Fairweather Brings out the Best in Hootie and the Blowfish Half-Empty Libraries in the City That Reads the Happy Horoscope, Suns
PAGE 20 THE RETRIEVER FEATURES May 7, 1996 |:/ y»' ^JfHVw i;' Fairweather Brings Out the Best in Hootie and the Blowfish Better Musically and Lyrically, First Week Sales Top 514,000 melody. "Earth Stopped Cold at Dawn" is Dave Carroll One thing I noticed immediately is another highlight of the album, as--: Retriever Editorial Staff the improvement of the band's vo- sisted again by the talents of Griffitlw cals overall. The backup singing of The song gets the most from Rucker" It shouldn't be any surprise that Sonefeld, Bryan and Felber make a and his voice without the need for Hootie and the Blowfish's newest much more positive impact on this him to carry the harmony. album, Fairweather Johnson, sold album. On Cracked Rear View, their Track nine, known as over 514,000 albums in the first week lyrics bordered on a major distrac- "Honeyscrew," is entertaining, and at following its release. Its predecessor, tion. Rucker also sang backup on times as good as any song on the al- Cracked Rear View, has sold in ex- some of the first album most likely bum. Its bridge, or coda, is the high- cess of 13 million albums since its to improve the overall sound of the light of the song, and its strength lies in its chorus. release. The quartet's debut offering backup singing. currently resides as the number two Number 10, "Let It Breathe," is The third song, "Tucker's Town," debut album of all time, behind filler. Pass on it. is average. It isolates the difficulties Boston's first album.
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