Of Equality I Sing Plurality of Religion and Culture in the context of Kazi Nazrul Islam By Ipshita Chanda ÚÜy!£ ¢yˆÏõƒÓ˚ ÜyòÛ˛ Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies Kazi Nazrul University Asansol, Paschim Bardhaman Of Equality I Sing Plurality of Religion and Culture in the context of Kazi Nazrul Islam By Ipshita Chanda 1st Edition: Kolkata International Book Fair January 2020 © Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies Kazi Nazrul University Publisher Director Nazrul Centre for Social and Cultural Studies Kazi Nazrul University Asansol, Paschim Bardhaman Cover Design, typesetting & Printed by Laser Aid 9830125430
[email protected] Price : Rs. 60/- (Sixty only) 2 Of Equality I Sing Dr. Ipshita Chanda Professor, Department of Comparative Literature, English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad None is greater than man, nor more glorious Separation by nation, faith, time and place is spurious In every place, time, in every home, He dwells as man’s kin.1 We mark here the malevolent aspects of difference, which exist to separate; the poet advocates rising above these divisive differences towards the equality of all humankind. Can this be the principle of nation-formation ? We raise this question in the delicate time of militant nationalism, which is militant not against the coloniser who comes from outside, but against our neighbour who is “different” from us and therefore, must be separate(d). What then is the future of the idea that we must rise above differences to become one human race? As contemporary history seems to indicate, this conviction can become an instrument in the hands of those who wish to impose a uniformity in the name of unity, to erase difference.