Management Opportunities in Support of Riparian Values
ASSESSMENT OF WATER CONDITIONS ANI) MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SUPPORT OF RIPARIAN VALUES: BLM San Pedro River Properties, Arizona Project Completion Report by William Jackson, I Tony Martinez,2 Paul Cuplin, 3 W.L. Minkley,4 Bo Shelby,5 Paul Summers,6 Dan McGlothlin, 7 Bruce Van Haveren, 8 BLWYA/PT-88/ffi4+7200 May 1987 U.S. Departrnent of Interior Bureau of Land Management Service Center P.O. Box 25M7 Denver, CO 80225-ffi47 1. Hydrologisg Project Leader, Bureau of land Management Service Center 2. Anorney and Water Rights Specialist, Bureau of Land Management Colorado State Office 3. Fisheries Biologist and Riparian Specialist, Bureau of [.and Management Service Center 4. Professor of Zoology, Arizona State University 5. Associate kofqssor of Resource Recreation, Oregon State University 5. Hydrogeologist, Bureau of Land Manageme,nt Service Center 7. Hydrologist, Bureau of Land Management Arizona State Office 8. Hydrologist, Bureau of Land Management Service Center United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT ARIZONA STATE OFFICE P.O. Box 16563 7th Sreet 3707 N. IN REPLY REFER TO: Phoenix. Arizona 85011 This document is the final report of a project prepared by the Bureau of Land l,lanagement's (gtt,l) Denver Servlce Center for the Safford Dlstrict 0ffice in Ariz6na. The project, inltiated by the Arizona State Office, was deslgned and implemented by the San Pedro River Study Team, a group of multldisclplinary professional s specia'l i zi ng i n hydrol ogy, geomorphol ogy, hydrogeol ogy' iisheries biology, riparian ecology, water rlghts and natural resource rec reation. This report: (a) presents information on the condition of water resources in the San Pedro River Management Area, (b) iustlfies the quantification of instream dependent uses identified in the area and (c) examines and recommends strategies for protecting or enhancing the ldentified water-related values.
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