i I

will be denied Tho and Negroes. JEFFERSON AGRICULTURAL F AIR Best Pea of buck Lambs, pot less I f and lltey, too, the LOOK 0UTI in the Slate. Il hardly Congo Democracy than r ov-- v :q..:: a eeriea of resolutions, five Qf m. working a eharp thai the Democratic party of Jefferson, Theft never has been a period in the Largest Premium List in the State. 2nd do do do first of ihe campaign, presenting in them The locofocos are Cultivator lurrison and Columbiana, avowed the Democracy, that The Jefferson County Agricultural Society, 1 ' ' history of the Congo AWARDING COMMITTEE, u w : ' to the people of our State several issues game. Their candidates lor omce are out will hold annual exhibition at Sleu -- same principles, and reiterafed them from their leaders did not play the demagogue thai: ninth Geo. -- henville on Thursday and Friday Holmes, Harrisen co.' Metcalf WinnV" growing out of the slavery question, but mong the people coaxing and begging 848 to 1854. Will any man say that General Wednetidsy James flTEiUBEJJVIIiljE. in relation lo negroes. In 1840, October 14,15, dt 16, '57. Premium tistopeu Connelly, E. Cook, S.JewetU - '57-Z- several candidate! square for votes, and laboring lo induce Repub- it was not upon this ground that A. by Ohio WliDNlfiSD A 7, . they made (heir Harrison was accused the Statef to all Competitors. YtM8;EPl to m ' CLASS; E. to this new creed : nnd, in icans to cut their tickets and v,ote for, at Smart was elected Uontrress, in ot, man of being in favor, when Governor of themselves fOTTSWOLD, SOUTH AMD BAGAlf, Editor and in '54 if simply be the Northwestern of NOTICE THE PUBLIC. MVS, OTO EK GRADES doing were compelled to pass by the east, one or two jfemociats : i nts is Territory, sbluso TO Beat Merino buck, 2 years old 5 60 so, had voted against Kansas- - cause he the poor white men to .negroks 1" and Gov- The Manufacturers'. Mechanical, Floral 2ud do do - - Ohio Farmer THE TRUE AMERICAS'. better material, because these persons the course tbey intend to adopt. Look Nebraika-bill- , to say nothing of the ernor Corwin was denounced by the same and Horticultural Halls are capacious and Beat do 1 year old, . ,2 00 every self-respe- 1 Tbs Tai's American la published had too much to bend the out for the Jesuitical Knaves. hey are speach which be never made ! After arranged. v 2nd do. do ; Ohio Farmer. journal as a "copper colored nigger neatly ' Wednesday, in Steubenville, Jefferson y . , count;, his, second was ana pens are proviaeu Best three Buck lambs 0O tU fwllowing pliant knee to the behests of the slave straining every nerve, and trying every nomination, however, it YVhiq, and asupponer, when a member Suitable stalls Ohio, and edited by t. Haoan, on 2nd -- i; Ohio Farmer. thought that he 'turned about a half for the Stock, well protected from. the .do . terms v pewer. This every one knows te be the measure of dishonesty, smiling, fawning, of the Legislature, of a proposition to - Best pen of Ewes, not less thaq & ve, 0 dollar and fifty cents fu advance. summerset, and could not be trusted; weather. two vearaold ! . 4 00 fact. And yet we are told that the only entreating, doing everything to compass give negroes the right to vote and testily is large, ana calculated to Two dollar within six months. this, together with his acknowledged in- The King 2nd Best pen of Eea, not lea than Ave, clow of against white men. The Whig party, in exhibi- Two dollar aud fifty cent at tlit issue' involved, is pertaining to the iheir ends. ahow the Stock, while on public two years old, - V than nve, one competency for such a position and his whole was hyear. its history, denounced by the tion, to advantage. Best pen of Sliep not less 3 00 s keeping of the State funds. Upon One of these gentry, it is said, lias hostility to the American party, induced Jfo paper discontinued until all this, Congoes, as "Abolitionists, "Niooer Every convenience necessary for the one veor old. 4 00 tlio Editor. . arv paid, except at the option of there, is no issue. We all go in for such gone so far as again to intimate, very the people of the District lo cast a ma Thieves," and "Disunionists." For accommodation will be provided. 2nd Best pen of Sheep, not Vs 1,1 an "ve ADVJiKTlSUNO. public YKKM3 OF jority of 4,500 votes in favor of.his op in one year old. umo rarmer. less, 3 Weeks or less 1 ,25 treasury-law- s as will insure the safety of strongly, that he is in favor of the prin example: the Ohio Statesman, July, Cnesqtiare 12 liiies or ponent a OFFICERS. lii st pen of Buck Lambs not less 'than 31 in lKstrict, too. that was Dem 1840, contained the following paragraph DESIGNATION OF lifer aubseauent insertion,...'. the public moneys from the grasping ciples of the American party, and would five, 2 00 mom lis .2,60 ocratic by 1.500 majority. How stands officers ot the Fair will be known ft. Cut square three in regard to the Whigs and Negroes The 2nd best ; do do Ohio Cultivator. 5,00 hnnuH of Read of their ke to see it in the ascendency. The jener-sn- insignia': Vb similar six months...... peculators. one ine case wnu me democracy ot "' Whies and Negroes supping out of by their wearing the following Beat pen of five Weathers, 4 0U 8.UU Qua square one year stereotyped editorials, 'and you will find Americans of Jefferson county have not county, and of the 21st Oongression the same Whigs and Niggers The President, by a white Rosette. 2nd do 2 00 One fourth column per year, 15.lt) cvpthe by Blue Rosettes. Best Fleece of Wool 00 occurred lhree lal District, at this day I They have en . Executive Committee, 2 Que column per year 20,00 the constantly recuring sentence ; "'They forgotten the events which get along finely: THE COLORED. - third Marshall in Chief, by a White Sash. ' Best Shepherd Dog Si. 00 Qua hal eoluma per year W.UU dorsed the National Administration with BRETHREN GO MASS A (the Republicans) stole your money." year ago in this connection, viz, the ALL FOR Assistants,, by Pink Sashes. AWAIpIXQ COMNITT EE.1 Vue column per year SU.OU the Dred Scott decision and the national he in the Union of HARRISON AND FOR BRODER the Halls, by Blue Sashes. Lisson, Chairman, Rob't Hague, Professional and business card per year,. .5,00 We say that which every one knows, and card which published ity of Slavery. Marshallsof J. E. Vs., - CORWIN I" Whuu there is no contract made and tin- num- It. B. dwearingin, It. Huscrofi, no man, who has regard for this city, after he hud received the entire Next I uesdav will deside the Question PREMIUMS FOR 1857. ber o( insertions is not marked ou the ourds or which any This is from Gov. Medary, and is just LIST OF Jo&inh Solomons. advertisements at the lime they are handed in his veracity, dare gainsay that they, the support of the American Party, disclaim- whether we will suffer our selves to be the kind of language now used by the CLASS A. publication, thvy will be cvu iuued iu until made the passive tools to craitfy the for sham democrats, the protection of woo ing all connection with, anil sympathy for Statesman against the Republican party. HORSES FOR THE SADDLE. There is nothing in the whole list of tbsy are ordered out.aud charged by lite square appetites of those greedy cormo craving In 1844, 00 lids knowingly them. Henry Clay was assailed as an Best Stallion over 4 years old, 12 medicine creating such a stir among and ivory, write a falsehood rants, who aro ready lo be any thing, or if PrlaoipleB of American Council Abolitionist because opposed annexation 2nd do do . 8 00 the A fair opportunity for vindicating as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator or when tbey write the sentence: nothing, so that they may live by the of Texas, and this senseless defeated Beet Stallion Colt, 3 years old. 8 00 Of Steubenville, Ohio. cry do hold responsible their honor will present itself on next people's Treasury, we. speak of the ! 2nd da do 5 00 Liver Remedy. It gives such quick re? subscribed, We not any party him And, yet, in the face of these facts Wc. whose nnmoi are hereunto leaders, or will we strike for freedom Best Stalion Colt 2 years old. ' 5 00 do hereby adopt, aud agree to bt governed in for the act of a particular member of Tuesday. the Congo Democracy have the impu- lief as to convince the patient of receiving countries and 2nd do do 3 00 u.ir puliuel uctiuii, by the following Be honied the and for our happiness pros dence to call 011 the Whig friends of. Gen. that party, unless it endorse that act. not deceived by words; Best Stalion Colt, 1 year old, 4 00 benefit almost as soon as the medicine is"' pies : perity ? Let every American and every Harrison and Henry Clay to support the entire locofoco t'n ket is bitterly opposed 2nd do da Ohio Farmer. taken. We do not know of a single in- -' 1st. None but Americans to rule America. Therefore, we do not say that the sham be at his post. Republican candidates nnd principles of their parly. Spring colt 3 00 '2d. The TJtiiuu must be preserved. stole lhal because to every leading piinciplu of the Anieri Best stance here it has been taken without No Foreign interference in Americas democracy $550,000 Let no one, therefore, be alarmed at the 2nd do do Qhio 3d. OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH BOTH Farmer. (fairs. J. G. Breslin stole it, nor squandered enn party, rant of the Congees about "Negro suf- Best Gelding 3 years old 4 00 benefit, and in nearly all eases a complete union and State, HE STAND CONVICTED." 4th. No of Churcli other $220,000 because Breslin did The Union Ticket, .from A lo Z, frage" and "Negro Equality." It is do 2 do 3 00 cure is effeoted by its use. It has. ac- itli. Inviolability of. National Treaties. that President Buchanan, in Ins racent every thing thnt an American could de their old slang cry, which they ever em BROOD MARES quired its wide popularity simply because ' . Gib. Personal morality iudispeusablt to it. But we do say tnat this party, when letters to Professor Silliman and others, oflice. ploy against all parlies Its use shows, Best Brood mare over 4 years old 10 00 assembled in Convention, knew and pub bire. The men whose names are on makes the following remarkable declaiat it does what it is rcccommended to do. Ttb. An open Bible, without note or com as in 1840 and I8I4, lhat they have no 2nd do do do 6 00 all as lion: is constantly enlarging, its circle of j meat, iu all our Public Schools. lislied to the world that Breslin was guil are compilent, honest, 'and true principles, except those connected with Bet Filly 3 years old", 5 00 It tillt. Thorough reform of the Naturalization 'Slavery existed at that period (1854) 3 steel. Let us roll up such majority for 2nd do 2 . do 00 friends, carrying healing on its wings, and ; Laws. ty, and knew that he had fled out of the i tho increase of the Slave Power. leh. and ttill exists in Kansas, UNDEK do 3 00 9ih. A capitation tax that will exclude of our Courts, thereby prov freedom in old Jefferson, on the 13th in Star. BeetFlHv2 oy to the hearts of those suffering front.; jurisdiction THE CONSTITUTION OF THE 2nd do do Ohio Farmer foreign pauper and convicts. stnnt, as will lay the locofo- iver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia; llKu. appointment of foreigners on ing his guilt. And we do further asseer UNITED STATES, This point had at Tyrannous An instance of the svaut. Best Filly one year old, 2 00 ' catholic-courtin- g . ' diplomatic nosu. that the leaders of the party knew that co, oligarchy, low in last been decided by the highest tribunal in mode on the part of a soldier who was 2nd da do Ohio Farmer or general debility. It HO 11th. Strict economy iu Ilia adiuinistratiou Best Spring Mare Colt, 2 was a defaulter when tb.ey put the dust. known to our laws. HQW IT COULD standing gunrd at the post office letter nt ilia Uoveriimenl. Breslin 2nd do do Ohio Farmer with the riirht of citi EVER HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY box ocenrred on the 9h of July at 12th. No interference him in So, that all ityy HORSES FOR LIO0T PRACOUT New Advertisements. Seueltiii already acquired by foreigners, aud Record of the Bogus Democracy Let DOUBTED IS A MYSTERY.' Naples. A man advanced to put a letter about money stealing and treasury Best stalion over 4 years old, $12 00 he protection of law iu all who immigrate say Every Voter Re,a.d. If slavery exists in Kansas 'under tbe in whilst he had a cigar in his mouth. oi iioerty, uut, , 2nd do do 8 00 iruiu love uucoiopiomisiiii; loss is miserable gammon-stuff- designe Constitution 'of the United it of The sentinel him blow in the HOWARD ASSOCIATION, npiMiiiilioii to Political Oiitholocliiu, whether Tho so called Democratic pat ty of States,' gave a Best stalion colt 3 do 8 00 the by iIm person of an American demagogue, or to cover up the true issues of the day. Ohio, now declares that Congress has no' course exists in all other territories face, and then with his musket struck him 2nd do da 5 00 PHIADELPHIA, a Ecclesiastical the same instrument; the Con- in- A Benevolentlnstitntion, established by spe- - foreigu We ak them, nnd appeal to the people power lo legislate upon the subject of virtue of over the head, winding up with the Best station colt 3 do 5, 00 stitution cannot have one construction formation ihal smoking was nol allowed 2nd do do 3 00 cml endowment for the relief of the sick ot to the Judges, between us, if the party slavery in the territories; that slavery and distressed, afQicted with Viru- .Tas La ol Newspapers. to Kansas, and another in of bov Ex1 stalion colt 1 do 4 00 now exists in when applied front the Best ' not endorsed the existed and Kansas Ter lent and Epidemic diseases. . who do express n this State have opin 2nd do do Ohio 1. Subscribers not give ritory under the Constitution; thai when applied to Minnesota or Oregon. In October, the Democratic officials in Farmer, afflicted with Sex-u- al are considered as Dred Scott to Dra- - Best spring colt, 3 00 HO ALL PERSONS Bone to the contrary, ion of Taney, in the case, slaves mav be held in the Free Mr. Buchanan therefore plainly means Kansas, will beat this all hollow. States. 2nd do Ohio Farmer. Diseases such as Spermatorrhoea, Sew-- , wishing l coutiuue ilieir subscription. ? not endor-se- d that slavery has a constitutional and right groons will give free American citizens, its fullest extent Ihve they and that their childtn, born in free Best Gelding, 3 years old 4, 00 nal Weakness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, 4 If subscribers order the discontinu- ful existence in all the, territories of tbe actual residents n that territory, lo clear the position of the Administration on Stales, are slaves ; and that Ihe negro do do Ohio Farmer. Gleet, Syphilis, J.he Vice of Onanism, or tlie publisher of has 2nd. ance ut their newspapers, titbite .nan is Union, and that courso Congress ly understand, that they must not put I And is all this a work hus no rights which a bound BROOD MA EES Sell Abuse, &c, ate. to scad idem until all ar- these questions il. 'How this 1 way continue to respect. The following shows what no authority to displace votes favorable to reedom in the ballot 1 he Howard Association, in view of tha.l T ! Brood Mare over 4 old 00 of super-errogati- No they tender could seriously doubted,' says box. on Best years $10 rearages arc paid. have been If they insist tbeir light to do wful destruction of human life, caused by . was the position of the same party : da 6. 00 to 2nd da - -. . 3. If subscribers neglect ot refuse issue, and the people accept it, and Mr. Buchanan 'is a mystery.' Our so, nnd endeavor to exercise the privilege Sexual diseases, and the- deceptions prac- the The Democracy of Huron aud Erie Best Filley 3 years old 5 00 take from ihe office to is to show lhat both by word and of ihe Constitutional law tiscd upon the unfortunate victims ot sucft tbeir newspapcts now shall they run the guantlet. counties, assembled at Norfolk, Septem- purpose shaping under 2nd do da 3 00 are directed, they are respon even tseases by Quacks, several years ago which they ber 15, 4849, aud declared ; deed, Mr. Buchanan ldoubtttf and which they are to live, they will pretty Best Filley, 2 years old 3 00 di. There wan n time when the democracy rccted their Consulting Surgeon, as a Char fl! sible for them until they have settled their denied it, in the most emphatic manner. clearly have their heads laid open with 2nd do do Ohio Farmer. ' clamored a great deal about Stale rights, Congress, by promt and ample itable Act worthy oftheir name, to open,, bills and ordered them discontinued. We whall do so very briefly. mores or be run through. Alb., Eve, Best Filley, 1 year old, 00 action, should provide lor the exclusion 2 a for the treatment ot this class 4. The Couns h.ive decided that re- whin they made themselves the eipicial The joint resolutions for the admission Jour. 2nd do do Ohio Farmer. Dispensary of Slavery from tbe territories, and all ofdiseaues, in all their forms, and1 to give fusing to newspapers from the office, into ihe Union as a State, pass Best spring Mare colt 3 00 take champions of State terjKJ Federal other places under exclusive National of Texas Medical Advice Gratis.to all who apply by ur removing and leaving them uncalled ed the Senate on 27th of. February, Goiso Through Motions An 2nd do do Ohio Farmer. they have authorita jurisdiction : the tiik ettcrs, with a description of their condi-- '. Lately MATCHED UORSES OR MAKES for, is prima frcie evidence of intentional 1845 ninong the provisions thereof was exchange paper says : occupation, habits of life, &c.,) tively declared that a writ issued out of "That there should bo no futher toler- tion, (age, I'raud. : Best pair Light draught Horses $l2 00 or ur--. ation of Slavery in tbe District Co- the following 'It is not long since we laughed over and in cases extreme poverty, to a State Court is a nullity when in con of 2nd do do 8 OO v6. Tie Unitt d States Courts have also 'New States of convenient size, not ex old the. nish Medicines Free ot Charge It isv lumbia ; the good story of ingenious con do do 6 a Postmaster, who four said 3d 00 needless to add Chat the Association com- - . repeatedly decided that fiict with a writ issued by a petty Feder "That the influence of the General ceeding in number, in addition lo ductor of an orchestra, who, being paid re FANCY MATCHED HORSES, WITHOUT REOAUD mands the highest Medical skill of the age,, neiltd to irive seasonable notice, as al official, be actively State ol Texas, and having sufficient pop by a gentleman to supply a band of five Government should kept and , TO COLOR OR SEX. and will furnish the most approved modern v quired by the Post office Department, of ulation may hereafter, by the consent of musicians for a serenade, was unable lo They have authoritatively declared perpetually on the side of Freedom, thus , or ol a person to lane said State, he formed out of the territory Best pair for quick driving 112 00 treatment. toe neglvct relusal all obtain more than lour. But a lucky , that SLAVERY-i- s NATIONAL and relieving the American people from 2nd do do 8 00 The Directors, on a view of the past feel from the office newspapers addressee to thereof, which shall be entitled 10 admis- bis aud responsibility for the existence or contin- tlrotight came to aid, he filled 3d do do (5 00 assured that their labors in this sphere of, kirn Postmaster liable to the Freedom Sectional, and that whenever sion under the provisions of the Federal render the uance of Slavery.' ' the vacancy with a barber, who bore a benevolent enort, have been ol great uen- - ' And Slates as may be BINOLE DBIVINO HORSES OR MARES. publisher for the subscription price. the Constitution of the U. S. becomes held constitution. such flute. Into the mouth of ibis he put a efit to the afflicted, especially to the young';, At a meeting Feb. 12, 4850, the Best driving Horse 8 00 formed out of thai portion of said tcrritorv and on he single and .hey have resolved to devote themsel the organic law, there slaves may be Democrats of Carroll county, reciting cork, it went through the do lying south of thirty six degrees' thirty 2nd 0 00 ves, to very im- REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. the at tbe Convention whicu motions. Not being embarrassed with .do with renewed zeal, tins held as a matter of constitutional right. platform 3d do do 3 00 .; minutes north latitude, 'commonly known portant but much despised cause. . nominattd Gov, Wood one of the Con- the difficulties of blowing, he found it an They havo virtually declared that in as the Missouri Compromise line,' shall SADDLE HORSES OR MARES. JuBt Published by the Association, a Re- For well-know- n matter to trill away with Governor. ventions which adopted the easy his fingers, or Seminal Weak- time of peace, the writ of habcat be admitted into the Union with or with Best saddle Horse 8 00 port on Spermatorrhoea, corpus eradicate" resolutions, re- and this be did so skillfully as to be high SALMON P. CHASE, ''mitigate and 2nd do 6 00 ness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation be suspended. out slavery, as the people of each State ly praised for his remarkable softness of may solved : 3 or self-abu-e, and other diseases ot the sex- Lieutenant Governor, may desire. 'And in such btate or 3d do 00 Tbey have virtually declared that the "That we recognize as embodied in intonation. We may laugh at the idea, ual Organs, by the Consulting surgeon MARTIN WELKER. of Wayne Co. States as shall be formed out of Territory but the man who looks a little closely AWARDING COMMITTEE. be. sent by mail, (in a scaled, highest duty of the oitisen is to aid in the resolutions an express declaration which will north of said Missouri Compromise line, into and its various Sam'l Slemmons. Cadis Col. J. Collier envelope,) Free of Charge, on re Secretary of State , thnt the Democracy of Ohio, will use society, humbugs, letter the captuie of runaway negroes, whose lavery or involuntary servitude (except Mr. Edwards, Wheeling, W. II. Ladd. stamps for postage. all Constitutional power to prevent the will soon observe lhal the baiber in tho ceipt of two ADDISON P. RUSELL. of Clinton Co. be 11. 1'euliiigton, Belmont, Thos. Lce is, in common with for crimes) shall prohibited." - Address, for report or treatment, Dr. chief aspiration every ncrease, to mttigato and finally eradicate story is not the only individual extant Benj.- Couuelley. clause il will be seen not only George R. Calhoun, Consulting surgeon, Trensurer of State, human being, for liberty. the evil of Slavery This wbo has derived much praise and solid recognizes ihe power of Congiessto 'pro- Howard Association, xo t sou in jvima P. STONE, cf Franklin Co. to out pudding from "going ihrouge the motion.' CLASS B' ALFRED They have virtually declared that a "That in order carry said decla Pa. . in the Terrnory,' also strect.Thiladelphia, , hibit slavery but aud in every-w- k life ration, it is the duiy of tbe Democratic Lverywhere, of DRAUGHT HORSES 13y ot Directors. Supreme Judge, citizen of a Slave State may, as a matter in New States subsequently to be organ- - order the Representatives in Congress to use all do wu behold these geniqses, devoting all Best stalion 4 years old 10 00 George Fairchild, secretary.' MILTON SUTL1FF, of Trumbull Co. of Constitutional right, bring his slaves zed and admitted.' ' endeavors to extend without delay-th- e their energies lo mouthing and fingering, 2nd do do 6 ' Ezra D. Heartwell, President. Mr. Buchanan wr.s at that lime a Sena Btaid of Public Works, into our free State of Ohio, and hold principles of the Ordinance of J787 to and in finding out 'how not to do it.' Best Stalion 3 years old 6 ' tor of the United States from Pennsylva nd do do 3 ' JACOB BLICKENSDERFER, JR., tli em temporarily, in dispite of our laws tho Territories acquired by the United Worst of all, those fellows who hinire FALL STOCK! FALL STOCK I nia, and on the day of the passage of the Best stalion colt 2 years old 4 ' ' '' States under the late treaty wi.U Mexico, away so ornamentally, and put on 6uch Chlckerine & Son's Piano Forte. Of Tuscarawus County. and ottr sovereignty. resolutions containing the above clause, 2nd do do do Ohio Farmer and thus constitutionally prevent the in- aits of accomplishing miracles, when II MELLOR has just received These are not all the enormities of this voted for them, but made use of Best stalion Uolt, l year old 3 oo JOHN For Stale Senator, nol only they cannot boast of even so much as a Piano Fortes,' from th crease 'of Slavery. do do do Ohio Farmer complete atnek of modern democracybut in all conscience the following strong and emphatic lan- mere are tho lui manufactory of Cliickering A Sons, selected JOSE I'll C. M'CLEARY, "That to each state in its sovereign ca- blowing, very ones who get Jjest 4 oo in of his position : sorine Horse coit for Fall Sales, consisting of thirty-fiv- e new., they are enough to sink it beyond the the guage support the most honor and the best pay. Of Jefferson County. pacity, belongs exclusive right to 2nd do do do Ohio Cultivator and HDlendid instruments of every variety , 'Uelievmg, as tie most conscientiously , reach of the hope of its own domestis concerns, West Gelding, 3 years old, 3 0Q the Messrs. Chick-erimj- s, resurrection in this legislate upon would siid style manufactured by did believe, that the Consiitu'ion Too Sharp to be Healthy. An old do do 2 ' six octavo Ajaericoa & Republican County Ticket free North. We do not be'ieve that all and that with the institution of slavery 2nd do Boston, from tlra plainest not bo violated in the least by ihe adopt and very sharp broker in , to ww.w in the states where it now exists, Con- BROOD MARES tne most spicnuiaiy unisnea the members of the party endorse them ion of the pending resolution, he here thinking to lessen tbe charges on square piano fortes, as well as their superb Representatives, gress has not power lo interfere ; but il expiess Best Brcod Mare, over 4 years old, $8 00 Piauq. Grand and Parlor Grand A editor of the Union entered his solemn protest against the a marked and iuimitable W.M. W. WORTUINGTON, The newspaper, we is the duty of the Government to sepa- package of money, it 1500, 2nd oo do do 4 Every Piano Forte in this lot, is of their rew solemn protests which had been made on when in reality there were 52340 in the year old Filley, 4 u Of Cm.s Creek doubt not, loailis that 6th of August plat rate itself from all support of slavery ; Best 3 scale, Willi iheir raicni iron rraiues Tp. the other side, and which went almost the package. do Patent action, and are not onlv Warranted tft : form as he does consistency, and, and, by giving its influeuce in favor of It went al lhat rate, but unfor 2nd do 3 JAMES ALLEN, of Island Creek, there that he end the advo- the purchaser by the manufacture: , but by 0. Freedom, relieve length of implying tunately it was lost, and the broker not Best 2 year old Filley, 3 fore, he false issues to to the American people to be in all respects as perfect ; presents the peo cates of these resolutions, were knowingly to the 2nd do do Ohio Farmer, the subscriber, Probate Judge, from all jespnnsihility for its existence or daring claim whole amount, had to as instruments cau be made, both in regard pie, to save, if possible, bis doomed idol antl of design 'violating the Constitution Best 1 year old Filley. 2 00 WILLIAM R. LLOYD, Steubenville. continuance. accept 9 1500 from the Express Company, to material and Workmanship. anil their oaths, to secure a favorite polit 2nd do do Ohio Cultivator aw from its merited chastisement and con Convention of the Northwestern thus paying $850 (or his sharpness. The Friees invariably the same as in uosion, A Best sprint Mare colt, 2 00 JOHN.H.' MELLOH, Sheriff. demnation. ical measure. best of the story is; the Company fotwul ' the manufactory. Democracy, held in L'tcas county, May 2nd do do Ohio Cultivator. fJo.Bl Wood Street, between Diamond Alley JAMES. II. BLINN, Steubenville. We deem it entirely needless to make the packtigo after they hid paid the bnv i nts is tne position ot tne party in 30th, 1851, thus stated its views of the MATCHED HORSES aud Fourth Street, P1TTSBUKG. FA.. any comments on this display of glaring and Boston, tor Treasurer, Kesolunons of the State Convention kcr. discovered the cheat that had Heavy Agent for Chickeriug 4 Sons. this State and in the Union this day. - Best pair for Draught 8 00 inconsistency. We leave it to Ins own enriched them 8S50.- Fitisbarr aud Western Pennsylvania. . . JOHN M'ADAMS. Warren. "That the principles indioated by these 2nd do do do 4 7 They have voluntarily assumed the bur peculiar supporters to reconcile ilie posi ;. . Oct tf. . Resolution!', upon which alone, in the 3d do do do 2 Clrrk of ihe Court of Common Pleas, den, their tion of Senator Buchanan in 4845, with C7 A writer in the New York Eve-- placed necks uuder the yoke, judgment el this Convention, the ques SINGLE DRAUGHT HORSES JAMES ELLIOTT, Steubenville. ihe position of President Buchanan of mug Post who sailed in the George Law NEW GOODS.; f ,fi and it is for them to make iho best of it. lion of slavery can be finally and perma 1857, Pittsburgh Gazette two voyages as Engineer, says the ves Best single Draught Horse 6 00 IS SCOTT is now opening at , ! . nently adjusted, are these : GEOllG , .. Prosecuting Attorney, Lot us have none of this cowardly dodg 1st. Absti sel was known as "the old tub." She' 2nd do do do 2 store on Market Street, his Fall Stock ' from all interference with in 3d do do do Ohio JAMES M. SHANE, Steubenville. ing. none of this lying, but let them face nci.ee the C7The Locofocos are trying hard to was unseaworlhy, and ihe owners chan cultivator of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, having ' ternal legislation of any whether rONlES been selected with the view of; keeping , V Commissioner I year, the music force John Corwin on the stump, but he ged her name, and called her the Centra gracefully, If they have got west rony . a oo and latest styles,'' upon tbe subject of slavery or any other America." He goods of the best quality, says the steamer lilinoi 2nd do 2 oo : IRA DALUIMPLE, Wells. themselves in a "fix'' in pandering to municipal concern ; and 2d, the discon holds off. He has been announced on of the season. His stock is unsually large in the same line is no better, Both were ' comprises Cofnraissioner. 3 years, I dri-ver- t, several occasions to speak, but he bas CLASS C. and attractive. The stock Southern Cotton ordt and N'gger neotion ol the Ueneral Uovernment from utterly as he la' ' unseawortby, nan demon dies dress goods of the newest and ; most . WILLIAM KERR, Brush Creek, did influ- atl support of slavery, and the exercise not responded. Urbana Citizen, as they by courting papal The si rate when investigation is made. beautiful' Trimmings in great! of its legitimate influence upon the side CATTLE designs. published in his town, ot i , Ceroner, ence. Lat them bear up manfully under says Best Bull of foreiirn slock, over two a very large supply of all kinds of reedom. variety, r Advice Times. I have only years old. 5 00 M and Winter,.shawle,f ROCERT BOALES, Steubenville. their load, though it crush them to the . "Personally we know nothing of Judge for the Uliii7 go"1" Fall The Convention of the Democracy of to say that the 2nd t'est Bull of foreieo stock over two fancy . Corwin s views on the questions which present "head wind" is talmas cloaks, house keeping goods,' earth. years . . 3 00 Director of County Infirmry, Luyahoga county in 1849, which nomi of but temporary character, and the only old, articles, blankets, flannels, a large lot. of Henry B. Payne now divide the two leading parties of Best bull'of Native stook do 4 00 The people have a duty to perform on neted fur the Senate, way to meet it is mutual and furs, Ate., to which he invites the attention WILLIAM ABRAHAM. Cross Creek. this country, but we are assured by those kind for Slid do do do 2 0U ' resolved: of purchasers. ' oC'' . the 13th, of which they should promptly who have conversed with him, that he bearance. Let hi in who can aid out o Best Milch Cow, Foreign do '5 V "That we are unalterably opposed to his do Avoid Snd do do do 3 - abundance so. all uncalled ' DODOINO arqtiit themselves. As we value our has no sympathy with the Dred Scott ' SALOON. , ; I3SUE3. Best do 00 RAIL ROAD , the extension of slavery into territory for "panic" making. Hs who aids panic do native 4 Iattcrly, a great tffjrl i made dearest rights, we should act with becom- Slave Democracy; and that party are 2nd do do do 2 00 inform being that is now free, and, while we adhere to a James Cady would respectfully welcome to all the speeches they can is bad ciinen, and ahouid be so regard Beet yearling bull of any breed 3 00 by the epoket men and journalists of the ing vigilance and energy, so that it mav the be'ief that it cannot obtain a legal ex get the.traveling public that he is prepared to' ed by all good men. . The ohli right way Snd do do Ohio Farmer, but of him during this campaign may' desire ruodern democracy, to shift and cover up still be said that the people of Ohio are istance in tbe Territories of California is when the wind is contrary lo do as Best Yearling heifer do 3 00 accomadate those who t.( and New Mexico, without express The Judge is the gentleman who said Snd do do do Ohio Farmer, freshments with the substantial the several issues involved iu the corning "lien, free men, who know their rights, Capt. Cuttle advises. "Lay your hand statuary enactments, yet as it may gain in his speech in Cincinnati, lhat one ne Best and Unrest fatted Oz. tteer or icacies of the season, Rooms at tlieCadix; etoiioV; in Aud knowing, dare maintain." close to and hang it," and when il shifts, ' Cow, 4 00 tn Jongthis, leldom have gro fleeing from bondage to freedom was Steubenville and .Iiidiarta Rail . a foothold there by the connivance of square the yarns and go "ahead with Snd Best aud do da Ohio Farmer. Junction, we known mwre impudence and brazen able to whip a dozen deputy U. S. Mar "" oct7;tf ' Watch The Enemy. executive authority . in defiance of law, experience of the past." Best yoke of working Oxen, 00 Road. shals, and thV one in Champaign 2nd ' 00 .:;t?o; effrontery called into requisition. They wo are in fiivor of ingrafting on "every act county do do 3 uepuoiicans ana Americans, Keep a RAIL K0AD SALOON & EATING lor the Territories, aid whip stx, The ix Price or Wheat. ' Mem to be inspired with the thought that look all government of said Fall the AWARDING C9MMITTEB out for hand bills containing kinds A -- aA--"- i . ' the principles of the Jefferson proviss." cargo of wheat arrived at Buffalo, last J. Oill. Chairman U PI.a. O D. IteX. HOUSEi' .""M He tliat Impudence, of falsehoods, issued from the enemies ' '?! las lot And tW Mr McCleary, the Republican week the Wm. Russell; '"" COSHOCT02T , OHIO.. the Plain Dealet of September says Republic, consigned to a Cunningham. . James ' To all things has a fair ; head quarters, upon the eve of the elec . preWnce candidate lor Senator Jeilerson dm 15.-W- "., am, publiFhed in the house with instructions to sell at 1 hen ' ' larj, the above resolution, f ' V And first among then wauts but shame, lion when thero will be no opportunity irict, be . r ".i THOMAS, Proprieto- r- and fully indorsed by "110th must a first rate man, judging it arrived, all that was offered was CLASS D. . OB0. Z, ' of it saying that To all lbs world may lay their claim." refuting them. There is nothing loo from ihe OBADKS ing illustrates better the distinctiveness of columns of abuse heaped upon I 10; the consignee telegraphed the owner SXOM AND MEBJNO SHEEP, AD OTHER mean locofocos lor to refort to. Watch turn by tho Steubenville Union. The to Tluii n.,.y. 9 ra old'. 5 00 OYSTER SJLQoNt . It U,nly of lite days, after having the old standard Democracy, from come down and sell ii himself. On i them hs you'd watch any Ohio Farmer, delicacies of the. si the snapping cur at editor having done what he could himself, the day of his, arrival, it had down .i An Conuected where all the of iheii ' gone pfeetod the damaging character and all other parties than the plain, prac ,u; old . . 3 00 -- your neeis. . , has called to H.t. var s. on i Ye served up r'.J his aid outside Locofocos, to I ; ''. a lnjlt Buchatj-aipoJiioi- 05 he offered at that figure, and j- An Ohio Farmer, Columbus resolves and tjie taiu i' tical and pointed o.i - straightforwardness of who fill his paper, with communications was offered ' 3 00 one dollar, but he thought he Best 3 buck Lambs , L V.$Xw it OtD Wav.nk --Th Wuoster , COMMERO.tA X Democracy, Republican resolutians. ! of that' they these They are the princi signed 'Republican" and "An Old Whig.' would look about before selling at thnt 2nd - do-.,- : V: Ohio Farmer. aye: "Everything looks , bright in old ' ' Is s, yra old w Stfiikt.. !!V. rf, trying jo icLllie artful 'dodger.':- -' ple of our candidate." 'Y- -; This a silly dodge. Republicans, and price, and when he went to make the Best Pen Ewes, not less than 8 Corner of Srd md WashM Wayne. The meetings ore well attended. old Snd do do,; do Ohio Farmef, die Whigs don't write such stuff, and trade it had fallen to 95e i he waited till tviwB.they jntt jn jponyeiHibp, on,; and the success (he We might multiply exsrtp)e of this Ueht pen Sheep, nol less than five, oje . of Republicans cer, never publish in ' sheets.-r- O, ' ' juch tits next diiy, whrt lie was 'offered 90e C b vf August last they not only wlnpted tain,"! ' it n- -: to do jii 8 ainu, louon nearly every ,county i : LjaQTTFr6pnflMr. i.i. Uhyy for it,' and look it, . til ,s hod BeHpen teheebi' do do". Ohio Farm oeU7.!y.J.. V 1 .iff 4 . t
