The Joys and Benefits of Singing in Groups
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Volume 42 No. 2 February 2016 Folk shows coming to Stoughton this Feb! Folk Music celebrates the traditions cal fusion engaging Western and In- sical and grassroots traditions—from and cultures of communities through- dian Classical systems, though it has Bach to bluegrass, Copland to Celtic, out the world, and in February at the subsequently also been a synthesis of Gershwin to Native American, Kodaly Stoughton Opera House traditional melodic rules of India’s classical music to Klezmer. Graminy’s music focuses music forms with a twist abound! with jazz, Brazilian and other world on themes of ecology and place, and Perfect Harmony Men’s Chorus of- cultures - proving once again that mu- just as its botanical namesake Gra- fers harmony in music to inspire har- sic is a universal language we can all mineae encompasses the entire grass mony in community and exists to pro- understand. family, Graminy draws on the entire vide a visible presence and a positive On February 20th Sierra Hull - rec- family of grassroots traditions, from all voice in and for the Wisconsin LGBT ognized from age 11 as a virtuoso places and ecologies, to develop its re- communities and beyond. They’ll be mandolin-player, and now a seasoned freshing, surprising, ever-captivating performing on February 6th – if cho- touring musician in her mid-20s, will sound. Stop out to the Opera House ral music is your thing then you might perform in support of her new album on February 26th to have a listen! just find yourself singing along. Weighted Mind. The new record has Robin Pluer with Mrs. Fun will per- Chitravina N. Ravikiran, one of the been heralded as a landmark achieve- form on February 27th. Robin Pluer, most inspiring ambassadors of Indian ment in the world of folk-pop, blue- a perennial WAMI winner, has been music and culture, will be perform- grass, and acoustic music overall. performing and composing music ing with the Madison Bach Musicians Produced by Béla Fleck and special for more than 20 years. Her engaging on February 12th. Expect Ravikiran to harmony vocal guests Alison Krauss, talent has afforded her opportunities explore his concept of Melharmony, Abigail Washburn, and Rhiannon Gid- from Garrison Keeler’s “Prairie Home which has been defined as “harmony dens, Hull speaks eloquently, in her Companion” and NPR’s “World Cafe” and vertical layers of music with an challenging and sensitive originals to touring in Europe. Her passionate emphasis on the rules and principles and once again breaks new ground on mélange of vintage French chansons of highly evolved melodic systems”. It the mandolin. with a twist of je ne sais quoi is sure to was initially seen as a unique classi- Madison band Graminy fuses clas- warm your winter weary heart. The Joys and Benefits of Singing in Groups Those who attend Madison’s And since an ounce of prevention went between Book 1 & 2 in calling monthly Music Night (the first Friday is worth a pound of cure, MadFolk rec- out requests of songs to sing. One of every month) and MadFolk’s sum- ommends getting together with fam- is tempted to say if a song isn’t in ei- mer Singalongs know what scien- ily and friends and singing together. ther book, it isn’t worth singing, but tists are just beginning to document One useful tool: the recently pub- of course great new songs are being – singing in groups is good for you. lished Rise Again Songbook, which written every day by singer-songwrit- The movie Alive Inside, research by builds on the earlier Rise Up Singing: ers, including Madison’s own Peter the late Oliver Sachs in Musicophilia, The Group Singing Songbook & con- and Lou Berryman, who only have 5 and a recent 4 month study in an East tains the words and chords to 1200 of their gems between the two books. coast retirement center confirmed songs. Compilers Peter Blood and An- And there are hundreds more in their that singing in groups has health- nie Patterson have added several new own songbook and its supplement. ful benefits beyond the sociability sections, including Rock Around the MadFolk has a limited number of and harmony. In the latter study, Al- Clock (early rock and roll from 1950 copies of the new Rise Again Song- zheimer’s patients showed marked to 1963), Motown and R&B, Musicals, books, which will be sold at the CD improvement by singing showtunes. Surfin’ USA (1963-95), and Millennial table at MadFolk concerts, until the Folks who sing together, have to Songs (1995-present). Music Night supply runs out. Books can also be breathe together. singers on New Years night happily ...continued on next page ...continued from frontpage Mad Folk Concert Tickets When you see this symbol – ee obtained on line (google Rise Again Songbook) in regular and large for- – you’ll know that you’re read- mat. If you have had enough of elec- ing about a Mad Folk sponsored tion politics, and need to lower your event. Advance tickets for Mad blood pressure, get together with a Folk shows are available online group of your friends, and sing songs at and at these of Dignity and Diversity, or Hope and outlets: Strength, or Healing and Letting Go, all new sections in Rise Again. You will • Orange Tree Imports, 1721 Mon- sleep better that night! roe Street • Spruce Tree Music, 851 East February at Kiki’s House of Johnson Righteous Music Purchase tickets ONLINE for Mad Folk concerts via Brown Paper Last year was a remarkable one in their way to Chicago. Hopefully this the basement. I crossed Darren Han- show will remind Levy that Madison Tickets (with $1.62 service lon and Jim White off my wish list, and still cares. Opening will be Oedipus Tex, charge): I moved Matt Pond and Mike Doughty the alter ego of El Valiente’s Eric Caldera. https://www.brownpapertickets. from the “never gonna happen” list to As a solo artist Caldera creates beautiful com/producer/10879 the “I can’t believe that happened” list. guitar melodies that carry his engaging You can also purchase advance The year 2016 is starting off strong with vocals. I’m embarrassed to admit I just tickets by mail. Send a stamped self- a longtime favorite making his first visit, saw Oedipus Tex for the first time a cou- addressed envelope with your check and the return of a trio that played one ple of months ago. A friend had told me payable to Mad Folk, PO Box 665, of my favorite house concerts ever back he should be opening all of my shows. Madison, WI 53701. If all else fails, call in 2012. She was right. 608-846-9214 for information. On February 6 Adam Levy of Min- The Not Ready for Naptime Players neapolis band the Honeydogs will be will be entertaining Madison’s children making his first appearance. I’ve been on February 28 at the High Noon, but player and a talented producer--just ask a fan since 1997’s near-perfect record Justin Roberts, Liam Davis and Ger- him, he’ll tell you. Roberts is a two-time Seen a Ghost, the third in a string of ald Dowd, the “Up Past Their Bedtime Grammy nominee for Best Children’s greats stretching from 1995 to 2012, Players” (as I like to call them), will be Album who writes pop songs that are and a fantastic show that same year at playing for a slightly older crowd in the every bit as infectious as his kids songs. the long-gone Mango Grill. Last year, basement the night before. Dowd is a Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy Levy released a solo record, Naubinway frequent visitor to the basement, drum- them both equally. All three know their (which you can listen to in its entirety ming with Chris Mills and Kelly Hogan, way around a killer tune. This is a show on Bandcamp), that made all kinds of opening for Matt the Electrician and you simply can’t see anywhere else. Minnesota 2015 top-ten lists. It’s an in- Sam Baker, and most recently sharing February 6, 9 pm (doors at 8), Adam tensely personal record dealing with the stage with Robbie Fulks last month. Levy/Oedipus Tex, suggested donation the grief of his son’s suicide, but it’s also His first solo full-length album, Home $12 a beautiful and moving listen. A new Now, was one of my favorite records of February 27, 9 pm (doors at 8), Justin Honeydogs record is also in the works 2014. He’s also one of my favorite peo- Roberts, Liam Davis and Gerald Dowd, to be released later this year. The band ple in the whole world. Liam Davis is one suggested donation $10 used to play Madison fairly regularly, of the founding members and distinc- Email me at righteousmusicmgmt@ but in recent years they haven’t been tive voices of Chicago power-pop ge- for more info, to make a res- as visible, often skipping Madison on niuses Frisbie. He’s an awesome guitar ervation, or to be added to my email list. If you are on Facebook, please consider (if you have not already) “friending” or is it “liking” this page. Then when you are on this page you can invite others to “like” this page. MINI-MEKONS & ROBBIE FULKS - JURA BLOODSHOT RECORDS ~ 2015 meaning that these songs were created serious reading and struggling to keep from acoustic guitar, accordion, violin, a straight face.