Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit

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Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Thicket of Diversity Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Hickory Pine Island BTNP Field Beaumont Beech Big Sandy Canyonlands Creek Lance Loblolly Menard Creek Neches Bayou Turkey Village Creek Taxon (Species) Visitor's Research Unit Creek Unit Creek Unit Unit Savannah Rosier Unit Unit Corridor Unit Bottom Unit Corridor Creek Unit Corridor Unit Center Station Unit Unit Abortiporus biennis 6 Agaricus cfr. Auricolor 21 Agaricus cfr. placomyces 1 Agaricus cfr. pocillator 1 Agaricus placomyces var. flavescens 1 Agaricus pocillator 11 Agaricus silvicola 1 Agaricus species 1 1 7 5 1 Agaricus sylvaticus 12 Agrocybe acericola 2 Agrocybe cf. acericola 1 Agrocybe species 21 Albatrellus ovinus 1 Amanita abrupta 21 Amanita aestivalis 2 Amanita amerifulva 1 5 3 1 Amanita atkinsoniana 3 Amanita bisporigera 1 3 1 15 1 3 Amanita brunnescens 2 2 5 1 Amanita ceciliae 4 Amanita cfr. abrupta 1 Amanita cfr. alba 12 Amanita cfr. bisporigera 3 2 Amanita cfr. canescens? 1 Amanita cfr. ceciliae 3 Amanita cfr. cokeri 11 Amanita cfr. daucipes 1 Amanita cfr. flavoconia 1 Amanita cfr. flavorubescens 1 Amanita cfr. hygroscopica 1 Amanita cfr. jacksonii 11 Amanita cfr. microlepis 3 Amanita cfr. rubescens 1 Amanita cfr. rubescens var. alba 1 Amanita cfr. spreta 1 Amanita cfr. verna 1 8 Amanita cfr. virosa 1 Amanita cfr. virosiformis 12 Amanita cfr. volvata 1 Amanita cinereoconia 1 1 2 2 Amanita citrina 2 1 1 3 Amanita citrina f. lavendula 1 Amanita cokeri 1 Amanita daucipes 6 Amanita elliptosperma 1 Amanita excelsa var. spissa 1 Amanita farinosa 1 2 52 Amanita flavoconia 5 1 8 2 Page 1 Thicket of Diversity Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Hickory Pine Island BTNP Field Beaumont Beech Big Sandy Canyonlands Creek Lance Loblolly Menard Creek Neches Bayou Turkey Village Creek Taxon (Species) Visitor's Research Unit Creek Unit Creek Unit Unit Savannah Rosier Unit Unit Corridor Unit Bottom Unit Corridor Creek Unit Corridor Unit Center Station Unit Unit Amanita flavorubescens 311 Amanita gemmata group 13 Amanita hesleri 1 Amanita jacksonii 211 Amanita lepidella group 111013 Amanita muscaria 1 1 Amanita muscaria var. flavivolvata 1 Amanita peckiana 21 Amanita peckiana group 1 Amanita pelioma 53 Amanita polypyramis 1 2 1 3 Amanita pseudovolvata 2 Amanita rhoadsii var. flavotingens 11 Amanita rhopalopus f. turbinata 2 Amanita roseitincta 33 Amanita rubescens 1 3 1 2 1 Amanita species 1 3 20 7 5 Amanita spreta 21 Amanita subsolitaria 1 Amanita vaginata 3 Amanita vaginata group 3 15 1 1 Amanita validae group 1 Amanita verna 11 Amanita verna-virosa group 2 Amanita virosa 311 Amanita virosiformis 1 614 Amanita volvata 31 Amanita westii 1 Anthracophyllum lateritium 62 Apiosporina morbosa 1 Armillaria galliaca 1 Armillaria mellea 1 11 Armillaria tabescens 21 Artomyces pyxidatus 1 3 Astraeus hygrometricus 1 Auricularia auricula 1 1 3 1 Baeospora myosura 2 Bjerkandera adusta 52 Boletellus ananas 11 Boletellus chrysenteroides 2 211 Boletellus russellii 15 Boletus albisulphureus 3 Boletus auripes 12 Boletus auripes var. aureissimus 1 Boletus auriporus 1 21 2 Boletus auriporus group 1 Boletus bicolor 1 11 Boletus bicolor var. bicolor 1 Page 2 Thicket of Diversity Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Hickory Pine Island BTNP Field Beaumont Beech Big Sandy Canyonlands Creek Lance Loblolly Menard Creek Neches Bayou Turkey Village Creek Taxon (Species) Visitor's Research Unit Creek Unit Creek Unit Unit Savannah Rosier Unit Unit Corridor Unit Bottom Unit Corridor Creek Unit Corridor Unit Center Station Unit Unit Boletus cfr. auripes 2 Boletus cfr. auriporus 31 Boletus cfr. bicolor 2 Boletus cfr. campestris 1 Boletus cfr. flammans 1 Boletus cfr. floridanus 1 Boletus cfr. fraternus 1 Boletus cfr. griseus 1 Boletus cfr. hemixanthus 2 Boletus cfr. hypocarycinus 1 1 Boletus cfr. hypoxanthus 1 Boletus cfr. lignicola 34 Boletus cfr. miniato-olivaceus 1 Boletus cfr. niveus 1 Boletus cfr. oliveisporus 111 Boletus cfr. pallidus 2 Boletus cfr. pinophilus 1 Boletus cfr. projectellus 1 Boletus cfr. rubricitrinus 1 Boletus cfr. rufomaculatus 2 Boletus cfr. subglabripes 1 Boletus cfr. subluridellus 1 Boletus cfr. subluridus 1 Boletus cfr. subvelutipes 3 Boletus curtisii 62 Boletus fraternus group 1 Boletus frostii 2 Boletus griseus 1 3 Boletus hortonii 1 Boletus hypocarycinus 2 Boletus illudens 1 Boletus illudens ssp. xanthomycelius 1 Boletus innixus 1 1 Boletus longicurvipes 211 Boletus luridi group 1 Boletus miniato-olivaceus 1 Boletus miniato-olivaceus variant 13 Boletus morrisii 2 Boletus oliveisporus 1 2 Boletus ornatipes 1 1 Boletus pallidus 12 Boletus patrioticus 2 2 Boletus roodyi 3 2 Boletus rubellus 3 Boletus rubricitrinus var. typicus 1 Boletus spadiceus 1 Boletus species 3 5 1 4 10 Boletus sphaerocephalus 2 Page 3 Thicket of Diversity Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Hickory Pine Island BTNP Field Beaumont Beech Big Sandy Canyonlands Creek Lance Loblolly Menard Creek Neches Bayou Turkey Village Creek Taxon (Species) Visitor's Research Unit Creek Unit Creek Unit Unit Savannah Rosier Unit Unit Corridor Unit Bottom Unit Corridor Creek Unit Corridor Unit Center Station Unit Unit Boletus subglabripes 1 1 Boletus variipes 1 Bulgaria cfr. rufa 1 Bulgaria rufa 11 Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum 1 411 Calocera cfr. cornea 1 Calostoma cinnabarinum 1 1 Calostoma lutescens 1 Camillea punctulata 1 Cantharellus altipes 1 1 Cantharellus cf. altipes 2 Cantharellus cfr. cibarius 1 Cantharellus cfr. lateritius 2 1 Cantharellus cfr. lutescens 1 1 Cantharellus cibarius 5 6 1 1 Cantharellus cibarius variant 1 Cantharellus cinnabarinus 1 2 1 8 4 2 Cantharellus ignicolor 1 Cantharellus lateritius 1 1 1 1 2 Cantharellus lewisii 1 1 1 1 21 Cantharellus minor 1 1 1 6 2 Cantharellus species 32 Cantharellus tabernensis 1 5 1 1 Cantharellus texensis 2 Chalciporus cfr. pseudorubinellus 3 Chlorophyllum molybdites 21 1 Chroogomphus rutilus 1 11 Chrysomphalina chrysophylla 1 Clathrus columnatus 1 1 1 Clavaria cfr. angulispora 4 Clavaria cfr. pulchra 31 Clavaria fragilis 1 Clavaria pulchra 12 Clavaria species 14 4 Clavariadelphus cfr. pistillaris 1 Clavulina cinerea 1 Clavulinopsis fusiformis 1 Climacodon pulcherrimus 1 Clitocybe cfr. americana 1 Clitocybe gibba 111 Clitocybe species 2 Clitopilus prumulus 2 Collybia species 41 Coltricia cfr. perennis 1 Coltricia cinnamomea 1 3 1 1 Coltricia perennis 1 Coltricia species 1 2 2 Conocybe apala 1 Page 4 Thicket of Diversity Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Hickory Pine Island BTNP Field Beaumont Beech Big Sandy Canyonlands Creek Lance Loblolly Menard Creek Neches Bayou Turkey Village Creek Taxon (Species) Visitor's Research Unit Creek Unit Creek Unit Unit Savannah Rosier Unit Unit Corridor Unit Bottom Unit Corridor Creek Unit Corridor Unit Center Station Unit Unit Conocybe species 1 2 Conocybe tenera 1 Coprinellus disseminatus 2 Coprinus laniger 11 Coprinus micaceus 1 Cordyceps capitata 1 Cordyceps cfr. sphecocephala 1 Cordyceps militaris 1 Cortinarius (Phlegmacium) 5 Cortinarius alboviolaceus 2 Cortinarius bolaris 1 Cortinarius cfr. alboviolaceus 1 Cortinarius cfr. argentatus 1 Cortinarius cfr. cinnamomeus 1 Cortinarius cfr. delibutus 121 Cortinarius cfr. glandicolor 1 Cortinarius cfr. violaceus 1 Cortinarius delibutus 2 Cortinarius hesleri 1 Cortinarius iodes 4 Cortinarius lewisii 1 10 5 1 Cortinarius marylandensis 31 Cortinarius semisanguineus 2 Cortinarius species 1 1 2 17 4 10 Cortinarius violaceus 441 Coryne atrovirens 1 Coryne cfr. atrovirens 1 Craterellus cfr. fallax 1 Craterellus cfr. odoratus 1 Craterellus fallax 1 Craterellus odoratus 1 1 2 1 Craterellus species 21 Crepidotus cfr. mollis 1 Crepidotus cfr. pubescens 21 Crepidotus crocophyllus 1 1 Crepidotus pubescens 2 Crepidotus species 1 4 4 2 Crinipellis zonata 11 Cyathus species 1 Cymatoderma caperatum 11 Cyptotrama chrysopeplum 3 Cystoderma species 2 Dacrymyces abietinus 1 Dacrymyces palmatus 1 Dacryopinax spathularia 2 Daldinia concentrica 1 Echinoderma aspera 1 Entoloma abortivum 1 Page 5 Thicket of Diversity Macro Fungi (Mushrooms) 4/21/2014 Species Checklist by Unit Hickory Pine Island BTNP Field Beaumont Beech Big Sandy Canyonlands Creek Lance Loblolly Menard Creek Neches Bayou Turkey Village Creek Taxon (Species) Visitor's Research Unit Creek Unit Creek Unit Unit Savannah Rosier Unit Unit Corridor Unit Bottom Unit Corridor Creek Unit Corridor Unit Center Station Unit Unit Entoloma cfr. album 1 Entoloma cfr. depluens 1 Entoloma cfr. lividum 1 Entoloma cfr. serrulatum 11 Entoloma lividum 1 Entoloma megacystidiosum 312 Entoloma murrayi 1 31 Entoloma serrulatum 1 Entoloma sinuatum 3 Entoloma species 3 1 2 36 2 4 Entoloma strictius 21 Entoloma strictius var. strictius 1 Exidia glandulosa 12 Exidia species 1 Favolus species 1 Favolus tenuiculus 11 Fistulina hepatica 1 Fistulinella conica 6 Fistulinella jamaicensis 1 4 2 Fomes fasciatus 11 Fomes species 1 Fomitopsis nivosa 1 Galerina calyptrata 1 Galerina species 1 1 Ganoderma cfr. lucidum 2 Ganoderma curtisii 21 Ganoderma lucidum 312 Ganoderma species 212 Geastrum cfr. saccatum 1 2 Geastrum fimbriatum 1 Geastrum species 1 2 2 Geoglossum cfr. difforme 1 Gerronema strombodes 1 Gloeophyllum sepiarium 5 Gloeophyllum striatum 511 Gloeoporus dichrous 1 2 1 Gymnopilus amarissimus 1 Gymnopilus cfr. fulvosquamulosus 1 Gymnopilus cfr. liquiritiae 21 Gymnopilus fulvosquamulosus 2 Gymnopilus liquiritiae 1 3 2 Gymnopilus luteoviridis 2 Gymnopilus penetrans 1 2 Gymnopilus species 1 1 2 2 1 Gymnopilus spectabilis 11 Gymnopus cfr. spongiosus
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