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1989 The olC lege News 1989-9-20 Vol.11 No. 1 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE NEWS VOLUME XI NUMBER 1 FOUNDED BRYN MAWR COLLEGE SEPTEMBER 20,1989 Realizing the dream: Perry House library opens BY CHERYL LEE KIM Choir performed the Black National and during her term began the task of approximately 500 volumes. Anthem, and President McPherson then collectingand cataloguing thebooks. The Ongiri noted," A lot of books which are Thursday, September 28, the.Perry ceremonially cut the ribbon to the library. separate position of Perry House Library considered 'classics' are not in the library House Library was officially opened. Kira Watson and Daniela Ballard, as Coordinator was begun the next year, [Canaday] - for example, Wretched of Amy Ongiri, Co-President of Sisterhood Coordinators of Perry House, were and was held by Jennifer Woodfin. The the Earth by Frantz Sanon which is a opened the ceremonies by quoting instrumental in arranging the opening. work has been continued by the current classic in African-American literature." Marcus Garvey: "A people without a Efforts for the library began two years Library Coord ina tor, Tamara Beauboeuf. The books are catalogued using knowledge of their history is like a tree ago. Denise Tuggle (BMC '89), initiated The library has been compiled through Library of Congress numbers. The without roots." The absence of a library the position of Perry House Coordinator, donations, and currently contains Library Coordinators had to generate which connects Black students with their their own cataloging system. Beth Mann, history has been glaring. a staff member at Canaday generously Ongiri continued/Today is a solemn donated her time and knowledge. moment for Sisterhood members. We The Perry House Library is open to all are here to realize a dream. We didn't get members of the Bryn Mawr community. here on our own. Many of our sisters The check-out period for books is two before us envisioned this dream, and we weeks. Because the books are not readily stand here today with pride to say available at other locations, it is vital that 'Welcome.' The history of African- the circulation be rotated frequently. For American students at Bryn Mawr has the same reason, fines will be levied for been as a tree without roots. Today we late and lost books. are planting those roots." The expansion of the library is Approximately 150 students attended dependent on continued donations from the opening. Mary Patterson McPherson, the community. If you have any books, the deans, and faculty members were you'd like to donate, please contact also present. The Bryn Mawr Gospel Many Mawrters gather for Perry House library opening. Photo by Gretchen Jude. Tamara Beauboeuf (Box C-18)! Women's Studies experience major difficulties

BY LAURA VAN STRAATEN AND Yet despite the obvious enthusiasm stairwell of the English House, each underclasswomen: they can't get in GRETCHEN JUDE for Women's Studies on the part of the waiting for the brief interview which because they don't have the prerequisites, students, there are only seven upper- would determine who would be one of and they don't have the prerequisites The beginning of the autumn semester level classes in the bi-college community the fifteen chosen. because they can't get in. In addition, is often filled with the excitement and this semester which are explicitly devoted Even classes without limited people who seek challenging classes anticipation which accompanies the to gender issues: four 300-level (three of enrollment are often open only to seniors focusing on gender issues as electives, return to study of subjects truly loved. which have limited enrollment) and three and juniors with the concentration or are often disappointed or are forced to For a number of eager Bryn Mawr 200-level. Three of these seven classes major. This creates a vicious cycle for continued on page 7 students, however, the beginning of the are at Haverford. One course, semester held only frustration, "Contemporary Women Writers," was competition, and disappointment. closed to Women's Studies majors, and Choice March in Harrisburg It has been several years since Bryn only available for English majors. BY LISA ANN ARELLANO "building bridges" rather than creating Mawr became officially committed to Another 300-level course, "Topics in offering significant course-work in Socialand Political Philosophy," hasbeen more hostility. On Tuesday, September 26, The Bryn Women's Studies. The first independent complained about because of The newly introduced "Reproductive Ma wr chapter of NOW and the Bi-College Freedom and Health Package" was the Women'sStudies major wasawarded by overcrowding, and because the alleged Coalition for Choice bussed and vanned central focus for the lobbying efforts. The Bryn Mawr College in 1985; a Women's gender focus in theclass has been slighted nearly 130 Mawrters and Fords to package is a set of nine bills ranging from Studies minor has been offered at Bryn for more focus on issues of religious Mawr since 1987. Each year more exclusion. In addition, two of the 300- Harrisburg for a statewide lobby day for the Reproductive Privacy Act Choice. The day began with a rally on the (prohibiting government interference students apply for the minor and each level courses meet simultaneously. Capitol steps. Speakers included Molly with a woman's choice of contraception, year more students pursue an Having so few courses for Women's Yard, national coordinator of NOW, and abortion, or delivery) to Day Care and independent major in Women's Studies. Studies students means fierce Representative Karen Ritter, House WIC Nutritional Funds. Although a co- The Committee on Feminism and Gender competition to get into classes. One sponsor of the Reproductive Freedom sponsorship of the package in its entirety Studies expects many more majors and example is English 358, "Women of and Health Package. Contrary to threats is preferable, adamantly anti-Choice minors in Women's Studies when the Talents," a literature course taught by of rain, the sun was shining and the steps officials are lobbied to sponsor some of current sophomores declare their Professor Katrin Burlin. At the first class, and sidewalks were well populated (an the bills. academic plans. approximately seventy students lined the estimated 5500). Many Choice advocates The Bi-College choicers concentrated carried balloons, signifying the support their efforts on the Representatives and of individuals who were unable to be in Senators for the Bryn Mawr and Harrisburg. * Haverford voting districts, most notable After the morning event, the time came among them being House Republican to organize and approach the legislators; Stephen Freind. When the budding the Supreme Court decision in Webster activists arrived in Freind's office, there vs. the State of Missouri left decisions was already an energetic crowd gathered regarding reproductive rights in the in his office, his reception area, and the hands of elected state officials. Before hall. Wjth a bit of luck, they were the last turning the would-be lobbyists loose, group to get an audience with Freind in members of the ACLU (American Civil his of fice, as opposed to becoming part of Liberties Union) and the full-timeChoice the mass questioning group in the hall. lobbyist in Harrisburg held a briefing Led by the outstanding section. Explaining the finer points of sp>okeswomanship of Jessica Bass, the current legislative activity around the group ran through the Package, and issue and how lobbying works as a discovered that Freind was, indeed, anti- process of political change, they stressed choice, but that he was, liberally above all the importance of being non- supportive of childcare, WIC nutrition confrontational when speaking with funds, and family planning (providing Mawrters march at Harrisburg. Photo by Elizabeth Schubert representatives or senators, and continued on page 1 URRICULUM: Institutional commitment to diversity and feminism see centerspread, pages . 6 & 1 Page! The College News October 4,1989 Pill a pre-conception It is important to corporations such as these to maintain influence over public birth control device opinion. In order to fight reform that To the Editors: threatens their profit- motivated interests, For the most part, I was extremely they must be assured of an uninformed pleased with the extensive coverage of and uninterested public. If Waste Self-government is a byword in the Bryn Mawr community. reproductive rights and reproductive Management, Inc. can convince people, SGA was the first autonomous student governing body in the options in the September 25th edition of as Bob Ely of their Community Relations TheCollege News. I was, however, rather branch attempted to do, that landfills are country. Our Honor System is a model of its kind. dismayed to see the Pill classified among harmless and incinerators ("trash-to- SGA and the Honor Board are the mechanisms through which "methods of contraception that function energy plants", as Bob Ely described the principles of self-governance are implemented; they are the after conception" in the article "Webster them) are safe, they can continue their v. Missouri- What does it bode for virtual monopoly over these disposal tools by which we maintain our autonomy. We tend to take this Choice?" While oral contraceptives can systems and insure W.M.I.'s enormous autonomy for granted; however, it is maintained only through be defined as working after conception profit gains. the dedication of individuals. in some instances, 1 feel that the statement It is disturbing that these spokesmen made is far too broad. were invited to Haverford to address SGA and the Honor Board are perceived as being distant As I understand it, there are two types concerns about the environment. Clearly, from the community. Their role in facilitating our system of of birth control pills, one which contains their interest in speaking with students self-governance situates these bodies solidly in the community. only progestogen, and one which was not simply motivated by a desire to contains a combination of both educate us. For future courses on the Each member of this community shares responsibility for self- progestogen and estrogen. The first type environment , we would hope that governance. works in three ways: by preventing the representatives from non-profit Currently up for reconsideration is the Bi-College Alcohol release of ova from the ovaries, by environmental organizations be invited keeping sperm from reaching any egg as well as representativesof corporations/ Policy. It has been reviewed l?y the Honor Board and will be that might have been released, and by Mark Newman BMC '92 presented to the community with revisions. The revised policy making the uterus less receptive to any Annick Barker BMC '92 needs to be passed again. This issue has serious implications for ovum that might have been fertilized. Sandy Horning BMC '92 Only in the last instance could this Abigail Evans BMC '92 our system of self-governance. method of-birth control be described as Noelle Goode BMC '90 Passing the policy last year was a difficult task. Student "functioning after conception." The reactions to the institution of the policy have been mixed, and second type of oral contraceptive, the Sexual harrasment one containing a combination of the current attitude seems to be one of aggrieved tolerance. progesterone and estrogen, works by does not equal rape For legal and practical reasons, an alcohol policy is inevitable. preventing the release of eggs from the To the Editors: The question before us is whether we want to accept a policy ovaries; it does not, therefore, take effect I read with dismay Laurie Dixon's handed down autocratically by the administration or keep after conception. article to the College News about the While I do appreciate how easy it is for unacceptable incident that occurred responsibility for our actions in our own hands. such an oversight to occur, I feel that it is between her and the Swarthmore van Fundamentally, the idea of an administratively imposed extremely important to keep the facts as driver last spring. I was dismayed on alcohol policy runs counter to the ideas and philosophy embod- clear as possible when dealing with an twocounts. Firstly and most importantly, issue as sensitive as that of reproductive the fact that such an incident has occu rred ied in the Code. At the core of the Code and our community is options and reproductive rights. and conceivably could occur again makes a trust in each individual's ability to conduct herself according measa woman feel vulnerableand afraid. to the values we hold. It is this trust that also allows the Jessica Jemigan '93 As Laurie correctly pointed out, her experience raised the issue of how safe student body its powers of self-regulation. we are, even in such a sheltered A student administered alcohol policy preserves the basic Environmental issues community as Bryn Mawr. The feeling trust not only in each individual's abilities of self-regulation but of "being in danger of assault or rape" is for sale at BMC/HC one of the worst feelings a woman can also protects the self-governance of the student body as a whole. To the community: have. It would be an unacceptable contradiction to the basis of our This letter is being written in response However, I feel that Laurie failed to community to decline the opportunity to implement our own to Bryn Mawr-Haverford's "Non-Credit differentiate between having been Environmental Course for Students", harassed, which she undoubtedly and alcohol policy, and instead allow the administration to impose held on Wed., Sept. 27. There were three unfortunately was, and having had a one upon us. speakers present, all spokesmen from potential rapist actually attack her. I major corporations: Philadelphia understand that the fact that the bus Suburban Water Company, Waste driver potentially could have raped her Management, Inc., and Pennsylvania was as frightening to her as it would Power and Light. The latter two of these have been to me. Even so, I feel that the are notorious for their disregard of fearofbeingindangerofrapeorassault" THE BRYN MAWRCOLLEGE =F COLLEGE VOLpKlE XL NO.NEWS 2 OCT. 4.19X9 environmental safety and their powerful does not justify calling a man who neither Editors Thida Cornes and effective resistance toenvironmental assaulted nor raped her a rapist. Her C-215 526-5782 reform. Theother, Phila. Suburban Water statement that "his continuing presence Cheryl Kim Co., is far from active in promoting water in this community is a threat toall women, C-1299 526-7547 safety. a threat of rape" seems unfair in this Rachel Perlman The lecture, rather than'providing an situation. This man's behavior was C-205 526-5482 opportunity for learning, provided the thoroughly unacceptable. His Beth Stroud speakers with a medium for termination was a wise precaution, and I C-1515 527-5536 disseminating propaganda and public am grateful to Laurie for sharing her relations misinformation for their experience for my safety as well as the Arts Editors Shari Neier respective companies. (Of course, we had safety of every woman in thiscommunity. Jamie Tortorello expected no less.) The content of each But 1 think that her conclusion, that "he's speakers' talk focused on his company's got to be stopped before he rapes Tracy Trotter Layout Editor activities and "successes" with regard to someone" is unjustified. This man's protecting customers and the actions unquestionably demonstrated Photography Editor Gretchen Jude environment. We were showncompany that his presence was a continuing risk of harassment. Wedounquestionably have Editorial Board Mary Elizabeth Cave, Thea statistics, company products and Gray, Gretchen Jude, Siyon company policies, and assured that water the right to dress and act as we please. Kim, Shari Neier, Liz Penland, safety, environmental protection and This man's violation of Laurie's rights Jamie Tortorello, Tracy Trotter, energy conservation are and ha ve always proved beyond any shadow of a doubt Laura van Straaten been priorities, regardless of public or that hedoes not belong inourcommunity. legislative pressure. Thomas Yohe, of But I do not believe that his actions show Graphics Thea Gray P.S.W.C., went so far as to describe the him to be a rapist. Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act as Elizabeth Knapp Subscriptions & Advertising Mary Elizabeth Cave "knee jerk legislation resulting from misinformed public pressure." TheClean Deadline: Saturday, October 21 at 10 am in the Rock Office. Please Submissions, articles, submit articles on a Mac disk. Water Act was one of the first and most Iu ndanu'i.:. I piecesof national legislation letters, etc., for the next STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: The College News seeks to pro"ide a passed by Congress to ensure water forum for the students, faculty, administration, and staff of Bryn safety. It regulates the amount of waste issue of the semester: Mawr. The College News welcomes ideas and submissions from all companies can dump into our jvater by DUE SATURDAY, OC- members of the community, as well as from outside groups and requiring all companies to obtain a individuals whose purpose or functions are connected to those of discharge permit, and by fining those TOBER 21 AT 10AM IN ? the College. The College News is a feminist paper and an advocacy journal committed to diversity, women's issues, providing a space that violate their permits. The Act also THE ROCK OFFICE. for women's voices and promoting pluralism. While letters from provides federal funding for the men are accepted, all articles in The College News are written by construction and maintenance of sewage Please submit on Mac women. Each article represents the views of its author, not treatment plants. The Clean Air Act disk. We reserve the necessarily those of the paper. restricts the amount of waste that can be V discharged into the atmosphere. right to cut late articles. October 4, 1989 The College News Page 3 After tuition, Bryn Mawr still eats money — in small bites


One good thing about Bryn Mawr is that once you have taken care of the bill at the beginning of the semester you Traditions really don't need to pay for much else. Concerts, lectures, parties are all free. This year I noticed a change. Even though Lantern Night over the years my bill was paid, 1 still owed money for BY MANDY JONES AND Little has actually changed in the SGA dues and telephone services. MARGOT HIPWELL ceremony, since a rather large building There is probably some good reason (TRADITIONS MISTRESSES) known as the Thomas Library took the for this, but at this point 1 am still not place of the original poplar tree, but the certain why these payments can't be This is our Lantern Night Article. It's lanterns themselves are a different matter. added in our tuition account. I was too two in the morning and we only have Until about 1936, the lanterns were scared to go back and ask my parents for eight hours to finish it. We have these individually designed by each class. another$ I paid it myself. This really neat games that we want to play, Many incorporated their class year into amount of money would have been and they sound real cool, and...but we the metalwork. Because of the great unnoticeable to them, but itsuredid put digress. Ahem (clearing of throats that expense involved in this practice, it was a dent in my pocketbook. have not had coffee for at least...two agreed that lanterns should be made in a At this point, I am terribly annoyed, hours). There's this tradition called uniform pattern and that there would be V but even more than that, I am scared of Lantern Night and it's kind of when fourcolorstodistinguish the four classes. what may come next. What if we had to freshpeople get these lanterns that have And so it was. And so it is. pay our own utility bills. Each dorm these owls on them and everyone wears OK. Enough trivia and fish stories. would have a separate bill which would these black bathrobes and sings these Here's where we get to tell you all that be divided by the number of dorm indecipherable Greek songs. It's really technical stuff you've just been dying to residents. nice. The End. know. So keep reading! Can you imagine if we had to pay to But really. What has come to be called 1. Tickets. Because of concern regarding see our deans in a similar manner that we Lantern Night was started by the the overcrowding of the cloister roofs, pay for counseling at the Health Center? members of the class of '89 (1889, folks). we must limit the number of people on (Neither of which is really worth paying How, you might ask, did these brilliant those surfaces this year. Haverford for). Those things would be bad enough, nineteenth-century Mawrters ever think students and guests of Bryn Mawr but meanwhile I dread the day when of the lantern as a suitable emblem for students must reserve spaces on the roofs. they will pass a basket around at the college? They were inspired by a line Bryn Mawr students need not make convocation and take up a collection. from that ever-popular nineteenth- reservations for themselves, but should century song "The Lone Fishball," we bring their ID's to the ceremony to avoid might answer. Dr. E. Washburn Hopkins, excess confusion. Reservations forms are Bi-college Coalition for Choice a Greek professor at BMC, penned this available on the Traditions board in memorable ditty, and those crazy Taylor Hall, on the bulletin board in nineteenth-century Mawrters saw the Stokes, and by the stairs at the Dining presents memorandum light when they heard the line "the only Center. Forms are due by five 'o clock, lantern in Bryn Mawr." (It apparently October 13th, to Mandy Jones, Box C- The following is an excerpt from the full economic support for contraceptive didn't take much to be inspired in the 1346. A limited number of reservations lobbying memorendum drafted by the and reproductive health. We strongly nineteenth-century.) Thus enlightened, will be taken and these will be handled newly formed Bi-College Coalition for support the research, importation, and Bryn Mawr's first class welcomed the on a first-come-first-serve basis. Special Choice. This memorandum was pre- marketing of RU486. We denounce forced class of 1890 with an impromptu play, at cases will be taken into consideration sented by the approximately seventy- sterilization of women and reject any the end of which they presented the new and may be addressed to either Mandy five Bryn Mawr and Haverford students attempt on the part of the governments fresh nineteenth-century women with Jones (C-l 346, x7554) or Margot Hipwell to Pennsylvania state legislators in Har- anywhere to intervene in women's deci- lanterns. They hoped that the light from (C-1329,x7525). risburg (see cover article, this issue). This sions concerning their own reproductive these lanterns would guide the 2. Lantern Night rehearsalsareas follows: excerpt seems an apt way to inaugurate lives. These rights are protected in Penn- underclasswomen through their years at Music rehearsals- October 3,4, and 5 from what will be an ongoing Reproductive sylvania under The Reproductive Pri- Bryn Mawr. 4:00 to 5:30pm. Freshmen and juniors in Rights Column in The College News. vacy Act, introduced by Representative Lanterns continued to be given at the Thomas Great Hall, Sophomores and Karen Ritter. end of the sophomore's play, until the Seniors in Good hart B. October 18, 19, We, the Bryn Mawr and Haverford class of '00 gave their play, "As You Like and 20 from 4:00 to 5:30pm, meeting in Colleges Coalition for Choice, believe in This column will serve as a commenta- It," outside, in themiddleoftheafternoon. Thomas Great Hall. Everyone certain unalienable reproductive rights. tive and as an informational forum, with Thinking it inappropriate to give the participating should attend. These rights include: a woman's right to news about campus, regional, and na- lanterns under the trees in daylight, they October 21st from 10:00 to 12:00am- chose an abortion for any reason and at tional, events concerning reproductive decided to present them on the night that Dress Rehearsal in the Cloisters. Very, any stage in her pregnancy; and the right rights. Please send suggestions and in- the freshmen received their caps and very mandatory. Lantern Night is for women in all circumstances to Medi- quiries to Laura van Straaten, Box C-269, gowns. (For some strange reason, this October 22nd at 7:()()pm. Rain date {he caid and other public funding for abor- Bryn Ma wrCampus Mail, or phone (526)- event wascalled "Capand Gown Night.") 23rd. Participants must attend two of the tion,contaception,and prenatal care. We 7543 for.more information regarding the That night, each sophomore of the class first set of rehearsals, two of the second strongly believe in encouragement of and Bi-College Coalition for Choice. of '00, marched from Pembroke Arch to set, and the dress rehearsal. a place under a big, spreading poplar 3. Bat robe sign-outs for sophomores and tree where the class of '01 waited. Each swingers will be October 19th from 9:00 Harrisburg article continued class had written a song, which they to 5:00 on the third floor of Taylor (tower sung to the other, and then the lanterns side). Sign-outs for freshwomen (and were given. The next year when it was those who've missed sign-outs the day here from page one. '01's turn to give the lanterns, they sang before) will be from 9:00 to 5:00on October cntinued from page 1 their lantern song and a new one called 20th. Same place. BAT ROBES MUST BE that didn't mean groups like Planned least accountable to his contingency for "Pallas Athene Thea." This became a RETURNED THE DAY AFTER Parenthood that consider abortion a his legislative activities. In fact, he traditional song for the sophomore class, LANTERN NIGHT BETWEEN <5 AND 5.. viable option). expressed confusion or ignoranceof some and from 1914 until 1924, the traditional There will be a strict fine for late robes. So The group was unable to resist bringing of the bills which left the group freshmen song wasanother top-ten-Dick- don't mess around; we're very serious. up Freind's now infamous rape- dissatisfied with his lack of participation Clark-chart-buster, '/Over the Way to the 4. Anyone interested in ushering should preganancy immunity concept (when in the Lobby Day, and respecting the fact Sacred Shrine." But pop music being the contact us as soon as possible. Juniors women are raped their bodies "secrete a that at least Freind had seemed prepared fickle thing it is, they soon found an even and seniors especially. We will need you certain secretion" that eliminates the for questions and comments. The last catchier tune by the name of "Sophias." from 6pm through the end of the possibility of conception) but was quickly stop was Republican Representative Transposed from Pericles' funeral oration ceremony. Think of the prestige. Think reassured by the honorable James Clark, who was also civil and as relayed by Thucydides, the actual of the thrills. Think of the power. Think representative that that was, in fact, a prepared, but anti-Choice. music is from "Of Thy Mystical Supper," of the 20'/< discount you'll receive on mistake. As Ireind put it, " I hat s why In addition to support of The another toe-tapping melody from A.F. Lantern Night Sweatshirts. PLEASE, pencils have erasers". I hi' insight Reproductive Freedom and Health Lvoff's Russian Church service. To think think of ushering. And then call or write (philosophical or otherwise) did little to Package, Choice activists are asking for that the beautiful songs and the solemn us so that we can worship and grovel at reassure the Fords and Mawrters, extended and thoughtful (possibly and graceful ceremony we know today vour feet. The next stop on the lobbying trail was public) hearings on the issue. From the ail evolved from one lone fishball. What 5. We weren't lying about "The Lone Republican Senator Richard I ilghman. beginning of the rally through the elegant and tasty beginnings. Fishball." It came from Bryn Mawr... Although the Senator's voting record is afternoon lobbying sessions, the words largely pro-choice, he was reluctant to of the day were STATE LEVEL i otttmit to Listing his vote tor or against INVOLVEMENT. Those who made the- any or all of the Package. On the whole, September event in Harrisburg need to \A nighman was uncooperative and return soon u> continue the fight, and uncommunicative, implying with mu« h those who were not there need join in VJJLJi -——' ^E cil what he said that he was not in the rvext time. s~ ^"——— —*„^*™—

y Page 4 The College News October 4, 1989 Kilson lured to Bryn Mawr BY JESSIE WASHINGTON Kilson has strong feelings about single- sex education. She went to a high school Robin Kilson comes to Bryn Mawr with for young women, and also feels like she much to offer our community. She was attended Radcliffe as much as she BY THIDA CORNES AND times incendiary. Her contributions to born and raised in Boston. She attended attended Harvard. With regards to Bryn CHERYL LEE KIM this community were vital. Harvard /Radcliffe University where she Mawr, she says "This is a place where However, the plurality extant in the received a B. A. and M. A.; she expects to one can be a woman academic without This column is a space for all women of experiences of women of Color cannot be earn a PhD by March 1990. Bryn Mawr feeling a compelling need to prove one's Color. One of the goals of the column is to expressed through a lone speaker. It is had to do some serious negotiating to self." create a space wherein the diverse expe- up to individual women of Color to lure her away from M.I.T. With regard to her role in the college riences of women of Color can be shared represent themselves in this column and Kilson holds the honored position of and their voices heard. To facilitate this indeed in all other arenas. If you are a Helen Taft Manning professor for British process, this column will have a rotating woman of Color, this column is a forum History. She is equally interested in authorship. for your voice. We invite all women of African and Afro-American history. Last year, the column In Technicolor was Color to write for this column. The topic, When asked about Bryn Mawr, Kilson created in response to Minority Coali- length, and tone are completely open. said, "I'm getting used to it, though it tion's request that the Bi-College news- The deadline for the next issue is Satur- was a little strange at first." The history papers incorporate the voices of women day, October 21 at 10 a.m. Please contact department at Harvard has more than of Color. In Technicolor became closely one of us for further details. fifty professors; MIT has 15. Bryn Mawr identified with one woman, Denise (Thida Comes, C-215, x5782/Cheryl Lee has 7 history professors. Tuggle (BMC '89). Denise's voice was Kim, C-1299, x7547). Despite its small size she feels the articulate, strong, controversial, and at curriculum is more than adequate. Kilson does feel that there is a need for coverage of third world topics like African and Latin American history. Professor Kilson used words like compelling, refreshing, delightful, enthusiastic, eager, and interested to community, Professor Kilson said "My describe Bryn Mawr women. She also main interest is furthering the cause of says that they were a major factor in her diversity at Bryn Mawr and Haverford." decision to leave M.I.T.. She adds that in the future it would be Because M.I.T. is such a big university, nice to develop a minor or concentration they had the resources to offer her many in ethnic studies. benefits which Bryn Mawr simply could Professor Kilson hopes that she will not afford. However our administration become familiar with more students, both has been supportive of Professor Kilson inside and outside of the classroom. If in other ways. you don't feel that a history class is in For example, they are permitting her your future, go and talk to her anyway. to teach a reduced load in order to I'm sure that she would welcome complete her doctoral work. This inquiries into her past as a high school semester she is teaching a course on the anti- war rebel and a rock music critic. British Empire. The course she will teach And make sure she tells you the stories next semester will focus on race relations about John Lennon and Bruce in London from 1945 to the present. Springsteen.

• - ■ off our backs - ACROSS the best in feminist journalism I A FOR All. SEASONS 32 IRON 4 FRESH-WATER FISH 33 SCpUT GROUP t THE YOUNGER- 34LACKADAY "oob is international in scope and focuses on 12 FOUND IN NUCLEUS OF 35 PIMPLE diverse topics dealing with poor women, working CELLS 56 VENISON 13 ALTER OF AH GOD! 37 ESTIMATES class women, minority women, prison, custody, and 14 CORROSIVE 31 COL GODDESS OFTHE EARTH 15 MOTOR OR. BRAND 40 DESERVE abortion. It's never been simple-minded. It's what I 16 FLOWER SMELLING BULL 41 DECLINED 1939 NOBEL II WOODWIND INSTRUMENT PRIZE (GER.) think of as feminism'' 20 PHYSICAL PERSON 440RRA - Marilyn Frye, author of The Politics of Reality 21 TO MISREPRESENT 47 DRY 23 EXAMPLE 4i no 25 PARADISE 49 TOY -• news from every continent - working women's 26 PIECE OF CLAY 50OWINGS issues, health, reproductive rights, Black 27 GENDER 51 SCORCH 30 PAST 52 OK NUMBER SEVEN women's issues, lesbian and gay rights 31 IRRELIGIOUS • blow by blow reports of women's conferences DOWN 1 OPERATIONAL DEGREE 27 ANN AT ATE • book reviews, commentaries, letters - open to 2FORMK3DE 21 CANAL all feminist sides of the current debates on 3 PARTY 29 DRIVE-IN ("AMERICAN 4 HYMN TO THE "PILLORY- GRAFFm*) sexuality, reproductive technology, 5TO ONE SIDE 31 HYMN 6PULLMAN 35 FORBID motherhood, and more ... 7 RESPECTED IN ACADEM1A 36FEAT I OAK 37 YACHT Walk into oob's 18th year 9 PLATO 3« TEACHER 10 PETITE 39 CRAVAT 11 MAN OUT 40 ICELANDIC LTTERARY 17 NORW POET WORK 19 GRAIN 41 BASE 21 DROP 42REJECT 22 MARGIN 43 A BOOK OF THE BIBLE 23 CUBAN 45 PERIOD 24JUNEAU 46 ALUMNI DEGREE 26 FALSEHOOD 1

Answers on page 12 A bargain - $15 for 11 issues a year. Trial sub special offer - $4 for 3 issues Poo-den, this is your Subscribe now - send check to: perspective calling. BABYSITTER needed off our backs Where are you? 2423 18th Street NW for happy girl, 2 1/2 Washington DC 20009, U.S.A. years. HBM says HBOs and Name Must have own car. HBAs are conducive to 964-1557 good HBB and sanity. Address HBS is great isn't it? City, Postcode October 4,1989 The College News Page 5 On Our Honor: Questions and conclusions arising from a "not-guilty" case "A hearing is kept completelytpletely was shocked to learn that the exam was and it was decided that it would be made aaflaebeust flag be used without further reference confidential. However, records of all supposed to be closed book. The next clear that Frieda was not guilty of a to the specifics of the case. I can academic cases are kept. Each record day Frieda contacted Professor Fontaine violation pf the Coflft Additionally, we understand why this system may concern includes all written statements, the and informed her of the situation. thought it important to emphasize the people—it concerns me. Indeed, in minutes...and the Honor Board's final Professor Fontaine then contacted the need to mark final exam envelopes as writing this synopsis I was again struck decision on the case. Only the Dean of the Honor Board. It was decided that a open or closed book. by how uncomfortable this makes me. Undergraduate College has access to the hearing was appropriate, even though it The possibility for misuse exists here, as Honor Board records. They may be appeared that there was no intention to does the possibility for marking certain consulted by her dean if a student asks cheat. The Dean of the Undergraduate Perhaps my primary motivation for people for life. Even if you are not found for a letter of recommendation. After a College and the Head of Honor Board starting the semester with the publication to be in violation of the Code a flag exists year, an anonymous synopsis of the case (and, in fact, the whole Board) felt that of this synopsis is twofold. I want to on your file. This hardly seems consistent may be published for the benefit of the this was necessary as it was in keeping educate the community (tell you what it with the pervading ethos of trust and community." with procedure and would be is we really do) and I also want to respect. If our intent is to rehabilitate appropriate to hear from those involved demonstrate that we deal with a wide rather than penalize then surely flagging The Honor Board and UNCHECKED in order to arrive at the best solution. A variety of things. For there appears to be files does not allow for a real and invested POWER—how many times have you hearing was, therefore, convened. a great deal of misinformation re-entry into the community. I am, heard those two phrases linked in the The Board has several "traditional" surrounding the workings of the Honor however, uncertain what I can do about same sentence? Itcameupatevery forum questions we use as guidelines when Board—two radically disparate versions it. The Academic Board is meeting soon last year, we discussed it endlessly at taking testimony. We begin by asking if of reality are seen to exist. Either people to discuss a variety of abstract problems \ Plenary and it featured in numerous the individuals have anything to add to seem to think that the Board runs around dealing with the academic side of the dinner conversations. It is perhaps the the written statements we have collected late at night randomly expelling people Code and this will be on the agenda. In most frequently cited complaint against from them prior to the hearing. We then and doing other unspeakable unchecked the meantime I console myself by the Honor Board, yet ironically it is one ask if they would like tocomment on any things like marking records, policing the thinking that like any other check or of the most inaccurate. For the Hdnor of the other statements collected (all those alcohol policy and painting bathrooms; balance we must place trust in those we Code has within its frame a series of involved in a case are provided copies of or alternately, people say the Honor empower to review us. This is perhaps checks and balances that institutionalize each statement submitted). We also ask Board has no back bone—they talk about cold comfort but if a community issurvive our accountability. This accountability any specific questions we have about the resolution and closure and other nice we must continue to place trust in those comes in the form of scrutiny of our written statements or testimony given. warm-fuzzy concepts and are incapable around us.Perhaps,th«Codesay$itbest— activities by various other members of Weend by asking how they would like to of dealing with anything, ever. our intellectual and social development the community. see the situation resolved, what they Somewhere in between these mutually requires freedom born of trust. For First, there is the addition of four other would find appropriate. exclusive world views, the Board growth requires more than .blind members lo the core six students which The Professor's statement was brief— functions. 1 thought it would be adherence to a code of conduct, it requires comprise both the academic and social she indicated that it was her opinion that instructive to publish a distinct cross- reflection—reflection upon our actions boards in the case of hearings. At such and how our actions affect those with hearings, the use of a consensus model of whom we share the community. Such decision making is another check as ten reflection is only possible when one's members must agree with decisions being judgement is trust. made. Additionally, both academic and Genevieve Bell '90 social decisions are subject to appeal "...For growth requires more than procedures. Lastly, the responsibility of the Honor Board to produce synopses of blind adherence to a code of : past cases allows the community access Before I ran for the Board I was to the Board's decision making process conduct, it requires reflection — concerned about the potential misuse of and provides (yet another) opportunity the Board's position and I was not entirely to critique our decisions. reflection upon our actions and comfortable with the trust they were In the last few years, this process has asking me to place in them. This was part been markedly altered, and instead of how our actions affect those with of what motivated me to run for the writing lengthy abstracts, we have Board. The synopses published by the adopted a more accessible format. We whom we share the community. Board raised questions in my mind about hope that this format will mean that we Such reflection is only possible the exercise of the Board's "power" and canproducemoresynopsesand generate they concerned me in basically two ways. some productive dialogue. By printing when one's judgement is trusted." First, it seemed to me that the confronted synopses in the College News, we hope individual was always found "guilty." I to allow the community better access to wondered if the Board was careful, open, the workings of the Board and and fair in its assessment of whatever consequently the Code. We also hope evidence it was presented with and if a that our newspaper provides a Frieda had not deliberately taken the section of cases this semester, ranging confronted student had, quite frankly, a community centered context for the exam open book. Indeed, Fontaine also from the simple to the complex and then snowball's chance in the fiery pits of hell exploration of such fundamental issues felt that Frieda's willingness to admit what falls in between. This case when confronted with THE BOARD. It as those that concern the Code. We have responsibility should be seen as a obviously, falls into the simple category, also concerned me that the Board seemed also instituted the practice of including mitigating factor. She noted that Frieda at least at first glance. However, it actually to come not only to all sorts of conclusions two critiques of the case, written by Board had been absent when the status of the raises some interesting issues about a student's moral development members, in order to provide some exam had been finally determined. The surrounding record keeping. but it seemed to think that it had the right discussion and criticism of the case and Board questioned Professor Fontaine Traditionally the Honor Board does not to moralize at these students and make also to provide access to opinions of about whether she marked her exams keep files on social cases, they exist only decisions about this person's life based specific Board members and their "open book" or "closed book"—Fontaine in living memory and oral history. By on their moral evaluation. approaches. said that it was her customary practise to contrast, quitesophisticated levels of data Well, here I am, on the Board and faced So, get on with the synopsis, already! mark exams only if they were "open are kept in academic cases—an with decisions about what synopses we O.K., fine—the synopsis. Whoops, one book." When asked how best to handle anonymous file is kept in the Dean's are going to publish and what tone they last though t before we get to the synopsis: the situation, she thought it appropriate office with all the actual documentation are going to take. I have discovered that all the names have been changed to for Frieda to retake the exam in the Fall of from the case (names and specifics are the Board, or at least the Boards I have preserve the anonymity of those involved the following yeajr. deleted to protect identities). These files served on, are, in fact, quite careful in and keep the readers amused. Frieda's statement was equally brief. She are indexed numerically and kept in their assessment of evidence and, yes, reiterated the facts—the confusion chronological order. A separate book is people are found "not guilty." I thought FRIEDAS FRENCH FINAL surrounding the status of the exam, the kept containing the names of those it important to publish a synopsis of one Frieda, a junior desperately seeking her absence from class and the taking of the involved. It is impossible for anyone aside of these cases so that this was clear. In language requirement, was nearing the exam open book. During the course of from the Dean of the Undergraduate fact, the care and caution we use when end of her last semester of a 200 level deliberations it became apparent that College to simultaneously access both assessing evidence could be interpreted French course. Whendiscussing the form Frieda had never taken an "open book" records and put names together with as another "check." We don't want to of the final exam, the professor, Anna exam before and was a little confused by cases. This allows for the publication of make a "wrong" decision and if we err, it Fontaine, mentioned the possibility of an the procedures. When asked how she synopses without ever having direct will be on the side of caution. open book exam in which the use of would like to see the problem resolved, access to the names and specifics. Identity This case raised other interesting dictionaries would be allowed. she also thought that retaking the exam is protected even from the Honor Board! questions, some of which Gen has already Unfortunately, Frieda was absent from would be fair. Needless to say, the Nevertheless, it is the practise of this discussed. I also thought that the the class in which Professor Fontaine deliberations on this case were college to put a flag on the file of anyone procedural questions raised by this announced that, in fact, the exam would refreshingly painless. The immediate confronted in an academic violation. This seemingly simple case deserved be closed book. When she asked another consensus of the Board was that Frieda flag is used merely toalert administrators exploration. All along, this situation did student, Jean, abou t (he class she missed, had no intention of violating the to the existence of another file, not appearcomplicated and it didn't seem Jean neglected to mention the fact that instructions of the exam and the nevertheless the only person who can as if there was a need for the Board to the exam was to be closed book. So when suggestion that she re-take the exam the access that file is the Dean of the College. makea "ruling" when thesituation might it came time for exams, Frieda proceeded following fall, put forth by Fontaine, was If the college is asked to write a letter of be resolved informally. It was evident to to take her French exam in Dalton, open acceptable to herself, Frieda, and the recommendation, this file may be referred me, though, that there was value in book. Later, whilst discussing this exam Board. We wanted to clarify the status of to in order to gain further information. pursuing formal procedures. These with another student in the class, Frieda the decision for record keeping matters At no point would the existence of such Continued on Page 11 Page 6 The College News October 4,1989 Challenging the classical curri Diversity requires academic canonization BY CHERYL LEE KIM beliefs and misconceptions which nurture oppression. irrational fears. Unfortunately, education In the past few years, we at Bryn Mawr Advocating the mere tolerance of difference which ignores fundamental issues of have carried on a continuous dialogue about between women is the grossest reformism. It is a difference cannot touch the roots of the self. a diversity requirement. While such a total denial of the creative function of difference in Until we have a solid understanding^other requirement is vital and of great importance, outlives. Difference must be not merely tolerated, viewpoints, experiences, and perspectives, we are, perhaps, attempting to build a but seen as a fund of necessary polarities between we cannot effectively examine ourselves, our structure without the foundation stones. which our creativity can spark like a dialectic. beliefs, our perspectives. We have not A diversity requirement without the Only then does the necessity for interdependency developed a dialectic in which to discuss courses and the faculty to support it is become unthreatening. Only within that difference. counterproductive to the desired end: to interdependency of different strengths, The most damaging facet of "western," infuse within students the knowledge of acknowledged and equal, can the power to seek "classical" education is that it negates the multicultural perspectives, to provide them new Ways of being in the world generate, as well existence and validity of other ways of being. with the tools to become enriched, rather as the courage and sustenance to act where there Words and phrases like "less advanced," than threatened by difference. Bryn Mawr are no cliarters. "primitive," and "underdeveloped" College needs to make a commitment to intertwine with concepts of Otherness and diversity in its curriculum and in its faculty. J -Audre Lorde 1 Center. Westocentric education creates a Integral to an effective diversity "center" and a "margin." Center as defined requirement are professors who ha ve indept h DIVERSITY. It's become well-worn word. by the existing academe is white, western, knowledge of the subject, not just enough What does it mean to have a diverse male, and upper class. Obviously, the range knowledge to "get by." To teach, for example, curriculum? of experiences thus represented is limited. a course in Latin American history from a Instirutionaldiversityconsistsof something As long as academic curricula demonstrate white colonialist viewpoint does little to more than putting various ethnic groups, acceptance of this criterion as the "normative," advance understanding. nationalities, and races in an enclosed "intellectually significant," and "valuable," Difference can be enriching - challenging environment and hoping that they will all those who exist outside the "center" are us to think and be in different ways. To reject "interact." Institutional diversity requires a invalidated — our existence denied by it, to deny it, is to cut off parts of ourselves, of commitment to a pluralistic curriculum. We absence. This includes women, people of our potential growth. Pluralism and diversity cannot place it in the fringes of the academic Color, sexual minorities, religious are difficult tasks involving an evaluation/ experience — four hour workshops, forums, minorities...the list could go on and on. There evolution of the deepest parts of ourselves. It Diversity Day — all of these are stop-gap is a reciprocal relationship between the cannot be done in the absence of a attempts at eradicating a huge, complex void. academic canonization of experiences and frame work... we cannot construct and create Like trying to give a male chauvinist insights the definition of "normative" and "valid." with paper-thin webs. into the "female experience" in three hours or What is canonized cannot be marginal and less... Other. 1 Audre Lorde, 'The Master's Tools Will One of the most common myths about the If we, students and faculty, continue to Never Dismantle the Master's House," an nature of prejudice is that educated blithely ignore these real problems in our essay from Sister Outsider (The Crossing individuals tend to be freer of the ignorant curriculum, we are colluders in our own Press/Trumansburg, NY) Students' initiative on curriculum BY CATIE HANCOCK then the question becomes whether we, in crimination seemed less an issue at that very fact, are correct to slash and bum through the personal and emotional moment than some I keep thinking of the hit "Closer to Fine" faculty and the curriculum with the label of very basic parietal approval. He graded my by the Indigo Girls and the lines toward the "higher mind", all the while arrogantly and performance, he said he could see through me. middle of the song that -1 am sure - cut to impudently implying we are the real "higher The threat in the tension-filled air was not many a Mawrter's heart when she first heard mind". Indeed, four years prostrate to the that President McPherson was going to deny them: higher mind does take two, it would seem. He lesbians at Bryn Mawr any legal opportunity, graded my performance, he Mid he could see continued on page 11 CJA1A He graded my performance, he said he through me. Yup, at least two. could see through me It is this complex dual drive among Bryn I spent four years prostrate to the higher Mawr students- the very real desire for the Women's Studies—a majo: mind, got my paper approval and approbation of our professors continuedtinned fromfrom page 1 * And I was free and our administrative mentors and the seem- take less challenging lower-level classes certainly important to the evolving Women's ingly simultaneous push to reshape and which can swell to nearly one hundred Studies canon, texts such as Carol Gilligan's It reads so true to this College...prostrate to remold and escape them - that I am speaking students. Even more frustrating are courses In A Different Voice, Adrienne Rich's the higher mind. of. Yes, we want your sanction, but your sanction open only to departmental majors, leaving "Compulsory Heterosexuality," and Maxine That is how we often conceive our lives of OUT proposal. Anything less, time has shown, no room for Women's Studies majors who Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior are here. And I think we know it. is unacceptable. Some would call it having fall in the cracks between departments at a offered repeatedly. One student chimed, Sometimes we don't mind it, this scholar- your cake and eating it too. ■ college strictly divided along disciplinary "How many times must a woman read student relationship,and sometimes weabhor Thus the striking scenes of the last year lines. Gilligan, before she becomes too bored?" it. Leaving aside for now the other images and particularly that of the now historic As recourse/more and more Mawrters are Professor Hedley, one of the three chairs of that come before these particular lines in the "grafitti forum", [Editors' note: last year, a looking beyond even Haverford, to the Women'sStudiesProgram, remarked that song - at least for the sake of all Philosophy small group of faculty, staff, and students - in- Swarthmore and Penn, to get the Women's professors feel confined by the need to offer majors and professors in the immediate vi- cluding President McPherson - painted over col- Studies classes they need. Several students traditional classes which satisfy requirements cinity, myself included - look again at the orful graffiti which had been put in the bathrooms have expressed their shame and dismay; why for departmental majors. Therefore, some words we are dealing with here. of Thomas and the Campus Center as a protest should Bryn Mawr, a women's college departments do not develop Women'sStudies Prostrate. If not in the sense of laying flat, against the racist and homophobic graffiti already allegedly dedicated to the promulgation of courses, which tend to have mostly "non- as if to give obeisance - since this is a school of present. This group invited the community to an feminist ideas, be forced to rely so heavily on traditional" course content. When asked cult figure professors - many of us often feel open discussion a few days later. This discussion coeducational institutions? whether any departments have been "prostrate" at least in the sense of being was the "graffiti forum" to which Catie Hancock Bryn Mawr prides itself on offering small particularly resistant to developing Women's "bowled over", disarmed, and constrained refers; it was covered in detail in Volume X, classes and having such an excellent student / Studies courses, Hedley replied, without like some creation of the ancient art of bonsai. Number 6 of the College News, which is available teacher ratio; these vaunts ring empty if hesitation, "Psychology! Virginia Mann could This is especially true recently, in connection in the Archives and in the College News off ice.I behind the fifteen beaming seniors, fifty angry have taught courses in Women's Studies, but with issues of diversity and the curriculum. Many will remember other aspects of that underclasswomen are pounding down the didn't have the time... [and) she was here Many feel left without choice, power, means night, but the one that sticks in my mind is the classroom doors begging to be let in. At other, four or five years." To teach a Women's of recourse, or productive action. Manipu- time toward the end of the meeting when often larger, colleges, granted, it is difficult Studies class is a "luxury," noted Hedley. lated, discounted, and shunted to Penn for several students effectively requested Presi- for all students to get into the classes they Philosophy was also cited as a department Arabic, we can only look forward to four dent McPherson's blessing on their sexual need. Yet, if unsuccessful, students at these which could easily lend itself to aiding the years prostrate to the higher mind. orientation. Having paused for what seemed other colleges have secondary options in that Women's Studies Program, but which has And we vacillate, similarly in our admira- an eternal amount of time, she spoke. What many more classes are offered in a given neglected to do so since the departure of tion foreachotherand theCollegeasa whole, she said wasn't quite what some expected, I subject at a given academic level. Bryn Mawr Dean DiQuinzio, whose courses in feminism between these extremes of worship and think. Too "safe" some said of the Presi- students face parallel setbacks, and do not and philosophy will be sorely missed. duress for the faculty and the administration dent's statement. She's a real politician, even have the secondary options as Professor Hedley did acknowledge that the - never quite sure whether we want to aban- another muttered, with a touch of admira- consolation. Modern Languages have been quite good at don these "higher mindls]" and what we tion and incredulity in her voice. One small An additional problem for Women's keeping Women's Studies in their offerings, may learn from them - because they have so victory, I could see some friends whisper to Studies students is what appears to be a lack noting especially the tenacity of Myra Love, often disappointed us in those key votes and one another. One small step our way. of coordination among professors. There is a professor in the German department. crises - or whether it will be our mistake to Yes, it would seem, if any small degree of overlap among prerequisites and upper-level However, students have complained that the make so clean a cut and live finally only to Presidential ratification and esteem is what courses, with the same themes and reading French department could expand its have our "paper" and be "free". For some you are after. Yet tolerance and anti-dis- stressed over and over. While they are curriculum to include courses in French Y October 4,1989 The College News Page 7 culum: a question of priorities Independent majors program matures slowly THIS BY LIZ PENLAND a more active part in our education." To be support network because they are not A-WAY sure, independent majors take a more active •attached to a specific department. Dean This year, there are thirteen seniors and role in shaping the course their education Tidmarsh said that there was a "fair amount TM 01 VERSA thirteen juniors pursuing independent majors follows by setting off from the established of isolation for the independent major" and at Bryn Mawr, in subjects ranging from track of a traditional major, motivated by a that consequently the student-advisor A FEHINIST folklore to semiotics. They may keep a low special interest or desire. relationship was crucial. Often, said CURRICULUM profile as a group, so that many of us do not However, interest alone is not enough to Tidmarsh, the student and advisor have AND OTHERS know who they are or what they are studying, make one an independent major. To be differing expectations about what the SWCH lt*ALS/ but they are an interesting facet of the college's allowed an independent major, a Mawrter advisor's role should be and the commitment f, academic life and an example of the academic must find two faculty advisors and formulate involved, which can lead to much confusion freedom we are given here. with them a proposed plan of studies. This and disappointment on both sides. A letter Bryn Mawr's independent major program plan must include 12 courses, at least 7 of is now being drafted which will be sent out to was begun about ten years ago when it was which must be at Bryn Mawr, with at least all faculty toclarify the role of an independent decided that Mawrters, who could then take four 300 level courses, two of which may be major advisor and so give them, as Tidmarsh independent majors through Haverford's independent study. She must then undergo put it, "a clearersenseof whatthey'reagreeing program, would be better served by a thorough evaluation by a committee made to and what they're not." independent majors centered at and presided up of four faculty members ,two students The idea of a support group for independent over by Bryn Mawr. The program has since and a dean. This committee only turns down majors in addition to faculty advisors is being grown at a rapid rate: a few years ago there oneor two proposals a year, generally because discussed. Counselling by the deans and were only four or five a year, in comparison of poor planning or significant overlap with faculty is already available, but is dependent to this year's twenty-six. an established major, but it does revise and on student initiative. If they are dissatisfied Among independent major topics, hopefully strengthen the accepted proposals. or overwhelmed, independent majors doalso Women's Studies traditionally sees the Concerns have been voiced that this have options for changing their major but greatest number, and the89-90 academic year committee should be made up of faculty these vary widely with the types and number \ is no exception: twenty percent of this year's from areas related to the student's proposed of courses they have taken. independent majors are in that area. Other major, and not just faculty elected during the There are no certainties in taking an areas of study with multiple majors this year faculty nominating process, as it currently is. independent major, but for most, the benefits are theater, creative writing, medieval studies, It does seem that a student pursuing a major have outweighed the disadvantages. f and East Asian studies. in ,say, creative writing would find little help Although the independence can also be But what distinguishes a Ma wrter pursuing from an economics professor in strengthening isolating, the best thing about an independent an independent major from her fellow her proposed courses. major, according to Robin Bernstein '91, a Mawrters? Laura van Straaten '90, a Modern The students who become independent creative writing major, is "It gives me the Literature and Women's Studies major, said, majors have greater academic freedom than time, mainly, to do what I want." "I thinkoverall we (independent majors] take other majors but they also have less of a :AT WHITE Joint Departments at Bryn Mawr and Haverf ord? S TE R N THC BY KELLY LOVE French department as well as a member of Mawr is in a position to take advantage of the the Committee on Academic Priorities, sees fact that we are an excellent academic The phenomena of merged Bryn Mawr/ the merger of that department in particular institution for women, one that can stand on Haverford departments has received perhaps as positive on both the practical and its own merits and does not need more less widespread discussion and debate than theoretical levels. extensive academic ties (such as the merged the subject merits. Practically speaking, Haverford had just departments) with a co-ed institution in order The benefits of merging Haverford and lost two of its French professors, and it made to feel confident in what Bryn Mawr can offer- Bryn Mawr departments are pretty clear. more sense to have one unified and strong students. Because department There are currently two joint departments— department than a strong department at Bryn merging requires so much compromise German, the first to merge, and French. Mawr and a floundering Haverford between two institutions with different » 17C rs Professor Armstrong, this year's chair of the department. However, professor Armstrong ideological sets of values, Hancock feels that stated, it was "not simply opportunism." The "we're negotiating away a lot of our theoretical reasons were also compelling— independence." She points out theimportance r with no courses for most the idea of promoting strong and friendly of maintaining the distinction between the relations between faculty and students on two schools, and preserving our sense of feminist literary theory and psychoanalytic being too traditional? Are we being the two campuses, being able to better serve "where Bryn Mawr ends and Haverford criticism, but has not done so. English and progressive enough? What are the academic students with a more cohesive program, and begins." Sociology are also notable as two departments priorities of Bryn Mawr College as an eliminating the "divided loyalties" students Another interesting question about joint with steady and substantial Women's Studies institution, and what are the implications of can feel when deciding which college to major areas of the curriculum is why it is that the fare. those priorities? ■. at and where to take particular classes. There new areas of study are formed as bi-college To improve the Women's Studies Program If the number of students jamming the few, is also the benefit for faculty of being able to concentrations. This includes East Asian at Bryn Mawr, Professor Hedley fa vors hiring scattered Women's Studies classes that are enjoy a wider network of colleagues with Studies, Women'sStudies, Peace Studies, and candidates "primarily defined as Women's offered can serve as evidence to the interest whom to exchange ideas. Computer Science. The new HispanicStudies Studies people,"with background and and enthusiasm for this field, then we must Economic reasons also affect the decision program now in a formative stage will almost research in the field: "An open teaching slot ask whether the administration shouldn't to merge departments, as one institutional certainly be bi-college as well. Three of the should be defined as a Women's Studies reconsider its priorities. We cannot say goal is to efficiently use the money we have, above areas are ones that would serve to position, and research in Women's Studies whether this reconsideration of priorities but Professor Armstrong was very clear that diversify the curriculum, which is an should not just viewed as a 'bonus' that should result in the establishment of an official "a merger should never be undertaken for interesting pattern to note in light of the accompanies a candidate's credentials." Women's Studies department. Professors purely economic reasons." Armstrong also current concerns over the diversity and lack Professor Hedley noted a mixed blessing Hedley and Joffe have pointed out the feels comfortable that the department's thereof in Bryn Mawr's curriculum. which characterizes Women's Studies today. drawbacks of a separate department, and ideology and commitment to women's One of Bryn Mawr's goals, as expressed in Asit is becoming an increasingly hot academic even panelists at The International Women's education have not been compromised. She the Self Study Report done for the Middle field. Women's Studies professors are being Studies Conference in Brussels last February describes the French department as "very States evaluation, is "maintaining an awarded grants for research, and are thus criticized the way in which their own feminist in its leanings," and says t ha t merging ambitious range of programs for its size." forced to give up teaching hours in order to departments tended to ghettoize feminists with Haverford has not changed that. As a While this can certainly be seen as consistent pursue other projects. The problem is not the and prevent them from touching all aspects member of the Committee on Academic with ourgoal of providing excellent education fault of those professors who, while of academic life. Priorities, she also feels that the mission of specifically for women, if weare truly serious committed to Women's Studies at Bryn Mawr Wecan say, however, that Women'sStudies Bryn Mawr as a woman's college is always about our commitment to being a women's and beyond, are limited in time and resources. at Bryn Mawr —whatever organizational held as a top priority. college and filling the educational need that :This article aims does not aim to criticize form it takes— needs administrative attention In spite of these strong arguments women's colleges fill, there is more at stake either the current professors in Women's and financial commitment from both colleges, demonstrating the positive outcomes of than what departments and programs we -Studies, or the current chairs of the Women's and needs a better coordinated and cohesive * merged departments, there are many have to offer. Study after study supports the Studies Program. The leaders in Women's structure. Women's Studies continues to concerns that are not satisfactorily addressed. idea that women are better educated at Studies at Bryn Mawr are handling all these prove its relevance and importance to the Catie Hancock (CurriculumCommittee Rep.) women's colleges, and that the single-sex problems with tenacity and patience, academy not only within departments, but challenged the idea that merging does not academic environment is particularly especially considering the extent to which also as a tool with which to critique and to substantively change a department: "How conducive to quality education for women. their workload has increased since the transcend traditional academic disciplines. can we, as intelligent women, say that it's not As we have made decisions about merged departure of Dean DiQuinzio, who served as Students and professors agree; Women's going to change the nature of instruction and departments and joint curricular programs, advisor to the Women's Studies Program. Studies is not a fad —it's here to stay. Yes, emphasis in our departments to merge with have we been diligent in raising the critical This article aims to point out the dilemma we've come a long way, baby, but we've still a coed college?" While she very much question: at what cost to our integrity as a exacerbated by a college that prides itself on got a long way to go. supports our ties with Haverford and women's col'ege do we strengthen our upholding the values of a traditional liberal A thank you to Joanna Ho for her insightful Swarthmore, she feels strongly that Bryn programs through merging? arts education. We must ask, is Bryn Mawr comments. Page 8 The College News October 4,1989 ANO With the VCR, it's never too late to see The Year My Voice Coming Attractions Broke and other films past ON CAMPUS BECCA BARNHART Oberlin Dance Company/San Francisco As the title suggests. The Year My Voice Thursday, October 5th, 8 pm Broke is a coming of age story, but it is not Goodhart Auditorium your average, run of the mill frustrated VlKO Tickets at door or call 526-5210 boy lusting after voluptuous young girl. It is a funny and serious and gentle n±2ja? $1 with college ID production. They are somewhat like twins in their The story takes place in New South ability to understand each other and their Student Poetry Reading Wales; the year is 1962. The main emotional and psychological tie is quite Wednesday, October 4,8 pm character, who in my opinion is a dead strong as exemplified in one particular ringer for Lou Diamond Phillips in La episode which I won't give away. Danny The Cafe~Bryn Mawr Campus Center Bamba, is Danny, an average, hyper- and Freya have their own little island to Seven Bryn Mawr students will read their own hormonal teenager. He is hopelessly which they escape; it is a pile of rocks and work; an open reading will follow. infatuated with his best friend Freya. He boulders, an oasis of granite among the and Freya have been bosom friends since golden crops of wheat. Beside Willy's they were small, but now adolescence Hill, Freya and Danny often visit a OFF CAMPUS has come between them.. Of course Freya maverick writer living in an abandoned is not sexually interested in Danny; she is railroad car. Here they develop (or try Mama Drama attracted to Trevor, an older teenager to) a taste for whiskey and a curiosity Daughter Productionize. and a star on the school football team. about an old house once owned by a Trevor is reckless; his hobby is "pinching" wealthy family whosedaughterdied very October 12-November 19/8pm a local biddy's Mercedes and driving it young. There is a twist in the plot Walnut Street Theater around the racetrack. Danny tries to concerning the house, and it plays a key 9th and Walnut emulate him and the older boys; he role in the latter part of the movie. smokes and works at acquiring a taste The countryside surrounding the town for whiskey. There are some funny is absolutely gorgeous—a splendid array scenes: one of Danny outside Freya's of gold, blue, and green splashed all over window watching her undress and the hillsand sky. It is certainly in contrast praying that God will keep her from to what we consider to be the typical lowering the blinds, and another of Australian landscape. It is a good movie an American Icon Danny sending a telepathic message to for those who want to chill out from Freya by holding her panties to his Rambo and the like. common among the members of the temple. WARNING: Therearenographiclove yuppie class which they caricature. The relationships among all three scenes or gore. I probably should've Cheers is a show with a simple formula. teenagers are well-handled; surprisingly, written this at the beginning to save you Few of the scenes are shot outside of the they are not shallow. Danny and Freya's people a lot time. bar itself.andthenatureof the interaction relationship is especially interesting. Running time: 103 minutes. between the characters is essentially the same as it was in the past. Yet the show remains fresh despite the passage of time, BY ELISSA LANDA and I think that this is, in part, due to the Groovy campus films fact that each member of the cast is a Cheers is perhaps the best known bar talented actor who adds to the overall The Bryn Mawr College Film Series: Tomatoes (a timeless 86 min. of color) in Boston, and visitors to that city often high caliber of the acting, writing, and All films are shown Thursday nights The world's first "musical- flock to the "Bull and Finch" pub in order production, as well as to the ensemble at 7:30 and 10:00 pm in Thomas 110. disaster comedy!" Get in the mood for to see one of those bizarre bits of nature of the show. The actors work Halloween with this hilarious action americana which television has thrust together as a group, and really do film starring tomatoes that kill... A into the realm of cultural icon. Every fan complement each other, which in turn October 5: The Ballad ofGregorio Cortez friend of mine credits his deep fear of the show has his or her favorite allows each performer the freedom to (1983,100 min.) and hatred of tomatoes to this characters, be it the sassy and eternally havehisorherowndramaticandcomedic A western that will forever movie—you'll never think of salads pregnant Carla, the Everyday moments without the scene-stealing change your perception of the West. the same way again. Workingmen Norm and Cliff, or even common or. so many sitcoms today. They This screen adaptation of a Mexican the ever-confused, yet lovable Woody are also able to play off of each other ballad asks riveting and relevant November 1: Pink Flamingos (1972,90 the Bartender. extremely well, and the closeness of the questions about who's to blame for min.) Yet Cheers, which airs Thursday nights cast really comes through to the audience, what, and who's to judge. A must-see The movie that asks you to on NBC at nine o'clock, truly has proved making us feel as though we are almost film! "witness the repulsive exploits of the through the simple fact of its longevity a part of this group. The fact that the filthiest people alive." Directed by the that it has touched onto a certain element actors work so well together only October 12: The 39 Steps (1935 B/W, off-beat John Waters, who was once in our collective psyche that has enabled accentuates the humor and the overall 81 min.) scorned by mainstream film critics it to capture that special place in the quality of the show. . If s Alfred Hitchcock, if s but is now hailed by all as a "twisted hearts of the American viewing audience. I think, perhaps, that another important British, it stars Robert Donat as a genius" and a "patron saint of j And this tradition of humor and wit reason which lies behind the show's murder suspect who must clear midnight movies." He was also promises to continue at least until the popularity can be found in the writing, himself by finding the real killers. responsible for last year's incredible end of this year. Based upon the first two which has been consistently funny from Also starring Madeleine Carroll and Hairspray. Rated X for excellent... t episodes which aired over the past two the first show up untiHlM present. In Peggy Ashcroft. Hitchcock's always Also: Charlie Chaplin's The weeks, Cheers continues to use the same addition, this particular show handles entertaining, and it's not too long, so Tramp, a 20 min. short in which rrlethods which it alwaysdid to entertain, the loss of key characters extremely well. you have no excuse not to see it! cinema's most famous and enduring while shedding some light upon the New members of the ensemble are character is created. Come celebrate human condition. One of the biggest introduced as individuals, never truly October 19: Polemkin (1925 B/W, 67 the 100th anniversary of Chaplin's developments which fans of the show serving as "replacements" for those who min, silent with musical score) birth with this hilarious comedy. are eagerly anticipating has to be the have moved on. Nobody could ever Many consider this to be the nature of the relationship between Sam equate the lofty and intellectual Diane greatest film of all time— most will November 9: Streetwise (made at some Malone, Cheers' womanizing, "legend in Chambers with brassy, career-oriented agree that at the very least it's damn point to last for an appropriate his own mind" bartender, and Rebecca Rebecca Howe. Yet, on the other hand, good. This story of the battleship number of minutes) Howe, the corporate climber who has Rebecca does fill the gap created by Potemkin and the failed 1905 Feeling a little jaded? Is this been placed through corporate America's Diane's absence quite admirably. revolution is directed by Sergei ivory tower atmosphere getting on endless beauracracy as the bar's manager. Hopefully, this year Cheers will Eisenstein, a true genius (and I don't your nerves? See this film, a Until now, their relationship has revolved continue to show as much promise as the use that word lightly). Adaptions of documentary focusing on the life of around innuendos on Sam's part and first two episodes have, and we will all many of this film's legendary scenes runaway kids in Seattle as they simple flirtation. Yet Sam has recently feel as at home "where everybody knows still show up in current popular films struggle to create a happy existence revealed his feelings for Rebecca, and your name" as we all have in the past. (i.e. the baby carriage scene in The for themselves. This films spares no this season the relationship continues to Perhaps the true secret behind Cheers is Untouchables). Come see this one in its effort to tell the truth. Deep, hold promise. In addition, Frazier and that viewers really do feel as though, incredible movie even if it is Russian! very deep, but not for the weak or Lillith, the two psychologists, are were they to walk into this bar, they You won't regret it. sappy. anticipating the birth of their first child would feel as welcome and as at home as with all of the excitement and enthusiasm the characters do on this show. October 26: Attack of the Killer continued on page 10 which has become stereotypically October 4,1989 The College News Page 9 &HTE1KTA- IHMB-K T Run, don't walk! Bullock's photo exhibit ends Sunday Look BY NANCY YOO to the immensity of trees, hills and roads /& Too many memories— that lead to nowhere. A particularly her fingers touching the white lace curtain John G. Bullock: An American Vision is a striking example of this is "Eastward as to open a stage for the rain, retrospective exhibit of Bullock's work Far as the Eye can See," 1890, which is a or her straw hat lifting (like a lid), currently being shown at the Comfort photograph of huge black rocks next to and her hair swept back by a liquid breeze. Gallery. Although Bullock was a vital the sea with a small figure of a woman figure of the early American (pre-World looking out into the vast distance. Eyes never mattered— War I) photography scene, until recently, Another photograph, "By the Still they were lost in the valleys and the hills, he had not been accorded the attention Waters," 1897, which depicts.a woman the great plains and wheat fields which he deserves. reading to a little boy underneath a tree of1 her ripened skin, Bullock graduated from Haverford on the bank of a still stream, evokes the and the spring of thought from her bittered lips. College as class president and picturesque quality of a Monet. As the valedictorian in 1874. After Haverford, photographs span the years from 1891 to The train inhales— he went on to obtain a Ph.D. from the 1911, the viewer can see where the shifts I reach through the sealed glass window, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in in Bullock's work occur. For instance, searching through the muddled crowds, 1879. Bullock took his first photography for her and the farewell she promised lesson in 1882 with veteran photographer • to never give. John C. Brown. In 1891, Bullock and eight other We are departing. Americans, including Stieglitz, Important matters await me, participated in a prestigious exhibit and the briefcase snaps to a close. shown in the Vienna Salon. From 1898 to I stare through the smoke of a nearby cigar 1901, Bullock, Robert Redfied and George for two precious stones set in a mask of goodbye. Vaux, all members of the Photographic Society of Philadelphia, organized —Maia Whang exhibitions similar to the ones shown in "The Coke Burner," 1900, a photograph the Vienna Salon. The salon pushed of a man surrounded by geyser-like Childwoman Philadelphia into the main current of the formations which cannot definitely be photography scene. After the identified as steam, is evidence of Patiently on the bed discontinuation of theseexhibits, Bullock Bullock'smovingaway from the pictorial in your wedding-waiting-room— you sit. joined Alfred Stieglitz and ten other to the allegorical realm. There is an Virgin doll in red silk. photographers in 1901 to form the Photo- infinite stillness and a quality of Looking up at pointless decorations— Secession. The Photo-Secession's basic timelessnessin Bullock's work. Bullock's vision imprisoned by a blur of tears. aim was to recognize photography as an mastery of contrast between light and Looking down— art form. Bullock's work was included in shadow is clearly evident in all of his fingering cumbersome gold bangjes— every Photo-Secession exhibition. In the photographs, particularly in "Her throat parched with fear— 1920's and 30's Bullock became the Wedding Journey," 1888. Finally, no comforting word drunk all day. corresponding secretary curator at a Bullock's structural sense is consistently Your face contorts , . :..,._.... historical society and the time he spent and beautifully intact. into a mask of docility. • on photography became limited. John G. Bullock will be at the Comfort The name you've married John Bullock: An American Vision Gallery for one more weekend only. Take enters and leaves. consists of one hundred photographs, 70 a blue bus ride over there—the exhibit is Silk painfully disarrayed— modern platinum prints and 24 vintage well worth the ride! your body burns with a wearying fever— prints. Although a few portraits and tears and make-up urban shots are included, Bullock's mingle and sm-u-d-ge. photographs were predominately New is I will share your nightmares. landscapes with small human figures in the foreground. In these landscape worth a listen —anonymous photographs, Bullock seems to express the desire to either incorporate humans Send submission* to Gin Hansbury, box C-1031. Please include your name and phone into Nature or emphasize how BY ANDI DEDOLPH number. Names will be withheld on request. insignificant humans are in comparison ? Never heard of her. (That's what living in Montgomery, MC LYTE--DONT YOU DIS HER AL for two years will do to you.) So, I listened cautiously,to her new album, BY JAMIE TORTORELLO throwing out song after song affirming as powerful. "Cappucino" brings a new Brave and Crazy, not at all sure what to her (not to mention her audience's) right twist to the much used theme of the drug expect. I was pleasantly surprised with The most amusing picture that comes to be violent, sexual and powerful. In problem by telling the story of a woman what I heard. The woman ain't bad— to my mind while listening to MC Lyte's "Please Understand", the most who is caught and killed in the crossfire matter of fact, she's pretty damn good. new album Eyes on This is of Public perversely humorous of these tough of a drug war in a West Side cafe. After The music itself is an excellent Enemy's Chuck D fleeing from her. She woman songs, she systematically this incident, she asks herself over and combination of rock, country, and blues. doesn't need to catch him...l wouldn't disposes of men who commit various over, "Why, oh why, Thegreatestpart wish that fate on an artist I like so evil acts against her, including getting did I need of the music, much...but I do fancy the notion of the other women pregnant and being "too cappucino?" This aside from her embodiment of hip-hop power being friendly." The worst punishment is song seems bizarre fantastic guitar, forced to run away from the violent wrath reserved for "Cory" who tries to^eel her and comedic until is her voice. of a woman even tougher than he. Not up. She tells us that she "flipped him to she describes Deep, throaty, only that, but I figure he'd be running the floor...kicked him down the cappucino. Here we and raspy, it backwards, taking to heart her warning stairs...[and] rolled him to his car." realize, that gives the music "Don't turn yourback,'causethismike'll Periodically, in this song, we hear a cappucino is actually a rugged be in vour ass." woman pleading "I just want you to meant tobethedrug.expensivebut good. quality. Lyrically, the album is mostly Armed with obscene language and a understand" aricTa\man responding She concludes by saying that if she gets melancholy, cliched love songs. The kickass attitude, MC Lyte is just about "Understand what?" We listeners can killed when she drinks cappucino, she'll theme of most of thesongs runs along the the most empowering female performer complete the phrase to read, "I just want stick to tea. The message here is clear; lines ill either "I love you, why don't you around right now. Even better, she roots you to understand that if you don't she's not denying that drugs feel great, love me back" or "I really don't, and her power in rap, a genre that, with its behave I'm going to beat the shit out of but they're not worth the self destruction never did, love you." One song that pounding rhythms and harsh voices, you." Her violent threats and insults are that goes with them. It's better to stick really distinguishes itself from the pack oozes male sexual and physical energy. not for men alone though; rival women with something weaker, but safer. is "My Back Door." The song discusses Usually, I enjoy aggressive male rappers receive the same treatment. 1 ler stabs at I'm already psyched for MC Lyte's growing up and leaving behind the in small doses, but after repeated others are quick, painful, and often next album to come out, and in the naivete of childhood without being listeneing, they become exhausting. In obscene. While our first response might meantime, I'll be spending lots of time sappy, a rare feat. my mind, lines blur between artistic and be nervous laughter, the simple act of listening to Eyes on This as well as her first All in all, I liked the album a lot actual threats. MC Lyte, though, with the quoting her offers the pleasure of power album, Lyte as a Rock. They are worth musically, but got a little bored with it same exact poses and rhymes makes me to her listeners. listening to; not only do I love her music, lyrically. So if you're looking for good laugh and cheer her on. One of the best songs on the album but 1 also figure that it is a better idea to music and the words aren't that In Eyes ottThis, she doesn't disappoint, strays from this boasting style, but is just be one of her fans than oneof her enemies. important, this album is for you.

L Page 10 The College Neivs October 4,1989 Confessions of ©eo^v^ Vvv>: (Atx^A_@ Honor Board- Dear Ms. Hank, question is a good one. It is true, if you dear Disbelieving. You can only get them On our Honor con't I am a prospective student. I've come to Bryn Mawr, you will only be by telephone. Perhaps you, wise womon Continued from Page 5 been admitted to Harvard, Princeton and able to visit friends on the first floor of that you are, chuckle at the fact that you Stanford, but Bryn Mawr is my first Erdman or maybe Radnor, if you're the wouldn't ever have to go to the Dark procedures are designed so that all Choice. However, I rely on a wheelchair coed type. You will have to go though a Place [Ed. Note: This is Haverford relevant information about a situation to get around. This isn't necessarily a contemptible amount of hassle to have a College], the place that the Blue Bus can be explored, especially apparently problem, but friend of mine who visited ramp set up for you anywhere else — goes, because you couldn't get QU the hidden or irrelevant information, by a Bryn Mawr last year said that I shouldn't although for most of Bryn Mawr's Blue Bus. But consider the fact your number of uninvolved individuals so even bother applying to BMC. She said collegiate Gothic campus, a ramp is not course options would be cut in half, that the most appropriate and that I wouldn't even be able to get into a remedy. indeed, nearly eradicated if you are constructive solution can be found. Such the admissions office, much less most of Although the Campus Center, looking for Womyn's Studies! procedures are actually crucial the classrooms. Computer Center and Thomas Library Dear Disillusioned, I hang my protections of both the individual My family doesn't have a lot of are wheelchair accessible, you'll have to head in shame, for even I have no answer student's "rights" and they also serve to money, so I can't explore every campus go through the back way to get into the to your question. How can a college preserve our system of self-governance I'm interested in. We only have enough Thomas and the Campus Center. In priding itself on its diverse aspects by insuring a student dominated decision for me to visit a few colleges that are very Thomas you will encounter a myriad of exclude womyn simply because they have making process with concern centered good bets. Another friend said she read tunnels as you wander through the physical abilities that differ from the on students. Lastly, it would be in your column in the school newspaper basement — exciting but certainly not majority? None of us — not even our bypassing these procedures that the (advocacy journal? feminist paper?) and convenient. The excitement is, of course, most esteemed tallest of tall, who shall Board would be exercising dangerous suggested I ask your sage advice. What contingent on whetheryou can figure out yet remain but an allusion in the Mac of "powers" of selection. In fact, I feel a should I do? 1 can't believe that a women's a) where to find these entrances (there Ms. Hank — no, none of us is safe in our quote of that oh-so-quotable Code college with feminist intent isn't are no signs) and b) when to try them physical "ability". This is the most coming on—"We recognize that in our wheelchair accessible—how backwards! (they're usually locked). puzzling thing of all; in the construction interactions with members of our In case you had a shred of belief of our campus, as in the construction of community, problems and conflicts do Disillusioned, left, it gets worse! Most classrooms, dorm our ableist society, we erase the fact that arise. We have developed procedures by rooms, the Administration (including the we are all, if physically able, only which such problems can be resolved— a disbelieving prospective deans and the President, safe in their temporarily able-bodied. procedures which are based on the

■ ivory offices). Financial Aid, the principles of self-governance and the Dear Disbelieving, Comptroller's Office, Student Payroll, Death to the Patriarchy and an End to need for communication." The Board and Although there are those who Dining Services, Physical Plant, Ableism! our activities are central to these would question the feminist intent (and Housekeeping—the list goes on, but you procedures and protections. content) of this women's college, your get the picture — are inaccessible to you, Ms. Hank Jennifer Spruill,'90

The BrynMawr Paper-Doll Collection

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TWADlTioNKLH LONfe «.ND WCC • FtST S««»l» II (Hot A«oe.DlN4L1 . »S HoULW K^<-MtV>N'ao October 4,1989 The College News Page 11 Tang Yean - a Chinese restaurant where a vegetarian can say, "I'll have the wonton soup ..." BY ARIEL HART health) food to all who enter, foregoing the dreaded MSG (I personally don't Well, hello! Fancy meeting you here in know much about MSG, except that this swank pad. Just in case your mind's you're supposed to avoid it, and that one on your date's new duds which follow of my housemates has these cans of it oh-so-carefully thecurve of her/his back which she sprinkles directly onto bread), (sorry, man or woman? -1 don't have my and 2) has a VEGETARIAN section of the glasses)(come to think of it, I don't even menu! Some carnivores out there may wear glasses), let me clue you in - we are have no idea what it means to a woman THOUGHT at Tang Yean, that ultra-cool swingin' who has not been inside a Chinese place with the pink tablecloths in the restaurant since her moral coming-of- heart of Chinatown, that serves Mexican age to say the words, "I'll ha ve the wonton started out, as I say, with the wonton time call up (925-3993) and ask if they food. Just kidding - thought I'd bring a soup for starters." So you will have to soup, which appears to be a recurring just don't buy soy sauce because there's little humor into my intro to break the excuse this reviewer if her review has a theme in this article, but it deserves it. something unhealthy about it, and if that tension possibly produced by the earlier slightly euphoric slant; I justcan'tbelieve Then we went on to the stuffed bean curd is the case, if they would mind if I brought sex-related comment. that I sat in a restaurant and looked at (cruel carnivore lingo for tofu), which my own bottle. Oh, yeah, they do have So! We are here. A tad daunted at first about five million choices on a menu and were tofu deep-batter-fried (about the soda pop - Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite. by thedim lights,classical music,snazzy- picked what I wanted to eat, and it was size of dumplings) and smothered with So if your tastebuds are starting to take looking folded napkins and stuff on the all Chinese. Now, I'm not vegan, but the vegetables and sauce, and we also had violent hold of your brain's motor aforementioned tablecloths, our wallets woman on the phone swears up and this fake beef dish or something, I think. functions, here are the directions (I know soon relax as they realize that most people down that there are no egg or milk I took home a container of the something I said you're already here, but that was in the restaurant are dressed casually, products in their vegetarian menu, so it or other Chicken in Spicy Sauce, but it just a funky way to start a review): it's and that the menu lists prices well within appears to be safe for all. They use a lot of never made it to my next sit-down meal. 220 N. 10th Street. That means you take the range of someone who can afford the that meat substitute - is it special tofu or In the end they don't give you fortune the train to Market East, find 10th St (for train trek downtown. Which is to say, something? - that appears to be cookies; they give you orange slices and the uninitiated, Market East brings you most of the main dishes are just over five marinated, and which tastes wonderful. hot damp towels, which make you feel up into the Gallery mall, which runs dollars apiece, and in my humble opinion They divide their vegetarian menu into wonderful. parallel to Market St., and 9th, 10th and just one main dish would be enough for sections like the carnivore menu, listing The one thing that bothered me was 11th run perpendicular to the mall - I two people to be satisfied on, what with dishes under "Duck," "Beef," "Seafood," that there was no soy sauce on the tables, think 10th is just outside Strawbridge's, the rice and all, especially if you get an etc., but be not alarmed, it's all substitute. and I thought the food needed more soy maybe) and take it all the way through appetizer or something. That means no animal broth in the sauce. Not that I had the presence of the big pretty Chinatown gate - a few But wait - I'm leaving out the most wonton soup, too, which was really mind to ask for some, though. Hmm. blocks down on your left will be this little important part. You see, the cool, cool amazing. Nice big non-mushy wontons. Well, what I'm going to do, and what I yellow and red sign beckoning you to thing about Tang Yean is that it: 1) serves So. Let me tell you what I just ate. We encourage you to do, is, before I go next paradise. Take my advice and succumb. Catie's column on curriculum continued continued from page 6 the role of educator. as well, it will grant us some new sense of any way determine the importance or but that she would go so far as to suggest control over our lives here and our stud- the effect of creative student contribu- that she did not like students who were The classroom is a place ivhere we ies, some sense of accomplishment, and tions to the process of achieving a prop- lesbians - as if tolerance and approval play out all our expectations of human direction in the faceof the faculty's seem- erly diverse, dynamic, interesting cur- were mutual terms. The danger of the relationships and interactions. It is ing inaction and disapproval. riculum, student body, and faculty. If we moment and the issue of the times had the most obviously hierarchical set- Yet if we know anything by now and allow ourselves to think that simply suddenly telescoped itself, it would seem, ting we have in college. It is also an in- because of those who came before us, we because we have no vote, we have no say into a question of the fine line of toler- timate, familial type setting where we know that we are in for the long haul or in the curriculum, we will have no say - ance and its apparent relation to the are expecting to learn and be chal- not at all. The faculty of Bryn Mawr we will spend four years prostrate to the personal regard of others. Very real feel- lenged. College does control the curriculum and higher mind, get our papers, and that will be ings and situations were right out there that will not change. But that does not in it. We are better than that, deserve more, on the line and yet the solution to anony- I want to spend four years prostrate to the and can deliver it. mous slurs and harassment had become higher mind, get my paper and be educated synonymous with President McPher- Or, as four Brits once put it, please, son's personal opinion. The very power please me. that had been denounced as institution- In many ways, it was Beth's last state- alizing and intrinsically discriminatory - ment at Bryn Mawr on the subject. the very power that had wielded a paint- But I don't think it should be ours, brush en masse to obliterate what some necessarily. If anything can be gleaned Groovy Movies defended as "affirming" - was now called from these images I have been rehears- ...the continuing saga upon to erase the past and establish the ing here - from the Indigo Girls to the future. The ball is in your court, we Grafitti Forum to Beth's article - it is the November 16: What's Up, Tiger Lily? handsome, political and musical seemed to be saying prostrate at President great and overwhelming emphasis we (1966,80 min.) man. He was the first Black AU- McPherson'sfeet, we would so like you to have placed as students on the personal You've never seen anything American from Rutgers (he played hit it here. Please like us. approval and sanction of the Faculty and like it—the only Woody Allen film football), went on to get his law Along similar lines my predecessor as Administration of Bryn Mawr to the ex- that doesn't star Allen but does star degree from Columbia (although he Co-Head of the Student Curriculum tent that it lias defined our role as active con- his voice... Allen bought the rights never passed the bar exam because Committee, Beth Posner, wrote an article tributors and the terms of our contribution to to a Japanese spy thriller and then Blacks were still not allowed to for The College News on March 31 of this the College's curriculum and mission. dubbed over his own dialogue, practice law in then), year castigating the faculty and Admini- The drive again and again for a faculty- transforming it into a James Bond performed in Europe for many years stration for not taking "on the role of the instituted diversity requirement in all its takeoff. Hilarious, one of his earliest as a singer and an actor, came back educator." versions and implications - to have them and funniest. You'll regret it forever to live in the U.S. but in the 50's was say en masse Yes! to our idea of proper if you miss this chance to see it. called before the House Committee We (the students} were the ones education - has distracted us from the on Un-American Activities due to his making the demands, thinking of the pursuit and responsibility of creating November 30: Variety (1984,97 min.) support of communism, was one of right questions to ask, and ultimately alternatives or supporting policies on Made by American the few people who actually dared becoming aware that the educational the student government and individual independent filmmaker Bette stand up to them and refuse to system had gone awry. student level. Shouldn't we also be think- Gordon, this movie explores the right cooperate, and in later years was It was time, I belieiv we all thought, ing of instituting on ourselves a Diversity of women to sexual fantasies without turned against by his fellow that our faculty begin teaching us to Requirement, via the Self-Govemment punishment or degradation. communists for disassociating ask tljehffluestions, to examine what Association's Constitution or the Honor Christine sells tickets in a porno himself from Stalinism... I could go was gonig wrong in our classrooms Code? Couldn't we also be caucusing theater in NYC, and prompted by the on and on with this run-on sentence and our curriculum. It was time that ourselves either as majors or divisions or constant sounds from the movie about how amazing Robeson is, but they not only begin laying bare the in- language speakers to generate ideas, theater, she starts to pursue her the best thing is just to go see this evitable western bias (and perhaps suggestions, and helpful critiques of our voyeuristic urges for both the movies film and experience his strength and white male bias) of their pedagogy but curriculum? The Faculty and Admini- and the customers... talents for yourself. that they also challenge our individual stration have to deal with a very strict plans of study, our major plans, our Plan for Financial, Equilibrium - what December 7: The Emperor fones (to tell December 14: Film title to be course decisions: • about Bryn Mawr students creating our you the truth, I remember neither announced, but we promise that it very own Plan for Diversity? Perhaps, if when nor how long this is) will be something amazing and ever Eloquently and forcefully her article anything, it will enable many to under- This film stars the so much more fun than your finals continues, denouncing the denouement stand how very difficult the past several incomparable Paul Robeson, an of the issues of diversity and prejudice, years have been for the faculty, trying to incredibly powerful, intelligent, - Amy Ongiri and again calling on the faculty in her ad- create a document that would gain wide vocation of "the classroom" to take on acceptance and support. And, perhaps, Page 12 The College News October 4,1989

Horned Toads: Women's rugby is tough; not brutal

BY KAREN SOLOMON big. I, being of average size relative to the rest of the team, am a towering 5'3", and What exactly is the image that comes weigh a bulldozing 135 pounds. Yes, we to mind when someone utters or perhaps do play against some rather sizely mutters the word combination "women's women, but unless you've somehow rugby"? Women without sense, scales, mastered inertia, big doesn't always or skirts? Now may I ask, have you ever mean fast. And you what? You tackle watched the Bryn Mawr/Haverford people? Oh, I could never do that. Well, women's team play? To clarify one of the I reply, if you were to play you would bigger misconceptions, rugby is a game tackle, because we all tackle, the biggest where you're at the most danger to and smallest of us. Another story I like to yourself and others if you haven't learned tell here is from the days when I was the game, and it's a complex game. Unlike playing international rugby (actually football, rugby is not a game played by a while I was studying abroad my bunch of brutes out foronepurposeonly: university just happened to have a team), to kill each other. Although the end result and a woman from my team of similar is similar—to touch the ball down in the stature to myself did a flying tackle on try (similar to the end) zone—what someone who, considerably bigger than Bryn Mawr soccer team kicks happens between the kickoff and the try herself, to put it simply, did her wrong. is quitedifferent. But you'll have to come And she walked away unharmed. The off to a whopping good start see a game to find out what happens skills we learn last a lifetime. there; I don't have enough room here. If I've held the person's interest this BY LAURA HART dominated the Haverford game. Goals With fifteen players to a side each team is long, usually the next question js when were scored by seniors JoAnne Meyer, broken down into the scrum, who do you practice? Monday, Wednesday, Heading into October with a 3-2-2 Mary Scalia, and sophomore half-back basically work to obtain possession of and Friday, from 4 to 6 at Haverford on record, BMC soccer is riding on the Pearl Tessler, leaving the final score 3-1. theball, and the backs, who run with the the pitch (rugby lingo) down by the lower momentum of two-high scoring shutouts On Sunday, Bryn Maw* faced ball man attempt to score trys. parking lot by the field house. Coming and a strong performance at the Seven Swarthmore. After taking an early lead Among the Horned Toads (that's out to practice does not mean that you Sisters Tournament. The return of seniors of 2-0, Bryn Mawr showed visible fatigue right), the scrum consists of ever-rucking have to sign for life, but I haven't met a Mary Scalia and Sam Tarlton from junior from the long weekend and allowed Swat Martyrs Felicity O'Herron, Carla Tohtz, person yet who has played in a single year abroad and a turnout of an to come back with two goals at the end of Sarah Gill, Rachel Gilman, and Shannon game and, if able, stops playing. For exceptional number of talented players the game. The squad held on fiercely in Ross,and Ford Andrea 'Toast" Hubbard. someone who hasn't played I can't put has transformed the team into one that overtime, however, and went thirty more New to the scrum are Martyrs Jenn Reed, the attraction to rugby into words, but does not seem to understand the concept grueling minutes without giving up a Gidian Mellk.Val Papaconstantinou, Alix there's just something about it that keeps of losing. Co-captained by seniors goal. The game ended officially with a 2- Cohen, Callie Chenault, and Elizabeth us coming back. sweeper Beth Severy and stopper Laura 2 tie, but for tournament purposes, Courtenay. The backs include die-hard Even for the person who, out of her Hart, the team looks forward to a number penalty shots determined the winner. Martyrs Andhra Lutz, Seanna Melchior, right mind, would never consider of home matches this month. Severy, Meyer, and Adamson put three Karen Solomon, Kim Boltz, and Jennifer playing, we have games on most Forgetting their past tendency to be a shots past the Swarthmore keeper while Frisby, with newcomers Emma Barinas, Saturdays, with four home games low-scoring team, Bryn Mawr opened Bornemann held the opposition to an Danielle "Smelly" Voogt, Liberty Rucker, currently scheduled. All home games their season with a 5-0 trounce of incredible two goals. Bryn Mawr took and Hannah Kim. The team is lead by co- are at the Haverford field starting at Muhlenberg on September 12. Strong home fifth place, and the same record as captains Andhra Lutz and Karen II AM. This Saturday, October 7, we'll be performances were shown by the second and third place teams. Solomon. The turnout of so much new playing Princeton at home. Word of fresh women goal keeper ZB Bornemann, After a disappointing 4-1 loss to talent, and with the consistent coaching advice: if after watching the game you forward Erin Adamson, and half back Kultztown on September 21, Bryn Mawr provided by Oscar Mathews with help still don't understand just what it is about Elizabeth Hogan as Bryn Mawr rebounded against Gaucher on from Eddie Lyden, a new hope has been rugby that we so adore, stick around a effectively shut down Muhlenberg's September 28. Once again the squad sparked for future success and longevity little while after the game: 'nuff said. squad. Riding high in this win, the team came out in full force, defeating Gaucher of a team which has had its ups and Also currently scheduled is an October traveled to Mount Holyoke College in 6-0 and giving Bornemann her second downs. 28 game at Shippensberg for all you Massachusetts on September 15 for the shutout of the season. Bryn Mawr gave Whenever it is revealed that I do in fact faithful fans, you. On November 4 we Seven Sisters Tournament. their fans quite a show at the first home submit myself to this sport as I have quite play Penn at home, the 11th we'll be After a heart-breaking loss in overtime game of the season, completely willingly for the past three years, I am taking on our arch-rivals Swarthmore to Wellesley in the first game, Bryn Mawr dominating the flow of the game on a usually asked the same questions: Don't for whatshould prove to bea very exciting went on to defeat Haverford and beautiful sunny afternoon. Most of the you get hurt? I usually reply with the match, then on the 18th we'll be closing Swarthmoreand seize fifth place. Backed rest of the games of the season will be note that 1 knew a woman who gave the season with Bucknell at home. And by a strong defense led by keeper played a Bryn Mawr, with nearby away herself a concussion in swimming by for thoseof you who just can't get enough Bornemann, captains Hart and Severy, games at Haverford (October 4), doing a flip-turn and head-butting the this season, the mighty Horned Toads senior Christine Ching and sophomore Swarthmore (October 12), and Penn wall, but in answer to the question, will be back in the spring. Alexa Webber, Bryn Mawr soon (October 21). everyone gets their share of the usual bruises, but those you usually don't feel [Editor's Note: In their first scrimmage Wanted: Heterosexual until the day after the game or that night,^ against Franklin and Marshall, the Bryn when, and if you take a shower. Another Mawr Rugby team kicked ass, man—must be intelligent, Sun Splash common misbelief is that you have to be winning!2-0!| able to cook and clean and make really good Tours SWARTHMORE Public Library will hold its Fall tea. Contact C-1716 now! Sale of unusually good books at extremely low prices on the following dates: Travel sales-sell Solution to Page 4 spring break package Thursday, October 12 10 am till 9 pm Crossword puzzle Friday, October 13 10 am till 9 pm tours to Jamaica and Saturday, October 14 10 am till 3 pm Margarita Island. Earn A free travel and extra 121 Park Avenue M A N ■ 5 A ( m r o D M A ■ I 0 1 1 ■ A c D cash. Great sales Swarthmore, PA 19081 S F E 1 < D| 1 N A N D BDEO E 0 D ' ■ experience and flexible (215) 543-0346 (215) 543-3171 ■ I E Ll ll EB< : A s □ E D E|N| IT L E ■ F E M hours. A G (>■ MA < 5 A|N 1 ° « E Dear Jamie D K L t S | • |o 1 L Call 1-800-426-7710 College News (To El E «■_*. COl HE You're on your own, Q| A E A|BT]A DO Classified Ads You have no friends- [T U T E Nl A H D|T ■ Ol D| D [7 R 1 DBC A D|E 1 E TI A SUN SPLASH TOURS Send your ad to Box C-1716 Give up. 1* U E s|c H AIR 1 T|o| r 1261 BROADWAY SUITE 505 $1.5fMtrst 15 words, .05 thereafter love, Tracy , NY 10001