OBJ (Application/Pdf)
VOLUME 32 Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Georgia, June, 1962 Number 5 145 Students To Graduate From M.B.C. Commencement Exercises Set At Morris Brown A 10-day series of events end ing with commencement will be gin Monday with the annual ora torical contest in the chapel at Morris Brown College. The com mencement evercise will be June 6 at 10 a.m. in the college gym nasium. Other events are class night, May 31, college chapel; junior senior prom, June 1, gymnasium; baccalaureate service, June 3, 5 p.m., gymnasium; resident’s recep tion, June 3, 6:30 p.m., president’s home; alumni banquet, June 4, gymnasium; trustee board meeting, June 5, 10 a.m., chapel, and na tional alumni meeting, June 5, The Drama Club of Morris Brown Colelge, under the direction of 7:30 p.m., chapel. Mr. Carl Fabrizio, resented the hilarious comedy, Born Yesterday, by Garshin Konin, in the Morris Brown College Chapel on March seventh and eighth. On May 1st Born Yesterday was the same play which launched Judy Holliday In Gym ------------------------------------------A Morning of One-Act Plays Internees Meet the to stardom and to even further heights when she won the academy Three one-act plays were presented in the Morris Brown Joe Louis award for her performance in the film version. Gym during the culture week on May 1, 1962, at 10:00 a.m. The plot of the play deals with a young girl who has lived a One was “A New Political Party Is Begun” which is a comedy Boss At Dinner promiscuous life and has thought of nothing except mink coats.
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