
ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY VOLUME 24 * NUMBER 6 * DECEMBER 1983 Leon H. Schmidt, Editor in Chief (1985) George A. Jacoby, Jr., Editor (1985) University ofAlabama in Birmingham Massachusetts General Hospital Birmingham, Alabama Boston, Massachusetts Herbert L. Ennis, Editor (1987) Robert C. Moellering, Jr., Editor (1987) Roche Institute ofMolecular Biology New England Deaconess Hospital Nutley, New Jersey Boston, Massachusetts Robert L. Hamili, Editor (1985) John A. Washington I, Editor (1986) Eli Lilly & Company, Inc. Mayo Clinic Indianapolis, Indiana Rochester, Minnesota

EDITORIAL BOARD Norris Allen (1983) Gertrude B. Elion (1984) Matthew E. Levison (1984) Christne C. Sanders (1984) Vincent T. Andrlole (1984) Arthur Engsh (1983) Stuart B. Levy (1983) W. Eugene Sanders (1984) John P. Anhalt (1984) Robert J. Fa (1985) Friedrich C. Lutt (1984) Jerome J. Schentag (1985) Bascom F. Anthony (1985) Stuart Feldman (1985) Joan Lusk (1983) F. C. Sclavoino (1985) Donald Armstrong (1983) Sydney Flnegold (1985) R. Luthy (1983) Oldrkb K. Sebek (1983) George R. Aronoff (1983) Robert J. FIzgerald (1983) Francs L. Macrlna (1985) William M. Shannon (1983) Robert Austian (1983) Matin Forbes (1983) Geoge H. McCracken (1984) Charles Shipman, Jr. (1985) Rkhard H. Baltz (1984) Dale N. Gerding (1985) Gerald Medoff (1983) Robert W. Sldwel (1984) Arthur L. Barry (1983) David Gibert (1984) Michael Miller (1984) Walter S_lenthaker (1983) John D. Bartlet (1984) Anthony J. Glazko (1984) Barbarn Minshew (1985) P. F Spdng (1984) Michael Barza (1985) Irng H. Goldberg (1985) Berard Moss (1984) Brian G. Spratt (198) John E. Bennett (1984) Rkhard H. Gustason (1984) Babara E. Mumy (1984) Harold Stford (1985) Rihard F. Bergstrom (1985) Jack Gwaltney (1983) John D. Nelson (1983) R. Sutherbnd (1985) Gerald P. Bodey (1983) Wendell H. Hall (1983) Harold C. Neu (1983) Vera L. Sutter (1984) Lawrence E. Bryan (1985) Maurice W. Harmon (1984) J. F. Niblack (1983) Morton N. Swartz (1985) Ward Bulock (1984) Joseph Hawins, Jr. (1985) James T. Park (1985) Rihard B. Sykes (1985) D. Buyske (1983) Mkbael Hlgns (1983) T. J. Perun (1983) Francs P. Tally (1984) Anthony Chow (1985) Dah Hal Wang Ho (1983) Lac R. Peterso (1985) Alexandr Tom_az (1985) C. Glenn Cobbs (1983) Rihard Hornick (1983) Burton M. Pogeli (1984) Rah Tompt (1985) Paul S. Cohen (1983) George Gee Jackson (1983) Paul Quie (1983) Mkhael Waring (1984) William A. Craig (1984) James H. Jorgensen (1984) Mchael Reln (1983) Bernard Wedsblum (1985) Nigel A. C. Curtis (1983) William J. Jusko (1983) W. H. G. Rkhards (1983) Peter G. Weling (1985) Naomi Datta (1984) A. W. Karchmer (1985) Richard Roberts (1985) Richard Wenzd (1983) Lawrence E. Day (1983) Donald Kaye (1985) Ian M. Rollo (1985) Lowell Young (1985) William E. Dlsmukes (1984) George S. Kobaymah (1985) Ricbard Root (1983) Pauline K. W. Yu (1985) R. Gordon Douglas, Jr. (1983) Donald J. Krogd (1983) John P. Rosaa (1983) John C. Drach (1984) Feli Leitner (1983) Jon E. Rosenblatt (1985) Theodore Ekkhoff (1985) Stephen A. Lerner (1983) Merle Sande (1985)

Helen R. Whiteley, Chairman, Publications Board Walter G. Peter III, Director, Publications Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Deborah J. Shuman, Production Editor Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ISSN 0066-4804), an interdisciplinary publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006, is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge relating to all aspects of antimicrobial agents, anticancer agents, and chemotherapy. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Publications Office. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy is published monthly, and the twelve numbers are divided into two volumes per year. The nonmember subscription price is $145 per year; single copies are $14. The member subscription price is $29 (foreign, $36 [surface rate]) per year; single copies are $7. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Publications Office, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006 (area 202 833-9680). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20006, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, ASM, 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006. Made in the United States of America. Copyright C 1983, American Society for Microbiology. a *: rh i1 5+ t A , E XIll{JO#i 1 1Jto All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the article may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index

Allan, Brenda J., 930 Harris, Russell, 876 Park, Choong H., 841 Andrews, J. M., 909 Higuchi, William I., 941 Pfeffer, Morris, 915 Artis, William M., 876 Hironaga, Kyozo, 905 Pien, Francis D., 856 Assael, B. M., 955 Hixon, Debbie L., 841 Poretz, Donald M., 841

Boccazzi, A., 955 Inoue, Matsuhisa, 925 Rizzo, M., 955 Boerema, Hans B. J., 902 Ruoff, Kathryn, 871 Jacobus, Nilda V., 936 Caccamo, M. L., 955 Jacques, M., 952 Schiller, John, 892 Cassey, John G., 950 Javor, George T., 860, 868 Shipman, Charles, Jr., 947 Centifanto-Fitzgerald, Ysolina M., Jones, Bernard, 950 Smee, Donald F., 883 888 Jones, Henry E., 876 Smith, Diana, 851 Cesar, Evangeline Y., 941 Smith, Sandra H., 947 Clark, David A., 950 Sonobe, Takashi, 941 Cobbs, C. Glenn, 847 Karam, George H., 847 Strom, Mark, 892 Coyle, Marie, 892 Kaster, Steven R., 829 Cuchural, George J., Jr., 936 Katlama, Namat B., 947 Kaufman, Herbert E., 888 Tachibana, Chikanori, 835 Kirkland, Theo N., 921 Tally, Francis P., 936 Danks, G., 909 Kissling, Grace E., 888 Taylor, Diane E., 930 De Clercq, Erik, 888 Konishi, Hisanori, 905 Tong, Shiu-Lok, 947 deRepentigny, J., 952 Koshiro, Akira, 905 Turgeon, P. L., 952 Drach, John C., 947 Drutz, David J., 829 Levy, Stuart B., 835 van der Ros-van de Repe, Joke, 902 Eliopoulos, George M., 871 Marsh, Peter K., 936 van der Waaij, Dick, 902 Elliott, Ann M., 847 Marshall, Bonnie, 835 van Veldhuizen, Gerben L., 902 Eron, Lawrence J., 841 Mathieu, L. G., 952 Varneli, Emily D., 888 Matthews, Thomas R., 883 Mayhew, James W., 936 Farber, Bruce F., 871 McFadden, Harry W., Jr., 851 Ward, Joel I., 871 Fierer, Joshua, 921 Merrick, Peter, 950 Welling, Gjalt W., 902 Fraser-Smith, Elizabeth B., 883 Miller, Norman G., 851 Wise, R., 909 Minami, Shinzaburou, 925 Mitsuhashi, Susumu, 925 Gamer, Rosemary S., 930 Moellering, Robert C., Jr., 871 Ximenez, Jose, 915 Gaver, Robert C., 915 Muytjens, Harry L., 902 Goldenberg, Robin I., 841 Graybill, John R., 829 Yoshii, Zensaku, 905 Groman, Neal, 892 Oie, Shigeharu, 905 Yotsuji, Akira, 925 ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The following have served as invited special reviewers for the Journal during 1983, and their help is greatly appreciated.

Lois Allen Cyrus C. Hopkins J. Peter Rissing Corrado Baglioni K. Y. Hostetler Glenn D. Roberts Arnold S. Bayer E. S. Inamine William Robinson M. Bender David Janicke Allan R. Ronald L. L. Bennett S. E. Jensen H. S. Rosenkranz William M. Bennett Ed Kaplan Robert H. Rubin G. K. Best Sheldon Kaplan Leon Sabath Karen K. Biron Daniel Keim F. M. Schabel William Bowie Richard T. Kelly Leonard W. Scheibel Richard E. Bryant H. A. Kirst Michael Scheld G. Bryce Vernon Knight E. Schiffmann E. Cabib J. R. Knowles Raymond Schinazi P. E. Carson J. Konisky Alan Schocket Henry F. Chambers L. Leive Fritz D. Schoenknecht R. L. Cihlar A. Martin Lerner Robert Schooley J. W. Costerton Gerald L. Mandell P. Shaffer W. A. Cramer D. J. Marmer E. Shefter Clyde Crumpacker Margaret Matthew Arnold Smith L. Daneo-Moore Gary R. Matzke J. T. Smith P. J. Davis Philip R. Mayer Thomas F. Smith George Deepe C. Glenn Mayhall Herbert M. Sommers D. C. DeLong Evan W. McChesney D. A. Stevens A. L. Demain William McCormack H. Harlan Stone R. B. Diasio Richard 0. McCracken Anne O. Summers Walter Dobrogosz Martin McHenry Edward A. Swabb D. Doyle P. McPhie T. R. Sweeney David Drutz A. A. Medeiros James Tan James Dvorak Thomas C. Merigan Herbert B. Tanowitz R. P. Elander Richard Meyer E. Thomas W. Epstein John Mills John F. Timoney Lawrence Eron J. Z. Montgomerie D. J. Tipper J. C. Fantone T. P. Moyer Marvin Turck David Feingold Roy Mundy J. T. Vilcek Robert H. Fitzgerald, Jr. Daniel Musher K. Vosbeck M. A. Foglesong T. Nakae R. Wallace K. P. Fu J. B. Neilands Richard J. Wallace, Jr. Pierce Gardner N. Neuss Joel Ward Richard Garibaldi Phuc Nguyen-Dinh P. A. Ward Layne Gentry H. Nikaido Lawrence G. Wayne Lance George Carl E. Nord G. Weeks David Gilbert Carl Norden Allan Weinstein M. R. Glick R. F. Novak Louis Weinstein Peter Goldman D. Oxender Alison Weiss Donald Goldmann Demosthenes Pappagianis W. D. Welch L. F. Guyman A. Parkinson L. M. Werbel Scott Hammer Mark Pasternack C. C. Whitney Margaret Hammerschlag John L. Penner R. B. Wickner R. E. W. Hancock James Pennington Lee J. Wilkoff W. Lee Hand S. Pestka R. P. Williams H. Hunter Handsfield Dennis J. Pillion Walter R. Wilson Robert Hastings Richard Platt W. C. Winn Frederick G. Hayden David W. Ploth Drew Winston Robert W. Hedges C. Porter R. L. Wolen W. Hewitt R. D. Powell John S. Wolfson Donald L. Hill S. W. Queener P. B. Wyrick Martin S. Hirsch J. J. Rahall R. C. Yao Paul D. Hoeprich J. Reeves Victor Yu King Holmes L. Barth Reller K. Zoon 1984 Full Membership American Society for Microbiology 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006

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Abrehem, Khachik, 262 Brannstrom, G., 819 deRepentigny, J., 952 Abston, Sally, 181 Braveny, Ilja, 413 DeStefano, Eugene, 129 Alborn, W. E., Jr., 689 Breinig, Mary Kay, 137 Diasio, Robert B., 448 Alford, R. H., 575 Brinker, Gary S., 147 Dick, James D., 216 Allan, Brenda J., 930 Brodeur, James P., 682 Donovan, I. A., 279, 290 Allen, N. E., 689 Burgess, Ellen D., 237 Drach, John C., 947 Amaral-Olivera, Marta, 132 Buskard, N., 388 Drake, Thomas A., 653 Ambrosino, Donna, 658 Butler, W. Ray, 600 Drumm, J., 279, 290 Anderson, Michael S., 347 Buttke, Thomas M., 478 Drutz, D. J., 282 Andrews, Elizabeth A., 151 Butzler, Jean-Paul, 176 Drutz, David J., 829 Andrews, J. M., 290, 909 Duff, Patrick, 500 Appel, Gerald B., 529 Dunny, Gary M., 771 Arai, Tadashi,-552 Caccamo, M. L., 955 DuPont, Herbert L., 509 Archer, Gordon L., 70 Calderone, Richard A., 401 Armstrong, Joanne C., 771 Campos, Joseph M., 679 Armstrong, John A., 137 Canonico, Peter G., 353 Echols, Roger M., 151 Arnett, Gussie, 538, 706 Carlier, Marie-Beatrice, 586 Eisenberg, Edward S., 440 Aronoff, Stephen C., 383, 663 Carlson, James R., 509 Eliopoulos, George M., 702, 871 Aronson, Denise A., 544 Carrasco, Luis, 273 Elliott, Ann M., 847 Artis, William M., 876 Cartwright, B. B., 575 Elliott, Gary T., 725 Arvin, Ann M., 803 Cassey, John G., 950 Elm, Joe L., Jr., 134 Assael, B. M., 955 Castaneda, Yolanda S., 500 Enjoji, Yomohiro, 42 Atherton, Frank R., 522 Centifanto-Fitzgerald, Ysolina M., Ernst, Jerome A., 609 Aulicino, Taryn M., 810 888 Ernst, Joel D., 463 Austin, Raleigh K., 6% Cesar, Evangeline Y., 941 Eron, Lawrence J., 841 Champlin, F. R., 5 Espinel-Ingroff, Ana, 448 Chan, E. C. S., 445 Evans, Richard T., 420 Baillie, A. J., 742 Chapman, Stanley W., 478 Baker, David C., 706 Cheng, Yung-Chi, 518 Baker, Pamela J., 420 Chenoweth, Dennis E., 777 Fader, Robert C., 181 Baltch, Aldona L., 15 Chin, Nai-Xun, 754 Fainstein, Victor, 141, 145, 297 Band, Jeffrey D., 658 Chirife, Jorge, 409 Farber, Bruce F., 702, 871 Baquero, Fernando, 104 Chow, A. W., 388 Fass, Robert J., 156, 568 Barry, Arthur L., 31, 209, 293 Christensen, Louise A., 486 Fiegel, Vance D., 777 Barza, Michael, 468 Cihlar, Ronald L., 401 Fierer, Joshua, 921 Becker, Jeffrey M., 787 Clark, David A., 950 Filburn, Beatrice H., 216 Bennett, S., 290 Clements, Helen M., 246 Flascha, Stephen, 533 Bennett, S. A., 279 Clumeck, Nathan, 176 Fleisher, Gary R., 679 Bergeron, Raymond J., 725 Cobbs, C. Glenn, 847 Foresman, Pam, 682 Berghash, Stephen R., 771 Cohen, David, 529 Formica, Joseph V., 735 Berman, Jonathan D., 233 Cohen, Myron S., 597 Forward, K. R., 602 Bernhardt, L. L., 713 Cohen, Pamela S., 803 Fox, Joan M. K., 764 Bertino, Joseph S., Jr., 383 Colacino, Joseph M., 505 Frantz, May, 394 Bishop-Freudling, Gillian B., 190 Connor, James D., 6% Fraser-Smith, Elizabeth B., 611, Bjorvatn, Bjarne, 731 Conrad, Robert S., 5 883 Blackman, Eleanore, 597 Cooney, Maijorie Huck, 597 Freedman, Lawrence R., 514 Blair, Arrdrew D., 237 Corpet, Denis E., 89 Freimer, Earl H., 61 Blanco, Jorge D., 500 Correa-Coronas, Raphael, 85 Friedman, Marvin H., 347 Blaser, Martin J., 163 Coyle, Marie, 892 Friedman-Kien, Alvin E., 129 Blue, William T., 807 Crump, B., 784 Frimodt-M0ller, Poul C., 560 Blumenthal, Robert M., 61 Cuchural, George J., Jr., 936 Fuchs, Peter C., 31 Blumer, Jeffrey L., 343, 383, 663 Cynamon, Michael H., 429 Boccazzi, A., 955 Bodey, Gerald P., 141, 145, 297 Gadler, Hakan, 370 Boerema, Hans B. J., 902 Daluge, Susan, 538 Garcia, Ibrahim, 141, 297 Bolton, Nancy D., 252 Danks, G., 909 Garcfa-Lobo, Juan M., 276 Bolton, W. Kline, 252 Datta, Alok K., 10 Garner, Rosemary S., 930 Boney, Charlotte, 787 Daum, Robert S., 658 Gavan, Thomas L., 31 Bories, Georges F., 89 Davidson, Jeffrey N., 771 Gaver, Robert C., 915 Borner, Klaus, 333 De Clercq, Erik, 803, 888 Genco, Robert J., 420 Bouza, Emilio, 104 Decazes, J. M., 126 Gerding, Dale N., 594 Bowie, W. R., 388 Decazes, Jean M., 463 Gibbs, Ronald S., 500 Bozzini, Juan P., 409 Dent, J., 279, 784 Giger, Donald K., 494 ii AUTHOR INDEX ANTIMICROB. AGENTS CHEMOTHER. Gilleland, H. E., Jr., 5 Jadeja, Leena, 145 Larson, Tom A., 594 Glew, Richard H., 474- Jaspar, Nadine, 176 Larsson, A., 819 Glode, Mary P., 658 Javor, George T., 860, 868 Lau, Alan, 533 Goering, R. V., 450 Jensen, Fred C., 246 Laurent, Guy, 586 Goering, Richard V., 48 Jensen, Klaus M.-E., 560 Leardini, N6Uda, 409 Goldenberg, Robin I., 841 Jensen, Susan E., 307 LeBlanc, Barbara, 145, 297 Goldmann, Donald A., 658 Johansen, Teff, 658 Lee, Heejoo, 538 Goldstein, ElJi J. C., 347, 418 Johnston, J. Linda, 70 Lee, Linda S., 233 Gombert, Myles E., 810 Jones, Berard, 950 Lee, Mary, 533 Gordts, Bart, 176 Jones, Henry E., 876 Leeder, J. Steven, 720 Gonrell, Thomas E., 667 Jones, Ronald N., 31, 209, 293 Leitz, Margaret A., 394 Grant, Robert B., 201 Jorgensen, J. H., 282 Le6n, Javier, 276 Gratz, Jean C., 682 Joseph, Arbella, 409 Levy, Stuart B., 544, 835 Gray, G. J., 602 Lloyd, William J., 522 Gray, Gary D., 777 Lode, Hartmut, 333 Graybill, John R., 82 agnoff, Martin F., 696 Lopez, Carlos, 505 Greene, Bruce M., 453 Kaiser, Walter, 190 Lord, Anne V., 522 Gribble, M. J., 388 Kalmanson, Geor M., 514 Loza, Elena, 104 Groman, Neal, 892 Kamon, Jill, 658 Luft, Friedrich C., 815 Grossman, L., 388 Karam, George H., 847 Luttrell, Bobbye, 432 Growe, G. H., 388 Karney, Walter, 85 Gurwith, Dorothy, 716 Kashimoto, Shigeci, 54 Gurwith, Marc J., 716 Kaster, Steven R., 829 Ma, Mary Y., 347 Guze, Lucien B., 514 Kasworm, Evelyn, 163 Macias, Elizabeth A., 807 Guze, Phyllis A., 514 Katlama, Namt B., 947 MacLeod, Stuart M., 720 Kaufnan, Herbert E., 888 Madsen, Paul O., 560 Kawai, Ryutaro, 42 Mala, , 586 Hackbarth, Corine J., 653 Kawamura, Shigeo, 42 Mammen, Patricia, 168 Hall, Michael J., 522 Kaye, Donald, 321 Mandel, Lamua J.$ 440 Halsey, Neal, 658 Kemmerich, Bernd, 333 Mar, Eng-Chun, 518 Halstead, Scott B., 134 Kerkering, Thoas M., 448 Marks, Melvin I., 287 Hamel, Frederick G., 815 Kilburn, James 0., 600 Marmer, Daniel J., 605 Harding, G. K. M., 602 King, Charles H., 453 Marsh, Peter K., 936 Harris, Russell, 876 Kirland, Theo N., 921 Marshall, Bonnie, 835 Hashito, Toshihiro, 437 Kirsi, Jorma J., 353 Mart(nez-Beltrin, Jesus, 104 Hassall, Cedric H., 522 Kirst, H. A., 689 Martlnez-Quesada, Jorge, 132 Hellfn, Teresa, 104 KisslIu, Grace E., 888 Mather, Frances J., 658 Hemdon, David N., 181 KlaUS, B D., 163 Mathewson, John J., 509 Herszage, Le6n, 409 Klein, Richard J., 129 Mathieu, L. G., 952 Higgins, P. G., 713 Kline, Berry J., 39 Matsubara, Nobuyuki, 123 Higuchi, William I., 706, 941 Kline, Steven J., 725 Matsuhisa, Yoko, 797 Hintz, Marie, 696 Klinger, Jefey D., 663 Matsui, Hidefwuni, 42 Hirata, Aiko, 797 Knobel, Laura, 168 Matsunaga, Keita, 797 Hirata, Taahiro, 23 Knothe, Hans, 333 Matthews, Thoms R., 611, 883 Hironag, Kyozo, 905 Kobasa, Wiliam D., 321 Maurer, Anthony, 181 Hirschman, Shalom Z., 812 Koeppe, Peter, 333 Mayhew, James W., 936 Hixon, Debbie L., 841 Koff, Wayne C., 134 McCue, Mary, 468 Ho, Monto, 137 Kobler, Michel, 190 McFadden, Harry W., Jr., 851 Hobbs, J. N., Jr., 689 Kohn, Elisa S., 409 McKernan, Patricia A., 353 Hoberg, Kathryn A., 401 Konishi, Hisanori, 905 McMurry, Laura M., 544 Hollers, James C., 777 Koropchak, Celine M., 803 Medeiros, Antone A., 186 Huang, Eng-Shang, 518 Koshiro, Akira, 905 Merrick, Peter, 950 Hugins, John W., 353 Kouno, Kaoru, 78 Meulemans, A., 126 Hughes, Walter T., 300 Kowalsky, Steven F., 151 Meyers, Burt R., 812 Husak, Marcia P., 383 Kristnen, Bjorn-Erik, 731 Mihindu, Joseph C. L., 252 Kronfol, Nouhad 0., 39 Milatovic, Dona, 413 Kumar, S. D., 706 Miller, Michael H., 440 Imasaki, Hajime, 42 Kurobe, Nobuyuki, 54 Miler, Norman G., 851 Inoue, Matsuhisa, 78, 925 Kwok, Y. Y., 418 Minami, Shzuou , 123, 925 Ishida, Kenji, 514 Mitsuhashi, Susumu, 78, 123, 437, 925 Labthavikul, Pornpen, 227, 313, Mittal, A., 579 Jacobson, Jay A., 163 375, 425 Modai, J., 126 Jacobson, Jeffrey, 812 Lacal, Juan-Caros, 273 Moellering, Robert C., Jr., 702, Jacobus, Nilda V., 936 Laferriere, Celine, 287 871 Jacoby, George A, 168, 362 LaForce, F. Marc, 163 Mosher, Deane F., 823 Jacques, M., 952 Lambert, Robert W., 522 Muller, Gregory, 434 VOL. 24, 1983 AUTHOR INDEX iii Mulier, Mikl6s, 667 Quall, Charles O., 764 Smith, L. Patrick, 85 Mulligan, Maury E., 347 Quee, Trevor Chin, 445 Smith, Raymond P., 15 Murdel, D., 663 Queener, Sherry F., 815 Smith, Ronald G., 141 Murray, Byron K., 353 Smith, Sandra H., 947 Murray, Martha, 658 Smith, Stephen D., 803 Muytjens, Harry L., 302, 902 Raeder, Roberta, 61 Sobel, Jack D., 434 Myers, Carolyn M., 343, 383 Ramphal, Reuben, 725 Sokol, M. Kathleen, 95 Rao, R. N., 689 Sonobe, Takashi, 941 Rapp, Fred, 325 Spagnuolo, Philip J., 453 Reed, Michael D., 383, 663 Spanne, Oddvar, 731 Nahmias, Andre J., 95 Reutter, Fritz W., 190 Sparling, P. Frederick, 597 Naider, Fred, 787 Revankar, Ganapathi R., 233 Spino, Michael, 720 Naiman, S. C., 388 Richards, R. M. E., 742 Spyker, Daniel A., 252 Nakamura, Shinichi, 54 Ringrose, Peter S.,'522 Srivastava, Prem C., 353 Nakazawa, Hisashi, 437 Rizzo, M., 955 Srulevitch, Elina S., 812 Nath, Indira, 579 Robins, Roland K., 233, 353 St. Clair, Patricia J., 500 Nelson, Robert D., 777 Rodeheaver, George, 682 Steele, Russell W., 605 Neu, Harold C., 18, 227, 313, 375, Rodrfguez-Creixems, Marta, 104 Stein, Gary E., 716 425, 443, 457, 529, 754 Rollinson, Elizabeth A., 221 Stein, Marshall D., 181 Nishimura, Toshio, 797 Ronald, A. R., 602 Steinfeld, Alvin S., 787 Nishiura, Tsuneo, 437 Roses-Codinachs, Montserrat, 132 Stephens, Nancy M., 39 North, James A., 353 Roussou, Trianthi, 445 Stevenson, M., 742 Nozawa, Ryushi T., 268 Ruff, E. A., 450 St. James, Luther, III, 725 Ruoff, Kathryn, 871 Stone, Mary S., 486 Ruoff, Kathryn L., 702 Strandberg, D. A., 282 Oberg, B., 819 Russell, Rebecca, 658 Strausbaugh, Larry J., 147, 339 O'Brien, Cheryl A., 663 Rustad, Lisbeth, 731 Strobel, Konrad, 190 Ohue, Tomio, 54 Strom, Mark, 892 Oie, Shigeharu, 905 Sugerman, A. Arthur, 394 Okuda, Takao, 42 Sacks, S. L., 388 Sutphen, Nancy T., 15 Olbrantz, Patricia J., 823 Saikawa, Isamu, 123 Sutter, Vera L., 418 O'Leary, Gerard P., Jr., 186 Sande, Merle A., 463, 653 Sutton, Lorraine, 168 Opheim, Kent E., 750 Sanders, Christine C., 48, 494 Swabb, Edward A., 18, 252, 394 Ortiz, Jose M., 276 Sanders, W. Eugene, Jr., 48 Swenson, Jana M., 486 Ott, Ruth A., 246 Sathish, M., 579 Sy, Ernesto R., 609 Sawai, Tetsuo, 23 Syriopoulou, Vassiliki, 702 Scheld, W. Michael, 252, 682 Schiller, John, 892 Pagano, Joseph S., 10 Schinazi, Raymond F., 95 Tachibana, Chikanori, 835 Palmer, Gregory S., 429 Schmidt, L. H., 615 Takase, Yoshiyuki, 54 Park, Choong H., 841 Schwartz, Judy, 85 Takemoto, Carla D., 61 Paschal, J. W., 689 Schwartz, Pauline M., 448 Tally, Francis P., 936 Paul, Gerard C., 362 Scott, G. M., 713 Tanaka, Nobuo, 797 Pavuk, Rosemary A., 474 Scully, Brian, 529 Tardif, Ginette, 201 Peleran, Jean-Claude, 89 Scully, Brian E., 18 Taylor, Diane E., 194, 930 Penn, Robert G., 494 Seshadri, P. S., 579 Tempera, Yvonne M., 216 Perkins, Bradley A., 339 Shannon, William M., 538, 706 Tesoro, Angelo M., 720 Peters, Jeanne, 95 Sharifi, Roohollah, 533 Thompson, Stephan G., 240, 246 Peterson, Lance R., 594 Shenbagamurthi, P., 787 Thornsberry, C., 209 Pfeffer, Morris, 915 Shigematsu, Maria L., 552 Thornsberry, Clyde, 31, 486 Philippon, Alain M., 362 Shimizu, Masanao, 54 Thornton, Scott A., 509 Phillpotts, R. J., 713 Shipman, Charles, Jr., 947 Tong, Shiu-Lok, 947 Pien, Francis D., 856 Shull, Virginia H., 216 Torres-Rodriguez, Josep M., 132 Pifer, D. David, 674 Simkin, Nancy J., 440 Tramont, Edmund, 85 Pifer, Linda L., 674 Singhvi, Sampat M., 394 Trefts, Park E., 6% Piot, Peter, 564 Skicki-MuUlen, Mary Beth, 137 Tulkens, Paul M., 586 Place, Janet Dobbins, 240, 246 Sklar, S. Harvey, 807 Turek, Paul J., 448 Plenderleith, I. H., 388 Slootmans, Linda, 564 Turgeon, P. L., 952 Polk, Ron E., 39 Slots, J$rgen, 420 Tyrrell, D. A. J., 713 Poretz, Donald M., 841 Smee, Donald F., 611, 883 Porschen, Richard K., 432 Smith, Arnold L., 750 Prasad, H. K., 579 Smith, Bessie L., 300 Uno, Jun, 552 Prasad, Rameshwar, 533 Smith, C. Wayne, 777 Urias, B. A., 602 Pratt, Robert D., 134 Smith, Carol A., 325 Preheim, Laurel C., 494 Smith, Diana, 851 Prevost, Frank E., 186 Smith, Herbert A., 787 Vaara, Martti, 107, 114 Proctor, Richard A., 823 Smith, J. A., 388 Vaara, Timo, 107, 114 iv AUTHOR INDEX ANTIMICROB. AGENTS CHEMOTHER. Vanden Berghe, Dirk A., 564 Wallace, Richard J., Jr., 486 Wittek, Alec E., 803 van der Ros-van de Repe, Joke, Ward, Joel 1., 702, 871 Wolfe, Saul, 307 302, 902 Waring, Michael J., 735 Wolff, M., 126 van der Waaij, Dick, 902 Warns, Hartmut, 333 Wong, Keith, 750 Van Dyck, Eddy, 564 Washington, John A., II, 1 Woods, Diane R., 674 Van Laethem, Yves, 176 Watanabe, Yasuo, 123 Woolfrey, Bert F., 764 van Veldhuizen, Gerben, 302 Watanakunakorn, Chatrchai, 305 van Veldhuizen, Gerben L., 902 Weber, Allan, 750 Varnell, Emily D., 888 Welch, David F., 287 Ximenez, Jose, 915 Vecoli, Charles, 186 Welch, William D., 432 Venezia, Ann R., 151 Welling, Gjalt W., 902 Venkateshan, Chettemgere N., 134 West, A. Hanna, 509 Yamaguchi' Akihito, 23 Vergin, Hartmut, 190 Westbrook, Louise, 538 Yasuda, Takashi, 123 Verhoef, Jan, 413 Westlake, Donald W. S., 307 Yokota, Takeshi, 268 Ververis, John J., 186 Westmacott, Donald, 522 Yoshii, Zensaku, 905 Vince, Robert, 538 White, Geoffrey, 221 Yotsuji, Akira, 123, 925 Vittecoq, D., 126 Whiteley, M., 194 Yu, Pauline K. W., 1 Wigdahl, Brian, 325 Wilbur, Harry, 15 Wal, Jean-Michel, 89 Wilmott, Cathryn M., 679 Zajtchuk, Russ, 85 Wallace, J., 713 Wise, R., 279, 290, 784, 909 Zamiri, Iraj, 262 SUBJECT INDEX VOLUME 24

Acinetobacter spp. diethylcarbamazine, 453 ,-lactams, 297 9-p-D-Arabinofuranosyladenine Acyclovir preorugs Aujeszky's disease, 221 herpesvirus infections, 706 Burkitt somatic cell hybrids, 10 Arabinosyladenine cytomegalovirus, 325, 370 cytomegalovirus DNA replication, 370 equine rhinopneumonitis virus, 221 murine cell line resistance, 947 herpes simplex virus, 129, 888 Aspergillus spp. interferon synergy, 325 lucknomycin, 132 keratitis, 888 AT-2266 phosphorylation, 10 antibacterial activity, 78 Adenosine deaminase pharmacokinetics murine cell line, 947 animals, 54 Adenosylmethionine compared with norfloxacin, 54 E. coli Augmentin thioglycerol, 860 broth microdilution, 31 Allopurinol disk diffusion susceptibility testing, 31 pathogenic fungi Aujeszky's disease 5-fluorocytosine susceptibility, 448 acyclovir, 221 Amdinocillin BW759, 221 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 Azlocillin gram-negative bacilli, 156 combinations high-pressure liquid chromatography, 750 ceftriaxone, 305 uric acid levels in serum, 609 P. aeruginosa, 305 Aztreonam comparative activity bacterial meningitis, 682 ciprofloxacin, 568 cerebritis, 682 disk agar diffusion test, 764 comparative activity gram-negative bacilli, 282 ciprofloxacin, 568 N. asteroides, 810 SQ 26,917, 227 P. aeruginosa, 764 E. aerogenes endocarditis, 321 gram-negative bacilli, 282 cefotaxime interaction, 847 intravenous infusion, 18 combined with carboxypenicillins metabolism, 394 bacterial infections, 388 pharmacokinetics, 18, 252, 394, 468 combined with f-lactams, 474 renal dysfunction, 252 comparative activities enoxacin, 754 enterococci, 847 Bacterial enteropathogens habekacin mechanism of action, 797 amdinocillin, 509 stability, 474 ampicillin, 509 staphylococci, 70 bicozamycin, 509 8-Aminoquinolines , 509 chemical structures, 615 enoxacin, 509 P. cynomolgi, 615 , 509 Amoxicillin furazolidone, 509 combined with clavulanic acid norfloxacin, 509 M. tuberculosis, 429 sulfamethoxazole, 509 soft tissue infections, 679, 856 trimethoprim, 509 urinary tract infections, 716 Bacterial infections AMP aminoglycosides, 388 genital herpes infections, 611 carboxypenicillins, 388 herpes simplex virus, 807 piperacillin, 388 Amphotericin B Bacteriocins C. neoformans, 851 C. ulcerans, 262 lymphocytes ulceracin 378, 262 blastogenesis, 575 Bacteroides fragilis H. capsulatum antigens, 575 cefoperazone, 1 thymidine uptake, 575 cefotaxime, I Ampicillin cefoxitin, 1, 936 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 P-lactamase, 925 intraperitoneal penetration, 290 P-lactams, 1 Antifilarial drugs mezlocillin, 1

v vi SUBJECT INDEX ANTIMICROB. AGENTS CHEMOTHER. moxalactam, I Cefaclor piperacillin, I soft tissue infections, 856 Bay L9139 urinary tract infections, 716 vaginal candidiasis, 434 Cefadroxil Bay n7133 pneumonia, 163 comparative activity Cefatrizine ICI 153,066, 829 oral bioavailability, 915 ketoconazole, 829 pharmacokinetics, 915 cryptococcosis, 829 Cefoperazone vaginal candidiasis, 434 antimicrobial activity, 293 Bay o 9867 B. fragilis, I see ciprofloxacin E. aerogenes endocarditis, 321 Bicozamycin E. cloacae cephalosporinase, 123 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 gram-negative bacilli, 282 Bovine mastitis pathogens in vitro properties, 293 resistance patterns, 771 Ceforanide BRL 25000 prophylaxis C. freundii, 437 cardiac surgery, 85 E. cloacae, 437 Cefotaxime S. marcescens, 437 interaction, 847 urinary tract infections, 437 B. fragilis, I (E)-5-(2-Bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine comparative activity acyclovir, 888 ciprofloxacin, 568 fibroblasts, 803 SQ 26,917, 227 granulocyte-monocyte progenitor cells, 803 enterococci, 847 herpes simplex virus, 888 gram-negative bacilli, 282 keratitis, 888 Cefotetan peripheral blood mononuclear cells, 803 intraperitoneal penetration, 279 Burkitt somatic cell hybrids Cefoxitin acyclovir phosphorylation, 10 B. fragilis, 1, 936 BW759 Cefsulodin Aujeszky's disease, 221 gram-negative bacilli, 282 equine rhinopneumonitis virus, 221 Ceftazidime bacterial meningitis, 126 cancer patients, 141 cerebrospinal fluid penetration, 126 Campylobacter coli comparative activity resistance plasmids, 930 SQ 26,917, 227 , 930 concentrations Campylobacterjejuni bile, 104 resistance plasmids, 930 serum, 104 tetracycline, 930 fecal flora, 333 Cancer patients gram-negative bacilli, 282 ceftazidime, 141 gynecological infections, 500 Candida albicans high-pressure liquid chromatography, 343, 720 cerulenin, 401 infections, 176 germination, 401 multiresistant organisms, 176 sodium butyrate, 401 newborn infants, 955 Candida spp. obstetrical infections, 500 lucknomycin, 132 pharmacokinetics, 141, 333 Candidiasis Ceftizoxime vaginal gram-negative bacilli, 282 Bay L9139, 434 pharmacokinetics, 151, 237 Bay n7133, 434 Ceftriaxone ketoconazole, 434 combinations Carbenicillin amikacin, 305 gram-negative bacilli, 156 , 305 Carboxypenicillins , 305 combined with aminoglycosides E. coli meningitis, 463 bacterial infections, 388 hemodialysis patients, 529 Cardiac surgery P. aeruginosa, 305 prophylaxis pediatric infections, 663 ceforanide, 85 pharmacokinetics, 529, 812 cephalothin, 85 renal failure patients, 529 Catecholamide iron chelators Cephalexin bacteriostatic action, 725 pneumonia, 163 fungostatic action, 725 Cephalosporinases VOL. 24, 1983 SUBJECT INDEX vii cefoperazone, 123 synergism with imidazole, 552 C. freundii, 23 Corynebacterium diptheriae E. cloacae, 123 aerobic skin coryneforms, 892 sulbactam, 23 plasmid pNG2, 892 Cephalosporins Corynebacterium ulcerans antipseudomonal bacteriocin, 262 ['4C]SM-1652, 42 ulceracin 378, 262 E-0702, 313 Cryptococcosis U-63196E, 375 Bay n7133, 829 Cephalothin ICI 153,066, 829 JK diptheroids, 145 ketoconazole, 829 prophylaxis Cryptococcus neoformans cardiac surgery, 85 amphotericin B, 851 Cephradine ketoconazole, 851 G. vaginalis, 418 Cyclaradine Cerebritis herpes simplex virus encephalitis, 538 aztreonam, 682 Cyclaradine-5'-methoxyacetate Cerulenin herpes simplex virus encephalitis, 538 C. albicans germination, 401 Cyclosporin A Chemoprophylaxis C. immitis, 921 P. carinii pneumonia, 300 Cytomegalovirus Chemotaxins acyclovir, 325, 370 polymorphonuclear leukocyte interactions arabinosyladenine, 370 rifampin, 777 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine, 518 DNA replication, 370 E. coli J774 macrophages, 742 interferon, 325 H. influenzae susceptibility, 287 nucleoside analogs, 505 JK diptheroids, 145 phosphonoformic acid, 370 liposome delivery, 742 replication, 518 metabolism in rats, 89 S. aureus fibronectin binding, 823 Ciprofloxacin Dengue virus comparative activity ribavirin derivative, 134 amikacin, 568 aztreonam, 568 substrate-labeled fluorescent immunoassay, 240 cefotaxime, 568 N,N'-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide mezlocillin, 568 S. aureus susceptibility to gentamicin, 440 nalidixic acid, 302 Diethylcarbamazine citrate norfloxacin, 302, 568 human granulocyte adherence, 453 pipemidic acid, 302 9-(1,3-Dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine thienamycin, 568 cytomegalovirus replication, 518 trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 568 herpes simplex virus infections, 883 in vitro activity, 568 Disk agar diffusion test pharmacokinetics, 784 P. aeruginosa tissue penetration, 784 error rates, 764 Citrobacter freundii proposed breakpoints, 764 cephalosporinase, 23 DL 473 sulbactam, 23 antibacterial activity, 457 urinary tract infections Doxycycline BRL 25000, 437 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 Clavulanic acid combined with amoxicillin M. tuberculosis, 429 E-0702 soft tissue infections, 679, 856 in vitro antibacterial activity, 313 urinary tract infections, 716 P-lactamase stability, 313 Echinomycin combined with tobramycin S. echinatus, 735 gynecological infections, 500 Encephalitis obstetrical infections, 500 cyclaradine, 538 JK diptheroids, 145 cyclaradine-5'-methoxyacetate, 538 ,-lactamases herpes simplex virus, 538 Enterobacter spp., 48 vidarabine, 538 P. aeruginosa, 48 Endocarditis S. aureus opsonization, 413 aztreonam, 321 Coccidioides immitis cefoperazone, 321 cyclosporin A, 921 drug therapy, 653 Copiamycin E. aerogenes, 321 viii SUBJECT INDEX ANTIMICROB. AGENTS CHEMOTHER. gentamicin, 321 pathogenic fung serum tests, 653 allopurinol, 448 S.faecalis, 514 therpeutic index, 448 , 514 1-(2-Fluoro-2"deoxy-f-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-iOdocy- Enoxacin tosine bacterial enteropathogens, 509 combined with acyclovir, 95 comparative activity combined with vidarabine, 95 aminoglycosides, 754 herpes simplex virus, 95 P-lactams, 754 therapeutic activity in mice, 95 norfRoxacin, 754 1-(2-Fluoro-2-deoxy-f>-D-ambinofuranosyl)4S.thymine trimethoprim, 754 combined with acyclovir, 95 Enterobacter aerogenes combined with vidarabine, 95 aztreonam, 321 herpes simplex virus, 95 cefoperazone, 321 therapeutic activity in mice, 95 endocarditis, 321 N-Formimidoyl thienamycin gentamicin, 321 see imipenem Enterobacter cloacae Fosfomycin cefoperazone' 123 E. coli, 276 cephalosporinase, 123 resistance plasmid, 276 urinary tract infections target enzyme, 276 BRL 25000, 437 Furazolidone Enterobacter spp. bacterial enteropathogens, 509 P-lactamase clindamycin, 48 Enterococci Gardnerella vaginalis aminoglycosides, 847 cephradine, 418 cefotaxime, 847 Gentamicin Equine rhinopneumonitis virus adenylate cyclase activity, 815 acyclovir, 221 blood-brain barrier, 147 BW759, 221 combinations Erythromycin ceftriaxone, 305 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 P. aeruginosa, 305 comparative activity comparative activity teichomycin, 425 teichomycin, 425 JK dipthereids; 145 disk agar diffusion test, 764 S. aureus fibronectin binding, 823 E. aerogenes endocarditis, 321 Escherichia coli gram-negative bacilli, 282 adenosylmethionine content Na+,K+-ATPase activity, 815 thioglycerol, 860 P. aeruginosa, 764 ceftriaxone, 463 renal DNA synthesis, 586 chloramphenicol, 742 S. aureus resistance plasmids, 450 fosfomycin S. aureus susceptibility resistance plasmid, 276 N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, 440 target enzyme, 276 nigericin, 440 resistance, 689 substrate-labeled fluorescent i sag, 246 J774 macrophages, 742 urinary tract infections, 494 liposome delivery, 742 Gram-negative bacilli meningitis, 463 acyclaminopenicillins, 156 phosphonopeptides amikacin, 282 peptidases, 522 aztreonam, 282 peptide transport systems, 522 a-carboxypenicillins, 156 plasmid transfer cefoperazone, 282 P. aeruginosa, 201 cefotaxime, 282 polymyxin B nonapeptide, 107 cefsulodin, 282 respiration ceftazidime, 282 thioglycerol, 868 ceftizoxime, 282 streptomycin, 742 gentamicin, 282 tetracycline excretion, 544 imipenem, 282 p-lactams, 282 monobactams, 282 FCE 22101 moxalactam, 282 comparative activity, 909 resistance Flow cytometric analysis aminoglycosides, 347 lymphocyte stimulation, 605 cephalosporins, 347 Fluorescence polarization assay Group IVe bacteria vancomycin, 216 susceptibility testing, 432 5-Fluorocytosine Gynecological infections VOL. 24, 1983 SUBJECT INDEX ix ceftazidime, 500 serious infections, 841 clindamycin, 500 Interferon tobramycin, 500 acyclovir synergy, 325 cytomegalovirus, 325 herpes simplex virus susceptibility, 137 Habekacin respiratory coronavirus infections, 713 mechanism of action, 797 Haemophilus ducreyi susceptibility JK diptheroids acridines, 564 cephalothin, 145 ammonium compounds, 564 chloramphenicol, 145 , 564 clindamycin, 145 heavy-metal compounds, 564 erythromycin, 145 phenolic derivatives, 564 methicillin, 145 Haemophilus influenzae rifampin, 145 invasive infections teichomycin, 145 rifampin, 658 tetracycline, 145 trimethoprim, 658 ticarcillin, 145 susceptibility vancomycin, 145 chloramphenicol, 287 inoculum size, 287 P-lactams, 287 Keratitis Herpes simplex virus acyclovir, 888 acyclovir, 129 (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine, 888 AMP, 611, 807 herpes simplex virus, 888 9-0-D-arabinofuranosyladenine prodrugs, 706 Ketoconazole cyclaradine, 538 cholesterol biosynthesis, 478 cyclaradine-5'-methoxyacetate, 538 C. neoformans, 851 9-(1,3-dihydroxy-2-propoxymethyl)guanine, 883 comparative activity encephalitis, 538 Bay n7133, 829 1-(2-fluoro-2-deoxy-o-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-iodo- ICI 153,066, 829 cytosine, 95 cryptococcosis, 829 1-(2-fluoro-2-deoxy-,-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-thy- DNA synthesis, 478 mine, 95 lymphocytes interferon susceptibility, 137 blastogenesis, 575 nucleoside analogs, 819 cholesterol biosynthesis, 478 vidarabine, 538 DNA synthesis, 478 High-pressure liquid chromatography H. capsulatum antigens, 575 azlocillin, 750 thymidine uptake, 575 ceftazidime, 343, 720 stratum corneum, 876 ion-pair vaginal candidiasis, 434 penicillin N ring expansion, 307 S. clavuligerus, 307 Histoplasma capsulatum A-Lactamases antigen-stimulated lymphocytes B. fragilis, 925 amphotericin B, 575 characterization ketoconazole, 575 agarose gel thin-layer isoelectric focusing, 186 Human granulocytes polyacrylamide gel thin-layer isoelectric focusing, diethylcarbamazine, 453 186 Hygromycin B clindamycin, 48 antiviral effects, 273 E-0702, 313 E. coli resistance, 689 Enterobacter spp., 48 P. aeruginosa derepression, 48 ICI 153,066 PSE-2, 362 comparative activity U-631%E, 375 Bay n7133, 829 ,-Lactams ketoconazole, 829 Acinetobacter spp., 297 cryptococcosis, 829 B. fragilis, I Imidazole combined with aminoglycosides, 474 synergism with copiamycin, 552 comparative activities Imipemide enoxacin, 754 see imipenem gram-negative bacilli, 282 Imipenem H. influenzae susceptibility, 287 coagulase-negative staphylococci, 61 S. aureus fibronectin binding, 823 gram-negative bacilli, 282 viridans streptococci, 702 N. asteroides, 810 Leishmania tropica x SUBJECT INDEX ANTIMICROB. AGENTS CHER human macrophages, 233 arabinosyladenine resistance, 947 purine analogs, 233 Mycobacteria Leprosy susceptibflity testing, 268 radiometric macrophage culture assay, 579 tissue culture medium, 268 rifampin, 579 Mycobacterium fortuitum complex Leptospira spp, sulfonamides, 486 in vitro susceptibility, 905 susceptibility testing, 486 Mycobacterium mamnum N. meningitidis, 731 sulfonamides, 486 Lincosamines susceptibility testing, 486 S. aureus fibronectin binding, 823 Mycobacterium tuberculosis Lucknomycin amoxicillin, 429 Aspergillus spp., 132 clavulanic acid, 429 Candida spp., 132 pyrazinamidase Lymphocytes activity, 600 cholesterol synthesis, 478 susceptibility, 600 DNA synthesis, 478 drug toxicity flow cytometric analysis, 605 Nafcillin [3H]thymidine incorporation, 605 comparative activity ketoconazole, 478 teichomycin, 425 stimulation, 605 Nalidixic acid comparative activity ciprofloxacin, 302 antibiotics norfioxacin, 302 , 443 pipemidic acid, 302 RU28965, 209 Neisseria gonorrhoeae RU29065, 209 intrinsically resistknt, 597 RU29702, 209 pelvic inflamatory disease Meningitis auxotypes, 952 aztreonam, 682 susceptibility, 952 ceftazidime, 126 penicillinase-producing, 597 ceftriaxone, 463 uncom1licated infections E. coli, 463 auxotypes, 952 Methicillin susceptibility, 952 comparative activity Neisseria meningitidis teichomycin, 425 adherence, 731 JK diptheroids, 145 lincomycin, 731 Metioprim piliation, 731 pharnacokinctics, 190 Metronidazole extrav,scular penetration, 594 pharmacokinetics, 950 Visking chamber hodel, 594 renal dialysis patients, 950 Nigericin T. vaginalis metabolism, 667 S. aureus susceptibility to getimicin, 44 Mezlocillin Nocardia asteroides B. fragilis, I amikacin, 810 compative activity imipenem, 810 ciprofloxacin, 568 Norfloxacin gram-negative bacilli, 156 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 Microenvironmental drug concentrations comparative activity nicroorganism growth on surfaces, 941 antipseidomonal agents, 602 Midecamycin ciprofloxacin, 302, 568 in vitro activity, 443 enoxacin, 754 Monobactams nalidixic acid, 302 gram-negative bacilli, 282 pipemidic acid, 302 Moxalactam gastrointestinal tracts of rabbits, 560 B. fragilis, 1 P. aeruginosa, 602 comparative activity Nucleoside analogs SQ 26,917, 227 antiherpes activity, 819 gram-negative bacilli, 282 cytomegalovius, 50 peritoneal absorption, 39 pharmacokinetics, 383 prostatic tissue, 15 serious infections, 841 Obstetrical infections urinary tract infections, 494 ceftazidime, 500 Murine cell lines clindamycin, 500 adenosine deaminase activity, 947 tobramycin, 500 VOL. 24, 1983 SUBJECT INDEX xi Pediatric infections biological profile, 674 ceftriaxone, 663 cell culture, 674 Pelvic inflammatory disease pneumonia N. gonorrhoeae chemoprophylaxis, 300 auxotypes, 952 Pneumonia susceptibility, 952 cefadroxil, 163 Penicillin cephalexin, 163 combined with streptomycin P. carinli viridans streptococci, 871 chemoprophylaxis, 300 ion-pair high-pressure liquid chromatography, 307 Polycations N ring expansion, 307 S. typhimurium outer membrane, 107 S. clavuligerus, 307 Polyethylene glycol 400 Penicillinases in vitro activity, 409 N. gonorrhoeae, 597 Polymorphonuclear leukocytes Penicillin-binding proteins chemotaxin interactions viridans streptococci, 702 rifampin, 777 Periodontopathic bacteria Polymyxin rodogyl, 445 P. aeruginosa resistance, 5 Pharmacokinetics Polymyxin B nonapeptide AT-2266, 54 E. coli, 107 aztreonam, 18, 252, 394, 468 S. typhimurium, 107 ceftazidime, 141, 333 Prostatic tissue ceftizoxime, 151, 237 moxalactam concentrations, 15 ceftriaxone, 529, 812 Pseudomonas aeruginosa ciprofloxacin, 784 antipseudomonal agents, 602 metioprim, 190 ceftriaxone, 305 metronidazole, 950 disk agar diffusion test moxalactam, 383 amikacin, 764 norfloxacin, 54 error rates, 764 tobramycin gentamicin, 764 piperacillin effects, 533 proposed breakpoints, 764 Phosphonoformic acid tobramycin, 764 cytomegalovirus DNA replication, 370 free fatty acids, 5 Phosphonopeptides gentamicin, 305, 602 E. coli 1-lactamase peptidases, 522 clindamycin, 48 peptide transport systems, 522 PSE-2, 362 Pipemidic acid norfloxacin, 602 comparative activity phospholipid conversion, 5 ciprofloxacin, 302 plasmid transfer nalidixic acid, 302 E. coli, 201 norfloxacin, 302 polymyxin resistance, 5 digestive tract decontamination, 902 tobramycin, 305 Piperacillin amikacin, 305 bacterial infections, 388 Pseudomonas spp. B. fragilis, I IncP-2 plasmids, 168 gram-negative bacilli, 156 Purine analogs tobramycin pharmacokinetics, 533 human macrophages, 233 Plasmids L. tropica, 233 C. diptheriae Pyrazinamide aerobic skin coryneforms, 892 M. tuberculosis susceptibility, 600 pNG2, 892 DNA homology, 194 fosfomycin resistance E. coli, 276 Quinoline carboxylic acids HI subgroups, 194 enoxacin, 754 Pseudomonas spp., 168 restriction enzyme digestion, 194 S. aureus resistance to gentamicin, 450 Radioimmunoassay Southern transfer hybridization, 194 ribavirin, 6% transfer Radiometric macrophage culture assay E. coli, 201 leprosy, 579 P. aeruginosa, 201 rifampin, 579 Plasmodium cynomolgi Renal dialysis patients 8-aminoquinolines, 615 metronidazole pharmacokinetics, 950 Pneumocystis carinii Respiratory coronavirus infections anti-pneumocystis agents, 674 interferon, 713 xii SUBJECT INDEX ANTIMICROD. AGENTS CHEMOTHER. Ribavirin opsonization, 413 dengue virus, 134 plasmids radioimmunoassay, 696 gentamicin resistance, 450 2- -D-Ribofuranosylselenazole-4-carboxamide Stratum corneum antiviral activity, 353 ketoconazole delivery, 876 Rifampin Streptococci antileprosy activity, 579 viridans combined with trimethoprim F-lactams, 702 H. injluenzae invasive infections, 658 penicillin, 871 JK diptheroids, 145 penicillin-binding proteins, 702 polymorphonuclear leukocyte interactions streptomycin, 871 chemotaxins, 777 Streptococcus faecalis radiometric macrophage culture assay, 579 endocarditis, 514 Rifamycin streptomycin, 514 C3-substituted derivatives clavuligerus DL 473, 457 ion-pair high-pressure liquid chromtography, 307 Rodogyl penicillin N ring expression, 307 periodontopathic bacteria, 445 Streptomyces echinatus RU28965 amino acids, 735 in vitro evaluation, 209 echinomycin biosynthesis, 735 RU29065 phosphate, 735 in vitro evaluation, 209 Streptomycin RU29702 combined with penicillin in vitro evaluation, 209 viridans streptococci, 871 E. coli J774 macrophages, 742 liposome delivery, 742 Salmonella typhimurium S. faecalis endocarditis, 514 outer membrane Substrate-labeled fluorescent immunoasay polycations, 107 dibekacin, 240 polymyxin B nonapeptide, 107 monoclonal antibody, 246 Serratia marcescens substrate-labeled urinary tract infections dibekacin, 240 BRL 25000, 437 gentamicin, 246 ['4C]SM-1652 Sulbactam metabolic fate in rats, 42 C. freundii cephalosporinase, 23 parenteral administration in rats, 42 intraperitoneal penetration, 290 Sodium butyrate Sulfamethoxazole C. albicans germination, 401 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 Sodium hypochlorite comparative activity cadaveric skin decontamination, 181 ciprofloxacin, 568 epidermal cell viability, 181 Sulfonamides Soft tissue infections M. fortuitum complex, 486 amoxicillin, 679, 856 M. marinum, 486 cefaclor, 856 Susceptibility testing clavulanic acid, 679, 856 augmentin SQ 26,917 broth microdilution, 31 comparative activity disk diffusion, 31 aztreonam, 227 group IVe bacteria, 432 cefotaxime, 227 interpretive criteria, 31 ceftazidime, 227 M. fortuitum complex, 486 moxalactam, 227 M. marinum, 486 A-lactamase stability, 227 mycobacteria, 268 Staphylococci quality control, 31 aminoglycoside resistance, 70 regression analysis, 31 coagulase-negative imipenem resistance, 61 self-transmissible plasmids, 70 Teichomycin Staphylococcus aureus comparative activity clindamycin, 413 erythromycin, 425 fibronectin binding gentamicin, 425 chlorampkenicol, 823 methicillin, 425 erythromycin, 823 nafcillin, 425 p-lactams, 823 vancomycin, 425 lincosamines, 823 JK diptheroids, 145 gentamicin susceptibility Tetracycline N,N'-dicyclohexylcarboimide, 440 excretion by E. coli, 544 nigeicin, 440 JK diptheroids, 145 VOL. 24, 1983 SUBJECT INDEX xiii resistance determinants Tripeptidyl polyoxins lactose-fermenting coliforms, 835 biological activity, 787 resistance plasmids synthesis, 787 C. coli, 930 C. jejuni, 930 Thienamycin U-63196E comparative activity in vitro activity, 375 ciprofloxacin, 568 3-lactamase stability, 375 Thioglycerol Uric acid E. coli azlocillin, 609 adenosylmethionine content, 860 Urinary tract infections respiration, 868 amoxicillin, 716 [3H]Thymidine incorporation BRL 25000, 437 Ticarcillin cefaclor, 716 gram-negative bacilli, 156 C. freundii, 437 JK diptheroids, 145 clavulanic acid, 716 Tobramycin E. cloacae, 437 combined with ceftriaxone gentamicin, 494 P. aeruginosa, 305 moxalactam, 494 combined with clindamycin S. marcescens, 437 gynecological infections, 500 obstetrical infections, 500 disk agar diffusion test, 764 Vaginal candidiasis extravascular penetration, 594 Bay L9139, 434 P. aeruginosa, 764 Bay n7133, 434 pharmacokinetics ketoconazole, 434 piperacillin effects, 533 Vancomycin Visking chamber model, 594 comparative activity Translation inhibitors teichomycin, 425 hygromycin B, 273 fluorescence polarization assay, 216 Trichomonas vaginalis JK diptheroids, 145 metabolism, 667 penetration metronidazole uptake, 667 brain, 339 Trimethoprim cerebrospinal fluid, 339 bacterial enteropathogens, 509 Vidarabine combined with rifampin carbocyclic analog, 538 H. influenzae invasive infections, 658 herpes simplex virus encephalitis, 538 comparative activities Visking chamber ciprofloxacin, 568 netilmicin, 594 enoxacin, 754 tobramycin, 594 INDEX TO DATE OF ISSUE

Month Date of Issue Pages July 12 July 1983 1-140 August 11 August 1983 141-306 September 13 September 1983 307-461 October 13 October 1983 463-613 November 11 November 1983 615-827 December 9 December 1983 829-956

STATEMENT OF OWNERSIP MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION RqInJbyiCJC SASS TITLE OF PUELICATION II. PUUICATION NO. 2. DATE OP PEN Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy I I I 1 30 eptemer 19S3 3. FREOUENCY OF ISSUE NA.NO..OPOFl#I LPSLNHED 35.ANNUAL5 ANNUALLY PASSE Monthly 12 $29 br, $145 nombr 4. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESSOFKNOWN OFFICE OF PLSUCATION Ilsoc Cty, CEewy. 5Sue. dZI ) pNo pbmPS 1913 I Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20006 S. COMPLETE MAILING ADDREtS Of THE HEADOMATE1 OF GENERAL SEINE OFPICrOf THE PULOSER N.*p.nE) 1913 I Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20006 FULL NAMES ANDCOMPLETE AILINGAOOEEOF PUrLNHER. EOITOR, ANDMNAA ING EDITom isowAMWmorbe.bmkA U5LIEHER IAe w. C6.1pd.uANSS AMNsI American Society for Microbiology, 1913 I Street, N.H., Washington, D.C. 20006 9Djir".c'tor tolC.nfftoA' Walter G. Peter III, 1913 I Street, EW., Washington, D.C. 20006 MANAGIGN EDITON IN-CoepkC._ M_N A_AJ Walter G. Peter III. sam as above

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fULL NAME COMPEE MAILING ADOREEN American Society for 14icrobiology 1913 I Street, N.W., Wasnington, D.C.C ZWs


9FfOR COMPLETION 5Y NONPROFIT ORGINIZATIONEAUTHOEIZ DTOMAILAT5PEOALRtATESFt *. J423.12OMNoyI The pUne. fnic.on. wd noro.ESHsomaofStSNNs..sImiossSsths.eeste.e tw PhrM i_s sex esnese Veok e.e

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2. Rn.wn froe. Nm AHNs - I O TOTAL (S... E. F)dad 2-ske.hrep ml p__hm.d.s AJ) 8833 8 883 T OF EDITOR, , IeNATUP A PUBLISHER, USINESS MGANA O0R OWEER awtif1 VW IE0wobw we EtsEEEnendcom~ &W co nudpete Ps (See beOsceio oE (tmI) J.1vlF"m1M2 ZU 1984 Student Membership American Society for Microbiology 1913 I St., NW, Washington, DC 20006

Any regularly matriculated student majoring in microbiology or a related field is eligible for election as a Student Member. Student Members have all privileges of membership except the right to vote and hold office in the Society. Student Members receive the monthly ASM News and are entitled to subscribe to the Society's journals at member rates. Memberships are initiated and renewed in January of each year. Unless there are directions to the contrary, membership nominations received prior to November 1 will be credited to the current year, and back issues of the selected publications for the current year will be furnished if available. Nominations received after November 1 will become effective the following January.


City. State Zip Code Phone No. Highest Degree Yr. of Birth Sex School Major field of study Signature of Nominee Signature of chairman of major dept.

* Nominated by: (1) (Society members) (2)

* If the department chairman is a member of the Society, only one additional nominating signature is required.

1. Journals may be subscribed to at the following rates. Please enter the higher rate (column B) if you reside outside the U.S. and its possessions. A B E D Journal of Bacteriology JB) ...... $37 $49 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (AA) ...... $31 $41 Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AE) ...... $32 $42 International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (IJ) ...... $27 $27 Journal of Virology JV) ...... $37 $49 Journal of Clinical Microbiology (C) ...... $31 $41 Microbiological Reviews (MR) ...... $16 $26 Infection and Immunity (IA) ...... $37 $49 Molecular and Cellular Biology (CB) ...... $27 $35 2. Dues (includes ASM News) . $ 5.00

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