Calvin Klein body

Copyrighted material

CONTENTS December 2001 nnNTiNiirn on parf a

8 Contributors: laune stone. Ted Gideonse. Rob Barber, and others

1 0 Your Letters: Much ado about Matthew, crystal meth. and staying coupled

1 5 Letter From the Editor Expanding the GLBT rubric

cxjtFront 17-20 Film

A sexy queer boy explores intergenerational love in a controversial

new movie; reviews of The Royal Tenenbaums, Princesa, Eban and

Charley, American Adobo, and The Business of Strangers.

22 Books

Reviews of Michael Craft, Mark Doty, and Stephen D. Moore; a book

that cracks the Hollywood closet 24-30 Music

A hot gay rapper with a phat new takes on the hip-hop estab- lishment—and Eminem; and Alan Camming discuss a holiday album benefiting AIDS sufferers and victims of the

September ii attacks; reviews of new from . Kiki and

Herb, Derrick Carter, and more.

32-36 Art+Design

A lesbian artist makes distinctive sculptures of surprising body parts;

one of the gay greats at Disneyland presents two new spectacles.

38 People

hi tribute to tliose who died on September ii and over the past year.

Out recognizes those who made a difference in gay and lesbian lives.


2 out DECEMBER 2001

CONTENTS December 2001


40 Laurie Stone looks at the Taliban's gender-related bioterrorism.

44 Kirk Read offers a small-town gay survival euide.

54 Ricliard Kaye wonders whether Abraham Lincoln was really queer.

lallts ahniit Christmas trees with Inhn Waters

Features 64-85 Out loo

From heroic firefighter Tom Ryan to Queer as Folk

fun-lovers Randy Harrison and Peter Paige, from Ellen and

Melissa to pioneering attorney Mary Bonauto. from the glitziest

beauties to tlie grittiest advocates, we give you the greatest gay,

lesbian, bisexual, and transgender success stories of 2001—and an exclusive Queer as Folk preview to boot.

86 Straight Allies

Out presents its Heterosexual Heroes: 2001—Steven Spielberg,

Javier Bardem, Nicole MiUer, Camryn Manheim, and others.

88 Hall of Shame

This year's edition includes not only the Revs. Falwell and

Robertson but athletes, singers, and a few pxjliticians as well.


90 Calendar Le Bal des Boys in Montreal. Divine Design In LA., and more

92 Holiday Gift Guide Choices for the kings and in your life

103 The List Celebmies tell us who tops their personal Out 100.

108 Advice by Cynthia O'Neal: Are all gay men sluts?

110 Horoscope by Staria: and other Sagittarians

1 1 2 Scene Photos from Target lor Friends. Gay Day at Disneyland, and more


4 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyrighted material





Trudy Ring CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS COPr CHIEF Matt Albiani Christopher Church Patrik Andersson Mike Crippi Ronald Cadiz T. Rhae Watson Chris Chapman COPT EDITORS Kate Garner Paul Davis David Jensen ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR IN CHIEF Dah Len Rob Chin Sheryl Nields EDITORIAL OPERATIONS ASSISTANT Todd Oldham Christopher Cardenas Catherine Opie Sara Goodman Trevor O'Shana EDITORIAL INTERNS Cino Tanabe Zuniga CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Norma CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Emily Drabinski Smith Caltney Calef Brown Chelsey Johnson Gilbert Ford Lisa Kennedy Chuck Gonzales Michael Musto Danny Hellman Cynthia O'Neal Luc Latulippe Hal Rubenstein Carlos Marrero Eddie Shapiro Jason O'Malley Bob Smith Chris Pyle Staria Smith Owen Smith Tom Steele Zach Trenholm Halsted Sullivan Kirsten Ulve Barry Waiters Maurice Vellekoop


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Photographer DENNIS COLONKA, whose work has been Barber lives in the Washington, D.C., area with his wife, Susan,

published in Jane and Allure, says 's Giovanni and Manny and Moe, his two ii-year-old canines.

Andrade was a wonderful subject. "I bet people will see these

pictures and want to use him as a model. He's extremely intelli- NoveUst, critic, performer, and teacher LAURIE STONE resides

gent, and I wanted to bring out his sensual side," says the on 's upper west side, where, she says, "Broadway

openly gay, New York-based GolorJca, who took pictures of the flows like Dickens's Thames" and on it "sail people from every

adorable Andrade for this month's Out. Golonka has also pho- corner of the planet, wath every shade of skin, flaunting every

tographed Thandie Newton, Quentin Crisp, and John Waters. kind of sexuality and blended salad of genders"—a far cry from

Afghanistan and its Taliban regime, which Stone wrote about

"Well, the beard doesift do much for me, but I find intelligence for this issue of Out. Her work has appeared in Ms., The Village

very sexy, so I supjxjse the answer is yes, I think Abe Lincoln Voice, and The Washington Post, among other publications.

was sexy," says of>enly gay contributor RICHARD KAYE, who

wrote about Lincoln's close fiiendship with merchant Joshua Manhattanite and self-proclaimed "big fag" TED CIDEONSE

Sp)eed for this issue. Kaye's work has appeared in The New York interviewed Giovanni Andrade for this month's Out. The

Times and The Village Voice. He has two books forthcoming and Cincinnati-bom Harvard grad has written for many publica-

lives in , N.Y, with his big dog, Siegfried. tions, including Newsweek, , and New York.

Gideonse, who worked as a research assistant to Harvard pro-

ROB BARBER, whose artwork has been featured in Forbes and fessor Marjorie Garber (Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday

New York, says he enjoyed the different moods evoked in the Life), opines, "Gio's sexuality doesn't seem that fully formed;

rich, vivid illustrations he aeated for the Out loo. "I must say, he's only 22." Gideonse also wrote the controversial "Anne

the cheeriness of Ellen DeGeneres has an effect, even while Heche is bisexual and isn't that crazy?" cover story for a 1997 painting her for hours," Barber says. Bom near Chicago, issue of The Advocate.

8 out DECEMBER 2001


IS THERE A CAY GENERATION CAP? Just One in 13,000 Let me make one thing dear Matthew Shepard - does not matter ("Laramie's Legacy," October -» ' 2001) . By your admission there were I own 13 other reported hate crimes committed in 1998, with four of them being related to WHY MATTHEW gays, lesbians, bisexuals, or transgenders. STILL MATTERS Who knows how many were never reported? If Shepard had been overweight or THRH rCARS AHTH MIS 8RUTAI ttliJNC AHTBTS nOM EUON )OHN TO SUKHl MKtO—STAR Of I^t any color other than white or slightly disfigured, no one wotdd have bothered to WW TV MCMC THf MATTHfM SHfAUD S7DW OffiH iNsnRB3 meun > plaster his face all over the media. Where are the plays and cries for compassion and

understanding for the other hate-crimes victims? The hypocrisy is mind-numbing. Thirteen thousand people died

that same year, and their lives were just as valuable as Matthew Shepard's. He is just another statistic that, as well

as all the other deaths since his, serves as a reminder ofhow far we still have to go before we can stop hate.

John Gravener

Foster City, Calif.

Bridging the Gap Judy Garland lore passed down to me to Steve Weinsteiifs article reminds me of

Steve Weinstein takes a condition that is know how to love another man intimately why I am a proud "gay scene dropout" I

prevalent throughout humanity and tries Marie Morale have escaped the obsession with vanity

to make it a gay issue ('The Gay Gen- Los Angeles and pretense that a piece like his high-

eration Gapf'). The way I see it, there's no lights. I'm of the older generation that he

difference between a generation gap In your most recent issue you discussed refers to, but I never got the "Boys in the

among gays and one among Mexican- how gay men under 35 dorit seem to be Band, All About Eve, Judy Garland, show

Americans, Republicans, or jseople who able to communicate with gay men over tunes, overgroomed, cologned" ethic.

wear blue jeans. Ageism happens every- the age of 35. 1 beg to differ. I find older Those cultural references are fine, but the

where and shouldrit be segmented into meiYs stories incredibly fascinating, espe- younger generation is doing its own

subcultural problems. Being gay is a cially since some were openly gay before thing, which is as it should be. If young

unique experience for everyone and Stonewall. I strongly encourage my gener- gays and old gays want to lob stereotypes

doesrit engender an inherent bond ation to sit down and talk with an older at each other, so be it It means we're just

among ourselves any more than would gay man. Become friends with one. If we like everyone else, which also probably

having green eyes. It doesrft require a dorft, the history of the LGBT movement, means we're not nearly as interesting as

thorough knowledge of Broadway musi- and LGBT people in general, will be lost some of us would like to think we are.

cals, an affinity for interior decorating, or Dave Cutfer Tim Moffet

recognition of hankie codes. I don't need Tampa, Fla. Vail, Colo. (page 12)

10 out DECEMBER 2001

Ci all-wheel drive manual transmission automatic option wood and leafrier intorfor complimentary maintenance 24-lnour roadside assistance membership from: $29,950" for a brochure, call 1-800-4JAGU

MSRP- As sliown X-Type 2.5L automatic with premium & sport packages and metallic paint S36.275 MSRR Taxes, title/registration and destination lees extra. The art of performance JAGUAk' "Being gay doesn't require a thorough knowledge of Broadway musicals, an affinity for interior decorating, or recognition of hankie codes.

I don't need Judy Garland lore passed down to me to know how to love another man intimately," writes Mark Morale of Los Angeles.

YOUR LETTERS continued

Aftershocks suade others of our views, and we have been a positive image for many, showing

It is nke to see someone actually taking to defend that right against Aose us 4iat we can be different and not have

an interest in young gay people who would take it away. ^X'^nen seems to to worry about ^lat peoide say. I caift

live in smaller towns ("Youthquake"). believe that because the gay and lesbian wait to see her biggest assets on the big

I used to talk online with a kid from cause is just, we also have tlic right to screen! Elvira personifies all that is

Nebraska who was only i6. Almost disrupt, without penalty, the activities of campy and fun about Halloween.

every time I spoke willi him I heard ttiose with whom we disagree. Ironically, Shamus Dickinson about how he wanted to kill himself die main efifect of^ overuse ofdvil Cleveland because he had no one to talk to or disobedience may be to alienate the pub-

confide in. It seemed like his only life- lic, just as radical Vietnam protests ush- Life Is a Cabaret

line was the computer and whomever ered in a 30-year era of conservatism. Thanks for the artide on cabaret artists

he was able to talk to. We lost touch Civil disobedience should be reserved for ("Setting New Standards"). There is

^en I moved, but I wonder ^lAut hap- extreme cases where the political system somediing really special about seeing a

pened to him. is cbsed, as in the Jim Crow SoudL If sir^ier in a small space, because tfiey

A. Ian D. Matsh^klden Warren really believes that we are in that usually perform in an intimate style, Archdale, N.C situation, she should be willing to pay concentrating on interpreting the lyrics.

the price. I hope you will continue to cover these

Civil War |ay\(feiser and odier artists. I fliink your readers Pallida Ndl Waireris artide, claiming NewY(Hk can benefit from hearing about music

that penalties for civil disobedience are that istft dance-related.

too high, reads like the whine of a Twin Peaks Daniel McVey

spoiled child ("Govt to Gays: Shut Up!"). Halloween is never complete without the Los Angeles

As fiee Americans, we have i^t to ever spock-taodar Ehdra, Mistress ofthe

peacefully demonstrate in order to per- Dark (Voices: Midiad Musto)! She has Meth Mess

I want to thank Brendan Lemon for his

honesty in his October editor's letter

about drugs. I gave up drinking this past Interact With OUt year for an of&e reasons he mentkmed. do you think? want to know! Write to us... What We Now I only have peoj^ in my life v^

LETTERS Ouf Letters, 6922 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 1000, actually care about me, and I have a Los Angeles, CA 90028 quality of life I only dreamed about. Not

E-MAIL FAX (323) 467-6805 to mention that the newfound clarity in

When writing to Out please include your name, address, and daytime my life allowed me to be receptive to a telephone number for confirmation. Please note that all letters and E-mail wonderfiil man. Keep die great world tiecome the property of Ouf and may be edited for space and clarity. up Due to the hea^ volume of reader mail, we are unat)le to acknowledge letters Namewidihdd that we do not publish. Houston

12 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyrighted material r


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In the hours and hours that the editors of this magazine have

taken to assemble the Out loo list for this issue, the matter of

balance has been paramount. How do we ensure that our

emblems of achievement from the past year reflect our diversity when we ask to be considered a bloc in debates about civil,

—of gender, race, and experience? legal, and economic rights? Isn't the very word questioning

We make a particular efl^ort to select a mixture of individuals antithetical to the basis of our movement: the proud assertion from within the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rubric. of an affirmed and accepted identity—even when the identity

As I looked over the final list, however—from heroic New York itself in the case of being bisexual or transgendered, may firefighter Tom Ryan to Ellen and Melissa— I realized that include the idea of fluidity within it? there were no individuals from the latest group to seek shelter While 1 think arguments against the questioning are pretty under our umbrella: the questioning. The main reason for this persuasive, 1 also understand those who applaud this new is that the category seems so newly affixed to the banner that move for expansion. These supporters tend to be what a the rarJcs of the openly questioning are not sufficient from phUosopher would call "nonessentialists." They align them- which to cull honorees. selves with anyone who looks at sexuality from a nonbinary,

But there are also deeper reasons for the absence: I'm not impermanent perspective. They would not object if the ques- sure that the questioning, a category that has been added to a tioning turned out to be the straw that broke the GLBT back. growing number of gay-related student groups and a few non- They see no contradiction between the view of sexual identity profit organizations as well, belongs there. as fluid and the fight against homophobia.

As I say that, I can just hear the proponents of the question- As Out pays tribute to lOO individuals who have embraced a ing label reply, Here we go again. Just as bisexuals and the trans- GLBT identity, though, 1 would like to salute the new

The debate over the questioning should involve more press- deep affection but not blinkered devotion. In that respect, we ing questions. By making our collective definition so capacious, are all questioning and should remain so. are we in danger of diluting the image we present to the world Brendan Lemon Editor in Chief

out DECEMBER 2001 1S

Cr .uiial


An out young artist-turned-actor attracts an older man's attentions in a new movie and an overzealous admirer in real life.


out DECEMBER 2001 17

Cop, 18 out DECEMBER 2001


OLr^ Front ei LM

soft eyes and an ebullient charm, Andrade could be a the subway, but today she left early I had to call 911."

Latin Justin Timberlake. Despite his lack of acting experience, Andrade didi^t need

Unlike Timberlake, Andrade ended up in show business special assistance when it came to playing Charley. "I fell into

almost by accident While painting in Washington Square character really fast," says Andrade. "I was just playing me in

Park, Andrade met James Bolton, the director of Eban and a different time frame. Qiarle/s very naive, very hopeful, and

Chariey, who bought one of his canvases. "We became E-mail he comes from a hard background."

buddies," says Andrade. "Eventually he told me what he did And like Charley, Andrade fancies boys: "I dorit like the

and about tfie movie he was making. And I told him, 'I can do word goy because ifs very restrictive—1 like girls and I've had

tiiis! Give me a chance!' " Andrade had never acted profession- girlfriends—but it's fair to say that I'm gay because I have a

ally when he made the film more than tfiree years ago. And he boyfiiend." He has just moved in with that boyfriend, who, by

hasrit acted since—not yet, anyway tiie way, is orJy a year older than Andrade. All Andrade wiU

Even before the movie increased his profile, Andrade had a say is that their loft is "downtown." After all, he doesrit need

stalker He picked him up the old-fashioned way A ftiend more stalkers. Ted Cideonse

introduced another friend, and that guy got carried away "He OPPOSITE PAGE: GRAY DIRTY CORDUROY BLAZER BY DIESEL. NEW NAVY shows up at my work two times a week," sighs Andrade, who CHUNKY TURTLENECK SWEATER BY cK CALVIN KLEIN JEANS. RANKER JEANS IN ANTIQUE DIRTY DENIM BY DIESEL. BRIEFS BY CALVIN KLEIN UNDERWEAR. THIS works as a graphic designer "Usually someone walks me to PAGE: TIE-DYED TANK TOP BY DIESEL. LEATHER CUFF BY JUTTA NEWMAN.

out DECEMBER 2001 19

Cc —



Around dinner tables and barbecues, a group of Fil-

ipino-American friends sort out life. love, and family

over one eventful year. Led by Tere (Cherry Pie Picache.

above right), a shy. single girl who always looks out

for her friends, the group also includes Marissa. who

lets her boyfriend (Love! Valour! Compassionfi Randy

Becker) treat her like dirt; Mike, whose family life

doesn't give him the satisfaction he once had as an

activist; and Geny. a sweetheart whose "girlfriend."

Princesa Chris, hasn't yet met the gang (you figure it out). Films DIRECTED BY HENRIQUE GOLDMAN like this can easily fall into the bland 'ensemble heals

hearts with laughter and fills bellies with good ol' This downbeat Cinderella tale features Fernanda home cooking" genre, but Adobo is spiced up by a Reviews (Ingrid de Souza, above left), a 19-year old Brazilian welcoming, authentic bicultural flavor. Lonny Pu|{h pre-op transsexual turning tricks in Milan to make

enough money for her sex change. In quick succes-

sion she meets Karin (Lulu Pecorani), a transsexual

godmother; a gaggle of cross-dressing prostitutes

(wicked stepsisters of a kind); and her Prince Charm-

ing (Cesare Bocci, above right), a businessman who

decides to leave his wife and pay for Fernanda's

operation. Sadly, Fernanda finds that she must

succumb to outmoded social roles in order to achieve

her dream. Though it occasionally tugs on the heart-

strings, Princesa is mostly a bleak, joyless take on an emerging subculture. Matthew Breen


This gripping film begins in an anonymous airport This affectingly understated film portrays a love

landscape, following Julie (Stockard Channing, above affair between 29-year-old Eban (Brent Fellows,

left, in the performance of her career), a predatoiy above right), a soccer coach visiting his parents for

executive on the brislt, calculated walk she's clearly the holidays, and Charley (Giovanni Andrade, above

made hundreds of times before. Learning that she left), a 15-year-old who lives with his widowed fa-

may be fired, Julie inflicts her wrath on Paula (Julia ther. As in a modern-day Romeo and Juliet, both

Stiles, above right), an enigmatic brand-new assis- families are horrified at the liaison, and the couple

tant, sacking her after their first business meeting is faced with social disapproval and even the possi-

and setting in motion a riveting power play. Strangers, bility of police involvement. This low-budget indie The Royal Tenenbaums executive-produced by Scott McGehee ( The Deep End), film may not completely change your opinion about

is best when the women join forces to take down a DIRECTED BY WES ANDERSON intergenerational relationships, but the sympathetic

smarmy headhunter (Frederick Weller), make lewd characters especially the sensitive teen portrayed Gwyneth Paltrow (above left) lustfully fondling the — jokes, talk in of theatrically by Andrade will likely provoke a reexamination of lesbian sex and the kind breasts of her female lover? Oh, yes, but don't think — intense dialogue rarely found in films these days. MB deeply held beliefs. Bruce Shenitz this is Miss Gviiyn s screen leap into lesbianism. In this

sometimes amusing, sometimes annoying stoiy about

an eccentric family of uptown Manhattan geniuses,

which owes a lot to J.D. Salinger, Paltrow's tryst is

merely a youthful indiscretion. Director Wes Anderson

(Rushmore) is less interested in sex than in style

the eye-poppingly vivid sets and costumes could outfit an entire issue of Wallpaper The wonderfully eclectic e

soundtrack helps distract from the script's occasional

flatness, as does an A-list cast. But as the family's

rumpled, ruined patriarch, Gene Hackman (above i

right) is the true genius here. Elizabeth Richardson

20 tXrt DECEMBER 2001

Cc|. assic

lial "

D€9eRT The Little Book of Neuroses: AUTUnn Ongoing Trials From My Queer Life MICHAEL THOMAS FORD • ALYSON. $14.95

Early on in The Little Booli of Neuroses, Lambda-win-

ning humorist Michael Thomas Ford's latest install-

ment of his popular My Queer Life series, the author

unearths this gem of a maxim: "Being neurotic alone

is satisfying; doing it with others is nirvana." And in

38 deliciously droll, bite-sized essays. Ford goes on CRAfT MICHAei to prove that there is indeed an infinite amount of joy

to be derived from self-deprecation, guilt, and con-

Desert Autumn: trasting one's abs with those of the buff gym bunnies A Claire Cray Mystery over by the StairMaster. No gay or lesbian stereotype MICHAEL CRAFT SI MARTIN'S PRESS. $24.95 Is spared from Ford's keen satirical eye, and what

results is a riotously funny compendium of queer Reviews After five books in the Mark Manning gay mystery se- eveiyperson angst. Ronni Radner ries Michael Craft initiates his Claire Gray "straight

mystery series" with the uninspired Desert Autumn.

More akin to Encyclopedia Brown than Agatha

Christie, Desert Autumn unspools a tired yarn where-

in an esteemed theater director/college professor

helps the cops crack the crime. Just as with Jessica

Fletcher, no one seems to mind a curious amateur

collecting evidence and talking to witnesses. Worse

still. Craft repeats details (again and again) as if he

doesn't trust his readers to stay on track. Then

there's the gay character who's the paragon of style

and taste. Oh, brother Eddie Shapiro

God's Beauty Parlor and Behind the Screen: How Other Queer Spaces in and Gays and Lesbians Shaped Around the Bible Hollywood, 1910-1969

STEPHEN D. MOORE STANFORD UNIVERSITY WILLIAM J. MANN • VIKING. $29.95 PRESS, $22.95 For 60 years a parade of personalities worked within

Too often the debate about the Bible and homosexu- Hollywood's restrictive moral code. In this fascinating

ality is reduced to a dull episode of Crossfire. On the tome William Mann names names of sexual outlaws

right the Book of Romans condemns queers! On the of the time, like Kay Francis, Gary Grant, Randolph

left the Book of Romans celebrates queers! In four Scott (Grant's lover), and Janet Gaynor. Most re- for sides, dis- essays Moore queers the debate both mained closeted and often married. Rebels like flam-

cussing the gay iconography of Jesus, the Song of boyant Western silent-film star William Haines and

Solomon, and the masculinity of the apostles, as Source butch actress Patsy Kelly were exceptions. Though well his travels of MARK DOTY HARPERCOLLINS. as own through the study the good $22 Tinseltown brass like David Geffen are now free to book. Deftly combining easy humor with academic In the breathtaking title poem of this new collection. live life outside the closet, the image of Rory Calhoun theory, Moore turns the disco music and hangs a up Lambda winner Mark Doty cuts into the "intact fruit and Guy Madison poolside at a wild party makes me mirror ball over the debate. Emily Drabinski of experience and invites the reader to "put your nostalgic for the bad old days. Steve Weinstein

tongue to the green-flecked / peel of it. . .and taste

it / from the inside." And the reader does. Vividly

sensual and subtly rendered, the poems ripple with gentle, insistent energy. Doty searches for—and finds—beauty and meaning in a bag of goldfish, a

trio of white horses. New York ("the city's lovely. /

crowded dream, which closes you / into itself like a

folding screen"). Key West, and even the gym. Every-

where there are intimations of mortality and. as de-

scribed in "Paul's Tattoo," the frailty of flesh that

"dreams toward permanence. " Chelsey Johnson

22 out DECEMBER 2001


vivEdueruQ HechoHprhn enpn Mexico.Mpxir.n Desde 1795. Visit CUERV0.COM Drink responsi i Brooklyn rapper Caushun takes hip-hop to a truly higher level.

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m not rocking with women; ' ^ ^ I like guys"

"I wasrft inspired to do this until I was told I couldn't do gay rapper on his next album. Asked if he will defend it," quips the 23-year-old, whose childhood career as a pro- himself against the melanin-deficient rhymer, Caushun fessional dancer launched him into showbiz early on. retorts, "Honey, I am gonna respond. He's a white boy

Springboarding off his radio exposure, Caushun went to from Detroit, and I'm a black boy from Brooklyn, you work on a fiill-length album with the production help of know what I'm saying? Any true MC will respond if their longtime friend and fellow b-boy Ivan Matias, who, along name is being dragged through the mud." with collaborator , has written and produced So far Caushun has not found his sexuality to be a for the likes of Outkast, Toni Braxton, and Monica. The problem in the hip-hop industry. "I think the media por- debut LP includes tracks such as "Gay Rapper's D-lite," a trays heterosexuals to be more homophobic than they delicious boy-boy twist on the Sugarhill Gang classic. really are. I've done the NBA fashion show.— I took flicks" Caushun has gone to bat for boys as long as he can —for the uninitiated, that means photos "with Ice Cube remember, he came out to his parents when he was a and the Puffy types and mad different rappers. I had on a teenager "My grandmother and great-grandmother on both li'l hot pink tank top with rhinestones going down the sides—they all know. They aU love me, and I dorft care what side, and I had no problems." He has, however, found a stranger on the street says. Most people who got a prob- himself in a precarious position of sorts with the ladies: lem with homosexuals are socially underdeveloped." "My genitals have been grabbed on more than one occa-

Rumor has it that Eminem may "have words" for the sion by celebrity women." C-Lee

26 out DECEMBER 2001


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Come to the men's fragrance counter for your free sample A benefit album featuring the lilies of Alan Gumming and Liza Minnelli aims to make the Yuietide season bright.

ITS A SUNNY AFTERNOON Cumming has elaborated with a suggestive hand ges-

in September, one week after ture, moans, "Here I am being all serious, and you're

the World Trade Center attack, being all wonky."

and Manhattan's trying its hard- The recording session may be light-hearted, but

est to move on. Inside Centaur Minnelli and Cumming have joined forces for a very seri-

Music's studios, Liza Minnelli ous cause. The newly recorded "Baby, Ifs Cold Outside"

and Alan Gumming are having is but one of i8 holiday favorites on the disc. The listing fim, if only to keep us from crying. of artists reads like a who's who of the Great White Way,

"The reason Alan and I are recording this record, this with stars like Daphne Rubin-Vega and Christine silly record, is to make people laugh," offers Minnelli, refer- Ebersole taking on traditional fare, while Aida hunk Adam ring to their duet of "Baby, Ifs Cold Outside," which is one Pascal adds an appropriate pinch of pride, track on the new release Broadway Cares: Homefor the ripping through Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind."

Holidays, a CD that will benefit both Broadway Cares/ But for many, the highlight will be Minnelli and

Equity Fights AIDS and victims of the September ii disas- Gumming's camped-up summit Says Minnelli: "Ifs ter. "If we can give somebody some relief for two minutes, swingy and sexy and wacky." Adds Gumming: "And there's we've completely done our job." going to be a fabulous dance remix—if11 be at the Roxy by 1 9 "Actually, I give hand relief too," quips Cumming. Christmas." With that, there are more uncontroUable fits of

Minnelli laughs heartily, puffs on a cigarette, and, after laughter—and nary a tejir in sight Smith Caltney

28 out DECEMBER 2001

Cop,, The juggernaut of progress has been halted at the gates of the distillery.

J, OLttfimtjiiusit


When house music spread out of Chicago to conquer

the world, its hometown scene suffered. Derrick Carter

is a leader among second-wave DJs who've inherited

Chicago's house mantle, passed from international

stars like Frankie Knuckles. This gay African-American

holds close to the sound's roots: funky underground

disco. On his latest CD. Carter blends skittering beats

so seamlessly and with such extended overiays that

KITTIE AtKut Now iomtii more like one elaborate percussion

Oracle solo than a collection of autonomous tunes. None of

ARTEMIS the tracks features a full-fledged vocal. Melody is

minimal. Diva worshipers should look elsewhere: Reviews Just when the art formerly known as heavy metal has Carter sings through the drum. Bany Walters melted into the wounded, victimized-white-dude rag-

ings of nu metal, trust a group of young ladies to

bring it back. Enter Kittle. Forged in the fires of Slayer

and Pantera. the Canadian trio's metal is thoroughly tVlPYOnt UflS 0 STOBY m son« or actriui svsi old-school: machine-gun drums. Roto-Rooter guitars, and vocals that veer from a late-Metallica reverbed

croon to a deathly howl that seems impossible from a

teenage girl. Naturally, there have been grumbling rumors of a male mastermind—which nobody would ever say about a group of teenage boys. Screw 'em:

The girls got chops. Death to false metal! Viva Kittle! Chelsey Johnson

ADRYAN RUSS KIKI AND HERB Everyone Has a Story: The Do You Hear What We Hear? Songs of Adryan Russ PEOPLE DIE LML MUSIC Christmas albums usually include the same old songs

With unmistakably Broadway melodic lines, razor- and are usually all the better for it. This seasonal

sharp lyrics, and wide-eyed performances by top offering from Kiki (the moniker of cabaret per-

cabaret stars like Sharon McNight and out Jason former Justin Bond) and her piano accompanist Herb

Graae, Everyone finally puts this gifted composer (played by Kenny Mellman) is a wee bit different.

front and center. Russ, best known for her off-Broad- Weaving traditional holiday fare with contemporary

way musical Inside Out, couldn't ask for a more con- pop, the pair create hilarious, wildly sacrilegious jux- vincing showcase. Thanks to the dedication of the KRONOS QUARTET tapositions reflecting that special manic-depressive participants—especially arranger Grant Geissman time of year. Kiki belts out booze-soaked screams as Steve Reich: Triple Quartet and producer Bruce Kimmel—what could have been she segues from "What Child Is This" to Mary J. Blige's

a mixed bag is an embarrassment of riches. You'll NONESUCH "Deep Inside." She also takes on, among others, Ra-

hear of Menken, Hamlisch, Shire, but diohead. the Bee Gees, Nirvana, "Rudolph the shimmers and Ever wonder where trance wizards learned to make and often, an original voice sings out. Steele Red-Nosed Reindeer." Pass the eggnog. more Tom their music sound so. well, trancey? Take a listen to BW

Steve Reich, who along with other influential minimal-

ists in the '60s discovered that keeping music static

and repetitive was a cool way to make tiny changes

sound gigantic. Triple Quartet includes world premiere

recordings of three recent works, giving even the

novice Reich fan a good sampling of his purely

instrumental oeuvre. The Kronos Quartet delivers a

gorgeous, flawlessly executed performance (as usual)

of the Triple Quartet, but it's the buzzing Electric

Guitar Phase that—despite second billing— is the real gem on the album. Jolyon HeHerman

30 out OECEIVIBER 2001

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1 X, Extremities

Lesbian sculptor Anne Ricketts creates metallic objets d'art that make ingenious use of the human body.

ARTIST ANNE RICKETTS admits to using her girlfriend for her body. But Ricketts's

partner of three years, Amber Noland, doesn't mind; when she jx)ses for Ricketts, the end

results are exquisite miniature re-creations of the most beautiful and oft-overlooked parts

of womerfs physiques. "I'm primarily using my girlfriend as a model—and

Michelangelo's drawings and etchings," notes the self-taught 13-year sculpting veteran,

who lives with Noland, three dogs, and three cats in Los Angeles.

Using bronze and silver, Ricketts aeates tiny, richly detailed sculptures of feet, hands,

and legs. "I like the tactile sense of doing small work. You can touch it and hold it and put

it in your pocket like a talisman," she says.

The affordable pieces, most retailing for under $200, are available at LA. Eyeworks,

Fred Segal in Santa Monica, Calif, and on the artisf s Web site,,

where Ricketts also sells lilliputian amulets for pampered pets. Ronni Radner



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A gay creative force behind the Mouse House's holiday spectacles talks about this year's celebration.

"I USED TO CHANGE churches based

on which youth groups were going to

Disneyland," recalls Steven B. Davison,

who started out Catholic in hidio, Calif.

"Suddenly I became Presbyterian and

then Lutheran and then Methodist, but no one knew why."

Well, all the trips to the Anaheim

park paid off for Davison, 37, who has

been with the company for the past 20

years, working his way up from model

builder to creative director. This holiday

season, Davison is overseeing not one,

not two, but four of the park's holiday

spectacles. Seasonal favorites Believe.. .In Holiday Magic—Disneyland's fireworks display—and "ifs a small world holiday

—which transforms the kiddie ride into a

burst of seasonal color—return, and two

new creations take off: Haunted Mansion

Holiday, in which the traditional manse

is visited by Jack Skellington from Tim

Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas,

and Disney's LuminAria, a spellbinding

combination of lights, projections, ->

out DECEMBER 2001 \m/\

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lasers, and pyrotechnics that will take place on the lagoon at the new Disney's

California Adventure, across from the original park.

While the reconceived mansion is sure to delight both fans ofTim Bring the holidays BurtorVs inspired creations and newcomers alike, it is LuminAria that Davison feels is most appropriate for the season. The show, which debuts to life. in late November, ailminates with an immense Christmas tree made of swirling light surrounded by 1,500 candles that rise from below the water.

"After the tragedy in New York, what a candle represents is a very powerful

message," Davison says.

While being openly gay in the workplace is also a powerful message, if s

one that Davison says has had no ill consequences. "I think a lot of the cre-

ative entities at Disney are gay— I know they are," he states. "I think we truly

understand the brand, character development, and style."

Not that the masters carit get it wrong once in a while. When Davison opened 1 qt. Eggnog Eureka! The California Adventure Parade at the new theme park, the cast mem- 6 oz. Crown Royal bers were swathed in revealing spandex. "It was pretty edgy," quif>s Davison. Stir. ChiU. "What I leamed is that some people look pretty great in spandex, and some peo- Garnish with nutmeg. ple dorVt look pretty great in spandex." The spandex has been eliminated. (Serves 6 -8) Next up for Davison—who lives in Long Beach with his lover of nine years, John Palmero, executive director of the Serra Project, an HIV/AIDS

hospice organization—is a vacation ("I've been nonstop for three years!"),

two Broadway musicals he's developing, and, oh, yeah, the Winter Olympics.

"[Producer] Don Mischer saw Believe and said, 'I'm tired of the same old

look I'm getting in fireworks.'" So Davison got the gig and will be doing the

six-minute finale in Salt Lake City. Such are the benefits of a multidenomina-

tional religious upbringing. Jeffrey Epstein

36 out DECEMBER 2001

Cop, : ^ oulBDnL.EOPLE

As we celebrate those who have made important

contributions to our world in 20Q1, through the Out 100, we also take a moment to remember

noteworthy individuals who died in the past year. r intri hi jte

November 2000 atric emergency room at New 26 Frances Peabody, 98 AIDS David Angell, 54, Berty Berenson, York's Bellevue Hospital, of activist for the past 17 years 53, Jeffrey Collman, 41, and Carol 5 Roger Peyrefitte, 93 author of breast cancer Flyzik, 40 on American Airlines

the gay lit classic Les Amities Flight 11, the first plane to crash Particulieres 29 HolNs SIgler, 53 lesbian July into the World Trade Center; An- painter, losing her struggle with gell (whose wife, Lynn, also died

breast cancer, on which her 14 Ruth Waters, 71 gay civil in the crash) was an executive December work had focused rights and community activist producer of Frasier, Berenson a and cofounder of the national photographer and the widow of 18 Hal Call, 83 a founder of the Black Lesbian and Gay bisexual actor Anthony Perkins, San Francisco chapter of the April Leadership Forum Collman a flight attendant on the Mattachine Society plane, and Flyzik a nurse and 4 Philip Morris Turner, 49 San product demonstrator 25 Paul Freud Wotman, 49 Francisco gay activist and tsar August prominent gay rights attorney owner, of cancer Graham Berkeley, 37, Bob 15 Frances "Dace" Stone, 48 Fangtnan, 33, Ronald Gamboa, AIDS activist, of undisclosed 33, and Dan Brandhorst, 42 January 2001 May causes on United Airlines Flight 175. the second flight to crash into

1 Michael Stremel, 34 former 15 Maria Minicucci, 50 former 25 Eric Forman, 29, Anthony the World Trade Center; Berke- Fox Searchlight vice president president of the Houston Lesbian Dodd, 34, Douglas Kratz, 28, and ley was a software developer who helped develop films such and Gay Community Center Christopher Maldonado, 32 in and concert violinist and Fang- as Swoon and fioys Don't Cry. the Bahamas plane crash that man a flight attendant on the of AIDS complications 21 Andrew Howard, 34 host of a killed performer Aaliyah; Forman plane, while Gamboa, a manag- talk show on Los Angeles's KFI- and Dodd were both hairstylists, er of three Gap stores, and AM radio with life partner Karel Kratz a director of video produc- Brandhorst, a lawyer, perished February Bouley, of a pulmonary emtxDlism tion at Virgin Records America, with their 3-year-old adopted and Maldonado a makeup artist son, David 13 Marge Jacques, 66 Las Vegas 24 Jon S. Eikenberg, 43 creator of gay activist and nightclub owner comic strip "The Endearing End Mark Bingham, 31 public rela- of Emmett," which chronicled a September 11 tions executive tielieved to have 25 James Thomas Deely, 51 man's struggles with AIDS, of helped keep United Airlines advertising manager for Ttie complications from the disease David Chariebois, 39, Joseph Flight 93 from hitting a target in

Washington Blade and former Ferguson, 39, and It. Gen. Washington, D.C.

president of the gay Catholic 29 Mark Anderson, 35 openly Timothy J. Maude, 53 after

group Dignity, of cirrhosis gay host on WMAY-AM radio in American Airlines Flight 77 Father Mychal F. Judge, 68, John

Springfield, III., of an aneurysm crashed into the Pentagon; "Jack" Keohane, 41, and Pamela Chariebois copiloted the plane, Boyce, 43 in the World Trade March passenger Ferguson was direc- Center collapse; Judge was a June tor of National Geographic's New York fire department chap- 4 Glenn Hughes, 50 the leather- geography education outreach, lain who died while administer- man member of the Village 2 Robert B. Hays, 46 research and the heterosexual Maude, ing last rites, Keohane was a People, of lung cancer psychologist who developed the the Army's deputy chief of lav\/yer for the insurance compa- Mpowerment Project, an HIV staff for personnel, worked at ny Zurich U.S., and Boyce was 24 Wendy A. Rives, 39 the prevention program, of compli- the Pentagon to improve the assistant vice president of lesbian director of the psychi- cations from the disease "don't ask, don't tell" policy accounting at Carr Futures Inc.

38 out DECEMBER 2001

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lal Voices Laurie Stone Kirk Read Richard Kaye Michael milMusto


Analyzing the Taliban's treatment of women and gays,

Laurie Stone argues that not all bioterrorism involves microorganisms.

WITHIN A FEW HOURS of the September ii attacks, Osama Why the initial reticence of mass media to weave these issues

bin Laden and the Taliban regime were named in connection to into the antiterrorist spin.' Here was a sturming moment, when

the terrorism, but during the first week or so afterward, we heard the violent enemies of democracy themselves were telling the

almost nothing from the mainstream media about the Talibarfs world that issues of gender and sexuality wererit peripheral to

everyday atrocities against women and homosexuals. According their politics but at the core of them. They have been spelling it

to the laws of Wahhabi, the extreme, ascetic form of Islam prac- out in every explanation of who they are and what they believe.

ticed by the Taliban, women are beaten for exposing even an In a report on Wahhabi in on October 7,

inch of flesh in public, and execution is the punishment for Neil MacFarquhar, writing from Jidda, Saudi Arabia, quotes a

adultery and homosexuality. After the Taliban assumed power Saudi follower of the faiths orthodox precepts who uses the sub-

in Afghanistan in 1996, women were stripped of their rights to ject of veiling as an example: "It may be hard to accept it, but you

study and work, as their bodies were buried beneath thick, tent- have to take Islam as a whole. When a guy says let a woman

like burkas, inside which it is difficult to breathe. Reports of uncover her face, what they are really aiming for is to be com-

these abuses have been circulating over the Internet for years, pletely uncovered, to live like the West. This is just the first stone

with documentation from the Revolutionary Association of the they are removing from the building. Where will it end if we

Women of Afghanistan and Human Rights Watch. Grassroots allow every aspect of our lives to be taken away?"

protest has been enormous. Testifying before the U.S. Senate Maybe, at the begiiming, part of the rationale for not damning

this year, Eleanor Smeal reported that in both 1999 and 2000, the Taliban for these beliefs was worry about appearing to bash

officials at the U.S. State Department said they had received Islam as a whole. Maybe the Talibaris abuses against women and

more mail from Americans on restoring womeris rights in homosexuals were soft-pedaled because the had

A%hanistan than on any other foreign policy issue. backed this regime, first during Russia's invasion of Afghanistan,

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All campaigns of hate against perceived others are based on the notion of a purity at risk of becoming degraded from outside.

in the form, as Alexander Cockbum recently reported in his lesser value according to an unchangeable identity In this system

Wild Justice column, "of the CIA running the largest covert op women and gays arerit fiilly human, so laws that curtail their

in its history, at a cost of $3.5 billion." And as recently as a few rights arerit considered unjiisL Movements for self-determination

months ago, Christopher Hitchens reported in The Nation, defy such restrictions on identity and free expression. In this sys-

"the Bush administration handed the Taliban a subsidy of tem desire calls tfie shots, as in "I will define myselT and "If I say

$43 million in abject gratitude for the assistance of fimdamen- I dorit want to be enslaved, no amount of custom, law, religion,

talism in the 'war on drugs.' tradition, or force is going to make it right that you enslave me."

A week or so after the attacks, information about the There are plenty of people in Western countries—^and plenty

Talibaris abuses of women and gays began to be broadcast, of people who practice religions and subscribe to ideologies

but whafs been odd about all this is that while Islamic fiinda- other than Islam—^who revile female flesh and homosexual

mentalists see the social equality of women and sexual free- acts as contaminants. And fear of contamination is really at the

dom as the absolute linchpins of democracy— system they heart of what we are dealing with here. While throughout the

willingly sacrifice their lives trying to defeat—many Americans fall we worried about anthrax and ftirther air strikes, this has

still think you can back-burner these issues and consider your also been a time to try to fathom the psychic forces rattling the

homeland freedom-loving. In the time-honored tradition of globe. To adherents of Wahhabi, modernity and Western cul-

embracing as friends the enemy of their enemies, American ture are perceived as the contaminating other. To them, female

policy makers might just be forced to militate for the emanci- flesh and boundary-blurring sexuality epitomize Westem cul-

pation of women and gays everywhere on the planet ture, because what they are trying to preserve is a notion of

Lef s not hold our breath. maleness as absolutely apart and different from femaleness.

In a weird way the Taliban, Bin Laden, and other followers No internal multiplicity here, no siree.

of extreme Islamic beliefs in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, This kind of dread isrit unique to Islamic fimdamentalists.

Indonesia, and elsewhere—^who number in the many mil- All campaigns of hate against perceived others and all laws

lions—are focusing world attention on a clash of philosophies against miscegenation are based on the notion of a purity at

about how individuals define their identities. There are other risk of becoming degraded from outside. Of course, as soon

cataclysms in the world: the division between rich and poor, as the idea of purity is formed, worry is conjured about its

the expansion of global capitalism without global oversight on fi:agility. As soon as there is worry, it feels like proof that the

moral policies. But there is also a great philosophical clash, and contamination has already occurred, so in the minds of purists,

it isrit best defined as an opposition between East and West or the present is always a time when things are worse than they

even between religious and secular societies, but between were in an imagined, safer past. In other words, fear of other-

essentialism and self-determination. ness is a forceftil denial that any dilution has occurred, because

Essentialism is a kind of bioterrorism in that it fictitiously the seaet belief is that, indeed, it has. What a world it would be

defines categories like man and woman or straight sex as if women and gay people got to control their lives and all peo-

ordained by nature or God, fixed in identity, and ofgreater and ple got to practice sex as they wish.

42 out DECEMBER 2001


Kirk Read offers practical, comprehensive advice for GLBT folk whether coupled or looking for love—who live in rural America.

IT WAS THE CLASSIC LESBIAN FANTASY. Euan Bear and L on the road. Then another. The yellow L, she realized, was a

her partner had botii dreamed of living in the boonies. In 1976, line painter's mark showing where double yellow lines should

six years into their relationship, they bought a house on 10 acres begin and end.

in rural Vermont, where they even had their own swamp. When it comes to GLBT life beyond urban centers, if s easy

Shortly after they arrived, the couple invited a bunch of lesbian to assume the worst. The media image of small-town and rural

friends over for a bonfire. They'd been having trouble keeping a life is dominated by atrocities bom of homophobia and gender

mailbox by the road, thanks to persistent local vandals. That bias. High-profile hate crimes like the murders of Brandon

night, after the festivities, Bear took the trash down to the end Teena and J.R. Warren reinforce the stereotype that these are

of the driveway for the next morning's pickup. At the entrance dangerous places for GLBT people to live. But growing num-

of her driveway, to her horror, she discovered a huge L in bright bers of queer people are leaving cities for less populated areas:

yellow paint. "How do they know.'" she ftimed. She covered the In fact, recent U.S. census figures show that partnered GLBT

hateftd graffiti with a can of black spray paint and barely slept people live in 99% of the counties in the country. Some are

that night, "thinking they were coming to get us." returning home to care for aging parents. Some are themselves

work, noticed another sick, seeking refiige loved -> The next morning, on her way to she with ones. Some are (page 48)


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Manufactured by Amgen Inc , Thousand Oaks. CaMomia 91320-1789 Distribulod bv Ortho Biotech Products, LP., Raman, New Jersey 08869-0670 BRIEF SUMMARY OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION INDICATED FOR THE TREAT- in body weight gain, delays in appearance of abdominal hair, eyelid opening, and MENT OF ANEMIA IN ZIDOVUDINE TREATED HIV-INFECTED RATIENTS deciessesinthenumlierof caudal vertebrae in ttieFI fetussao(the600U/kg group. It Is not known whether PROCfWT Is excrsled In human mlk. Because many dnigs PROCRIT* an exereiled In ftumen mlllc, caution stiouid be axeroleed when PtfOCRrT Is admlnia- EPOETIN ALFA tersd to a nursing woman. For Injection Pediatric Use: See WARNINGS. Pediatric Use. FOR FULL PRESCRIBING INFORMATION FOR ALL INDICATIONS, Pediatric HIV-infected Patients: Published literature has reported the use of REFER TO THE PHYSICIANS' DESK REFERENCE* PROCRIT in 20 zidovudine-traeled anemic HlV-lnlseted pedialrle peHanla ages WmexnONS AND UMOE 8 months to 17 years, trsatad wHh SO to 400 LMg aubcutanaouaiy (BQ orlVl 2 to PROCRIT* (EpoeUn alfc^ Is indicated for ttie treatment of anemia related to therapy 3 timee per week (BWV to TIMQ. Increases In heniogkililn levsts and In rsHculooyte witti zidovudine In human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. PROCRIT counts, aiKl decreasee in or eHmlnetion of Isiood transhniona were obeerved. is indicated to elevate or maintain ttie red blood cell level [as manifested the by Hypertension: Exacerbation of hypertension has not been ot»erved in zidovudine- hematocrit (HCT) or hemoglobin determinations] and to decrease the need for treated HIV-infected patients treated with PROCRIT However. PROCRIT should be transfusions in these patients. PROCRIT is not indicated for the treatment of anemia withheld in these patients if preexisting hypertension is uncontrolled, and should not in HIV-infected patients due to other factors such Iran or foMfto (Mldancies, as be started until blood pressure (BP) is controlled. In double-blind studtos, e single seizure has been experienced by a patient treated with PROCRIT. PBOCRIT, a <>)> ot 100 U/fcg 8 tinwB pifwttlcfflMI). IttWtcBw to dwtaaajrq the ADVERSE REACTIONS transHNion wwinlwtmflt blood oti iMVlolflfNinlG^ wd bioMslnothsrad HAMntadid Adverse events reported in clinical trials with PROCRIT in zidovudlne-treated lkw ilB tiMlBd wHh zldovudbiBi whon iho flndogonouB flcnjui wyUirufKitoUi i leval is IM HIV-lnfsolsd peUenla vrare consistent with ttie pragrssskin of HIV infactkm. hi S500 mUAnL aiid wtwn paUenIs raoeMng a of zidovudlna £4200 am doM double-UInd, piaoebo-contvoled stuifles of S-monttis duraUon involving approxi- CONTRAINDICATIONS mately 300 zidovudlne-treated HIV-lnlteted patients, adverse events with an PROCRIT Is contraindicated In patients wMh: Incidence of >io% in either paOents treated with PROCRIT or piacabo-tiaated 1) Uncontrolled hypertension. patients were: 2) Known hypersensitivity to mammalian call-derlvad products. Percent of Patients Reporting Event: Event followed by Patients Thtated WHh 3) Known hypersensitivity to Albumin (Human). PROCRIT (N=144) first. Placebo-Treated Patients (N=153) second: WARNINGS Pyrexia 38%. 29%: Fatigue 25%. 31%: Headache 19%, 14%: Cough 18%, 14%; Pediatric Use: Tha multidose preserved formulation contains benzyl alcohol. Benzyl Diarrhea 16%, 18%; Rash 16%, 8%: Congestion, Respiratory 15%, 10%; atoorm has bean rapottod to tM aiaodalsd with an incrsaaad Incidence of Nausea ISM, 12M; Sho rtnees of Breath 14«, ISM; Aethenia 11M, 14%; nawologlcal and olhar complcailans In piamaliM mtants. which am sometimes Skin Raaotian (Administraiian Bita) lOK, 7%: Dizxineee 9N, 10M. fatal. PROCRIT therapy has not been Inked to exaoertMUon of hypertension, Ttiars waiv no slatisllcaily signiScant dlffsranoas between tiaalmant groupa In ilia sateuiae, and thwmtiotle events In HIV-infscted paHsnls. incidence of ttw iliava amnta. PRECAUTIONS In the 297 rwHanla sludisd, PrKXIRrr was not ansodated with significant In creaess The parenteral administration of any biologic product sfiould be attended by in opportunists Infscttons or mortality. In 71 patients trom this group treated with appropriate precautions in case allergic or other untoward reactions occur (see PROCRIT at 150 U/kg TIW. eenm pe4 antigen levele dM not ^ipesr to Increase. CONTRAINDICATIONS). In clinical trials, while transient rashes were occasionally Prsiimlnsiy data showsd no enhsncemefit of HIV lepHcalion In InfscAsd eel Unes In vltaio. observed concurrently with PROCRIT therapy, no serious allergic or anaphylactic rsactkx» were reported. (See ADVERSE REACTIOIMS for more information re^rding Peilpheial white bkiod osH and platalat counts are unclwnged foOowing PROCRIT eilei^Qio lettoHons,) tharapy.

The aafsty and afllcacy of PROCRfT thecspy have not bean aatabHihed In patients AHeiBle neaatjana! IVin zktovudlne-traeted HAMnfeoted pallsnis had urtksarial with a knowm hMoiy of a salBM dtoorder or undadykig henwioleaie dheate rsacHcns wKNn 48 houra of their first exposure to study medication. Or>e patient was (sg, sIcMo oal anemia, myalodysplaslie ayndromea, or hypaicoagulable disordera}. treated with PROCRIT and one was treated with placebo (PROCRIT vehicle alone). Both patients had positive immediate skin tests against their study medication with a in some famele patients, menees tiave resumed following PROCRfT therapy: ttie pos- negative saline control. The basis for this apparent preexisting hypersensitivity to sMIHy of pregnancy should be discuesed and the need fbr contraception evaluated. components of the PROCRIT formulation is unknown, but may t>e rslatod to Hamalology: Exaeertialion of porphyria has been obeerved rarely In patients wHh HIV-induced immunosuppression or prior exposure to blood products. chronic renal failure (CRF) treated with PROCRIT. However, PROCRIT has not caused Seizures: In double-blind and open-label trials of PROCRIT in zidovudine-treated Increased urinary excretion of porphyrin metabolites in normal volunteers, even in the HIV-infected patients. 10 patients have experienced seizures. In general, these presence of a rapid erythropoietic response. Nevertheless, PROCRIT should be used seizuras appear to l>e related to underlying pathology such as menlngHlB or oeretiral with caution in patiente with known porphyria. neoplasms, not PROCRIT ttiarapy. In preclinical studies in dogs and rats, but not in monkeys, PROCRIT therapy was associated with subclinical bone marrow fibrosis. Therefore, zidovudlne-treated HIV- The maximum amount of PfOCRTT that can be safely administered In single or infected patients should have HCT measured once a week (QW) until HOT has been multiple doses has not been determined. stabilized, and measured periodically thereafter. Doses of up to 1500 U/kg TIW for 3 to .1 wookQ havo been administered to adults without any direct toxic effects Of Delayed or Olminlstied Response: If tfie patient fails to respond or to maintain a PROCRIT itself. Therapy with PROCRIT can result in polycythemia if the HCT is not neponss to dosee wMtiin the rsoammended dceing range, the following etioioglee caiefuliy monitored and the dose appropriately adjusted. If the suggested target sfiould considered evaluated: Iron delldency: Virtually en patients wHI be snd 1) range is exceeded, PROCRIT may be temporarily withheld until the HCT returns to eventually require supplemental iron therapy (see Iron Evaluation). Underlying 2) the auggaatod taiget range; PROCFUT tlwrapy may than be laeumad using a lower infectious, inflammatory, or malignant processes. 3) Occult blood loss. 4) Underlying doae «Ma DOSAOE AND ADMtNISTRAnON). If polycythemia to of concam, hematologic diseases (ie, thalassemia, refractory anemia, or other myelodysplastic phlebotomy may be mdlcatad to decrease ttw HCT. disorders). 5) Vitamin dendeneies: fOllo acid or vitamin B12. Hemolysis. 7) Aluminum kitoxleation. 8) Osteitis fllirosa cystica. DOSAOE AND AOMINMnwnON Prior to t)eginning PROCRrT, it is recommended that the endogenous serum Iran During therapy, absolute iron deficiency Bwaluatlen: PROCRIT or functional may erythropoietin level bedelennined (prior to transfusion). Available evidence suggests develop. Functional Iron deficiency, with normal ferritin levels but low that patients receiving zidovudine with endogenous serum erythropoietin levels transferrin saturation. Is presumably due to the Inability Iron storas to mobHbW >500 mU/mL are unlikely to respond to tticrapy with PROCRIT. rapidly enough to support increased erythropoiesis. Transferrin saturation should Starting Dose: For adult patients with serum erythropoietin levels <500 at least 20% aod ferritin should be at least 1 00 ng/mL. mU/mL who are receiving a dose of zidovudine £4200 mg/week. the recommended starting Prior to and during PROCRIT therapy, the patient's Iron status, including transferrin dose of PROCRIT Is 100 U/kg as an IV or SC injection TIW for 8 weeks. For saturation (serum iron divided by iron binding capacity) and serum ferritin, should t>e pediatric patients, see PRECAUTIONS. Pediatric Use. evaluated. Virtually all patients will eventually require supplemental iron to increase or maintain transferrin saturation to levels which will adequately support erythropoiesis Increase Dose: During the dose adjustment phase of therapy, the HCT should

stimulated by PROCRIT. t>e monitored vmeMy. If the reoponiio is not sstiefaeliory In tenns of rsdudng transfu- sion requirements or Inoea^ng HCT alter 8 weeks of ltwra|3)i the dose of Drug Interactions: No evidence of interaction of PROCRIT with other drugs was PROCRIT can be increased by 50-100 U/kg TIVK TlSSponiS StWIlId tie evaluated observed in the course of clinical trials. every 4-8 weeks thereafter and the dose adjusted SOOORlkigly lay SO-100 U/kg

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility: Carcinogenic potential increments TIW. II patients have not responded satisfactorily to a PROCRIT dose of

Of PROCRIT has not been evakJBtod. PROCRIT does not induce baelerfal gene 300 U/kg TIW. it is unlikely that they will respond to higher doses of PROCRIT. mutation (Ames Test), chromosomal abatraHana in mammatan caHa, mieranuclei In Maintenance Dose: After attainment of the desired response (ie. reduced transfu- mice, or gene mutation at the H<3PRT locus. In fsmale rata trsatsd Intiawenouely GV) sion requirements or increased HCT). the dose of PROCRIT should be titrated to with PROCRIT. there was a tiend fbr slightly Increased fetal wastage et doses of maintain the response based on factors such as variatk>ns in zidovudine dose and 100 and 500 U/kg. the prsaance of intercunent infecttous or inflammatory apisodaa. If the HCT swcasds Pregnancy Category C: PROCRIT has been shown tO have adveme effects in rats 40%. Uw dose should be dtocontinued untti ttie HCT drops to 38«. The does shoukl when given in doses 5 times the human dose. There are no adequate and be reduced by 25% when treatment Is resumed and then tMrsted to maintain the well -controlled studies in pregnant women. PROCRIT should be used dUIIng desired HCT. pregnancy only if potential benefit justifies the potential risk the fetus. to SIOftAQK In studies in female rats, there were decreases in body weight gain, delays in appear- Stan St 2* to 8% |S8* to 4«D> Do not freeze or slMlie. ance of abdominal hair, delayed eyelid opening, delayed ossification, and decreases in the number of caudal vertebrae In the F1 fsiusee of the 600 U/kg group, m femele rata traated U, thsra was a tnnd for sightly Ineraased fatal wastage at doaee of QRTHO BOTBCH lOOandSOOU/hB- Manufactured by: Amgen IhOm US Uo, « 1080, 'nwusand Oaka. CaMbmla 01 320-1788 lilureina Melheiw Postnatal obesrvadons of tlw Ive oRspiIng (F1 generaUoii) of Distributed by: Ortho Btotech Products. LP., RaiHan. New Jersey 08880-0870 fsmaie rata lieated wHh PROCRfT during geatnllon and tedaHon rsveaied docroaaoa December 2000 638-29-S7g-8BH

Copyrighted material ADVERTISEMENT Sim irce


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(continued from page 44) who live in Kelseyville, Calif., a couple hours north of their for-

discontented with the skyrocketing cost of big-city living. Some mer home, San Francisco, are ex-lovers and still business part-

never left home in the first place. ners. They own and operate the Edgewater Resort, an RV park

Life in these places requires a distinct set of survival skills. on the shores of Clear Lake. "We're way too obvious" to be clos-

There are many different ways of handling life in the boonies, eted, says Tell, who says she feels safer in Kelseyville than in

but some approaches have popped up often enough that I've San Francisco. The resort has hosted several gay-themed week-

named them: the Hermit, the Civic Leader, the Local Color, ends as weU as a monthly social for the area's GLBT folks. The

the Gay Kid at School, and the Ultra-Vivid Queer. They may two have established themselves as respected businesspeople

provide some inspiration for anyone thinking about trading in the town of 7,000. According to West, "We have actually had

in an apartment for a refurbished bam. folks ask us to run for local political positions."

the HERMimii the LOCAlfCQEop

Solitude definitely has its selling points. A quieter life can The problem with "We're just like yoif gay politics is that

fi-ee up energy to focus on a relationship or a creative endeavor, they don't help people who need help most. For some, blend-

but it can also drive you nuts. I speak from experience. When ing into a community unobtrusively just isn't an option.

I moved three hours north of San Francisco, I couldrft find Standing out can lead to harassment, but with proactive steps

organized community in my county; I ended up putting it can also yield acceptance fi-om surprising quarters.

together a monthly potluck. Many small-town GLBT social "Nobody gets accepted into a small town right away even if

activities take place within small circles of friends, so you'll you're normal," says Bella Kaldera. For Kaldera and Raven, part-

have to tap into the existing word-of-mouth networks, aeate ners of 10 years, earning that acceptance has been a long and

your own, or leam to make the isolation work for you. hard-fought joumey. Kaldera is a male-to-female transsexual,

One young man who goes by the name Frail has opted for and Raven is a female-to-male transgendered intersexual. Both

the latter he's lived in rural Alabama his entire life and currently are pansexual and very out of the closet.

resides in a mountain cottage. At 27, Frail is the Webmaster "We'd always dreamed of homesteading," says Kaldera. The

for, a gay entertainment site. He couple left Somerville, just outside Boston, and moved to an 18-

spends his time as a freelance Web designer, sewing for his acre farm in central Massachusetts with a fixer-upper house. As

garment business, or working in his garden. "I dorft socialize for prejudice in the workplace, Kaldera, who cares for mentally

and I'm celibate," he says, "and this has nothing to do with disabled adults, has faced her share of discrimination. Kaldera's

where 1 live. It's how I chose to live my life." He is out to job situation "is always precarious," Raven says. "A coworker

some of the people in his town, but says "my neighbors prob- could get uncomfortable and get her fired at any moment Its

ably know, but ifs not something we discuss over tea." He been that way since she transitioned 14 years ago."

adds, "Alabama is my home. Ifs in every fiber of my being. Raven has a 15-year-old bisexual daughter from a former

Sometimes when I walk outside and see all the trees around marriage, who hates life in the country. But, Kaldera says,

me and realize that 1 am on top of a mountain, ifs the most "she's 15 and hates everything." In an attempt to find their

wonderful feeling." place in the local community, the family attended Civilian

Police Academy, an eight-week class on topics like gun safety the CIVIC LEADERS*^ and drunk driving. In the process, they developed relationships with local police. "They now know us by name," Kaldera says.

GLBT business owners are often in a perfect position to "They wave when we go by and dorft ticket us for running stop

build strong social networks in small towns because they are signs." The couple also did volunteer work for organizations

visible to the entire community. Sandra West and Lora Tell, such as the towris historical society. The best attitude to work

48 out DECEMBER 2001 Nothing's more important tiian 0 good wingman.




toward, Raven says, is "OK, they're weirdos, but they're harm-

less and helpful. And besides, they're our weirdos."


Increasingly, GLBTQ teenagers are forming gay-straight •for Small-Town Survival 1

alliances at their high schools and seeking out peers and

allies to help make their schools safer. Many teenagers are I ^ Research the area's GLBT resources and recent history

consulting for if coming out younger, buoyed by growing networks of out by your town. Find out your state has GLBT publications by visiting students and a healthy dose of sassy nerve. "The music ofTori Amos got me through the dark ages of

middle school," explains Seth Leeper, a 15-year-old living in a Q Seek out other statewide and local GLBT folks through guidebooks like the Damron Guide ( town of 5,000 in Northern California. When he was 14, his and the Gay and Lesbian Yellow Pages ( mother and sister encouraged him to attend a GLBTQ youth And if there are nearby cruising areas, consult

group an hour's drive away He says he is "gay to my dose to find out about vice operations.

friends and family and bisexual to those who hate fags but find O Attend city council and PTA meetings to meet influential bisexuality to be cool because ifs a trend." At school, he was folks in the community. called "faggof and "queer" long before he came out. "Ifs a mir-

acle if they let you slip by. There's a lot of racism," says Leeper, Q If you're single and want to locate other people and social activities in the area, check out and v/ho is white, "but the scathing, outright disgust is mostly magazines such as RFD (, Lesbian toward homosexuals because one's ever really one." no met Connection, and Transgander Tapestry.

Leeper is active with his school's gay-straight alliance and

If coupled, find out about laws affecting you in your sometimes attends Positive Images, a queer youth group in O you're locality by visiting and another town. He also meets other gay people online, but

says "stereotypical homosexuals annoy me with their superfi- O I' you bave children, get to know their teachers as well as local laws affecting your parental status. if there is cial bible of inner discrimination. I protest the mainstream." See a gay-straight alliance at a nearby school at the Gay, Lesbian, His advice to other queer teenagers: "Stay out of the way, and Straight Education Network's site, If only tell people you can trust, and dorit get entangled with there isn't one, start one using GLSEN's handtx)ok. the cow-fticking jocks and hicks." ^ Find non-gay-related community and social activities in which to participate to lessen any feelings of alienation. the ULTI ^ Start up or attend a monthly GLBT social event like a It takes brass ones to be loudly queer in a small town. potluck, book group, bowling night, or PFLAG chapter meeting. You may have to start out with just two people Being outspoken means you can affect the town's attitude and grow from there, toward GLBT people, but there's a catch: You're a potential

target for people looking to vent their homophobia. ^ If you're already living in a small town and want to come out, do it first with family and friends in order to establish Pansy Bradshaw, best known as half of the team behind a support system that will shore you up if coming out the infamous Betty and Pansy's Severe Queer Review travel proves challenging. guides, left San Francisco five years ago. A couple of close

friends in Dillon, a small Montana town, asked him to ^ If you're seeking a GLBT-aware or sex-positive medical professional, consult help raise their 14-month-old son; the boy's father was

struggling with cancer. Bradshaw said yes, "without really

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giving it much thought," and made the big dties. Mandy Carter, a Southern

the big move. black lesbian activist, says, "Nowadays

Bradshaw seems to relish his role you can stay home and make change

as the towTfs outspoken queer. After where you are. I want to get to the {x>int

Matthew Shepard's murder, he where no one feels like they're forced to

penned an angry poem that was leave in the first place."

printed in the local paper He also I agree with Carter, but leaving

printed "about a zillion copies" and home was the best thing that ever

plastered them all over the downtown happened to me, unless you count

area. The whole thing, he says, finding Jim Palmer underwear ads

"caused quite a stir." when I was in kindergarten. Ifs not

A few nights later, he was awak- so much that I fled small-town

ened by pounding on his door and America but more that 1 jumped into

the sounds of a crowd outside his big-city sexual freedom, bohemian

apartment One man spoke loudly of culture, and queer commimity. I love

killing Bradshaw. "I sat up in bed and living in a city with a lesbian-owned

thought. Wow, this is how I'm going to and -operated diner called the

die." Suddenly, the crowd disap Bearded Lady and a sex dub called

peared. Bradshaw didrtt call the Blow Buddies. But I'm a small-town

police, and as he was drifting back to boy by upbringing, so life in the

sleep the crowd returned to his boonies makes sense to me. I feel

doorstep. Bradshaw waited until they nurtured by the tranquillity, afford-

went away then phoned a fHend. abUity, and beauty of nonurban areas.

When his fHend arrived, the pair dis- What I've found in big cities has

covered a signed death threat taped to been liberating and stimulating, but

his door. This time, Bradshaw small-town life has kept me sane

phoned the police, and the depart- between stints in the city. I susf)ect I

ment's chief promptly issued a state- will bounce between dties and small

ment that hate crimes would not be towns for the rest of my life, trying to

tolerated in Dillon. feed both urges. As much as I love

Bradshaw plans to stay in Dillon getting local gossip from the post-

until his friends' son tums i8. "The master, there is something irre-

most important thing I do is help edu- sistible about urban queer magic. As

cate children," Bradshaw says. "Living the tribe scatters to the hinterlands,

in a viable queer community is like the trick is going to be bringing that

going to queer college. It was time for queer magic home.

me to go and share what I learned

with others, outside the ghetto." Kirk Read is the author of How I

As more GLBT people come out in Learned to Snap, a memoir about

small towns and rural areas, it is being openly gay in a small-town high

increasingly apparent that the fiiture of school. He can be reached through

the GLBT movement may lie outside his Web site,

52 out DECEMBER 2001

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QueerAs aFive-DollarBill?

As historians plumb the past for homo heroes, literary scholar Richard Kaye examines the ever-growing controversy over Abraham Lincoln, a male friend, and a shared bed.

GET READY: Just when the dust has settled on the case of closest relationships were homosexual. This month historian

Eleanor Roosevelt, the last well-publicized instance of a histori- Jonathan Ned Katz, author of the classic sourcebook Gay

cal figure's outing, two new battles lie on the horizon: The American History, offers us his study Love Stories: Sex Between

Hidden Hitler (Basic Books), a recently published translation of Men Before Homosexuality (The University of Chicago Press),

a German-language book by Lothar Machtan, a history profes- the opening chapter of which deals with the relationship

sor at Bremen University, claims that Adolf Hitler was homo- between Lincoln and Speed. What's next.' George Washington

sexual. ("Adolf Hitler was fond of men. He had a homosexual and a hunky cherry grove gardener.' Betsy Ross and a fetching

nature," Machtan recendy told the daily newspaper Die Wdt.) young seamstress? Come to think of it, why did Nixon spend

Qoser to home, two major books are in the works: One is by so much time drinking late into the night with...what was his

the playwright and gay rabble-rouser Larry Kramer; another is name...Bebe Rebozo.'

by the scholar C.A. Tripp, author of the landmark 1970 study The Lincoln story has been smoldering for years. (As far

The Homosexual Matrix, who will soon claim that a 28-year-old back as 1926 there were remarks about Lincoln and Speed's

Abraham Lincoln had at least a four-year romantic relationship closeness, such as Carl Sandburg's tantalizing ambiguities

with another man, a 23-year-old merchant named Joshua about their relationship: "a streak of lavender and spots soft as

Speed. In an interview with Kramer in the collection Core May violets.") Only now, thanks to Kramer, has it ended up in

Vidal: Sexually Speaking, Vidal says that as he started to places like the New York Post's gossip column. Page Six, which

research his novel Lincoln, he began to suspect that Lincolrfs ran an item on Kramer's claims. Historians have long known

54 out DECEMBER 2001



that from 1837 to 1841 Lincoln and Speed shared not just the has distanced himself from Kramer's contention that Lincobi

same quarters but the same bed while in Springfield, 111.; was "gay," although he seems to be relying on the same

Speed would later recall that *no two men were ever so inti- material as Kramer a diaiy (foimd beneadi die floorboards of

mate." Tht friendship between lincdn and Speed was so die buildii^ that Uncdn arid Speed shared) diat IHpp says is

emotionally entangled that when Speed sold his store to in a private collection in Davenport, Iowa.

move back to Kentucky, Lincoln broke off his engagement to As one might have expected, mainstream Lincoln biogra-

Mary Todd and fell into the worst depression of his life. "I am phers have been skeptical. "It was conmion for men to share

now ihe i]«)st miseiabk man Uving," he wrote to an acquain- the same bed inifae 1800S—especially in taverns," Gene

tance. "To lemain as I am is impossible; I must die or be bet- Griessmaii, the author of 7}te Wbrds liitAibt Iftvd B)i told dK

ter." After Speed departed, Lincoln visited the younger man online magazine Salon. "We know that Lincoln had a long,

in Kentucky, and together they brooded over their mutual affectionate friendship with Speed. He deeply loved the man, but

fear of death and vAat Lincoln termed their shared "nervous to go beyond that fact is to go beyond any evidence I have seen."

debili^ widi women. Seldom has American history generated so much heavy

Tlie two inends emnhiaUy manied women but remained bceadiing over—^well, so much (alleged) heavy breathing.

friends for years. When Speed expressed misgivings about There is more going on here than writers and publishers

his forthcoming engagement, Lincoln wrote affectionately, looking to make a killing over the salacious details of promi-

"You know my desire to befriend you is everlasting—that I nent historical hgures. After all, it was not that long ago that

will never cease, while I know how to do any thing. " (In 1855 orthodox historians snootily dismissed fhe dwory that

tiie two men had a felling out over slavery.) From these Je£krson had a child with die slave Sally Hemings-^mtil

details—as wdl as hints of new discoveries—Kramer has updated DNA techniques confirmed it was true. (The "theo-

managed to generate a good deal of curiosity among normal- ry" has now been accepted as fact by many historians.)

ly placid lincohi scholars. Kramer claims to have come upon True, there has been some wild overreaching on the part a hitherto unseen diary by Speed detailing the younger maris of schdars, my &vorite being a 1996 book tided Henry

relationship with Lincoln. James: The Young Master, which claimed diat die novdist lost

To journalists, Kramer has been fairly tight-lipped about the his virginity to Oliver Wendell Holmes, the futiore duefjus-

diar/s contents, but when he read an excerpt from his forth- tice of the U.S. Supreme Court. The evidence? Referring to a

coming book. The American People, to a gay studies conference rooming house he shared with Hohnes, James noted in a

in Madison, Wis., two years ago, a reporter from Madisoifs journal that "I knew there, had iieK..Mnitiation premi^ (the

Capital !nmes reported some (^die jidder quotes: "He often divine, the unique), there and in Ashburton Place.... Ah, the

kisses me when I tease him, often to shut me up.... He would epoch-making weeks of the spring of 1865!" Well, that could

grab me up by his long arms and hug and hug," Speed exult- sound like hot, tantric gay sex. (The only problem: Hiatwas

ed. Often addressing his dear friend as "Line," Speed describes also the year of James's earliest literary success, when

flie young politkaan as a man vibo couldrit get enough hug- Adantk MonMy accepted his first short story.)

ging and kissii^ "Yes, our Abe is like a schooigiiL'' Ofcourse, die stakes are much higgler widi die Qvil

Kramer also daimed fliat Speed recounted conversations War-time president than with the oh-so precious Henry

in which the two men wondered whether other men also had James. It would, presumably, be an astonishing victory for

relationships like theirs. In what for traditional historians wdll the cause of gay liberation to be able to include Lincoln in

undoubtedly seem Kramer's most outiandish contention, tiie a pandieon of "gay achievers." The fight has taken some

writer believes liat Speed introduced Lincoln to ]cta WiSkes surprising turns: Hie Log Cabin RepuUicans have alreacty

Boodi, the famously handsome actor Kramer views as an taken a stand on the lincoln controversy, as W. Scott

obsessed homophobe who tracked Lincoln to Ford's Thompson, a former Log Cabin member and a professor at

Theatre...well, you see where this is going. Tripp, meanwhile, Tufts University, has told The New York Times (page 60)

56 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyrighted material .;:Sas».-^: KALETRA™ nir nton siniiiianQn aaoin insiaGaiesissyauitaiildnatUBSilliKALETRAjlaaiayou flNiiao iioiBMBwot • Changes In body fat happen in some patients getting antl-HIV medidnes. Vdj SHOtJlJ) NOT TAKE tMRH KAliW These changes may Include Increased fat in the upper back and neck ' Cbuffalo hump*), breast and abdomen (stomach area). Lots of fat from (lopinavb/ritonavir) eapsaka Do wit Irta KALETRA you hwa an to KALETRA or aay of Ita » alew atbea,laot,andamma)rabohappaii.T1iiGaMaidhM(Harmhaallti hipnilantai bidudInQ rftanndr or lopinaiilr (lopinavtr/Htmiavir) oral sohithm affects of tnnacontlRions are not known St Utlstbne. Cm t toll KALETRA «n albar UMdlcatloas?* • Some patients with hemophilia have increased bleeding with protease inhibitors. ALERT: Find out about medicines tlut sliould NOT KALETRA may interact wtth other madk:ines, Including those you take with- be mm wmk KALETRA. Please also read the section "MEDICINES • There have been other side effects in patients taking KALETRA However, out a pnscilpHn. Vbu must trit your doctor about al ttis niadidnaa you an YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE WITH KALETRA." these sMe effects may have been due to other medianes that pabsnts ware takk« or pbMdng to taita befon you tdia KALETRA. taking or to the mness itself . Some of these skle effects can be serious. Patient Information MEDICINES YOU SHOULD NOTTAKE WITH KALETRA. VKhat shouM I toll uiy doctor bufon taking KALETRA? • Do not take the tOlowbig medidnes with KALETRA because they can • Ifwuarp preftnant or planninf; to become pregnant: The effects Of KALETiW KALETRA™ cause serious problems or death If taken with KALETRA: oh pregnant v;oiiien or their unborn babies are not known. (knh-LEE-tra) Dihydroerqptamlne, eroonovine, ergotanilne and methylergonorim SUdl as • Ifyou are breast-feeding: Do not breast-feed if you are taking KALETRA. Catergot*. MigranaP, YOu should not bnsst4sBd if you haw HIV. M you are a woman who has Generic Name: lopinavir/ritonavir o.H.E. 45'. Ergoirate ivtaMa,liMiaf||bia,andothan or wH have a baby, takwbh your doctor about the best way to feed your Halclon*(trlazolam) (lop-IN-uh-veer/rit-ON-uh-veer) baby: Vw ahould b* aawn that If your baby does not dready haw HIV, Hlsmanaf* (astemliole) than k a diaact flat HIV can be ttansmlttsd dtrough bmast-nsdhig. Orai^ (pimozide)

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John's worL Taking SL John's wort may decrease KALETRA levels and (2SX), KALETRA capsules and cnl adudon dnuU be uaad wMn 2 monft. load aicraaaadiflBl had and jpealMsnaiatanoe to KALETRA or ciosa- HIV Infection destroys C04 (T) cells, which an important to the In a rasfttanoa to oViar anlHflV madUnas. • AwMaiipoaHntoaiteaastoahaaL Httam. Altar a large nuntber oil liillt an destroyed, acquired i ^ndronie (AIDS) devetapL • dndancy Do not take KALETRA with the cholesterol-lowering medicines Mevacoi* Do not ktap mtdMH tlMt Is out of dato or that wu no longtr Mtd. Bt aura (lovastatin) or Zocoi^ (simvastatin) because of possible serious reactions. thtf > any madUnt away, la out of lha itadi of ddUran. KALETRA Moda HIV protease, a chemical which is needed lOr HIV to nwM- you thw K There is also an increased risk of drug interactkms betamn KALETRA and ply. 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As far back as 1926 there were remarks about Lincoln and Speed's closeness, such as Carl Sandburg's tantalizing ambiguities about their relationship: "a streak of lavender and spots soft as May violets."

(continued from page 56) common activity among working-class men—more like drink-

that homosexuals should feel welcome in the Republican Party, ing alcohol in excess, say, than performing an act that would

"given that the founder was gay." Thompson has penned his come to define your entire identity. (It was not until middle-

own contribution to the debate, an article titled "Was Lincoln class men began indulging in that activity, according to

Gay?" "Would the lonely young log splitter have had no Chauncey, that homosexuality was objected to on moral and

chance in 34 years to figure out what men could do with one religious grounds.)

another?" asked Thompson of the Lincoln-Speed sleeping Unexamined by the mainstream media, since it is so eager

. "Where better for one's fantasies to incubate to make hay of controversies involving historical celebrities, is

and elaborate than on such a wide-open frontier—^and under the way new gay history has changed our appreciation of the

a four-year common blanket?" past. Younger scholars have built on these historians' work

What has gotten lost in the latest burning debate over the for example, in the literary critic Caleb Crairfs recent study

Lincoln-Speed relationship is the growing consensus among American Sympathy. Men, Friendship, and Literature in the New

scholars addressed in Kat:^s fascinating new book: that men Nation (Yale University Press), which accentuates the intensity

and women throughout the 19th century had a greater range of same-sex friendship and compassion in the work of

of emotional and physical relations than in contemporary American writers such as Thoreau, Emerson, and Melville.

times. Before World War \, before Freud, there was no "homo- Chauncey, for one, is philosophical about the bid to claim

sexuality" as we conceive of it today, which is to say, as a trans- the i6th president of the United States as a gay forefather.

gression or even as a problem. "Almost every stigmatized group has sought to elevate its rep-

Virtiially unnoticed in the recent quarrels over figures like utation by pointing to illustrious members," Chauncey told

Eleanor Roosevelt and Lincoln is that there has been an The New York Times. One wonders, then, what people will

important sea change in the study of history in the last 10 make of the new book on Hitler. (Will it help to inspire gay

years. Thanks to historians Uke Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, the neo-Nazi skinheads?) In a culture obsessed with celebrities,

author of Disorderly Conduct, and George Chauncey, the does history have to be obsessed with celebrities as well? The

author of Gay New York, it has become clear that although we New Gay History, as envisioned by writers such as Chauncey

think of history as moving ahead in politically progressive and Katz, offers us something potentially far more liberating

increments, the opposite is often true, as more and more than a Queer Abe Lincoln—it gives a glimpse of a previously

obstacles to gay liberation fall by the wayside. Chauncey, star- unexcavated world of same-sex intimacy that makes our own

tlingly, argued in his book that sex between men was a fairly seem dispiritingly constricted in comparison. S

60 out DECEMBER 2001


Michael Musto shoots the poop with indie cinema's

wild card, covering everything from Christmas trees to serial killers.

The undisputed titan of bad taste—and new hand puppet and the other The Kindly perk up my dreary day with some thafs high praise—John Waters changed Genius of Ray Charles album. That was the behind-the-scenes Divine dish.

midnight viewing forever with Pink year my parents knew either something He was more afraid of doing that flip on

Flamingos and Female Trouble, his '70s was going wrong or I was growing up. the trampoline [in Trouble] than of eating

camp classics, both starring Divine as a You grew up just fine. But whafs with dog shit [in Flamingos]. And when he

filthy ho seeking fame and beauty your fixation on fame-seeking criminals.' fiacks himself [in Trouble], thafs not his

through crime. Now that the uproarious When 1 made those movies, it was a rad- dick. 1 didrit even ask Divine to use his.

films are out on an uncut double-DVD ical notion. 1 was obsessed with Alice That was the movie where he was going

set, Waters is all too willing to provide Crimmins [the Queens, N.Y., homemak- to puke for real. We had a nurse giving

the dirt on the filth. er who was convicted of killing her kids]. him ipecac, but he couldn't do it, so we

She liked to hang out in steak houses relied on our old creamed-com backup.

Musto: This double bill is a perfect, sick and order surf and turf and go on cheap Works every time. Has the mainstream

holiday present—especially since in yachts. I keep asking journalists "Why absorbed your sensibility?

Female Trouble Divine accidentally top- don't you find out where she is?" It doesn't matter. If it has, thafs fine.

ples the Christmas tree onto her mother I have a feeling I'll see her in the next Certainly, things have changed. If you

when she doesrft get those cha-cha John Waters movie. How gay are you? don't change, you dorit work. But I

heels. Based on life? I'm 100% gay and about 20% in gay always joked that no one would ever eat

Waters: My parents once told me the society. Sometimes I'm more comfort- dog shit again. Well, Johnny Knoxville

Christmas tree had fallen over on my able in punk rock clubs than gay clubs. might have if [he'd stayed on] jackass

grandmother. Selfishly, I thought my There are just as many rules I rebel from another season. And he would have

presents might be broken! My grand- in the gay world as the straight one. I'm done it with great style.

mother wasrVt pinned, but of course, I gaily incorrect, but I do vote gay. Shit, yeah! Whafs your next project?

had to embellish it for the movie. Literally? Ifs called A Dirty Shame, and ifs about

Of course! Did you like the Christmas In Pecker there's sex in a voting booth. I the small percentage of head injury suf

holiday as a Idd? always wonder. Can't they decorate them bet- ferers who turn into sex addicts and their

I loved it! 1 still do my own Christmas ter? Theyre like peep shows. 1 think every- search for dignity. If s a curmilingus con-

card every year. There's a picture of me at one should touch themselves in there. It cussion comedy.

lo posing with my two presents—one a would perk up a dreary experience. You haverft changed! (Thank God.)

62 out DECEMBER 2001

Cci Punctuality

is highly overrated.

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2001 cleanly divided into Before and After September n, and few of us

got through the year without questioning everything about our world

and our lives. But in these understandable moments of uncertainty

and fear, the accomplishments of the GLBT achievers chosen for this

year's Out loo provide outstanding examples of people who have

embraced freedom and made it matter. And it is perhaps now, even

more than Before, that we need our heroes. Illustrations by Rob Barber

OUT 100 WRinEN BY Randy Harrison and Peter Paige

Daniel Coleridge. Emily Drabinski. Whether they love its boldness or question its sex-and-drug-drenched

Jessica Dulong. Smith Galtney, depiction of gay men, millions of Americans now tune in faithfully to

Chris Gardner. Lisa Kennedy. Queer as Folk. The Showtime drama's provocative portrait of gay life has

Bob Moser. Eddie Shapiro, shaken up the way we're portrayed in the media—and it's shaken up the

BJ. Sigesmund, Tom Steele, lives of its stars as well.

Lester Strong. Elizabeth Wallace "Surreal is definitely the easiest word to encapsulate the feeling," says

openly gay Folk star Peter Paige of the whirlwind of the past 12 months.

RANDY HARRISON The dramatic series, which debuted last December and follows the AND PETER PAIGE lives (more specifically, the sex lives) of a group of gay men and lesbians PHOTOGRAPHED BY in Pittsburgh, has become Showtime's highest-rated show, thanks not

CHRIS CHAPMAN only to its abundance of explicit sexuality but also to its solid perform- EXCLUSIVELY FOR OUT ances, particularly that of Paige, who as Emmett has given a richness to

his flamboyant character ("He has amazing access to his emotions and to his soul," praises co-executive producer Ron Cowen), and that of

Randy Harrison, who plays 18-year-old newbie Justin. "There's a determination, a courage, and an independence about Randy

that I think became intrinsic to Justin," observes co-executive producer Daniel Lipman.

"He is this extraordinary, intelligent, insightful, incredibly kind little punk

who I love," says Paige of his costar. (page 104)

64 out DECEMBER 2001

Marc Juris

Since being promoted to general manager

and executive vice president of American

Movie Classics, Juris has programmed the

channel w/ith a line-up sure to please any

queer movie buff. He also green-lighted

the upcoming documentary about William Haines (the

first out matinee idol) as well as those bravura Backstory

installments on Valley ofthe Dolls and Myra Breckinridge.

Stuart Krasnow Some gays praise this ex-Ricki Lake pro-

ducer for importing British quiz sensa- tion The Weakest Link to NBC—along Tr-nrr.c Ppjrj ^.r,r\ with our newest icon, the leather-clad, Hphnrah HofFmaD haughty hostess Anne Robinson. Others Having worked on the Oscar-winning The Times of curse him—whenever an American queen dumps his Harvey Milk—and having fallen in love while making

boyfriend using the taskmistress's infamous catch- it—these lesbian documentarians are the very definition

phrase: "You are the weakest link! Goodbye!" of a power couple. Their Long Night's Journey Into Day,

about South Africa's efforts at post-apartheid reforma-

tion, earned them yet another Oscar nom as well as a

Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the Sundance

Film Festival, and bowed over the summer on HBO.

Jonathan Murray

"When we produced that first season," recalls Jonathan Murray—who along with his business partner, Mary-Ellis

Bunim, is credited for starting the reality trend lo years

ago with a little project on MTV called The Real World—

"we knew we had something special, but in our wildest

dreams we didn't expect that it would help launch a whole new genre of programming." Today the Emmy-nominated

Murray is one of the most successful producers in televi-

sion. This year alone he and Ellis brought us MTV's The

Real World io: Back to New York and Road Rules 10; ABC's

Making the Band; and the Fox guilty pleasure Love Ovise:

The Maiden Voyage. All the while he has made an effort to

include gay people in his shows. Next up: The Real World

presents a first-ever winter season (filmed in Chicago) and

more Road Rules. "1 think the people who are saying the

reality genre is winding down are being a little premature,"

observes the producer, whose own real world is as inter- esting as what he captures on video: With Harvey Reese,

his partner of more than a decade, Murray adopted their

son, Dylan, who turns 3 this month. Jeffrey Epstein

66 out DECEMBER 2001 —

Alan Ball I Tine Oscar-winning screenwriter of American

Beauty struck pay dirt again with his smash

hit drama Six Feet Under, about a family of

undertakers that includes a closeted

embalmer who secretly dated a studly

cop. So lively are the funerary saga's ratings that HBO has already ordered up a second season of episodes. Formaldehyde never smelied so good. Cheryl Dunye

Feeling "invisible" due to being "just

another" black mother (and a lesbian to boot), this director dedicated herself to lim Morrison giving faces to the faceless. Following her The cute and tattooed Morrison didn't 1996 festival fave The Watermelon just maneuver his way into the $25,000 long-forgotten black film actress Woman—about a runner-up position on the first season of Dunye cowrote and directed HBO's critically lauded ABC's The Mole; he also helped erase the

Stranger Inside, a gritty tale of a young woman in prison. image of a naked Richard Hatch from

our minds. On top of it, the former law^er-turned- helicopter pilot was named one of People's 50 most

eligible bachelors in America.

Ellen DeGeneres Neil Meron and Craig Zadan We stopped feeling sorry for Ellen (relieved for her, more These TV-movie masterminds received an Emmy nomi-

like!) when the comic's ex-lover Anne "Celestia" Heche nation for producing Life WithJudy Garland: Me and My

revealed she had more personalities than Sybil. Thriving Shadows, remade Brian's Song, and introduced Brooke

solo, the blue-eyed phoenix rose again with a hilarious Shields as a lesbian mom in Lifetime's What Makes a

new self-titled CBS , playing a former dot-com Family. Next up: They mine Broadway with a feature film

CEO who finds you can go home again. Yeah, it's stuck version of Chicago, starring Ren^e Zellweger, Richard

in a yucky time slot on Friday nights and has struggled Gere, and Catherine Zeta-Jones, and small-screen versions

in the ratings, but that's why Cod created VCRs. of Footloose and The Music Man.

out DECEMBER 2001 67

jterial -sr.f Fred Hersch jonsi Th6r Birgisson

Songs Without Words, the trilogy released The fi-ont man of alterna-pop group Sigur

in March from Nonesuch by openly gay, R6s ("victory rose"), out Birgisson and his HIV-positive jazz pianist and composer band mates were picked to go on the road

Hersch, features a first: a disc of all- with critical darling Radiohead. Sigur R6s

Hersch compositions. It's no surprise then sold out its own headlining North

that such a searching, sensitive, and compelling musi- American tour and was named one of the 10 best bands on

cian should emerge as an utterly captivating and con- earth by Time magazine, proving that Bjork hasn't cornered

vivial jazz composer, a poet of a pianist. the market on eclectic, smart Icelandic pop.


Even w/ithout a release following their 2000 success. All

Hands on the Bad One, it was a momentous year for Sleater-Kinney Shiver-inducing bisexual singer Corin

Tucker (right) had a baby boy, openly gay Carrie

Brow/nstein (left) went from lead guitar in the group to

leading role in the experimental indie film Group, and straight-but-not-narrow drummer Janet Weiss made a

new record with her other band, Quasi. The real headliner, though, occurred when Time magazine—in a shocking display of good taste and contrary to their patronizing dis- missal of the band in 1997—declared Sleater-Kinney America's Best Rock Band, leaving much of America to

scratch their heads and say "Sleater who.^" The main-

stream media didn't quite know how to react either

"I think it's just really funny," Tucker says. "We all have

a sense of humor about it. The best part was that on The

Early Show Bryant Gumbel was like, 'Sleater-Kinney?

Who are they?' I think it's always funny when the main-

stream media tries to be cutting edge. You have to have

a sense of humor about it, because the media is so fickle.

It's really flattering. It's really great. But you just have to

take it with a grain of salt."

Brownstein had a similar reaction to the band's sud-

den onslaught of media attention, particularly the Time

honor. "It feels surreal and even pretty ridiculous, espe-

cially because on that level nobody has really heard of

us. It's a little bit laughable that we'd be named the best

band when practically every time I see a band 1 love, I

think. This is the best band! But I'm sure my grandmoth-

er appreciated seeing it," she jokes.

Sure, they'll accept the crown, but that throne will make fine firewood. Chelsey Johnson

68 out DECEMBER 2001 —

lip Rufus Wainwright

W Releasing his second album, Poses, in early V* June, the 27-year-old singer- became the pop world's brightest hope and its biggest loudmouth—predicting his I own legendary status both onstage and in

interviews. Good thing Wainwright's cabaret-styled compo-

sitions—as gay as the night is cruel—were brilliant enough Ani Di Franco to merit such a skyscraping ego. Music's most steadfast bisexual remained

as prolific and political as ever in 2001. Her

14th full-length album, the spare and funky Revelling/Reckoning, featured no fewer than 29 songs. And she backed out of a

performance on Letterman after CBS refused to let her sing

"Subdivision," featuring a graphic lyric about the perils of

racism. Now, that's one righteous babe.

David Del Tredici After nearly 30 years of composing works based on Lewis Carroll's Alice books and

following a rapturous collision with his sex-

uality at an erotic-therapy workshop, Del

Tredici created Gay Life, a glorious song

cycle with all-gay texts. The San Francisco Symphony's June premiere, under the baton ofout conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, received wide acclaim.

Chuck Panozzo

Kilroy was queer! After decades of life on Michael Stipe the sidelines, the longtime bassist and After more than a decade of dancing around the big ques- cofounder of Styx—the wildly popular tion and becoming rock's most ambiguous icon, the R.E.M. arena-rock band—made two admirably front man finally identified himself as a "queer artist" this

open declarations earlier this year: (1) He year, even discussing his three-year relationship with a gen-

has always been gay, and (2) he's HIV-positive. As the tleman caller He also named "Imitation of Life," the first sin-

band sang in their hit song "Renegade": "The jig is up / gle fi-om his band's new album. Reveal, after the 1959 classic O uj o o The news is out." And so is this brave bassist. Lana Turner film of the same name. How queer is that? UJ Q

Caria Lucero Melissa Etheridge Out lesbian composer Lucero certainly After kicking off a selfproclaimed midlife O a. 5;? blazes trails. Her first opera, Wuornos, crisis by dating Tammy Lynn Michaels, an

which premiered in June at San actress 14 years her junior, brave and crazy

Francisco's Verba Buena Center for the Etheridge kicked off a media blitz in June. Arts, tracks the tribulations of Aileen Along with her seventh album. Skin—an

Wuornos, an abused lesbian prostitute who slew seven open-wound documentation of her breakup with Julie Oo (/)— (/i of her batterers and today sits on Florida's death row. Cypher she released her painfully revealing best-selling .. — ui UJ CD 0 q: ? < Next? Expect anything. autobiography The Truth Is.. .My Life in Love and Music. 0. 03

^ ffl 1 o »- q: 70 out DECEMBER 2001 —


The British-born multihyphenate came out

to feature film audiences as a first-time

writer-director-producer with good friend

Jennifer Jason Leigh via the indie The

Anniversary Party. And who could turn

down a good party? The well-received dramedy landed the

Tony-winning star a deal with Film Four to write, direct, and

star in a pair of films. Gardener's Question Time and Diva.

The Hedwig Quartet Sir Ian McKellen Katie Roumel, Cameron Mitchell, John After more than 40 years in front of audi- Christine Vachon, and Stephen Trask ences, the veteran thesp can pretty much Preachy polemics and inane romances are yesterday's take his act to any venue—and he does. potatoes at the gay cinema. This year's most embraced For the next three Decembers, he can be queer movie was the unique and un-PC Hedwig and the seen playing the wizard Gandalf in the Angry Inch, cocreated by, directed by, and starring John Lord ofthe Rings trilogy. He is also set to reprise his role as Cameron Mitchell; composed and cocreated by Stephen Magneto in X-Men 2, but not before finishing a Broadway Trask; and produced by Killer Films (headed by partners run opposite Helen Mirren in Strindberg's Dance of Death. Christine Vachon, Katie Roumel, and Pam Koffler).

The culty musical started at the New York club event Squeezebox and kept growing, as trendies and theater- goers lined up to ogle its lovable weird ness. It was fleshed out for the movie in ways that won it awards at Sundance and Deauville, France, the project putting an unexpected gloss on the previously peaked subject of gender dynam- ics. What was so new? Well, instead of having a sex change because of a driving sense of identity. Hansel

(Mitchell) does so to marry an American C.I. and get over the Berlin Wall in search of freedom. Alas, the operation backfires and he becomes Hedwig, an "internationally ignored song stylist" with an angry inch, which gets even madder when her other half, rocker Tommy Gnosis, steals her material (no, not her dresses). The theme Hedwig's burning quest for wholeness—proved univer- sal, and so was the execution, which was full of one-liners, animation, sing-alongs, and wigs.

The movie's success with gays, straights, and critics made it the millennial Rocky Horror Picture Show and applied much rouge to the careers of all involved.

Vachon won the Achievement Award at 2001 's Outfest,

Los Angeles's gay and lesbian film festival. In 2002, Fine Line releases Todd Solondz's newest film. Storytelling, Shav\/n Atkins and Luna Luis Ortiz which she produced, she'll and oversee Todd Haynes's Filmmaker Atkins (left) teamed with photographer and

Far From Heaven. This year Roumel also produced the AIDS educator Ortiz to hatch the House of Frame by indie Series which satirized reality television. Trask will 7, Frame Fierce—an organization that produced four one- score Project Creenlight, series HBO's a documentary minute animated flicks targeted at teaching the next connected to Matt Damon and Ben Affleck's script con- generation about HIV testing and prevention. Their col- test, and is producing a CD for the group Nancy Boy laboration made the rounds at gay filmfests in San And though Mitchell says he doesn't want to act again Francisco and New York and even received kudos from for a while, we bet he can be coerced. Michael Musto a tough critic—former New York City mayor Ed Koch.

out DECEMBER 2001 71

Cci Tom Shepard

^ ' For his debut as a documentary director, former NPR editor Shepard examined the

Boy Scouts of America's antigay policies in

Scout's Honor. The narrative, which aired David Rakoff

on PBS, traced the activist roots of 16-year- Arguably the most hilarious man alive,

old Eagle Scout Steven Cozza and 72-year-old expelled Rakoff, a contributor to Public Radio

scoutmaster David Rice—both straight—and nabbed top International's This American Life, collected documentary honors at the Sundance Film Festival. his unlikely journeys—outdoor survival camp, Tibetan Buddhism studies with

Steven Seagal, the drunken trials of editorial assistant-

ship—in Fraud, a laugh-out-loud book that makes self-

Scott McGehee abasement feel like fun again.

Indie audiences didn't have to dive far to

find The Deep End. The Tilda Swinton star-

rer, which McGehee cowrote, codirected,

and coproduced, about a mother's endless Eileen Myles

efforts to protect her gay son, swam out of The poet and former presidential candi- Sundance with a best cinematography trophy McGehee date (she ran in 1992 as an "openly also executive-produced this month's The Business of female" candidate) returned to prose

Strangers, starring Stockard Channing and Julia Stiles. this year with Cool for You. The novel features the author as the protagonist,

navigating fractured notions of gender, class, and time

in her hometown of Boston. It took Myles six years to

complete this masterful work.

Victoria Brownworth Longtime (and intrepid) journalist Brown- y " worth has been beating the drums about

G LBT issues for years. Last December she

took a moment to remember lesbian vic- tims of cancer, editing Coming Out of Cancer, a compilation of writings by lesbians affected by the disease. Proceeds benefit the Mary-Helen Mautner

Project for Lesbians with Cancer

Aldo Alvarez As executive editor and publisher of online

Angelina jolie queer fiction magazine Blithe House

Omnisexual Jolie's turn as Lara Croft in this summer's Quarterly (, Alvarez is

Tomb Raider proved that women can rule in action flicks. committed to amplifying the voices of gay

She balanced out the unholy Original Sin by taking on the and lesbian writers like Mike Albo, Felice

role of goodwill ambassador for the United Nations and Picano, and Clifford Chase. This year the Puerto Rican-born

proclaiming her attraction to Melanie Griffith while keep- writer amplified his own with his first collection of short sto-

ing close with husband Billy Bob Thornton. ries, Interesting Monsters.

72 out DECEMBER 2001

C'jpvi'yh'ud iratorial \ndrew Solomon

In 1994, Solomon was constantly bored, his appetite was poor, and he found con-

versation a burden. Then he went to pieces. The result of Solomon's plunge

into depression is this year's best-selling

The Noonday Demon (a National Book Award nominee), blending personal history and science for an in-depth chronicle of the illness and the fight to overcome it.

Rebecca Walker

When you're a cum laude graduate of Yale, named by Time magazine as one of 50 future leaders under 40, and

an out bisexual living with musician Meshell Ndeg^ocello,

all that's left to do is write the book. Born to a Jewish father and an African-American mother—best-selling author Alice Walker—Rebecca Walker explores the intersections

of these multiple identities in Black, White and Jewish:

Autobiography of a Shifting Self—a profound, controver-

sial, groundbreaking book. "My sexuality is as central and

important to me as air; it is always there, in my interac-

tions with men and women, in my work, in the spaces and

Margaret Cho places I create and am drawn to," says Walker. So what's

Self-described "Korean-American fag hag" Cho turned next on Walker's plate? "I have my hands pretty full work- her hit off-Broadway one-woman show into the best- ing on two new books, lecturing, parenting [Walker is selling book / m the One That I Want. By detailing her coparent to Ndeg6ocello's 12-year-old son], and being a struggles with weight, drugs, sexuality, Asian-American good girlfriend," she says. "We also just got a puppy

identity, Hollywood, and high school, the 32-year-old Today I am taking publicity photos for said girlfriend. Since

bisexual walked off with a coveted Lambda this so

out DECEMBER 2001 73 ^^^^1^ Phranc e To be perfectly Phranc has meant many things: butch folkie with punk tendencies, road-

weary performer with home fires a-burn-

Alan Poul ing, and now Tupperware lady Filmmaker

" vVe won't joke that he buried the compe- 1 Lisa Udelson caught Phranc hawking her

tition. The shows Poul has produced polymers and decided to document the parties. The result, ^ "y^l ^l^''*Jr most recently, Six Feet Under and Further Lifetime Guarantee, pleased festival audiences as success- l^K^^M^^^ °f ^'^y C^^s^d on the Armistead fully as its star, an ace saleswoman, moves merchandise. ^^^^^^^^^ Maupin books) are too defiantly original.

But with an Emmy nomination for Further Tales and 8.3

million viewers for Alan Ball's funeral home drama, Poul

has etched his credits in granite.

David i mtTj^l Morrow " when Morrow was named editor in chief of i 'J

" ' \. jf he became one of the most

highly placed gay journalists in the country.

^^^L^^^^^H That was june. On September 11, Morrow's ^^^^^^^^^ turf was upended, to put it in vastly inade-

quate language. Yet the tone of the financial news site has

remained as steadying about stocks as it is compassionate

about the inestimable losses of colleagues.

Gene Falk

Tele vision. That's what the senior vice-

president of Showrtime's digital media

group has. Just take a look at his revamped, especially the Queer as Folk site,

where links both frivolous and life-sav-

ing can be had. Sure, it may be the most ingenious ver-

sion of customer service to hit the Web yet, but Falk's

made it feel like community.

Michelle Darn^

Bringing up baby is a national pastime. But when Darn^ and her mate sought pointers

for GLBT 'rents-to-be, they found lots of the drama but not enough of the screwball

comedy Damn's response: Let's do it. So in

June, publisher Darn^ and her creative director and spouse,

Kathleen Weiss, were proud to announce the birth of their

7.1-ounce brainchild. Arid Baby magazine.

74 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyiighicd material

Richard Bengtsson and Edward Paviick Swede Bengtsson (left) and American Pavlick—the Manhattan design duo of Richard Edwards—say their clothes are the ideal uniform for New Yorkers, "the most

extraordinary people on the planet." In 2001 they launched

their first two women's collections, to great response. Their

inspiration, says Pavlick, is "every single pain-in-the-ass

woman who ever walked down the street with an attitude."

"m: : ^-y^H Giorgio Armani

Ever since creating Richard Gere's look in American Gigolo, Armani has defined

sleek sex appeal. The favorite designer to

numerous Hollywood A-listers is leaving

no entrepreneurial stone unturned: In the

fall he moved out of the wardrobe and opened Armani

Casa, his home-furnishings stores in New York and \\\ Beverly Hills. Next: stores in Paris, Tokyo, and Seoul.

Ed Burstell Tommy Fazio While Ed Burstell's r^sum^ involves much more than The new senior vice president for Calvin

selling Monica Lewinsky's handbag line at Henri Bendel, Klein menswear, Fazio aims to "make

his decision to carry them fits exactly with his goals for some noise with this brand." Benjamin the Fifth Avenue designer department store. As vice pres- Bratt's already a fan, and Fazio—former ident and general manager of Bendel's, he has spent the creative director for designer Gene

past three years hipping up its image. This past year, to Meyer—arranged for Klein to dress Sex and the City's restore intimacy and quirkiness to the store, Burstell John Corbett (Aidan) and David Eigenberg (Steve). Look

revived a 1970s Bendel's concept: a streetlike area in the for in-store boutiques at Saks and Bloomingdale's.

Store dotted with little boutiques, like Diane Von

Furstenberg and D&G (next year, he'll add Patricia Field).

Plus, by scouting new talent, he's upped the number of

independent lines— like those of Rick Owens, Alice Roi, Peter Arnold

and Bernard Wilhelm—from 15 to more than 50. Burstell, It may seem odd that the Council of

who's at home in a suit and no tie but can also be spot- Fashion Designers of America chose Wall

ted on the job in Levi's and a tailored shirt, is clear about Street lawyer Arnold as its new executive

the customer he wants. "She's more contemporary, a lit- director, but his fund-raising experience (on

tle edgy, age 25 to 50," he says. "She buys for herself the board of Gay Men's Health Crisis) and

She's a bit selfish, a little self-indulgent." For a fashion fashion industry connections proved the right combination.

exec who learned years ago to make retail into "theater," He'll refocus CFDA as a philanthropic organization and

what could be better drama? Elizabeth Wallace revive its 7th on Sale event to benefit AIDS charities.

76 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyrigh!ccf material Marc Jacobs ' M ^^^^ °^ '^'^ American label and * -'^^H sportswear designer for the very in-demand ^^^^^^M Louis Vuitton in Paris, Jacobs mixes down- ^^^^^^^H town Manhattan with classic retro style.

^^^^^^^^^ Not only is heVHi Vogue's Designer of

the Year, he's generous too: At his spring showing, he

donated $150,000 to 10 different charities, including NYCs

Hedi Slimane Hetrick Martin Institute for CLBT youth in NYC.

The new creative director of Christian Dior Homme makes clothes that resemble

himself: slim, sexy, and ultra-European.

Slimane, 33, of Tunisian-Italian heritage Kenneth Wingard

but reared in France, came from Yves The San Francisco housewares designer's

Saint Laurent, w^here his skinny couture tuxedos are cov- Wingard Collection (brushed-metal vases, eted by men and w/omen alike. At Dior he's updated the glasswares, lamps, and more) is modern,

label, keeping his clothes urban but romantic. hip, and aflbrdable. Wingard's been active with HIV charities and since September n

has given 50% of his Web site sales to the American Red

Cross. Design can be "pretty frivolous," he says. "If it can

help some real causes, ail the better."


jean Paul Gaultier Dean and Dan Caten

Caultier, w/hose fashion inspiration remains glorious, has The Canadian-born gay identical twins who head Milan- long been linked with one of his muses, Madonna. based menswear design label DSQUARED^ made creative (Remember the Blonde Ambition-era conical bra?) For use of iconic cowboy imagery w^en they dressed Madonna this year's Drowned World tour, he created the opening for the western segment of her Drowned World tour. In life act's fiercely punkified Scottish kilt. The designer has been and in work, the team is inspired by "real, masculine men," staying busy on the home front too: He brainstormed cos- says Dean (left), like truckers and cowboys. The duo is con- tumes for—and, sweetie darling, had a cameo in—this templating a women's line, which, says Dan, would "be a lot summer's French film version of Absolutely Fabulous. like our man—not so girly"

out DECEMBER 2001 77

Ci aterial i After crossing the globe with her vaginal monologues, Eve Ensler put her new

play, Necessary Targets, in the capable

hands of Wilson, the artistic director of

Hartford Stage, hot off his triumphant

Glass Menagerie with Elizabeth Ashley. His affinity for estrogen-heavy theater continues with the upcoming

Broadway transfer of Enchanted April.


Nicholas Martin Sarah Schulman

Though he's the artistic director of Boston's Playwright Schulman, already known as

Huntington Theatre Company, in 2001 an award-winning novelist, joined the list of

Martin returned to York with a double fellowship winners, and Z ifl New Guggenheim < o whammy: John Guare's Chaucer in Rome workshopped her latest play. The Child.

and Jon Robin Baitz's translation of Hedda which features a lesbian lawyer, AIDS, and

Cabler in the current crackling Broadway revival. Next up: a relationship between a 15-year-old boy and an older man

Ethan Hawke in Camino Real. Hard to believe the 62-year- he meets online. In January, Playwrights Horizons presents

old Martin's only been directing for nine years. her latest effort, Carson McCullers (Historically Inaccurate).

78 out DECEMBER 2001

Cl iterial ; Hytner Nathan Lane and Gary Beach

ner, 45, caused a sensation slam-dunk success, Nathan Lane keeps learning, has its

'ith Mark Ravenhill's play price. "No one wants to believe that you're actually enjoy-

Mother ( s Molly House, about sodomy ing it," said the actor last winter, after The Producers, in

and the i8th century, at London's Royal which he stars as the gonzo showman Max Bialystock, i National Theatre. The National rewarded had killed 'em in Chicago and was on its way to

Hytner's years-long devotion by naming him artistic direc- Broadway and a record 12 Tony awards, including Lane's

tor, beginning in 2003. Meanwhile, Hytner is readying the for Leading Actor in a Musical. His costar Gary Beach new musical Sweet Smell of Success for Broadway had had his share of long runs but never experienced

anything like the adulation he's enjoyed since, as the gay director Roger DeBris, he goose-stepped into the boots

of the fuhrer in the "Springtime for Hitler" climax of the Lea DeLaria Mel Brooks musical. (The character's outrageousness

After years as the bawdy dyke comic, appears earlier in a very un-PC number called "Keep It

DeLaria is now a well-known stage Gay," where the actor is got up to look like the Chrysler

actress. This year her Mermanesque Building.) Beach's top-of-the-stairs pose in "Springtime"

voice was everywhere; it was heard as helped ensure the actor his Tony for Featured Actor in a Helga on the WB cartoon The Oblongs, Musical, and that stage moment, says this very person-

singing jazzy takes of show tunes on her new CD, Play it able, showbiz-savvy performer, "is a kind of dream

Cool, and in two male roles in Broadway's The Rocky realized: Eleanor Powell and Ann Miller and Ethel

Horror Show. Merman all rolled into one." Brendan Lemon

out DECEMBER 2001 79 ^visual a

Philip Hitrhrork

The Los Angeles-based Hitchcock is

known for his unabashedly homoerotic

lifecast male torsos. Last year saw the

release of his first book, Dark Impressions:

The Art of Philip Hitchcock, with 80 pages of full-color photographs {shot by Hitchcock himself) cele-

brating his work. Some stops on his book tour even includ-

ed lifecasting demonstrations.

Todd Oldham One of the fashion world's most creative designers, Oldham successfully segued

from designing clothes to designing

housewares and room interiors, and Ernesto Pujol

even from design itself to photography "Body of Faith": The phrase evokes traditional piety and

His furniture and interior designs now grace a number religious belief However, in Ernesto Pujol's series of

of establishments, while his photos have appeared in photographs by the same name, it assumes a meaning the pages of publications such as Interview and Paper. more friendly to gay needs and desires than traditional

religion usually offers. Pujol's self-portraits show him in

a variety of habits worn by different orders of Catholic monks and nuns, something that subverts the gender AA Bronson roles of institutionalized Christianity. The Cuban-born,

Along with partners Felix Partz and Jorge New York-based artist spent four years as a Trappist

Zontal, AA Bronson was part of the Toronto- monk. He was moved to revisit religion in this work, he

based art collective General Idea. His show says, to "give people the option of viewing the 'religious

at Chicago's Museum of Contemporary body' from a different angle." Next up: an exploration of

Art, "Negative Thoughts," took place earli- the body-beautiful culture of Chelsea boys. "If our socie-

er this year and was a powerful verbal and visual meditation ty needs to rethink the traditional 'religious body,' " he

on life in the age of AIDS as well as on Partz and Zontal, says, "I think we gay men need to rethink our definitions

who died from the disease's complications in 1994. of the desirable male body" Lester Strong

Phil Jimenez Paige Braddock

New York City-based comic book illus- Move over, Snoopy: A protegee of late

trator Jimenez realized a childhood "Peanuts" creator Charles Schuiz has

dream when DC Comics appointed him become the first person to have a gay-

to a yearlong stint as chief artist for themed comic strip available for national Wonder Woman. "Suffering Sappho!" media syndication through,

as the lady with the magic lasso says. In the hands (lit- United Media's Web site. Not surprisingly the 38-year-old

erally) of the talented Jimenez, even she doubtless found Braddock bears a striking resemblance to the star of her

her adventures a wonder to behold. creation, "Jane's World." Good grief!

80 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyrighted material sines6

Martin Atkin

Some of us do recruit: As a managing

director at New York-based JPMorgan

Chase &. Co., Atkin has responsibilities that

include employee recruitment and training.

The first openly gay member of the compa-

ny's Investment Banking Management Committee, Atkin

has led diversity efforts that include panel discussions and dinners for CLBT MBA students.

VI .V. Lee Badgett

Ad execs from Absolut to AmEx shell out

big bucks to woo demographically desir-

able gay and lesbian consumers. But a new book by University of Massachusetts economist Lee Badgett, Money, Myths, and Change, created a lively discussion earlier this year by questioning the myth of gay affluence. Does this mean no more abs-perfect underwear models?

Mark Lund Michael Wilke

Quick! What do Brian Boitano and In a Johnnie Walker whiskey ad, wedding guests smile as

Teresa Weatherspoon have in common.' a bride walks toward. ..her bride. A spot for Guinness ale

The answer: Lund, who publishes both features a handsome blondie staring indulgently as his

International Figure Skating ar\d Women's beau heads off to work to the strains ofTammy Wynette's

Basketball and is doing quite well at it. "Stand by Your Man."

Two-year-old Women's Basketball is already in the black, If not for Michael Wilke, these glimpses of mercantile while international Figure Skating's ad sales in 2001 were poetry might have fallen under the rubric of "the best gay

up 20% over last year despite the economy. ads you've never seen." In May, however, the former Advertising Age reporter launched the Commercial Closet, a

nonprofit project that seeks to "create change through

reflection on its collection." The organization's Web site (w/, which has more than 700

When Keith Ferrazzi shot to the top ranks gay-themed images (most ofwhich did see the light of print

of Starwood Hotels &. Resorts Worldwide, or television), has already had more than 700,000 visits.

he became the youngest chief marketing "What genuinely got me involved in this," says Wilke,

officer in the Fortune 500. These days he's who began writing about gay images in marketing back

redefining online advertising as CEO of in 1992, "was the potential advertising had to have

YaYa, an "advergaming" company, and working with the social impact. People may not choose to watch a Will cf

World Economic Forum in Switzerland on a project that Crace. But advertising is unavoidable. It's subversive in

involves spirituality and leadership. its mainstreamness." Lisa Kennedy

out DECEMBER 2001 81 —

Anthony Romero

Multiple-choice question: What's the sin-

gle most impressive fact about Anthony

Romero's appointment last May as exec- utive director of the American Civil

Liberties Union? (a) He's the first Latino

to direct the 81-year-old national civil-rights group, (b)

he's the first openly gay leader of the ACLU, (c) he's only

36, or (d) all of the above (duh!).

Mary Bonauto

After Vermont, the marriage-rights battle

migrated to Massachusetts. Leading the charge was Bonauto, an attorney with Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders,

who filed suit in April on behalf of seven

couples denied marriage licenses by the state. "Civil Scott Evertz

unions don't go far enough," she says. What's next for when President Bush chose Scott Evertz as his national

her? Twins, due around New Year's. AIDS czar last spring, the appointee recalls, "I was sur- prised to be called about this job." Small wonder: The Log

Cabin Republican from Wisconsin was the first openly gay appointee by a Republican president. The religious right Lorri Jean was apoplectic, and so were some gay activists, who Left-of-center queer activists had a rea- viewed Evertz's political and volunteer AIDS work as scant

son to perk up this year: Lorri Jean. After qualification for the job. "I came here understanding it she took the reins of the National Cay wouldn't be possible to please either the far right or the far and Lesbian Task Force—which she will left," Evertz says. He's aiming to provide "commonsense run from her hometown, Los Angeles leadership," and he's learning to laugh at the vagaries of

Jean dissed the gay political establishment for kissing up politics. "Every time the Left attacks," he says, "the Right to President Bush and declared she was giving the task starts defending you—and vice versa. Politics does make

force "back to the people who made it great." strange bedfellows." Bob Moser

i 1 . Larry Forester Nancy Hetherington I You can't keep a type A down. After when Representative Hetherington, a

^^fc^ Forester was diagnosed with AIDS in Methodist minister, introduced a civil ^^^^^^^^ 1994. he retired from his day job in tech- unions bill in the Rhode Island legislature, J&^^^^H nical sales. But, fueled by 22 pills a day, she also introduced something else: her

^^^^^^^^ he plunged into civic work in Signal Hill, sexuality. In a newspaper column, she

Calif, a town of 10,000 residents bordered on all sides matter-of-factly identified her partner, Elaine Martin. Sadly,

by Long Beach. In March, Forester took a bigger plunge, the couple still can't get hitched: Hetherington's honest

becoming America's first openly HIV-positive mayor efforts weren't enough to pass the bill.

82 out DECEMBER 2001


iVmv«ti;f:i:iiQ^MM:iN;iiKii: —


Klaus Wowereit

In a country where the personal lives of

politicians are deeply hidden, Wowereit j ^^^^V^H canne out just days before his appoint- ^^^^^^ ment as interim mayor of Berlin. (He ^^^^^^^^^t was elected by a landslide in October.)

The 48-year-old Social Democrat's words "I'm gay, and

that's a good thing" launched a flurry of T-shirts as the

phrase gained cult status in queer Berlin.

Bertrand Delanoe

As Delanoe, 51, celebrated his election as

mayor of Paris with a speech at City Hall Sir Elton john in March, a rainbow flag flew as the The icon courted controversy by singing a Grammys sound system pumped "I Will Survive." duet with Eminem, whose ironic tone and black humor Delanoe's victory actually marks two Sir Elton believed were worth listening to. But even his milestones: Not only is he the first openly gay mayor in harshest critics could welcome "American Triangle," a France, his is the first left-wing municipal administration song about Matthew Shepard featured on Songs From in Paris since 1871. the West Coast, released in October.

^ Krystal Bennett

. j( when i8-year-old out lesbian Bennett was crowned prom king of Ferndale

High School in Washington State, the

prom queen gave her a high-five. Despite the uproar among Ferndale residents, Bennett expressed no intentions of abdicating. Her coro-

nation was not a political statement, she insisted to The

Advocate: "I felt I deserved to win."

The Rev. Mel White

White a ghostwriter for Pat Robertson, the Fred Hates Fags Phelps to was When Rev ("God ') got Ann

Jerry Falwell, and Jim Bakker until he wrote Arbor, Mich., these guys got aggressive. After life partners

Stranger at the Gate: To Be Cay and Christian Contreras (left) and Orr heard the gay-hater would be

in America in 1994. Now, as executive direc- picketing the bar they own, they asked customers to pledge

tor of Soulforce, he stages nonviolent $1 for every minute the bigot was there. Phelps marched

protests outside churches and religious conventions outside for an hour, and the pair made over $6,000 that

including the annual Southern Baptist conference last day for a local gay advocacy group. Other Phelps targets

June—in pursuit of greater acceptance of gays and lesbians. have since borrowed the tactic to similar effect. Cheers!

84 out DECEMBER 2001

Cl Sharon Smith Claire Skiffington when Diane Whipple, Smith's partner of A self-described "tranny," Claire Skiffington

seven years, was mauled to death in became the "poster girl" for legislation

January by their neighbors' dogs in San that made San Francisco the first govern-

Francisco, state law didn't allow Smith to ment employer in the nation to pay for

sue for wrongful death. She won a court sex change procedures for workers as challenge, but the case is on appeal. "There's nothing more part of its health insurance plan. A key spokeswoman for important to me than to see them in jail and paying for transgender activists, Skiffington called herself "the this," says Smith. "Diane would have wanted me to do it." virus" because she worked from within.

Tom Ryan After the World Trade Center was attacked, the rest of September became a blur of 24-hour shifts at ground zero for NYC fireman Tom Ryan. But he's one of the lucky ones—five men from his firehouse were among the 343 firefighters and EMS workers who died that day. It may be the year of the firefighter, but it hasn't always been easy to head up FireFLAG (Firefighters Lesbian and Cay/EMS,

"It's a hard job to come out on," Ryan says, chuckling a bit at the understatement. "It was very hard in the beginning"—Ryan had been married for 10 years and has three children —though after arranging a transfer to Ladder Company 12 (yes, it's in Chelsea), things improved. But neighborhood boys shouldn't get any ideas— Ryan's happily settled in with his partner of seven years. Bruce Shenitz

Larry Kramer Michael Ferrera

At 66, the "oldest I iving AIDS activist" is O Teenagers can be a handful, but as direc- dying of end-stage liver disease—his tor of public policy and governmental doctor gives him six months to a year. A ^^^k relations for the Los Angeles area Gay controversial author who founded ACT and Lesbian Adolescent Social Services,

UP and cofounded Cay Men's Health Ferrera is up to the challenge. After pio-

Crisis, Kramer in June made his prognosis public in neering gay group homes for those under 18 in Southern

Hew%week, where he posed in boxers, his distended belly California, GLASS opened a new high school this year revealing the effects of hepatitis B. for GLBT youth with severe emotional problems.

Riki Wilchins Emma Rood

People have complex lives and bodies. At i6. Rood's a force to be reckoned

-if, That's the reality that led Riki Wilchins to with. Last year, the Portland, Ore., stu-

found the Gender Public Advocacy dent came out in an editorial in her high

Coalition, which works to "ensure every school newspaper opposing a statewide

American's right to their gender free from antigay measure. Now she's a plaintiff in stereotypes, discrimination, and violence." Wilchins a suit against the Children's Internet Protection Act, a organized the group's first National Conference on law forcing libraries to either censor online information

Gender this year and is looking ahead to another in 2002. or forgo federal funding.

out DECEMBER 2001 85 Michael Chabon

The fictional worlds dreamed up by this

heralded scribe routinely include gay peo-

ple. Chabon's latest novel, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier Clay, which fea-

tures a prominent gay character in World

War II New York City, won a 2001 Pulitzer Prize. And a gay

book editor played a role in his novel Wonder Soys, adapted

into an Oscar-winning film.

Nicole Miller

Designer Miller is best-known for her graphic designs and bold eye-catching

patterns, but she's also a crusader, keep-

ing up the fight against AIDS in fashion.

A tireless fund-raiser, this classy lady has

made it her mission to make Americans aware that the disease affects not only gay men but, increasingly,

women and children— in alarming numbers.

Rodney Croweli

It isn't often that we hear country music's

good ol' boys singing songs about issues

affecting gays and lesbians. But we tip our cowboy hats to Grammy-winning Texas

native Croweli for including "I Wish It

Would Rain," about a hustler with AIDS, and "Wandering

Boy," in which the hustler's twin brother confronts his own

homophobia, on his latest album. The Houston Kid. Steven Spielberg

Director Spielberg didn't just criticize the Boy Scouts of America's discriminatory policies against gays: The

Eagle Scout took action. The director, whose 2001 work

Sheila Nevins includes the eye-popping A.i. and the successful HBO We've certainly got a friend at HBO in miniseries Band of Brothers, resigned from the organiza- Nevins. The cable network's executive tion's national advisory board (on which he had served vice president of original programming, for a decade) in protest—earning a merit badge of whose projects have won a staggering honor from our community in the process.

43 Emmy Awards, regularly procures quality, gay-themed films for her audience. In fact, this

year alone, she got Paragraph 175, Southern Comfort, and

Living Dolls, among others, on the air

86 exit DECEMBER 2001

Copyrighted material Lynne Cheney Patsy Clarke and Eloise Vaughn

Neither Vice President Cheney nor his wife, These two feisty mothers have been after Sen. jesse

Lynne, are fully in our corner, but she has Helms for years and have vowed to dog him until he

made a sharp turn from her days as a con- retires in 2003. Cofounders of Mothers Against Jesse in

servative cultural czar during the Reagan Congress (MAJIC), Clarke and Vaughn, who have both

era. She has been skittish about discussing lost sons to AIDS, exposed Helms's hatemongering in

her daughter Mary's lesbianism, but she backed the nam- this year's book Keep Singing: Two Mothers, Two Sons,

ing of a gay man to a senior White House post and criti- and Their Fight Against Jesse Helms, a first-person

cized Eminem for encouraging violence against gays. account of their journey.

Camryn Manheim Javier Bardem

when the star of The Practice presented an This actor's bravura performance in the

award to film producer Christine Vachon at role of gay Cuban writer Reinaldo Arenas

this year's Outfest, the Los Angeles Cay and in Se/bre Night Falls earned him an Oscar

Lesbian Film Festival, she proclaimed, "I nomination for Best Actor, an Independent

want to be a lesbian!" (Hey, no one's object- Spirit Award, and a legion of fans in our

ing!) Meanwhile, the actor, who will appear in HBO's community. In routinely challenging antigay attitudes,

Matthew Shepard drama. The Lxiramie Project, proudly tells Bardem is helping to break the stereotype of the macho

Owt that her lesbian best friend helped deliver her baby son. Spanish actor.


C0|., :.j ,,L.o ...LI Former U.S. senator Ashcroft, now the Bush administra-

tion's attorney general, believes homosexuality is a sin,

opposed Senate confirmation of the first openly gay ambassador, and once asked a job applicant, "Do you have the same sexual preference as most men.^" (Most men

where.-" Are you talking West Hollywood or Dubuque?)

With Ashcroft in charge, Justice will no longer be blind,

she'll just be shortsighted and narrow-minded.

Gov. Bill janklow Governor janklow of South Dakota had

to be threatened with a lawsuit before he allowed an Adopt-a-Highway sign recog- nizing the Sioux Empire Gay and Lesbian

Coalition's participation in the program.

It's ironic that homophobia turns conservative Republicans

into such drama queens. Potential new driving test question: How do you properly signal when turning gay?

jane Swift 7^ Goran Ivanisevic

Swift, the Republican governor of Massachusetts, is against Wimbledon-winning sore sport Ivanisevic

gay marriage even though her hubby's been married told reporters that a judge, who made

four—count 'em, four—times and has a gay son. Sure, what Ivanisevic perceived to be a bad call

the day her stepson, Brian Hunt, came out publicly, she in his match against Australian Patrick

extended some domestic-partner benefits to same-sex Rafter, "looks like a faggot." The Croatian's

employees. But it's hard to take seriously Swift's claim that bigoted comment violates a cardinal rule of tennis: A

she wants to preserve the sanctity of marriage when her straight man who makes his living playing with fuzzy balls

husband buys wedding rings in bulk at Costco. should never call anyone a faggot.

88 out DECEMBER 2001

Copyrighted material r

Peter Bart inead O'Connor

Bart, the editor in chief of Variety, laid an A year after she came out as a lesbian,

egg. He was temporarily ankled for, among earning her a place in the Out loo, singer

other things, reportedly saying that he didn't O'Connor married a man. (And a journal-

want to hire "any more fags because they ist, at that!) She also pulled out of the

all get sick and die." Unfortunately, Bart gay-friendly tour, Wotapalava, which con-

returned after just three weeks. The topper of the show- tributed to the summer event's demise. Apparently,

biz rag should know that antihomo is bad promo "Sin^ad O'Connor" is Gaelic for "Anne Heche." Perhaps

and CAY AUDS nix guys who are dix. we should call them "Was-bians."


Copyrighted material calendar gift gu de the list

n/29-12/03 Divine Design 200i

We're drooling at the prospect of buying deep-discount designer fasfiions

and home accoutrements at this fabulous annual event, to be held this year 12/31 at Barker Hangar at the Santa Monica ICalif.l Air Center Your shameless consumerism benefits Project Angel Food. Call (323) 851-9933 or see for more info, Le Bal des Boys 11/30-12/02 Holly Folly

Don your gay apparel and head to Provincetown, Mass., for this huge gay Parkz-vousjrangais? Montreal is a must-see dty. and lesbian holiday festival. Therell be shopping, a Red and Green Ball, Gay Francophones and English speakers alike will holiday carols from the Connecticut Gay Men's Chorus, and more. Visit for the details. be charmed by this progressive, European-style

North American city's cobblestone streets and hop- 12/14-12/16 Holiday Lights

Jingle bells the Men's Chorus of Angeles, ping Gay Village neighborhood. Enjoy the Gay er, your to sound of the Gay Los cele- brating the season with delightful performances of holiday favorites at the Great White North at Le Bal des Boys, a massive Alex Theatre in Glendale, Calif. Check out the handiwork of GMCLAs new party and dance extravaganza, and watch the ball artistic director, Bruce Maytiall. For info, call (800) 636-7464. drop on New Yeafs Eve with a bevy of humpy 1 2/28-01/04 A White Solstice Canadian snow queens! Dorit forget to pack your Spend your New Year's weekend on the powdery hills and crests of the Teton parka. Ooh-la-la! Village resort in Jackson Hole. Wyo. Join other ski-happy GLBTs who love it when things go downhill on this Alyson Adventures package trip. Call (800)

825-9766 for tickets and info or visit THE PLACES TO STAY Hotel Omni Mont-Royal 1050 Sherbrooke St. West, (800)

843-5664. Swank, convenient downtown digs. Le HouseBoy Bed & Breakfast 12/31 Metropolis Superball 2002

1281 Beaudry St., (514) 525-1459. Charming gay-owned B&B. How can you Dance your shopping-weary hind end off at this 12-hour dance par-fay in go wrong with a name like Le HouseBoy? THE PLACE TO PLAY Adonis 1681 San Francisco. DJs David Knapp of New York, Dawna Montel of Los Angeles,

Saint Catherine St. East, (514) 521-1355. Find your god at this hot spot. THE and S.F's own Frank Abraham spin the tunes that put "Auld Lang Syne" to

PLACE TO EAT Maestro S.V.P. 3615 Boulevard Saint Laurent, (514) 842-6447. shame. For more information, check out

A tr^s popular world bistro known for its delectable seafood dishes. THE Illustration by SYLVIE BOURBONNIERE for Anna Goodscn Management DETAILS Call (514) 875-7026 or visit

90 out DECEMBER 2001

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Meredith Scott Lynn Andrea Martin Actor-Producer Actor

My best friend, Andrew Brian Colon. After being in tlie Nathan Lane is one of my dearest friends. I admire

closet for years in terrible pain, he went to college his work ethic; I admire his loyalty; I admire the

and really came into himself. He has refused on eveiy ability he has to be profoundly touching and outra-

level to compromise his integrity with regard to his geously funny: I admire that he can come out and

sexuality. It's inspiring. He's La Cage aux Folles. be who he is and stand up for who he is.

Stockard Channing Don Roos ProEndofphin" is a refreshii^ citrus Actor Writer-Director flavored effervescent elixir that delivers

I have many, many wonderful gay friends who have Terrence McNally, who is so honest with his work energy you feel in minutes. Our new

been my companions and my teachers and my fami- onstage. I saw The Lisbon Traviata at a workshop in, cyclonized" delivery system is the most

ly over the years. It's my family. And it's a big family. I think. 1986. i was blushing the whole time because powerful of its kind. Packed in easy to

Some of them are here and some of them are not. to me it was so frank. I was totally blown away. carry single serving sacliets. Whenever But I can't imagine what my life would be without or wherever you need a Mast of ener&, them. I would have no life without them. Dan Butler Actor just add water.

Billy Porter Walt Whitman. His poetry inspires me. I don't think of

Actor him as gay. I think of him as such an evolved spirit. Harvey Milk had the courage to do what so many of ENERGY us don't do. I also love Paris Barclay He's one of my Megan Mullally

true heroes as a black gay man in this business. Actor

I admire Ellen [DeGeneres]. For coming out on her STAMINA Camryn Manheim show, taking a stand, and being really strong and Actor brave. ENDURANCE Hands down, my best friend Lisa lacucci (pro- nounced "l-uh-coochie"). Imagine, a lesbian with Sara Rue Log onto our Web site for a free the word "coochie" right in her name. She was my Actor sample!

birthing partner when my son was born. When we My best friend, Elias. I've watched him go through

arrived at the hospital, they had a "mother" wrist- tough times and deal with being comfortable with

band and a "father" wristband, and that was it: his sexuality. And he has done so well—he's a

no "partner," no "friend," no "coach." So she had strong, wonderful man, and I just love him to death. PHARMALOCIC MADE IN THE U.S.A.

to wear the "father" band. After that, I decided to

deem her the godfather of my son. She's my best Margaret Cho

friend, and she has taught me what it is to be a Comedian good friend, and for that I will forever be in her Margo Channing from All About Eve. She is such a 4 debt. I call her Father Lisa. ! O2001 Ptiarmalogic. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. out DECEMBER 2001 103




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IS cites. Please «tm LnteOAnnes Oncly 800.521 .4041 Brian." Michael will start dating a gay and iM Iw cod! 552 K5 10 lake aMnagt of ll»e laes out UNUNITED Q instinct dngnliiEMvTnitii [MaliiOMlfcqnilaiM studies professor from Carnegie YYY Mellon University. Lipman promises, QSF PASSPORT rPIanetOutcom BIBQ "A lot of dancing at Babylon. A lot of

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A remarkable biography of "Emmett's getting a lot of action in

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revenge against his tormentors. Paige Also includes over 100 rare or never-before- fulfilled his six-year dream of starring seen photos, ncluding childhood photos, the in the play Secret Agents in Los earliest picture of Angeles and also played a (straight) in drag, stills from John Waters's radio producer in the upcoming earliest films, Euro- Showtime movie Our America. pean performance So much for being out hurting photos, and snap- your career. "I've been out since I was shots of Divine with 15," shrugs Harrison. "I'm not about his family after their

to go back into the closet because I reconciliation. got a TV show. It seemed superficial

to consider lying."

Sure, but lots of actors do. "Yeah,"

he says. "But they're miserable, and I'm not." Jeffrey Epstein Available at your local bookseller or at WWW.ALYSON.COM (800) 5-ALYSON 104 out DECEMBER 2001 /

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out DECEMBER 2001 107 I am 20 years old, and about a J! year ag6*I came out to my parents. My mom has

been very understanding, but my dad is constantly lecturing me and telling me I

should try to "become straight." He says that all gay men are sluts and confuse

love with lust. Why is it that no matter what gay media outlet you tune in to, it

seems as if everything's focused on sex.' Everyone has the right to live his own life,

but why does promiscuity seem so prominent with gays?

A: Yoiire put forth a pretty sweeping generalization. rrust me, promiscuity

and monogamy are also issues in the heterosexual world, and straight people con-

fuse love and lust all the time too. I'm sure we could find any number of experts

who would be delighted to tell us their theories on gay sexuality and lifestyle, but

when you get right down to it, why doesrft matter. If there is something in the

world that we think should change, the most powerful thing we can do is to be a

demonstration of that change. All you have to do is lead your life according to

what you believe in. One person can have a profound influence on those around

him or her—not by preaching but by doing. Dorit try to talk your father into any- thing. Be an example of the good old saying "Actions speak louder than words."


I just returned from my first if that doesn't work out, for now believes he may need to enter a very painful place to live. Also,

extended vacation witti my girl- it might be better not to travel residential facility because he we always have the choice of

friend, and I must say, it wasn't together Let her take her trips, can no longer care for himself. focusing on our similarities to

much fun. I discovered that we you do something else, and see Since we live in a small Midwest- people or on our differences

have almost entirely different what develops. Just because em city, however, he is concerned from people. Your friend might

ideas of how to travel: She likes we're attracted to someone does that the care facilities nearby will have many things in common

sight-seeing, I like shopping; she not mean we always like the have no other gay residents and with the other residents besides

likes the beach, I don't. I went same things. You say you're that he might therefore feel a little sexual orientation. I see no par-

along witi) her preferences as afraid that if you don't travel isolated. He is nervous about ticular reason to have such a

much as I could, but right now I with her, it might affect your bringing up this matter to the fa- discussion with the managers of

don't feel like traveling with her relationship? I think that if cility's managers. I would like to the facility. His illness and his

again. I'm afraid this might affect you continue to take trips that help him. What can I do? care are the issues he should be

our relationship, because she aren't any fun for you, if you lie discussing with them—not his

loves traveling. We get along fine around on a beach hating every I'm sure your friend has a lot of sexuality. It is important that

otherwise. Advice? minute of it, if you drag yourself anxiety about this possible you continue to be his friend

through sight-seeing expeditions change in his life; it's not an and encourage his other friends

OK, so you've found out what you don't enjoy, you may collect easy transition. I think you to stay connected to him. His

your differences are. Most cou- a suitcase full of resentments, could best help by reminding former social life wouldn't need

ples have them. You have two and that will most definitely him that he doesn't know yet to end, just change location.

choices. You can continue to affect your relationship! how it will be. He can't really

travel but with clearly defined know till he gets there. Right Need some advice? Write to Cyntliia O'Neal at

ground rules—you sight-see, I'll A friend of mine who is 75 and suf- now he's living in negative pre- Out Advice. 6922 Holtywood Blvd.. lOth Floor. shop, we'll meet for dinner! Or fers from a degenerative disease dictions, and that's always a Los Angeles, CA [email protected].

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"I dated somebody my own age for two weeks.

I was lil

Like her fire sign counterparts, Tammy Lynn Michaels (bom November 26, 1974), best

known for the TV program Popular, cherishes her personal freedom and says what she

thinks with passionate conviction. Her musical sensitivities obviously enhance her allure,

since she's now the main squeeze of singer Melissa Etheridge, who is some 14 years

Michaels's senior. Although she may appear to be airy, make no mistake—Michaels likes

to know what she's talking about. She just carit help being "popular."


SAGIHARIUS Nov. 23-Oec. 21 PISCES Feb. 20-March 20 GEMINI May 22-June 21 VIRGO Aug. 24-Sept. 23

Personal freedom takes center stage in December means joy to the world. If Maybe that end-of-the year bonus will Instead of fretting over work, stay home

December—blame Saturn and Pluto. the fish clan stays positive around the perk you up in more ways than one, and bake apple pies for the holiday. So

Toward the middle of the month Mars holidays, you'll be surprised at the especially if your romantic life's been what if annoying family members push stirs up home and family responsibili- effect Pisces can have on people. This stressful. Don't give up hope. Around you over the edge—just add Valium to

ties: If you're thinking of telling Mom doesn't mean you should rent a Santa the new moon on December 14. you'll their pies. Then sneak out to the local

you're gay, be prepared for an interest- suit and act like the class clown, but jump-start a fresh relationship with pub for a draft with the dyke next door.

ing response. Instead of lamenting lost a little humor can't hurt. Instead of a your partner or brand-new flame. Keep December is a good month to use up

freedoms, cherish the mundane. Do victim, become a beacon of light for it that way by being sincere and honest. those vacation days. Party with friends,

chores you've been putting off, even if others. Depression isn't an option, so You're always gawking around when you because the prospects for meeting

spring cleaning in December sounds leave your cross in the chapel where it should be gazing deeply into your lover's someone special increase. Beats play-

like a Preston Sturges film. Air your belongs: Your martyr meter has expired. eyes. Faithful, not fickle, is the focus. ing Sweeney Todd with apple crisp.

frustrations as well as your mattress.

ARIES March 21-April 20 CANCER June 22-July22 LIBRA Sept. 24-Oct. 23

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 20 Don't travel this month unless you love Cancers feel especially attractive around You can flirt and flit, but don't burn

If you have a secret lover, use extra intensity and stress. While you're deco- the holidays. Instead of telling those the candle at both ends, especially

caution in December, especially during rating your tree, use the new moon's irksome coworkers where to go, put on around the holidays when Mars and

the first half of the month. Learn from energy on December 14 to plan a swell an elegant face and wish them Merry Pluto square off. Stay centered like a

Scrooge—set aside penny-pinching New Year's soiree. You still may feel the Christmas. Then go skiing with your sig- good Libra. Ask for that promotion before

ways and splurge on gifts. Mars goes itch to get away around the full moon nificant other. No S.O.? Don't be shy Use Christmas vacation; slip a note to Santa

into Pisces, resulting in some good on December 30. Instead of scratching, that infusion of adrenaline and new- with a cookie. Or do some major sucking

ideas at work. File them mentally and peek outside. Some scrumptious he- found confidence to meet someone new, up—buy your boss an expensive gift

embark on a holiday with your partner. man may be playing in your yard. even if you have to make the first move. and hope he shows some gratitude.

No matter how long you've been togeth-

er, the full moon on December 30 fuels TAURUS April 21-May 21 LEO July 23-Aug. 23 SCORPIO Oct. 24-Nov. 22

a sizzling smooch session. God knows you're tired of hearing about Gird your loins tor passion and pleasure. Stop worrying about spending money

finances, but it's time to cinch your December turns Leos into sexual con- on a winter vacation; just go for it. You

AQUARIUS Jan. 21-Feb. 19 money belt and curtail your spending. fectioners, and as the month progress- can rethink financial strategies around

After mid month, social gatherings bore Be creative. Celebrate the true meaning es, your candy thermometer heats to mid month, even if it means keeping

you to tears. Focus your attention on of the holidays. To save on Christmas, hardball stage. Lions are the zodiac's that expensive gay boy toy around for a

the office—and don't play into day-to- tear down those drapes. Miss Scarlett, party animals this month, but don't while longer. After December 9, Mars

day angst. Take a break from hosting and make your own gifts. People may fa-la-la-la-la so much that you neglect enters Pisces and turns your life into a

big community benefits: Just bring the be more receptive than you think. Hang the human elements of noble Leo. While social whirl, but A-list invites don't pile

check and your wacky, wonderful self. If tight; things get better toward the end joyfully being placed in all those kinky up until the holidays. Saturn's still mess-

relationships seem difficult, don't turn of the month. And don't pooh-pooh an positions, grab a moment to think over ing with your sex life, so it's anybody's

cantankerous. After all, your main asset extra part-time job. You may love your spontaneous hunches about money and guess about your next rendezvous.

is the ability to stay detached. new coworkers. career. You could get even luckier. Besides, 'tis the season to be spiritual.

110 out DECEMBER 2001

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