Ffianqfcrdbnrfrr \ \ @ O,O"'F',|'Tt''n Q? {@IT: Ffi: Qoe\E,/11 ,/ Oq A

Ffianqfcrdbnrfrr \ \ @ O,O"'F',|'Tt''n Q? {@IT: Ffi: Qoe\E,/11 ,/ Oq A

ffianqfcrdBnrfrr \ \ @ o,o"'f',|'tt''n q? {@IT: ffi: qoe\e,/11 ,/ oq a. a.: f*(,:','i frrrq: "oltl,J-il.' Fqr t qT rtft\rrr wqar F-+rs ili{q, s{{*rF srgo rw.rw rRr ?dr{ir(6t sT{frq srfi4f}r - Rore\e a-{rqr sd-diflfr, rr;i q}iEr-+ Tirqr6tdri qrRio rafq sq{er lRrgi sT?iTF6T arkq aqT ifqRzri$z+r{qnqr 6Ri6q rqrcq s"q q-6riqTd rsrE qFT rltlg+l 1 6FinT q6t1 ffi: Rore\e,/ocl1{ qr q{qr rrft fufh Rors\ezs,zll {Fq sF{frcl ffi qfikq qEi crtf6 qfufrr+l fqfh: Rote\e/1o/Rc, { 11/o? ,rnhftr - ?ariry qr hairq *rr+r or,m r<rq {-d-Fmq qi' {6m{rsT qrftr d|q-d src fqwrl'{s r{V6r {qrqITqR dr r€F|frf 3II*rr+1 fuffr Rore\e/ll/oq tfliq-4rd af]i6 qq}kF+l 3lqqni iqqrdn rrri/rRrin dqT 4rffic {qm Eq4l qlTfirft rnrrq r *.+-a w\r{i rR|4 FrH rqql fl rFI | llft CRfi loreq 3RIT{ o{ Tri tqqr ardr|{r edr TIsd ffi{f'd 6 qzt: qrrirrrqr .r{|sl r 3l|ffi 6Bis-q-+1 ir{rrtr{ rri ad-d t I 6r?i.fi-q {qrec .r{ drt(l-mr sq-q-er ctg rl.iqi g t R. $FIFII s".iq l{q 3|tqr.sr {6"{tffi nffisr i. Fdr{Fft {qr wffqilqr 6frff Ro wt qlvi o t q|;|{ z qr qq+l q1 r{ a r x. arrirror drff qfffi'{dmrr rd qf{ z Tqrqr{r sfuiq { 3dq qq qFreqiF wq n+rTfi i qfiErqq r 3fiffi qErq rri aoq qif]r+ crr rr\rsffr +T'zirq {qfq-{ rl-i toq rwtr*a qrr I a;q qrtqr rfitrn qd rr\ 3r1qr-dr 76q 3l'l-4T rrrgi E fr ri a vi qi€i qqFft, qrqr qrft8rkr flt{sT qrtir wftrr tFt g t s. {.a-{rc {6q €sqft, ilidc nqT <Irfl, a|{{' 5AR' afi rrft sff+1 <rf${r qrnjt d rrws ar4cqqr lFi rg. sii .rd q-qt{d q;rfl Tfrfuq iF( cni hq€{qr r,trq at cidl q{rfr I q. qa 3{T.4.qI {fiqd $lfur Tmrft ren {srr{T F{tfl-qci E 16r'iFcqicdt'Fftq.rqTqilqTd".6d{6r+Jio%qrftryftrorllltqrql,io%6T,i6q,qrqFftTT-fift,to% tFi qfri €rqT dqT GTqI r 1o* qqz hfqa qt.isnr q{ t ' qo +r qqrfi rFiqfu t 10. ffqrqtrqr ctd k{ x +a i-cq tcfH +ffq iq+c) +rrirq 31't4aiqTqniqli,{lTksFiilrqkdrffq4qildrqftefi|{.dlq+r*T".*3lrmft6dqTqrqqffiqtd qt6-i g Ifssis-ilfit qtdtfi {&qr R 4Er +s{ (9 qodr lo ffiet qftro+q sqQT: F R,ooo I t i,ooo ffi ftq qfoi tT{ {qs} qrft8riq-6 k{ d I fiarrn lei a rqk-fin i5l?i6rqil lq 6ri6q crwq rrft cka<q crq irq csqfd qrffi fit+cl1{l]dr r-++t Ys{fu,s?qq,r{qrrcFqf;a,fr-qrrdrq,{d'rT'ftdT'?{rRi6fb-fiur(qtqRfidx\r6}fff{vrr'sc{sftaeirhsqqi ?,nk E | 3lTqftcr sral krRqE{ r 3T|rnfi l'fifi oot *r{-" {qrmd rRi fuIqi ffiu ctfr-qT 3-aq,{c+i flqi qq+] q<TlE-qz{rEq {-trd-f, qlqtffir wd: gqftqtd 1i-* g-qrq-qr+t qftfuft 3{rft q-craer fl ci a r "ia, ftqwdrc ftr+ior tProceedinqs)' rr+ FerR qwq Brdwq ?lq+] W ffi fff{qr, 6FfFq drt'rsr cM q-fl]rft q-{qr r 3Iq q-n-r|.4lqr ffi 3rmftqT I{ ci AbstraEts/Article/Paper +1 ft_daor aqr orfrq-qr qi qqrasr f+M 6FiTq trc d 61 tff{vr .r{ ri a t +i - 1o qra Fi sH e t qi rTq qr+6rfr4r fltT 3{Ffrrdl n++nrecr nrur'oi +rtixq oFitaPa - io'se l@< r\r. D6{k\Kd.-'' ""' HtErrrtr€ .. tndfrfr, rt'gt, ntr: qqezsyz, qqezlsu, qEQZvuo, qEozvvq, Fqrfi: ues-,t-EEervvQ, tq ew a qosuq 6r6ffCr, iqrd {t(: [email protected], Website: www.ugcnepal.edu.np University Grants CommG; Sanothimi, Bhakran,,, International ConfereJ;;., .,_, Affilia "stloplsemjnar - 2077 SN Jnstitution /78 reo Address uni. Tjtle of program Da Proposed J anorwea- ys Amount jn Date i Remarks Eligrble I NRs. Centraldepartment of rnyslcs TU Kirripur 4qq|fa #."#;I'";;,;i3;*.,,".,, ./,,,- qiqr / - August I 2021 zoo,ooo I o-n&o N"tion"t conf e.",,.iio Pokhara i^^.i /sP 1 Nursing 7 /78 Lampus TU Pokhara W 2 Baisakh 2 Bagiswari College 150,000 =______- IU Bhaktapur 2078 qrrr,,",'"1 and 3 Lumbini m...llliltrattve 3 chaitra lCf 2077 Campus TU Nawalpara ,,,uti;""r;c,."i;;ifi; si ,;;::------_- , sJ,ucncy Last -l!!r000 4 Loltege of 2 week of Baisakh Managemrnf e.i^--^- PU ::,#+*araF9,f__- 2078 150,000 f- lY 2-May-27 5 / Central Department of 80,000 / Microbiotogy, IU TU Kirtipur 26-28 1",;*ffi:i;,llll*:,"t" 3 May 2027 6 -"PrciIwor Mahadev 100,000 Multiple Campus TU Pokhara ;;ffi;:*-- 27-22 orrut," tl".""J.{rnergrng 2 Jestha 2078 7 Khowpa College 150,000 TU Bhaktapur r.;;;;;ff o' ;' J."iil',,i,1"'"'u 15-1.6 Jestha sch;;i;r_._,,,.4r,,cr|dltcal ffi;- - oeveloomFnr 2 9 - 2078 ^ 150,000 Jcrence, IU TU Kirtipur n.";*#_--==-_,..^,."d dr Scrences ,".r ,* 25-27 School ^-_L 3 May 10 of Health and 202L Pok ffi 150,000 Allied Science, pok.U Pokhara U rn*" *" -" lli',1;I"";: ir"j,,, 23-25 iune ce;"r n=:* . 3 11 -. -!Por U en{ oI _ 2027 135,500 zootoev IU Kirtipur worr;;;;; ---- __,."-u&:---.-i- September 1,2 J, rrr|u Muttiple 3 Lampus TU Chitwan v,, 2021. 100,000 -___-_- -!'*+$edd;F Lur r rcutum 13-14 2 Baisakh Surkhet 2078 Model College A plar 100,000 TU Surkhet ffi.no=-;ffir""*--.--t-_- teachi ,ts rnernodology jn semester L9-2t May oualt__-t;.=: . / 3 - - systen .________- 202! t. o."";1;;;;;;r,T; 150,000 Surkhet U se,f .studv 9-10 ;;::,":;;f 3;:;n 2 Fatgun 2077 100,000 ::e:- TU HanF;;;;----j-_ rttF -.. ".,,,, 8 on NeXt 21-23 SeneratEn sequenciilg 3 April 2021 150,000 l l2"ae- I "f l qr4-{qr itrsq ftTeTsr { sfTFrart vhP.r vftTerur Gandakt College of 3 days' workshop -cum- i,ring; J.5. Murarka Multiple Central Campus of Workshop on Research Science and Technology methodology based on Workshop on Academic Writing Doti lvlultiple Campus Fundamental skrll in lnformatron A six day workshop on eiaOeEic- Research methods and data Bishwa Shanti Chiran anatysis workshop/training for lVilan Campus public Campusesfaculty members in Kathmandu va Sahid Narayan pokharel Ramapur Campus DronachalCampus The effect of covid-19 on Involvement of the local 4th week of Government to run the Campus F algun 2017 Pjndeshwar Vidyapeeth Workshop on writing Research Workshop of lnsurjng eAA in Simta tvlultiple Campus Higher Education institution in Karnali Province Faculty of Management, A workshop on Empowering Rajarshi Janak University teachers for career Development Kailashkut Multiple Research Methodology Training Academia Industry dialogue or, ,ole of local level, UGC and ,"t u P.az z,l9 .a Covid 19 vaccine policy dialogue Faculty of Health Pok between federal Government, Science, Pok.U Pokhara Provincial Government, U Local L!-Mar-21. Government, pharmaceutical Industry and Academia Academia f ndustry Dialogue . 2077 /78 Kabhre Multiple Campus Lumbini Banijya Campus Academia industry dialogue: in search of excellence Presidency College of Academia industry dialogu;; Management Sciences emptoyability of management students Academia industry dialogue Open concord: a ne* p"raOigm fo|. Industry academla collaboration in Academia industry oiatogui Ghodaghodi Muttiple oi Agenda setting Campus for the academv and identifying research priority area An Academia Industry Dialogue Master program of Tourism University and Hospitality -lndustry tnteraction on Studies, Faculty of the Gap Between university Humanities and Social currlculum and Industry's need Sciences and expectations Ref resher train ing worEio pon- Pokhara Nursing Campus PsychologicaJ approaches and Teaching practice train jng Central R ef res h Department of e r t ra i n i n g o n1l o m e- Home Science, TU science curriculum and online classes Surkhet Campus ( Teaching practice-technology Education) training to teachers of Karnalj Refresher course designed on Refresher course on Material ,g lL"S e_ "{ j Sahid Narayan pokharel 8 I Academic wrrtrng xamapur Campus TU Rupandeh, I Refr esher I 3 Yagyodaya Dudhnath 125,000 9 I TU Refresher Trainlng fo, g*in"s- I rharu Mu ltiple Campus Rupandehi 6-8 Jestha Enelish /BRs Fird v6." ^,,. ^^ -- \ 3 ^ !q,rcl 207I 125,000 CentraJ Department LUo r- | u .Jro 10 of wtnter school,2o21. A 11.15 Biotechnology TU K rrtrpu r workshop / on Experimental 5 February Bintp.hn^i^.,, T^-^ :_-- 202L 175,000 Pokhara College of Pok 11 .!vi \r,,vp v ||[errjat evatuatton lVanagement Pokha ra 17,19 Ba sakh metnods 3 2078 1.27,320 .^;:^:-- IrdUon- prograrn- 12 Biratnagar City College tor TU Morang Bachelor ievel first year 3 -_- MGT:201(BBS) Enplrsh 12 5,000 Annapurna lVodel ,.!,,;;a;:-, !Jr rcr -'- 13 ruu/ 5e or renlalton TU Rupandehi College l program for Bachelor levei second 3 year BA Enslish 125,000 erqr qPllgfil !4 Simta Multiple lr,=------- \s "i.lcrl RtHUt Campus TU Surkhet qtqrff4 {qr qrdr; 2-4 Mangsir I ;;'" I 3 I C'i-r-rrft artaq I 2078 100,000 a I cn M er n odo togy Tra ininr- _ 2077 17 A t Bir Hospital Nursing L,vt cUm hands on workshop on Ca mp us F; Kathmandu medical research IMS and scientific 3 Feb-21. _--.- I writins 1125,000 Faculty of Engineering, r\c>cdr(rr rnernoootogy 2 Kanchanpu training to Lst week FWU the teaching r staff of faculty of 3 Baisakh engrneeflng 12s,000 I Nepalese Army institut- 2078 3 !dPdL'ry uultotng Iralntng tn of Health Sciences, TU Kathmandu I Qualitative research for nursing 76-20 College of Nursing 5 I racutty Falgun 2077 175,000 MelamchiValley 6 Campus TU I Hetambu Training 2nd week on research methodology 3 - Chaitra Biratnagar Nursing 2077 I25,OOO 7 L{ua ral|ve Research Campus TU I Biratnagar methods in 8-13 chaitra health science 6 2017 77 5,000 Gupteshwor ruur udy s worKsnop 8 Mahadev I _ on data Multiple Pokhara management 13-16 Campus " and analysis in 4 I reserrah Chait? 2077 12!,250, Nilkantha Multiple 9 wur Ks op on Kesearch Campus TU Dhad ing methodology and 3 Chaitra 2077 --- SpSS 125,000 10 Kabhre Multjple Campus TU Kabhre Workshop on scientifjc Bajsakh writing 3 I Bheemodaya Multjple ;-;l- -- 2078 I 125,OOO 11 , vvr I c5edrcn--, Campus TU Gorkha .udyr metnodology 2s-28 trarntng program Gaurishankar Multiple Falgun 2077 150,000 72 I I drnrnE on research proposal Campus TU Dola k ha 1?-1C writing 3 _ Falgun 2077 12s,000 l3 Waling Multlple Campus TU Syangja Mini research 3-5 April trajning 3 Siddhajyoti Education 202r 125,000 14 , r d' lr rE on quanltatrve TU Sind h u jj research 2-4 Lampus

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