
Vol. 402: 1–11, 2010 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published March 8 doi: 10.3354/meps08498 Mar Ecol Prog Ser


Sharks in nearshore environments: models, importance, and consequences

Danielle M. Knip1,*, Michelle R. Heupel2, Colin A. Simpfendorfer1

1Fishing and Fisheries Research Centre, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, 4811, Australia 2School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, 4811, Australia

ABSTRACT: Theoretical models of coastal popu- lations have remained largely unchanged since the 1960s despite limitations in applicability to many spe- cies. Smaller bodied coastal species are poorly repre- sented by the current models. A new theoretical model is proposed to represent those species that spend most or all of their life within nearshore waters but do not show use of discrete nursery areas. Description of this new model outlines the importance of nearshore areas to these smaller species. While all coastal shark popu- lations are susceptible to environmental and anthro- pogenic impacts, species that fit the new model are more vulnerable to varying coastal processes, habitat degradation, and fishing pressure than are species that use nearshore areas for only part of their life-span. The dynamic nature of nearshore areas and their proximity to human populations present all that occur in Population models show that nearshore habitats are crucial them with a range of advantages and disadvantages. for small coastal sharks such as juvenile lemon sharks This paper reviews how different species utilise near- Negaprion brevirostris. shore areas and how they overcome the challenges Photo: Alastair Harry they face in inhabiting these areas. Improving and ex- panding theoretical models of coastal shark popula- tions will provide a better understanding of how sharks use nearshore environments and assist in making con- Morin et al. 1992). Major fluctuations in salinity, tem- servation and management decisions for these regions. perature, depth, flow, and turbidity occur in nearshore waters on a variety of temporal scales (from hours to KEY WORDS: Nearshore · Shark · Population model · seasons) due to changes in tidal level, freshwater flow, Habitat use · Distribution · Springer rainfall, and seasonal weather patterns (Mann 2000, Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Masselink et al. 2008). Although variable conditions may create challenging environments for inhabitants, nearshore areas are highly productive and have a INTRODUCTION relatively high abundance and a rich diversity of fish and invertebrate species (Blaber et al. 1989, Beck et Nearshore areas typically consist of shallow water al. 2001). As a result of high productivity, nearshore with temporally varying characteristics and are com- waters have considerable economic value supporting monly comprised of highly dynamic ecosystems sup- recreational, commercial, and indigenous fisheries. porting high biodiversity (Robertson & Duke 1987, Overall, nearshore areas contribute goods and services

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2010 · www.int-res.com 2 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 402: 1–11, 2010

of high quantity and quality to both environment DeAngelis et al. 2008). Thus, habitat use by sharks and economy, resulting in these areas being identified within nearshore areas is likely to be influenced by a as significantly valuable ecosystems (Costanza et al. combination of ecological factors including environ- 1997). mental characteristics, resource abundance and dis- Close proximity to land allows easy accessibility to tribution, and/or presence of other competing species. nearshore areas, resulting in these regions being sus- Common nearshore shark species consist primarily ceptible to increased exploitation. Fishing is one of the of carcharhinids and sphyrnids in tropical and sub- major human impacts affecting nearshore waters and tropical regions, and triakids in temperate regions overfishing has resulted in the decline and/or collapse (Bigelow & Schroeder 1948, Compagno 1984, Last & of some coastal ecosystems (Pauly et al. 1998, Jackson Stevens 2009). Species from these groups tend to be et al. 2001). Coastal development also has detrimental well studied because they are encountered often in effects on nearshore areas through modification prac- coastal regions and are easily captured. These groups tices such as dredging, construction, and deforestation, also form the basis of some important fisheries, which which can cause large-scale habitat degradation or has further driven research (Grace & Henwood 1997, loss (Suchanek 1994, Vitousek et al. 1997). The esti- Francis 1998, Walker 1998, Pradervand et al. 2007). mated proportion of the world’s total human popula- However, the diversity of sharks that occur in near- tion living within 100 km of the coast is 60% (Vitousek shore waters is much greater than these 3 families et al. 1997), with this value projected to be 75% within alone (e.g. scyliorhinids, orectolobids, ginglymostom- 60 km of the coast by the year 2020 (DeMaster et al. atids, heterodontids). It is important to recognise the 2001). Due to increasing human population in coastal diversity of sharks within nearshore areas because dif- areas, it is likely that human pressure in these regions ferent species behave in different ways (Bethea et al. will continue and potentially increase. With increased 2004), have different life-histories (Cortés 2000) and, pressure, it will be progressively more important to as top predators, may have a large influence on near- understand how species and communities use near- shore community dynamics (Heithaus et al. 2008). shore waters so that effective conservation and man- Although the species composition of sharks that agement can be implemented. In addition to anthro- occur in nearshore waters is diverse, descriptions of pogenic influences, environmental impacts such as distribution and habitat use tend to be generalised. For weather events result in erosion, scouring, habitat example, a theoretical model proposed by Springer destruction, sediment movement, and increased tur- (1967) broadly outlined the geographic range and dis- bidity in nearshore areas (Rodriguez et al. 1994, Mas- tribution of a hypothetical population of sharks. In this selink et al. 2008). Inter-annual climate anomalies (e.g. population, young are born in nearshore nursery areas El Niño, La Niña, drought) can change the physical in spring/summer, where they remain until they reach characteristics of nearshore environments making con- sexual maturity and join the adult population further ditions less favourable for inhabitants (Mol et al. 2000, offshore. Adults occur offshore, segregated from the Abel et al. 2007). Since nearshore areas are highly young except when they move inshore to give birth dynamic and variable, as well as vulnerable to ex- and mate in spring/summer. However, not all popula- ploitation, species that inhabit these waters must either tions of sharks that occur in nearshore areas fit this cope with the changes they face, adapt accordingly, or model. The strategy a species utilises is shaped by both leave in order to survive. its life-history characteristics (Branstetter 1990) and Sharks are a key component of nearshore ecosys- surrounding environment (Sims 2003) to maximise sur- tems, acting as top predators and utilising a high pro- vival, which results in distribution and habitat use portion of available energy (Cortés 1999). Since near- varying greatly between species. Opposed to Springer’s shore waters provide a wide variety of habitat hypothetical population, a combination of life-stages characteristics, sharks can exploit regions with fea- may be present in nearshore regions, with species tures that are optimal for survival. For example, young using patterns that will enhance population success. sharks may utilise shallow or low salinity environments Understanding differences in distribution and habi- to decrease predation risk (Simpfendorfer et al. 2005, tat use between shark species that utilise nearshore Wetherbee et al. 2007) or to forage in areas where food areas will help effectively conserve important habitats resources are most abundant (Simpfendorfer & Mil- and the populations that use them. This review paper ward 1993); adults may exploit habitats to target high outlines and discusses (1) theoretical models of shark quality prey items for diet and growth (Heithaus et al. populations in nearshore areas, (2) how sharks utilise 2002). Nearshore regions are also used in different nearshore areas, and (3) challenges and potential con- ways by different shark species, and the characteris- sequences sharks face by inhabiting nearshore waters. tics and habitat type of a region may influence species By discussing how shark species use nearshore regions distribution and movement (White & Potter 2004, and identifying differences in species behaviour, this Knip et al.: Sharks in nearshore environments 3

paper will present a second population model and Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, Australian sharpnose some exceptions to Springer’s theoretical population. Rhizoprionodon taylori, bonnethead Sphyrna tiburo, For the purpose of this review paper, discussion will be and blacknose Carcharhinus acronotus sharks. These limited to sharks and will not include skate or ray spe- species can occur in nearshore waters for the duration cies; the term ‘nearshore’ will refer to all waters imme- of their life-span, with immature and mature individu- diately adjacent to the coast down to a depth of 20 m, als of both sexes utilising the same regions and habi- including intertidal areas, bays, lagoons, and estuaries. tats (e.g. Simpfendorfer & Milward 1993, Parsons & Hoffmayer 2005, Heupel et al. 2006, Ulrich et al. 2007). Species that fit this model include both those that use THEORETICAL MODELS OF SHARK restricted portions of nearshore areas (e.g. lesser spot- POPULATIONS IN NEARSHORE ENVIRONMENTS ted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula; Sims et al. 2001), and those that are less reliant on specific areas and The hypothetical population introduced by Springer move farther distances throughout the nearshore en- (1967) represents the distribution and habitat use of vironment (e.g. R. terraenovae; Carlson et al. 2008). some common carcharhinoid shark species including Early life-stages of these species do not appear to use blacktip Carcharhinus limbatus, sandbar Carcharhinus discrete nursery areas (Parsons & Hoffmayer 2005, plumbeus, scalloped hammerhead Sphyrna lewini, and Heupel et al. 2006, Ulrich et al. 2007), but may roam lemon Negaprion brevirostris sharks. Young of these considerable distances and utilise large amounts of species are usually found in warm, shallow nearshore space. For example, Carlson et al. (2008) reported that waters during the spring and summer months, which juvenile R. terraenovae had wide-ranging movements many authors have attributed to nursery area use (e.g. (e.g. 399 km), did not remain within any specific area Castro 1993, Heupel & Hueter 2001, Merson & Pratt for significant lengths of time, and often moved 2001, Carlson 2002). Adults of these species are en- through deep water. Young individuals of these spe- countered much less frequently in nearshore areas, but cies may display some site attachment and return to females may move inshore during the summer months specific nearshore areas (Hueter et al. 2005), but such when ready to give birth (e.g. Springer 1950, 1960, patterns are not as evident and are reported less often Klimley 1987, Castro 1996). Nursery areas for aquatic in these species than in those fitting Springer’s model. species have been defined as regions where juveniles Despite limited attachment to one particular area, spe- occur in higher densities, receive increased protection cies that represent this second population model may from predators, and grow at faster rates, all of which in- be more dependent on nearshore regions since they creases recruitment into the adult population (Beck et utilise these areas for their entire life-cycle. However, al. 2001). More specifically for shark species, nursery because these species often appear less reliant on spe- areas have been identified; these are not only areas cific habitat and move widely throughout nearshore where juveniles occur in higher densities, but are also areas, they may be less vulnerable to localised impacts. areas which juveniles inhabit for long periods of time It is important to note that not all nearshore shark and which pupping females utilise over many years populations fit within the 2 population models above, (Heupel et al. 2007). For species representative of and exceptions can be found where different types of Springer’s model population, juveniles remain within distribution and habitat use are utilised. For example, nursery areas for extended lengths of time while using juveniles of some species occur further from shore restricted areas of space and displaying high degrees of and/or at greater depths than adults. Young sandbar site attachment to nearshore habitat (e.g. Morrissey & sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus in Western Australia Gruber 1993a, Merson & Pratt 2001, Heupel et al. 2004, have been reported to inhabit deep water offshore, DeAngelis et al. 2008). Seasonal variation may occur whereas adults occupied areas that were closer to in spatial distribution, and individuals of some species shore (McAuley et al. 2007). This population, as well migrate to over-wintering grounds when water temper- as a population of C. plumbeus in Hawaii, does not ature begins to cool in the autumn months (Castro 1996, appear to use discrete nursery areas (McElroy et al. Conrath & Musick 2008). Although Springer’s de- 2006, McAuley et al. 2007). This pattern is opposite to scription is accurate, particularly for many large car- that displayed by C. plumbeus in the northwest charhinoid species of the east coast of the USA, it only Atlantic, where the smallest and youngest individuals encompasses some coastal species. Species displaying inhabit shallow areas closest to shore as described by Springer’s hypothetical pattern generally reach a large Springer. Some reef shark populations also demon- maximum size, and have slow growth rates and long strate a lack of nearshore nursery area use. In Hawaii, life-expectancies. juvenile Galapagos sharks Carcharhinus galapagensis We propose a second theoretical model to encom- do not utilise shallow nursery areas, and were reported pass smaller bodied species such as Atlantic sharpnose to occur at greater depths than sub-adult and adult 4 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 402: 1–11, 2010

female individuals (Wetherbee et al. 1996). In , be due to poor habitat quality or decreased resources the smallest Caribbean reef sharks Carcharhinus in the Bahamas, resulting in slower growth. These perezi were found to inhabit the deepest available examples show that the strategy and behaviour a spe- habitat and did not utilise shallow regions (Pikitch et cies uses is in part based on its environment. Near- al. 2005). It has historically been assumed that shallow shore areas are not interchangeable but are unique and nearshore waters offer greatest protection from preda- dynamic systems, which may explain the variety of tors and increased survival for young sharks. However, strategies displayed among shark species. different regions may require different strategies for a In addition to shark populations that use nearshore population to thrive; the habitat type and/or physical areas frequently and regularly, there are also species characteristics of an environment could influence dis- that visit these regions on a more occasional basis. tribution and behaviour patterns. For example, the Firstly, there are species that tend to have long- coastline in Western Australia lacks the major estuar- ranging movements and roam far distances offshore ine systems found in nearshore areas of the northwest such as salmon Lamna ditropis and tiger Galeocerdo Atlantic (e.g. Chesapeake and Delaware Bay, USA), cuvier sharks. For example, in the northeast Pacific, which young C. plumbeus in those regions utilise as L. ditropis moved throughout coastal waters, but also nursery areas (Wetherbee et al. 2001, Grubbs et al. utilised large areas offshore and undertook long dis- 2007). Thus, habitat and resource requirements for tance migrations (Weng et al. 2008). Similarly, in both young C. plumbeus that can be obtained in nearshore Shark Bay (Western Australia) and Hawaii, G. cuvier environments in the northwest Atlantic may be located utilised shallow nearshore waters but also displayed elsewhere in Western Australia (i.e. offshore). There- large home ranges and frequently moved to deep fore, distribution and habitat use by sharks in near- offshore waters (Holland et al. 1999, Heithaus et al. shore areas may be a function of the ecological charac- 2007, Meyer et al. 2009). When G. cuvier were utilising teristics specific to the environment, combined with nearshore waters in Hawaii, they undertook a ‘coastal resource needs and life-history characteristics. Given patrolling’ behaviour and did not remain in one area variations in distribution and habitat use, the 2 models for a long period of time (Meyer et al. 2009). Secondly, proposed cannot describe all species of shark, but they there are species that are typically found in deep water do provide a generalised concept that will encompass environments offshore such as sixgill Hexanchus gri- many shark populations in nearshore waters. seus and Greenland Somniosus microcephalus sharks. Regional differences in distribution, habitat use, and However, Stokesbury et al. (2005) reported S. micro- movement occur among shark species, and popula- cephalus utilising shallow nearshore bays in Canada tions may show plasticity in behaviour to cope in differ- during the spring and summer months. Similarly, in ent regions. Using lemon sharks Negaprion brevi- Puget Sound (USA), juvenile H. griseus were found rostris as an example, it is clear that differences exist to display short and localised movements close to among populations in different locations. Young N. shore (Andrews et al. 2007). Although these 4 species brevirostris utilising nearshore nursery areas in the are examples of sharks that usually undertake long- Bahamas displayed a preference for warm water ranging movements and/or inhabit deep offshore (30°C; Morrissey & Gruber 1993b), while a nearshore waters, they also utilise nearshore regions, perhaps for nursery area in southeast USA showed the highest the diverse range of functions and benefits these habi- abundance of young N. brevirostris to occur in winter tats offer. when water was cooler (18–22°C; Reyier et al. 2008). Inhabiting cooler water may act as a refuge by de- creasing interspecific competition as other species HOW SHARK POPULATIONS USE NEARSHORE utilise warmer areas over the winter months. This may ENVIRONMENTS provide an advantage for the northwest Atlantic popu- lations of N. brevirostris that are faced with more com- A variety of ecosystem functions are provided for in- petitors than those in the Bahamas, so this difference habitants of nearshore areas. Although evidence is may be beneficial for foraging, growth, and survival. In scarce, it has been suggested that adult females of comparison, N. brevirostris at an offshore atoll in some shark species give birth in shallow nearshore were reported to have faster growth rates than those in waters since neonate individuals are found inhabiting the Bahamas (Freitas et al. 2006). Since the atoll lacks and utilising these regions (Castro 1993). Repeated use the protective cover from predators offered by man- of nearshore regions for the purpose of parturition grove habitat, young sharks could have adapted for would suggest a successful strategy that increases faster growth in order to reach a size less vulnerable to survival of young. This behaviour promotes population predation more quickly (Freitas et al. 2006). However, survival and kin selection; adult females presumably differences in growth rates between regions could also expend energy migrating inshore to distinct areas for Knip et al.: Sharks in nearshore environments 5

no other reason than to give birth and leave their pups tween many of these species (Simpfendorfer & Mil- in nearshore regions (Weng et al. 2008), receiving no ward 1993, Bethea et al. 2004), which suggests that direct physical benefit themselves. Most be- nearshore areas have sufficient productivity to support have in ways that maximise fitness and strengthen the multiple shark species utilising the same or similar population as a whole; if giving birth in nearshore resources. Ontogenetic shifts in diet have also been regions increases survival of young, this would in turn observed in some species, with adult life-stages con- increase recruitment to the adult population and bene- suming larger and/or more diverse prey items (Lowe et fit the entire population, making the energetic invest- al. 1996, Bethea et al. 2006, McElroy et al. 2006). Such ment worthwhile. For some species, nearshore areas shifts in diet might be why adults of larger-sized spe- may function as critical nursery and pupping habitat. cies roam further distances than juveniles: they may Evidence of philopatry to specific natal nurseries for need to expand their range to exploit additional habi- many years after birth, by both pupping females (Feld- tats. Nearshore productivity can also be exploited by heim et al. 2004, Keeney et al. 2005, DiBattista et al. sharks that occur in these areas only occasionally, and 2008) and juveniles (Hueter et al. 2005, Grubbs et al. some species move into nearshore regions from areas 2007), reinforces the important function of nearshore further offshore to utilise coastal habitats and feed on habitat for these species. high quality prey (Heithaus et al. 2002). Diets of shark Although nearshore nursery areas are used by and species vary with geographic location (McElroy et al. contain crucial habitat for some sharks (e.g. species of 2006), so sharks therefore take advantage of the diver- Springer’s hypothetical population), not all species sity of resources available to them in the nearshore utilise nursery areas and not all nearshore habitats regions they are utilising. function as nurseries (Heupel et al. 2007). For example, In addition to parturition, nursery area use and for- smaller-sized species that represent the second popu- aging, nearshore regions provide habitat for a variety lation model (e.g. Atlantic sharpnose Rhizoprionodon of other functions. Nearshore waters provide breeding terraenovae and blacknose Carcharhinus acronotus grounds for some shark species, and mature females sharks) have productive life-histories with rapid growth, have also been found to use shallow areas as a refuge early maturity and annual reproduction (Cortés 2002), to avoid aggressive males and conserve energy during and do not use discrete nearshore nursery areas (Carl- mating season (Pratt & Carrier 2001, Sims et al. 2001). son 2002, Parsons & Hoffmayer 2005). Rather, smaller- In addition, for smaller-sized species representative of sized species may use nearshore habitats to exploit the second theoretical model, nearshore waters may prey resources and increase foraging success in order offer increased protection from predation. For exam- to reach sexual maturity more quickly. Since smaller- ple, Carlson (2002) found a high level of segregation sized species often have productive life-histories and between small-sized species (e.g. Atlantic sharpnose high rates of reproduction, the potential cost of Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, blacknose Carcharhinus increased mortality in early life-stages from lack of acronotus, and bonnethead Sphyrna tiburo sharks) nursery use may be outweighed by the benefit of util- and large-sized species (e.g. blacktip Carcharhinus ising more resources to promote fast growth. In addi- limbatus and sandbar Carcharhinus plumbeus sharks). tion, juveniles of small-sized species may be of a size Smaller-sized species may segregate from larger-sized where they do not receive the same level of protection species to increase shelter from predation and enhance from nearshore waters than juveniles of large-sized survival. Shallow nearshore waters also appear to be species. For juveniles of small species, predators may used for thermoregulation and energy conservation, include those juveniles of large species using the same which is thought to increase metabolic rate, growth, areas, so no sufficient protective benefit exists for them and embryonic development (Economakis & Lobel to show the same site attachment to specific nursery 1998, Hight & Lowe 2007). Overall, nearshore regions areas. Thus, nearshore regions may function mostly as serve numerous functions, and utilising nearshore habi- productive feeding grounds for these smaller-sized tats provides multiple advantages and benefits for species. species success. Productive nearshore waters provide a source of food that benefits inhabitants of these areas, but can also be utilised in the short-term by sharks moving in LIVING IN NEARSHORE WATERS: CHALLENGES, from areas further offshore. As inhabitants, sharks ADAPTATIONS, AND CONSEQUENCES make up a major proportion of predator biomass in nearshore areas, consuming a diverse range and high Nearshore environments are characterised by shal- abundance of the prey available in these environments low depths with large fluctuations in physical para- (Blaber et al. 1989, Stevens & McLoughlin 1991, Salini meters. Thus, there are challenges specific to near- et al. 1992). Overlaps in diet have been reported be- shore waters to which inhabitants must adapt in order 6 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 402: 1–11, 2010

to remain in these regions. As mobile species, sharks environments. However, shark species that are highly can use conditions to their advantage. For example, dependent on specific habitat and use restricted por- juvenile sandbar sharks Carcharhinus plumbeus in the tions of nearshore areas are probably the most vulner- northwest Atlantic moved with tidal flow and showed able when environmental conditions extend beyond straightest-line movement during the strongest cur- their physical limitations. rents. This behaviour was presumed to minimise In addition to seasonal (e.g. temperature) and regu- energetic costs associated with swimming in strong lar (e.g. tidal) changes, nearshore areas are highly sus- currents (Medved & Marshall 1983, Wetherbee & ceptible to sudden events such as storms and weather Rechisky 1999). Leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata in phenomena that can affect the structure and charac- Tomales Bay, California (USA) also utilised tidal fluctu- teristics of these environments. Species that utilise ation by moving with incoming tides to exploit food nearshore waters may either perish in these events or resources in nearshore areas that could otherwise not adapt and alter their behaviour to deal with sudden be reached (Ackerman et al. 2000). In contrast, some changes. For example, when a tropical storm ap- changes may force individuals to leave areas. For proached the west coast of Florida (USA), blacktip example, along the west coast of Florida (USA), bon- sharks Carcharhinus limbatus moved from a shallow nethead Sphyrna tiburo and young bull Carcharhinus nursery to the deeper waters of Tampa Bay prior to the leucas sharks were reported to leave estuaries when storm making landfall (Heupel et al. 2003). Analysis of salinity declined (Heupel & Simpfendorfer 2008, Ubeda this event suggested sharks used the corresponding et al. 2009). Temperature is another factor that affects drop in barometric pressure as a cue to leave the bay the distribution of shark species, and the exodus of (Heupel et al. 2003). Presumably individuals moved to individuals from nearshore areas has been related to avoid storm surge or other adverse conditions pro- decreasing water temperature (Grubbs et al. 2007, duced by severe storm systems, and as such moved to Heupel 2007). Since sharks are highly mobile animals, increase survival. However, when an El Niño event they are able to move in response to unfavourable occurred off the coast of California (USA), leopard changes in their physical environment such as varying sharks Triakis semifasciata in the region did not leave salinity or temperature. Although moving to another (Smith & Abramson 1990). The El Niño event resulted region when conditions become unfavourable may in warm, nutrient-poor water along the California promote immediate survival, implications arise from coast, which probably decreased prey quality and relocation and species circumstances may not always availability. The result was a higher fishing mortality be improved. For example, while young C. leucas leav- of T. semifasciata than expected (Smith & Abramson ing a nursery to move to an adjacent bay when salinity 1990): this population of T. semifasciata may have levels declined reduced the stress of living in a low been more vulnerable to fishing pressure as a result of salinity environment, it also exposed these individuals increased hunger (Stoner 2004). These examples illus- to potential predation outside the nursery (Simpfen- trate some of the potential benefits and consequences dorfer et al. 2005). Displacement from a species’ origi- of moving from, or remaining in, nearshore regions nal and/or preferred habitat to other regions may have when conditions change. consequences such as reduced habitat quality, de- The final, and potentially most significant, factor in creased food availability, increased predation risk, or nearshore systems is direct and continuous contact increased competition with other species. However, with humans. The close proximity between nearshore there may also be consequences if species remain in waters and humans results in 3 major anthropogenic areas of unfavourable conditions. For example, C. leu- impacts affecting these areas: (1) habitat degradation cas have perished in shallow estuaries during the win- due to coastline development and destructive prac- ter months when water temperature has dropped tices, (2) pollution via terrestrial runoff, and (3) severely (Snelson & Bradley 1978). Overall, shark spe- exploitation through fisheries. cies that inhabit dynamic nearshore areas are faced Coastal development often employs practices such with many challenges, but high use of these habitats as dredging, construction, and deforestation, all of suggests sharks have evolved to derive maximum ben- which have detrimental effects on nearshore environ- efit despite this. For example, Heithaus et al. (2009) ments and can lead to large-scale habitat degradation found that it was not salinity that influenced the distri- (van Dolah et al. 1984, Bilkovic & Roggero 2008). For bution of juvenile C. leucas in a Florida estuary, but example, mangrove habitat has declined 35% world- rather dissolved oxygen concentrations. Thus, there wide over the past 25 yr as a result of clearing, cutting, may be different physical factors that affect species and filling for lumber and development (Valiela et al. distribution and movement within different regions, 2001). Destruction of important and productive habitat and some species appear able to adapt and cope with can hinder the survival and proliferation of species that variable physical conditions within dynamic nearshore use these areas. Jennings et al. (2008) found a 23.5% Knip et al.: Sharks in nearshore environments 7

decline in the survival rate of young lemon sharks species typically reside in nearshore areas for the dura- Negaprion brevirostris and a related 17.7% decline in tion of their life-span, they may encounter numerous seagrass habitat in the Bahamas, which was a result coastal fisheries and be caught in higher abundance. of increased coastal development. Moreover, other For example, in 1995 and 1996, small-sized species young sharks have appeared emaciated and/or have made up 72% of total shark catch in fishing surveys lost weight while utilising nearshore areas (Lowe 2002, conducted in the Gulf of and northwest Reyier et al. 2008). Weight loss may be a result of small Atlantic, with similar numbers being reported in com- and inexperienced sharks having low foraging success mercial fishing activities (Grace & Henwood 1997). and increased competition with other species utilising Moreover, young sharks that use discrete nursery the same areas, or possibly as a result of reduced liver areas and small core areas of space may be susceptible mass as energy reserves are quickly used up after birth to a direct and localised fishery. In an example from a (Hussey et al. 2010). However, it is also likely that some bay where fishing occurred, natural and fishing mor- nearshore habitats simply no longer contain adequate talities in a population of young blacktip sharks Car- food sources for the shark species that utilise them, charhinus limbatus were estimated to be 32 to 70% which may be a result of habitat degradation and and 41 to 60% respectively, resulting in a high total resource decline due to anthropogenic impacts. Philo- mortality of 61 to 91% (Heupel & Simpfendorfer 2002). patric behaviour patterns may mean sharks continue to In contrast, in areas where fishing was negligible, a return to these areas despite declining conditions. population of young lemon sharks Negaprion brevi- Increased terrestrial runoff reduces water quality by rostris was only affected by natural mortality, and mor- increasing sedimentation and pollutant levels in tality here was estimated to be just 44 to 61% (Manire nearshore areas (Thrush et al. 2004, Smith et al. 2008). & Gruber 1993). Fishing pressure is not a physical vari- A major consequence of nearshore pollution is eu- able that sharks can respond to by leaving an area trophication (Nixon 1995), which reduces oxygen when conditions become unfavourable, such as how levels, causes declines in the health and overall condi- they might respond to changes in temperature or salin- tion of coastal communities, and affects how species ity: if a shark leaves an area where fishing occurs, it is use these environments (Kemp et al. 2005). For ex- likely that it will enter another. The consequence of ample, leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata have been fisheries in nearshore waters is that species living reported to leave nearshore regions during periods of there have a greater chance of being overfished with- anoxia (Carlisle & Starr 2009). Pollution has also been out careful management. Surviving exploitation from reported to lower productivity and damage prey popu- fishing pressure is a challenge for many species and is lations within nearshore ecosystems (Thomas & Seib- an additional impact on shark populations using easily ert 1977, Turley 1999), which may negatively impact accessed nearshore regions. the foraging success of sharks that utilise these areas. The newly proposed model for coastal shark popula- In addition, some pollutants can have specific implica- tions remaining in nearshore areas through most of tions for species by disrupting biological processes. For their life-cycle has implications for understanding the example, infertility in bonnethead sharks Sphyrna effects of humans. Since all age-classes of these popu- tiburo has been linked to organochlorines in coastal lations may inhabit 1 specific nearshore area, an entire waters (Gelsleichter et al. 2005). Thus, pollutants and population will be highly vulnerable if a direct impact other impacts to water quality may have severe conse- occurs there. Unlike the species that fit Springer’s pop- quences for coastal shark species. ulation model, there is no age refuge for these smaller- Shark populations are exposed to commercial and sized species. For example, it is possible for a coastal recreational fisheries in nearshore areas, with individ- fishery (commercial and/or recreational) to land all uals taken as both target species and bycatch. This age-classes of smaller-sized shark species inhabiting presents additional challenges for species that utilise 1 area, resulting in a higher negative effect on these nearshore waters as they must be productive enough populations compared to the populations whose juve- to withstand fishing pressure. Variations in life-history niles only occur nearshore. However, implementation characteristics result in some species being more of certain management initiatives such as marine park resilient to fishing pressure than others (Stevens et al. areas (MPAs) may be effective in protecting small- 2000). Species with slow growth rates and small litter sized species that show site attachment and use sizes, such as the species of Springer’s population restricted portions of nearshore areas. Although MPAs model, are generally more vulnerable to fisheries than may be successful in protecting some of these small- smaller and more productive species (Smith et al. sized species, they will probably be less effective for 1998). Although small and productive species appear those that tend to have a roaming behaviour. It is to be more resilient, they may still be vulnerable to important to identify these additional population fishing pressure to some degree. Since smaller-sized models that address the differences in life-history and 8 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 402: 1–11, 2010

behavioural characteristics of coastal shark species so affected, being less dependent on the disturbed area. this information can be included in conservation and Thus, nearshore habitats have varying levels of impor- management planning. tance for different species. It is important to distinguish and understand the differences in distribution and habitat use between shark species in nearshore areas CONCLUSIONS to conserve important habitat and enhance the success of populations that utilise these regions. Springer (1967) presented a model explaining the distribution of a hypothetical shark population and this LITERATURE CITED description fits some species well. These are generally larger-sized species that use restricted portions of Abel DC, Young RF, Garwood JA, Travaline MJ, Yednock BK nearshore regions for short periods during their early (2007) Survey of the shark fauna in two South Carolina estuaries and the impact of salinity structure. 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Can J Zool 85:1136–1142 dependent on nearshore habitats but are perhaps less Beck MW, Heck KL, Able KW, Childers DL and 9 others (2001) The identification, conservation, and management reliant on specific areas. The strategies of these 2 of estuarine and marine nurseries for fish and inverte- population models are based on both life-history char- brates. BioScience 51:633–641 acteristics and environmental conditions. However, Bethea DM, Buckel JA, Carlson JK (2004) Foraging ecology of nearshore environments are highly dynamic and spe- the early life stages of four sympatric shark species. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 268:245–264 cies distribution and habitat use may vary between Bethea DM, Carlson JK, Buckel JA, Satterwhite M (2006) regions. Thus, not all populations fit these models and Ontogenetic and site-related trends in the diet of the exceptions to these models do exist. 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Nearshore waters provide many functions that Mexico. In: McCandless CT, Pratt HL Jr, Kohler NE (eds) are advantageous, with sharks using regions as nurs- Shark nursery grounds of the Gulf of Mexico and east ery areas, refuge from predators, and foraging and coast waters of the United States: an overview. An internal mating grounds. Understanding differences in distrib- report to NOAA’s Highly Migratory Species Office. NOAA Fisheries, Narragansett, RI, p 165–182 ution and habitat use between shark species that Carlson JK, Heupel MR, Bethea DM, Hollensead LD (2008) utilise nearshore waters will help define differences in Coastal habitat use and residency of juvenile Atlantic behaviour that may result in varying implications for sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae). Estuaries different species. 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Editorial responsibility: Otto Kinne, Submitted: October 3, 2009; Accepted: January 18, 2010 Oldendorf/Luhe, Germany Proofs received from author(s): March 2, 2010