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A 11.15 Biotechnology TU K rrtrpu r workshop / on Experimental 5 February Bintp.hn^i^.,, T^-^ :_-- 202L 175,000 Pokhara College of Pok 11 .!vi \r,,vp v ||[errjat evatuatton lVanagement Pokha ra 17,19 Ba sakh metnods 3 2078 1.27,320 .^;:^:-- IrdUon- prograrn- 12 Biratnagar City College tor TU Morang Bachelor ievel first year 3 -_- MGT:201(BBS) Enplrsh 12 5,000 Annapurna lVodel ,.!,,;;a;:-, !Jr rcr -'- 13 ruu/ 5e or renlalton TU Rupandehi College l program for Bachelor levei second 3 year BA Enslish 125,000 erqr qPllgfil !4 Simta Multiple lr,=------- \s "i.lcrl RtHUt Campus TU Surkhet qtqrff4 {qr qrdr; 2-4 Mangsir I ;;'" I 3 I C'i-r-rrft artaq I 2078 100,000 a I cn M er n odo togy Tra ininr- _ 2077 17 A t Bir Hospital Nursing L,vt cUm hands on workshop on Ca mp us F; Kathmandu medical research IMS and scientific 3 Feb-21. _--.- I writins 1125,000 Faculty of Engineering, r\c>cdr(rr rnernoootogy 2 Kanchanpu training to Lst week FWU the teaching r staff of faculty of 3 Baisakh engrneeflng 12s,000 I Nepalese Army institut- 2078 3 !dPdL'ry uultotng Iralntng tn of Health Sciences, TU Kathmandu I Qualitative research for nursing 76-20 College of Nursing 5 I racutty Falgun 2077 175,000 MelamchiValley 6 Campus TU I Hetambu Training 2nd week on research methodology 3 - Chaitra Biratnagar Nursing 2077 I25,OOO 7 L{ua ral|ve Research Campus TU I Biratnagar methods in 8-13 chaitra health science 6 2017 77 5,000 Gupteshwor ruur udy s worKsnop 8 Mahadev I _ on data Multiple Pokhara management 13-16 Campus " and analysis in 4 I reserrah Chait? 2077 12!,250, Nilkantha Multiple 9 wur Ks op on Kesearch Campus TU Dhad ing methodology and 3 Chaitra 2077 --- SpSS 125,000 10 Kabhre Multjple Campus TU Kabhre Workshop on scientifjc Bajsakh writing 3 I Bheemodaya Multjple ;-;l- -- 2078 I 125,OOO 11 , vvr I c5edrcn--, Campus TU Gorkha .udyr metnodology 2s-28 trarntng program Gaurishankar Multiple Falgun 2077 150,000 72 I I drnrnE on research proposal Campus TU Dola k ha 1?-1C writing 3 _ Falgun 2077 12s,000 l3 Waling Multlple Campus TU Syangja Mini research 3-5 April trajning 3 Siddhajyoti Education 202r 125,000 14 , r d' lr rE on quanltatrve TU Sind h u jj research 2-4 Lampus
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