Youth Unite Against Corruption INSIDE THIS ISSUE
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THE BROOMThe National Anti-Corruption Campaign Steering Committee Youth Unite Against Corruption INSIDE THIS ISSUE Youth Against Corruption Page 1 NACCSC Moves Closer To Kenyans Page 2 Archbishop Wabukala Bid Farewell Page 3 CACCOCs Re-Launched Page 5 NACCSC Partners with County Governments Page 9 Rallying Public Support Through Garissa County youth leaders pay attention during their workshop at the Garissa Teachers’ Training Institute. Radio Page 10 For many years the youth in Kenya pacity building workshop to equip have talked a lot about corruption in Faith Communities Against them with the skills necessary to Kenya, but done little about it. They prevent corruption from occurring Corruption Page 11 have great presence on social media and to expose the vice where it ex- sites like Twitter where groups like ists. Due to the tight programme, Women Stand up Against ‘Kenyans On Twitter’ (KOT) are the youth leaders spent two nights both feared and dreaded in equal at the hotels so that they could Corruption Page 12 measure by those that cross their maximize on their time while there. paths or are targeted for discussion. All photography by Benedict All the six County Governments Wasiche But in the month of June, 2016 where the workshops were held, youth leaders from the Coun- fully supported the initiative and All articles by Faynie Mwakio ties of Garissa, Mombasa, Kilifi, participated in the proceedings. Makueni, Meru and Taita Taveta The high-level Officials lauded the CONTACT US joined forces with the National move by NACCSC to target a vul- Anti-Corruption Campaign Steer- nerable sector of society that con- National Anti-Corruption Cam paign ing Committee (NACCSC) to stantly bears the brunt of corrup- Steering Committee (NACCSC) Cooperative Bank House, learn more about their role in the tion as they transit from school Haile Selassie Avenue 11th Floor, fight against corruption – both at to college and the job market. P.O Box 72546 – 00200 Nairobi the County and individual level. Speaking in Garissa on 23rd June, Tel: +254-020-3316272, 2250317 Fax: +254-020-3313673 The over 283 youth leaders repre- 2016 at the Garissa Teachers Train- Email: [email protected] senting different groups in their ing Institute, the youth vowed to Communities, gathered in selected work closely with the National Facebook :@naccsc venues and underwent an inten- Anti-Corruption Campaign Steer- sive one-day sensitization and ca- >Continued on page 4. THE BROOM - JUNE 2016 PAGE 1 NACCSC Moves Closer to Kenyans The fight against corruption in sub-Counties and representative tion at all levels of society, saying Kenya can only be won if every cit- of women, youth, religious sec- they must augment these efforts izen plays an active role in tackling tor and Persons Living With Dis- by guarding against the misuse of this menace that continues to dev- ability. Their main function is to public resources meant for local astate our economy. However, for liaise with County Governments development projects. all people to join in the fight, there and other stakeholders in devel- must be extensive sensitization oping and implementing pub- The Deputy Governor said the and capacity buidling at the grass- lic, anti-corruption sensitization involvement of the public in roots to equip them with skills to and awareness creation activities. decision-making at the County enable them identify the vice, pre- level was a role they must take vent it from happening and ulti- CACCOCs also monitor corrup- seriously and participate in, mately aid in prosecution of those tion in the implementation of pub- for improved service delivery. found to have indulged in the vice. lic projects and programmes and During the workshop, partici- provide information and a plat- pants were facilitated by Officers The National Anti-Corruption form for members of the public from NACCSC Secretariat, Kenya Campaign Steering Committee to participate in the fight against National Commission of Human (NACCSC) is mandated to under- corruption. They basically rally the Rights Commission (KNCHR), take a nationwide public educa- communities to participate in local Ethics and Anti-Corruption Com- tion, sensitization and awareness activities that promote transpar- mission (EACC) and the County creation campaign against cor- ency and accountability, as well as Government of Elgeyo Marakwet. ruption aimed at effecting funda- enable the people directly partici- mental changes in the attitudes, pate in the development agendas They were sensitized on, among behavior, practices and culture of their Counties at different levels. others, Understanding Corrup- of Kenyans towards corruption. tion; Detecting and Reporting This is a preventive approach In May 2016, NACCSC established Corruption; GoK Procurement to the fight against corruption. three new CACCOCs in the Coun- Procedures and Processes; Com- In order to reach Kenyans effec- ties of Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo municating Anti-Corruption Mes- tively and to facilitate the imple- and Kisumu to bring the total to 22 sages; and Social Audit and Cor- countrywide. The ruption in the Project Cycle. Each members under- of these topics is meant to equip went a three-day them with skills to deal with cor- sensitization and ruption issues whenever they en- capacity-build- counter them in the specific areas. ing workshop at On completion of the workshop, the Queens Hotel the members who are all volun- in Eldoret town. teers, are expected to start work- ing immediately under the guid- The intensiveance of the NACCSC Secretariat workshop was of- and supervision of Regional Anti- Elgeyo Marakwet Deputy Governor H. E Dr ficially opened by Corruption Coordinators. Their Gabriel Lamaon discussing a point with NACCSC’s Mrs. Elgeyo Marakwet work is fully facilitated by NAC- Evalyne Rono during the official opening ceremony. Deputy Governor, CSC.Through the CACCOCs, mentation of campaign activities, H. E Dr Gabriel Lamaon who wel- NACCSC effectively undertakes NACCSC has established grass- comed the initiative and pledged to its mandate among local commu- roots bodies known as County work closely with the members to nities using people they can easily Anti-Corruption Civilian Over- highlight corruption at the grass- identify with, speak the same lan- sight Committees (CACCOCs) roots so as to effectively eradicate it. guage and understand their cor- in 22 Counties. Their member- He said it was time Kenyans ap- ruption issues. These CACCOCs ship is drawn from individuals preciated efforts by the National >Continued on page 3. of high integrity, resident in the Government in fighting corrup- THE BROOM - JUNE 2016 PAGE 2 NACCSC Moves Closer to Kenyans (contd.) Continued from pg. 2 attend public barazas and other mandates. CACCOCs receive and and Integration Commission. forums, seizing the opportunity handle the complaints before the Through this platform, Kenyans to sensitize wananchi on the role Regional Coordinators refer them can report any complaint to any they can play to fight corruption. through the system to the rel- of the six Institutions which evant Institution for resolution. then refers the complaints not The CACCOCs also offer anti- relevant to its mandate, to that corruption support mechanisms The six include NACCSC, Eth- Institution which can handle it. to local communities through the ics and Anti-Corruption Com- Complaints are acknowledged Integrated Public Complaints Re- mission, Transparency Inter- within ten days of being lodged, ferral Mechanism (IPCRM), a one- national (K), Kenya National and thereafter the complainant stop online system that enables Commission on Human Rights, deals directly with whatever In- the reporting of complaints to six Commission on Administrative stitution is handling the issue. different institutions with different Justice (also known as Ombuds- man) and National Cohesion The e-system popularly know as ‘Sema! Piga Ripoti!’ will soon go public, enabling anyone with a smart phone to access its servic- Some of the CAC- es hence cutting out the need to COC workshop physically visit any of their offices. participants pay- ing keen attention The CACCOCs will then to the facilitators. work with those people that may not be able to access in- ternet connectivity as far as complaints are concerned. Archbishop Wabukala Bid Farewell H. E President Uhuru Kenyatta to be ready to serve the Nation in Vice Chair Rev. Jessie Mutura and was among the guests at ACK other capacities when called upon. Director Mr David Gathii also at- Archbishop Eliud Wabukala's Members of NACCSC led by the tended the function. retirement/farewell party at his Nairobi residence on Sunday 26th June, 2016. The President lauded the good work Dr Wabu- kala has done for the church and the Nation for the seven years he has been at the helm of the ACK church. The Outgoing Archbish- op later handed over the reign of the ACK Church to Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit who won the hotly contested elections in May. The President singled out the work of the Archbishop in the fight against corruption as Chairman of the National Anti- Corruption Campaign Steering H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta discuss a point with Archbishop Committee and called on him Eliud Wabukala THE BROOM - JUNE 2016 PAGE 3 Youth Unite Against Corruption (contd.) Continued from pg. 1 ing Committee to ensure cor- values. Mr Ojango said this when ment’s commitment in partnering ruption does not adversely af- he opened the NACCSC-spon- with NACCSC to ensure corrup- fect service delivery by County sored