HATFIELD BRANCH NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2020 Geoffrey de Havilland Lecture Privatefly – Air Charter Operations Weds 21st October 2020, 6.30pm–8.30pm Online Event University of Hertfordshire Adam Twidell CEO, PrivateFly See Page 7 for full details From the Chairman The committee is shrinking and if you would like to Welcome to the October newsletter and the start of join us, we would love to hear from you. a new, albeit different, season. We are planning a full The AGM would normally have been held in May programme of events and I am pleased that we are but was postponed due to the lockdown. In line with starting, this month, with the Sir Geoffrey de Havilland the decision made by the Main Society, we have now lecture, which was postponed from March due to decided to defer this until May 2021, in the expectation Covid19. We have been running some trials to ensure that we will be able to hold a proper AGM at this time. that the online format goes to plan. If you wish to I hope that you understand this decision. However, attend this online lecture, please register at hatfield@ the committee continue to meet regularly online and aerosociety.com and we will send out the link to if any member has any concerns please raise them join the event. The situation at the University means with me or Keith (email
[email protected]). that, for the moment, all our lectures will be online. I One of the main reports at the AGM would be on the apologise to those of our members who are unable to financial health of our branch.