A Taxonomic Study of <Em>Crotaphytus Collaris</Em

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A Taxonomic Study of <Em>Crotaphytus Collaris</Em Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series Volume 13 | Number 2 Article 1 4-1971 A taxonomic study of Crotaphytus collaris between the Rio Grande and Colorado Rivers William Ingram III Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Wilmer W. Tanner Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byuscib Part of the Anatomy Commons, Botany Commons, Physiology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Ingram, William III and Tanner, Wilmer W. (1971) "A taxonomic study of Crotaphytus collaris between the Rio Grande and Colorado Rivers," Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series: Vol. 13 : No. 2 , Article 1. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byuscib/vol13/iss2/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. ^-0J<^ -Ki^rov;o3i Brigham Young University ..If Science Bulletin ^ TAXONOMIC STUDY OF CROTAPHYTUS COLLARIS ETWEEN THE RIO GRANDE AND COLORADO RIVERS by William Ingram III and Wilmer W. Tanner BIOLOGICAL SERIES—VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 2 April 1971 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN BIOLOGICAL SERIES Editor: Stanley L. Welsh, Department of Botany, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Members of the Editorial Board: Vernon J. Tipton, Zoology Ferron L. Anderson. Zoology Joseph R. Murdock, Botany Wilmer W. Tanner, Zoology Ex officio Members: A. Lester Allen, Dean, College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences Ernest L. Olson, Chairman, University Publications The Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, publishes acceptable papers, particularly large manuscripts, on all phases of biology. Separate numbers and back volumes can be purchased from Publication Sales, Brigliam Young University, Provo, Utah. All remittances should be made payable to Brigliam Young University. Orders and materials for library exchange should be directed to the Division of Gifts and Exchange, Brigliam Young University Library, Provo, Utah 84601. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin A TAXONOMIC STUDY OF CROTAPHYTUS COLLARIS IeTWEEN the RIO GRANDE AND COLORADO RIVERS by William Ingram III and Wilmer W. Tanner BIOLOGICAL SERIES—VOLUME XIII, NUMBER 2 April 1971 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 1 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3 Selection and Gathering of Material 3 Statistical Methods 4 Taxonomic Characters 5 Color-pattern Combinations 5 RESULTS 6 Cluster Analysis 6 Analysis of Variance 7 Coloration and Pattern 11 Discriminant Analysis II DISCUSSION 13 Zoological Discussion 13 Statistical Discussion 24 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 27 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 28 LITERATURE CITED 29 A TAXONOMIC STUDY OF CROTAPHYTUS COLLARIS BETWEEN THE RIO GRANDE AND COLORADO RIVERS by William Ingram III' and Wilmer W. Tanner^ INTRODUCTION The Western Collared Lizard, Crotaphytiis coUaris Basin, contains a population of Collared Lizards that baileyi, Stejneger. is an attractive lizard of marked is distinguishable on the subspecitlc level from C. c. variability. Its range, as now recognized, includes the baileyi. These studies suggest that C. c. baileyi may in area from the Great Basin south to central Baja Cali- reality be a heterogeneous taxonomic unit requiring fornia and Sonora; the desert slopes of mountains in more study. southern California, east to the Continental Divide in The first step in the comprehensive study of the southwestern Colorado and western New Mexico, and populations presently contained in C. c. baileyi re- south into Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, Nuevo quires a detailed study of the population represented Leon, and San Luis Potosi (Stebbins, 1966; Smith by the type material. An analysis of the total Western and Taylor, 1950). Collared Lizard problem also includes a study of the The range of C. c. baileyi is divided by several Collared Lizard populations located in the Chihua- natural geographic barriers which have been shown to huan Desert and the Upper Colorado River Basin. mark boundary lines for subspecies of other saurian This includes the three populations" interactions with forms. Stebbins (1954) describes patternal differences each other. The analysis of the remaining populations of C. coUahs which are both consistent and specific of Collared Lizards now presently contained within for certain geographic areas. Fitch and Tanner (1951) C. c. baileyi and occurring in areas located primarily proposed that at least one geographic area within the west of the Colorado River and Baja, California is the range of C. c. baileyi. the Upper Colorado River subject of another study currently in progress. REVIEW OF LITERATURE In 1890, Dr. Leonhard Stejneger described as new, doubtful utility." Cope failed to support his conclu- Crotaphytiis baileyi. The type locality was listed as sions with a clear presentation of data, but merely "Painted Desert, Little Colorado River, Arizona," and compared the number of specimens on hand (80) as the type specimen designated as U.S. National to the condition of their interorbitals. He failed to Museum No. 15281. Other specimens included in the recognize C. baileyi as either a species or a subspecies type series were USNM 15282-15287. because his series contained a large number of speci- Stejneger (1890) distinguished C. baileyi from C. mens intermediate to C. collaris or C. baileyi with respect to interorbital scalation. However, he states collaris on the basis of four characters: ( 1 ) two rows of interorbitals, (2) smaller supraocular scales, (3) that most of these intermediate specimens came from narrower head, and (4) longer snout. At the time of the central portion of New Mexico and western the description, Stejneger indicated that further in- Texas, the area proposed by Stejneger as the probable vestigation probably would show C. baileyi to inter- region of intergradation. Thus, one wonders why it as a grade with C. collaris. However, he described it as a Cope failed to recognize C. baileyi and place new species until conclusive evidence of intergrada- subspecies of C. collaris. tion was provided. The geographic range of C baileyi Stone and Rehn (1910) was the first to recognize was set forth as western New Mexico, Arizona, C. baileyi as a subspecies of C. collaris. This was based Nevada, and northern Mexico. on a series of eleven specimens from Pecos, Texas, in E. D. Cope (1900), in his monumental work on which specimens with characteristics of both C. North American reptiles, recognized the differences baileyi and C. collaris were in the series. listed by Stejneger. However, he stated that "transi- In 1917 Stejneger and Barbour listed C. c. collaris tions (of characters between geographic areas) are so and C. c. baileyi in their check list using central New numerous that a distinct subspecific name is of Mexico as the dividing line between the two sub- I, 2 Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84601 . , BRICHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN species. mm. tolal lenglh for the eastern group) that there was Van Denburgli and Slevin (1921) described as new, no attempt to group specimens by age class. It is well Croiaphytus insiilaris from Angel de la Guardia Is- known that body propt)rlions, as well as length, land, Baja California, Mexico. Crotaphytus insularis change significantly from hatchling to adult (Mayr, was separated from C. c. baileyi by three charac- 1969), The use of different age classes in the analysis ters: (1) longer snout, (2) narrower head, and (3) of leiiglh and proportion characters may bias results single incomplete collar (Van Denburgh 1922). Burt proportionally to the percent of the total sample (1928) showed definite relationships between the represented by each age class. Collared Lizards of Angel de la Guardia Island and Fitch and Tanner (1951) separated the Yellow- those of the mainland of Baja California and southern headed Collared Lizard, C. c. aiiriceps, from C. c. California. The lizards of this area are also in need of baileyi. It was described as a population from the further study as a pari of those populations occurring Upper Colorado River Basin, type locality: three and west of the Colorado River. one-half miles north northeast of Dewey Bridge, Crotaphytus Jickersoiiac, was described by Grand Co., Utah. Crotaphytus c. auriccps was sepa- Schmidt (1922) from Tiburon Island, Sonora, Mex- rated primarily on the characters of coloration and ico. It was said to be distinguishable from C. c. baileyi supralabial scalation, thus introducing the factors of by having "hindleg considerably longer than the coloration and pattern as characters for distinguishing body, a longer more distinctly compressed tail and Collared Lizard populations. line slightly enlarged scales on the middorsal of the The taxonomic history of C. c. baileyi and other tail." Burt (1928) expressed doubts as to the validity Collared Lizards, along with their present status, is of this species, thus necessitating a further analysis of summarized in the following synonymies. C. dickersonae. Burt (1928) provided tlie only complete review of Crotaphytus collaris baileyi Stejneger the species to date. He presented a detailed review of the literature and
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