Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1

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Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Community Relations 515 Cultural 519 Israel-Related 525 Overseas Aid 535 Religious, Educational Organizations 538 Schools, Institutions 548 Social, Mutual Benefit 557 Social Welfare 559 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 563 Women's Organizations 564 Youth and Student Organizations 564 rnumiwiTvnprmnMe V.-Pres. Mrs. Arthur Gutman. Applies COMMUNITY RELATIONS Jewjsh va,ues of justice and humanft^ t0 AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). the Arab-Israel conflict in the Middle East; PO Box 9009, Alexandria, VA 22304. rejects nationality attachment of Jews, par- (703)836-2546. Pres. Alan V. Stone; Exec. ticularly American Jews, to the State of Dir. Allan C. Brownfeld. Seeks to advance Israel as self-segregating, inconsistent with the universal principles of a Judaism free of American constitutional concepts of indi- nationalism, and the national, civic, cul- vidual citizenship and separation of church tural, and social integration into American and state, and as being a principal obstacle institutions of Americans of Jewish faith. to Middle East peace. Report. Issues of the American Council for Juda- AMERICAN JEWISH CoMMITrEE (19O6). In. V ism, Special Interest Report. ^^ rf Ruman ReJations> 165 E 5£ §t _ AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO NYC 10022. (212)751^000. FAX: (212)- ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 347 Fifth Ave., 319-6156. Pres. Alfred H. Moses; Exec. Suite 900, NYC 10016. (212)213-9125. V.-Pres. David A. Harris. Seeks to prevent FAX: (212)213-9142. Pres. Elmer Berger; infraction of civil and religious rights of 'The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. 515 516 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1992 Jews in any part of the world; to advance CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES the cause of human rights for people of all (1970). Temple University, Center City races, creeds, and nationalities; to interpret Campus, 1616 Walnut St., Suite 513, Phil- the position of Israel to the American pub- adelphia, PA 19103. (215)787-1459. FAX: lic; and to help American Jews maintain (215)787-7784. Jerusalem office: Jerusa- and enrich their Jewish identity and, at the lem Center for Public Affairs. Pres. Daniel same time, achieve full integration in J. Elazar. Worldwide policy-studies insti- American life. Includes Jacob and Hilda tute devoted to the study of Jewish com- Blaustein Center for Human Relations, munity organization, political thought, William E. Wiener Oral History Library, and public affairs, past and present, in Is- William Petschek National Jewish Family rael and throughout the world. Publishes Center, Jacob Blaustein Institute for the original articles, essays, and monographs; Advancement of Human Rights, Institute maintains library, archives, and reprint se- on American Jewish-Israeli Relations. ries. Jerusalem Letter/Viewpoints; Survey AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK (with of Arab Affairs; Jewish Political Studies Re- Jewish Publication Society); Commentary; view. AJC Journal; Capital Update. Published in Israel: Alon Yedi'ot, a monthly bulletin of COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- the Institute on American Jewish-Israeli FORM JUDAISM (1953, joint instrumental- Relations. ity of the Union of American Hebrew Con- gregations and the Central Conference of AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). Ste- American Rabbis). 838 Fifth Ave., NYC phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., 10021. (212)249-0100. 2027 Massachu- NYC 10028. (212)879-4500. FAX: (212)- setts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. 249-3672. Pres. Robert K. Lifton; Exec. Chmn. Evely Laser Shlensky; Dir. Rabbi Dir. Henry Siegman. Works to foster the Eric Yoffie; Emer. Dir. Albert Vorspan; creative cultural survival of the Jewish peo- Dir. Religious Action Center, Rabbi David ple; to help Israel develop in peace, free- Saperstein. Policy-making body that re- dom, and security; to eliminate all forms of lates ethical and spiritual principles of Ju- racial and religious bigotry; to advance daism to social-justice issues: implements civil rights, protect civil liberties, defend resolutions through the Religious Action religious freedom, and safeguard the sepa- Center in Washington, DC, via advocacy, ration of church and state. Congress development of educational materials, and Monthly; Judaism; Boycott Report. congregational programs. Briefings {social action newsletter); Chai Impact {legislative ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI update). B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, NYC 10017. (212)490-2525. Chmn. Mel- CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR vin Salberg; Dir. Abraham H. Foxman. AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS Seeks to combat anti-Semitism and to se- (1955). 110 E. 59 St., NYC 10022.(212)- cure justice and fair treatment for all citi- 318-6111. FAX: (212)644-^135. Chmn. zens through law, education, and commu- Shoshana S. Cardin; Exec. Dir. Malcolm nity relations. ADL Bulletin; Face to Face; Hoenlein. Seeks to strengthen the U.S.-Is- Fact Finding Report; International Reports; rael alliance and to protect and enhance Law Notes; Rights; Law; Research and the security and dignity of Jews abroad. Evaluation Report; Discriminations Report; Toward this end, the Conference of Presi- Litigation Docket; Dimensions; Middle dents speaks and acts on the basis of con- East Notebook; Nuestro Encuentro. sensus of its 48 member agencies on issues of national and international Jewish con- ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- cern. Annual report. LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 1522 K St., NW, Suite 920, Washington, DC 20005. CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGA- (202)347^628. Pres. Marlene Gorin. NIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 420 Lexington Aims to stimulate higher standards of pro- Ave., Suite 1733, NYC 10170. (212)808- fessional practice in Jewish community re- 5437. Pres.'s Adolphe Steg, Clemens Na- lations; encourages research and training than, Joseph Nuss; Sec.-Gen. Warren toward that end; conducts educational pro- Green. A nongovernmental organization grams and seminars; aims to encourage co- in consultative status with the UN, operation between community relations UNESCO, ILO, UNICEF, and the Coun- workers and those working in other areas cil of Europe; cooperates and consults of Jewish communal service. with, advises and renders assistance to the NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 517 Economic and Social Council of the UN on 10010. (212)477-0707. FAX: (212)477- all problems relating to human rights and 1918. Chmn. Sol Hoffman; Exec. Sec. Mi- economic, social, cultural, educational, chael Perry. Works with the American and related matters pertaining to Jews. labor movement in advancing the struggle COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGA- for social justice and equal opportunity and NIZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island assists unions in every issue affecting Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. (202)- human rights. Fights discrimination on all 857-6545. Pres. Kent E. Schiner; Exec. levels and helps to promote labor's broad V.-Pres. Dr. Sidney Clearfield; Dir. Inter- social and economic goals. natl. Affairs Daniel S. Mariaschin; Dir. In- JEWISH PEACE FELLOWSHIP (1941). Box ternatl. Council Warren Eisenberg; Dir. 271, Nyack, NY 10960. (914)358^601. UN Off. Harris Schoenberg. Coordinates FAX: (914)358-^924. Pres. Rabbi Philip the UN activities of B'nai B'rith and the Bentley; Sec. Naomi Goodman. Unites British and South African Boards of Jew- those who believe that Jewish ideals and ish Deputies. experience provide inspiration for a nonvi- COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN olent philosophy and way of life; offers CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., draft counseling, especially for conscien- Rm. 604, NYC 10016. (212)689-2015. tious objection based on Jewish "religious Pres. Louis Weiser. Supports merit system; training and belief; encourages Jewish encourages recruitment of Jewish youth to community to become more knowledge- government service; member of Coalition able, concerned, and active in regard to the to Free Soviet Jews, NY Jewish Commu- war/peace problem. Shalom/Jewish Peace nity Relations Council, NY Metropolitan Letter. Coordinating Council on Jewish Poverty, Jewish Labor Committee, America-Israel JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED Friendship League. Council Digest. STATES OF AMERICA (1896). 1811 R St., NW, Washington, DC 20009. (202)265- INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS (see Union 6280. FAX: (202)234-5662. Natl. Exec. of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of Dir. Herb Rosenbleeth; Natl. Commander America) Albert L. Cohen. Seeks to foster true alle- INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JEWISH giance to the United States; to combat big- COMMUNAL SERVICE {see World Confer- otry and prevent defamation of Jews; to ence of Jewish Communal Service) encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR THE REPA- equal rights, and full justice for all; to co- TRIATION OF RUSSIAN JEWS, INC. (1963). operate with and support existing educa- 2 Fountain Lane, Suite 2J, Scarsdale, NY tional institutions and establish new ones; 10583. (800)448-1866. Pres. Morris Braf- to foster the education of ex-servicemen, man; Chmn. James H. Rapp. Helped to ex-servicewomen, and members in the bring the situation of Soviet Jews to world ideals and principles of Americanism. Jew- attention; advocates in world forums for ish Veteran. the right of Soviet Jews to repatriation. , NATIONAL MEMORIAL, INC. (1958). JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1934). Atran 1811 R St., NW, Washington, DC 20009. Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 St., (202)265-6280.
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