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Final Education Management.Indd EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2015/16 A.D. (2072/073 B.S.) EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Report on Higher Educa! on 2015/16 A.D. SYSTEM (2072/73 B.S.) Nepal 1 EDUCATION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM / Report on Higher Education 2015/16 A.D. (2072/073 B.S.) Published in 2017 by: University Grants Commission Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal Post Box : 10796 Telephone : (977-1) 6638548, 6638549, 6638550 Fax : 977-1-6638552 Email : [email protected] Website : Design : Touch Crea! on Pvt Ltd Bagbazar, Kathmandu, Tel: 01-4215448 Print at : Udaya Media 2 FOREWORD UGC is currently undertaking Higher Educa! on Reform Project (HERP, 2014-2020) which is a na! onal priority project supported by the World Bank for facilita! ng implementa! on of the higher educa! on policy framework of Nepal. The na! onal higher educa! on policy framework emphasizes on systemic development of higher educa! on in the country. For the success of the policy implementa! on, it is impera! ve that the system is capable with reliable EMIS. UGC has been developing Higher Educa! on Management Informa! on System (H-EMIS) as a crucial part of higher educa! on system development. One of the important aspects of the H-EMIS development is the annual report publica! on, this report is the ninth publica! on in this line. The na! onal higher educa! on policy framework lists major thrusts of ensuring access to higher educa! on on the basis of ap! tude and equity, criteria based quality assurance, priority based relevance, research based innova! on and development, and performance based public funding, and shared ownership with public and private stakeholders in development, opera! on and management. The H-EMIS development is based on a framework of systemic and program indicators, tools for data collec! on, and parametric, situa! onal as well as trend analyses. This report covers major parts of the H-EMIS indicators and analyses. UGC is aiming to build a comprehensive and coordinated HEMIS extending from UGC to the universi! es and to their campuses, made open and accessible to concerned stakeholders. UGC is developing H-EMIS to which EMIS modules of all universi! es can be docked in. For this Universi! es need to develop their EMIS compa! ble to UGC E-HEMIS. The main strategy is to develop web-based compa! ble EMIS system. Tribhuvan University has been developing 6 modules that can be docked into the main TU EMIS system. The student registry and examina! on data base module has already been completed and is scheduled for launching from 2017. There are greater management challenges in developing such comprehensive EMIS in higher educa! on. The fi rst challenge is to ensure that all universi! es and their campuses as well as other HEIs maintain verifi able data, and on ! me. The second challenge relates to developing compa! bility of data from diff erent sources and modules. The experiences of H-EMIS development ini! a! ves in Nepal indicates that all the universi! es, campuses and other higher educa! on ins! tu! ons in the country are s! ll struggling to establish and maintain their respec! ve EMIS, upda! ng the data and making them available to all concerned stakeholders. Every year data collec! on faced similar challenges repeatedly – ge$ ng data on ! me and ensuring that the data are verifi able. HERP which considers H-EMIS as one of the main agenda of the project is suppor! ng universi! es and their campuses to undertake key reforms envisaged by HE policy including development of their respec! ve EMIS. This EMIS Report lists the informa! on related to higher educa! on ins! tu! ons, programs, students, faculty members, and fi nancing. The data are disaggregated by important variables and are analyzed to provide important issues in terms of the indicators. Basically it is intended to disseminate updated data /informa! on on higher educa! on. It is expected to benefi t researchers and people concerned with higher educa! on planning, program developing, and monitoring. UGC would like to request the readers to provide feedback and sugges! ons for improvement of the report as well as H-EMIS as a whole. Prof. Dev Raj Adhikari Prof. Parashar Prasad Koirala Member Secretary, UGC Chairman, UGC 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS his report has been prepared based on the data as well as advices provided by the Ministry of Educa! on, Ministry of Finance, Central Bureau of Sta! s! cs and Universi! es, their campuses and several other ins! tu! ons. TUniversity Grants Commission Nepal highly acknowledges their kind coopera! on and support. UGC would like to express thankful apprecia! ons to the contribu! on made by Mr. Mohammad Umar and Mr. Bidur Dhakal from the Offi ce of the Controller of Examina! on. Similarly, thankful apprecia! ons go to Mr. Dhurba Rimal, Ms. Rupa and Ms. Ranju from the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University; Mr. Shekhar Dhungana from Kathmandu University; Ms. Archana Shrestha from Patan Academy of Health Sciences; Mr. Lok Raj Dhakal from Pokhara University; and staff s responsible for data management from Far Western University, Mid-Western University, Agriculture and Forestry University, Na! onal Academy of Medical Sciences, Lumbini Bauddha University, Nepal Sanskrit University and BP Koirala Ins! tute of Health Sciences. Developing and maintaining H-EMIS is a collabora! ve work, contribu! on of the par cipa! ng organiza! ons and HEIs are crucial for up keeping the data system and publica! on of this annual report regularly, we remain confi dent for con! nued coopera! on and support of all stakeholders in future endeavors. Several people are involved in the prepara! on of this report - Professor Hridaya Ratna Bajracharya, (Technical Advisor, UGC) provided overall professional and technical guidance; Professor Pushkar Bajracharya for his invaluable sugges! ons, Professor Rajendra Dhoj Joshi, and Professor Mohan Prasad Aryal from the World Bank provided detailed comments and sugges! ons and also helped insure internal consistency; and Mr. Dinesh Bajracharya EMIS Specialist me! culously compiled the data and prepared the write-up. UGC highly appreciates their contribu! ons. UGC also appreciates the special contribu! on of all the concerned staff s of the commission in the publica! on of this report. UGC Nepal Sanothimi, Bhaktapur November 2017 4 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AAS Agriculture and Animal Sciences NAMS Na! onal Academy of Medical Sciences BPKIHS B. P. Koirala Ins! tute of Health Sciences NSU Nepal Sanskrit University CBS Central Bureau of Sta! s! cs OCE Offi ce of the controller of examina! on DOE Department of Educa! on PAHS Patan Academy of Health Sciences EDJ Educa! onally Disadvantaged Janaja! PGD Post-Graduate Diploma EMIS Educa! on Management Informa! on System Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy FWU Far-Western University PokU Pokhara University GDP Gross Domes! c Product Pop Popula! on GER Gross Enrollment Ra! o PU Purbanchal University HE Higher Educa! on S&T Science and Technology HERP Higher Educa! on Reform Project SHEP Second Higher Educa! on Project HSS Humani es and Social Sciences STR Student Teacher Ra! o IDA Interna! onal Development Associa! on TU Tribhuvan University Intl Interna! onal UGC University Grants Commission IT Informa! on Technology UIS UNESCO Ins! tute for Sta! s! cs KU Kathmandu University KAHS KarnaliAcademcy of Health Sciences LBU LumbiniBauddha University M. Phil. Master of Philosophy MOE Ministry of Educa! on MOF Ministry of Finance MOPH Ministry of Popula! on and Health MWU Mid-Western University na Not Available n/a Not Applicable 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION - 1 : Introduc! on 1 SECTION - 2 : Universi! es and Campuses 7 SECTION - 3 : Enrollment in HE 12 SECTION - 4 : Gender Parity Index 19 SECTION - 5 : Pass Rate 22 SECTION - 6 : Graduates 24 SECTION - 7 : Gross Enrollment Ra! o (GER) 26 SECTION - 8 : Public Financing for Higher Educa! on 27 SECTION - 9 : Teachers in Higher Educa! on 28 SECTION - 10 : Student-Teacher Ra! os 30 SECTION - 11 : Campus Size 31 SECTION - 12 : Recent Trends in Higher Educa! on 32 ANNEX ANNEX - 1 : Defi ni! on of levels 38 ANNEX - 2 : Brief Descrip! on of Higher Educa! on System of Nepal 39 ANNEX - 3 : A Brief Descrip! on of Universi! es and Academies 41 ANNEX - 4 : Report Prepara! on 47 ANNEX - 5 : Enrollment details of diff erent Universi! es 48 ANNEX - 6 : EMIS Indicators 132 ANNEX - 7 : Introduc! on of UGC 135 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUMMARY his annual EMIS report 2015/16, the ninth edi! on, shows the status of higher educa! on in Nepal in year 2015/16. Nine full universi! es and four medical academies (governed by government of Nepal) and their Tcons! tuent and affi liated campuses are providing educa! on on diff erent programs of diff erent facul! es to the students. The campuses of the universi! es are categorized into two types: cons! tuent and affi liated. The affi liated campuses are either private or community-based. The nine full universi! es and four medical academies are: Tribhuvan University (TU), Kathmandu University (KU), Pokhara University (PokU), Purbanchal University (PU), Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU), LumbiniBauddha University (LBU), Far-Western University (FWU), Mid-Western University (MWU), and Agriculture and forestry University (AFU), Na! onal Academy of Medi cal Sciences (NAMS), B.P. Koirala Ins! tute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Patan Academy of Health Sciences (PAHS) and Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (KAHS). FWU, MWU, AFU and KAHS are the three new universi! es and a medical academy which have just started to run educa! onal programs. In the year 2015/16, there are altogether 1407 higher educa! on campuses, 98 cons! tuent (6.97 percent) campuses, 777 private (55.22 percent) and 532 community (37.81 percent) campuses.
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