A LIFE UNDER THREE FLAGS By Peter Liang Tek Sun ii Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History At the University of Western Sydney, March, 2008 I thank my Heavenly Father in Jesus Christ very much for this great opportunity to study for the Ph.D. degree with the University of Western Sydney; and for His blessing to me that I may remain alive during the dysentery epidemic, the Second World War and during the dangerous accidents which have happened to me. I had to take a break from finishing this thesis between year 2000 and 2003 because of a heart attack after having some hard times in the Indonesian Presbyterian Church, Randwick, Sydney. Praise the Lord that I now have the strength and courage to finish it as I had hoped before. I am grateful to Elizabeth T.H. Tan, Winny, Abrams, Adela, Alvin, Caroline and Amanda for their support. May God bless them forever. iii To the memory of my beloved late parents: Father SUN SENG TJAY Mother KWA ROSE NIO Who have taken good care of me with love and sacrifice, Especially when I was suffering from Dysentery, Typhus and Eye disease. iv To my loving wife Elizabeth T.H.Tan, and my devoted sons and daughters : Abrams H. Dj. Sun Liana H.L. Sun Lucia H.L. Sun Winny H.B. Sun Loeki H.K. Sun Leo H.L. Sun Benjamin H.Tj. Sun Who all have given me moral support and are eagerly awaiting the result of my thesis. v A LIFE UNDER THREE FLAGS Contents Growing up in the Dutch East Indies, 1919-1942 11 Experiencing War and Japanese Occupation, 1942-1945 83 Making a Life in a Time of Revolution, 1945-1949 131 Turbulent National Politics and Personal Business 176 during the Sukarno Era, 1950-1966 Conclusion 243 Abbreviations 246 Bibliography 250 vi BIOGRAPHICAL SUMMARY The author was born on 2 October 1919, in Cilimus, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia.
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