The London Gazette, 13 June, 1913
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4256 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 JUNE, 1913. No. 151, Minories. Let on. lease for a term of 21 to 93, Fenchurch-street, E.G., including Saracen's years, ifrom 24th June, 1897, at a rent of £100 per Head Yard, covering the annum on full repairing lease, held for 61 years from Ground Area of about 15,480 square feet, com- Midsummer, 1905, at the ground rent of £8, renew- prising :— able in perpetuity every 14 years, on payment of a, fine 1. A Building Site, having a frontage of about of £56. 51 feet 8 inches, intersected by a gateway occupying No. 153, Minories. -Vacant, of the estimated rental a ground area of about 2,540 feet, now available for value of £140 per annum. Held for a similar term at the erection of a block of mercantile offices and shops. the ground rent of £11 per annum, the lease being 2. Two Freehold Ground Rents, amounting together renewable in perpetuity every 14 years, on payment to £220 per annum, secured upon three modern ware- of a fine of £77. houses in Saracen's Head Yard, with reversions in Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained 41f and 58£ years; and of the following Solicitors :—Messrs. Tamplin, Tayler 3. Two extensive Warehouses in Saracen's Head and Joseph, 165, Fenchurch-street, E.G.; L. L. M. Yard, let on lease to responsible tenants, at rents Marsden, Esq., 16, King-street, Cheapside, E.C.; and amounting to £550 per annum. Messrs. Spyer and Son, Austin Friars Houee, Austin- Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained friars, E.C; and of Messrs. Ellis and Son, Auctioneers of the following Solicitors, viz. :—Messrs. Tamplin, and Estate Agents, 45, Fenchurch-street, E.G., and at Tayler and Joseph, 165, Fenchurch-street, E.C.; the place of sale.—Dated 6th June, 1913. L. L. M. Marsden, Esq., 16, King-street, Cheapside, STEWART JOBSON, Master. E.C.; and Messrs. Spyer and Son, Austin Friars House, Austin Friars, E.C.; and of Messrs. Ellis and TAMPLIN, TAYLER and JOSEPH, 165, Fen- Son, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 45, Fenchurch- 109 church-street, London, E.C. street, E.C.; and at the place of sale.—Dated 6th June, 1913. STEWART JOBSON, Master. 10 be sold, pursuant to an Order, dated the 14th TAMPLIN, TAYLER and JOSEPH, 165, Fen- 1 February, 1913, of the High Court of Justice, i" church-street, London, E.C. Chancery Division, made in an action, entitled Re J. M. MARSDEN, deceased, Marsden v. Marsden, 1911, M. No. 3010, with the approbation of Mr. Justice Eve, by Mr. John Seagram Richardson, of the firm of O be sold, pursuant to an Order of the High Messrs, Debenham, Tewson, Richardson and Co., of T Court of Justice, Chancery Division, made in 80, Cheapside, in the city of London (the person ap- the action re PIERCY, WHITWHAM v. PIERCY pointed by the said Judge), at the Mart, Tokenhouse- (1888, P. 3082), with the approbation of the Judge, yard, London, E.G., on Tuesday, the 8th July, 1913, by Mr. Frank Lloyd, the person appointed by the at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in five lots, the follow- Judge, at the Wynnstay Arms Hotel, Wrexham, in ing leasehold and freehold properties, in the county the county of Denbigh, on Monday, the 14th day of of London, namely :— July, 1913, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in lots, Nos. 137 and 138, Tottenham Court-ro;id, and 283, the freehold estate' known as " Marchwiel Hall," Euston-road. A corner block of business premises situate near Wrexham aforesaid. possessing frontages of nearly 120 feet, with a ground Particulars and conditions of sale may 'be had area of 3,150 square feet. In. addition to the shops ratis (in London) of Messrs. Field, Roscoe and Co., and show rooms there are basement and four upper f olicitors, 36, Lincoln's Inn-fields, W.C.; Messrs. floors. Let to Messrs. Chas. Baker and Co., Ltd., Crowders, Vizard and Oldham, Solicitors, 51, Lin- Outfitters, on lease, expiring in 1921, at £1,625 per coln's Inn-fields; Messrs. Batten, Proffitt and Scott, annum, and held for 45 years unexpired at the 13, Victoria-street, Westminster, S.W.; Messrs. ground rent of £111. Eland, Nettleship and Butt, 4, Trafalgar-square, No. 1, Hall-road, St. John's Wood. A spacious, Charing Cross, W.C.; and Messrs. Burch, White- double fronted freehold residence, with stables, stand- head and Davidsons, 29, Spring-gardens, Charing ing in grounds having a frontage of 151 feet, a depth Cross, S.W.; and (in Wrexham) of Messrs. Evan of 205 feet, and a ground area of 30,955 square feet, Morris and Co., Solicitors, The Priory; and the forming a building eite, with possession in 1916, when Auctioneer, Parr's Bank Chambers, and Eyton House; the present lease at £52 10s. Od. ground rent will ex- and at the place of sale.—Dated this 5th day of pire. A strip of freehold land reserved at the south- June, 1913. east end of Hamilton-gardens, St. John's Wood. 086 J. C. FOX, a Master of the Supreme Court. No. 25, Pembridge-cresoent, Bayswater. A detached freehold residence, near Kensington Gardens and Netting Hill Gate Station, seven bed, bath, and two dressing rooms, three reception rooms, and offices, let O be sold by Public Tender, pursuant to an Order on lease, expiring 1914, at £130 per annum. T of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, No. 5, Marlborough Gate Stables, W. Freehold made in an action " VINNICOMBE v. VINNI- stable premises, close to Lancaster Gate, comprising COMBE, 1912, V., No.'407," the .businesses of Piano- five stalls, loose box, large coach house, five living forte and Musical Instrument Dealers and General rooms, etc., and let at £110 per annum. Music Warehousemen, hitherto carried on under the Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained trade name of "Vinnicombe Brothers," at 3 and 4, of Messrs. Tamplin, Tayler and Joseph, Solicitors, 165, Queen-street, Exeter, and The Parade, Exanouth, Fenchurch-street; Mr. L. L. M. Marsden, Solicitor, 16, respectively, with stock in trade, goodwill, tuning con- King-street, Cheapside; and Messrs. Spyer and Sons. nection, benefit of existing hiring and hire-purchase Solicitors, Austin Friars House, Austin-friars; and contracts, and all the assets of the said businesses in of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside, and at the place of several lots. sale.—Dated 6th June, 1913. Tenders in a sealed cover (marked outside " Re Vin- STEWART JOBSON, Master. nicombe Brothers, Tender") are to be sent to Mr. Percy Mason, at No. 64, Gresham-street, in the city TAMPLIX, TAYLER and JOSEPH, 165, Fen- of London^ Chartered Accountant, on or before Tues- no church-street, London, E.C. day, the 1st July, 1913. The tenders will not be made public, but will be opened by Mr. Percy Mason on Wednesday, the 2nd July, 1913, and the same will 10 be sold, pursuant to an order dated the 14th subsequently be submitted to the Master in Chambers, T February, 1913, of the High Court of Justice, who will in due course declare -which tender or tenders Chancery Division, made in an action entitled Re (if any) is or are to be accepted. J. M. MARSDEN, deceased, Marsden v. Marsden, Particulars of sale, showing the lots, with condi- 1911, M. No. 3010, with the approbation of Mr. tions and form of tender, may be obtained gratis (in Justice Eve, by Mr. Richard Adam Ellis, of the firm London) of Messrs. Percy Mason and Co., 64, Gres- of Richard Ellis and Son, of 45, Fenchurch-street, in ham-street, E.C., Chartered Accountants; Messrs. the city of London (the person appointed by the Taylor, Hpare and Jelf, 12, Norfolk-street, Strand, Judge), at the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, London, E.G., W.C., Solicitors; Messrs. Fraser and Christian, 4, on Friday, the llth day of July, 1913, at two o'clock Finsbury-circus, E.G., Solicitors; and (in the country) in the afternoon, in one lot, of Messrs. F. H. H. Orchard and Son, 17, Castle- T-he Freehold Property on the border of the Ship- street, Exeter, Solicitors; Mr. Charles Martin Scott, ping, Corn, and Colonial Markets, now known as 7, Queen-street, Exeter, Solicitor; Mr. A. L. Honey, Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 7, Aldgate, in the city of London, 23, Catherine-street, Exeter, Chartered Accountant, but which, upon the handing over to the public and at the said places of business at Exeter and authorities of a narrow strip of frontage and the Exmouth respectively.—Dated this 6th June, 1913. rebuilding of the premises, will be known as Nos. 90 175 J. C. FOX, a Master of the Supreme Court..