FROGS OPEN GRID YEAR SATURDAY SUNRISE at Frogland! Does It Warm Your Heart? the Fair, Old Place Is Offering Sincere and Happy NORMAL TEAM Welcome to Everybody

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FROGS OPEN GRID YEAR SATURDAY SUNRISE at Frogland! Does It Warm Your Heart? the Fair, Old Place Is Offering Sincere and Happy NORMAL TEAM Welcome to Everybody Start the Year Get the Spirit, Right, Frogs Freshmen THE \. y TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Vol. 24. I OUT WORTH, TKXAS, SKI'TEMMKK 23, 1925. No. 1 FROGS OPEN GRID YEAR SATURDAY SUNRISE at Frogland! Does it warm your heart? The fair, old place is offering sincere and happy NORMAL TEAM welcome to everybody. And every- PRESIDENTS RECEPTION EVENT OF WEEK body is more than glad to see the FACES BELL'S friendly face of the Alma Mater once more. To the new student that face ANNUAL FETE BEGINS THIRD YEAR NEW LINE COACH FAST CHARGES in merely handsome; the aspect of P ? the same face carries a deeper mean* WILL ATTRACT Madison Hell. I Fort Worth LCO Kdwin Kubale, formerly of Cen- Easl Texas Teachers' School wig for the old student. loot.M.i and baiketball product at tre college, Joined the athletic Furnishes First (.ante of Centre college, has started in on Ktaff of T. <\ I . this fall to Mir Purple's Football Season. FROM Canada to the Gulf, from LOCAL PEOPLE Itis third year as head roach ol IIU "resident Edward McShane \\ altt coed Jamei, n bo is BOH P ■ t it I ei Thunder,or voices booming Charleston to Frisco, students I he Horned Frogs. Saturday he r ;is University. Possessed of an have come (and are yet coming) like Invitations Extended to All will lead T. ('. I', into the first T11K session of l!tii. >-2(> has come upon us with a rush of sbnndance of line material, m a ■ a I .am' I'm pie clad warriors • Mm filings to a magnet. By the Fort Worth Citizens and to Kami* of the 1925 fool hall season energy unparalleled. Lei us pause for a momenl while we || the only BUS*, er w e M ill ■ the velvet giIdironl An Mazing beard of Beelzebub, did you Student Body by Faculty. While the Frogs have no wonder consider what kind of a year this is to be, what tasks are accept 11itni our nei Una head. unifo, mod band I I ever see so many freshmen? As team, Matty has put the old pep before us, what manner of young men and women we should be By the sray, he ha* now joined int., the spirited i train ..t - u hen they were crowded in the auditorium "YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVIT- into them, so watch 'em go! to send this academic year -singing down the centuries to mingle (he ranks ol the Benedicts. Thai Old T. C. U. Team Falls In the other day taking tests in order ED TO ATTEND A RECEPTION with the infinite azure of the Irrevocable Past. lane." and the 192 i football TO BE GIVEN BY THE PRESI- «Hl be oi t to i il| iri| start, to see whether they had any intelli- No doubt this year will resemble others thai have gone like gence, a senior, gazing disdainfully DENT AND MEMBERS OP THE the sped arrow There will be the same joys and sorrows, the Saturdaj afternoon at throe bells fmin the door, said calmly, and to FACULTY OF TEXAS CHRISTIAN i aptain Hei man Clark will lead the same ambitioru mil desires, the same round of work and play, no one in particular: "Ma foil What UNIVERSITY TO THE PEOPLE OF Horned Prog Into Hun i,, THE CITY OF FORT WORTH ON of wisdom and folly, ol duties and distr which other an accumulation of meat for our have known. 11 when they tackle sophomore friends!" And I pardoned WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEM- : I in the i him his facon de parler. BER TWENTY THIRD, FROM tad,on, Lot al porting i In lea, as EIGHT UNTIL NINE O'CLOCK ON "How good is man's life well as critics all over the confi Till LAWN OF THE PRESI- The mere living, how fit to employ SURPRISING, isn't it, what a good are all agog in ante ipation of the DENT'S RESIDENCE AT THE All (he hear! and the soul fellowship—camaraderie—exists In fn t game, hoping to gel ■ line on CORNER OF PRINCETON AVE- And the senses forever in joy." T. C. U. I suppose it is stimulated the trength of the dub. NUE AND FOREST PARK HOULE- by the similarity of our interests and Coaches Bell, Kubale and VARD AT TEXAS CHRISTIAN T. C II. is your chance, your great opportunity. "Spread pursuits. Whatever happy circum- have I., en ,lm ing then , hargi UNIVERSITY." wide your mantle when the gods rain fire." Il is an axiom of stance permits its development, 1 our plane as well as our social geometry thai "a slraighl Inn- dui ing the •■ firsl fen weeks, and firmly believe that there is nothing Thus President Edward MeShane is the shortest distance between two points." n i omething needs a a re uli ,.,,„■ of the bo else quite like it within the wall1 of Waits and the faculty extend invita- pedl 11 i.iii only by the aid ol doing in the class room, on the gridiron or diamond, on the any other educational institution in tion to the entire student body and campus, or chapel platform, do It, and the more plainly, honestly Nothing i i lou ■ ha been reported Texas. to the many friends of T. C. U. in and directly, the better. thus far, however, excepting a broken the city, asking their presence fur tained by Donald Frazee, who WE'VE got a football game next one of the moat significant and pleas- order your life on this campus BO thai your afterself—the will nol see a< tion before the Baj lor Saturday. Our men have been ing entertainments of our institu- man you are to be and ought to be maj become a reality, This game on October It. A practice tion's loclaj events. out on the field working like is the challenge of the academic session of 1925-26, cam.- wjth Central Hi of Pol - have been out there since the tenth. For years this occasion ha bei I "There is always room at the top," said the Chicago mer- revealed several defects yet to be We lost a couple the first day (Cran- the delight of both the student body chant to his son, "but the elevator is no! running. Jfou must ironed out, and doubtless tbi field, ineligible; Frazee broke his and the faculty, rendering both an climb up." The college is a part of life, It musi nol only certify will be a rath, . trenuou one for foot). But nothing is going to phase excellent evening of camaraderie, mu- lo your personal culture, but. to your personal effectiveness. "I *3 3y<3 KUbgule. «■». <j the ■ riou mindi d Bell - us this year. The men that are on sic, cooling drinks from an ample was not disobedient to the Heavenly vision" were the words of 'I he baekfield is the looniiii, that club are all fighters, and with punch bowl, rare sights of rare eve- one of Earth's greatest spirits. "I must conquer the East," said lent of the Horned l-'r,,g ;, FIGHTKRS ON THK TEAM AND ning frocks, and a very distinct virt Alexander as he stood at the tomb of Achilles.- From this dream pre enl with Herman I lai k, u t FIGHTERS IN THE ROOTING SEC- ot effulgent happiness. And R DEBATERS PLAN he had no rest until the Macedonian Phalanx forged its way from RITZ PARTY SET Carson and Harry Taylor ll TION we are going to be hard to say that the only histrionic feature the Hellespont tithe Indus. Don't be ashamed to In- a dreamer. available ball toting letter mi t,,j, uf the evening will be the yotnig cell MEETING FRIDAY The world's dreamers are tin World's benefactors, Tins rijjhl lo FOR THURSDAY the in tlemen of the senior class with their eligibility of Lea ( lanfielil and the FIFTEENTH CENTURY German dream, to dare and to do is the noblest prerogative of man's soul. chronic canes making obvious illus- It is woven in every man's muscle; it is mystically mingled with All you collegia] injury to drafted Armor anil our football men. If Dr. Lew D, Pallia, who joined the trations of the Kulturknmpf der the electric fluid of his nerves; it is cunningly wrought into the Big Tom Georgi to fill the gap. He our men stay in rigid training, whi''h The Kit/, theai i ha ked every Menschheit. fine arts faculty last year as head labyrinthical convolutions of his brain; it thunders through all member of the T. C. TJ blj and ma is one of the chief factors in the According to a statement madi by of the public speaking department, the throbbing energies of his body, mind and spirit. This e mount his handicap of h winning of football games, they will as its guests Thursday and Friday Mr. J. W. Ballard, chief of the en- ation and ambition is not what Milton would term "the hist in- for their pn enta of the Cantrell, Lowell t be like that armor—hard and flexi- has ambitious plans for a tertainment committee, the music for firmity of a noble mind" but rather it is the native ecstasy of tlie production "The Back Slaj | Taylor, Clarence Wood, and Jimmie ble. He won't make any alibis about ful year for T. C. U. in debating and the evening will be furnished by college play full of spice and Grant have all shown well in the games, we will either win or lose oratory.
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