Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-17-1973 The BG News January 17, 1973 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 17, 1973" (1973). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2796. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2796 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Editor's Sou The MlowlBg Is Ike lint hi ■ school classes while only 26 per cent of the may have needed to submit a seventh winter or spring quarters, without summer three-part series oa Ualvenity admissiee l ,575 men were in the top 20 per cent semester transcript to be considered for quarter attendance policies. Part Two wUI he pratted admission, but only if housing facilities By Nov. 10.1971. nearly 4.000applications ton WHAT CRITERIA were previously used were available. were received from women By July 31, Admissions- in determining admission to the 1972 more than 3,500 applications were By JoaaGestl University? A STUDENT not accepted to the main received from men. Copy Editor An Ohio applicant presenting an campus for the fall quarter had three John Martin, director of admissions, said academic record predicting college options: traditionally, men are slower to apply. when sex was Until a week ago. the tiny check below success-high class rank, accumulative -Fall admission to a University "Girls are usually more alert to "Mr . Miss or Mrs." on the University's grade point average, and standardized test academic center at the Fostoria. Fremont educational opportunities They seem to application lor admission form was a results-was considered on the basis of his or Firelands campus. apply earlier and are more sure of what principal factor in determining admittance high school record for six semesters. -A collegiate program beginning schools they want." he said a determinant For women, cut-off dates for applications If accepted, the student was tentatively summer quarter following high school traditionally fell within the latter part of admitted to the University pending graduation, and if successful, continuation HE SAID THIS meant that while October or the beginning of November, graduation from high school If the the following winter quarter available spaces for women rapidly filled while admissions for men remained open admission credentials thigh school -Attendance at another college or up because of an overflow of applications, much later in the academic year. transcript, ACT test results I were university and then transfering to BGSU if available spaces for men were filled Of this year's freshman class of 3.225 complete, notification was mailed to the the student meets transfer requirements gradually students, 63 per cent of the 1.650 women student before Jan. 1. If the students requests it. he may begin a • To Goal »ai 50-50 clan ratio,' poo* were in the top 20 per cent of their high A student not meeting this requirement collegiate program here the following throe. An Bowling Groon, Ohio Independent Wednesday, January 17, 1973 Student Volume 56/Number 55 Voice me BG news S. Viet sources contend cease-fire to begin Friday SAIGON (AP) - President Nixon The reports emanated from sources latest draft agreement before the their six days of intensive talks in plans to declare a unilateral Vietnam with access to discussions by Thieu Paris peace negotiators. Paris last week. cease-fire to start on the eve of his and other high South Vietnamese offi- The U.S. Embassy indicated further inauguration and Saigon has no choice cials on the latest draft agreement meetings between Haig and Thieu and SOME SOUTH VIETNAMESE but to go along. South Vietnamese One senior U.S. official said it was said Haig's schedule was "open- government sources predicted a final sources reported yesterday. possible they were deliberately leaked ended." agreement would be signed in Paris by "Trust me." Nixon was reported to by Saigon because of its objections to This was taken to mean Haig hoped the end of the month Optimistic have said in a personal message to some conditions it feels Nixon is to gel final agreement from Thieu reports also came out of the North President Nguyen Van Thieu of South imposing on Thieu before returning to Washington, thus Vietnamese capital of Hanoi Vietnam. Nixon's reported plans for a uni- laying the groundwork for Kissinger to The sources said that barring a last- lateral cease-fire in the South would return to Paris to okay the agreement See related story, page three minute hitch Nixon intends to order the run parallel to a bombing halt he withTho. Indefinite cease-fire effective at 11 ordered into effect across North Viet- Other sources said the South Viet- p.m. Friday Saigon time. That is 10 nam on Monday night because of pro- namese president has ordered key The Florida White House said Kis- a.m. Friday EST gress in negotiations with l.'anoi and as military aides to Paris to join technical singer will not return to the Pans The President will be inaugurated an apparent signal to Thieu that he now negotiators working on details of the peace talks before next week, and per- for a second term Saturday. considers a settlement likely. propective agreement haps not then. There were other indications that a The latest developments gave new Press Secretary Ronald L Ziegler THE CEASE-FIRE WOULD be cease-fire and a settlement were near momentum to peace hopes and pro- told newsmen Nixon will make no designed to convince the North Viet- despite lark of an official confirma- duced reports than an agreement to statement to the nation or Congress namese to release American prisoners tion. end the war already has been reached. this week on the Vietnam negotiations of war and take the final steps toward These reports interpreted Nixon's But Ziegler left open the possibility sealing the peace agreement under NIXON'S EMISSARY, Gen actions as an indication that Kissinger that Nixon might say something about negotiation by Hoary A. Kissing or and Aiaaander M. Haig Jr., conferred for and Hanoi negotiator l.c Hue Tho Vietnam in his televised inaugural Hanoi's representatives, the sources two and a half hours with Thieu on the reached a basic agreement during address Said The sources did not indicate how the unilateral cease-fire could be enforced Awaiting court action or what the chances were for a positive response from North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops. But South Vietnamese and American forces presumably could continue defensive operations and would be Tenant cases pending authorized to open fire if threatened For the longer term Nixon was By Deaaii Seeds The clause relieves the original VALENTINE claimed the violation reported to have advised the South Staff Reporter lessee of responsibility. Bunn said a of the lease gave him the right to Vietnamese president that an interna- judge will have to decide if the clause withhold all of the deposits, including tional agreement had been reached to Decisions involving two complaints shifts the responsibility to the the amount already refunded, which he guarantee against further hostilities by against Douglas Valentine for sublessees. could obtain through court action. North Vietnam once the peace accord allegedly withholding security deposits Valentine also pointed out that Although Valentine said the fourth is signed are still pending with one awaiting having a fourth woman live at the person violation gives him the right to The Florida White House in Key court ruling and the other awaiting apartment during the second term of keep all the deposit money, he said he Biscayne said it would have no com- court filing. summer school violated the leases is not interested in pursuing this ment on what the South Vietnamese Nowaohoto by Mortta J. Unset In the first case. Mike Killian. since they were drawn up for only action sources said. senior (B.A.I, and Brad Reitz. senior three persons At present. Bunn said, he is deciding For a while, snow clung to bark and bronchos before drifting (A&S i. appeared in small claims court Diane Bitto. senior I Ed.. A&Si. also whether to file suit and risk losing IN SAIGON, there was no official away or getting caught in winter gusts that barrel Dec. 18 with Valentine, owner of Ruth resided at the apartment during the additional money or to settle the comment from the Presidential Ann apartments, 603 7th St. second term grievances in another manner throughout campus. Palace, the U.S. Embassy or the US Municipal Judge H. Richard IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIMIMIIIinUIIIIUMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllllllHMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll Military Command. Dunipace has taken the case under advisement and has yet to rule. A court spokesman said there is no time limit in which a judge must deliver a If landlords suffer, \ Students challenge fees decision. KILLIAN SAID the case includes two issues 'tenants do, too' I -Deductions for light bulbs, a door lock, refrigerator parts, cleaning and 1 electric range repair, which the two What is it like for a landlord to rent to more than 1.200 tenants' for out-of-state residents What can he expect from them? students contest; -Alleged failure of the landlord to Local landlord Douglas Valentine said about 97 per cent of his The University bursar has received against the Board of Regents declaring she is financially independent." tenants are good tenants, who follow the provisions of their leases However.
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