Safeguarding Asylum - Sustaining Canada's Commitments to Refugees
HOUSE OF COMMONS CANADA SAFEGUARDING ASYLUM - SUSTAINING CANADA'S COMMITMENTS TO REFUGEES Report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration Norman Doyle, M.P. Chair MAY 2007 39th PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION The Speaker of the House hereby grants permission to reproduce this document, in whole or in part for use in schools and for other purposes such as private study, research, criticism, review or newspaper summary. Any commercial or other use or reproduction of this publication requires the express prior written authorization of the Speaker of the House of Commons. If this document contains excerpts or the full text of briefs presented to the Committee, permission to reproduce these briefs, in whole or in part, must be obtained from their authors. Also available on the Parliamentary Internet Parlementaire: Available from Communication Canada — Publishing, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S9 SAFEGUARDING ASYLUM - SUSTAINING CANADA'S COMMITMENTS TO REFUGEES Report of the Standing Committee on CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION Norman Doyle, M.P. Chair MAY 2007 39th PARLIAMENT, 1st SESSION STANDING COMMITTEE ON CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION CHAIR Norman Doyle, M.P. VICE-CHAIRS Hon. Andrew Telegdi, M.P. Meili Faille, M.P. MEMBERS Omar Alghabra, M.P. Dave Batters, M.P. Barry Devolin, M.P. Raymond Gravel, M.P. Nina Grewal, M.P. Jim Karygiannis, M.P. Ed Komarnicki, M.P. Bill Siksay, M.P. Blair Wilson, M.P. OTHER MEMBERS WHO PARTICIPATED Johanne Deschamps, M.P. Raymonde Folco, M.P. Rahim Jaffer, M.P. CLERKS OF THE COMMITTEE Samy Agha Bill Farrell LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT Parliamentary Information and Research Service Andrew Kitching Jennifer Bird iii THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION has the honour to present its FIFTEENTH REPORT Pursuant to its mandate under Standing Order 108(2), your Committee has conducted a study on Refugee Issues.
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