Bolsters I Unisia Army Battle; Stand Point Unsurd
TVr^r FRTDAT, CEGBMBWl 11, W «f dlattrbrif^ lEttrafno fEmtlft . w ' • ■ ■ ^ * 1 * 11 ATMrafft Daily Cireulatioii T h a W s a t lM r WSIf M M m 9m nOTCIBDVrf IVM * H ftonsnsts8P.8.WMh« Ummm . '^ - v . > , J f ' ^; k * 7,814 Membes nf Iha AndK J lw h noMss bsnlgbfl. ,1 CUMatlena Manehoster-rr^ Ctay of VUlago Chtarm # ' ■**)' ''*< ’ (Ctaasiae* AivertMag an rags U ) MANCHESTER, OONN„ SATURDAY, DECEBIBER 12,1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CKr / *■ , V()L. LXIL, NO. 62 g&'ih>*ii<irabttlPi^T#^i'r w Tygfijnvtr Crewmen of U. S. S. San Francisco Line Rail Upon Arrival DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS j Battle for Elbow Bolsters Arm y f x i • • ____ . f Given In Dry Goods Dept’s. Oply, on Saturday | Of Don Renewed; I unisia Battle; mm0tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmm»untnmim»uiimmmmMmmmmmmmm Soviets Advance Full Fashioned | Perfect Fitting I Axis Forces Launch Re Bad Effects Stand Point Unsurd RAYON peated Attacks on East Bank of River; O f Tornado San Francisco Allies Face Hard anc Reds Gain on Sec Babies Join Bloady Struggle tors of Both Stalingrad M ay B e Cut Story Proves Things War Foes’ Force of 28,( HTOIERY And Central Fronts. ki She«f'-qr 8emt-Sh««r weighta. Being Steadily Rein^ Cotton reinforced foot for extra forced; Probing wear. Moscow, Dec. 12.— {/F)— Hundreds of Volunteers Training Good Cuts Short The third battle for the el To Aid Weather Bu Line aV El Aghei bow of the Don river west of reau in Reporting Many. Orphanages . in Raises Possibility < Stalingrad appeared to be un Cruiser Home from Sol No Resistance Tht C der way today with Axis Approach of Storm, omons for Repair of Chicago Metropolitan forces launching repeated at Damage Suffered in Area Lack Enough Kansas City, Dec.
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