i I will be denied Tho and Negroes. JEFFERSON AGRICULTURAL F AIR Best Pea of buck Lambs, pot less I f and lltey, too, the LOOK 0UTI in the Slate. Il hardly Congo Democracy than r ov-- v :q..:: a eeriea of resolutions, five Qf m. working a eharp thai the Democratic party of Jefferson, Theft never has been a period in the Largest Premium List in the State. 2nd do do do Ohio first of ihe campaign, presenting in them The locofocos are Cultivator lurrison and Columbiana, avowed the Democracy, that The Jefferson County Agricultural Society, 1 ' ' history of the Congo AWARDING COMMITTEE, u w : ' to the people of our State several issues game. Their candidates lor omce are out will hold annual exhibition at Sleu -- same principles, and reiterafed them from their leaders did not play the demagogue thai: ninth Geo. -- henville on Thursday and Friday Holmes, Harrisen co.' Metcalf WinnV" growing out of the slavery question, but mong the people coaxing and begging 848 to 1854. Will any man say that General Wednetidsy James flTEiUBEJJVIIiljE. in relation lo negroes. In 1840, October 14,15, dt 16, '57. Premium tistopeu Connelly, E. Cook, S.JewetU - '57-Z- several candidate! square for votes, and laboring lo induce Repub- it was not upon this ground that A. by Ohio WliDNlfiSD A 7, . they made (heir Harrison was accused the Statef to all Competitors. YtM8;EPl to m ' CLASS; E. to this new creed : nnd, in icans to cut their tickets and v,ote for, at Smart was elected Uontrress, in ot, man of being in favor, when Governor of themselves fOTTSWOLD, SOUTH AMD BAGAlf, Editor and in '54 if simply be the Northwestern of NOTICE THE PUBLIC. MVS, OTO EK GRADES doing were compelled to pass by the east, one or two jfemociats : i nts is Territory, sbluso TO Beat Merino buck, 2 years old 5 60 so, had voted against Kansas- - cause he the poor white men to .negroks 1" and Gov- The Manufacturers'. Mechanical, Floral 2ud do do - - Ohio Farmer THE TRUE AMERICAS'. better material, because these persons the course tbey intend to adopt. Look Nebraika-bill- , to say nothing of the ernor Corwin was denounced by the same and Horticultural Halls are capacious and Beat do 1 year old, . ,2 00 every self-respe- 1 Tbs Tai's American la published had too much to bend the out for the Jesuitical Knaves. hey are speach which be never made ! After arranged. v 2nd do. do ; Ohio Farmer. journal as a "copper colored nigger neatly ' Wednesday, in Steubenville, Jefferson y . , count;, his, second was ana pens are proviaeu Best three Buck lambs 0O tU fwllowing pliant knee to the behests of the slave straining every nerve, and trying every nomination, however, it YVhiq, and asupponer, when a member Suitable stalls Ohio, and edited by t. Haoan, on 2nd -- i; Ohio Farmer. thought that he 'turned about a half for the Stock, well protected from. the .do . terms v pewer. This every one knows te be the measure of dishonesty, smiling, fawning, of the Legislature, of a proposition to - Best pen of Ewes, not less thaq & ve, 0 dollar and fifty cents fu advance. summerset, and could not be trusted; weather. two vearaold ! . 4 00 fact. And yet we are told that the only entreating, doing everything to compass give negroes the right to vote and testily is large, ana calculated to Two dollar within six months. this, together with his acknowledged in- The King 2nd Best pen of Eea, not lea than Ave, clow of against white men. The Whig party, in exhibi- Two dollar aud fifty cent at tlit issue' involved, is pertaining to the iheir ends. ahow the Stock, while on public two years old, - V than nve, one competency for such a position and his whole was hyear. its history, denounced by the tion, to advantage. Best pen of Sliep not less 3 00 s keeping of the State funds. Upon One of these gentry, it is said, lias hostility to the American party, induced Jfo paper discontinued until all this, Congoes, as "Abolitionists, "Niooer Every convenience necessary for the one veor old. 4 00 tlio Editor. arv paid, except at the option of there, is no issue. We all go in for such gone so far as again to intimate, very the people of the District lo cast a ma Thieves," and "Disunionists." For accommodation will be provided. 2nd Best pen of Sheep, not Vs 1,1 an "ve ADVJiKTlSUNO. public YKKM3 OF jority of 4,500 votes in favor of.his op in one year old. umo rarmer. less, 3 Weeks or less 1 ,25 treasury-law- s as will insure the safety of strongly, that he is in favor of the prin example: the Ohio Statesman, July, Cnesqtiare 12 liiies or ponent a OFFICERS. lii st pen of Buck Lambs not less 'than 31 in lKstrict, too. that was Dem 1840, contained the following paragraph DESIGNATION OF lifer aubseauent insertion,...'. the public moneys from the grasping ciples of the American party, and would five, 2 00 mom lis .2,60 ocratic by 1.500 majority. How stands officers ot the Fair will be known ft. Cut square three in regard to the Whigs and Negroes The 2nd best ; do do Ohio Cultivator. 5,00 hnnuH of Read of their ke to see it in the ascendency. The jener-sn- insignia': Vb similar six months...... peculators. one ine case wnu me democracy ot "' Whies and Negroes supping out of by their wearing the following Beat pen of five Weathers, 4 0U 8.UU Qua square one year stereotyped editorials, 'and you will find Americans of Jefferson county have not county, and of the 21st Oongression the same Whigs and Niggers The President, by a white Rosette. 2nd do 2 00 One fourth column per year, 15.lt) cvpthe by Blue Rosettes. Best Fleece of Wool 00 occurred lhree lal District, at this day I They have en . Executive Committee, 2 Que column per year 20,00 the constantly recuring sentence ; "'They forgotten the events which get along finely: THE COLORED. - third Marshall in Chief, by a White Sash. ' Best Shepherd Dog Si. 00 Qua hal eoluma per year W.UU dorsed the National Administration with BRETHREN GO MASS A (the Republicans) stole your money." year ago in this connection, viz, the ALL FOR Assistants,, by Pink Sashes. AWAIpIXQ COMNITT EE.1 Vue column per year SU.OU the Dred Scott decision and the national he in the Union of HARRISON AND FOR BRODER the Halls, by Blue Sashes. Lisson, Chairman, Rob't Hague, Professional and business card per year,. .5,00 We say that which every one knows, and card which published ity of Slavery. Marshallsof J. E. Vs., - CORWIN I" Whuu there is no contract made and tin- num- It. B. dwearingin, It. Huscrofi, no man, who has regard for this city, after he hud received the entire Next I uesdav will deside the Question PREMIUMS FOR 1857. ber o( insertions is not marked ou the ourds or which any This is from Gov. Medary, and is just LIST OF Jo&inh Solomons. advertisements at the lime they are handed in his veracity, dare gainsay that they, the support of the American Party, disclaim- whether we will suffer our selves to be the kind of language now used by the CLASS A. publication, thvy will be cvu iuued iu until made the passive tools to craitfy the for sham democrats, the protection of woo ing all connection with, anil sympathy for Statesman against the Republican party. HORSES FOR THE SADDLE. There is nothing in the whole list of tbsy are ordered out.aud charged by lite square appetites of those greedy cormo craving In 1844, 00 lids knowingly them. Henry Clay was assailed as an Best Stallion over 4 years old, 12 medicine creating such a stir among and ivory, write a falsehood rants, who aro ready lo be any thing, or if PrlaoipleB of American Council Abolitionist because opposed annexation 2nd do do . 8 00 the A fair opportunity for vindicating as Dr. Sanford's Invigorator or when tbey write the sentence: nothing, so that they may live by the of Texas, and this senseless defeated Beet Stallion Colt, 3 years old. 8 00 Of Steubenville, Ohio. cry do hold responsible their honor will present itself on next people's Treasury, we. speak of the ! 2nd da do 5 00 Liver Remedy. It gives such quick re? subscribed, We not any party him And, yet, in the face of these facts Wc. whose nnmoi are hereunto leaders, or will we strike for freedom Best Stalion Colt 2 years old. ' 5 00 do hereby adopt, aud agree to bt governed in for the act of a particular member of Tuesday. the Congo Democracy have the impu- lief as to convince the patient of receiving countries and 2nd do do 3 00 u.ir puliuel uctiuii, by the following Be honied the and for our happiness pros dence to call 011 the Whig friends of. Gen. that party, unless it endorse that act. not deceived by words; Best Stalion Colt, 1 year old, 4 00 benefit almost as soon as the medicine is"' pies : perity ? Let every American and every Harrison and Henry Clay to support the entire locofoco t'n ket is bitterly opposed 2nd do da Ohio Farmer. taken. We do not know of a single in- -' 1st. None but Americans to rule America. Therefore, we do not say that the sham be at his post.
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