Addressing tolerance and diversity discourses in Europe A Comparative Overview of 16 European Countries Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Anna Triandafyllidou (Eds.) Addressing tolerance and diversity discourses in Europe A Comparative Overview of 16 European Countries Ricard Zapata-Barrero and Anna Triandafyllidou (Eds.) This volume is published thanks to the support of the Directorate General for Research & Innovation of the European Commission, 7th Framework Programme, Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities, under the auspices of the ACCEPT PLURALISM Research Project (Contract no. SSH-CT-2010-243837). The volume is solely the responsibility of its editors and authors; the European Commission cannot be held responsible for its contents or of any use which may be of it. © CIDOB. Barcelona Centre for International Affairs Edited by CIDOB Elisabets, 12 08001 Barcelona Tel. 93 302 64 95 Fax. 93 302 21 18
[email protected] GRITIM-UPF Grup de Recerca Interdisciplinari sobre Immigració Universitat Pompeu Fabra Production CIDOB edicions Coordination of the publishing process Elisabet Mañé and Juan Carlos Triviño Copy - editing Juan Carlos Triviño Page layout Joan Antoni Balcells Print Color Marfil, S.L. D.L.: B-8442-2012 Barcelona, March 2012 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: DIVERSITY CHALLENGES IN EUROPE. AIMS AND OVERVIEW OF THE BOOK 5 Anna Triandafyllidou and Ricard Zapata-Barrero PART I. OLD HOST COUNTRIES 25 Riva Kastoryano and Angéline Escafré-Dublet Chapter 1. France ............................................................................................ 27 Kristian Jensen, Johanne Helboe Nielsen, Morten Brænder, Per Mouritsen and Tore Vincents Olsen Chapter 2. Denmark ...................................................................................... 49 Nina Mühe and Werner Schiffauer Chapter 3. Germany ...................................................................................... 77 Marcel Maussen and Thijs Bogers Chapter 4.