Chimo The Newsjournal of the Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature & Language Studies Number 61 Spring 2011 Chimo Spring 2011 Chimo (Chee’mo) greetings *Inuit+ Editor: Susan Gingell Book Reviews Editor: Margery Fee Chimo is published twice yearly by the Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies. Please address editorial and business correspondence to Susan Gingell, Editor, Chimo, Department of English, University of Saskatchewan, 9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5A5 or
[email protected]. Please address correspondence related to reviews to Margery Fee, Reviews Editor, Chimo, Department of English, University of British Columbia, #397-1873 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1 or
[email protected]. The Editors appreciate receiving all extended submissions in electronic form (Microsoft Word, if possible). The Editors reserve the right to amend phrasing and punctuation in items accepted for publication in Chimo. Please address membership correspondence to Kristina Fagan, Secretary-Treasurer, CACLALS, Department of English, University of Saskatchewan, 9 Campus Drive, Saskatoon, SK, Canada S7N 5A5 or
[email protected] On the cover: Three Birds, 2003, ink on paper, by Damon Badger Heit. Badger Heit holds a BA in Indian Art and English from the First Nations University of Canada, is a member of the Mistawasis First Nation, and resides in Regina. His art-making is education-based, and he has worked as an art instructor for youth programs in schools through organizations like the MacKenzie Art Gallery and Common Weal Inc., producing a number of public art works with youth at Regina's Connaught and Thompson Community Schools. Damon currently works as the Coordinator of First Nations and Métis Initiatives at SaskCulture Inc., a non-profit volunteer- driven organization that supports cultural activity throughout the province.