SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS Sociology 920:570:01 Paul McLean Department of Sociology Rutgers University Fall 2017 Location and time: Davison 128, Mondays, 4:10-6:50pm Office hours: M 12:00-1:30; Th 10:00-12:00, Davison 101C, and by appointment E-mail:
[email protected] Over the last few decades, and over the last fifteen years especially, there has been an enormous increase in the attention paid to social networks as key determinants of many elements of social life, including motivations, identities, tastes, social mobility, group organization and mobilization, resource distributions and power relations, decision- making, patterns of innovation, diffusion of disease and attitudes, and the organization of belief systems. Conversely, sociologists have also been increasingly interested in the factors—structural, cultural, motivational, emotional—that drive the formation and evolution of networks. While social networks was once a highly specialized area of inquiry, nowadays networks are frequently invoked in mainstream sociological research—even though the specific tools of network analysis remain distinctly different from those most commonly used in such ‘mainstream’ research, whether it be quantitatively or qualitatively oriented. Certainly there are ways to incorporate network elements (as variables, as metaphor, as narrative design) into many research projects. But in its more radical formulations, the study of networks vies to become a kind of fundamental theory of social organization, not just an add-on. In this respect it dovetails with the development over the last decade of a theory of networks as the constitutive material of the physical, biological, technological, and economic worlds. The fundamental idea of social network analysis specifically is that we must study the social order relationally : entities (people, organizations, actions, events, texts) are interdependent and mutually constitutive, and structure emerges as patterns in these interdependencies .