Lecture 3 Switched-Capacitor Circuits

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Lecture 3 Switched-Capacitor Circuits ECE1371 Advanced Analog Circuits Lecture 3 Switched-Capacitor Circuits Trevor Caldwell [email protected] Circuit of the Day: Schmitt Trigger Problem: Input is noisy or slowly varying How do we turn this into a clean digital output? 2 ECE1371 Lecture Plan Date Lecture (Wednesday 2-4pm) Reference Homework 2020-01-07 1 MOD1 & MOD2 PST 2, 3, A 1: Matlab MOD1&2 2020-01-14 2 MODN + Toolbox PST 4, B 2: Toolbox 2020-01-21 3 SC Circuits R 12, CCJM 14 2020-01-28 4 Comparator & Flash ADC CCJM 10 3: Comparator 2020-02-04 5 Example Design 1 PST 7, CCJM 14 2020-02-11 6 Example Design 2 CCJM 18 4: SC MOD2 2020-02-18 Reading Week / ISSCC 2020-02-25 7 Amplifier Design 1 2020-03-03 8 Amplifier Design 2 2020-03-10 9 Noise in SC Circuits 2020-03-17 10 Nyquist-Rate ADCs CCJM 15, 17 Project 2020-03-24 11 Mismatch & MM-Shaping PST 6 2020-03-31 12 Continuous-Time PST 8 2020-04-07 Exam 2020-04-21 Project Presentation (Project Report Due at start of class) 3 ECE1371 What you will learn… • Motivation for SC Circuits • Basic sampling switch and charge injection errors • Fundamental SC Circuits Sample & Hold, Gain and Integrator • Other Circuits Bootstrapping, SC CMFB 4 ECE1371 Why Switched-Capacitor? • Used in discrete-time or sampled-data circuits Alternative to continuous-time circuits • Capacitors instead of resistors Capacitors won’t reduce the gain of high output impedance OTAs No need for low output impedance buffer to drive resistors • Accurate frequency response Filter coefficients determined by capacitor ratios (rather than RC time constants and clock frequencies) Capacitor matching on the order of 0.1% - when the transfer characteristics are a function of only a capacitor ratio, it can be very accurate RC time constants vary by up to 20% 5 ECE1371 Basic Building Blocks • Opamps Ideal usually assumed Some important non-idealities to consider include: 1. DC Gain: sets the accuracy of the charge transfer, how ‘grounded’ the virtual ground is 2. Unity-gain freq, Phase Margin & Slew Rate: determines maximum clock frequency 3. DC Offsets: circuit techniques to combat this and 1/f noise – Correlated Double Sampling, Chopping • Capacitors Large absolute variation, good matching Large bottom plate capacitor adds parasitic cap 6 ECE1371 Basic Building Blocks • Switches MOSFET switches are good – large off resistance (G), small on resistance (100 -5k, depending on transistor sizing) MOSFET switches have non-linear parasitic capacitors • Non-Overlapping Clocks Clocks are never on at the same time Required so that charge is never lost/shared 7 ECE1371 Basic Sampling Switch • MOSFET used as sample-and-hold When CLK is HIGH, VOUT follows VIN through the low- pass filter created by RON and C RON varies depending on VIN, VOUT, and VDD When CLK is LOW, VOUT holds the value on C 8 ECE1371 On-Resistance Variation • With an NMOS sampling switch, as VIN approaches VDD-VTH, RON increases dramatically In smaller technologies, as VDD decreases the swing at VIN is severely limited ON 1 R ON W CVVV() noxL DD IN TH IN VDD-VTH Sampling switch must be sized for worst case RON so that the bandwidth is still sufficient 9 ECE1371 On-Resistance Variation • PMOS switches suffer from the same problem as VIN approaches VTH • Complementary switch can allow rail-to-rail input swings Ignoring variation of ON,n ON,p V with V , R is TH IN ON,eq RON,p constant with VIN if R WW ON,n noxCC pox LLnp IN TH DD TH DD 10 ECE1371 On-Resistance Variation • In smaller technology nodes, VDD is dropping faster than VTH In small planar technology nodes VDD ~ |VTH,P| + VTH,N • New technologies introduce different VTH options Designers can optimize their circuits with choice of VTH Ex. HVT, SVT, LVT • FinFET technology VTH Due to superior gate control, VTH is a smaller fraction of VDD Improved subthreshold slope 11 ECE1371 Settling Accuracy • Two situations to consider 1. Discrete-time signal When analyzing a signal within a switched-capacitor circuit (for example, at the output of the first OTA) 2. Continuous-time signal When analyzing a signal that is sampled at the input 12 ECE1371 Settling Accuracy - DT • Discrete-Time Signal Settle in T/4 seconds Settling Error = e-T/4RC For N-bit accuracy T RC ON 4ln2N This is the maximum RON (for a given C) • Example: 1 Assume 1 GHz to 4 GHz variation of 2 RC Input sinusoidal signal at 50 MHz ON For fS=100 MHz, N=22 bits with discrete-time signal (typically you are limited by the OTA) 13 ECE1371 Settling Accuracy - CT • Continuous-Time Signal RONC acts as a low-pass filter and introduces amplitude and phase change Variations in the input signal size cause variations in RON, causing distortion in the sampled signal • Input ~50 MHz, sampled 0 at 100MHz -20 57dB distortion, or ~9 bits -40 This is larger than the -60 maximum variation in dBFS -80 amplitude (phase error must be significant) -100 -120 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Normalized Frequency 14 ECE1371 Amplitude Error • Variation in RC filter magnitude RON varies depending on input voltage, causes amplitude through RC filter to be signal dependent At 50 MHz (with same RONC variation as DT case), maximum variation in amplitude is 0.1% 15 ECE1371 Phase Error • Variation in RC filter phase RON varies depending on input voltage, causes phase shift through RC filter to be signal dependent At 50 MHz (with same RONC variation as DT case), maximum variation is a few percent (error is less than that) 16 ECE1371 Charge Injection • When a transistor turns off, the channel charge QCH goes into the circuit Doesn’t exactly divide in half - depends on impedance seen at each terminal and the clock transition time QWLCVVVCH ox() DD IN TH • Charge into VIN has no impact on output node Doesn’t create error in the circuit • Charge into C causes error V in VOUT Q V CH 2C WLC() V V V ox DD IN TH 2C 17 ECE1371 Charge Injection • In previous analysis, charge injection introduces a gain and offset error This is still linear and could be tolerated or corrected VVOUT IN V WLCox WLC ox() V DD V TH VIN 1 22CC • But… VTH is actually a function of ~ VIN Introduces non-linear term that cannot be corrected in the circuit 18 ECE1371 Charge Injection vs. Speed • Charge injection Proportional to transistor size (WL) • Speed RON inversely proportional to aspect ratio (W/L) • Figure of Merit Product of speed (1/) and charge injection (1/V) 1 1 1 C WLCox ()VVVV (DD IN TH ) noxCWLV(/)( DDINTH V V ) C n L2 19 ECE1371 Clock Feedthrough • Overlap capacitance allows clock to couple from the gate to drain/source terminals Change in voltage V independent of the input signal Error is an offset voltage which is cancelled with differential operation VCLK 0 OV OV Cov IN OUT VVCLK CC ov 20 ECE1371 Charge Error Cancellation • Differential operation Cancels offset errors, depending on the matching between differential circuits Applies to signal independent portion of charge injection error, and clock feedthrough error • Complementary Switches Error cancelled for 1 input level WLCVn n ox()() CLK V IN V TH,, n WLCVV p p ox IN TH p Clock feedthrough cancelled depending on similarity of overlap capacitance for PMOS and NMOS switches 21 ECE1371 Charge Error Cancellation • Dummy Switch Use second transistor to remove charge injection by main transistor Inverted clock operates on dummy switch Charge from M1: qWLCVVVMoxCKINTH111()/2 1 Charge from M2: qWLCVVVMoxCKINTH222() 2 If charge splits equally in M1 (not quite true), then with M2 half the size of M1, qqMM12 22 ECE1371 Sample and Hold Amplifier • Input dependent charge from S1 onto C When S1 turns off, charge q adds to C VOUT is then equal to VIN+q/C where q has a non-linear dependence on VIN We can improve on this by making VOUT independent of input-dependent charge… 23 ECE1371 S/H Amplifier • Two phases Phase 1: S1 and S2 closed, VIN sampled on C Phase 2: S3 closed, C is tied to VOUT • Phase 1 Charge on C is CVIN S2 opens, injecting signal independent charge at node X Then S1 opens, injecting signal dependent charge q onto C + Cp 24 ECE1371 S/H Amplifier • Phase 2 S3 closes, node X is a virtual ground Charge on Cp is zero, charge on C is still CVIN S3 injects charge on X that must be discharged due to virtual ground node – it does not disturb charge on C VOUT = VIN S1 / S3 are non-overlapping, S2 slightly ahead of S1 25 ECE1371 Gain of the S/H • Finite OTA gain reduces gain of sampler On Phase 1, C charges to VIN On Phase 2, node X goes from 0 to VX = -VOUT/A Charge comes from C, changing qC to CVIN + CpVX VOUT -(CVIN + CpVX)/C = VX VIN VOUT 1 Cp 11 AC 1 Cp VIN 11 AC 26 ECE1371 Speed of the S/H • In sampling mode (Phase 1) At node X, RX ~ 1/GM , 1 ~ (Ron1+1/GM)C • In amplification mode (Phase 2) Replace charge on C by voltage source VIN (like switching in voltage source at start of Phase 2) After analysis, 2 = (CLCp+CpC+CCL)/GMC Reduces to 2 ~ CL/GM if Cp is small 27 ECE1371 Basic Amplifier • Sampling phase when S1 and S2 closed Input signal sampled onto C1 • Amplifying phase when S3 closed Charge on C1 transferred to C2 so that the final output is C1 VVOUT IN C2 28 ECE1371 Basic Amplifier • S2 must open before S1 for the charge injection to be signal independent Charge from S2 opening is deposited on C1, but is not signal dependent Charge from S1 opening causes glitch in VOUT When S3 closes, VOUT goes to final value, regardless of what happened between S2 opening and S3 closing 29 ECE1371 Precision Gain-2 • Sampling phase when S1, S2, S3 closed Input signal sampled onto C1 and C2 • Amplifying phase when S4, S5 closed Charge on C1 is transferred to C2 , doubling the charge on C2 Final
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