Racks in Price Confab;
I,Spotlighted in this issue 08120 AUGUST 26, 1972 $1.25 A BILLBOARD PUBLICATION SEVENTY -EIGHTH YEAR The International Music -Record Tape Newsweekly TAPE /AUDIO /VIDEO PAGE 38 HOT 100 PAGE 78 i O ® TOP LP'S PAGES 80, 82 Ist U.S. Anti - Racks In Price Confab; NATRA Calls Piracy Arrest For Expert WASHINGTON - The Justice Discuss RIAA Survey Department made a historic first arrest last week for anti -piracy By PAUL ACKERMAN and EARL PAIGE violation in connection with its own 'Job Bank' prosecution of record bootlegging NEW YORK-Key rackjobbers, pany), David Lieberman, Norman what, if anything, can be done by of post -Feb. 15, copyrighted rec- seeking an answer to narrower Hausfater, Milt Salstone, David the rackjobbers to counteract the By RADCLIFFE JOE ords (Billboard, Aug. 19). The ar- profit margins resulting from price Press, Jesse Selter and others, in- price schedules, it was revealed at increases imposed by manufactur- cluding Jules Malamud, NARM PHILADELPHIA-There is a rest, made in Marietta, Ga., in- that the Rec- movement among a fac- volved an order for stamper plates ers, convened for an exploratory executive director. Malamud re- the Chicago meeting growing ord r y Association of members for the Bill rap session Wednesday (9) at the cently issued a statement terming Indust tion of NATRA to master Withers' album hit, America a survey a job bank from "Still Bill," on Sussex label. Regency O'Hare Hyatt House in the manufacturers' moves a back- had completed establishment of Chicago. ward step. His comments followed of its membership's views with re- which personnel from various areas Justice spokesman said the al- what thought the industry could leged violator was Walter Ronald Present were the creme de la closely on the heels of statements gard to they of of the broadcast was creme of the rackjobber segment in Billboard by Heilicher, Norman NARM convention and manufac- be culled when employment op- Matthews, who apprehended therein.
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