This document was originally printed in the Pushkin Review / Пушкинский вестник, the annual journal of the North American Pushkin Society, produced in cooperation with the International Pushkin Society and published by Slavica Publishers. This material is under copyright and is the intellectual property of its author. It may not be printed, reproduced or distributed in any form without consent of the author. Citation: Pushkin, Alexander. Poltava, trans. Ivan Eubanks. Pushkin Review 11 (2008): 129-71. < eubanks-translation11.html>. Slavica Publishers Indiana University 2611 East 10th Street Bloomington, IN 47408-2603 +1 (812) 856-4186 Email:
[email protected] URL: New Translations Новые переводы Poltava by Alexander Pushkin* Translated by Ivan Eubanks The power and the glory of the war, Faithless as their vain votaries, men, Had passed to the triumphant Czar. Byron Dedication To you — but can the somber muse’s Voice ever hope to touch your ear? And could your modest soul perceive The aspirations of my heart? 5 Or will a poet’s dedication, As once upon a time his love, Extend to you and lack reply, To pass you by still unacknowledged? But recognize, at least, those sounds 10 That were, at one time, dear to you; And think, that on our day of parting, Wherever fickle fate may lead me, Your melancholy wilderness, The last I’ll hear of your sweet voice, 15 Shall be my only treasured idol, My soul’s one solitary love. Canto the First The rich and glorious Kochubey:1 * Footnotes to this translation are from Pushkin’s original notes.