Mid-Holocene Social Interaction in Melanesia: New Evidence from Hammer-Dressed Obsidian Stemmed Tools
Mid-Holocene Social Interaction in Melanesia: New Evidence from Hammer-Dressed Obsidian Stemmed Tools ROBIN TORRENCE, PAMELA SWADLING, NINA KONONENKO, WALLACE AMBROSE, PIP RATH, AND MICHAEL D. GLASCOCK introduction Proposals that large-scale interaction and ceremonial exchange in the Pacific region began during the time of Lapita pottery (c. 3300–2000 b.p.) (e.g., Friedman 1981; Hayden 1983; Kirch 1997; Spriggs 1997) are seriously challenged by the extensive areal distribution of a class of retouched obsidian artifacts dated to the early and middle Holocene (c. 10,000–3300 b.p.) and known as ‘‘stemmed tools’’ (Araho et al. 2002). Find spots of obsidian stemmed tools stretch from mainland New Guinea to Bougainville Island and include the Trobriand Islands, various islands in Manus province, New Britain and New Ireland (Araho et al. 2002; Golson 2005; Specht 2005; Swadling and Hide 2005) (Fig. 1). Although other forms of tanged and waisted stone tool are known in Melanesia (e.g., Bulmer 2005; Fredericksen 1994, 2000; Golson 1972, 2001), the two types defined by Araho et al. (2002) as ‘‘stemmed tools’’ comprise distinctive classes because they usually have deep notches that delineate very well-defined and pronounced tangs. Type 1 stemmed tools are made from prismatic blades and have large and clearly demarcated, oval-shaped tangs. In contrast, the Type 2 group is more vari- able.Itisdefinedprimarilybytheuseof Kombewa flakes (i.e., those removed fromthebulbarfaceofalargeflake)forthe blank form, as described in detail in Robin Torrence is Principal Research Scientist in Anthropology, Australian Museum, Sydney NSW, robin.torrence@austmus.gov.au; Pamela Swadling is a Visiting Research Fellow, Archaeol- ogy and Natural History, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, Can- berra ACT, pamela.swadling@anu.edu.au; Nina Kononenko is an ARC post-doctoral fellow in the School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, University of Sydney, kononenko.nina@hotmail.
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