Department of Ancient History Division of Humanities Macquarie University AHPG899 Advanced Coptic 4 credit points Semester 2, 2011 Illustration on the title page Fragment of page 5 of the Nag Hammadi codex VI containing the Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles 2 Part 1. General information Unit convenor and teaching staff Unit Convenor and Lecturer: Dr Victor Ghica Email:
[email protected] Phone: (+61) (2) 9850 6800 Office: W6A 541 For general enquiries Position: Departmental Administrator Name: Ms Raina Kim Email:
[email protected] Phone: +61 2 9850 8833 Office: W6A 540 Further information on Coptic Studies: 3 Part 2. Academic Contents Credit Points: 4 Prerequisites: AHPG896 Coptic I - Sahidic (ideally: AHPG897 Coptic II - Sahidic) or AHPG829 Coptic I – Bohairic (ideally: AHPG839 Coptic II - Bohairic) or previous knowledge of Coptic. Unit description This unit offers to students with previous knowledge of Coptic the opportunity for an in-depth study of Coptic language and literature. In the same time it provides an introduction to Coptic palaeography and epigraphy. As a matter of fact, this unit is conceived rather as a research seminar, given that the texts studied are unpublished. The students will treat the texts as editors do, i.e. they will first decipher and edit them and it is only afterwards that they will carry out the translation. Once the palaeographical, codicological, editorial, dialectal and translation issues are addressed, we will undertake the discussion of the content. This semester we will read the following literary and documentary texts: • In Apocalypsim 7-12 (P.Mor.