in brief e national park GOOD TO KNOW TO GOOD Th nd ere is n fi . Th e tranquillity . Th Friends is paddling with the canoe the on River Havel "My favourite pastime"My My ranger tip: My is wonderful much to discover much to above and Start under water. at the r e m e water with on routes yer a map and nanced the by e S e fl s fi k The Müritz National Park is part of the ‚National Landscapes‘, the umbrella organisation for the German national parks, UNESCO biosphere reserves and nature parks. The organisation is supported by EUROPARC Germany: n a r F r e g wa yer n a R s fl i Publisher: Hohenzieritz 17237 • 3 Schloßplatz • Müritz Nationalparkamt / 252-0 039824 Tel. •
[email protected] IMPRINT of the Müritz-National Park Support us! Th (Förderverein Müritz-Nationalpark e.V.). details: bank following the using donate Please 0640 DE84 0100 IBAN: 1505 1206 79 (Müritz-Sparkasse) NOLADE21WRN BIC: at: information more out a member! Find become Or Photos: Sandra Bartocha (Cover photo), Nora Künkler Kartis, BargteheideMaps: 2019 UmweltDruckerei, die Print: village Kratzeburg of and paddle the towards villages ca Blankenförde of Userin. or You the up-to-dat information about accommodation on our website." Müritz - RUNDRUM Rostock Neubrandenburg You can reach the national park region You fi nd bus timetables and via four train stations. Th e National Malchow Waren (Müritz) up-to-date information at: Park Ticket for bus transport is on off er and from April to October.