Pesach 5780 Divrei Torah from Our Rebbeim, Faculty, Talmidim, and Alumni Following Rabbi Akiva’S Lead
SHEMA KOLEINU: PESACH 5780 DIVREI TORAH FROM OUR REBBEIM, FACULTY, TALMIDIM, AND ALUMNI FOLLOWING RABBI AKIVA’S LEAD Towards the beginning of the Maggid section of the Haggadah, we learn about what was undoubtedly one of the most famous Seder nights in history. A handful of the greatest Talmidei Chachomim of all time – Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah, Rabbi Akiva, and Rabbi Tarfon – gathered together to observe the Seder in Bnei Brak. We all know the story; these Tannaim spent the entire night delving into RABBI matters relating to Pesach until their students came and told them that it was already morning. MICHAEL TAUBES One question that may be asked, however, is why they assembled that night specifically in Bnei Brak, as that is not where most of them lived. ROSH YESHIVA According to the Gemara in Sanhedrin (32b), Rabbi Eliezer, for example, lived in Lod, while Rabbi Yehoshua lived in Pekiin and Rabban Gamliel lived in Yavneh. Why, then, did they head to Bnai Brak? One of them, though, did live in Bnei Brak, and that was Rabbi Akiva (one of the main streets in Bnei Brak to this day is called Rechov Rabbi Akiva); apparently the other Rabbonim were coming to participate in the Seder with Rabbi Akiva. The question is why, especially in light of the fact that Rabbi Akiva was not the leader or the eldest of the group; Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua were in fact among his Rebbeim (see Sanhedrin 68a). The Aruch Hashulchan, in his Haggadah commentary entitled Leil Shimurim, oers a fascinating answer, one which perhaps has special significance this year.
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