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The BG News January 17, 1973

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 17, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2796.

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An Bowling Groon, Ohio Independent Wednesday, January 17, 1973 Student Volume 56/Number 55 Voice me BG news S. Viet sources contend cease-fire to begin Friday

SAIGON (AP) - President Nixon The reports emanated from sources latest draft agreement before the their six days of intensive talks in plans to declare a unilateral Vietnam with access to discussions by Thieu Paris peace negotiators. Paris last week. cease-fire to start on the eve of his and other high South Vietnamese offi- The U.S. Embassy indicated further inauguration and Saigon has no choice cials on the latest draft agreement meetings between Haig and Thieu and SOME SOUTH VIETNAMESE but to go along. South Vietnamese One senior U.S. official said it was said Haig's schedule was "open- government sources predicted a final sources reported yesterday. possible they were deliberately leaked ended." agreement would be signed in Paris by "Trust me." Nixon was reported to by Saigon because of its objections to This was taken to mean Haig hoped the end of the month Optimistic have said in a personal message to some conditions it feels Nixon is to gel final agreement from Thieu reports also came out of the North President Nguyen Van Thieu of South imposing on Thieu before returning to Washington, thus Vietnamese capital of Hanoi Vietnam. Nixon's reported plans for a uni- laying the groundwork for Kissinger to The sources said that barring a last- lateral cease-fire in the South would return to Paris to okay the agreement See related story, page three minute hitch Nixon intends to order the run parallel to a bombing halt he withTho. Indefinite cease-fire effective at 11 ordered into effect across North Viet- Other sources said the South Viet- p.m. Friday Saigon time. That is 10 nam on Monday night because of pro- namese president has ordered key The Florida White said Kis- a.m. Friday EST gress in negotiations with l.'anoi and as military aides to Paris to join technical singer will not return to the Pans The President will be inaugurated an apparent signal to Thieu that he now negotiators working on details of the peace talks before next week, and per- for a second term Saturday. considers a settlement likely. propective agreement haps not then. There were other indications that a The latest developments gave new Press Secretary Ronald L Ziegler THE CEASE-FIRE WOULD be cease-fire and a settlement were near momentum to peace hopes and pro- told newsmen Nixon will make no designed to convince the North Viet- despite lark of an official confirma- duced reports than an agreement to statement to the nation or Congress namese to release American prisoners tion. end the war already has been reached. this week on the Vietnam negotiations of war and take the final steps toward These reports interpreted Nixon's But Ziegler left open the possibility sealing the peace agreement under NIXON'S EMISSARY, Gen actions as an indication that Kissinger that Nixon might say something about negotiation by Hoary A. Kissing or and Aiaaander M. Haig Jr., conferred for and Hanoi negotiator l.c Hue Tho Vietnam in his televised inaugural Hanoi's representatives, the sources two and a half hours with Thieu on the reached a basic agreement during address Said The sources did not indicate how the unilateral cease-fire could be enforced Awaiting court action or what the chances were for a positive response from North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops. But South Vietnamese and American forces presumably could continue defensive operations and would be Tenant cases pending authorized to open fire if threatened For the longer term Nixon was By Deaaii Seeds The clause relieves the original VALENTINE claimed the violation reported to have advised the South Staff Reporter lessee of responsibility. Bunn said a of the lease gave him the right to Vietnamese president that an interna- judge will have to decide if the clause withhold all of the deposits, including tional agreement had been reached to Decisions involving two complaints shifts the responsibility to the the amount already refunded, which he guarantee against further hostilities by against Douglas Valentine for sublessees. could obtain through court action. North Vietnam once the peace accord allegedly withholding security deposits Valentine also pointed out that Although Valentine said the fourth is signed are still pending with one awaiting having a fourth woman live at the person violation gives him the right to The Florida White House in Key court ruling and the other awaiting apartment during the second term of keep all the deposit money, he said he Biscayne said it would have no com- court filing. summer school violated the leases is not interested in pursuing this ment on what the South Vietnamese Nowaohoto by Mortta J. Unset In the first case. Mike Killian. since they were drawn up for only action sources said. senior (B.A.I, and Brad Reitz. senior three persons At present. Bunn said, he is deciding For a while, snow clung to bark and bronchos before drifting (A&S i. appeared in small claims court Diane Bitto. senior I Ed.. A&Si. also whether to file suit and risk losing IN SAIGON, there was no official away or getting caught in winter gusts that barrel Dec. 18 with Valentine, owner of Ruth resided at the apartment during the additional money or to settle the comment from the Presidential Ann apartments, 603 7th St. second term grievances in another manner throughout campus. Palace, the U.S. Embassy or the US Municipal Judge H. Richard IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMIMIIIinUIIIIUMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll Military Command. Dunipace has taken the case under advisement and has yet to rule. A court spokesman said there is no time limit in which a judge must deliver a If landlords suffer, \ Students challenge fees decision. KILLIAN SAID the case includes two issues 'tenants do, too' I -Deductions for light bulbs, a

lock, refrigerator parts, cleaning and 1 electric range repair, which the two What is it like for a landlord to rent to more than 1.200 tenants' for out-of-state residents What can he expect from them? students contest; -Alleged failure of the landlord to Local landlord Douglas Valentine said about 97 per cent of his The University bursar has received against the Board of Regents declaring she is financially independent." tenants are good tenants, who follow the provisions of their leases However. Wolman said he has not return the security deposit within the a number of letters'' protesting the that residency requirements for out-of- and leave the apartments in good shape Ohio Board of Regents' non-resident state students are unconstitutional chosen the particular category of out- 30-day time limit of the lease of-state residency requirements ACLU In the second case, Nancy Quigley. fees required for out-of-state students. Wolman said if the ACLU wins the "BUT THE other three per cent make it tough on the rest." he will challenge. junior lA&St. Miranda Pastor, junior Joseph E Martini, bursar, said suit, it will give students a chance to said In the long run. Valentine said the students will suffer because (Ed.), and Jeanne Peck, junior i A&Si. yesterday. collect money from the University only cases involving tenants who allegedly receive bad deals from Martini said he could not say how HE SAID the different classes of met with Valentine Dec. 7 in an effort retroactively from the time the suit is landlords seem to be publicized many letters he has received Samuel requirements that may be challenged to settle their grievances. filed "You never hear of cases when a tenant is abusing the landlords' Litton, assistant bursar, said no include those for: The three women are contesting a lease and property." he said -All out-of-state students; total of $70 which Valentine deducted records have been kept WOLMAN said if the ACLU wins the Valentine said he knew of about 25 cases in which tenants owed him -Out-of-state students with a voting from their deposits for painting and The OU Post, student newspaper at suit, all students at stale-supported rent money. He cited other cases of apartment abuse such as having Ohio University, reported that about residence in Ohio; cleaning. universities would probably be subject four persons in a three-man apartment, and having water beds, 100 students there had filed letters with to a minor fee hike to cover costs -Out-of-state students who vote in Bill Bunn. senior i B.A.). and Student which are illegal according to the lease. their winter quarter fee payments pro- resulting from the loss of out-of-state Ohio and pay state income taxes; Housing Association iSHAi repre- "We I landlords l don't get protection from this abuse, not even in testing the current residency require- surcharges. -Out-of-state students who meet sentative who is handling the case, the form of publicity." he said. ments for out-of-state students. The present Ohio Board of Regents some fixed but reasonable residency said. "Valentine wouldn't see things our way at the meeting.'' The apartment rental situation has been undergoing a trial run in MARTINI SAID his office has sent a residency requirements define a non- requirements. Bowling Green for the past three to four years. Valentine said. non-resident appeal letter to every stu- resident student as "a student who at According to the Daily Kent Stater, Valentine said by signing a sublease, the women took responsibility for the Landlords are finding out it is more profitable to rent to married dent that filed a letter the time of enrollment enters the state student newspaper at Kent State Uni- couples than to students, he said He said the appeal letter spells out of Ohio from another state for the pri- versity, out-of-state fees have been condition of the apartment for the full University policy on non-resident mary purpose of enrolling in an Ohio abolished at the University of New year, not just for the time of occupancy. "I'M REPLACING sets every one-to-two years in my requirements institution of higher education and Mexico. apartments." ne said, "and also other furnishings that persons Litton said if the students think they shall be so considered during the The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on BUNN SAID Valentine pointed out have damaged or have taken should be Ohio residents, they can fill period of continuous enrollment as a Monday, Dec. 4 to rule on whether "I have about 1.200-1.300 tenants in my apartments I'd much out the appeal letter. full-time student in an Ohio institution higher tuition fees for out-of-state stu- the following lease clause at the meeting, which Valentine said puts rather return complete deposits to them than have to deduct Bowling Green has 1.208 out-of-state of higher education. dents are legal. damages In many, many ways the deposit doesn't even cover the students who pay 3381 in non-resident "Moreover, the student shall be con- full-year responsibility on subleasees: "It is agreed that the lessee shall not repair cost of the damage. fees each quarter. sidered to be an Ohio resident if the WOLMAN also said the Ohio Board "We're not out to take advantage of the tenants. I enjoy the The protest letter was advised by student has resided in the state of Ohio of Regents has formed a committee to assign nor underlet the premises or any part thereof without the written students. But they'll find out it's going to get tougher." Benson Wolman. director of the Ohio for 12 consecutive months or more, review the non-resident fees. If landlords get a bad name, tenants will also, and both will be A spokesman for the regents said consent of the lessor and transfer by chapter of the American Civil immediately preceding enrollment in a suspicious of each other, he said. Liberties Union i ACLU) state university and if the student pre- each state-supported school has sent a operation of the law shall terminate The ACLU is planning to file suit sents satisfactory evidence that he or member to the committee the lessee's interest in the lease.' 12/The BG News, Wednesday, January 17, 1973 eDIT8RiaLS r ______— partying at barbara's hitchhiking

By Nicholas voa Hoffmu famously publicized divorce. Barbara, gilt dust-catcher, but it was no palace, THE PARTIES LASTED late and no longer rich, endured as a hostess and the imitation Louis XVI chairs people drank too much. Yevtushenko. I Although the convenience, cost and freedom of hitchhiking are The I'inkerlon at Barbara I'owar s "My God!" she explained to one of were hell to sit on Use Russian poet, running around inviting, it ranks low as a safe means of transportation. door was something new. There have the souvenir-hunting suburbanites who People didn't go to Barbara's for the making Slavic whoopie. or the girl who been many nights at Barbara's when had found an old copy of the entertainment that small willed big- kept insisting that Henry Kissinger 1 And as winter and cold, miserable weather settle in, the num- there were cops outside, but they were Washington social register and wanted moneyed, socially ambitious explain why he was such a terrible war ber of hitchhikers increases and with it the chances and inci- Secret Service guys waiting to take the to know the price. "That's the Green Washington women buy. They went to criminal. dences of violence to hitchhikers and drivers. McNamaras and the Kissingers safely Book I was kicked out of." Barbara's for lots of reasons, one of Finally the Doctor reproved her Granted, students living off-campus or students wishing to go to beddy-bye. Kicked out she was. but it made no which was ungodly good food escort for having such bad taste in downtown may be inclined to favor the benefits of a warm ride on The Pinkerton was there last difference, no more than her Barbara cooked it herself and women, but she said it wasn t as bad as cold winter days. Saturday for crowd control, to keep the subsequent reputation as the Queen sometimes her mother down in North his taste in Presidents But the safety factor is often either overlooked or ignored Too lines of fat-walleted. suburban locusts Bitch of the one-liners. She inspired Carolina would make a big vat of moving through her house at a abiding love among her friends and she Brunswick stew, put it on the many students face the dangers of hitching with the attitude that The fun couldn't go on forever manageable pace. threw magnificent parties in her Greyhound and ship it up to Barbara changed and so did "it won't happen tome." Barbara was selling out, and they Georgetown house. Washington Washington The parties grew fewer as However, there is evidence to the contrary. Three alleged had come to the sale of the The house wasn't that much, a late She was selling off her Wedgwood the idea of the celebrity hostess grated cases of rape involving hitchhikers in three months is too many. decade. It was the Washington version Victorian or Edwardian row house, china, but nobody went to Barbara's on her and the Nixon Administration Those are just the ones we hear about or read about in the paper. of MGM putting up the back-lot props long and dark and uncomfortable. "I'm because of the service. You didn't wear took more of ahold. And rape isn't the only consequence of a bad ride. Hitchhikers and costumes to the highest bidder disappointed." one of the lady a dinner jacket at her house, The recluse hiding in the White are subject to robbery, assault and murder. Visigoths who had waited two hours in sometimes you ate on the and House let it be known among his the cold said when she got inside. "I sometimes she and the kids and Unfortunately many people forget that the same fates that be- BARBARA STARTED out in the hirelings that supping with people who early Johnson Administration as the thought there'd be fancy plaster whoever else felt like il helped serve didn't agree with him was a form of fall hitchhikers can be perpetrated on people who pick up hitch- beautiful finishing-school wife of a rich moldings and that it would look like a You went to Barbara's for Barbara, treason Going over to Barbara s hikers man She was always at the White mansion." for the other people she invited- became an act of raw courage We urge hitchhikers to attempt to find other means of trans- House and always running around with always an explosive mix-and the portation around town-arrange for rides with friends who have Luci Bird and Lynda Bird and Bird, but OH, IT WAS FULL of china and boisterous, brutal hilarity at a Barbara ONLY A FEW people like Pete cars. when the marriage ended in a silver and porcelain and every kind of Howar party. Peterson, the Secretary of Commerce, And we urge those who pick up hitchhikers to consider the and Kissinger dared Peterson has now possibility of becoming a victim. been bounced and they say the Round Don't wait until it's too late to decide that hitching is a little too Heads in the Oval are getting ready to give it to Henry risky for you. So Barbara gave one more party, a sell-out party Many of the women who came to help her rake in the suburban cash had been her guests, and they got a honk out of it. peddling an Automatic Butt Sheer for JI. and a Dennis the Watergate Menace comic book to a woman who had waited in line (or two hours just to buy something

Everybody wanted to buy something The whole story behind the Watergate incident may never be One guy shelled oul hard cash for revealed. Only the public stands to lose from this lack of informa- Barbara's old address books, claiming tion. as he did. Look' White House security Of the original seven defendants on trial for the Democratic phone numbers'" headquarters break-in. five have pleaded guilty and have been Jennifer McMurray. a secretary from the Price Commission, bought removed from the trial. two overpriced candlesticks for $150. With only two defendants remaining, the trial will cause little explaining, "for a little bit of elegance excitement and the incident will probably be forgotten soon in my life." and another woman bought after the trial is over. a half-used box of absorbent cotton for This final drought of information concerning Watergate is dis- a quarter, saying. You can t gel gusting but should not come as a surprise to anyone. cotton like that any more It is right in line with the Nixon Administration's policy of A FEW THINGS went awry Three secrecy toward the American public. bottles of not-for-sale Chateau Lafitle And the only loser in the game is the public. DON'T WORRY—IP THI JURY IS AS APATHfTIC ABOUT IT AS TMI VOTIRS WIRI, WI'RI IN THI CHAR!' Rothschild sold for $1 apiece, and 1 Barbara was her hectic, histrionic sell drafting everyone to help pluck Ihe £ our iimes locusts' pockets "Kandy." she shouted at the reporter from Women s Wear Daily, a publication that was lapping the event up. "Look. I need workers not any war as instrument of national policy more media coverage ' Willie Morris, the writer and lormer By Smith Hempilonr not President Nixon's, you will see that I'aiphong in the last days of 1972. lo il that the folks at home were kepi country that I'o's heirs, as bloody a editor of Harper's, tried to sell a slightly more than one person was -The Communists, their fellow- blessedly ignorant of the face of war bunch of killers as ever lived, are on seat on the strength of Arthur As North Vietnam's own statistics killed and one wounded in each attack. travelers and sympathizers, retain an I no picture of American dead appeared the side of the angels. Schlesinger Jr and Gloria Steinem show, all that agonizing here and In contrast. Allied bombers during amazing ability to manipulate public until after the Normandy landing i. THE COMBINATION of these two having once used it i though not •* abroad over the 10-day so-called World War II frequently inflicted opinion in the Western democracies factors means, in effect, that as a together i. << "terror bombing" of Hanoi-Haiphong thousands of casualties in a single It is true that this propaganda THERE WERE NO former practical matter the continuation of That didn t move, but he did sell a was largely flapdoodle, a useful Anglo- night on German and Japanese cities. capability is largely limited to attorneys general, actresses or folk the war is simply not possible. phone for $15 that had a sign which said Saxon word which Mr. Webster defines All of which leads one to a number of editorial writers, politicians and the singers to tell us in graphic terms how And this, of course, severely limits Kissinger had used it to call the as "food for fools, specious talk, conclusions, among them: over-educated voluntary poor spewed it was for the people of Dresden or the ability of the United States to Beverly Hills Hotel Willie also got rid nonsense " The intention of the raids was not (o out by universities, concentrated on Hiroshima. negotiate a satisfactory end to its role of an old jelly glass for $1 03 with a sign In a Jan 4 report. 1'anoi radio said inflict heavy civilian casualties but to the East and West coasts of the But this war. partially because it has in the conflict. on it that said he used to drink bourbon 1.318 persons were killed and 1.261 damage severely North Vietnam's country. been undeclared and partially because Even Nixon's ability to secure Ihe from it wounded in the bombing which began war-making potential That this view is not shared by real there has been no censorship i the two release of the American POWs through Dec 18 It is not yet clear whether the raids people, which is to say those who never are not entirely unrelated i. has been a the threat of punitive bombing of North Washington's bank robbers met lo In the 10-day period beginning on that succeeded in this, but they certainly heard of blond Dubonnet or Arthur different kettle of fish Vietnam's cities has been sharply lile suit against Barbara for untair date. I'anoi radio said. American were not the "outrage" they were Schlesinger Jr.. matters little, for Ihey The Kennedy. Johnson and Nixon circumscribed by the flapdoodle trading practices, and everybodv planes flew more that 1,000 sorties portrayed to be. are mute, concerned more with busing administrations have failed for better factor agreed she could give Sears. Roebuck i including 500 by B52si and dropped than with bombing or worse, to generate any enthusiasm After all. if all that anti-bombing lessons in merchandising, but with the 40.000 tons of bombs. TO PUT THINGS into slightly for the war among American people noise can be generated by raids which house on 31st Street closed, the politics g clearer perspective, more civilians THE LIGHT civilian toll in Hanoi- At the same time, ihe Communist kill one Vietnamese per sortie, think of this city will grow more IF YOU WILL take the trouble lo were killed in the Communist attack on Haiphong also illustrates the amazing propaganda machine has succeeded to what would happen if the United States irreconcilable, and the mood more divide out those figures, always i'ue in Tet of 1968 than died in the so- capability the North Vietnamese have a remarkable degree in convincing a really indulged in terror-bombing bitterly morose I remembering that they are Hanoi's. % called "carpet-bombing" of I'anoi- to evacuate large cities on short notice small but important minority in this Woshlnften Slor-K inj Features Syndicate Waahinften Petl-Krne, Features SynOKele and to protect the essential personnel who must remain there. The Russians, as Western intelli- «L «•■ gence reports show, have the same LeTTers_ •A. me BG news capability, which is largely a function <•- of discipline and training t all Russian

*"■ 4-' . schoolchildren receive evacuation drill An Independent Student Voice and the Kremlin's per capita i expenditure on civilian defense far chivalry not dead yet Editorial Staff exceeds our own l. All of which leads one to wonder On the way home last Thursday Across the street a car turned very For chivalry in this day and age of about the relative size of the casualty night, cold and chilled. I trudged the quickly with its driver instantly editor katfsorine I. nation do-nothingness is far gone except in the lists if there ever were a nuclear six blocks without much hindthought coming to the old man's aid. By this hearts of the brave few. managing editor _ j. scott tcreoon exchange between the United States after an unfruitful day at the school. time I had arrived to lend assistance n.w..d.tor kathWan m. froze and the Soviet Union Bowling Green seemed its usual four while still running with my load of Francis Ferrell •dilotial editor ann —,. hofbawar It is not land may never bei clear to o'clock self at Four Comers i Wooster paraphanalia. 211 Church St makaup editor curtls m. hazUtt what extent the unfavorable reaction and Main) until a small incident sports editor fredofk r. ortlip among opinion-molders here and happened. An old man tripped on the ONE OTHER car stopped and two photo odilor marcia j. lanzor abroad to the bombing influenced curb after crossing Wooster. student types got out to help also. The Nixon's decision to halt aerial attacks In most cases the incident would let's hear from you copy editor joan c. go*H fallen man. now upright with restored north of the 20th parallel have gone unnoticed if the man hadn't dignity could only say thank you for a entortainmont editor patricia I. bailey The BG News welcomes all had extreme difficulty in gaining his kindness done, but look how long the letters to the editor and opinion NOR IS IT clear to what extent the upright stance again. man was on the street before help Letters may comment Business Staff bombing-or the cessation of ihe arrived even while a crowd looked on. on any other letter, or bombing-inlluenced Hanoi s decision THE FIRST motorist who saw the Does this story sound familiar? Or at editorial. business manage. vaughn • rockhold to return to the Paris peace talks incident made a tum east and roared least have a familiar tone to it? You Letters should be a maximum of odverusing manager John g. pollack What is clear are the limitations a off. Why didn't the young woman would think the lesson of the Good 300 words, typewritten. We ask sales manager mnhool j voUntini democracy necessarily imposes upon driver at least stop to see if the old Samaritan should have been that columns be no more than lour itself in the use of war as an man was all right? She could have hit remembered but people were too busy typed pages triple-spaced instrument of national policy him and never realized it. or didn't want to get involved. EditorU and Business OHket 106 University The News maintains the right to It was. as Lt. Calley might put it. "no Next came a car of guys who were The Samaritans in this case are the edit all submissions that exceed Phono 3727003 big deal" for Presidents Roosevelt and more intent on merrymaking than long-haired student types who drove these limits, with respect to the is. so ■».— « ,.«,i,. W. * o»~ o „_. propaganda mill was churning away they saw the elderly gentleman for about it. To those BG guys who did the address and phone number, and ■——■»** — «■«■■*.■! rf«.eo»fc— K_>.i>.m«ii ■>.. they jeered at him as they went by. Are _. tl *• MpMl •* •_*_ el No 10 r* and we all knew what beasts the Huns cool great thing of taking the guy may be mailed to the Editor, co and Japs were. these the concerned youth of today home. I as an individual, salute you for The BG News 106 Universitv Hall. There were military censors to see whom I hear so much about? a deed well done. Wednesday, January 17, 1973, Th. SO New./Po»e 3 14 positions available SBO elections Feb. 28

Student Body Organization steering committee mem- available in the elections Unlike last year, candi- i SBO I elections will be held bers will be elected and opinion board office. 410 dates will not be required to Wednesday. Feb 28 Student Services Bldg.. Mon- file a preliminary petition CANDIDATES must be day. Jan 22 Deadline for containing 50 student sig- A president: vice presi- full-time students in good filing is 5 p m Mondav. Feb natures, said Joan Burda. dent: coordinators (or aca- academic standing and must 12 junior IA&SI. and co-chair- demic, state and com- file a declaration of candi- Copies of the' election person of the elections and munity, and cultural affairs: dacy with the SBO elections rules will be given to candi- opinion board. student representative to the and opinion board dates when they file their They were a waste of Board of Trustees and eight Candidacy forms will be declarations. time Candidates could forge the signatures anyway." Burda said Students or groups with resolutions to be voted on in a referendum accompanying newsnoTes the SBO elections should submit them to the elections Financial statements also would be board office by Friday. Feb. Moon rover required of congressional employees 2. she said earning $22,000 or more a year. MOSCOW i APi - An unmanned Soviet BURDA SAID it has not spaceship made a soft landing on (he Double jeopardy yet been decided where the moon yesterday and pul out a 1.848- elections will be held. "If enough people are pound moon rover that sent television WASHINGTON iAPI - The Supreme pictures back to the earth. Tass available to man the polls, Court held yesterday an earlier decision booths will be set up in each announced barring prosecution in both municipal N.««f*.t. by CoH S*M The Soviet news agency said the like they were and state courts for the same offense last year " spaceship. Luna 21. landed on the applies to past as well as future cases. Eric Rubinoff, frethman (Ed.), intpecti oversized plants, polled flower* and Students with questions eastern fringe of the Sea of Serenity, In 1970. the court held that the Fifth other greenery in the new greenhouse baside the Industrial Education Bldg. about the elections should Greenhouse inside the Lemognier Crater, at 1 35 Amendment guarantee against being am.orS35pm EST Monday contact Maxine Junk at 372- twice tried for the same crime pre- 2951 vented the recognition of the dual sovereignty' doctrine with respect to Finance reports separate state and municipal pro- secution.'' Justice William Rehnquist WASHINGTON iAPI Members of wrote for a unanimous court Congress would have to make annual Kissinger delays Paris trip public disclosure of their finances under Cancer patients legislation proposed yesterday by Sens KEY BISCAYNE. Fla inauguration ending agreement [Or n exchange of prisoners The Saigon reports indi- Charles Met' Matliias K Mil and BOSTON (AP i - Medical researchers I API - Vietnam negotiator Bui presidential Press At least 10 times in a half and for the signing by the cated that no final agree- Adlai E Stevenson i D-IIII are compiling increased evidence Henry A Kissinger won't Secretary Honald I. Ziegler hour news briefing Ziegler lorcign ministers of the ment would be signed before It provides thai senators and linking cancer with heart and kidney return to Paris until next refused lo discuss reports responded lo questions United States. North Nixon's inauguration congressmen would have to report the Iransplanls. a member of the 1'arvard week-and perhaps not then, from Saigon that the United about Vietnam with phrases Vietnam. South Vietnam Saturday for a second term amount and source of their income, Medical School stafl reports the Florida White House States and South Vietnam like: and the Viet Cong of a peace and Ziegler said nothing lo assets and debts, financial transactions Or Martin S 1'irsch says transplant said Tuesday as it repeated would declare a cease-fire settlement drafted in Paris dispute this involving more than $5,000. and gifts recipients show a markedly increased'' anew that President Nixon on the eve of Nixon's inau- "WE HAVE an agreement Ziegler left open the possi- exceeding $100 incidence of cancer plans no public statement on guration to pave the way with the other side not to THE SOURCES said some bility that Nixon would have peace prospects before his toward signing of a war- discuss the substance <■ I (he ambiguous points'' remain something to say about negotiations and we're to be settled in the peace Vietnam in his televised sticking by that agree- agreement inaugural address ment " The disclosures Ziegler did make-thai Kissinger Goal was 50-50 class ratio won't go back In Pans this DOMINOS week and thai Nixon plans no reporl to the public or • from page one school grade point averages consensus of many persons' of men lo women is really a acting provost, said Congress on Vietnam negoti- 352-5221 and class ranks may have feelings, or an altitude thai problem If anything, the University administrators ations-did nothing to deflate Martin said admissions been lower has been passed on through problem lies in possible never stopped lo ask the Saigon reports of an officers were admitting all Why did University the years." he said program changes we would themselves exactly why imminent cease-fire. qualified men and women on administrators choose to Martin said it is possible have to make if we were to they were striving for a 1-1 According to South the basis of the same keep each freshman class at that residence hall facilities begin accepting more males ratio "because no one ever Vietnamese sources, the criteria, but they were also a 50-50 ratio'1 may have had something to or females." challenged the policy unilateral cease-fire would making sure thai an equal Martin said he could not do with the desired ratio, Dr Michael Ferrari. before." be designed to set the stage ratio of men to women was give any definite answer "but that's just apart ." maintained about when or why it was He said there are probably While some women were first decided lo keep an many other reasons in denied admission to the equal mix of men and addition to housing that main campus for fall women were considered quarter, qualified men were Glenn Van Wormer. dean TEE'S .JERSEY'S accepted to maintain the •PERSONALLY. I think of admissions and records ratio even though their high it may have been a general said. "I don't think the ratio WEDNESDAY IS PRINTED FREE! DOLLAR DAY GREEK LETTERS PRINTED FREg OR YOUR NAME (UP TO 8 LETTERS) PRINTED FREE. WHEN YOU IVyBpKS PURCHASE ANY OF OUR MANY TEE'S OR JERSEY'S - Doubte-R-Bar Burger THIS COUPON VOID AFTER 2/1/73 PLATTER ANOACOKE® THE REG. 1.49 CAMPUS MANOR APARTMENTS BEHIND BURGER CHEF (Next to Sterling) • Practically on Campus - 2 minute walk • All new modern and furnished • Plenty of free parking • Cable TV • Gas hot water heat & air conditioning VA lb. freshly ground • Twenty Business locations atyour fingertips pure beef, dairy fresh cheese, lean tender • Full security-Outer locked at all times ham, on a toasted • Communications system between apart- sesame seed bun complete with ment and front door french fries • Electric lock release between apartment and cole slaw and front door plus a coke* • A location that requires no car n.oo OFFICE GOOD JAN. 17 ONLY 530 Va E. Wooster (rear & up) 352.736s 352-9302 300 E. WOOSTER Over Student Book Exchange 352-4045 352-5330 ■ 4 /The SO N.wi, WednWoy, January 17, 1973 I Voter probe underway

£ COLUMBUS (AP) - Ohio exhaustive investigation." Veterans Administration Marsh described the Election officials-betel by said James Marsh, election hospital, and a Hamilton check for double-voting as Rouble registration (or the counsel in the office of the County voter who may have random 'but more 3Nret time-have been quietly Secretary of Slate "Except also voted in Chicago, III., thorough than spot checks jand thoroughly checking to for an isolated case. Ohio Marsh reported. In Cuyahoga County, for jitt if anyone voted twice in ran a fraud-free election in example. Marsh said more '.the November election. MB." THE INVESTIGATION is than half of the 50.000 £ The probe has turned up The possibles thus far expected to continue persons who asked for . tyiree pouible cases include a college student, a another 60 days, Secretary absentee ballots have been !». "We run a pretty darn former serviceman in a of State Ted W. Brown said checked to see if they double-dipped. The survey, master-mind- "In most cases where a ed by Brown's office, will person asked for an Flu virus 'bugs' affect some 150.000 persons absentee ballot and then who applied for absentee voted in his own precinct, ballots. It reaches into all 88 we found that he didn't cast Ohio counties and all 50 the absentee ballot." the Health Center states. Secretary of State said 'This isn't any Ohio universities have persecution of college given the state lists of out ■'■ The Health Center has dis- flu patients is up. Dr Vogls- students." said Brown. "It's of-state students. Brown's coniinued visiting hours in berger does not believe the merely a check on all office checks to see if the .""definitely to help prevent University is headed for a absentee voting " students voted both in Ohio Popular Dr. Roy Browne, profmsor of English and popular culture, leeks at a collection of -apread of a flu virus. flu epidemic. But. he added, and in their home state "We manuscripts, photograph* and books of author Irving Wallace Dr. Browne 2 Dr. Penry Vcguberger. with so many people in such For the first time, courts are getting good cooperation ' actinx director of the Pealth a small area coming to- ruled that college students from other states." said culture recently received the collection. -'Center, reported 40 in-pa- gether in classrooms and could register and vote in Marsh Jients yesterday morning dining , "it is hard not their college town. They V.'hilr not all of them have to get the flu may also register in their flu he said there has been home city, but they may an increase in persons ad- Dr. Vogtsberger said vote only once-either at muted with flu while he realizes the stu- college or at home. Ve said 368 students were dents frequently cannot gel Political lectures continuing ;.treated Monday and added enough rest, he urged them THE preponderence of ab- they were "pretty busy" to get as much rest as pos- sentee voters are college Dr. Terry Moore of Ohio Two other speakers have 22 on "The Political meet informally with University, will speak about yesterday. sible. Pe recommended they students. Many voted in State University will be the been scheduled for winter Philosophy of Eric faculty and students. Times presidential personality and "We are starting to see "force fluids." their college community third speaker in the political quarter-Dr. Ellis Sandoz. Vogelin." and locations of the politics .-lots of colds." Hi Vogts- "While the vitamin C although they had applied science department's year- chairman of the political On March 5. Dr. Polden meetings will be announced Two more speakers may . bergers;i id theory has not been proven, for absentee ballots in long lecture series .science department at Kast will discuss his book "Con- later. be scheduled for spring it certainly wouldn't hurt another county or another Dr Moore will speak on Texas State University, and servatism." which he is still Two other speakers are quarter to discuss social : WHILE THE number of students to take it," he said. slate "Population and Politics in Dr Matthew Polden Jr. of writing scheduled for spring sciences and science and Latin America" Thursday. the University of Wisconsin. quarter. Dr. Murray public policy. Jan. 25, at 2 p m in the Dog- Madison campus BOTH PROFESSORS will Edelman. author of "The A brochure about future wood Suite, Union Dr. Sandoz will speak Feb. give a public lecture and will Symbolic Use of Politics." lectures will be available Come to of Sound's will discuss bureaucracies soon in the political science v,%• and the poor on April 16 or department office. 223 23 Williams Pall In May Dr James Barber, All interested faculty and chairman of the political students are invited to the We've cleaned out ATTEND FREE science department at Duke l nooks and crannies, and lecture. it's amazing what we find: ones of a"kind, floor samples, demonstrators, trade Professor teaching ins, and well, even things we'd forgotten we had. Anyway, if you want a giant bargain in stereo equipment. better stop in this week. Mormon course Dr. Paul I! Thayne. professor of speech and hearing, is teaching a course this quarter dealing with ancient America. The class, held in 213 South Pall every Thursday night at Try Beyer headphones Give yourself a KLH 7:30. is open to all interested students compact stereo Dr. Thayne is the president of the Bowling Green branch Reg. $29.95 $22" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints These beauties deliver Reg. $429.95 $359.95 i Mormon). The class is sponsored by Lhe church more than your ear Notice the features on the all-new Text for the class is the Book of Mormon. The book deals KLH Compact No. 30: It has 20 watts can heir! Hs range with happenings occuring on this continent between 600 B.C. per channel, auxilliary inputs, tape and 421 A.D. of 30 to 18.000; use monitor inputs, am/fm. cueing with LESSON with any system, soft, the Garrard antiskate turntable which comfortable ear pads. can be used manually or automatic- 6-foot cord. ally. 2-way speaker system. Pickering- DOMINOS magnetic V-15 cartridge. You'll Increase Your Stock up on tapes and cassettes 352-5221 SONY TAPE. PR I 50. 1800". reg. $3.98 . $2.99 AMPEX Cassettes. 362-C90. reg. $3.95 . $1.50 MEMOREX Cassettes. C45, reg. $1.99 $1.49 Reading Speed On The Spot! Ml MORI X Cassettes. C60. reg. $2.19 $1.59 This coupon good MEMOREX Cassettes. C90. (eg $3.25 $2.55 WOLIENSAK IM MINI CAS for 50* off on Check this complete SETTE No 400. uit it K or dc, h*s (emote or built in For The 1st Time Ever... mike, carrying else, micro ny size DOMINOS BSR stereo system phone*, ciaiiene lighter. phonev charger, battenev tape. 95 • World Fnmous Evelyn Wood You'll see why Presidents PIZZA reg S119.95 $89 95 Rending Dyn.imics offairs you Kennedy mid Nixon invited FrM cokes not good with this coupon Save $80 *189 SAVE ON DEMO TURNTABLES EVolyn Wood to the White HAM: tl hn dutt cover, 8 f roc glimpse ^f whot it's like One coupon per pizza House to teach then advis Heg. $269.90 reg SZ14.9S .$139.95 to be nblo to read nnd ors nnd the Joint Chief*, of PHILIPS No 308 much foster Expires Jan. 22, 1973 reg .$99.95 $'9.S5 KLH STEREO No 34compact, rig. $359.95 S299 95 You'll hear whnt the faculty WHARFE0ALE SPEAKERS - You'll actually be taught how W60, |uii one pur lell. to rend nnd study faster during memhets of one of America's the exciting Speed Rending foremost colleges says about BSR RT30 30 w.ill am/fm stereo receiver, solid state con- rig $149 95 S124pr WHARFEOALE SPEAKERS - Lesson. Evelyn Wood, nnd watch them struction, walnut 1 W25. |utt one put lilt, rend fast BSR 310X automatic turntable with Shuie M-75 magnetic rag. $109.90 . . $99 90pr cartridge, cue and pause control: reguldi value of leceiver and TAN0BERG TAPE - turntable: $209.95 3000. in'i two lell. 2 WS22 $59.95 speakers, walnut cabinets reg $349 $299 We want you to decide for your You'll find this Special Free of W0LLENSAK TAPE DECK self the value of becoming a fer of increased reading speed Sanyo OCX 3300K 4-channel re- Speed-Reader. Evelyn Wood to be an exciting and unusua ceiver, am/fm FET tuner, 3 matrix No. 8050.8 Hack. Treat yourself to style experience decoder circuits, 4 power ampli- rig SI 79 95 $135 ELECTRO VOICE DECODER fiers, 4-channel tapes play through EV4 a new Sanyo 4 amplifiers, output jacks for rig $54 95 $32 headphone microphone input with For the first time we are offering SONY CASSETTE DECK stereo system level control tuning meter, plus a Special Speed Rending Les TC160 three lell many more features. Reg. $329.50 son to provide you with a rag. $219.95 $179.95 Garrard 42 M/S automatic turn- glimpse of what it's like to he FISHER RECEIVER No 202. table with Shure magnetic cart- able to read and study almost $439 reg $299 95 $21995 as fast as you can turn pages ridge, elliptical stylus, Garrard SONY TV - 930U table model. base. Reg. $90.65 Kid you'll actually walnut cabinet, one lilt. Reg. $659.95 partic ipate in the techniques 4 WS66 speakers, hand rubbed teg 5139 9b $110 that will improve your reading walnut cabinets. Reg. $239.80 SEE THESE USED SPECIALS' and study speed on the spot' SONY CASSETTE 0ECK Get a 4-channel TC12). Rig $159 95 $120 Holly. Fisher receiver FISHER RECEIVER- 440T $200 An engagement ring SHERWOOD RECEIVER $15 Free MINI Lessons! wilh a Continental heritage: AMPEX MICRO REC0R0ERS - ciuette lecoideis. Light bursting Reg. $549.95 $429.95 TODAY AND TOMORROW teg SM95 $49 95 Irom a band of lace... See this No. 601 4-channel am/fm stereo receiver, 200 GARRARO REC0R0 CHANG watts of power, 2-plus-2 decoder, superior sensitivity ER - SUM. Pickering mag 4:00 & 8:00 P.M. eight diamonds clustered maximum selectivity fm, automatic stereo switching; use netic caitudie. two in stock in starlight... for stereo or 4-channel. Cabinet optional. rig.$7950 $45 Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge and each leal East Wooster and 1-75 ALSO AT 4 00 & 8 00 P.M. in the band individually FRANKLIN PARK MALL handpolished. Holly. 3139 West Cenlrol COMMUNITY ROOM As unique as it is beautiful. In Cricket West MONROE ST. ENTRANCE I Just in time lor happiness. T.topbone 473 3135 Just in time lor love. 4427 Talmadge Rd., Suite Ml

Phone: 535 7788 I «GUIA» Toledo, Ohio 43623 mtmmmm^ ACCOUNT DiL L JEWELERS Shop from 10 to 8:30 Thursday, Friday; 10 to 5:00 on Saturday >3rW READING DYNAMICS' 129 SOUTH MAIN STREET BOWLMGQREEN.OHK) W»dn—ofl. 5 II lirif I hrilly S/l«#/i/>f«/a YOU CAN COUNT ON US! »> .» I'lr.isiirr Great Scot. GUARANTEED LOWEST TOTAL COST! FUltNDLY FOOD STORES








100 488/1 SIZE / I SIZE 13* 00Z. 79* Great Scot FRMNDLY FOOD STORES Page 4/Tba BG N«w», Wodnosdoy, January 17, 1973 Folk vs. jazz Sunday

By Petty Bailey this year's jazz series at Burton's most recent guitar at the age of five. made "Tequila" a big hit. EatcrtaiuMat Edtt*r Bowling Green will feature on the Atlantic label Four years later, after After that band dissolved, vibraharp player Gary are "Gary Burton with practicing the violin as well, they played with the Once again, students are Burton at S p.m. Sunday. Keith Jarrett." "Alone At he was Texas State Fiddle Dawnbreakers on a long faced with a decision to Jan. 21. Last" iparts recorded live Champion, and became a road to nowhere make that could only occur He has been rated the at last year's Montreaux member of traveling Ultimately the pair got at college. number one vibist by Jazz Festival in Europe i country groups in that state, into Bahai faith and admit Where else would they be Downbeat magazine for the and "Paris Encounter" i at the age of nine.) it has changed their lives forced to pick between two past four years. (with jazz violinist Stephane Dash Crofts also came and their music. name performers, both Burton and his quartet Grappelli I from Texas, where as a Crofts started playing the giving shows the same will be conducting free youngster, he also played mandolin, and their own evening at the same time? afternoon clinic sessions THE DUO of Seals & various instruments Pe met music changed The Gary Burton Quartet prior to their evening Crofts will be in concert Seals when they were will be pounding the Grand concert. The free clinic will Jan. 21 at 8 p m in Anderson teenagers, at a junior high Tickets for both concerts with jazz while the be at 4 30pm Arena school serving the same are available at the Union soft sounds of Seals & Crofts Currently the Warner area ticket office mandolin issue from Appearing with Burton Bros, recording team is high After graduation from Price for the Burton Anderson Arena. will be drummer Ted Seibs, on the charts with their high school, the pair went to concert is 13 Tickets for guitarist Mick Goodrick and "Summer Breeze" . California, where they Seals & Crofts are $2.50 for THE SECOND event in bass player Chip Jackson. Jim Seals is from Texas, ultimately joined the Cultural Boost members and where he started playing Champs, a group which $3 50 for non-members Jesus movies set premiere

HOLLYWOOD (AP) - cast Release date June Movie audiences this year 1973 will be able to view three new versions of the Jesus COLUMBIA at the same story that are far removed time has been filming from "The King of Kings" "Godspell," the off-Broad- and "The Greatest Story way musical based on the Ever Told " Book of Matthew "Godspell." most noted The most eagerly antici- for its haunting song "Day pated of the new films is by Day." has been filmed in "Jesus Christ Superstar." a modern setting, using the which is now finishing its cityscape of New York as its shooting in Israel. It is the background. The script por- movie version of the rock trays Jesus as a teacher and opera that has proved a gold friend, rather than a divine mine in theater and concert person versions all over the world Scheduled release for : "Godspell . Easter 1973 | Review Music Corporation of Am- erica I MCA l, which has al- AN ENTERPRISING pro- ready earned millions ducer named Larry through the original cast Buchanan expects to beat Music is AAy Life' album by its subsidiary both musicals to the nation's Decca Records, hopes to theaters with a dramatic- film, "The Rebel Jesus." By Frank Johnson of his soul in this four- make much more on the I REMEMBER hearing movie through its llniveral " Jesus Christ Superstar' ..unutecut "God Loves You" from a Pictures. is a rip-off. there's nothing has had only I'rcston single late last One could also wonder Iwo really good songs. Norman Jewison. who new there." Buchanan said. year It's on the new album, exactly where Preston is also directed Fiddler on the "The authors failed to I Wrote a Simple Song' going these days seventh in order, following .'' began filming introduce anything to help us is one of the two and four or five more imitations Pe could be on a religious probably the best thing he's kick, with a pair of songs "Superstar" in mid-August understand the man. of "The Bui." In short, one " Godspell' is a better ap- L ever recorded. song sounds like the other telling us 'Cod Loves You" Pe chose 30 different loca- The other is The Bus. and we should "Turn on to tions in Israel-not the true proach, but it still offers lit- and the next one after that. locales of the Christ story tle that is new." the song which introduced One could worry about Jesus " the Billy Preston 'beat " Pe could also be onto a but places that could double The Rebel Jesus" Preston, though There's no for first century Palestine Since then. Preston has heavy soul I :p. "Nigger theorizes that Jesus sur- "Outa-Spacc"' on this vived the Cross, was res- used that beat, or some album, to win the hearts of Charlie is very towerful tempo variation, on every- boogy-ers across the The cast: Ted Neeley as cued by a religious sect and Jesus and Carl Anderson as nursed back to health by the thing he's done, most country PRESTON IS probably the Judas, both Irom the cast redeemed Mary Magdalene. notably 'Outa-Spacc That song was nice only black artist left that's truly enjoyed by all the that played Universal Then he was pursued by the because K brought out land last summer; Yvonne Elli- centurions and killed 1'is new album. Music is shut upi the real Preston It masses, black and white, My Llf«" IA--M 35161. since Sly Stone has dropped in.m as Mary Magdalene and No miracles. Gary Burton, formed ono of the bast vibraharp playen in tho also sold a lot of records Barry Dennen as Pilate. continues to exploit that Preston does manage to out of things for more than a It was filmed in Tunisia • country, will bo appearing in the Grand Ballroom, Union at both from the New York with an unknown cast. beat ■con with Music's My year ""*** »►>• samo timo Soals and Crofts arc performing in Anderson Listen to his version ol the Life." the title cut It's One Preston's musical Arena. Beatles Blackbird " It of four solo compositions in abilities are still around was once a beauhlul. soil which he allows himself to I'e's got to be one of the best tune, but not anymore Bill\ speak his peace, once and keyboard men in todav's top Preston, to use Isaac Pases for all 40. words, has brought it on Musics My Life" is I'e's still trying to put down loSoulsville " I'rcston s success story in a down some nice music, but Two concerts set The words are still there, song, attributing his kej the success of his last album but the melody is hidden by board talents since the age has put him into a rut that Two concerts highlight lor Viola and Orchestra by family. Raab said a background and rhythm of three to determination started with The Bus." this week's musical events Hoffmeister It is rated G that reeks of The Bus So and to the Deity at hand The Billy Preston "beat" The University Chamber Other numbers to be The program will include do most of the songs on the Preston's not much on goes on. but unfortunately Orchestra, under the direc- played include "Gli Uccelli" album for that maltci the Sabre Dance" by words, but he pours out a lot nothing else tion of Emil Raab. director ("The Birds'! by Respighi. Khachaturian. Schubert's of choral activities, and and "Sinfometta" by Symphony No 8 in B Richard Cioffan. assistant Poulenc. minor" imore familiar as professor of performance "Unfinished""i and Ravels studies, will perform at 8:15 THE UNIVERSITY "Bolero " Newscaster glad for chance tonight in Recital Pall. Symphony Orchestra, also School of Music Bldg conducted by Raab. will pre- Makara. a member of the Dr. Bernard Linden, sent a family-type concert Bowling Green String Quar- ST LOI'lS lAPl Some daytime kind of weirdo." said News Director HE GOT his chance in September said Weidlich. who holds two degrees violist. will appear as guest on Sunday. Jan 21. at 2 30 tet, is features in introduc- television viewers in St IJIUIS have Bill Addison when the station inaugurated a two in English from St. Louis University, soloist with the orchestra p.m in the Grand Ballroom. tion and Rondo Capriccioso" been wondering why the news anchor and one-half hour variety-talk show in as well as a Phi Beta Kappa key Dr Linden is a member of Union. by St Saens man on l.PLR-TV wears sunglasses When we tell them John is blind, (he morning and he now has three "It was a chance, first, because the Bowling Green String Pe has appeared with the during his three daily newscasts the reaction is good " five-minute news shows each I've never done on-the-air work Quartet and has played with Guest soloist with the or- Detroit Symphony, the East- Weidlich. 26. joined the station in morning. before, so there's a certain lack of ex- the New Orleans Symphony chestra will be Paul man-Rochester Symphony Those bold enough to call the sta- February as a news writer, editor and "This all happened a lot faster than perience. And second, of course, is and the New York Philhar- Makara. violin and Rochester Civic Orches- tion are told that anchorman John in .issignment editor, and his goal I ever thought it would, and I'm laking the chance on the unfamiliar monic The program, designed for tra. Weidlich is blind was to become an on-the-air news- awfully grateful that the station was concept of a blind newscaster." he In tonight's concert, he wide public appeal, is good, The public may attend Thev want to know if he's some caster willing to take a chance with me," said. will perform in "Concerto classical fare for the whole both concerts at no charge. people to see... places to go ... things to do...

Peter Yarrow, who sang presented by the University Auditions are open to any the Moon Marigolds" will be Jefferson Awards in Chi- be made by calling 893-0721. on WBGU-TV Friday at 9 the Valley Forge Military with the Peter. Paul and Performing Dancers, under interested student presented by Ken Shaw's cago p.m. Academy Brass Band and Mary folk trio for a decade, the direction of Margit Pes- American Theatre League of "Mangolds." written by WBGU-TV Channel 70. The program will feature the Philadelphia Orchestra will present a lecture-con- kett, assistant professor of THE STUDENT Body Toledo. Thursday. Friday Paul Zindel. recently ended will air Gov John J Gilli- the Philadelphia Orchestra cert at 8 p.m Friday. Jan physical education and re- Organization iSBO) is and Saturday-. Jan 25-27. at a New York engagement of gan s State of the State directed by Eugene Or- AN UNDERTAKER 19. in the Croy Physical creation helping to sponsor a partial the Toledo Masonic Auditor- 819 performances. address tonight at 7:30 mandy. playing Aaron Cop- learns how to restore the Education Center of Findlav Scenary will be by Dr benefit concert for Karma. ium. There will be nightly per- land's "Fanfare for the dying to life on "The Death College Richard Pebein. assistant Baddog." will perform formances in Toledo at 8:30 The live telecast will ori- Common Man" and Bee- Goddess." part of the Tickets are on sale at the professor of romance lan- from 9 p.m until 2 am. Fri- Teresa Wright will star in with a matinee Saturday at ginate from the House of thoven's '' Fifth Symphony." Special of the Week Findlay College Studenl guages Dr William Pepper, day. Jan 19. in Commons the 1971 Pulitzer Prize play 2 30 p.m Tickets are priced Representatives Chamber in Other highlights will in- series on WBGU-TV Mon- Activity Office and the B & assistant professor of music cafeteria. The group will The most honored play of at $2 50 to $5 50 for Thurs- the Statehouse in Columbus, clude the Robert Wagner day. Jan 22. at 8 p.m. G Drug Store in Findlay theory, is in charge of donate $100 or 10 per cent of the past decade. day: $3 to $6 for Friday and where the Senate and Pouse Chorale singing a medley of The comic opera, based on baroque music for the the total profit (whichever is "Marigolds" has also been Saturday evenings, and from of Representatives will traditional songs, and a Grimm fairy tale, is set in AUDITIONS for a dance production. larger i to the drug center awarded the New York $2.50 to $4 50 for Saturday meet jointly for the speech. pianist Van Cliburn per- modern Japan and focuses drama entitled "Julia," will A stage manager is Admission to the event is Drama Critics Circle afternoon. forming Grieg's "Piano on a poor undertaker who be held tomorrow, beginning needed in addition to II. Award, the "Obie" Award, The Masonic Auditorium "THE 1*71 Inaugural Con- Concerto in A Minor." bemoans the success of at 6 p.m. in 302 Women's gymnasts and dancers to the Variety Poll Award, box office is open Monday cert," a special two-hour The concert will close modem medicine and com- Bldg interpret the male and "THE EFFECT of seven Los Angeles Critics through Friday from 10 a.m. program of music and com- with Tchaikovsky s 1812 plains that "sick people The dance drama is being female roles of the show Gamma Rays on Man in Circle Awards and five to 5 p.m. Phone orders may mentary, will be presented Overture." performed by refuse to die." W.dn»»doy. January 17, 1973, Ih. BG Nawt/Pog* 7 Lawyer seeks Ticket sale ends today bugging motive D.C buses leave Fri Tickets for the bus ride to WASHINGTON (AP) • A paid before the trip. Baker Buses should leave Q. Did you see in the inauguration day demon- said the group must know Washington for the return defense attorney said yes- McGovern headquarters any strations in Washington. terday he will attempt to today whether it can pay for trip between 5 and 7 p.m. members of the Vietnam D.C. must be purchased by 2 both buses Saturday show the Watergate break- Veterans Against the War? p.m. today. in and bugging was moti- If the second bus is not A. I don't think so. sir. Spokesmen for the filled, a full refund will be SPOKESMEN promised vated by concern that poten- Q. Do you know any mem- Bowling Green Emergency tially dangerous groups made to any student the buses will leave for the bers of the Vietnam Committee to Stop the assigned to that bus. demonstrations regardless planned violence to Republi- Veterans Against the tt .u Bombing and End the War. can officials including Pnwever Baker said any of whether or not President A No. sir said a 47 seat bus has been extra donations will be sent Nixon announces a President Nixon filled. I'owever. about 26 Gerald Alch. attorney for to various peace groups if negotiated peace settlement ALCH SAID outside the seats are still available on a the second bus can't be before Saturday James W McCord it., ques- courtroom that the attempt second bus capable of filled "Peace is not at hand until tioned a witness closely to ferret out incipient transporting 36 persons "We'll be taking faculty all US forces are out of about whether he had seen demonstrations was a key to any members of various donations, any donations, Indochina," one said his defense of McCord. JIM BAKER, a university antiwar groups in the cam- just so we can send the McCord was security graduate, urged anyone second bus." Baker said paign headquarters of coordinator for the commit- Democrat George S wishing to donate funds to "Even just a dollar bill will tee for the re-election of the cover costs of the trip to do McGovern help " President on June 17 when so by this afternoon. McCord and G Gordon he was arrested in the ABOUT S3M has been Liddy are the two remaining Pe said about 30 students Watergate Liddy - are on a waiting list because donated by faculty members defendants in the trial not apprehended inside but so far involving a break-in June 17 they cannot cover the $22 charged with the burglary- round trip fee. Buses are scheduled to at the Democratic National was counsel for Nixon's leave Friday at 9 p.m. Baker Committee headquarters As of yesterday afternoon, campaign finance commit- the group had collected advised students to meet in tee. about $1,200. including front of the Union by 8 p.m. "IF ONE is under a rea- Alch said he will attempt AtMriatad Pran Wlnphato donations and ticket sales. to begin boarding the buses sonable apprehension- to show that potentially vio- Windmills C'tht "p*""'" on on* piece of film produce this angular "Bring food, warm C.L, regardless of whether that A spokesman said cost for lent groups were supporting - , , , geometric pattern. The view above it of the floodlit Old Mill the larger bus is $1,021.64. clothing It'll be hard to get apprehension is in fact cor- the Democrats who were food in Washington." he OT the mind atSkidby, in the Eatt Riding of Yorkihire. England with another $860-$870 for SHOWN Evamtf at MS t ftOO rect." Alch said outside the being spied upon and were in the smaller bus said courtroom, 'he is justified contact with the groups Since the money must be Participants will be given SAT. I SUN. 2:00. 4 20, MS. *O0l in breaking a law to avoid maps of the impact march great harm, which in this route, scheduled to begin at 7 case would include violence noon Saturday at Lincoln M,I'% against Republican officials, Memorial and move to the ' It s liKtuitd tftti including the President " jnO llytnf Um ■ Washington Monument U a SNOW BAIL' Cross-examining Thomas Just what the doctor ordered? ■ Local organizers are Gregory, a 25-year-old urging students to stay with WALT DISNEY Brigham Young University WASHINGTON 1AP1 - Is duct advertisements chest cold symptoms." which stated that two pills feeling which may ac- the main demonstration and ■ PttOOUCIIOHS student who said he was Romilar III "the latest thing Newsmen inspected the should be taken every four company a big cold."' not join any fringe planted as a spy in the head- for chest cold symptoms'' documentation Monday FATHER JOHN'S hours with dosages not to According to Miles. Alka activities quarters of McGovern and Does C'ontac provide more Poffman-LaRoche Inc.. Medicine Co Inc. said in exceed eight tablets in a 24- Seltzer Plus provides this "We're telling students to Sen. Edmund Muskie. Alch hours of relief than com- manufacturer of Romilar advertisements that its Imur period. because it contains aspirin, use their senses to avoid said peting cold tablets'' III. declared it was correct medicine was "prepared I'lizer Inc. . makers of sodium bicarbonate, citric- places where they could get "Were you present at These were some of the in stating in its advertise- according to a doctor's pre- Monday, stated in ads that acid and other ingredients busted,"' one spokesman McGovern headquarters at questions 16 manufacturers ments that the preparation scription ' "for a tody cold you need not contained inContac said the time of these demonstra- of cough and cold remedies was the "latest thing." But in its reply, it stated something more." That tions during the month of were asked to substantiate The company said when that Father John O'Brien in something more"' is a May 1972: at Capitol Kill, at by the Federal Trade Com- the ad was first aired in 1855 requested a druggist to feeling of warmth" to the African study available; ucHmcaofi- the Rayburn Building. mission. 1971 Romilar "was the most compound the preparation back which Ben-Cay pro- Dupont Circle and Andrews The questions were based current entry in the national according to his own for- vides Air Force Base''" on claims made by the market of those products mula Father O'Brien was open to black students A I don't know. sir. manufacturers in their pro- available for the relief of not a physician "COLD PILLS, even those Smith, Kline & French winch contain analgetic. Applications are now available for the American Study in LUaltE^Jlsney Laboratories, makers of compounds, do not provide Africa Program, to be held during the 1973-74 academic Conlac. the leading cold cap- such warmth."' Pfizer year. World & sule in sales, declared com- stated. The program is open to black students who would like to .rrcHMcoioff Sports intern selected peting brands such as Dris- Miles Laboratories Inc , visit and study in African universities. tan. Coricidm and 4-Way makers of Alka-Seltzer Plus, Applications will be considered on a first-come, first- ENTER COLORING CONTEST Cold Tablets would not pro- declared in advertisements Brad Schmaltz, junior sports for the Wapakoneta Schmaltz will be responsible served basis. The deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 31. vide 24-hour relief that "the leading cold Interested students should visit the Ethnic Studies Center, SPONSORED BY iB.A.l from Wapakoneta, Daily News while attending for producing a brochure The firm based this claim capsule Conlac cannot has received the Bowling school. and writing feature stories 208 and 220A Graduate Center, from 3-5 p.m. or call Joseph. on instructions found on relieve the sinus headaches, Ajala. graduate student in business education, at 372-2796 CLAZEL & McDOf.IU.DS Green Sentinel-Tribune's and news releases about the competitors' products. bodv ache and feverish second annual internship in HE HAS also written for University swimming team. sports reporting The BG News and worked for As an intern. Schmaltz the St. Mary's Evening In the spring, he will cover will work about 10 hours a Leader during the Decem- a variety of sports for the 1st ANNUAL week during winter quarter ber Christmas vacation Bowling Green daily news- INKSTONE NOW OPEN FOR in the University Sports During the winter. paper Information Department MILLARD FILLM0RE SUBMISSIONS OF POETRY, and during spring quarter on the staff of the Sentinel-Tri- SKI CLUB FICTION, ART & PHOTOGRAPHY bune Pe will receive a total Important meeting for members go- CLEARANCE SALE salary of $400. and may also receive four hours of aca- ing on Boyne mountain trip. Final pay- ADDRESS ALL WORK TO: demic credit for his intern- ment is due at the meeting. ship Jeans '3.99 &UP Schmaltz. 20. is a 1970 Attendance is mandatory! $ graduate of Wapakoneta WED.-&30 115ED.BLDG. Sportswear 5.99*UP INKSTONE High School and covered (Don't lor gel the ski trip rattle! c/o DEPT. OF ENGLISH DRIVERS ARE NEEDED Slacks '1.99 &UP zL isanello i Van Heusen Shirts '6.99 202 UNIVERSITY HALL LIVE-ON STAGE Sport Suits '28.88 Ken Shaw's STADIUM - VU AMERICAN THEATRE LEAGUE OF TOLEDO New Name New Food TERESA WRIGHT P OPEN 7 DAYS • SUNDAY thru THURSDAY 11 a.m.-12 p.m. FREE $k ALL AWARDS BEST PLAY % i FRIDAY and SATURDAY 11 a.m. ■ 1 p.m. ® PULITZER PRIZE HJ lOxford House DELIVERY ■\- N.Y. DRAMA CRITICS' AWARD|§ TUESDAY SPECIAL % OBIE AWARD ^ <7*- ^ 434 E. WOOSTER ST. 352-5166 By The Tracks "«! 1 'II'I Of CWM4 >11i OH «•« i« «H » - * **r \ Fish & Chips - English style batter dipped or W ¥ ' \ ' A ^lffF=^\\\ i ' > ^1 The Sisters Fish and French Fries All you can eat *1.29 352-5169 PAUL ZINOEL of 27 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 5 PM 1 AM DAILY THURS.. FRI., SAT. JAN. 25-26- OMEGA PHI ALPHA 4:30 2 AM FRI & SAT Thur. at 8:30-Orch. -5 50, 4.00, Log* '5.50; Bale '3.50 2.50 Fri and Sat at &30-0rch •6.00,4.50: Lap •6.00; Bale •' .00.3.00 Congratulate their Rib Eye Steak Dinner Sat Mat at 2:30 - Orch '4.50, 3.50: Log* '4.50; Bale '3.! 0,2.50 NEW OFFICERS BG STUDENTS 4.00 LESS ALL SHOWS (Wi th ID) Tossed Salad, Baked Potato, Roll TOi rn0 ORDER TICKI TSAT uaajun* .. .ru-Tfuui •>• LITTLE OLDE MUS C SHOPPE President Mary Ellen Sexton MASONIC AUDITORIUM BOWLING G REEN Reg. $1.49 Now Only .99 1st Vice-Pres. Carol Dunning THURSDAY SPECIAL 2nd Vice-Pres. Marilyn Dvornik An Affair & Fries . »us ONLY 89C SIGMA NU Secretary .. Barb Wendling Reg ACROSS FROM FOOTBALL STADIUM Little Sis Rush Treasurer .. Carole Johnson Corresponding Sec. Nancy Hessj a. en STADIUM - VU The restaurant with unique food will present to the holder of this Tonite from 7-9 At The House Alumni Sec. . Sandy Murphy coupon an Affair for only .50. We regularly charge .80 for an Affair. ,<*> Our Affair is a 1/3 pound sirloin hamburger on French bread with let- Historian Sue Duncan tuce, tomato, and our very special sauce. Rides available at 7 P.M. So for total enjoyment come to Stadium-Vu and have your Affair. Sgt. at Arms .. Paula Welsh Falstaff - Budweiser - Michelob - Strohs From Lobbies of Founders Pabst - Millers and Offenhauer Song Leader .. Betsy ACROSS FROM THE FOOTBALL STADIUM ? Bumgardner i t/Tha §G Nawt. Wagfetctd ay, January 17, 1973 U.S. bombers aid Saigon troops DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Copr 72 Gco'l Fesmrei Corp. ACROSS t.H Recent role for Cease. 1 Stein. Danny Kaye. Culture medium. .i Eagle's rlaw. .'it Rigoletto'* German river. 0 -a-Prayer, daughter. City from which 1 Them: Fr. »2 Pouter's mood. Columbu. sailed. Contested S. Viet areas under fire Alaskan. *' Personification 57 Seed covering. of Ireland. 58 I rn-u- concern. Concentrate. A Oriental rate. i° Diseonrerl: Grin in a naslv wounded in the battle near bomb in the South and in SAIGON (AP) • Bitter antigovernment forces are increase also reflected more in support of (he ground 7 Road tor thn-r Colloq. way. Natural fat. determined to continue their aggressive action by South the U Minh Forest. troops. Both crewmen Laos and Cambodia. who are II Down. All Nimble. fighting was reported yes- V I'ul away. Action*. Government troops con- escaped with minor wounds, Al I nmp ol earth. terday in contested territory ground offensive to "step up Vietnamese forces. 0 Ring |*erformer-. 62 _ the Kitty. Sat on tbe fence. throughout South Vietnam, the struggle against the The sources explained this tinued to ptuh against N. a spokesman reported. During the 24-hour period 1 One ol the At INaanesakee of Poisonous spider Viet-held areas in an area ended at 8 a.m. last night Muakeleer*. Mi*s Dartlc. Once more: with U.S. bombers attacking United States for national was the result of spoiling 35-40 miles northwest of Sai- Although President Nixon American fighter-bombers !2 Twinkle AI Egg producer*. Dial. to support Saigon's troops salvation " operations by the South Viet- t-1 Molding. Willow genu*. has stopped all bombing and logged 199 strikes in South and to hit southern targets of namese by pre-empt N. Viet gon. The U.S. Command said El Mocca*in. DOWN 64 Across, in an Army AH 1 Cobra helicop- other offensive operations Vietnam, the command said, 7 Sibilant round*. France. their own. THE SAIGON command forces from gaining or 1 A large number: holding land in anticipation ter gunship was shot down over North Vietnam, U.S. while B52s flew 24 missions VI Worked like a ' uMii'i Room in m The Viet Cong charged the reported a slight increase in beaver. 2 Me.-. hacienda. warplanes continued to during the same period. United States with per- the number of ground of a cease-fire. by N. Viet fire while flying 12 Beverage*. .1 Su**ex river. Deck door. Barbed spear. sisting in "savage bombard- engagements between South The heaviest fighting was II between. I Dale. reported in the Que Son IA Late winter 5 Lord and\. Dies __ I day ments" in the South despite Vietnamese and Viet Cong jieriod. A Pulling in. of judgement l. the bombing halt over the or North Vietnamese troops Valley southwest of Da 17 (lose: Pod. 7 Sly look. Comic charsrter. Nang and on the eastern Letters: Abbr. North in the 24-hour period ending 18 Heraldic term. 8 On own. Bomb tonnage reported IV Seagoing ranoe. 'I Cititen: Abbr. al6a m edge of the U Minh Forest in River Burton A Viet Cong broadcast 11 Slender stalk. 10 Dog'* ailment. explored. Military sources said the the Mekong Delta Thirty- 12 Low i limit monitored in Saigon said 11 Affluent: Slang: Fur bearing five N. Viet troops were formation.. Phrase. animal. claimed killed in the Que WASHINGTON Susan & Mark sources said that while the a smaller area " ■ ■ « 49 ■ Cindy & Harry 50 SI B ' | 54 5' •' No holiday breaks 57 '« From 42.87 Lavaliering: "I n 61 and up 6? M 64 Cindy & Ted The University will hold classes and open its offices on 1 three state-recognized holidays during 1973 Operations will continue on Lincoln-Washington Day. Feb. 19; Columbus Day, Oct. 8; and Veterans' Day. Oct. 22 even Cherry Hill now has though other state agencies will be closed. The Ohio Board of Regents requires a certain number of ANSWER 10 PREVIOUS PUZZLE $57 50 class days each quarter. If classes had not been scheduled 1 P A s C'A'I POM A c El 2 full apartments - on the three holidays, this requirement would not be c U H I All I 1 M 1 I A I t umsoongnr A T V fulfilled, University administrators said I B E • ■ E E ! N A V N ta.0 Offices are also kept open on those dates to add flexibility s I ±M". L H t> Mon.-Fri. 11-9 Stadium Plaza SS LE- ■Rl*|N K E available at-man apt. p.rson to faculty and staff schedules. Because they work on those ■'• ■*■ Sat. 10-6 Center AVE N G E s T H I.A 1 holidays, employees may then take time off the day after V E s I p 1 E '■ m Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. 1 C t N S m 1 R Single or double ■ Cll V 1 c M 1 i M A 1 E i N 11 N 1 E 7 C E 5 "SINGLE-DAY work slots, such as these, surrounded by 1 THURSDAY IS STl'DENT NITE-fl.N ID'S REQUIRED! vacancies still open D N 0|S N t W 0 holidays are very undesirable.'' said J. Claude Scheuerman. E s SHH E A Rl T ■ F E ft A I SUNDAY OPENING TIL 1 P.M. - ADULTS II » Special leases available vice president for operations. S A 1 5 M 0 t n A 1 t • He said since employees work on the three scheduled T 0 R 0 N T 0 RE L A T I 0 Facilities include holidays, they can begivena "free day" in place of a single- ■ I D 0 E li M _u L I t » ■ -STAMVM r day work slot. Vfi • 1

■ mrmtr MO HOT COM-OMTMU I -«*«'#•"si • Central Heat and A/C coMconof uixunv HiNHHI ^-w££« NOW • Eve 7:15,9:30 Sal & Sun. 2.3:45.530, 7 15,9:30 • Grills • INDOOR POOL WINHER1972 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL Contact Our Rental Agent at JURY PRIZE AWARD 741 HIGH ST. -2-1 AuMricaii ram M fee M Honored I A masterly testament to 352-6248 jlhe art of filmmaking!" Hrs. 10-12. 1-5. 7 11 Eveiydiv but Will JUDITH CRIST Bates and Springer Inc., Managers { New York Magazine NOW, i m from the novol by IE ^pMKK P«N;S»IJ~S UA/ ~*®*c~ CLaSSIFIED ~*®*~

tutor Contact Deb HI IHJ SAEl - fere's to Auld Land 855-3692 after 6pm Syne ■ thanks for helping us CAMPtK CALENDAR URGENT' Need drivers for start off the New Year right 70 VW bug. yello.. I speed Boyne trip, please contact • Gamma Phis new engine, new rear Wednesday Jan 17.1»7S Jim Meyers 354-7706 brakes, stereo tape deck, Buns. beer. Bachelors III good tires Call 3S2JM5 Volleyball practice for all members of the m;sr Wanted 7 inch reel lo reel Chi Os say thanks for i Volleyball Club. 64pm. Men's gym tape recorder phone 2-3347 lanustic tea' Good condition M VW. new tires 1 brakes. KM. 372-5056 Christian Prayer Meeting, s 15pm Prout Chapel PERSONALS FORSALE after 3pm

Bowling Green Ski Club. 6 30pm. 115 Education Bldg Williams Purple Mush SALEATVATAN'S 1066 Opel Kadelt station room Joanne S Williams 20-50'", off everything in wagon best offer 354 5233 Association of Childhood Education. 7pm. Capitol Room. new owner New store Merchandise Irom 21 Union. Project speakers will be present merchandise. 5000 pr different countries Need girls to look lor house, earrings, some S1-S2 904 E Tapestries, wine sets, chess now Call 2-37(0 RtnkRata meeting. 7pm. 112 Hayes Pall Wooster sets, jewelry. Pummel Christmas plates, tea sets, 3 bdrm house in BG 1250 per Student International Meditation Society 7pm. 140 Math FREE printing on tee or etc. mo Ph 354-1472 or 354-9(03 Science. Advanced lecture for those practicing T M jersey shirts at The Den - see our ad in this issue of BG Kline's Used Furniture 101 Apt 1 female. 3 mates 167 50 Jewish Students Eat n' Chat. 7pm. Falcon Nest. Union News Main St Rlsingsun. Ohio mo Lease til June 352 9232 Largest selection of new & Spanish Club. 7pm. 309 Moseley Pall Will show films on ORIGINAL ENGAGE- used furniture at prices you 1 m needed in 4m apt ISO South America MENT RINGS designed for can afford 9 366pm daily per month, first month pd you by PP1LIP MORTON al except Sunday Call 352-6918 Banai Faith Inlo, 7 304 15pm. Prout. South end of main The Working I'and Craft lounge Questions about Bahai Faith encouraged Center 515 Conneaul free 1970 Richardson 12160. 2 M grad needs roommate parking 353-9932 bdrm. , skirting. 5x10 967 mon Call 823-4783 after PER Dance Class. 1pm. Student Services Bldg Square metal bldg. can stay on lot 5 » GIOKi not Ml Mill MONASH FftOOUCIIM dance with the Turkey Trotters Open lo public Euchre Tournament Jan 18. Partially furnished 655-2965 Ohio Suite. Union. 7-10pm I F rmte wanted - no lease, feLAUGHTERHQUSE-piVE Cash prues Sign up UAO For Sale: Complete own room. I mo rent free. office now LOST darkroom everything Call 352-7477 after I Ride needed to Kent Jan needed call Doug afler 1pm. | mtMMl SaCIS SOU UIIMAH VillHIl h««*l t, ,..«U«! VOuJJtGU! J. 19lh. will pay. call 372-1175 Pisanello's pina is like sex 351-6713 Whoever found a yellow Need I female to snare when it's bad. it is sUII good. apartment 2 notebook, an English lest PELP WANTED when Hi good It is terrific' and a brown purse King site waterbed furnished Jan rent fret, complete w frame Call 823- immediate occupancy NOW Eve 7:30,9:30 Sat. & Sun 2,3:40.5:20. 7 30.9:30 containing my personal Administrative secretary Resolutions broken'* We've "^^fc^^—■*»«"«»»»»»rfeaS»»Me»..»rli.^M»^iTjW contents between University 4783 after 5 170, mon Apt 20 CaU 3SJ-7916 Duties dictation, typing and got the proper perspective or 35142a W" ««I-IIMW«« •*\

The procedure lor ment, rapport with students rolled in the classes to -DEPARTMENT of selecting (acuity members and enrichment of instruc- evaluate the instructor. education, college student' for Distinguished Teaching tion through scholarship. It will then select one personnel, health and phy-.;. Awards has been changed to Arnold said nominee from each division steal education, physical.'- allow six rather than three to receive the awards education and recreation, teachers to receive the THE UNIVERSITY Departments in the six home economics, industrial > honor. community will be asked for divisions include education and library and ' The awards were estab- nominations during the first -Political science, educational media in educa- lished lour years ago by the week of spring quarter, history, psychology and tion, Bowling Green Parents Club Arnold said sociology in social sciences. -Quantitative analysis to honor outstanding , The academic affairs -Biology. chemistry, and control, business law.-, teachers at the University- board will then set up a com- physics, math, geology, geo- business education, Club members-parents of mittee with one representa- graphy and computer economics, marketing. . currently enrolled students- tive from each of the six science in natural sciences. finance and insurance. ■ annually donate funds for divisions to review the -Music and art in fine management and the awards nominations arts; journalism in business The committee will study -English, philosophy, Recipients of the awards." SIX DIVISIONS, based on professor-course evalua- romance languages. will be announced at the"- subject area and approxi- tions, make class visits and German-Russian and speech first faculty meeting of the : mate number of teachers, ask students presently en- inhumanities; 1973-74 academic year .• : have been created. Each division will have one award recipient Recipients will each Senate committee oks receive $500 Formerly the three faculty members received $1,000 each. The new divisions are three Nixon nominees social sciences, natural WASHINGTON lAPl - for full public disclosure of newsman he would honor the sciences, fine arts, humani- The Senate Armed Services the financial holdings of request of senators to with- ties, education and business Committee yesterday Richardson and Clements, hold confirmation actions Nomination will be made approved President Nixon's but by voting "present" in for a reasonable time, but he by every department's nominees for top positions in commitlee reserved his did not think such moves honorary or club intelligence and defense right to seek to block Senate would accomplish anything In addition, advertise- Confirmation recom- confirmation as a protest because government ments in The BG News will mendations, without a dis- against the war in Vietnam business still could proceed. give students, faculty and senting vote, were approved staff a chance to nominate for Elliot L. Richardson. FRESHMAN Sen James Senate Republican Leader qualified teachers, said Bill named to be Secretary of E Abourezk iD-S.D I urged Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania Arnold, Student Body Defense; William' Y the Senate to withhold called it "a little petty to Organization (SBOl coordi- Clements Jr., to be deputy approval of all presidential delay the President's nator for academic affairs. secretary of defense, and nominees and to cut off Cabinet." and accused A nominee must have been James R. Schlesinger. to be funds for the White House Democrats of playing a full-time faculty member director of the Central staff in an effort to politics. for at least three years with Intelligence Agency. recapture authority from Sen John C Stennis iD- a minimum of two sections The three nominees still the President Miss I committee chair- taught during the preceding face delay in Senate con- man, made public a letter fall and winter quarters. firmation until after Hughes earlier had asked from Richardson asserting The criteria are effective Inauguration Day. Saturday the Senate Democratic that his assets had been in a Student* practk* wlding aiarcr*** in an industrial •ducolron ciau. performance as a teacher, Sen. Harold E Hughes iD- leader. Mike Mansfield of blind trust since he took Kenny Halm, senior (Ed.), abova, worki with tha cutting torch while teaching techniques, advise- lowal withdrew his demand Montana, to hold up action office as undersecretary of sparks fly in ovary direction. Dan Ucnuro, tonior (Ed.), at right, ttampt on Richardson, Clements state in early 1969 hi» initial* into hit finrthod pro|oct at tha anvil. and Schlesinger. at least Weight room equipment until after Nixon's second- IV said he did not know term inauguration Saturday. the identity and amounts of In his first Senate speech his investments now. and stolen; reward offered Tuesday, Abourezk accused established a blind Nixon of exceeding his irrevocable trust with his More than $100 worth of authority in the Vietnam wife and children as bene-- return them with no ficiaries last month with equipment was allegedly war and impounding money questions asked part of his assets. stolen from the weight room After that Hartman said appropriated by Congress. of the Men's Gym Friday he would offer a $200 reward n|ght for information leading to "The Constitution gives us Richardson said he would One weight bench and two the arrest and conviction of two ultimate weapons, the request his trustees to divest barbells were reported the alleged thieves He said power of the purse and the the trust within 90 days of all missing from the room all Information should be right to advise and consent investments on the Defense Saturday morning. turned into Campus Safety. on appointments." Abourezk Department list of prime Charles Hartman, said. "We must now make contractors and not to re- full use of both..." assistant professor of He said the bench has red invest in any securities on German and Russian, said upholstery and the weights the list until he leaves MANSFIELD told a he is giving the people who are both marked one 90 government service. took the bench and weights a pounds and the other 100 one-week grace period to pounds LOOKING FOR A CAREER? BECOME A MONTESSORI TEACHER Saigon: life is a cabaret, old friend' MONTESSORI CENTER OF MICHIGAN 2490 AIRPORT ROAD DRAYTON PLAINS, MICHIGAN By High Mulligan under the slowly rotating market cigarettes, brass- strates Saigon's wartime came in bleeding from the THE LONG BAR against 48020 AP Special Correspondent fans ware fashioned from 105- upward mobility from shoe- the wall under the old arm and pointed out a thin, Wizened old waiters in howitzer shells. shine boy to newspaper wooden fighter plane jaundiced-looking French- 313/673-0007 SAIGON (AP) - 'The their high-collar white duck The balloon boy goes by, peddler to pimp about town. propeller is by garish man as her assailant in an SUMMER STUDY, GRADUATE AND picturesque bar colonial uniforms still move then the girl with the tray of Several nights a week an custom reserved for alleged fight over boudoir UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS, where Somerset Maugham among the bamboo tables as pineapples on her head and alcoholic Vietnamese transvestites in tight pants fees. sipped his gin at sundown if nothing had changed since the old man selling masks. general, who legend says the and silk shirts cut to the COLLEGE CREDITS and Graham Greene took the days when French Bedraggled tots still in war long ago drove around navel, and the tables in the HE TRIED to escape WRITE FOR BROCHURE notes for "the Quiet officers talked optimistic diapers, and some who have the bend, shows up to make corner seem set aside for a through the , but American'' has become the strategy never worn same, push little a fiery speech from a table half-dozen deaf mute prosti- a wall of lady linebackers APPROVED AND AFFILIATED BY noisiest and most noisome Now the waiter's bow goes packets of peanuts wrapped top or to sing sad songs tutes who gesticulate wildly closed in and had him AMERICAN MONTESSORI SOCIETY freak gallery in Saigon to wayout hippies in bra-less in a twist of newspaper, and interspersed with his own and obscenely at would-be trapped before the wailing At nightfall the terrace of T-shirts, hot pants and false necklaces of freshly cut weeping hysteria or to take clients MP jeep arrived. the Continental Palace eyelashes, of whose sex they jasmine "for the girl off his clothes and shout Life is a cabaret, old The round Chinese head- Hotel, situated on Lam Son cannot always be certain friend.'' as they noisily pro- anti-American slogans friend, so drink away the waiter, popping a bottle of Square just across from the Alors. Saigon's most claim. before the green and white impending doom. Vietnamese beer that reeks UAO. Campus Flicks National Assembly building, famous bar. has become an A beggar woman with a national police jeep arrives. No day can be called of formaldehyde, saw becomes a collecting point outdoor market selling baby at her breast, a dif- Lately he has been seen in typical, but Saturday a dark- nothing, as befits a man who for assorted prostitutes, everything from today's ferent one each week, shouts two new poses carrying a skinned Cambodian girl has seen everything 1-19 1-20 transvestites. lesbians, newspapers to yesterday's oaths at the ungenerous three-foot lotus tree, the Fri. Sat homosexuals, pimps, newly minted antiques and symbol of peace, and beggars and bums in and out tonight's call girl. THE TOUGH-TALKING darting among the tables of uniform-left over from teen-aged cowboy selling his with his face blackened, all stages of the war. going WAVE AFTER unbeliev- sister on the motorbike aiming an imaginary gun as Billy Jack* 7:00 7.00 all the way back to the days able wave of hawkers parked outside demon- a self-assigned night fighter. of the French ventures from table to table PETER YARROW peddling silk-screen HABITUES call it the drawings, paperback books, Catch-22 9:30 9:30 Continental Shelf.'' because dirty pictures, model sail- DOMINOS of the strange stratum of boats and Chinese junks subhuman existence that fashioned from tortoise formerly of the University Hall - Main Aud. attaches itself to the shell, lacquer paintings, 352-5221 * '1.00 with I.D. • other Free!! venerable rattan chairs musical instruments, black Peter, Paul and Mary folk trio HAVEN HOUSE MANOR APTS. TO ALL OUR Lecture - Concert FREEPORT 1515E.WOOSTER GAMMA PHI SISTERS: Jan. 70 to Jan. 73 8 p.m. Friday, January 19 FLING- Thanks for three unforgettable NEW BUILDING COMPLETED Croy Physical Education Center years! GO To BAHAMA! 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS - COMPLETELY FURNISHED FINDLAY COLLEGE Denman Mears MARCH 17-27 COST: *50 DEPOSIT Kaufman Schoeni WHEN SIGNING UP MODEL SUITE Tickets are available at the college Macklin Tarps IN UAO. OFFICE CALL Student Activities Office or at the door. ANY BGSU STUDENT NOW $ FACULTY OR STAFF 352-7444 LEASING 2.00 ea. Mother Moon 10/TheBO Ntwi, Wttmmlmf, January 17, I97J Olympian Mike Bantom here tonight Falcons seek fourth straight win

By K euy White Bullington hurry his blocked a record 12 shots Jim O'Brien and IT' Mike Sports Editor desperation jumper with against LaSalle University. Moody. two seconds left in the The team's

: IT WAS bad enough Wissman was trying to make himself known while on the third team Bui he had also just undergone corrective surgery on a badly burned right hand. an injury suffered in a grease fire accident on New Year's Vivian ushers youth movement Eve, 1971 By Fred R Ortlip By the second week of practice Wissman was just coming Wholesale changes goals, but maybe not every- Bartley. Dobek and Ball Naturally. Vivian's goal Realistically. My goal around from surgery But then he suffered a badly sprained Sports Editor include. thing else-like hustle and collectively totaled 37 goals. now is to win the final 15 now is a winning season." he ankle while attempting a jump shot in a scrimmage Moving leading scorer spark from the rest of the 34 assists for 71 points games to put the Falcons al said "We've never had a Wissman had to swallow all of his bad breaks and just Sunday's 4-3 loss to SI Mike Bartley to center with team." Vivian said through last weekend. 20-15 losing season " .Wait for the right opportunity to show the coaching staff he Louis marked some sort of Paul Hughes and Bob Wat- could produce in the BG lineup milestone (or the Bowling son; Bob Dobek centering a iiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniHmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii limillllllllmillllllllllllllimmillllllllUHHIMIW With the rapid development of Dick Selgo i now out for the Green hockey team. line with Steve Ball and 'Post-game thoughts* year with an injury I it seemed the only way Wissman would Jack Vivian had six Rick Costello; and John Ste- ever see varsity action would bo through an accident rookies playing on his first wart centering a line with hindering the bazooka shooting Selgo three lines-something the Rich Nagai and Bruce Wood- . It didn't take long lor the tables to turn for the junior Falcon coach hasn't done in house. guard at least three seasons Cagers look sluggish . It all started when teams overpowered the BG back court, The Irend will continue Junior Gerry Bradbury comprised ol Selgo and slick Jeff Montgomery, both 6-foot. when Bowling Green hosts has been relegated to fourth By Jack O'Breia center Skip Howard "There should have been more fouls • The modern day Irend for college guards is lor the player Ohio University this week- line duly where he'll center Assistant Sports Editor called." \o he over 6'3" and muscular so he can mismatch his end for a pair of Central Col- a line with senior Pete "There was too much pushing. They i the refsl should smaller opponents as well compete on the same level as the legiate Hockey Association Badour and junior Ron Wise "We were lucky to gel out of thai one. Thais for sure." have cleaned it up under the boards more.'' giants who now rule the game clashes at the Ice Arena. Wise might fill Hughes' spot said Bowling Green's Brian Scanlan after the two-point Haley, assessed a technical foul for his comments to one ' With 15 games left, the if Hughes ta right handed victory over Ball Stale Monday of the referees as they left Ihe floor at intermission, had a - BG FOUND some advantages to playing two small guards emphasis now is on youth.'' shot I has difficulty handling The Ball Stale contest was quite a contrast from the 27- different opinion of the referees' job. but il was just a matter ol time belore it would be Vivian said "We've got to the left wing post point winning margin the Falcons rolled up against Western confronted with a mismatch at the guard spot "1 liked it." Haley said. I thought they (the refsl did a see what they can do. eval- Michigan Saturday. great job." . At the Central Michigan game last month Wissman uate what they can do and Vivian also intends to look After two straight triumphs at home, the Falcons road One bright spot for the Falcons at Muncie was the grabbed a hold onto the precious real estate in the BG give them experience at freshman defenseman show wasn't impressive, but nonetheless good enough lo performance of Scanlan. a 6'6" junior forward. He scored 21 starting line-up. There could be some Keith Butts, who has been stretch their winning streak to three in a row. points to up his season scoring average to 10.7 points per 'f f.'e has started in every game since then unhappiness." he continued. hampered all season with a contest, thus becoming the fourth BG player averaging in - Wissman has been one of the most consistent performers "However, at this point if broken leg. Other back- BG LOOKED SLOPPY and Us inside game was not double figures. in the learns daily practices Baity said he is a quiet leader things were going well and if guard pairings are being apparent in the first half against the Cardinals The players and a super competitor the vets were producing like shuffled this week in prac- lacked movement and. as a team, the Falcons were out- CURREMTLY SCANLAN is hitting 54.5 per cent of his f.'e has spent lime in the court wars around the league, so they should, we wouldn't be tice rebounded 20-19 by a smaller Cardinal squad in the first half he adds experience lo the youthful Falcon squad attempts from the field for Ihe season and 64 per cent during in this predicament." In the final rebounding totals. BG held a 53-51 learn BG's three-game win streak. When he relieved Selgo of his starting job. it wasn't Bowling Green, which has We'll still have six advantage because Selgo couldn't do the job it was because BG needed Cornelius Cash is the Falcons' hottest shooter from the lost nine of its last 10 games, rookies up front but they'll A total of 20 fouls were called in Ihe wild second half. 16 of field during the current victory surge. He is hitting 66 7 per * big guard who could run the offense, play defense and is 5-15 on the season--0-6 in be paired with vets i except them on Ball State players. cent of his attempts from Ihe floor. score points the CCHA for the freshman line of Ste- Three technicals were assessed in the contest, one each Attending Monday nights Ball SUte contest was wart - Nagai - Woodhousei." against BG guard Jeff Montgomery and coach Pat Haley University President Hollis Moore One reason for his PROBABLY the ectasy of Wissman s comeback was his Vivian's youth movement Vivian said "We need some- and one against the Ball State bench performance in Ihe Maryland Invitational Tournament attendance may have had something to do with Ball State was further accented when thing lo spark us " The Falcons benefited from the foul situation as they seeking entry into the Mid-American Conference. In the holiday loumey Wissman scored 29 points-10 points senior Gord McCosh, the Vivian pointed out that the attempted 32 free throws and made 20. compared to 8 of 11 against Syracuse and a career high 19 markers against team's second leading old Bartley-Dobek-Ball line for the Cardinals The MAC presidents will meet in February and one Georgia Tech f.'e finished eighth among the top scorers and scorer, badly bruised his is way ahead of the scoring The action got so rough that with 9:58 remaining in the probable topic under discussion could be Ihe expansion of was named to the all-tournament second team knee against the Billikens pace set by Bartley -Watson contest the referees called a meeting of the players on the Ihe MAC to 10 members Wissman has taken the dangling strings of leadership and Sunday McCosh is definitely Wise when that trio racked floor at midcourt This followed the technical whistled on Northern Illinois and Ball State have reportedly been has skillfully distributed his competitive spirit throughout out this weekend and up 63 goals, 63 assists last the Ball State Bench with BG leading 55 52 seeking membership in the conference for a number of .the team. possibly longer. This is the season. But he added thai "Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit." chanted the fans in reaction years. If the league does expand to 10 schools, they will S The effort and determination Wissman has displayed this third straight season something is lacking. to the technical call. probably be the next two entries. year, indicates it will be players like him, bent on success, McCosh has been plagued by "They (Bartley-Dobek The logical reason for the move would be to stretch the who will put the Falcons back on the winning trail. injuries. Ball) have been getting the "THERE WAS A lot of pushing underneath." said Falcon conference into other states besides Ohio and Michigan.