Church and Village News September 2021 , Monk Soham, Southolt, Tannington and Worlingworth

Suffolk Historic Churches Ride and Stride 11th September

Monk Soham . We would be delighted to hear of anyone interested in cycling or walking for St. Peter’s Church, Monk Soham. Half of the money raised is returned to the church ,the other half going to S.H.C.T to raise money for grants to help repair churches. Having received a grant in the past to help with repairs to the church, it would be nice to be able to help S.H.C.T. give grants to other churches with repairs. Anyone willing to help signing riders etc in on the day, by taking a turn in the church, would be most welcome. For more information please contact Anne Artiss 01728 685 663 Some cycling / sponsor forms will be left in the church, or contact Anne.

St Nicolas Church, Bedfield. From Helen O’Sullivan I will once again be cycling on behalf of Bedfield Church in memory of Mum (Sylvia Tye) on behalf of our family. If you are able to support me in any way, I would be very grateful, please visit Here's hoping for another safe, happy and successful event. Kind regards and thank you, Helen O'Sullivan Sponsor forms contact Kathy Thurman 628470

Worlingworth. Riders’ sponsorship forms will be available from Nora In- gate 628316 or from Worlingworth Church (Porch ) In spite of the lock-down restrictions, the Trust did surprisingly well last year, many people simply giving donations, some gift-aided , so if anyone would rather do this, please just make a cheque out to S.H.C.T. and pass it on ..

Southolt- Support your local Historic Church by taking part or sponsoring a cyclist, walker or recorder. The funds are split between the Historic Churches Trust and your local church. Suffolk’s many beautiful old churches need repair, please support them. Sponsorship forms for Southolt from Maureen Flannery 01728 628094

Tannington Contact Chloe Cross on 07714 734756

Tannington Harvest Day ,12th September 2.30pm with Afternoon


Monk Soham Choral Compline :- a service of Choral Compline will take place in St. Peter’s Church, Monk Soham, on Friday the 3rd of September at 7p.m. This is a short traditional service of approximately 20 mins. All are welcome to come and sing, and join in. Harvest Festival The Harvest Festival at St. Peter’s Church, Monk Soham, will take place on the 12th Sept. at 11 am. We hope that as many people as possible will attend and show their appreciation of this year’s harvest and those involved for making it possible. Afterwards the produce will be given to the Lighthouse at Ipswich, which helps women and children who have been victims of domestic abuse. If anyone is able to donate any fruit, vegetable, or any tins of food, will they please contact Joy Cook on 01728 685 318 .

St Mary Worlingworth Harvest Festival and Flower Festival. Now we are able to open more freely for the first time we are combining these two festivals. We hope to welcome lots of visitors on Friday evening, the 10th of September ( see below) and all day on Saturday,11th and Sunday 12th. Harvest Festival service at 6.00pm on the 12th September ( see poster on front page) . St. Mary’s hosted two lovely services in August : the confirmation of two young people by Bishop Mike, the Bishop of Dunwich, and our Patronal service with Rev’d Rebecca Artiss, which included a baptism. There was a full church for both of these services and it was lovely to have a good number of young people. We hope they will come again soon.

Harvest Time “ From The Primary School “ September always sees us celebrating this special time and this year we shall link with the Harvest Festival in St. Mary’s, creating displays for the service there. In school we will also be holding a special assembly that week. We will remember how lucky we are and the children will donate produce to go to the Church and then to local food bank

Harvest Flower Festival 10th, 11th & 12th September will open on Friday at 5pm. with floral displays done by friends of St. Mary’s Church and Guild members. From 6.30pm there will be Organ Music to enjoy while admiring the floral displays or sitting and relaxing, closing with Celtic prayer led by Rev. Chrissie Smart. Various stalls over the weekend with refreshments on Saturday and Sunday. All welcome. The Festival will conclude with Harvest Service on Sunday evening 6pm.


The next meeting of the Parish Council is on Wednesday 15th September 2021 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre All are welcome [email protected] Minutes of previous parish council meetings can be viewed on the village website at Please Park Considerately Outside the Primary School – With the start of the new school year, we would please ask that all parents/carers who are dropping off and picking up children from the Primary School carefully consider where they are parking their vehicles. The Parish Council has received complaints about vehicles being parked in private driveways and blocking access during peak times. This is completely unacceptable and although it may save the driver a few minutes of walking it can seriously inconvenience and delay others. Parking on private land is illegal and offenders can be prosecuted. Remember also to respect the yellow zig-zag lines - they are there for the safety . Annual Autumn Tidy – We will be meeting at the Community Centre at 10.30 am on Saturday 18th September. Litter pickers, high viz jackets and gloves will all be provided along with a light lunch for all participants upon completion. This is a chance to give back to your community and help improve your own local environment, whilst making new friends! Website Update Emails If you would like to subscribe to a mailing list to receive notifications of when up- dates have been posted to the village website, please email [email protected] with “PC Alerts” in the subject line. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose. New Parish Councillor – We are pleased to welcome Stephen Fugler to the Parish Council, bringing your Council back up to full complement.

Continued from page 5 Worlingworth Primary school

Fairies and Elves Unfortunately, until guidelines change, we are having to postpone our monthly baby and toddler group meeting. As soon as the situation changes, we will be inviting parents and grandparents and their children back in for an afternoon of tea, talk and toys. Please check with the school and our website updates.

Willows Nursery Our full-time nursery continues to blossom with numbers increasing! Our youngest and newest children are all quickly settling in and enjoy learning through lots of role-play, creating art masterpieces, listening to lots of stories and getting busy building and cooperating together as well as having fun playing games in their wonderful garden. We always welcome enquiries from new parents so please do not hesitate to contact the office if you would like an appointment.


News from Worlingworth Primary school

Global Challenge This year, we have a geography theme for the names of our four classes with each class being named after one of the continents. Our youngest children in Nursery and Reception are in Oceania Class, Our KS1 class are called Europe Class, our Years 3 and 4 class is called Africa Class and our Years 5 and 6 class is called Asia Class. To help children learn all the names of our continents we have also named the school and headteachers’ offices as North and South America and the Staff Room is Antartica! Our added covid - safety ventilation does make it a bit chilly in the winter so this is quite appropriate!

Each class has been equipped with large wall maps, new globes and more atlases to help children explore and learn about the continents, countries, oceans and cities of our wonderful world through their lessons and independently. Children in our upper KS2 Class are already keen to learn as many facts as they can. How many countries and their capital cities cane you name? We hope to hold regular quizzes throughout the year to allow the children a chance to share and demonstrate their new expertise.

New Year – New Teachers We are very excited to welcome two new members of staff to the school: Mrs Bothwell O’Hearn who will teach in Africa Class and Mrs Kenny who will be teaching in Asia Class. We look forward to helping them both settle in and become vital parts of our school community.

Whole School Topic For the Autumn term our curriculum will be taught through our exciting new whole school topic ‘Here Come The Invaders!’. The Romans, Vikings and Kings & Queens will be coming to Worlingworth, bringing with them a wealth of historical and geographical questions for the children to investigate. For example: How did the Anglo Saxon’s react to the arrival of the Vikings? Why did Boudicca want to fight the Roman invasion? How did different castles protect Kings and Queens from angry invaders? Each class will participate in cross-curricular learning about their topic and class trips to Colchester Castle and West Stowe are already organised to enrich the children’s understanding.

Rainbow Values Our Rainbow Values continue to be very much part of daily life and learning at the school. We want all our children to have a positive and smooth transition back into school after the complexities and challenges experienced last year and so collective worship and lessons are carefully planned around our values with a focus on teaching the children the importance of listening, friendship and showing compassion and toler- ance in our community and further afield.

Language Day To help further launch our geography theme - this month we will be celebrating the World Day of Languages asking children to travel to another country and use their courage to communicate with others in a different language and have fun experiencing the creativity of other cultures. The children will participate in a carousel of language games and activities, being rewarded for taking part and demonstrating our curriculum cogs this term of Courage and Creativity .

Info and WebsitePlease log on and take a look: . There are lots of photographs and information about our curriculum and activities in our school as well as policies and infor- mation about the school day. You can also follow us on Twitter: @WorlingworthSch and facebook: Worlingworth.School. Continued on page 4


News from St Nicholas church Bedfield Celebrating Lammas - the start of the harvest. Our Lammas Service was held on Sunday 8th August and was well at- tended by members of our community and beyond. Rev Chrissie led a lovely service full of symbolism to celebrate the start of the harvest and we gave thanks to all involved in the production of our food. Our own farming community were thanked in our prayers as they embarked on the long task of harvesting the fields, working long days and nights. Farming can be a very tough existence and the proceeds of the collection were donated to the Addington Fund. Formed in 2001, the fund exists to support farming families in times of need in and Wales. Here is a link to their website if you would like to find out more. We are all so fortunate to have such easy access to good quality food when for so many, in this country and across the world, the situation is very different. After the service we shared some delicious homemade bread, local cheese, homemade chutney and apple juice A big thank you to those who contributed to the brunch through their ex- pert bread making skills and kind donations. We were pleased to send a donation of £103 to the Ad- dington Fund. Our Harvest Festival Service is on 3rd October, here is the detail. Do come and join us. Dates for the diary 11th September Celebratory Event Bedfield and Monk Soham Community Hub. Ticket required. Contact Lisa Crane 11th September Ride and Stride 1st October Bedfield VCP School Harvest Festival Service at St Nicholas 3rd October Harvest Festival 6 Lunch at the church 12 noon.

A Message from Rev Chrissie Dear Friends, Well here we are on the way into autumn and the year has flown past! Many thanks to the folk who have come forward with ideas for future services – do keep them coming! I am looking forward to the Pet Service on 19th September! A focus for our services for the next year will be upon the rural community. We celebrated Lammas on 8th August and I am looking forward to the Harvest Festival at the beginning of October. Then we can look forward to Plough Sunday in January 2022 and onto Rogation where I hope we will be able to meet together and ‘beat the bounds’ of the Parish! On the last Sunday in October 2021 at All Souls, our Sunday Service will be Holy Eucharist at 10.30 a.m. where we will be remembering our loved ones who have died. More detail will be coming out via the usual WhatsApp ‘Community at St. Nicholas.’ Prayers and blessings, Chrissie

Church services during September 5th September 10.30am Holy Communion with Rev David Burrell 12th September 10.30am Family Service with Rev David Mulrenan 19th September 10.30am Pet Service with Rev Chrissie Smart 26th September 10.30am Morning Prayer with Rev Rebecca Artiss. 3rd October 10.30am Harvest Festival Service with Holy Communion with Rev Chrissie Smart. Bedfield School House Renovation

Villagers may know that the Bedfield School House has stood empty for the last few years, since Mrs Chapman moved out to her new home in .

The Chapmans have been missed as they were a strong and supportive part of the vil- lage and school community. Walter was a keen bellringer and Dorothy sang in the church choir. Originally the building was home to the Victorian school mistresses. With its rich history as the original school house, the Diocese offered to bring it into school use once again. Although a handsome building, it is in need of repair and the Diocese have com- missioned renovation work, which will go on through much of the autumn term. It will continue to be a separate part of the building to the main school but, once complete, will provide space for the headteacher’s office to be moved, freeing a room for use by pupils in the school itself. In addition, the school house will provide a much needed staff room (something Bedfield school has not previously had). Finally, the upstairs will be used for the storage of school resources. It will be lovely to see the old school house brought into use once again. The Governors of Bedfield School. 7

HIGH SUFFOLK COMMUNITY BUS We hope that you have been enjoying the return to ‘normal’ service on the Community Bus. The Committee requests that passengers continue to wear a face mask whilst travelling on the bus and use antibacterial hand sanitiser. We would also ad- vise passengers to keep some space between themselves where possible. The bus itself will be regularly cleaned and sanitised. We are unable to take reservations or bookings for seats. Except at Bank Holidays, EVERY WEEK the bus runs to: Framlingham on Tuesdays, on Thursdays, Diss on Fridays.

IN ADDITION there are services to IPSWICH - 1st Saturday and 3rd Wednesday of the month. BURY ST. EDMUNDS - 1st Wednesday and 3rd Saturday of the month. NORWICH - 2nd Saturday and 4th Wednesday of the month. SPECIAL SERVICE TO LOWESTOFT: MONDAY 27th SEPTEMBER

During September 2021 the dates of our services to Ipswich, and Norwich are: Wednesday 1st September Bury St Edmunds Saturday 4th September Ipswich Saturday 11th September Norwich Wednesday 15th September Ipswich Saturday 18th September Bury St Edmunds Wednesday 22nd September Norwich MONDAY 27th September LOWESTOFT OCTOBER Saturday 2nd October Ipswich Wednesday 6th October Bury St Edmunds Timetables available on the bus or from Alan Nette-Thomas 685694, John Ridgwell 627181 and on our website:

COMMUNITY BUS APPEAL FOR NEW DRIVERS The High Suffolk Community Bus committee are currently looking for more new drivers. This is a pleasant and rewarding way to help members of your community. You would only be required to drive two, maybe three times a month. If you feel this is something you could offer please contact Alan Nette-Thomas 685694. Thank you (cont page 9)

High Suffolk Community Bus AGM will take place at the Community Centre on Tuesday 14th September at 7.00pm . All Welcome . Refreshments after meeting

Unveiling of special seat in memory of John Smith at the Community Centre Saturday 18th September 2.30pm. This has been purchased in memory of John by the High Suffolk Community Bus committee, Worlingworth Parish Council, and Worlingworth Community committee. At some time in John's life he was a member of all three . Join Sharon and her family for a drink afterwards.

Bedfield and Monk Soham Community Club The Post Office is open every Tuesday morning from 9.15 am to 11.15 am in the Community Hub (pavilion) which remains fully Covid-19 se- cure. The following services are available: stamps, facility to post parcels, stationery, cash and cheque deposits and withdrawals (even if you bank with another provider). The pop-up Café also opens every Tuesday from 10.00 a.m. to 12 noon and table service will continue. Warm scones are always available to eat in or takeaway. Come and join us for a cuppa and a catch up with friends and neighbours. The next Saturday Coffee morning will be held on 2nd October from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Our facilities are available for hire including the pavilion and the marquee. Details are available on the websites or or contact us via the email address below. We have created a new email address to keep all residents of Bedfield and Monk Soham informed of village activities. Have you signed up yet? To subscribe to our newsletters, please email: [email protected] The email can be used by residents to inform everyone who subscribes about forthcoming events and other important information




Worlingworth Cricket Club We are very pleased to tell you that we have recently welcomed a new club sponsor - Muddy Matches - see all about them on - The Summer Social that previously had to be cancelled is now all set for Sat 11th September with band and music for all. The club are very pleased to have recently received the following "We are delighted to write and confirm that following a review of your Safe Hands Management System online file, your ECB Clubmark accreditation has been renewed for a further 12 months “. “Congratulations to all those involved at your club for this achievement and for all that they do to promote cricket locally. Having a network of safe, family friendly and well organised clubs is vital for the future of the game and retaining your Clubmark status shows that you and your volunteers are at the forefront of this. We would also like to thank everyone for the time they have put into using the new system. Ensuring children are safe within our game is a key priority for us and we wouldn’t be able to do that without the work of yourselves and the other volunteers within your club. " Though the end of summer is just around the corner we have a full fixture list until mid Sept - see

Petanque. Congratulations to the Petanque team who won their first game in the Summer Cup against Golden Key at Snape ( this was their first win ever ) Champagne on ice

The RSPB and Defra recommend avoiding hedge cutting during the main breed- ing season for nesting birds, which usually runs throughout March to August each year. This can be weather dependent and some birds may nest outside this peri- od, so it is important to always check carefully for active nests prior to cutting. Hedges can be cut if there are safety issues such as visibility on roads but other- wise it is best to avoid this period as it is an offence under Section 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 "to intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird while it is in use or being built, or to intentionally kill, injure or take chicks or adults, or intentionally take or destroy any eggs. It is an intentional act, for example, if you or your neighbour know there is an active nest in the hedge and still cut the hedge, damaging or destroying the nest or contents in the process". More information can be found on the RSPB website— wildlife/garden-hedges/hedge-law/ 12

Dear Friends, Message from David Burrell September 2021 ‘Creation’ is somewhat of a loaded term these days thanks to famous athe- ist writers such as Richard Dawkins. They often paint the idea that Chris- tians believe that God created the world in six days and rested on the sev- enth, precisely and literally as it is written in the first chapter of the book of Genesis in the Bible, a view of creation which is called Creationism. Actually, the reverse is true – Creationism is a minority and unorthodox view amongst Christians. The point of the various creation stories in the Bible (there are at least three different ones) is not to give a scientific account of how the uni- verse came to be but rather to explore the relationship between God and humankind. In Church, we use the term ‘Creation’ to refer to everything that exists because, fundamentally, Christians believe that everything we have, including our very life and being, is a gift from God – it is not about the me- chanics, but the relationship. Remembering that everything we have is a gift helps us to appreciate even more everything we do have and be even more thankful for it. It also makes us better realise our responsibility to look after the gift of Creation, which does not belong to us but is a gift we hold for a little while before we pass it on to others to care for. The Bible shows us is that God wants to share the gift of life, the gifts of Cre- ation, with us; God wants us to understand that gift and to care for it; God wants a relationship with us and for us to have a proper relationship with God and all that is around us. What the Christian faith teaches us is that it is not Creation vs Big Bang in a pseudo-Science vs. Religion debate, nor Creation vs humanity, as if the world around us needs to be tamed, subdued, controlled and exploited, but Creation and relationship. It is about our relationship with God, our relation- ship with each other, our relationship with the wider world and environment around us. This September we will be celebrating our Harvest Festival in Worlingworth on 12th at 6pm, and at Tannington 2.30pm and on September 26th at 6pm in Wilby. In October we will celebrate harvest 3rd Oct 10.30 in Bedfield, 6pm in Brundish and on 10th 6pm in Cratfield, we will be thinking about Creation as a gift and our role and our place within it come and find out more. David


Hannah Day Beauty Therapist Qualified therapist offering Massage treatments, Indian head, Reflexology, Hopi Ear Candling, Paraffin wax and other treatments! Gift vouchers available Flexible appointments available including evenings and weekends. For more details or to book an appointment please contact Hannah on 07880 953984

D.G Carpentry and Joinery Renovations, , Extensions, Roofing, Kitchen installations Flooring Fb page D.G Carpentry joinery Tel 07913 291732/

[email protected]

Luxury Suffolk Gift Hampers

Luxury gift hampers packed with locally produced artisan products - the perfect gift for any occasion. Choose from a selection of pre-made hampers or make up your own. [email protected]



SM Plumbing & Heating Specialist in bathroom installations, maintenance and repairs For your local plumbing needs Free quotations Telephone: 01728 628046 Mobile: 07732 272403

AJS CONSTRUCTION Groundwork and Building Contractors Landscaping, Mini digger and driver availa- ble Chris from Tannington Garden 01728 861799/ 07746 213000 Services, Hedge Cutting, Strimming, Grass Cut- ting, Power washing and More Currently working in Athelington and Pettistree , References available Own equipment 4/8 hour day preferred. Rates negotiable tel 07535 494760 or [email protected]

Chimney sweep [email protected]


Friends of Library

By September the Summer Reading Challenge will be coming to an end, so if any children are taking part, get those six books read very soon! Happily service is back to normal for Suffolk Libraries, so come in and borrow some books or DVDs! Look on the website for events happening in libraries around Suffolk. For free audiobooks, ebooks, films, newspapers/magazines and other online services, use your library card at There are also podcasts and videos available on the YouTube channel (SuffolkLibraries).

School corner, Debenham IP14 6PL (next to the Primary School). Opening hours:

Tuesday: 0930 am – 1300 pm Wednesday : 1500 – 1930 pm Saturday: 0900 am – 1300 pm Sunday: 1200 – 1600 pm Tel: 01728 861940 times/debenham-library

The Anne Robson Trust is a pre-bereavement charity that passionately believes that No one deserves to die alone. We work along- side NHS hospitals to train Butterfly Volunteers, who sit with end of life patients in order to provide company and comfort to people in their last days and hours of life. However, due to COVID restrictions the volun- teers were withdrawn from the hospitals, and in response to this, we de- cided to set up a free,National helpline so that we could continue to of- fer comfort and support where needed. As restrictions have lifted the vol- unteers are gradually starting to return to hospitals and in addition the introduction of the helpline is showing to be a valuable resource for any- one in the community to access support from the comfort of their own home. The helpline is for anyone who is struggling to cope with a terminal diagnosis or the imminent death of someone they care about. Whether they are family members, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, or even a member of the care staff who may just need someone to talk to; we un- derstand the pressures of working and caring for people who are end of life. We are fully committed to ensuring that people facing end of life and their families have access to as many layers of support as possible.


WORLINGWORTH GARDENING CLUB Now that we are all able to get out and meet people once more it’s with confidence we can, at last, give a definite date for a meeting! Please put Wednesday September 29th firmly in your diaries as this is when our first talk of 2021 will be held in the Worlingworth Community Centre at 7-00 for 7-30 pm. Stewart Howard from Green Thumb, East Suffolk Expert Lawn Care will be our speaker for that evening. I’m sure most of us will have some question we would like an answer to! New members and guests welcome. Any enquires please contact Judith 07747 023 994 or [email protected]

News from Worlingworth Community Centre CCTV now in operation PAPER BIN NEWS! In the next month (approx. September) there will be some 1100 litre blue metal bins for recycling paper delivered to the Community Centre. These will replace the old paper banks and will be emptied once a fortnight by the council waste and recycling crew. They will be labelled to advise users that they are for. PAPER AND CARD ONLY.

“Worlingworth Footpath Walking Day. Calling for volunteers who love our local footpaths! Put the date in your diary… we will be walking the footpaths of Worlingworth on Saturday October 16th, meeting at Worlingworth Community Centre at 10.30am and returning for a simple lunch. All ages welcome. Email [email protected] if you would like to join us.”




Clubs including re -starts

Games for Guys and Gals We are Back Worlingworth Community Centre Tuesday 7th Sept. 2pm to 4pm £1.30 including Tea and Biscuits Just come along/ More details from Cathy on 01728 627952

Social Club Worlingworth Community Centre Friday evenings Carpet Bowls 3rd September 7.30pm

Art and Craft Club We are having our first meeting for this group on Wednesday 22nd September from 10am to 12noon. We shall be meeting at the Bedfield and Monk Soham Community Hub. If you would be interested in joining us then please contact us at: [email protected] or 07849192088.

Worlingworth & Tannington WI 01 September - The Samaritans 7.15pm @ The Community Centre Please contact Jenny 628798 or Diana 628077 for further details. Don’t forget the FOODBANK! See Dr Dans letter on Worlingworth Web site