Fcc Allows Television to Support Itself
Leg DIRECTED TO BROADCAST ENGINEERS AND EXECUTIVES FCC ALLOWS TELEVISION TO SUPPORT ITSELF STARTING JULY ist ,1941 May Of, By, and For the Broadcast Engineer 1941 www.americanradiohistory.com Covers substantially everything in the radio 1,10 kc). A few of its services are: time signals, spectrum. You can use one, two or all three units coastal and ship telegraph and t. lephone, air- simultaneously through the separate antenna craft beacons, standard broadcast. relay broad. switch. Monitoring speaker connects to any one; cast, aviation, amateur, international short wave in addition separate speakers can be connected bands, police, government, press and educational as you wish. Headphone monitoring jack ties channels. FM broadcast and relay bands with into output of any one of the three receivers. high fidelity audio for best FM reception. Is The only receiving unit made which tunes 29,2" wide, 30" high, 18" deep. Sells complete continuously from 1.82 t6 2730 (165 me to t o r 7150.00. +he ñallicrafters co. CHICAGO, U. S. A. USED BY 33 GOVERNMENTS SOLD IN 89 COUNTRIES www.americanradiohistory.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 8, No. 5 ,-:, 409 May, 1941 Cover Cartoon by Ross Plaisted, NBC Television Engineer Page An Orchid to the Broadcast Engineers 2 Microphone Problem Solved 4 The Forgotten Men 5 KG() Wins G. E. Plaque 6 You, Too, Can Own a Boat 7 A Portable Applause Meter 8 Jn f«íeinoriutn -- :instal; Alm 9 Jack Benny's Radio Anniversary Party 10 Safety Bulletin - THINKS 12 The "10070" at Short Beach 13 Inside the Recording Bed of a Scully Master Recorder Biographies: W.
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