography Club Photography the of Photo courtesy five minutes, and the career presenter presenter career the and twenty minutes, lasted five sessions The more. and professionals medical journalists, neurs, entrepre- by presented sessions different life. three in attend to chance take a had junior Each could different one the that into directions dip a take to juniors Kellenberg May20. Night on at respective fields those in professionals to ing listen- while careers different about learn sional talks about a professional fieldof interest. Emily McCarthy listens attentively as a career profes- ces o opee qetonie in- them questionnaire, a giving complete to access scanned, were their where barcodes line next the to proceeded then Each barcode. a with slip a received and in checked first juniors The 9. and 2 periods between gymnasium the to down York New the Center. from Blood given award est the high- the in is This Program. pints Donor Blood 488 collected staff and ty facul- students, Blood Kellenberg Drive, Blood Junior Senior recent the and the February in Drive between year, this the for Throughout 2018/2019. 23 Year Academic May Thursday, on Award ALYXdonations. and donations blood whole 171 were Finn, Mrs. “ administrator Drive Blood or. hon- day, Award Heroglobin school to during contributing gym the in Center Blood York New the for blood of pints 199 donated juniors 16, May Thursday, Juniors Preparefor Future at CareerNight We had 188 people register and there there and register people 188 had We Two Drives HonoredBlood Heroglobin with Award NYby Center Blood

The class of 2020 had a chance to to chance a had 2020 of class The Career Night is simply a chance for chance a simply is Night Career Students were assigned a time to go to time a assigned were Students Heroglobin the received KMHS and teacher health to According drive Blood Junior annual the At By Alexander Wrenn Alexander By By Nicole Aponte Aponte Nicole By

’ s annual Career Career annual s ‘20 ‘21

38 - be found in the Hospitality room. A cho- A room. Hospitality the in found be could SALT in involved is a who while student session education an attending teacher PREP a find could One lenberg. Kel- at in involved are they that activities and clubs the to catered session, mation infor- right the to them guide help to ests fo- dentistry. and rensicscience security, social aviation estate, in real careers work, including future, in on the take to want may they that tunity steps. preparatory other and internships, training, education, about advice offered United Kingdom from 1988 through through 1988 1995?” from Kingdom United years? 3 last the in States United the of outside as been such questions cluding and help to save life.a Brave juniors like James Dionisio were all smiles to donate a pint of blood Juniors were able to use their inter- their use to able were Juniors oppor- any to exposed were Juniors Following the questionnaire each each questionnaire the Following

” and and nie uir class. junior entire the to relatable easily are statements Their me. for holds future the what into in- sights valuable gained said, McManus with myfuture. do to into want might I what advice ceived re- I pursue. to want might I learn fields to about way great saying, “ her experience, on commented career it. a to related which was there one Whatever them. told reporter professional the story next the ing anticipat- was paper news- thefor Phoenix writer a and session information Therapy Music the in be to ly like- was member rus fect way to test the the test to way fect per- a was night This future. one be could sibly pos- what on waters aer ih ws a was night Career “ Melanie Barrett Meaghan ’ Were you in the the in you Were itrss were, interests s

Photo courtesy of the Photography Club Photography the of Photo courtesy

“ Have you you Have “ I've I've ”

” s

Photo courtesy of the Photography Club Photography the of Photo courtesy gether once more to attend a quick prayer prayer quick a attend to more once gether karaoke. infamous even the and volleyball, basketball, climbing, rock like activities through cycling homerooms day in the ticipate the par- to on out spread homerooms descended The camp. and buses the exited teens rowdy The morning. the in 8:45 at arriving Coleman, Camp to traveled iors dance. themed Movies the Night at intoa transformed had G.S.O. junior the which gymnasium the into moved then juniors dinner, the Following cafeteria. the in ner din- buffet a with celebrated class junior the ceremony to the After ring. stage their receive to called were and their homerooms with sat Juniors auditorium. the in 24. ceremony formal a with opened night The May Friday, on rings class their ing a funa day at Camp Coleman. Arm in arm, Emily Galofaro, Lauren Genzone, and Alyssa Fernandez shared breakfast and a big lunch later in the the in later lunch big a and breakfast ed, breakfast. eat to minder re- important an with along physical, a receive to line another yet on got junior Class of “ h cas f 00 eertd receiv- celebrated 2020 of class The eoe uc, h cas ahrd to- gathered class the lunch, Before the with filled was morning The jun- the 29th, May on later, week A Junior Isabella Niemenen comment- Niemenen Isabella Junior n h mrig hd o a a big a eat to had I morning the In By Ciara Atkins Ciara By ’ s funactivities. s ‘20

‘21 Shines at Camp Coleman

to save a life.save a to didn really it but first at scared was I well. as blood experience, I and lives. minutes ten would in pain end the all end, the in that, me The told She nervous. worry. to not was me assured nurse I and time first my responded, she blood, give to felt she how about asked was Isabella When up. and back levels juice sugar their get drink to snacks and relax to got dents 13 to 5 minuteprocess. long a drawn, blood have to line on before. thenight eat to recommended were juniors foods of types all were salmon, spinach, Steak, quinoa, blood. giving before high levels iron keeping of importance the iron knowing on up loaded students give to blood. health good in were students the ensured physical and reminders, questions, These don I something day, service. There the teens enjoyed the sweet sweet the enjoyed teens the There service. prepped us for senior year.us senior for prepped and together us brought that event filled bella friends. mywith time spent then kickball, and soccer, and ball, gaga in competed we my as with time homeroom spent I be. to it imagined the day, on place took camp. ofthe back in the lake manmade activities water play swim, to mini off up ran rounded and friends quickly their juniors The time. baked and ziti, soda. and wellcream as ice as beans, baked chicken, dogs, hot and hamburgers of upontrays trayson Consortium, chorus guitar. on accompanying Basile withMr. the in Gregorian classmates their by the joined of music Benjamin Truncale reported of his his of reported Truncale Benjamin stu- removed, was needle the After got junior each physical, the After drive, blood the preceding night The ” Junior Andre Asarian confirmed Isa- confirmed Asarian Andre Junior the of said Nieminen Isabella Junior free was it eating, finished they Once feasted students the service the After - ’ “ golf, canoe and paddleboard. All the the All paddleboard. and canoe golf,

s sentiment saying, saying, sentiment s Camp Coleman was just as fun as I I as fun as just was Coleman Camp ’

t hurt that bad. I was happy happy was I bad. that hurt t “ ” It was my first time giving giving time first my was It

’ nral do. normally t ’ ” “ d be saving saving be d

- t a a fun a was It rich foods, foods, rich “ It was It


THE PHOENIX • Summer Issue 2019 • 5

d ’

by ”

a com- ”, Africa Selections “ The Rowan have have heard. ever To conclude, the Chorus sang “ from Wick- ed position of some of the most popular songs from the way musical. Broad- The Phoenix Band formed per- their pieces next and started off with a piece the new mov- from

Once the song ” “ ”

The Band also played

” Infinite Hope. “ m m very happy about how eve-

anticipated song ’ Band member Isabella Morales - This song was my favorite one “ ” and ” Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find The Concert was concluded with the all of the Phoenix ensembles playing audience erupted into applause, call- “ Best of James Bond, God Bless America. the the long Toto. Once the chorus was finished, the audience erupted into applause. Several audience members suggested that it was the best recreation of the song they ie, Them. stated: we performed and I believe that out of all the times we rehearsed, the we best played we ever had concert. I the night of the rything went. “ Tree finale performance, consisting of “ ended, the ing for an encore. Of course, the groups obliged, finishing the night on note and a leaving the high auditorium with a pleased audience. snaps, snaps, claps, pats and stomps, leading to s ” ’ with with a ” Photo Courtesy of Photography Club of Photography Courtesy Photo

Lacrymosa, Junior Rachel Siegel delivers the the delivers Siegel Rachel Junior chair. first the as note final “ ‘20

like like noises with and

That That - ” ” are two of the most Hallelujah, We Sing “ accord- ” “ Attention Juniors:Attention Concerto ” “

” Allegro con Serenade for “ “ Dies Irae Michael Popp “ from from

” Capture the Memories! (Allegro and Lar- performed by Rosie Rosie McCumiskey ry ry Time I Feel the Spirit Phoenix Players Produce Phenomenal Performance Performance Phenomenal Produce Players Phoenix “ ’ In a stirring entrance, the Phoenix Once on the risers the Chorus sang After the Requiem, the lights On On Friday, May 10 the Kellenberg Orchestra performed at the annual The concert started off ” ” Ev Vivace Don’t forget about the Yearbook the Yearbook about Don’t forget dimmed dimmed to darkness and the auditorium experienced a storm like no other as the chorus created rain for Two Violins in D Mi- nor McCumiskey on Violin I and Youri Kim on Violin II. The group concluded their section of the con- cert with Strings nor in ghetto). E Mi- and Youri Kim, ing to Mr. Vegas, advanced musicians in the perform school. a piece requiring this skill from To two players is impressive, difficult and to easy not come by. Chorus came out.took to the risers in the midst of singing Your Praises. “ solo from Will Pipa, and continued on with two movements Requiem, from Mozart complimenting each other with an excit- dynamicing of tempos. Memorial students from Phoenix Cho- Band,rus, and SpringPhoenix Concert. with the Phoenix Orches- tra Chamber They Ensemble. kicked off the con- cert with brio from symphony No. 25 in piece G minor. was followed “ by

re- s s per- ’ ‘20 because,

” Boxborough star on their - - Michel and was Every child is an - “ s s accomplishments ’

” many of the students can “ While some of the twelfth grad- Olivia Olivia Coletta, whose celebrity As a captain, I am extremely

“ 4 record, qualifying for playoffs. m m happy with the B team ” - ’

” The A team consisted of junior Ai- AQB AQB President Aidan York

” It was so nice to see all of our hard work m m really glad to see the results pay off. ’ artist, the problem is when grow you up. staying an artist portrait was displayed in the lobby, said, “ pay off, and worked with our when classmates, what origi- we nally seemed had to be fun a daunting came task, much and easier and produced beautiful be- results. ers take an advanced art class called Port- folio Prep to prepare to pursue art school, most of them take However, a art from regular both classes art are played class. dis-so that take pride in their hard work, as Pablo Picasso said, [because i]f it was the same and thing over over again, the lost. interest would be Also, I formance, as it gives me hope that year we will be next able to perform even bet- ter. dan York, seniors Tyler Martinus, Long, Kate and Natalie Jean captained by York, while the B team con- sisted of senior Chelsea Victor Louie, Robert Tiss and sophomore Florita, junior Ciara Atkins and captainedwas by Louie. Regional High School which had a (MA), tournament all a team. team Kellenberg Memorial by upset beating them by 205 points. Sen- caused an ior Tyler Martinus against them, his had very best of the tourna- a great ment. game flected on the season saying, proud of our performance. After losing a great deal of talent that we had last year, I was immensely satisfied with the ability of my team to rise to the challenge, I and early early in the morning to finish liminaries. their The pre- A team scored wins over Nease (FL), and Dutch Fork A get a (SC) 6 to The B team lost all three games, earning them 247th place in the tournament. The A team was placed in a single elimination bracket and played Acton

- A “ art-

’ 3 for - ”

‘20 t taking art to ’ ‘20

s Fine Arts Week ’

One of the benefits of “

By Céili Donnelly By Julia Coben AQB Competes In Atlanta CompetesAQB In According to Mrs. Rodney, In In the mornings, art work from Artwork from the sixth, eighth Kellenberg

On On Memorial Day Weekend, the On On Sunday, both teams competed On On Saturday, each team played 7 On On Friday, the teams got on a flight The Kellenberg team A eliminat-was

Fine Arts Week Features Student Artists Student Features Week Arts Fine variety of artwork is displayed colorful, so appealing, it and is fun to look at families to admire work. their students still bestill exposed to it. and twelfth grades was week in on the display auditorium all lobby allowing arts over a lengthy amount of time. students and famous artists is displayed, allowing students who aren and the visual arts. Art teacher Mrs. Rod- ney explained, having art week is the exposure to the took place from May 6 to May 10. Fine Arts Week is a full school week dedicat- ed to honoring the artists in both music bird onbird tree a branch the in Ma- Paviliondonna during art week WillowFitzpatrick sketches a (NC), and Canyon BCrest (CA). Polo (MO), Providence (NC), Dutch Fork B (SC), and Jefferson City (MO). The B team scored wins against George Wash- ington (WV), Newport (WA), Chase preliminary preliminary rounds. The A playedteam in the morning, while the B team played in the afternoon. Both teams went the 4 day. The A team scored wins against whole whole tournament took place where they stayed. and also at noon to Atlanta. At around 3, they ar- rived at the which Atlanta was the massive hotel in which the Marriott Marquis, 5. This was an incredible placing for the team, making them the best ranked team on Long Island and 4th York. New in the state of ed from the tournament by the Altamont School of Birmingham, Alabama. The A team placed 73rd with a final record of 7 by by NAQT in Atlanta, competed against GA 336 where other teams they all overcountry. the from Academic Quiz Bowl A traveled to and the HSCNT, B or High teams School Championship National Tournament run

6 • Summer Issue 2019• THE PHOENIX will have my target lists of colleges and uni- and colleges of lists target I my have will account. basic the up setting stuff, simple the inputting by begin will I First checklist. Georgetown. to and Mary how simple a created have I advice their From and William from year both this throughout me with touch in stayed have They worked Phoenix. The I on here that with friends good my process, the completed recently freshman have that many students college to spoken have I a first. head get in Dive to process. the determined of amportion this on I jump this. I got 4.3. I Light think a scale Richter internal on Up- date chest. my of off complexities essay the will that narrative my application!! to points bringexclamation the create will I looked, over- be not to determined am I that over- decided will I have I that now inspiration, So too.) will you (And come! my choose I once guarantee I now, me from flowing are words these as Bbut will write? to what begin knows I before Who unfold well. as here experi- ences life and observations personal many have and everything and anything about just chal- personal mother my in with work I lenges. faced when have I grit that the or Lourdes at mission upcoming the Hofstra, at REACH with work volunteer past again. seeking ic bin. shredding in isthe tossed application my mean also could or terminate spirit, dred to kin- a of enough front in get best at could friendships, contentious is which environment, political dangerous this in dangerous topic this alas but topics, these to twist comedic a pen could I know I Brexit. of come for out- the in interested even am change, I sake goodness climate stances, politi- changing and issues cians Major closely. issues the who I to admission deserves is it that audience target the convince yet, vote even cannot who person seventeen a old, years at I, do How officer? admissions an mesmerize will that topic seventeen life a at old, years determine to begin I self will the How where is This ness. will inventive- that and worth my express something to me allow traveled, less road on topic a the find must I be- or topic. best truths my come inner my display focus best this not Somehow will top. muffin the layer, crispy the muffin, the of top the about be only essay). his read they why was this know I but well, as entry this allowed interests outside and school tests, standardized grades, his sure fellow quite am (I ensued. our admission prestigious differentiated a and It Firebird deli. borhood neigh- your or Starbucks, wrote Dunkin, at buy you alumni Kellenberg kind The muffins. said I Yes, own muffins. about our of that one heard have I myself. of picture true the paint will topic personal what am with faced also I applicants, will other that from me words differentiate fifty and hundred six write many. my are angst for thereasons application, college my of part daunting most the being this perhaps with Faced 7.1). Major a my at reading (Currently on Scale. Richter internal stress of levels varying causing year junior my of start the throughout mind my on been has essay college infamous The arrived. the Life Managing Tremors the of Process Application … But what do I know? doI But what … I feel a bit better now somehow, getting getting somehow, now better bit a feel I top- begin and button reset the hit me Let is it here Okay, would it muffin a about write to were I If to opportunity sole my this is only Not Hot topics in my life now could include include could now life my in topics Hot has paper to pen put truly to time The By James Mooney III III Mooney By James

- I love politics and follow follow and politics love I “ your fineinstitution your ’

s business doing doing business s - doubt sets in. in. sets doubt



But then again, my heart is pounding as I I as pounding is heart know? whatI do so write this, my again, then But 0! a Micro, at readingis Richter Current family. oftheir member a me make will college which seeing a make self of habit to but fret to not me taught it has berg what have Kellen- I confidence. with forward go that to takes know to Kellenberg at accomplished and experienced have I that all to yet will tell. Timevisit? have I another or Terrier, Hurricane, Friar, Deacon, Wildcat, Spider, a become to strive I Lion, Will Crimson? Bear, the of part a or Red Big become to I stars Will the for journey. shoot their join to me invite will and be to want I where will is this university that know or also college the turn, In be- long. I where is this that ascertain definitively to choices, top my into deeper as dig to chance a this see me give will I it me for sides, both for working myself. for application great visit, the a with interest demonstrated and essay top a to specific school The list.my on school choice admission of in- chances to my essential recently creasing are have terms I these that learned interest. informed and ed derline bor- update Richter ahead! lies me for petition on is, com- More year. last from percent seven over it applicants, of Here number increased an are facing am I that it. trends the Google seemingly Ivywise.com, me Let self? stand alone. this in not am I that and all, to entity known a my alleviated reallyis process the methat showed and stress It see. must a is photo. this her me family in Trust cash cookie of fan Keebler a holding a member to types, lywood Hol- to applicants, generation first from range candidates The process. the in humor true the the of saw and laughed I process, admissions college exaggeration comedic a skit, SNL an watched I when day, other The matter. this to but I topic instead this of write intricacies could the I on endlessly schools. prestigious into try green to process application college allegedly have others of dreds hun- and Becky Aunt that appears It months. few past these cycle news the dominated rocked and that scandal college huge recent the yes, then process, Claus. this Santa istherea about stressed am not I that you convinced have I If much with courage. doubt of season this enter will I ACT, another choice. of or schools my for range GPA or SAT rate check not acceptance will another I Scholar, Prep or fidential past this Con- College daily Simply, College on year school time of amounts inordinate spending after side, flip the On not it). visualize will can (I you think I but now, list target my area. share Miami the in university club country gorgeous the and con- Boston quered already have I Pennsylvania. and Is- land Rhode Carolina, North DC, Virginia, to parents my with trips road I arranging be will recommendation. of letters checklist. my my Organize of off one that Cross Ronan. Miss harass will I 5.5). Moderate Richter a reading (Current choices. top to my have to will submit I essays supplemental any are there if research will I bet. safety definite a and maybe, impossible, by grouped versities, All I have to do is look back and reflect on reflect and back look is do to have I All “ What seems to be the current trend in in trend current the be to seems What - ot factors soft I cannot continue without highlighting highlighting without continue cannot I

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the the - Copy Team: Copy Editor: Editor Thanks: Very Special Staff: Faculty Moderators: Team: Production Editor: Production Phoenix Online Survey: StudentsPhoenixat Survey: Work Online When DidYouBeginWhen Working? Established Established in Phoenix OnlinePhoenixwill conducting be monthly www.kellenberg.org/ Gosurveys. to The The

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How Much Do You Get Paid?How Much DoYou Get O Ray Club, Photography Digital S.M., Corp., Imagery Graphics Poletti, Roger Bro. Angelo Michael Wrenn Alex Tssassis, Sweeney, Monika Pasternack, Popp, Ruby da, Miran Madison McManus, Melanie Coben, McBrien, Aidan Lauritsen, Andrea Julia Christopher Dolan, Caroline Aponte, Nicole Cummings Mr. Mr. Flood, Goldsmith Ally Ciara Atkins, Ronan Sean O Mary Nieminen Isabella III Mooney James ’ Connor Photography, Mr. Harris Mr. Photography, Connor

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THE PHOENIX • Summer Issue 2019 • 7

- I s -- ’

“ hand - On the “ working m m in the - ’ 14. When - s a uniquely

’ m m a reception- Over the years, ’ “ jobs that Kellen- berg hold. students young employees Of surveyed, the percent of them 54 began when working they were 15 or 15, and rooms, rooms, and rects di- doctors to their next patient. Since she sits in the heart of theoffice, she gained first has experience about life in the health care profession. Recently, Phoenix The Online conducted a sur- vey, gaining in- sight into the s s possible to incor- ’

” time time jobs provide a wisely pro- Time Jobs Time

- 10 hours. A shocking 25.1 per- - - She answers phone calls, helps clean Kellenberg does not breed typical Sofia Sofia enjoys taking Introduction to In Babylon, there is a ramen restau- Part ” s one of only four ramen restaurants on ’ 35.8 percent of them began were when they anywhere between asked 12 how many hours their they jobs, 33.8 devote percent replied to that they work 5 cent responded that they devote over 20 to hours their jobs per week. teenagers, but rather a species whole separate of young individuals. Work is an inevitable dedicated, part of life, and as long as these students hard continue to pour both their their minds into hearts what they and do, they expect can to have fulfilling, enjoyable reers the down road. ca- Music as a part of her regular curriculum this year and will be taking music theory next year. Sofia reflects, I have learned that it porate I love into what the work that I do, and it has made my performance in better.job much my rant called Ramen Kyoto. It niche restaurant, and hard to come by it Long Island. Junior Rachel Siegel, after stumbling upon this place, with fell the atmosphere and worked her way in love up in the ranks. When Rachel first began working at the Asian restaurant this win- ter, she quickly tasks: took manning on the cash a register, taking orders, variety of cleaning, stocking even preparing ramen. items, Below her and she boss, is currently the most senior and worker has taken new employees under her wing to train them. As her status at Ra- men Kyoto has grown, so has her happi- ness with her job. Rachel beams, days that I have work, I wake up actually excited to go, would which happen when I I got never a the job. best thought That indicator for me that I place.right active dip into the wide field of sions. profes- Sarah Goez, a junior, knew this to be true. Hoping to gain medical a sense trade, of the she Long Island Foot began Care, where her father working works, when she was 15. Sarah recalls, at began by doing simple filing and faxing, but as I got older complicated jobs. they Now, I gave me more ist. s ’ by by ” t seem ’ s s amaz- ’ s s students, ’

for the chil- m so grateful ” ’ Blackbird

“ It doesn “ I began teaching “ s s choir. Until Kel- s s parish. It is diffi- ’ This passion is par- ’ ”

s s life, who is an active ’ music music empire when when she was young. This “ OUTSIDE the Classroom? the OUTSIDE ” working — - s s a difficult song, but she is mas- ’

” Elizabeth, one of Sofia She She took this new interest into her Blackbird reading reading and rhythm lessons. sons. sons. Sofia explains, Elizabeth how to play The Beatles a while ago, and she practic- es it on her own every day. She ing: it tering it so quickly. allel to “ Sofia, year, she taught her English class how to who play also the song for expository project. learned the notorious junior because I enjoy doing it. I because I have gained a sense of profes- sionalism and work ethic in such way. a fun has shown strong dedication to her les- - own hands and plunged intoheadlong the world of music runs a education. mini Sofia now dren of St. Raymond cult work: for each of her 12 guitar stu- dents, she creates lesson an plan designed to intricate fit their specific weekly needs. Sofia explains, like hard work, even though it is. That ior Sofia Abuin member of her parish lenberg, music was only a hobby to her. She says that Mr. director, opened her eyes Blanton,to the technical the choral world of music through his frequent sight working

” ve ve really ’ How Many Hours a Week Are KMHSHowa Week Many Hours Students I “ s s children section, ’

young individuals. aged avid reader is hard to - Nonetheless, Ciara pushed ” s times at Kellenberg has taught ’

dedicated, hard

Kellenberg does not breed Music Music has always been a part of jun- Ciara Many teenagers own a pair of head- She She lamented over the application, a whole separate ofspecies typical teenagers, but rather It was so difficult; I had stacks of forms form form of entertainment. To do this, how- ever, it has taken a significant amount of work. essays essays and do a lot of classwork for Mrs. it but isvon, so it. I loveworth it. her to pour her love for knowledge into her work, making her anything but a lazy laborer. In the library she spreads this love to the kids Mrs. did von to her. just as phones and a few favorite songs that they use as a mindless diversion. One Firebird went above and beyond this, giving mu- sic a deeper meaning than just being a “ to fill out. through the hefty process. Mrs. von She for credits teaching her room that for there passion is in work. taken my love for reading and English to a new height this year. I write a lot of knowledge even further, Ciara for a job applied at the Port Washington Library. Public she she enjoys, in the hopes that spark she a love might for learning in her students. A high school come by, but it worked: Ciara found her- self flying through a colossal number of books. To cultivate this passion for - s ’

for -

We all ‘20 ” of of relaxing ” working streak - third of all Ameri- option - “


s s Model U.N. team, a ’ e f Time Students: Finding Passion in Part Passion Finding Students: Time he he is the Secretary General o r

As you get older and wiser, - p “ --

r o


r Take one look around the school, Since Since the Great Recession of 2007, American columnist Denis Prager It is summer, and junior Charlie The rough Long Island waters reflect o

By By IsabellaNieminen

y l whole whole new level. Every week, Mrs. von presents the class with a new book that reading. This September, when she first walked into Mrs. von Schoenermarck English class, her love was taken to a and it becomes obvious that hard and diligence is work an invariable part of the Kellenberg experience. But how? Sopho- more Ciara Atkins has always loved has has taken advantage taught their of students to this develop skillssional through their passions. profes- and has choices and the work ethic. cultivation With one of proper can teenagers holding jobs, Kellenberg ments ments in the ture, fu- allowing for thorough explora- tion into career professionally. Jobs like these are wonderful invest- to support families also their held positions that they were interested in these these two motives were not mutually exclusive. students Most working i sional They interest. found that concluded that a majority of dents stu- work support their fam- to the the employment rate of American youth has steadily increased. A study conduct- ed by the National Institute of Health he he has learned to love hard work and has incorporatedeven it into his free time. high high school stereotype. Charlie has prov- en that there is no room for this student at sort Kellenberg. Along of with count- other less young Firebirds jobs, who have godly godly hours blowing their allowances at the mall. Praeger, accosting the lazy na- ture of young people in his quote, would undoubtedly disapprove of this typical know know the nothing types: rascals who cause trouble, barely energetic, pass good on their report card and spend un- once said, you realize that when people anything are without given having to earn it, they become ungrateful and lazy. into into his free time, willingly giving 5 days per week as a Great Neck sailing instruc- tor. his his sharp studying skills ensured him spot on the honor roll a each trimester. He, instead, extends his hard deserves it for Kellenberg Eucharistic Minister, and a the member Junior of Retreat Staff. On top of this, to steerboat. the Mandracchia has the for the next two months. After all, he above him. To test the knowledge that he has imparted on his hands young the student, sail over he and allows the child the the dull shade of the gray clouds rolling Full 8 • Summer Issue 2019 • THE PHOENIX the field. And I can confidently say that that say confidently can I And field. the on out everything leave to had we knew we season, the of one final our especially adds, she outcome. But the with were disappointed we pretty so last, their was that it played like field game the on everyone lost, any team. outscored field the on talent and grace their board, score- the on win a with up come not did next. the and season this for successful be to us allow would that improve to needed we things on us, of one worked every We and each them. hard, very get to do to had we “ they efforts, 12 Heart Sacred to lost best Firebirds season, the despite Unfortunately, Academy. this of Heart Spartans Sacred Lady championship the against matched the of round semifinals the to way their fought fought until the very last blow of the the of blow last referees very the until fought always, as Kellenberg, win, the snatched have a might Friars the While for second. split even field, the from away look to impossible it made girls the by plays and attitudes, techniques, incredible win, the thony An- St. rival league top their against was season this play and watch to both game Danielle in 19, March on School High Plainedge 14 fought hard a with son wedid. what is exactly Varsity Lacrosse ReachesSemifinal We wanted the wins and we knew what knew we and wins the wanted We By Monika Sweeney Sweeney By Monika uir aile O Danielle Junior Team Lacrosse Varsity Girls The The girls, coached by Mrs. Leech Leech Mrs. by coached girls, The sea- their off kicked girls the While O ’ ’ s. Even though they did not claim not did they though Even s. Sullivan says, says, Sullivan ’ ’ s opinion, the most thrilling thrilling most the opinion, s shiny black whistle. black shiny ” “ In those last few games, games, few last those In Even in the games they they games the in Even

“ - ” 8. 8. vn huh we though Even

’ - Sullivan says, says, Sullivan

12 win against against win 12


” ship award for the 2019 season. thefor 2019 shipaward league the won counterpart, attitude. Firebirds enthusiastic and behavior, sportsmanlike our was with team opposing met each game, the of what end the at of scoreboard the up Regardless lit numbers way. the along es loss- or challenges any overcome to them allowed and teams of challenging the most even defeat to camaraderie them allowed and which friendships their was it past continued, season their this as And tryouts spring. building since other been each had with they bonds the ing further- Emmanuel, at retreat a attended field. ofthe off and on both do, to rebuilding of lot a had team the year, last seniors of number large a losing After School. High Beach a game in a ending and Valley Locust against loss a include matches John Close Baptist. the St. of Cougars the against win 10 a and School, High Syosset over win a School, High Seaford of Vikings a School, High Side 14 a include victories notable Other shutout. 10 the in score to unable were of Mercy Lady Our of Monarchs the as trable, impene- be to proved line defensive their well a and fire wason line theiroffensive chine, like Working a team. as and individually of both talents, all their showcase to together came truly in team the Park, of member Cantiague single every which at Our Mercy over of victory Lady a include season the an with season their ended Daly, Coach and – 8 7 h Vriy em a dd hi JV their did as Team, Varsity The girls the opener, their of eve the On – 8 win over the Cyclones of South South of Cyclones the over win win/loss record. Highlights from from Highlights record. win/loss

10 – 11 score against Long Long against score 19 – 3 ’ ’ i oe the over win s sportsman- s fierce play, play, fierce – ie ma- oiled

12 5 15 – – - 6 9 – 0

relate to the respect aspect or C.O.R. or aspect the respect to relate loser. good a and winner good a both being about all is another Sportsmanship playing. to are you that give team you respect the and act girl A sity Var- Junior the Sloper, Miss as manship, Sports- game. the of outcome the of less regard- game good saying and hands their shaking team, other the congratulating by withgrace losing and humility with winning of importance players the their teach They win. a or loss a both accepting when play into fieldcomes the on civility that agree all coaches The school high for still exists. sports reason true the that to see nice is it norm, the is costs all at ning ing, say- happiness his expressed Hanifan Mr. this with award. teams Lacrosse Girls lenberg Kel- the presented proudly league, crosse the Award. Sportsmanship earned Miss Westerman Leach, Miss and Mrs. Sloper by led teams crosse teammates to a victory. Sophomore standout Tara Brennan cradles the ball upthe field to assist her Photo Courtesy of Photography Club Photography of Courtesy Photo r Hnfn Cara fr h la- the for Chairman Hanifan, Mr. la- Girls Varsity Junior and Varsity “ Miranda By Madison In today's athletic world, where win- where world, athletic today's In

Lax Lax Wins Sportsmanship Award ’ s coach, defined, is defined, coach, s ” Both statements directly directly statements Both ”

“ how you you how ‘20

book! is They character. achievement of women empowered be to players their team “ lacrosse the said Schoenermark Von Mrs. Chair ment stands school the for. everything and Kellen- berg represent They themselves. just longer no are they field the onto step they explains, she Specifically, losing. or winning her about just not is it that players reminds same Westerman the Coach deserves respect. opponent and team same the treated. be like to would waythey team opposing the on players the treat to and officials the of respectful always be to remindthem her remind said, She C.O.R. of to values the of team effort constant a she makes says team, Lacrosse Girls B Varsity order the team. the to C.O.R. of aspect instilling the thus brought together, They team leaders. became and up stepped truly who seniors the without it done have not could she claims coach, auos Te [oce] r teaching are [coaches] They fabulous! ” Volleyball coach and English Depart- English and coach Volleyball each CoachWesterman, to According Junior the of coach Westerman, Miss Lacrosse Varsity Girls Leach, Mrs.

’ e hmin i my in champions re

“ When When “ I THE PHOENIX • Summer Issue 2019 • 9 s ’

- s ”

t find oppo ’

“ s s perfect- ’ s s batters com- ’ 3. The final run of


Final Win Final mann. mann. Perhaps the best defen- sive play of the day was when catcher Joe Braskey ly placed, strong armed throw, gunned out a runnerto trying steal second. St. Anthony The Firebirds nearly produced more runs when Xavier Cruz crushed an absolute deep left field shot that was caught in on the warning track. If it had tian tian Rafsol came to with the dish the again, and baseswalked yet again to loaded make it yet 5 the game was Andrew scored Cascio went when with an RBI single to right that plated Einemann. Chris In the field, stellar there play all around was the dia- very mond. Kristian leather on a wicked line Rafsol drive, and gotRyan Sharkey made a run- ning play in foul territory get to a pop helped to turn an impressive 3 up. Sharkey also 6 double play with Chris Eine- gotten gotten down, the hit would - s s victory. Will Ligarzewski was ’

Other Other Firebirds, Matt Sluka, Griffin Overall, Kellenberg along along with his teammates, not allowing a single goal. Sean Boll and Sean Foley both scored three goals to further assist in Kel- lenberg MVPnamed theof championship game. Chernoff, Thomas Albig and Joe Contino also scored goals for the team. The team shining star, Will Ligarzewski impressive- ly lead the defense throughout for the Kellenberg game making fourteen saves goal. in have have easily resulted in extra bases. Some- times though, tough luck is sport part of baseball. of Even though the that deep lineout by Cruz was most likely the hard- est hit ball of the game, it just didn outfield grass. bined to get on base 14 times in the umph, with 6 of these tri- coming on hits and 8 coming via the walk. Starting John pitcher Carroll was superlative in the big- gest game of the year, was just as excellent. and the bullpen

LI Championship LI

” 4 4 lead. Goalie - AA 4. Kellenberg secured the “ - run run single to center that - The third quarter was the pivotal point In In the bottom of the 4th inning, Kris- showed exemplary defense as goal was scored for Kellenberg and one by only one St. John the Baptist. teams This push allowed by the both score quarter to for be the 3 second victory in the fourth quarter, scoring five againstgoals the Cougars to end game. the of the game for the Firebirds. The combi- nation of strong defense offense allowed the boys to overwhelm the and aggressive Cougars, easily taking a 5 Will Ligarzewski played aggressively mann, mann, Dan Cardito drove him in with an RBI single to center field. After Andrew Cascio and Joe Braskey got on, the bases were loaded for Kristian Rafsol. He de- livered with a walk that drove in Cardito. The biggest knock of courtesy the game of came smoked a Luke 2 scored both Cascio and Braskey. Napolitano, who Ryan Ryan Sharkey walked to lead off the in- ning and was moved over by a perfectly executed sacrifice bunt by Chris Eine- s ’ Earn Exceptional Semi ”

” The key for a closer is to bound Jason Diaz exhibits the hustling firebird spirit he as runs out an infield single. “ - Leahy Leahy did just that, and a s s an extremely high pressure ’ ” 0 hole, a big third inning got the Fundies - The game had a somber start for the On On offense, after finding themselves “ team team to compete with. field Everyone worked on together in the order to pull this gether win. to- Kellenberg boys as they were challenged by the offense ofscored three the goals. The Cougars Firebirds did wither as not as they they were two with their of goals own. The first quar- able to come back ter ended with the down Firebirds by only one being point. began The with second an quarter assertive teams. push from The both Firebirds and Cougars both in in a 2 Firebirds the lead. 7 batters found them- selves on base, 4 of them scoring. After swings and misses. As the St. Anthony bench relentlessly tried to rattle he kept Leahy, his eyes on the prize and cased show- the ice in his veins. closer The said, Firebird never get distracted though or it nervous, even situation. playoff save the result.was

e Photo courtesy of Ray O’Connor Photography l b University of Miami dy- i d ’ We got e r

“ c

n i final 3 on

- - ‘20 s i ‘22 h

r o f

e m s s did. This was Long Long Island Champion- a ’

g ”

e s, s, many coming on h ’ t AA

“ f s s by a score of 6 o ’

s s momentum saying,

’ r By By ChrisGazis



s big curveball kept the hitters he a ’ l The Boys Varsity Lacrosse team won p Frankie Roder got 4 outs in middle Left Left hander John Carroll was Throughout the course of a sea-

Varsity Lax Takes Crown at CHSAA CHSAA at Crown Takes Lax Varsity By By AngeloTsassis e

l Varsity Baseball Baseball Varsity b tial the whole game, the parts in which we did play well, it was clear we are a hard the the ball moving and found our rhythm. We were able to keep possession of and score. the It ball was a hard although we did not fought play to our full poten- win and the the CHSAA ship against the Saint Cougars on May John 15. Joe the Foley described Baptistthe game Leahy faced off balance and induced some big ed in a run, but Roder got a big strikeout on a lively fastball to minimize the dam- age. Matt Leahy worked trouble on the basepaths to around earn the save. some relief, relief, picking up right where Carroll left off. A few bad luck hits and walks result- a efforts in shutting down the Friars namic offense even after being injured in first. the amazing amazing 10 K his overpowering fastballs with the occasional breaking ball thrown the mix. Carroll in was likely the most valu- runs runs to cross the plate. He had im- pressive control, not single batter. He even racked up an walking a the the first inning, he got up stronger than ever and powered through the rest of his outing. Carroll went 4.2 stellar innings allowingwhile just 2 superb in an extremely gutsy per- formance as starting pitcher. After being drilled by a comebacker in round of the playoffs and these two competitive rivals eachagainst other. were pitted sity sity Baseball team shown in the defeat of the Friars of St Anthony May 15, 2019. It was the semi their their skills and teamwork. Through the wins and the losses, good mem- bers find a way to come together as a team, just like the Kellenberg Var- son son in any sport, teams improve in 10 • Summer Issue 2019 • THE PHOENIX Yes and helped bring the idea to to idea the Kellenberg. bring helped and Yes of League the of member a been has Luke son whose Memorial, lenberg Kel- league. for director and choral the Blanton, the for support sponsorship community moting self increase and league time. pas- national our playing from come that to benefits and joy individuals the experience those for portunity disabilities with ages) all (of people for grams “ i the ofstart evening. many and Yes, the for here awaited spectators eager of League the of lenberg softball College Center ville program. ofthe softball beneficiary the was Yes of League the year, consecutive second the For Game. Benefit annual its in ticipate par- to out set team Softball Varsity z sals ad uti bsbl pro- baseball sustain and establish a t By Mary O By Mary i o ” Their goal is clear: clear: is goal Their organ- an is Yes Leagueof The Rock- on held was game The Girls the 9, May Thursday, On n

s players develop social skills skills social develop splayers ’ s Lady Firebirds, members members Firebirds, Lady s t h ” a t

’ and and

s Klein Field, Molloy Molloy Field, Klein s Varsity for SoftballRaises$3K League of Yes h ’ a - hm fed Kel- field. home s “ ’ s esteem, while pro- while esteem, Connor Connor o rvd a op- an provide to


m “ to help the help to i s s ‘21 i o ” n


t o

ne o ly gm wt te be- them with game a play to ence experi- amazing an such was it and past It the years. two in dollars 9,000 over and Yes of League the for dollars 3,000 over raised "We proudly, but added She sport the love aren that out hang kids and with work to got I cause be- me for it opener eye thinkan really was I Yes. people of League the the from with great spend a to was evening It me. for experience great a was game benefit "The says, Sandas, Kellie team, varsity the on ofsmiling faces. dreds hun- and dollars $3,200 of total a to amounted night The Junior team. the Softball by off sold ing be- were accessories and candy and totals raffles ticket 50/50 the as and added, as were higher and higher inending1 a other, each against game a held dogs Bull- Babylon North and Firebirds the Later, night. the of spirit giving the to adding assisted, and together both working Babylon Kellenberg North from and athletes softball Home a fore two - ’ nig ae t :5 .. be- p.m., 6:45 at game inning t able to play it all the time." time." the all it play to able t The only sophomore to make it make to sophomore only The climbed profits admission The a with off kicked night The - - ’ run hitting contest. The The contest. hitting run 1 tie. 1 s a great organization organization great a s

- Varsity Varsity of this team around next next teamofthis around part a being loved I way. other any wouldn wasn out- standing17 an with season the concluded ny Antho- St. to lost they playoffs, the couldn I and a team this as on everyone love I memories group. amazing many so Our have all welcomed. we and strong so so was bond felt the and I girls coaches 11 amazing the met I When them. met I until mepres- on sure of lot a had I like felt varsity I team, the on sophomore only the being As me. for opportunity great a such was overall team "The said: Kellie year, first the for team the on the ofNew State. York 10 thetop in seed in them ranking turn in first and playoffs, the them giving 11 the finishing title, won season Firebirds regular Lady also The sea- but son. softball whole game, the this throughout at wonders against them for school." high Babylon North played we fore ’ wt a ls soe f 3 of score close a with s ’ Kellie said, said, Kellie during fight hard a facing After being with experience her On worked only not team a Such t the outcome we wanted, I I wanted, we outcome the t ’ t have wanted the season season the wanted have t - 5 record. 5 ’ t be prouder. t be “ vn huh it though Even

.” ”


2 and and 2 - 1, 1, Softball Team for The League of Yes. the annual benefit game hosted by the Varsity ing the pregame homerun derby at Klein forField Luke Blanton is ready to swingfor fencesthe dur-

THE PHOENIX • Summer Issue 2019 • 11

ll be there ’ This is the best “

ll be a very competitive

Photo courtesy of Blue and Gold yearbook Gold and Blue of courtesy Photo ’ ve ve had spirit wise, everybody ’ Coach Coach Brown says, As the end of the season rapidly ap-

” meet meet we contributed to the win and it about the says culture of our a team. We have lot a good shot at winning champs the and intersectional it meet but we think they are prepared it. for proaches we hope that the girls continue to succeed and know that we to supportas they them go the distance.

” s s perfor- ’

The team themselves were not the only only ones surprised by they this shocked everyone present victory, as under- as dogs that snatched the win. The coaches were very proud of mance everyone and expect nothing group filled suchwith tenacity. less from a moment moment when the official had announced we won, the energy of was indescribable. the We were all so defeat- whole team ed and we had thought that we lost, the surprise but that we were able to pull out victory the the in end amazing. was

The “

s s golf team ’

Freshman Lauren Tarpey sprints to the finish line. line. the finish to sprints Tarpey Lauren Freshman ’ s ’ ‘19, is is leading the women

’18 With With all of these victories combined, Junior Lydia Mercante stated, Sam Sam The talent of the players was not the Continuing her career in college, for- Congratulations to the both of them the the race 100m made their way Maureen and to Lewin added the to sumé finals. her by track winning Senior the re- 800m and races, earning Kellenberg more points. 1500m the Kellenberg Memorial track and field team was able to overcome all odds and adversaries to take 1st place in the meet and qualify for the intersectional champi- onship. This was a much needed victory that filled the girls pride. with eagerness and back. Junior Cameron Beckford and Senior drea An- McPher- son, some of Kellenberg heavy hitters, were vital parts of both the Firebirds win as they ran hearts out in their first since time Kellenberg 2012 has won the event. Bendig was behind her as right well, throw- ing superla- tively adding and more yet points to the come- mance. mance. Jun- ior Jacques add- Kaya ed to the ac- colades winning by the in event, discus the Liberty League Rookie of the Week. Her team is credited with lowest round in school history. carding the third only thing that got this team to where they were. On May 16 the Lady Firebirds spent the day the with St. Martin De Porres Golf Team, reporting that teaching the children youngreally formed the team as a Mari- anist family, and brought them together. The team also joined together at Country Nassau Club to learn and have some fun with a swing monitor Pohalski,Drew PGA Golf Professional. with the help of mer golfer for Kellenberg , Ashley ding Har- to third at Ithaca College, being named as they continue their careers. The high team would also like school to wish golf a big thank you to seniors Regan Mullaly and Kirsten Brunner for their hard work, and dedication. ’ s, ’

t score

On On 0 win ’ - t ones to

’ ‘18 ‘20 ve ever wit- at the Girls

” s s at Cantiague Park,. ’ s talents.s

’ putters, not keen on let- or flats rather. The Fire- - s. s.

’ 2019 season for the Girls — -

meter meter race fired up the girls s points started to stack up, - ’

Diocesan Trophy “

By By AidanMcBrien ByCaroline Dolan s admirables reputation. The girls also placed in the 1500m Another Another senior, Briana Lausev, had a Outstanding performances from the The day was hot and dry, but the sun

The Girls Varsity Track and Field Place in League Championship in Place ’ s s Golf Tournament at Deerfield Golf The team started with a 5 The 2018

’ Varsity Girls Golf Earns Second Earns Golf Girls Varsity

s s special moments like these that truly

’ Girls Track Wins Come from Behind for League Behind Championship for from Come Wins Track Girls race coming in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as a fol- low up to the team's previous perfor- remarkable accomplishment for the team, taking advantage and of pointsamount they could receive. maximizing the comparable to anything we nessed before. The teams in the 4x400 relay all took points, a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Kellenberg one could see the other schools shaking in their boots birds really came alive in the relays; in- team team 8 more board. points Our shot to tack ting the onto runners have the all the gained glory, an extra also 3 points for the team. As display an display athletean vital win in the steeplechase that gave her the the runners in front of her in only the last 300 meters. She filled her team, as wellas the entire complex, with It excitement. in in the 3000 for the comeback. Richardson won MVP of the meet as she went off and ran what would become her lifetime best, beating such such as Madison place in Scott the clinching 200m. pected An 3rd win by amazing Senior unex- Maya Richardson amazing comebackamazing for Kellenberg. younger side of the team came from mul- tiple sophomores placing 2nd and 3rd, back down from a certainly challenge, and rose they to the athletes from opposing teams didn occasion. Several in their events, paving the way for an events events remaining in the meet, coming out on top was an extremely difficult task to accomplish. But our girls aren Saint Saint Anthony was shining on the steep Firebirds. Facing deficit a of 20 points with only 8 team team came out with an outstanding hard fought win last Saturday, and May 18, at the League Championship hosted by

earn the State CHSAA Golf Tournament. han han and Galante Girl for the and NYSPHSAA Country Club in Rochester 1st on and 2nd. Callahan June and Galante helped in in the NSCHSGAA League Tournament where they scored a +10 NSCHSGAA and tournament +14. secured The Calla- vs. vs. twelve schools around Long Island, other adding to the girls team from catholic May 20 Callahan and Galante competed on on May 14, junior Melanie McManus and sophomores Claire Galante Callahan and played Olivia League in Tournament at Eisenhower the Park NSCHSGAA against St. Dominic Recovering from a loss to St. Anthony Golf team finished second in the League Championship.

Blue Triumphs at Annual Blue and Gold

Photocourtesy of KellenbergPhotography Club

By Ruby Pasternack ‘22 good seats. Alumni, family, portion of the evening. Blue team. Kellenberg’s beloved friends and faculty, decked-out The finale dance con- senior vocal sensation Christelle Team Blue bested team in blue and gold garments and cluded Blue’s portion of the Pascal sang a piece of the music Gold as they faced off in the an- apparel and equipped with giant evening, showcasing a mass of from the dances. Pascal poured nual student-produced skit com- handmade signs, cheered “BTV” blue dancers, with smiles on her heart out into the song wow- petition featuring dance catego- and “GO GOLD” to show pride their faces, knowing they gave ing the audience and surely add- ries in jazz, hip hop, tap, tum- for their team. each step their all. The coaches ing points to the Gold team’s bling, and “entrance” for new Blue took the mats first, joined in and celebrated with score. freshman and Latin Schoolers on exhibiting the different genres of their team when the last song Preparations for the show May 11 music in their skit and correlat- ended. started in November when four The Blue team’s show ing it into the dance numbers, Gold did an exceptional seniors were elected to be the this year was the “BTV Rec- enticing the audience to stomp job bringing the magic to Hof- “Coaches” of the teams this sea- ords.” Their story centers around their feet and clap their hands to stra. A stand-out for the team son: Jaclynn Moschetta and an aspiring pop star who discov- “We Will Rock You.” was the set design. A giant pirate Madison Miller for Blue, and ers a magical radio that takes her The Blue team standouts ship stood in the middle of the Erin McCloat and Dominique to different places to experience were tumbling and award- mats during the pirate scenes, Basso for Gold. Their jobs were new music genres, helping her winning tap costumes. The and large teepees were used in to put together the storyline and form her own sound. “Disco Tumblers” wowed the the set design when the Lost coach their team to victory. The Gold team’s theme crowd with their stunts and floor Boys danced. Starting in March, prac- was “Saving Goldenland.” work. Each stunt was sharp and The tapping Pirates, who tices were held almost every day Based off of Peter Pan, matched the 70’s disco theme. won for the overall best dance after school and occasionally on “Goldenland” is losing its magic The tap routine, inspired by 20’s routine, were creative and excit- weekends. The ladies tirelessly because its fairies have been flapper girls, helped set the time ing to watch. The dancers worked on new dance routines captured. Wendy and Michaela period of their music genre. The clinked together metal cups to and formations, led by second- must journey to free the fairies glittering blue tassels hanging replicate the movements from ary senior captains assigned for and “save magic!” from their dresses shifted and the Disney movie, Peter Pan. each dance section. Before the start time of shined throughout their perfor- The gold finale brought Blue and Gold has been a seven o’clock, eager show-goers mance, earning Tap first place their own aspect to their finale tradition at Kellenberg since lined up outside of Hofstra stadi- for “best costume” at the awards that seperated them from the 1988. um to get in right away and grab