Nazareth College - Rochester, New York October 24-25, 2009

The Sidhe (pronounced “shee”) refers to both the world of Faerie and the spirits of that world, who are also known as the faeries, the Danann gods and , and the Shining Ones.

Legend relates that the Dananns, who once lived in the Middle World, retreated into the invisible places of the Earth and became the Sidhe. Many people today sense they are returning. Spirits such the Sidhe seem to survive the great changes in the Earth, and return or disappear, to the extent that their power is needed in ordinary reality. It is possible that the Sidhe are actually stalking us. They are seeking out individuals who are open to their energies and influences, people who are willing to carry and transmit their bright, civilizing power to heal the present crises in the nation and the world. There may even be a need for people to embody Sidhe energy in order to survive the crises and to reconstruct human civilization, if it comes to that.

In this workshop we consider the current unbalancing of energies between our world and the Sidhe, and the need for shamans to become “shining ones” to rectify that imbalance. In order to embody these Danann energies, we will invoke traditional representatives of the Sidhe: , the Gods of the Harp, the faery co-walker, the , and the gods Brigid and . We will meet these spirits through journey and ritual as is appropriate for each. Our work will acquaint us with the concept of the Oran Mor, the Great Song: music being one of the qualities of the faery world.

We will also become familiar with the Dana, the Great Mother, as she continues to weave her life force through the worlds. Equally important is the Cailleach (pronounced “kal-yuck”), the Dark Mother, who presides over the inhospitable, even hostile forces of nature and landscapes where human life is a struggle for survival. As our planet continues to become ever more weakened in its ability to sustain life, knowing the Cailleach’s ways and mysteries are vitally important for shamanic practice in a modern Celtic way.

Requirements: Participants must know how to journey shamanically and work with power animals

Presenter: Tom Cowan is a shamanic practitioner specializing in Celtic visionary and healing techniques. He combines universal core shamanism with traditional European spirit lore to create spiritual practices that can heal and enrich one’s own life and the lives of others. He is an internationally respected teacher, author, lecturer, and tour leader

Fee: $225 Contact: Cecile Carson at 585-271-5650 or [email protected] ------Registration: Name ______


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Please return, with your deposit of $75, to Cecile Carson, 7982 Williams Rd, Honeoye, NY 14471