$4.95$4.95 mm i i l l w w a a u u k k e e e e FallFall 20020099 JEWISHJEWISH SPIRITSPIRIT MagazineMagazine ofof OhrOhr HaTorahHaTorah -- JewishJewish HeritageHeritage CenterCenter

Ohr HaTorah’s SEED Event in SEED Glendale’s Kletzsch Park Bringing Torah Ruach to Milwukee Ohr HaTorah Holiday InspirationInspiration Interview: Alan “Shlomo” Veingrad Former NFL player

Bonus Issue: 22-Page Passover Cooking Section Recipes, New Products, Wines, and More! Fall 2009 | www.ajspirit.com Advisory Co-Chairs Cary Silverstein Cary SteveRussek AboutUs:Ohr HaTorah Jewish- Heritage Center ish youth, Ohr HaTorah for Jewish Youth is of paramount importance. Ohr HaTorah Our Values Tradition. vibrant and passionate through Torah and and adults of Wisconsin to be involved in a living, to connect, inspire and empower Jewish youth O Our hr HaTorah Mission: Ohr HaTorahOhr Foundation thank Bader tolikewould HelenThe families, and community. for their assistance in making this publication possible publication this making in assistance their for seeks to improve the life of our Jew believes that strong Jewish Identity is a premier organization dedicated :

and all their support over the years.overthe support their all and - cial, educational, and spiritual perspective. heritage at their own pace, and do so from a so Ohr HaTorah mental part of our Jewish future Ohr HaTorah believes should explore their believes Jewish Literacy is a funda

Director Akiva FreilichAkiva

2 - - Far Rockaway N.Y. This Yeshiva, headed by the master educator N.Y.master FarRockaway the Yeshiva, byThis headed team. SEED the by Milwaukee to brought “ruach” incredible Torahand study home. call they those beyond communities Jewish for appreciationalso greater a gain to SEED students yeshiva enables old. and young the for models role as serving and resources for the communities they visit—facilitating Torah study as function students These world. the around Unitedand States the throughout cities in outreach community summer in their engaged break spend each to students yeshiva that recruit in they Schools, summer Day Hebrew of Association National F Ruach to Milwaukee SEED: Bringing Torah Our group this year were students of Yeshiva Darchei Torah of OhrHaTorah’s of days 12 inspiring an was experience SEED - Umesorah Torah by run program national a is SEED fnatc ru o Rbiia Suet fr to week SEED. as known program two learning a for Students Rabbinical of group fantastic a host to privileged been HaTorahhas Ohr year 4th the or DaveyRosenblatt Alex& Milyevsly Engrossed InTorah Study here. heard.were praise much of words study to came the mature professionals to school the kids teens that and elementary From community. the of members by immensely enjoyed Milwaukee’son educated West community). Side and born was Hoffman nee Heifetz (Mrs. NJ. Lakewood, from them. with interact to opportunity the had who all for models role fantastic as out them singled teach and learn to drive their and character exemplary comraderie, time. Their their volunteer a model Rabbincal School by the caliber of students that came to obviously YaacovRabbi is it that us Bender,to demonstrated has Rabbi Heifetz told us, “I was amazed by the openness of so of openness the by amazed was “I us, told Heifetz Rabbi experience their about felt they what group the asked We was day 12 the for created was Yeshivathat The atmosphere Heifetz Esti and Shloimie Rabbi by joined were They LadiesSEED Class 3

Fall 2009 | www.ajspirit.com Fall 2009 | www.ajspirit.com RabbiShlome Heifetz andMark Maimon DavidShickman Mordy& Neuman CheskySafier Ben&Issacson hbo t al h fins md. hn you Thank made. I on friends incredible!” was ItMilwaukee! dancing the all awesome to the Shabbos to sessions torah deep you!”me. inspiredThank has group the with being and community the of members with learning week the throughout However, others. teach and inspire mentors.”and teachers their with time short a members, teen and kids had developed a close bond in community the how saw I bar-b-que the at group the “watching observation, following the made women experience”incredible an was It Heritage. Jewish their about learn to people many much success and happiness.”and success much family Hatorah Ohr the Freilich’s and the wish We matter who you are special was for something us. very no caring and acceptance of one is attitude the where many so members.”community interested for torah of bastion a as Hatorah Ohr see all.”us for lesson a individuals and experience moving a truly was across came the I that by displayed Judaism and learning us. inspiredThanks!” Milwaukee but I them. taught We than were inspireto supposed Milwaukee life about more best me the taught who with chavrusahas learn at to merited nights I Friday and Freilich’s the on together ruach and dancing awesome had We ever! experience summer best the Kasriel Yavne – “I had a blast from the massively the from blast a had “I Yavne– Kasriel to try to Milwaukee to came “I - Safir Chesky for classes of number a taught who HisEsti, wife Part of the motivation of a SEED program is to is program SEED a of motivation the of Part “ToMordechaicommunity Neuman– a to come to inspiring truly was “It – Rosenblatt Davey in interest tremendous “The – Singer Shlomo been has Milwaukee in “SEED - Schik Tzvi

6 accomplish what its namesake means, to plant a Seed of more We wish the 5769 SEED group great success commitment to Jewish observance and Torah study. over the coming year and we hope they will return to us soon!! 7 This group of young people has certainly made the Ohr HaTorah community feel that we have high goals to strive for and in some way continue the love of learning and Jewish life throughout the year.

Neil Wallace & Shlomo Singer Dr. Mitch Sandler and Rabbi ShlomeHeifetz

SEED Beis Medrash 2009 | www.ajspirit.com

Fall What’s Happening at The Secret of Ohr HaTorah About Us: Ohr HaTorah - Jewish Heritage Center

BIRCAS HACHAMAH Blessing of the sun Erev Pesach 5769 at the Gorelick’s 2009 | www.ajspirit.com

Fall 66 continued on page 62 The Secret of 51

by Rabbi Noah Weinberg


OHT SEED BBQ 2009 | www.ajspirit.com 67 Fall Ohr HaTorah is proud to present these timless articles and essays to help inspire you for the upcoming holidays Wake Up and Live Rabbi Noah Weinberg

s the new year begins, Jews around the world accept a new get it. Fortunately, we don’t have to. The answer “is very near to you sense of responsibility. That begs the question: How do we -- in your mouth and in your heart.” know what our responsibility is?! On Rosh Hashana, we ask the Almighty to inscribe us in the Book AThe Days of Awe! The Jewish people approach the new year in of Life. Life doesn’t mean spacing out. Life doesn’t mean being a robot. awe of creation; the wondrous power and beauty of the universe, Life doesn’t mean sleepwalking. Life means to be real. The shofar is designed by our infinitely powerful Creator -- and produced not just blowing and saying, “Wake up!” What in the world do you want? for humanity in general, but for each of us particularly! We proclaim our priorities by reciting the Shema twice each day, Rabbi Tarfon constantly repeated: “The day is short, the work is and by putting a mezuzah on our doorposts. Pay attention. Are you vast, the workers are lazy, and the Master is impatient.” With this in focused on the words? “God is One, He is a personal God who cares mind, we read the following Torah portion every year before Rosh about each one of us, and He does everything solely for our benefit.” Hashana: Understand this. Make it real. The hidden things belong to God, but the revealed things are for us The Creator of this universe is your Father. He wants to give you and our children forever. (Deut. 29:28) life. You have the free will to choose. Free will is a power given to each On this Rashi comments: of the six billion inhabitants of this earth, every human is created with We are not responsible for the ‘hidden things’ of others, because a divine spark. This power is not in the heaven or across the sea. It’s we can’t possibly know what another person is thinking. But we are within your reach. As the Almighty says: “I have placed life and death responsible to correct ‘the revealed things.’ If we don’t, we’re held before you... Choose life so that you will live” (Deut. 30:19). accountable. This Rosh Hashana, make the commitment to go all the way, to The Jewish people are areivim, guarantors who are responsible one chose life for yourself and for mankind. Life is gorgeous and full. for another. There’s no such thing as “I’ll do my own thing and it won’t Wake up to the most awesome potential in creation. You. affect anyone else.” The hole in the ozone layer does not discriminate. Reprinted with persmission from Aish.com Drugs, theft and violence have no boundaries. Assimilation is ravaging the Jewish people and can strike at any home. Each and every one of us is a guarantor. If you guaranteed on a loan, and see it headed toward foreclosure, you will surely find some way to make the payments. Rosh Hashana marks the birth of mankind, the pinnacle of creation. This is the time to renew our commitment to Tikkun Olam This wakes up the body. -- to repair the world to the best of our ability. Become energized by the idea of this obligation. It’s intrinsic to who you are. When you actualize your unique contribution, you’re actualizing your potential. That’s genuine meaning, genuine pleasure. Sounds awesome. But in practical terms, how do we proceed? Where do we find the answer? This wakes up the soul. The Torah continues: This commandment is not hidden from you and it is not distant. It is not in heaven for you to say, ‘Who can ascend to the heaven for aish.com/highholidays us...’ Nor is it across the sea... Rather the matter is very near to you -- Everything you need to make your High Holiday experience in your mouth and in your heart -- to perform it. (Deut. 30:11-14) meaningful and unforgettable. The Almighty is teaching us how far we must go to Your Life.Your Judaism. straighten out the world. If the answer would be in heaven 2009 | www.ajspirit.com or across the sea, we would be obligated to go there and

Fall 70 OhrHaTorah isproud to present these timless articles and essays to help inspire you for the upcoming holidays next day will be more productive. more be will day next evaluatewhereand youlost. profited or the so plan a make Then of stock take stand. you where and performed you well how evaluate to system regular a YouAccounting. need Spiritual -- Hanefesh Cheshbon we’rethis do greatness.we guaranteed If it?” attain to doing I am “What and for?” living I am “What it?” attain to doing I am “What ask, then have.”we everything with Himlove to and One, is God that “Toknow mezuzah): the in written it’s(and daily twice Shema the in this say Welove. that attain to how plan then and souls our of desire this with touch in get is do to have we What God. love to is life in we’rewant what we us for.what here Ultimately now.ourselves asking start to have we So question. the consider to late too be may it then but live, to months six have we’llonly day Some it. about Think about?” all life “What’s ourselves ask question. crucial and fundamental this asking ever without life entire his through gone have may he otherwise him; by paralyzing favor great a him did God that you tell will Todayhe for?” faced with this question: “What is was life all about? he What am I living hospital, the in lying While paraplegic. a became result newspaper.a grabbing or the TV on turning by escapes person the question, the answer to trying than rather often, too all But scared. be may they Momentarily now?” till up about all been life my has “What question: the they’reby and confronted for know don’t what. they but accomplishing, and doing busy very is humanity of majority the Unfortunately life. in they’redoing have a good answer, but at least you made them think about what I Ask yourself: Ask day’sthat at back look bed, to going beforeevents,Every night is life your wasting against fence individual biggest The Hashana: Rosh on through goes Jew a process the is This is, it If want. really you what is this if clarify to Usemind your We are fortunate because very through the Torah, God has told we’d live, to months six had only we us told doctor the If QUESTIONASKING THE a as and shot, accidentally was in know I man A up them wakes something where life in instances Everyonehas course they’ll tell you they’reyou they’lllive. tell course to eating f you ask someone: Are you eating to live, or living to eat? Of Now askthem: What are you livingfor? They won’t always SpiritualAccounting System RabbiNoah Weinberg on or w Ahle he, n cnetae n ht I you daily,yourlist review If yourownthen at stupidities, angry get and that. on concentrate and heel, Achilles own your down temper.Track bad or envy, or laziness, be might enemy.”It the Reprinted with persmission from Aish.com from persmission with Reprinted live. and up wake to us wants and ask the right questions, or sleep our lives away. The Almighty great. be human you’rewhat you’reFigureout and being. for living to guaranteed every to available will” “free of the is denominator This life. common his all confusion of state a in remain just he’ll Otherwise there. get he’ll life, in he’sgoing where on clarity has person a Judaism.If in motto world.”our this is in This goal his good of foundation action and the root of of Godservice true is for a person to know “The says: Luzzato Chaim Moshe Rabbi for?” living I am “What clarify and ourselves ask to is thing important most The greatness. for potential the have God’sand in image created We all us. are for it do will else great!we’llbe then -- night every e.g. -- consistently this do we If priorities. our juggle constantly and management time our of track keep to have Wewe’relost. cheshbon Withoutup. way their worked and too, bottom the at started people Great there. get never we’ll or them, accomplish to steps the do to forget and goals our about fantasize dreamand constantly. All the little steps are critically important. We can’t just mistakes. those correct to plan a make then and -- wrong did you what and right did you what out Figureyear. changes. make to power the you give will anger that Read over your list of mistakes and remind yourself, “This is “This yourself, remind and mistakes of list your over Read • • • • • • • The shofar blasts like an alarm clock. We can either wake up wake either can Weclock. alarm an like blasts shofar The Just,” the of Path “The ethics, Jewish of book classic his In one no because lives our for responsibility take to have We On the other hand, our day-to-day actions need to be reviewed previous the covering cheshbon a make we Hashana, Rosh On REVIEWANNUAL What’s holding me back from growing? fromWhat’s back me holding goals? long-term my in come I have Howfar What’s What’sprofit? my loss? my weaknesses? and strengths my are What tomorrow? improvefor to going I Howam intended? I what accomplish I Did today? accomplished I have What 71

Fall 2009 | www.ajspirit.com Ohr HaTorah - Jewish Heritage Center 7020 N. Green Bay Ave. Glendale, WI 53209

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