Catalog of technical options for Solid Management in Bangladesh The Authors: Ayan Majumder - Consultant, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Andreas Ulrich - Researcher: Waste/Sanitation Management, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Avinandan Taron - Researcher - Investment and Institutional Analyst for RRR business development

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank TA Hub South Asia and the DevCon team, in particular, for their support during the preparation of this catalog. The authors are grateful to Dr. Pay Drechsel ((Senior Fellow/Advisor - Research Quality Assurance, IWMI) for his invaluable guidance.

Suggested citation: Majumder, A.; Ulrich, A.; Taron, A. 2020. Catalog of technical opons for solid waste management in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Internaonal Water Management Instute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 115 p.

Copyright © 2020, CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), Internaonal Water Management Instute (IWMI). Fair use: Unless otherwise noted, you are free to copy, duplicate or reproduce, and distribute, display, or transmit any part of this report or porons thereof without permission, and to make translaons, adaptaons, or other derivave works under the following condions: ATTRIBUTION: The work must be referenced according to internaonal citaon standards, while aribuon in no way suggest endorsement by WLE, IWMI or the author(s).

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SHARE ALIKE: If this work is altered, transformed or built upon, the resulng work must be distributed only under the same or similar license to this one.

Disclaimer: This catalog is based on a review of technical options and personal experiences of team members in implementing different projects. The catalog is not a comprehensive compendium and there could be other technical options that are not presented in the catalog. A feasibility assessment of the technical options presented in the catalog must be carried out before they are considered for implementation in different cities in Bangladesh. The information in this catalog was compiled by the authors and IWMI's Publication Unit was not involved in the production of the catalog. Therefore, any errors are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Photo credits: The photographs/visualizaons used in the catalog are mostly sourced from different manuals, guidelines, compendiums and webpages available in the public domain. All other photographs were taken by Ayan Majumder while working in different projects and from field visits. All technical drawings were prepared by Ayan Majumder. Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


1. Introducon and overview 1 6.2 Medical waste treatment facility 48 1.1 The SWM service chain 3 6.3 Overview of C&D waste treatment 51 1.2 Regulatory framework related to SWM 4 6.4 Sanitary landfill 54 1.3 Current status of SWM in Bangladesh 8 7. Resource recovery 56 1.4 Waste generators profile 10 7.1 Decentralized biomethanaon plant for bulk generator 58 2. Management at Household level 11 7.2 Decentralized organic waste converter for community 60 2.1 Types of waste 13 7.3 Centralized composng facility 62 2.2 Waste quanficaon and projecon 14 7.4 Plasma Gasification 66 2.3 Sampling and characterizaon 15 7.5 Overview of RDF treatment 70 2.4 Waste segregaon at source 16 7.6 Centralized material recovery facility for dry waste 72 2.5 Storage of waste 17 7.7 Plasc to fuel technology 74 3. Involving stakeholders for implementaon 18 7.8 Resource Recovery at disposal site 76 3.1 Implementaon mechanism & public parcipaon 20 Annexure – Selected detailed technical designs 80 3.2 Informal recycling sector 25 A1 Technical design detail of transfer staons 81 4. Collecon 26 4.1 Door to door collecon 28 A2 Technical design detail of centralized innovave zero waste 4.2 Primary collecon framework 29 treatment facility 91 5. Transportaon 30 A3 Technical design detail of centralized medical waste treatment facility 93 5.1 Transfer staon 32 A4 Technical design of controlled landfill 95 5.2 Secondary collecon & transportaon 39 A5 Technical design detail of decentralized biomethanaon plant 99 5.3 Street sweeping 41 5.4 IT enabled monitoring 42 A6 Technical design detail of decentralized organic waste converter 101 6. Treatment & Disposal 43 A7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste 103 6.1 Innovave and modern zero waste treatment 45 A8 Technical design of resource recovery at disposal site 107 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Acronyms & Abbreviaons

APC Air Pollutant Control HIG High income group Nm³ Normal cube meter AWC Automac waste converter HP Horse power O&M Operaon & maintenance BOT Build own transfer IEC Informaon, educaon and communicaon PCC Plain cement concrete C&D Construcon & demolion IT Informaon technology PPEs Personal protecon equipment C/N Carbon nitrogen KMPH Kilometer per hour PPP Private Public Partnership CC Compleon cerficate kWh Kilowa hour PRSP Poverty Reducon Strategy Paper CDM Clean development mechanism LCV Low capacity vehicle PWM Plasc waste management CH₄ Methane LDPE Low-density polyethylene RCC Reinforced cement concrete Co₂ Carbon di oxide LIG Low income group RDF Refuse derived fuel LPG Liquefied petroleum gas DBOT Design Build own transfer RFP Request for proposal MIG Middle income group DG Diesel Generator SAARC South Asian Associaon for Regional MOA Ministry of Agriculture Cooperaon DPR Detailed Project Report MOEF Ministry of Environment & Forest SEMP Sustainable Environmental Management ECR Environmental Conservaon Rules Programme MRF Material recovery facility EHS Environment, health and safety SLF Sanitary Landfill MS Mild steel EMS Environmental management system SQFT Square feet MSW EPC Engineering procurement construcon MT Metric ton SQM Square meter E Waste Electronic waste NEMAP Naonal Environmental Management SWM Solid Waste Management GOB Government of Bangladesh Acon Plan TPD Tons per day HDPE High-density polyethylene NGO Non Government Organizaon ULB Urban local bodies Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


he catalog of technical opons for managing verified in technical sessions aended by IWMI and Municipal Solid Waste has been produced by DevCon looking at the raonale for selecng Tthe Internaonal Water Management Instute parcular technical opons, including their (IWMI) for the Technical Assistance Hub for South advantages and disadvantages, and suitability in Asia (TA-Hub SA) located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. TA-Hub the context of Bangladesh. As requested by TA-Hub SA is managed by Development Consultants (DevCon) SA, detailed technical designs used to illustrate and supported through the Bill & Melinda Gates specific technical opons within the SWM value Foundaon. One of the tasks of TA-Hub SA is to chains and discussed during the technical sessions support the Department of Public Health Engineering have been included as annexures in this catalog. (DPHE) on behalf of the Government of Bangladesh These technical design scan be considered by in acvies related to the planning and implementaon relevant individual praconers, and consulng of Solid Waste Management (SWM) projects in over agencies, in Bangladesh for implementaon in the 60 cies of the country. In order to support informed future. decision-making among related public stakeholders, The SWM technical catalog prepared by IWMI team TA-Hub SA requested the producon of two catalogs focuses on waste segregaon as a requirement and of selected technical opons for solid waste explores opons for treatment, disposal and management (SWM) and fecal sludge management resource recovery. IWMI looks forward to providing (FSM) value chains currently implemented mainly in assistance to TA-Hub SA as required during on-site South and Southeast Asia region. assessments and preparaon of feasibility studies This catalog is a compilaon of technical opons for for the implementaon of urban SWM projects in SWM value chains, based on brief descripons, Bangladesh once Covid-19-related travel photographs and illustraons. The opons were restricons have been lied. Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Methodology in selecng the Technical opons Overview of the Catalog

• Review of SWM projects & programs in Bangladesh • Structured but compact overview of technical opons that are currently implemented within SWM programs in South- and South • Review of different publicaons on SWM technical opons along the East Asia service chain keeping source segregaon as an important parameter and targeng treatment and resource recovery within the SWM • Systemac, short and well visualized presentaons of current planning. technical SWM opons including summarized consideraons about planning, implementaon, operaon and maintenance. • The review was further narrowed to technical opons that are currently implemented within SWM programs in South- and South • Inclusion of selected, small-scale wastewater treatment opons East Asia under the category of containment. • Discussions with TA-Hub and government partners on SWM technical • Descripon and rapid assessment of main performance indicators of opons in South and South-East Asian context which can be technical SWM opons presented. customized to Bangladesh • Descripon of prefabricated containment and treatment opons. • Interacve and demand-based selecon of technical opons which • Demand-based provision of detailed technical designs of selected can be implemented for different towns in Bangladesh treatment opons. • The implementaon of the technical opons at city level is subjected to proper assessment and feasibility studies, availability of funds and decision by the urban local bodies (ULBs). Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Introducon and overview

1 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


In order to develop a framework of a robust municipal solid waste management plan, it is important to understand the exisng condion of waste generaon and management within a city or town. Along with this an overall appreciaon of country specific naonal guidelines, strategies, legislaons and policies are required while formulang SWM improvement plans. Therefore, the first chapter of the catalog gives an overview about the SWM service chain and informs about the current regulatory framework for solid waste management in Bangladesh. Further, it provides a list of country specific guidelines as well as important policies. The chapter briefly outlines the current situaon in the towns of Bangladesh, informs about opons required to meet the sustainable development goals and technical components needed for an efficient management system.

2 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.1: The SWM service chain

Primary Collecon Secondary Collecon and Transfer Staon and Disposal Site and Transportaon Transportaon Processing Site

Door to door Transport to • Sorng Windrow collecon bins from • Compacon composng through where waste or vermicom- hand cart or is lied and posng tricyle with 6 transfer or 8 plasc staon or Biodegradable waste Biogas or metal bins Primary processing Residue Directly facility from segregated through (compactor, processing waste small hook loader, plant (not to collecon at covered dumper exceed 15% doorstep mechanised Waste placer, skip of waste vehicles collecon loader, mini delivered at having bins (for truck Transfer processing paron for segregated mounted) staon (if facility) and collecon of the further to bio-de- distance is organic and gradable and Waste is be reduced more than to less than inorganic non- directly 15km) waste degradable transferred 5% within waste; plasc to a the secondary Non-biodegradable spulated or metal waste bins) collecon me frame. vehicle Inert waste (compactor, • Material Recyclable to be dumper recovery market disposed at placer, skip • Compacon RDF landfill. loader, mini truck Waste to mounted) energy

Source: ASSOCHAM & PwC, 2017

3 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.2: Regulatory framework related to SWM

Date Title Policy 2006 Dra Naonal Urban Policy • CDM and Recycling has been emphasized in this policy 2008 Naonal Renewable Energy Policy This policy is promong producon of bio-gas and other green energy from waste and also providing incenves such CDM to promote green energy projects. 1999 Naonal Agriculture Policy According to this policy the government will promote use / organic ferlizer amongst the farmers to improve the soil producvity and food security 2005 Naonal Industrial Policy This policy is recommended use of EMS and Cleaner Producon pracces amongst the industries 1998 Naonal Policy for Water Supply and Sanitaon • According to this policy the government shall take measures for recycling of waste as much as possible and use organic waste materials for compost and bio-gas producon. 1998 Urban Management Policy Statement Recommend the municipalies for privazaon of services as well as giving priority to facilies for slum dwellers including provisions of water supply, sanitaon and solid waste disposal. ACT 2006 Ferlizer Act Under this act compost has been promoted and standard of compost has been set by the government on 2008. 1995 Bangladesh Environmental conservaon Act (ECA) Recommends standards for disposal of different types of waste.

4 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.2: Regulatory framework related to SWM

Date Title Rules 2008 Biomedical Waste Management Rules This rule recommends source separaon of hospital waste as well as separate collecon, transportaon and treatment and disposal of all kinds of hospital and clinical waste. 2006 Lead Acid Baery Recycling and Management Rules Under this rules collecon and recycling has been improved. 2005/ Dra Naonal Solid Waste Management Handling Rule 2010 3R principle has been used. 1997 Bangladesh Environmental Conservaon Rules (ECR) Recommends waste disposal standards for mainly industrial . Strategy 2005 Naonal CDM Strategy This strategy is promong pro-poor CDM projects on waste sector by harnessing carbon financing. 2005 Poverty Reducon Strategy Paper (PRSP) Here EMS has been promoted. To improve the solid waste management situaon, special focus is given to segregaon of waste at source along with the promoon of recycle, reduce and reuse of industrial and other solid waste etc. 2005 Naonal Sanitaon Strategy Its goal is to achieve 100% sanitaon coverage by 2010. Here emphasis on resource recovery and recycling has been given as top priority to improve urban sanitaon situaon instead of disposal. 2014 Naonal Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitaon The strategy menons about judicious management of solid waste (Strategy 6). Together with technical soluons, it is essenal to promote awareness of the value of waste as a resource and promote reuse and recycling.

5 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.2: Regulatory framework related to SWM

Date Title Acon Plan 2005 Dhaka Environment Management Plan Waste recycling has been promoted, less land filling encouraged, EMS promoted among industries. 2005 Solid Waste Management Acon Plan for Eight Secondary Towns in Bangladesh Under the Secondary Towns Integrated Flood Protecon (Phase-2) Project of Local Government Engineering Department, GoB. This acon plan is based on 4 R principle i.e. reduce, reuse, recycle and recover of the waste. 1995 Naonal Environmental Management Acon Plan (NEMAP) This is a plan of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) in consultaon with people from all walks of life. 3R is being promoted under the Sustainable Environment Management Programme (SEMP) of NEMAP. Other 1995 Circular to Promote Compost by the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), on 23 April 2008 Ministry of Agriculture issued a circular to promote use of compost amongst the farmers to reduce the burden on the. 2004 Private Sector Infrastructure Guideline This guideline of the GOB has recommended private sector investment in waste management sector which includes all types of waste. It has also idenfied waste sector as of the priority sector for private investment. 2005 Private Sector Housing Development Guideline This guideline recommended to space in new housing areas for waste recycling specially composng and bio-gas generaon. 2004 Dhaka Declaraon on Waste Management by SAARC countries during 10 – 12 October 2004 SAARC countries agree to encourage NGOs and private companies to establish community based composng, segregaon of waste at source, separate collecon and resource recovery from wastes with parcular focus on composng.

6 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.2: Regulatory framework related to SWM

Overview of Solid Waste Management Rule 2018

• Source segregaon • Storage with cover at the source of generaon • Storage of waste by the bulk generators at their own premises before processing • Decentralized organic waste treatment by the bulk generators • Recycling of packaging materials • No disposal of waste to the drains • Transportaon in a closed vehicle • Creaon of awareness • Disposal of treated waste in sanitary landfill • Environmental monitoring of the landfill site • Environmental management plan around the sanitary landfill • Recovery of energy • Compliance of standard of emission, compost quality • Standard for incineraon • Guideline on domesc hazardous waste.

7 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.3: Current status of SWM in Bangladesh

Issues Opportunies Waste generaon – Very limited segregaon at source • 100% Door to Door collecon and Source Segregaon Waste collecon – Geng mixed aer generaon • Efficient collecon and safe transportaon of wastes generated in – No 100% collecon, waste lying on road the cies – Insufficient numbers of collecon point – Poor maintenance of the collecon points • Opportunies for decentralized treatment system Waste transportaon – Inadequacy of proper vehicles, open • 100% treatment and scienfic disposal facility & cost recovery truck • Resource and energy recovery – No tool (weighbridge) for quanficaon – No segregated transportaon mechanism • Beer awareness among the stakeholders, and community mobilizaon/ parcipaon Waste storage & treatment – Open storage, no processing, or recovery • Capacity Enhancement and Opmizaon of the human resources in Waste disposal – Unscienfic & uncontrolled disposal SWM – Absence of any engineered landfill, sites – Contaminaon of groundwater & soil • Strengthen the exisng bye-laws for beer regulaon and user – potenal risk - hazardous, biomedical items charges

Overall waste handling – Mostly manual handling, less manpower • Encourage PPP in developing integrated treatment and treatment – No PPEs, no monitoring/ tracking on Regional approach.

8 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.3: Current status of SWM in Bangladesh

Sustainable Goals Key Indicators

Most Preferred • Household coverage Waste minimizaon and sustainable use/ mul use • Waste collecon efficiency At Source Reducon & Reuse of products [e.g. reuse of carry bags/ packaging jars] • Segregaon Processing non-biodegradable waste to recover • MSW recovery Recycling commercially valuable materials [e.g. plasc, paper, metal, glass and e-waste recycling] • Scienfic disposal

Processing organic waste to recover compost [e.g. • Cost recovery Composng windrow composng, in-vessel composng and vermicomposn] • Efficiency of user charge collecon

Recovering energy before final disposal of waste • Compliant redressal. Waste [e.g. RDF, biomethanaon, co-processing of to Energy combusble non-biodegradable dry fracon of MSW, incineraon]

Landfills safe disposal of inert residual waste at sanitary landfills Least Preferred

Source: CPHEEO, Municipal Solid Waste Management Manual, 2016

9 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 1: Introducon & overview Technical Opon 1.4: Waste generators profile

Domesc – HIG, LIG, MIG area – Slum areas – Colonies – Resident welfare associaons – Gated society Commercial – Shops – Commercial market places – Showrooms and malls – Community areas Photo credit: Medecines Sans Frontieres Photo credit: Instuonal – School markets-bangladesh-business-report-2014/ – Colleges – Private offices – Government establishment Bulk – Hotels – Restaurants – Green vegetable markets – Fruit markets – Non veg markets – Slaughter house waste Street sweeping – Highways – Internal streets and street vendor’s waste Photo credit: Photo credit: The Business Staandard, Dhaka ed/dhaka-vs-kolkata-131794 Others – Fesvals and events

10 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Management at the household level

11 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


This chapter informs about the different types of waste and its classificaon at household level. It provides an overview about different waste categories and stress on source segregaon and subsequent storage of waste at household level. Source segregaon is priorized since this catalog contributes to technical opons related to source segregaon. The immediate next concern is storage of waste at the point of generaon. Therefore, a detailed overview of household level segregaon & storage along with community level storage of waste has been presented in this chapter. The waste quanficaon and sampling/ characterizaon protocols have been detailed out, which would further help in SWM planning. Implementaon of proper management pracces at household level are considered to be essenal for the funconing of all technical opons presented in the following chapters of this catalog and would lead to the effecveness and efficiency of the whole SWM service and value chains.

12 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 2: Management at Household level Technical Opon 2.1: Types of waste

Any waste which is generated during the Commercial and residenal wastes generated in a municipal or nofied diagnosis, treatment or immunizaon of areas, excluding industrial hazardous human beings or animals or in research wastes but including domesc acvies pertaining thereto or in bio-medical wastes. the producon or tesng Municipal Biomedical of biologicals. solid waste Waste Aributes to waste Waste generated material produced from indiscri- during the Industrial Plasc minate use and industrial acvity. Waste disposal of plasc Can be Hazardous waste categories waste in to the physical as well Non- environment Hazardous in leading to water, nature. Hazardous soil and air polluon. E-Waste waste e-waste' means electrical Waste either generated and electronic equipment, from residenal, commercial whole or in part discarded as or industrial acvity. Aributed waste by the consumer or bulk to its qualies – ignitability, consumers as well as rejects from corrosively, reacvity, toxicity. manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes. Source: GoI, 2017 (Waste to Wealth. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs).

Source: ASSOCHAM & PwC, 2017

13 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 2: Management at Household level Technical Op on 2.2: Waste quanficaon and projecon

Technical descripon and methodology

Household level quanficaon - Primary waste quanficaon survey needs to be carried out at all the major residenal sources of generaon. For this purpose, survey will be conducted for three consecuve days in residenal wards comprising of different income groups including slum. From the household level survey, respecve waste generaon factors (gm/capita/day) for different groups such as HIG, MIG, slum etc shall be obtained and will be used to calculate the total residenal waste generaon in the city.

In order to quanty the waste for all residenal area populaon projecon will be carried out. To project the populaon, several alternave mathemacal projecons methods such as – arithmec progression method, incremental increase method, geometrical progression method, decadal methods etc. should be adopted. The average populaon obtained from all those method will be applied to project the populaon for the project horizon. In case there is no decadal census data available, the growth rate of the city (from Govt. published document) shall be adopted and ulized for populaon projecon.

Bulk generaon source - Primary waste quanficaon should be carried out at the bulk generaon sources such as vegetable markets, fruit markets, vending zones etc. The survey will be done through the visual observaon on the percentage filled of the containers (Secondary Collecon Points) placed in those markets. In addion to that consultaon will also be carried out with the market people to understand the liing schedule, their views on the waste generaon quanty etc.

Commercial establishment - To esmate the waste quanty generated from the commercial establishments, different hotels, restaurants, eateries in the city etc. Discussions must be carried out with the establishment officials to understand the size of the establishments (bed for hotels, seats for restaurants etc.), waste generaon per day and also the waste collecon & disposal systems.

Disposal site - Apart from the above, the waste quanficaon has to be carried out by load count method at the disposal site. During this survey, the loaded and unloaded weight of all vehicles, coming to the disposal facility, should be noted for three consecuve days. By this exercise, the collecon efficiency of the waste management system will also be obtained.

14 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 2: Management at Household level Technical Opon 2.3: Sampling and characterizaon

Technical descripon and methodology Selecon of Sample Size and Locaons - The selecon of sample size and the sampling locaons should be done through professional judgment and in consultaon with stakeholders. The locaons will be so chosen that it would give the representave characteriscs of wastes at source of generaon, at secondary collecon points and also at disposal. For that purpose reconnaissance survey should be conducted first to idenfy the strategic locaon of sampling, which will be aimed to address different types of establishments such as, residenal area (HIG, MIG, slum areas), secondary collecon points, bulk generaon sources such as big vegetable markets/ fruit markets and finally the garbage which are reaching landfill.

Sampling Method - For collecon of municipal solid waste from representave locaons, quarter conning method will be used. Considerable amount of MSW (minimum 50 kg), collected from the secondary collecon points, will be flaened and quarterly conned into four equal parts. From the four equal parts, two diagonal parts will be taken out. The same procedure will be followed for a number of mes and thereaer a final poron (at least 5 kg or more) will be collected from each locaon.

Physical Parameters (%) Chemical Characteriscs Food waste Wood & wood products Paper and cardboard Moisture content (%) Texles Bulk Density (Ton/ m³ Analysis – Park & garden yard Organic content (%) • Drying – to remove moisture content at 105⁰ C. Glass, plasc, metal, inert Calorific value (kcal/kg) • Grinding or Pulverizing - before Chemical Analysis to form homogenous mixture All combusble type wastes C/N rao • Mixing – for representave sample.

15 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 2: Management at Household level Technical Opon 2.4: Waste segregaon at source

Technical descripon Operaon aspects Source segregaon of recyclables and biodegradables The household bin for food & green waste could be of 10-15 liters capacity made of plasc / (organic waste) does not only provide an efficient reinforced plasc / LDPE or metal. Bin or plasc bags may be used for recyclables, non bio- way for resource recovery, but also substanally degradable. Bins are preferred opons as it is oen difficult to separate the plasc bag during reduces the pressure and polluon at landfill sites. It the waste processing and disposal. Moreover, plasc bags have a recurring expenditure, which is understood that implementaon of such pracces is oen difficult to overcome in a long run. takes me and requires significant cooperaon from Mul-storied residences, commercial complexes, in addion to storage facilies in individual the public. However, iniaon should be made and residences/shops, could also keep containers within their premises matching to collecon efforts should be diverted to progressively increase system of the city. the segregaon pracces. Community Parcipaon indicates various acons that could increase the Segregaon of waste at source will be introduced along with door-to-door waste collecon. public parcipaon for the management of MSW. The segregaon of waste at source are primarily Hotels, offices, shops and restaurants need to keep adequate number of bins to facilitate done for two major waste streams – easy handling and transfer of waste to Municipal collecon system. Plasc, HDPE or reinforced fibre-glass bins are recommended for this purpose. Category 1. Food & Green waste (wet waste) - Cooked/ uncooked food, vegetable, fruit, meat, Hospitals and Nursing homes could use colour coded bins/ bags for storage. borne, fish waste, leaves, grass. Category 2. Recyclable & Non-bio-degradable (dry waste) - Paper, Plascs, glass, metal, ceramic, rubber, leather, rags, used cloths, wood, stone, sand, ash, thermocol, straw & packing materials.

Price – USD 300 for 60 lts dual bin (stainless steel Price – USD 310 for 10 lts dual bin (HDPE) Photo credits: Government e-Marketplace, Govt. of India;

16 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 2: Management at Household level Technical Opon 2.5: Storage of waste

Technical descripon of 120 lts bin Technical descripon of 660 lts bin Technical descripon of 1100 lts bin • Ulity – Residenal colony, small • Ulity – public, community & park • Ulity – public, community & park complexes area area • Material – HDPE • Material – HDPE • Material – HDPE • Size – 120 lts • Size – 660 lts • Size – 1100 lts • Lid – removable • Lid – removable • Lid – hinged • Towage provision – with wheel • Towage provision – with wheel • Towage provision – with wheel • Wheel material - rubber • Wheel material - rubber • Wheel material - rubber • Wheel dimension – 200x50 mm • Weight – 10 kg • Weight – 66 kg • Weight – 130 kg • Load carrying capacity – 240 kg • Load carrying capacity – 660 kg • Load carrying capacity – 950 kg • Compartments - single • Compartments - single • Compartments - single • Price – USD 45 • Price – USD 320-340 • Price – USD 380-400

Photo credits: Government e-Marketplace, Govt. of India;

17 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Involving stakeholders for implementaon

18 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


Along with the households, it is important to include other stakeholders to reach efficient implementaon of SWM planning. This chapter defines the role of different Ministries, local governance, private sector and NGOs, as well as the informal sector involved in SWM. The chapter covers a secon on funconal responsibility of different stakeholders towards plasc waste management. Two key stakeholders – the private sector and the informal recycling sector are discussed in the chapter. The engagement of the private sector along the collecon, transportaon, treatment, and disposal is provided along with different contractual arrangements. The chapter emphasizes design of Informaon Educaon and Communicaon (IEC) along with Behavioral Change Communicaon (BCC) strategies which lead to reducon of waste, source segregaon and awareness about environmental and health outcomes.

19 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 3: Technical Opon 3.1: Involving stakeholders for implementaon Implementa on mechanism & public parcipaon

Framework of responsibility Central Divisions ULB Private/ NGOs Informal Sector

• Ministry’s overall • Responsible for • Implementaon • Assist ULBs in • Scavenging and guidance through rules implementaon of funding Responsibility. implementaon of waste rag picking. regulaons and through divisional management acvity in • Implement through a set • Informal waste noficaon, regulaon departments. the capacity of advisors, of bye-laws. recycling. materials. execuon agencies, etc. • Division’s responsibility – • Responsible for manpower guided by a pre-defined • Ministry of Urban to channelize Central and staffing. contract between the Development. Funds, Co-ordinaon public enty. between various ULBs for • Responsible for preparing • Funding of projects central schemes, and and implemenng the • Non-governmental through Naonal missions. imparng capacity to municipal rules. organizaons play an • Technical Assistance provide ULBs with important role in • Funding through ULB’s own through specialized teams knowledge and manpower. resource & Public Private collecon and imparng capacity to Partnerships. transportaon and different divisions and ULBs. organizing the informal • Ministry of environment. sector. In some cases, NGOs have done good • Ministry of Finance through. work in end-to-end waste management.

20 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 3: Technical Opon 3.1: Involving stakeholders for implementaon Implementa on mechanism & public parcipaon

Funconal responsibility of different stakeholders for plasc waste management Local Bodies Village administraon Waste generators Producers, Importers and Brand Owners

• Development and seng up of • Operaonalize and • Minimize the generaon • Framing of modalies for waste infrastructure. coordinate for waste of plasc waste. collecon system based on Extended management. Producer Responsibility. • Ensuring segregaon, collecon, • Segregated storage and storage, transportaon, • Ensuring segregaon, handover of waste to local • Establishing a system for collecng processing and disposal of plasc collecon, storage, body. back the plasc waste generated and waste. transportaon submit a plan to divisional • Instuonal generators to administraon. • Channelizaon of recyclable • Channelizaon of recyclable handover segregated plasc waste fracon to recyclers. plasc fracon to recyclers. wastes to authorized • Maintain records of the person agencies. engaged in supply of raw material to • Engaging groups working with • Creang awareness among manufacture carry bags or plasc. waste pickers. stakeholders. • User fee and charges payment. • sheets or plasc cover or mul • Seng up of system for PWM • Ensuring that open burying of layered packaging. and seeking assistance from plasc waste doesn't take producers. place. • Framing bylaws.

21 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 3: Technical Opon 3.1: Involving stakeholders for implementaon Implementa on mechanism & public parcipaon

Private sector engagement & contractual arrangement SN SWM value chain Private sector involvement Contractual arrangements

1 Primary collecon • Primary door-to-door collecon of • Service/ management contract. municipal solid waste. • Service/ management contract. • Service contract.

2 Secondary collecon & transportaon. • Construcon and management of • BOT and its variance and/or Separate EPC community bins. and O&M Contract. • Transportaon of waste. • Management contract/O&M contract

3 Transfer staon management & • Processing using waste to energy/ • DBOT/ BOT (long term) EPC with 5–7 years processing site RDF / recoverable/ recycle projects O&M contract. • Waste to energy. • Built operate transfer (BOT).

4 Waste disposal Disposal in an engineered landfill site Design build operate and transfer (DBOT), EPC with O&M Contract on renewal basis .

22 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 3: Technical Opon 3.1: Involving stakeholders for implementaon Implementa on mechanism & public parcipaon

Need for IEC / BCC STEP I – Material development for IEC/BCC • Design a campaign with a strong them – (What – Why – How ) model • People apprehensive to share informaon • Develop an informaon material – Banners, placards, pamphlets - dos & don't • Low awareness of MSW Rules – Posters & sckers – Videos (short films, dramas) • Absence of acon plans with corporaon for execuon and enforcement – Audio (dialogue and speeches) – In local languages with aracve colors, bold, wide, visible from far • Weak environmental monitoring • Involve NGOs as a partner • Involve media as a networking partner • Absence of bye-laws STEP II – Action for IEC/BCC • Lack of formal integraon of waste pickers with waste management • Roles & responsibilies of – generator and collector system • Educaon on – Domesc storage – Segregaon – Liering • Lack of knowledge on occupaonal municipal health hazard – Use of proper bins (dual bins) • Involve RWAs, market associaon, industry associaon, • Absence of corporaon level advisory body for solid waste management • Visit to schools Expected outcome of IEC / BCC STEP III – Methodology – Street shows • Will be aware of the health and hygiene of self and community as well – Focus Group Discussions • Can play important role in managing segregated waste – Create WhatsApp group – Facebook/ twier (for corporaon) - as an informal way of linking • Will help to communicate households about segregaon – You-tube uploading of VDOs • Will help in monitoring the behavioral paer of household and help to report – Locaons – Youth Clubs / Open Grounds/ Courtyards, community fair • Will learn to handle the tools in scienfic manner – Sit & draw compeon for children • Learn to maintain (basic cleanliness) the tools and equipment properly – morning, naonal holidays or on fesval gathering

23 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 3: Technical Opon 3.1: Involving stakeholders for implementaon Implementa on mechanism & public parcipaon

IEC / BCC Consultation planning Stakeholder Group Areas of Interest/ Influence for IEC & BCC IEC / BCC consultation planning Community around exisng Problems faced by the community around the exisng Consultaon to idenfy the exisng issues and probable dumping ground facilies due to the present nature of operaon measures to redress them Consultaons would focus on the gaps in service delivery Community at household level Door to door collecon where improvements can be made. Any reservaons about the present operaons would also get focused.

Rag pickers The consultaon would focus on livelihood loss and the The group which is most likely to be disadvantaged due to problems faced rag pickers. the implementaon of any proper integrated SWM system Involving in the formal chain of waste management

Municipal / Sanitary Workers They play an important role in the collecon and Discussions would center the present inefficiencies of the of Municipal Corporaon system and the improvement suggesons. Occupaon transportaon system health issues would also be discussed

Officials in charge of Solid Would be the key implemenng authority and also the Interacons would be held with the officials to develop an Waste Management in the main point of contact with the community understanding of the possible areas of intervenon in the Corporaon exisng system Consultaon would focus on the arrangements of Civil Society / NGOs Door-to-door collecon collecon and their issues and problems of being associated with the system of exisng/ proposed waste management

Market Commiees/ These are bulk waste generators The consultaons would focus on the problems faced due Commercial Area Associaons to the present service delivered. Their expectaon from the proposed system would also be discussed.

24 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 3: Involving stakeholders for implementaon Technical Opon 3.2: Informal recycling sector

Areas of integraon of informal recycling sector in SWM system Capacity and training for informal recycling sector in SWM system

• Door-to-door collecon • Improvement of managerial skills • Sorng of recyclable waste • Maintenance of work ethics and organizaon or team work • Collecon and segregaon of recyclable material • Training in sorng, processing, recycling techniques, and value added services • Manual sorng at the conveyor belt in a material recovery facility • Formalizaon of waste worker organizaons • Setup and management of recyclable or reusable waste take-back or buy-back facilies supported by adequate and appropriate skill • Environmental and health aspects of waste management acvies enhancement arranged for by the urban local body (ULB) or other concerned departments • Occupaonal hygiene and safety • Waste sorters in processing facilies (e.g., at the sorng conveyor) • Business support services linked to large scale formal recycling industries

25 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


26 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


In this chapter, the waste collecon at household level as well as at community level has been discussed. It includes collecon of waste from different parts of the urban area – residenal, commercial, instuonal, bulk and others. Funconing of small-scale collecon pracces are relevant to enable secondary collecon of waste and its transportaon to disposal sites. This would also help to plan the infrastructure requirement in terms of equipment, vehicle, manpower etc. The common waste collecon pracces of South and South East Asia, are described, explained and visualized. This chapter also presents a roadmap of logiscal arrangement towards different treatment chain for the waste.

27 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 4: Collecon Technical Opon 4.1: Door to door collecon

140 lts hand cart Tricycle rikshaw • Ulity – Narrow lanes, slum area, congested • Ulity – residenal colonies, HIG & MIG areas, residenal and market areas market & commercial places • Type - two wheel Type wheel barrow • Driving mechanism – pedestal chain • Material – 1.6 mm thick steel sheets • Length of tricycle – 3 m • Size – 140 lts • Cart dimension – 1350 x 800 x 300 mm • Towage provision – with wheel • No of containers – 6 nos (3 dry, 3 wet) • Type of chassis frame - angle • Capacity of each container – 20 lts • Wheel type - MS with solid rubber tyre • Material of container – HDPE • Width of tyre – 50 mm • Price – USD 350 • Diameter of the wheel – 300 mm • Price – USD 90-100

Photo credits: Government e-Marketplace, Govt. of India;

28 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 4: Collecon Technical Opon 4.2: Primary collecon framework

Dual compartment auto pper • Ulity – collecon of waste from hand cart or try cycle or bins and transfer to the processing facility • Fuel type – diesel • Gross weight – 1700 kg • Capacity 300-500 kg of waste • Fuel consumpon – 20 km/lt • Compartment – dual, for wet and dry segregated waste • Loading and unloading – hydraulically operated • Speed – 60 kmph • Length – 2100 mm • Cost – USD 6000 • Design life – 10 years

29 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


30 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


This chapter gives a detailed outline of planning and strategies of waste transportaon from secondary collecon point to the processing/ disposal facility. Depending upon the volume of waste and distance to treatment facility, opons for intermediate storage or transfer staon facility have been outlined. The vehicle fleet details, types, capacity and specificaon has been recommended for different cases in this chapter. Along with the transportaon, street-sweeping aspects both by manual and automated mechanisms, have also been indicated in this secon. Eventually, as overall successful implementaon of SWM system depends upon a robust monitoring, Informaon Technology enabled monitoring frameworks and related Command Control Mechanism are being furnished.

31 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1: Transfer staon

1. User 2. HH Level 6. Resource 3. Collecon 4. Transport 5. Disposal interface management recovery

4.1.1 - (G+1) Elevated transfer staon with ramp, equipped with staonery compactor and detachable container

4.2.2 - (G-1) Underground transfer staon, equipped with staonery Transfer compactor and detachable container staon

4.1.3 - (G+0) Ground level transfer staon, equipped with portable compactor

32 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1.1: G+1 Elevated Transfer staon

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon, funconality & applicability The G+1 transfer staon is specially designed waste management infrastructure and highly suitable for monsoon operaons. Waste from the different corner of the city is brought to the transfer staon by means of low capacity vehicles or auto ppers (for example, 300-350 kg capacity). The transfer staon is equipped with a ramp, a hopper system, and a compactor. The waste from the auto-pper is transferred into the hopper from (G+1) level. A typical (G+1) transfer staon could be designed to handle a waste volume ranging from (150-200) TPD to (600-650) TPD. For example, a 200 TPD capacity transfer staon would require around 35 ton per hour throughput. An addional bay to house a similar compactor for future augmentaon may also be provided. The flexibility is also kept to load the dumper vehicles without compacon. As the waste quanty increases in peak hours, waste could be directly loaded into dumper vehicles to match the increased waste quanty. In Bangladesh, this kind of structure is applicable and suitable as it reduces the waste handling volume, thereby also reduces the operaonal cost of transportaon and the me of hauling for disposal.

33 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1.1: G+1 Elevated Transfer staon

Operaon and maintenance aspects Planning, design & implementaon

Operaonal Aspect - Civil infrastructure: 1. Low capacity vehicles (LCVs) with uncompacted waste would be taken to the first floor, through • G+1 infrastructure building ramp • Ground floor for compactor vehicle 2. From first floor, the LCV would unload the waste into the hopper/chute system, which is • First floor for waste carrying LCVs mounted/aached to the transfer staon • Ramp 3. The unloaded waste would be then transferred through the chute to the staonary compactor vehicle, standing beneath the chute at ground floor Equipment & vehicle: 4. Compacon will be done inside the vehicle unl the compactor capacity is full • Compactor 5. Compactor vehicle would be taken to the landfill • LCVs Peak hour operation – • Dumper vehicles In peak hour, when load is very high, dumper vehicles (instead of mobile compactor) could be used for • Hopper/ chute aached to compactor transportaon without compacon. Steps 1 to 3 would be followed without compacon mechanism. Then the full vehicle will be sent to landfill. Implementaon steps: Rapid assessment Cost • Feasibility study • Survey Advantages • Civil - USD 0.45 • Centralized system advantageous for zones with large quanty of million • Esmaon of capacity and demand waste • Staonery compactor • Structural design of the transfer staon • Automac draining system - USD 0.5 million • Electromechanical requirement esmate • Can cater distant locaons (source of generaon) • Preparaon of DPR & RfP • Less chances of spread of waste, due to chute mechanism. (for approx. 300 TPD) • Model selecon – PPP or EPC • In this system, almost 100% of the exisng vehicles could be used. • Procurement process • Compacon increases the efficiency and reduces the me & opex • Commercial operaon Disadvantages • Area requirement is more

34 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1.2: (G-1) Underground Transfer staon

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon, funconality & applicability (G-1) Underground transfer staon is an economically designed transfer staon, applicable where there is a constrain of space. It deals with the operaonal flexibility of both segregated and non-segregated waste. The collected waste is transported by the dual compartment garbage ppers to transfer staon. It strengthens and reduces the Underground unloading system cost of the Secondary Collecon and Transportaon System, This kind of model, involves provision of segregated waste collecon and transportaon through Hook loaders to the disposal site. There are two hoppers one for the collecon of dry waste (Blue) and second for the collecon of wet waste (Green). The MSW from door to door garbage ppers is collected in two steps. At first the dry waste is off loaded in blue hopper and thereaer the wet waste is off loaded into the green hopper. These hoppers are connected to blue and green containers respecvely. The segregated MSW is compressed into respecve containers. When the containers are filled to capacity, they are lied by dedicated hook loader and sent to disposal site in a segregated manner. The Hook loader carrying wet waste off load their waste directly to the

Receiving Hoper, green waste processing facility, whereas dry waste is off hoisted underground loaded to the Material Recovery Facility.

35 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1.2: (G-1) Underground Transfer staon

Operaon and maintenance aspects Planning, design & implementaon

1. LCVs would bring waste into the transfer staon and directly transfer the waste to the ‘hopper- Civil infrastructure: bucket’ system, which is an integral part of the staonery compactor. • Ground floor with shed 2. From “hopper-bucket” system the waste would be transferred to the compacon zone and will • Underground pit excavaon for hosng get compacted. compactor 3. The compacted waste will remain inside the compactor container. • No ramp. 4. The compactor container will be lied by hook loader and taken to the disposal site. Equipment & vehicle: 5. Aer disposal the empty compactor container will be again brought into the transfer staon and • LCVs placed in its posion. • Staonery compactor with inbuilt waste receiving mechanism (“hopper-bucket”) • Detachable compactor container Rapid assessment Cost • Hook loader (to carry compactor container). Advantages Implementa on steps: • Civil & electromechanical • Environmental friendly opon, as majority of the acvies would • Feasibility study – USD 0.2 million be performed in closed system • Survey • Hook loader – USD • Less operaonal me 30,000 • Esmaon of capacity and demand • 100% of the receiving waste would be compacted, reducing the • Structural design of the transfer staon number of trips for the vehicle to the waste landfill • Electromechanical requirement esmate • Automac draining system. • Preparaon of DPR & RfP Disadvantages • Model selecon – PPP or EPC • Substanal procurement of the hook loader vehicle would be • Procurement & Commercial operaon. required.

36 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1.3: (G+0) Ground level Transfer staon Photographic visualizaon

Portable compactor Portable compactor

Underground unloading system

Hook loader vehicle

Photo credit: Technical descripon, funconality & applicability (G+0) Ground level transfer staon is a transfer staon, which requires minimum space area and could be expandable to any capacies by just increasing number of units. It is applicable where there is a constrain of space as well as waste quanty is not substanal. The collected waste is transported by the ppers to transfer staon. The transfer staon contains portable compactor. In this kind of model, the compactor aer compacon acts as an container itself. It does not need any transfer of compacted waste to a separate container. The compacted waste aer collecon is transported through hook loaders to the disposal site.

37 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.1.3: (G+0) Ground level Transfer staon

Operaon and maintenance aspects Planning, design & implementaon

1. LCV vehicles would bring waste into the transfer staon and directly transfer the waste to the Civil infrastructure (oponal): portable compactor • Shed 2. Portable compactor compacts the waste with a supply of electrical power from a DG set • Concrete flooring 3. Aer compacon, the hook loader lis the compactor cum compactor container and will be taken • Drainage system to the disposal site Plant & equipment: 4. Aer disposal the empty container cum compactor is placed at the same locaon for further • Portable compactor operaon • Hook loader (to carry portable compactor) Rapid assessment Cost • DG set s Implementaon steps: Advantage • One hook loader with • Simplest system, can be installed anywhere two portable compactor • Earmarking of locaon • Space requirement minimum assembly - USD 0.12 • Esmaon of capacity and demand • No addional requirement of container million • Model selecon • Expandable with customized addion of units • Procurement & Commercial operaon • Less and negligible civil structure required • No foundaon required • Minimal power requirement Disadvantages • Cannot deal with huge amount of waste • Waing me more, as there is no replacement of container

38 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.2 Secondary collecon & transportaon

Secondary collecon to processing facility ~ 7 Cum Refuge Compactor

Technical specificaon

• Type of waste – both mixed and segregated • Container capacity – 7 cum • Compression rao – 0.5. • Emission norms: BS-VI standard • Liing me – 27 sec • Operaon me – 30 sec • Discharge me – 20 sec • Liing capacity -1000 kg • Compression force during compacon – 340 Ton • Speed: 80 kmph • Fuel tank 184 Lts • Pay load: 7 MT • Ground clearance: 215 mm • Turning radius: 7200 mm • Braking distance – 5 m

Photo credits: Government e-Marketplace, Govt. of India; • Price – USD 435-450,000

39 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.2 Secondary collecon & transportaon

Transportaon to sanitary landfill facility ~ 8.5 cum box pper truck

Technical specificaon

• Type of waste – Inert or process rejects • Type of pper – box body pper • Carrying capacity – 8.5 cum • Gross vehicle weight – 18.5 MT • Emission norms: BS-VI standard • Fuel tank – 220 Lts • Ground clearance: 260 mm • Price – USD 50,000

Photo credits: Government e-Marketplace, Govt. of India;

40 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.3 Street sweeping

Operaon and maintenance Technical specificaon

Acvies to perform: • Chassis Mounted Heavy Duty Vacuum Sweeper • Cleaning, sweeping, mopping of idenfied road, curbs, sidewalks • Engine type: double engine & with a minimum of 115 HP and two • The sweeping should be capable of covering variety of refuses side brooms • Emission norms: BS-IV standard • Shall be capable of removing pebbles up to 50 mm size & dusts • Dust collector container 5 cum payload volume, water tank • Transportaon of garbage/dust collected to specified points capacity Time of operaon: 600-1000 L • It shall be mostly during non-peak hours of traffic movement, • Overall sweeping width of minimum 3000 mm in one sweep / pass including night sweeping • Material of construcon: Stainless Steel • Chassis requirement: 10-12 tons • Minimum speed: 16 kmph • Sucon Wander Hose 4 meters length • Sucon Nozzle: 750 mm • Cleaning width all 2 brushed : 2000 – 2600 mm • Cleaning width all 3 brushes : 2600- 3500 mm • Sucon System: Straight sucon through vacuum • Indicators system: Operaon hour meter • Steering: Hydrostac controlled four wheel steering • Price – USD 250-275,000 Photo credits: Government e-Marketplace, Govt. of India;

41 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Transportaon Technical Opon 5.4 IT enabled monitoring


Benefits: • Real-me bin leering status • Viewing vehicles on duty • Monitoring bins, vehicles and staff • Tracking bin clearing efficiency • Monitoring SWM disposal quanty • Monitoring cizen complaints • Monitoring trips of vehicles in km.

Source: ASSOCHAM & PwC, 2017

42 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Treatment & Disposal

43 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


Technically, treatment and disposal of solid waste depends upon its quanty, its degree of segregaon and its specific physical, biological and chemical characteriscs such as moisture content, bio-degradability, combusbility, toxicity and many others. In addion, centralized and decentralized waste processing systems must be disnguished. In pracce, however, the range of disposal and treatment technologies applied is largely determined by the financial means and the degree of development of environmental technologies in a country. Accordingly, a selecon of centralized and decentralized waste treatment and disposal opons together with relevant treatment design parameters, and cost esmates are presented in this chapter in a summarized and highly visualized manner.

44 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Op on 6.1: Innovave and modern zero waste treatment

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon and funconality

Blackhole technology is patented in US and 151 other countries. It operates on US Trade Marked Magnecally smulated & Regulated Plasmic Temperature (THD Method). It works on Programmed Oxygenated Plasmic State that eliminates any and all kinds of environment pollutants. From 2000 C (by inial firing) to 350–7500 C in the equipment by plasma, ionizaon and thermal vibraon is achieved. It is a self sustaining process with no fuel, no burning. Aer inial startup fire, destrucon starts slowly by spling the molecules into atoms .These atoms further ionized as electron, proton and neutron. Oxygen is induced as charged ions. The Dioxins, Difurans and Parabens are destroyed inside the machine itself. A Mul layered sprinkling system ensures polluon free emissions. Digital readers nofy inner chamber temperatures. Alert system for reloading of waste as the inner chamber gets emped. The system reduces the input waste fed into the system in the rao of 1/200 to 1/300 fracon. For a 100 TPD plant, approximately 5635 sq area is required.

Source: https;//

45 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Op on 6.1: Innovave and modern zero waste treatment

Photo credits: Applicability • Waste Paper • Butyl Tubes • PET Boles • Plasc Waste • E-Waste • Food Waste • Municipal Waste

46 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Op on 6.1: Innovave and modern zero waste treatment

Rapid assessment Operaon and maintenance aspects Advantages Waste has to be feed into the chamber of the equipment on uniform • No segregaon is required intervals. During the commissioning process an inial start ignion is done by using camphor/ Dry-wood and destrucon starts slowly by • Both centralized & decentralized plant spling the molecules into atoms. These atoms are further ionized as • User friendly simple operaon and easy to load, electron, proton and neutron and this state is called as plasma state and separated electron change to accelerated electron with strong energy. • Mulple loading with variable quanty is possible On the other side a small amount of atmospheric air is allowed to pass • Flameless technology, no combuson or electricity required through strong magnec field into the Oxygen starved chamber. During this operaon oxygen molecule split into elemental oxygen with negave • Environmentally friendly – no flames, dioxins etc. charge. This atomic oxygen is to oxidize perfectly organic surface and • Massive volume reducon ( reduces the output by 1/200 – 1/300) change organic maer to desperate organic oxide. Therefore reacon is induced by exothermic phenomenon, thermal condion around 200C is • By product - small volume of ceramic ash of about just 4-5 kg per ton needed to accelerate reacon which can be achieved by inial 0 0 • By product can be landfilled and could be used as soil amendment decomposion. From 200 C (by inial firing) to 350–750 C in the material equipment by plasma, ionizaon and thermal Vibraon is achieved. • Compact, mobile system; less area footprint required. Disadvantages • Glass, metal, ceramic cannot be treated and need segregaon from Cost waste • During monsoon crusher is required to remove addional moisture • Investments – USD 2.5 Million for 100 TPD plant content from waste, as moisture reduced the performance efficiency. • O&M – USD 10,000 per month for 100 TPD plant

47 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.2: Medical waste treatment facility

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon, funconality and applicability

The primary purpose of incineraon is to burn the medical waste to ashes through a combuson process. The primary combuson chamber is a rotary kiln which burns the waste materials into safe end products (ash). Ash generated in the process is discharged through the discharge breech of the Kiln. The temperature within the kiln would be maintained at around 850oC, wherein wastes shall be completely destroyed. The gases generated in the process is run into a secondary combuson chamber wherein the off-gases shall be further burnt and ensure safe end products (gaseous). The secondary combuson chamber would operate at a temperature of 1050oC and above. The gases would be completely burnt and safe gases then shall be let out of the incinerator unit and shall lead into gas cleaning system. The brief components are – • Waste recepon area • Interim waste storage area and refrigerated storage • Waste incineraon plant including air polluon control and gas cleaning equipment • Ancillaries for waste incineraon e.g oil tanks, transformers, control room etc. • Container washing and storage area • Administrave building and supporng infrastructure

48 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.2: Medical waste treatment facility

49 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.2: Medical waste treatment facility

Operaonal aspect Implementaon planning for medical waste transfer • Collecon of waste from all point - by operator • Closed container vehicles • Aesthecally improved • Environmentally safe • Color soding system • Occupaonal safety • Vehicles dedicated for bio-medical waste transport only • Cleaning and disinfecon of the vehicle • Measures to avoid seepage or spillage Rapid assessment Advantages • Generates minimal reject quanty Disadvantages • Required proper control on emission • Assured waste quanty with required calorific value Cost • Investments – USD 0.5 million for 250 kg/hr feed waste

50 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.3: Overview of C&D waste treatment

Technical descripon, funconality and applicability Construcon and demolion waste means the waste comprising of building materials, debris and rubble resulng from construcon, remodeling, repair and demolion of any civil structure. C&D waste includes bricks, les, stone, soil, rubble, plaster, drywall or gypsum board, wood, plumbing fixtures, non- hazardous insulang material, plascs, wall paper, glass, metal (e.g., steel, aluminum), asphalt, etc. Construcon & demolion waste processing plant is a staonery plant with an assembly of crushing, sieving and washing machinery interconnected by conveyer belts for material movement. The machinery is housed on steel/concrete plaorms on a permanent basis. The crushing units have dust control systems, noise control systems, magnec separator devices and other addional devices based on requirements. The systems are either semi-automated or completely automated units. The typical constuents of C&D waste are as per the followings: - Wood - Bricks, Concrete and Other Masonry Products Crushed and used for Fill, New Roads, Under Primary segregaon Primary screening Primary crushing Secondary crushing lament for Concrete Applicaons, curb stone, paver block and road construcon materials - Metals (Ferrous and Non-Ferrous) Melted into New Products Coarse - Roofing Shingles aggregates Asphalt Roads Sand washing chamber Dust removal Secondary screening - Cardboard Processed used New Cardboard Products Fine - Plasc aggregates Made into boles, floor le, paneling, plasc lumber, etc. Sand & Silt Clay

51 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.3: Overview of C&D waste treatment

Plant visualizaon C&D waste handling at plant

Photo credits: IL&FS Pvt. Ltd

Processed materials

Various components and instruments at C&D waste management plant. Photo credits: Saxena et al. 2018.

52 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.3: Overview of C&D waste treatment

Rapid assessment Planning, design and implementaon Advantages Planning - • Reduces the pressure for ulizaon of new construcon materials • Esmaon of C&D waste generaon • Reduces the exploraon of mining materials • Idenficaon of site and mely acquision of land • Reduces demand for energy and water in manufacture of building • Necessary approval from local administraon / civic bodies materials from naturals resources • Specificaons for recycled C&D waste products for quality • Reducing environmental impacts arising from mining, manufacturing acceptance and transportaon • List out and mandate use of recycled products from C&D wastes • Reduces transportaon and disposal cost of C&D wastes • Analysis on economically viable C&D recycling opons • Promotes opons for reuse / recycle of products from C & D waste. • Awareness campaign for use of recycled processed material Disadvantages Basic components of C&D plant – • Storage space is required before transportaon of C&D waste to • Feed Hopper with Vibrang Grizzly Feeder plant. • EvoScreen - Pre Screen Operaon and maintenance aspects • RotoMax - Log Washer for aggregate cleaning Major operaons in a C&D waste processing & recycling plant are - sorng, • Trash Screen for removal of light weights crushing, classificaon/sieving and washing. Sorng can either be done • ProGrade - Sizing Screen for washed Aggregate manually or using advanced devices. Before feeding the material into • EvoWash - Dual ass system for and washing the crusher, a grizzly can be used to ensure the maximum feeding size p hydrocyclone s of debris for the respecve crusher. Generally, jaw crushers or horizontal • AquaCycle - Water management system for recycling of process water impact crushers are used to crush the debris. Size classificaon is performed using appropriate screens of required sizes. Washing is done Cost to separate fine parcles (silt and clay parcles). Sorted aggregates of • Investments – USD 3000 per ton/annum specific sizes are stored separately • O&M – USD 250-300 per ton/annum

53 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.4: Sanitary landfill

Photographic visualizaon

HDPE liner, drainage layer, gas wells Leachate pond and oxidaon Isometric view

Technical descripon, funconality & applicability In order to dispose the inert or reject aer processing of municipal solid waste, sanitary landfill facility is developed. The basic difference of a disposal site and engineered landfill is in its protecve measures in terms environmental degradaon. A landfill is generally designed for a period of 25-20 years in a phased manner. Each phase consists of cell with a design life of 5 years. A typical landfill has two components – below ground and above ground. The boom liner is laid below ground in order to restrict the leachate percolaon from the disposed waste to the soil or ground water. Aer the operaonal life the landfill is closed and covered by top liner. A landfill is provided with gas collecon and leachate management system, storm water management system. During operaonal phase, aer disposal of waste, the daily cover is put above the waste. However, a scienfic landfill is expected to only receive the inert and no organic waste is supposed to be disposed off without proper treatment. A scienfic landfill facility also typically includes other infrastructures, such as – weigh bridge, boundary wall, water supply system, administrave area, parking, electrificaon facility and power back up. Ground water monitoring well shall be installed at the up-gradient and down-gradient of the landfill site facility. Landfill could ne also integrated with the processing & treatment facility for cost opmizaon.

54 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 6: Treatment & Disposal Technical Opon 6.4: Sanitary landfill

Operaon and maintenance aspects Planning, Design & Implementaon Leachate management plan - Groundwater quality • Waste load count - Header pipes - Surface water quality • Assessment of landfill volume and area - Feeder pipes Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) plan • Landfill life and design period - Sump • Evaluaon of concept development plan - Submersible pump - All records of previous incidents - Solar evaporaon pond - Inputs from regular Plant meengs • Foot Print of landfill site - All acvies roune and non-roune, • Height of Landfill • Depth of Landfill Storm water management plan where substanal hazards and risk are • Side Slope (top) • Side Slope (boom) Landfill Gas (LFG) management plan associated - Examinaon of all exisng OH&S • Design of leachate collecon system - Controlled passive venng • Design of liner system - Controlled collecon & use/flare procedure and pracce. • Assessment of landfill gas generaon Emergency preparedness & response plan Landscaping plan • Design of landfill gas collecon system - Plantaon for beauficaon - Maintain all fire exnguishers in • Design of final cover system - Plantaon to absorb air pollutant working condion - Provide training to personnel working - Re-plantaon in the landfill Rapid assessment Post closure environmental monitoring plan - Explosion prevenon Advantages - Treated leachate quality - Explosive migaon - Ambient noise level - Correcve and prevenve acon • Scienfic disposal of inert and rejects - Ambient air quality - Avoidance of major spillage of any • Avoid the contaminaon of groundwater chemical • Restricts emission of greenhouse gas emission Cost Disadvantages • Landfill – USD 35-40,000 per ton • Area requirement is high • Infrastructure & ulity – 500 (LS) • Need sufficient environmental screening before USD ,000 selecon of site

55 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Resource Recovery

56 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh


One of the most important key performance indicators of a successful SWM system is reducon of waste at source and recycling. Reducon, recycling and resource recovery minimize the load on the waste management system, its logiscal infrastructure, power requirement, manpower resources etc. as well as potenal negave impacts on land ulizaon. Hence, this chapter depicts different resource recovery mechanisms from solid waste, like energy, nutrients, fuel as well as material recovery. In addion to these processes, the resource recovery from the exisng unscienfic disposal site is also being outlined with all techno-commercial details.

57 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Op on 7.1: Decentralized biomethannaon plant for bulk generator

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon, funconality & applicability Anaerobic digeson (AD) is the biological breakdown of organic materials in the absence of oxygen. The process is carried out by anaerobic micro-organisms that convert organic material into three different end product. • Biogas, primarily consists of methane (CH₄) and carbon dioxide (CO₂), with trace amounts of other gases. • Digested residue, which is a parally stabilized organic material, could be used as a soil condioner/ compost aer proper curing and drying. • Nutrient rich liquid fracon, which in some cases can be used as liquid ferlizer if there is an agricultural user nearby or disposed of as wastewater. The rejects (inert content of MSW) separated during the pre-digeson process, are sent to the landfill for final disposal.

Range of applicability Fruits, Vegetables Dairy Products Bakery Meat, Poultry, Fish Frozen Food Dry Goods Paper Products Not Recycled Milk, Juice, Beverage Cartons Personal Hygiene Products Disposable Diapers Livestock Manures Paper Based Packaging Agricultural Wastes Organic Sludges & Slurries Glycol & Other Alcohols Slaughterhouse Slurries Food Plant Residues Pet Wastes

58 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Op on 7.1: Decentralized biomethannaon plant for bulk generator Planning, design & implementaon Operaon and maintenance aspects SN Specificaon Heads Specificaon for 5 TPD There should be provision of minimizing odour generaon, prevent off- 1 Area Requirement 500 SqM site migraon of gaseous emissions. Ambient air quality at the site and in the vicinity shall be monitored to meet the specified standards as per 2 Type of Plant Containerized, Compact & naonal rules and regulaons. Dedicated vehicle would be deployed to Modular and Plug & Play collect and transport waste from different bulk generators to the plant. Plant run me – 16 hours a day with power backup. 3 Type of Waste processed Biodegradable • Inlet: Plant Premises. 4 Service Water Requirement 250 Ltrs./day • Rejects: Plant Premises 5 Shredder/Crusher capacity 800 Kg/hr • Output Power Supply: 415 V AC, 3 Phase, 50 Hz at engine panel. 6 Shredder Feed Pump capacity 5 m³/hr • Input Power Supply: 415 V AC, 3 Phase, 50 Hz at incomer of the panel. 7 Main Digester Material Stainless Steel Grade 304 (Contact Parts) • Service water: 1 meter flange connecon from plant boundary 8 Anaerobic Digeson 20 days Rapid assessment 9 Type of Anaerobic Digeson Thermophillic Digeson Advantages 10 Capacity of Digester 100 m³ • Praccally no odors in enclosed system 11 Bio-gas generaon per day 500-600 Nm³/Day • Can produce beer quality organic compost or biogas • No addional chemicals required to assist composng. 12 Total Power generaon 750-900 kWh/Day • Pre-engineered, prefabricated, hence less execuon me at site. 13 Net Power generaon 380-530 kWh/Day • Saving in collecon and transportaon cost • Saving in land due to reducon in the landfill requirement 14 Compost 700 kg/day • Saving in O&M cost as capve power can be ulized Cost • Less biological sludge producon • Avoidance of leachate • – 0.32-0.35 illion for 5 TPD plant Investments USD m Disadvantages • O&M – USD 3500 per month • Requires segregaon • Requires assured waste quanty

59 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Op on 7.2: Decentralized organic waste converter for community

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon, funconality & applicability

• Applicable for housing sociees, instuons, hospitals, office complexes, malls (food courts) etc. • The enre composng process is natural & biological. The decomposion is done by microbes / micro-organisms which thrive in high temperature as well as in high acidic or salty atmosphere. • When food waste is put in, moisture in the waste is sensed & the tank is heated from below. • Microbes are acvated due to high temperature & they decompose the food. • The rate of conversion is 100% waste to 10-15% of compost. • There is no crushing or grinding taking place in the machine & hence no wear-and-tear which contributes to the long life span of our machine. • The compost that is formed as a result of the above process has to be removed once in a month, which can be used for the plants in the garden.

60 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Op on 7.2: Decentralized organic waste converter for community

Rapid assessment Design and specificaon Advantages SN Head Details • No smell • 75%-80% volume reducon could be achieved 1 Waste processing capacity per day 350 Kg • No major wear & tear of the machine 2 Approx. Dimension 13 (L) X 5.5 (W) X 5.5 (H) • Soil enricher could be used for in-house gardening • No connuous manpower requirement 3 Input All types of organic wastes • Easy to operate 4 Output Soil addive • Less operaon and maintenance cost • Reduces load for centralized system and thereby cost of transport 5 Volume reducon 85 – 90% Disadvantages 6 Power rang 9.0 Kw • Need proper segregaon of wet waste 7 Voltage 440V/50Hz Operaon and maintenance aspects 8 Control system Electronic control • Before commencement of the operaon, the area alloed for plant 9 Operaon Fully Automac operaons should be kept clean, with no unprocessed waste kept lying on site 10 Heang system Oil bath • No finished products should be stored for more than a week • The system will have scope to accept a variety of raw biodegradable Cost (for 350 kg/day capacity) materials • Investments – USD 20,000 • The compost generated in the process need to be weed-free and rich in organic carbon contents and should be in conformity with the • O&M – (power consumpon) naonal/ internaonal standards of ferlizer, for compost quality • Once in 2 weeks the quality of the soil enricher shall be checked by the supplier and the cerficate shall be issued by third party agency.

61 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.3: Centralized composng facility

Technical flow diagram of the process Applicable factors

62 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.3: Centralized composng facility

Photographic visualizaon

63 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.3: Centralized composng facility

Indicave layout of the compost facility (Integrated)

64 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.3: Centralized composng facility

Rapid assessment Plant components and funconality Advantages SN Equipment Purpose • Economic, simple A COARSE SEGREGATION • Keeps organic wastes out of landfills I) Feeder For feeding material at controlled rate. • Provides nutrients to the soil 2) Dual Trommel 35/14 For screening 3) Process conveyor For feeding material to next trommel • Reduces the need for ferlizers and pescides. 4) Reject conveyor For removal of rejecon off-line. Disadvantages B REFINEMENT • If C/N rao is less, then straw, saw dust, paper to be added I) Drag Chain Feeder For feeding material at controlled rate. • If C/N rao is more -sewage sludge, slaughter waste etc. to be added 2) Bucket Elevator For liing material & feeding to • Market demand linked and needs assessment rotary screen • Poor pre-sorng of incoming waste. 3) Vibro Screen For screening 4) Gravity Separator with Aspirator For separaon of heavy impuries Operaon and maintenance aspects 5) Packing Elevator For liing material & feeding it to • Recepon of raw MSW • Visual Inspecon of waste add-mixer. • Weighing of Vehicle • Manual Sorng of Inert and removal of rejected material 6) Packing Spout Two-way for packing material. • Sorted material moved to Compost pad to form windrows B REFINEMENT • Yard Management acvies - Periodic Turning of Windrow & shiing I) Hydraulic Power Pack Push buon staon along with • Aer two weeks stabilizaon in monsoon shed, feeding of material to coarse segregaon secon & Control Panel hydraulic system to improve efficiency and safety of equipments • Over sized rejects (+35 mm) to be sent to landfill against fluctuang load. • Over sized rejects (+14 mm) sent to landfill or for windrow covering • Undersized material (-14 mm) stocked in Curing secon warehouse • Aer two further weeks, cured material to be fed to refinement secon Cost • Over sized rejecon (+ 6 mm.) to be ground and mixed in curing secon • Investments – USD 28,000 per ton • Under sized fine compost to be enriched with useful microbe • – 1500 USD per per annum • Final Product (Compost) to be packed & stacked in finished warehouse. O&M USD ton

65 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.4: Plasma Gasification

Thermal plasma gasificaon process - Technical descripon, funconality and applicability A plasma is defined as a quasineutral gas of charged and neutral parcles which exhibits collecve behavior. Plasma can be classified into non-thermal and thermal plasmas according to the degree of ionizaon and the difference of temperature between heavy parcles and electrons. Electrically generated thermal plasma can reach temperature of ~10,000⁰C or more. Over the past decade, thermal plasma process has also been regarded as a viable alternave to treat highly toxic wastes, such as air pollutant control (APC) residues, radioacve, medical wastes and municipal solid waste. It has also been demonstrated that the thermal plasma process is environmentally friendly, producing only inert slag and minimal air pollutants that are well within regional regulaons. The thermal plasma process employs extremely high temperatures in the absence or near-absence of O to treat MSW containing organics and other materials. The MSW is dissociated into its constuent chemical elements, transformed into other materials some of which are valuable products. The organic components are transformed into syngas, which is mainly composed of H and CO and inorganic components are vitrified into inert glass-like slag. Factors controlling the technical process –

Amount of O₂ Temperature

• Designed to maximize CO and H₂ • Operang at temperature above ash melng point

• Added limited quanty of O₂ • Inorganic materials are converted to glassy slag and fine parculate • Reducing environment • Slag is non-leachable, nonhazardous and suitable for use in • Prohibing the generaon of NOx and Sox construcon materials

66 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.4: Plasma Gasification

Thermal plasma gasificaon technology overview

Sorter (oponal)

Steam turbine

Waste Thermal Gas- Syngas plasma Heat treatment ulizaon Stack pretreatment exchanger system furnace process process Syngas Bag combustor Sorter filter Electric IGCC precipitator Crusher Metanaon Wet process Scrubber Fischer -Tropsch process Ethanol synthec process Source: Youngchul et al. 2012.

67 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.4: Plasma Gasification

A 3-D Schemac design of typical plasma gasificaon plant

Source: Youngchul et al. 2012.

68 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.4: Plasma Gasification

Rapid assessment Operaon aspects Advantages Within plasma gasificaon plant, inside the gasifier, plasma torches • Feedstocks can be mixed, such as municipal solid waste, biomass, and arcs generate intense heat. This extreme heat maintains the res, hazardous waste, and auto shredder waste. gasificaon reacons, which break apart the chemical bonds of the feedstock and converts them to a raw gas. The high temperature can • It does not generate methane, a potent greenhouse gas. even increase the rate of the reacon, making gasificaon more • It does not produce leachable boom ash or fly ash. efficient. • It reduces the need for landfilling of waste. Gas treatment aer the Gasifier - Raw gas is cooled down aer the • It produces raw gas, which can be combusted in a gas turbine or gasifier. Before entering the gas turbine, several steps need to be reciprocang to produce electricity or further processed into applied to clean the raw gas. Gas cleaning steps should be based on chemicals, ferlizers, or transportaon fuels the source and composion of the waste. The raw gas mainly contains: • It has low environmental emissions. H₂, CO, CO₂, H₂O, and N₂ and based on the feedstock it may contain: HCL, H₂S, NOx, SOx, heavy metal etc. Raw gas is cooled through a • Comparing to tradional gasificaon, it doesn’t generate tar during causc venturi quench scrubber and scrubber system and then it goes the gasificaon process. to a wet electrostac precipitator (WESP). The venturi quench and Disadvantages WESP can serve a purpose to remove the parculate maer in the raw gas and also convert chlorine within the raw gas into salt as well. Aer • It has not been proved in large scale plant, so there might be some that, the raw gas goes through different gas cleaning processes in drawbacks that are not yet known. order to remove chlorine, sulphur, lead, cadmium, zinc and mercury. • The inial investment is very high. Waste treatment aer the Gasifier - Inorganic materials in the • Plasma torches consume a lot of power. feedstock are melted in the gasifier. Due to differences in density, they are easily separated into two layers: a metal and a glassy silicate layer. Cost The metal layer can be recycled as metal alloys, while the glassy • Investments – USD 0.2-0.4 million USD per ton product can be used in different commercial applicaons, including • O&M – USD 300 USD per ton per annum concrete aggregate, roadbed construcon etc.

69 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.5: Overview of RDF treatment

Technical descripon, funconality and applicability

Refuse derived fuel (RDF) typically consists of the residual dry combusble fracon of the MSW including paper, texle, rags, leather, rubber, non-recyclable plasc, jute, mullayered packaging and other compound packaging, cellophane, thermocol, melamine, coconut shells, and other high calorific fracons of MSW. The suitability of RDF for use as a fuel or resource is dependent on certain parameters of the constuent waste: • Calorific value; • Water content; • Ash content; Source: GoI, 2017 (Waste to wealth, Ministry of Housing and • Sulphur content; and Urban Affairs) • Chlorine content. The required specific composion and characteriscs of RDF for fuel or co-processing will be determined by the kind of boiler/ furnace, temperatures achieved in the furnace, and the associated flue gas management systems.

Photo credit: GoI, 2017 (Waste to wealth, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs)

70 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.5: Overview of RDF treatment Rapid assessment Planning, design and implementaon Advantages The RDF producon line consists of several unit operaons in series to • Process does not associate emission or generates effluent separate unwanted components and condion the combusble • No segregaon or minimal segregaon of waste maer to obtain required RDF characteriscs. In general, segregaon and processing may include: Disadvantages • Sorng or mechanical separaon • Highly dependent on the waste composion • Size reducon (shredding, chipping, and milling) • More suitable for waste with high calorific value and low moisture content; • Drying (where required) • Very high level of pre-sorng of waste is required prior to • Separaon processing for the successful operaons • Screening • Needs nearby market for ulizaon of RDF • Air density separaon (for removing fine inert material) • Large quanty of rejects (~35%), requiring bigger landfills. • Blending Operaon and maintenance aspects • Packaging • Storage. SN Operaonal aspects Details The type and configuraon of unit, depend on the end use of the RDF. 1 Type of waste Mixed Combusble Waste This is also determined by the necessary characteriscs of waste (moisture, ash content, calorific value, chloride, heavy metals, etc.). 2 Suitability (Tonnes/ day) Min: 0.50 , Max: 150.00 3 Area Requirement Min: 100m² , Max: 1000m² 4 Life Duraon 15 Years Cost 5 Handling Experse Skilled + Semi Skilled + Unskilled • Investments – USD 45,000 USD per ton 6 Reducon in Waste Volume 50% • O&M – USD 2250 per ton per annum

71 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Op on 7.6: Centralized material recovery facility for dry waste

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon, funconality & applicability

The recyclable material collected is taken to the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) which houses a segregaon plant. The basic principle for separaon of recyclable material is moving the waste materials through a conveyor. The waste in the conveyor belt is a combinaon of magnec responsive metals, magnec non-responsive metals, glass materials Trommel Hopper, Screen, Conveyor and plascs. A magnec separator removes the magnec responsive metals. A vibrang shaker screen then receives the waste materials and by virtue of its vibraon causes the smaller broken glass to pass through spaces in the screen. An eddy current separator separates non ferrous materials like aluminum etc. An air sorter including a large blower receives the waste materials and blows a stream of air across the waste materials so as to blow the lighter metals, such as the plascs, away from the remaining Baler Conveyor large glass materials, like boles.

72 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Op on 7.6: Centralized material recovery facility for dry waste

Operaon aspects Planning, design & implementaon MRF units employ varying combinaons of manual and mechanical operaons, based SN Head Unit Details on the type of facility, availability of equipment, labour availability, and associated cost 1 Design waste quanty (dry) TPD 80 implicaons. 2 No of regular shis No 1 Pre-sorng: Bulky and contaminated wastes hamper further sorng or processing in the 3 Duraon of shi hr 8 facility; mechanical or manual pre-sorng is essenal to separate out the wastes. 4 Plant capacity TPH 10 Mechanical sorng: Mechanical processes based on principles of electromagnecs, 5 Processing facility (pping floor, fluid mechanics, pneumacs., & used to segregate different streams in pre-sorted processing equipment, residue transfer waste. area, and storage) m² 1000 Screening: Screening achieves an efficient separaon of parcles into two or more size 6 Scales, truck queuing and outdoor vehicle m² 600 distribuons. Two types of screens are used in MRF centre - disc screens and trommel. 7 Parking for rolling stock m² 1500 Ferrous metal separaon: In the second stage, electromagnets are used for separang 8 Employee parking m² 65 heavy ferrous metals from mixed waste. 9 Site buffer allowance (10%) m² 320 Air classificaon: The residual waste stream is passed through an air stream with Total Site area requirement acre ~1 sufficient velocity to separate light materials from heavy material, specifically for separang out lightweight plascs and paper from the mixed stream. Three types of air Cost classifiers - (i) horizontal, (ii) vibrang incline (iii) inclined. Investments – USD 9-10,000 per ton, O&M – 5-7.5% of investments Non-ferrous metal separaon: The non-ferrous metal like zinc, aluminum, copper, lead, Rapid assessment nickel, and other precious metal from commingled waste are separated by eddy current separator. Advantages • Scienfic disposal of inert and rejects Detect and route system: This system separates various grades of paper, plascs, and • Conserves resources for future • Creates more jobs glass, which are not sorted out in the air classifier. This system works in two stages. The first stage employs programmed opcal sensors to determine the nature of different • Avoids further polluon • Saves energy materials. In the second stage, based on informaon received from the sensor, sorted • Supplies valuable raw materials to industry material is routed to appropriate bins by direconal air jets. • Smulates the development of greener technologies • Reduces the need for new landfills Size reducon: Sorted materials aer segregaon reduced to smaller sizes. Disadvantages Baling: Sorted and sized material is baled for further processing or use. • Need properly segregated dry waste

73 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.7: Plasc to fuel technology

Plasc to fuel technology (PTF) PTF technology process descripon Pyrolyc Conversion Technology - A new generaon of conversion • Segregation and Pretreatment: Plasc waste (only HD, LD, PP and technology, specifically designed to manage non-recyclable plascs, has mullayer packaging except PVC) is segregated and pretreated. The been developed, and commercial scale facilies that use pyrolysis pretreatment could be as minor as size reducon or as involved as technology to convert plascs into oil and fuel are being established in cleaning and moisture removal. Europe and Asia. • Conversion: Pyrolyc processes are used to convert the plasc to Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposion of materials at elevated gas. It is undertaken in close reactor vessel where waste plascs is temperatures in an inert atmosphere heated at high temperatures to convert it into vapor state. The catalyst is added whereby the pyrolysis requires less energy and results in the formaon of more branched hydrocarbons. The gas Technology benefit generated in the process is reused as fuel in the process thus making the process economically viable and also help in minimizing The benefits presented by plasc to fuel (PTF) technologies are two-fold: air polluon. (1) Transforming non-recyclable plascs into a valuable commodity • Distillation: The gas is collected in condensaon chamber and is converted in the form of liquid fuel. The oil has properes similar to (2) Creang a reliable source of alternave energy from an abundant, LDO and can be safely used as an alternave to LDO in industries no/ low cost feedstock. thus conserving the already depleng natural resources. • Acid removal process: Acids that form in the breakdown are required to be removed as they can be corrosive to the plasc to fuel systems as well as the engines that will consume the fuel. • Separation / final blending / refining: It is required to be done as per the end-use.

74 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.7: Plasc to fuel technology

Process flow Output Output Percentage of Overall Output

Char Ranges on average from 2% to 13% (one system claims negligible amounts of char when the system is run on a connuous feed vs a batch feed)

Natural gas Ranges average from 8% to 10%

Fuel/ Oil Ranges average from 80% to 90%

One gallon (3.78 liters) of oil = 138,095 BTUs (40 kWh)

One pound (0.45 Kg) of mixed plasc = 15,500 BTUs (when incinerated) (4.5 kWh)


75 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.8: Resource Recovery at Disposal site

Photographic visualizaon Technical descripon Biomining process of resource recovery involves the mechanism of recovery of combusble fracon, nutrient rich soil fracon and inert from the exisng unscienfic disposal sites. This process is largely applicable for the dumpsite which are being operaonal for many years and about to close soon. The revenue stream out of this process are – combusble fracon or RDF, ii) soil enricher, and iii) inert or rejects for (low lying area filling). The process of resource recovery through biomining method involves three stages – Pre-stabilizaon – The disposal site is converted into equal sized windrows and turned frequently along with spraying of bio-culture and de-odouriser. This would ensure removal of stench, reducon of flies, and eliminaon of pathogenic acvies, complete biodegradaon and reducon of moisture. Sorng and segregaon – In this stage, mobile equipment separate and excavate waste into soil, stones and combusbles. Disposal – In this stage soil, inert and non-combusble are disposed as construcon material/ earth filling material/ soil enricher etc. and the combusble part as refused derived fuel.

76 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.8: Resource Recovery at Disposal site

Plant visual

77 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Chapter 7: Resource recovery Technical Opon 7.8: Resource Recovery at Disposal site

Operaon aspects Rapid assessment During operaon, following aspects shall be taken care of - Advantages • Automac weigh bridge will be installed at the site for inward • Has high economic revenue weighng. • Biomining process of resource recovery leads to dumpsite • Leachate management systems will be incorporated in the plant. reclamaon, resulng in recovery of land for further use • Dust management systems will be incorporated in the plant. • Revenue is also generated from the sale soil enricher, during the pre-stabilizaon stage of resource recovery • Topographic survey using total staon method will be done regularly to ensure volume reducon. • Reclaimed soil aer recovery process, can be used as filling material aer excavaon, road construcon, thereby reducing the cost of • Laboratory test will be conducted of all outputs using external filling or construcon material laboratory once a month. • Recovered combusble waste can be used for the producon of • All workers will be wearing safety jacket, helmets, masks etc. refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and sold to cement or power plants • Fire exnguisher will be placed in all locaons. Disadvantages • Proper security arrangements will be incorporated in the site. • Need proper waste compacon at disposal site • Proper health checkup will be made to all employees working. • Waste slope stabilizaon is required before recovery process

Cost Cost - USD 2-15 per m³ of input waste for resource recovery

78 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

References: • GoB (Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh). 2018. Draft Solid Waste Management Rule, Ministry of Environment & Forest, GoB. • Government e-Market Place, Government of India. • GoI (Government of India). 2017. Waste to Wealth: A ready reckoner for selecon of technologies for management of municipal waste. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, GoI. New Delhi, India. • ADB (Asian Development Bank), 2013. Materials recovery facility tool kit. Mandaluyong City, Philippines. • CPHEEO (Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisaon). 2016. Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India. • Planning Commission. 2014. Report of the Task Force on Waste to Energy (Volume I), GoI. hp:// (accessed on 12.08.2020) • GoI (Government of India). 2016. G.S.R. 320 (E): Plasc Waste Management Rules 2016. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. New Delhi. • ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India); PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). 2017. Waste Management in India - Shiing Gears, PWC, India hps:// management-in-india-shiing-gears.pdf. (accessed on 12.08.2020) • US. Env.Protecon Agency. 1993. Manual for Landfill. hps:// • The BlackHOLE® Technology, TeslaGREEN INCTM hps:// • Youngchul, B.; Moohyun, C.; Soon-Mo, H.; Jaewoo, C. 2012. Thermal Plasma Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). In Gasificaon for Praccal Applicaons, Yongseung Yun, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/48537. Available from: hps:// applicaons/thermal-plasma-gasificaon-of-municipal-solid-waste-msw- (accessed on 10.08.2020) • GoB (Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh). 2014. Naonal Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation. Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperaves. • Saxena, Y K.; Deshpande, P.; Tiwari, J.; Jagan, P.; Behera, P K.; Saxena, A K. 2018. Case study of Construction and Demolition waste processing plant at Devguradia, Indore. International Journal of Basic and Applied Research. Available at http://www.pragatipublication.con/assets/uploads/doc/ d04c0-699-717.16133.pdf. (accessed on 11.08.2020)

79 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure – Selected detailed technical designs A1 Technical design detail of transfer staons A2 Technical design detail of centralized innovave zero waste treatment facility A3 Technical design detail of centralized medical waste treatment facility A4 Technical design of controlled landfill A5 Technical design detail of decentralized biomethanaon plant A6 Technical design detail of decentralized organic waste converter A7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste A8 Technical design of resource recovery at disposal site

80 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+1 Elevated transfer staon

Process flow in transfer staon Operaonal Visualizaon of transfer staon







81 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+1 Elevated transfer staon

Scemac Design of G+1 elevated transfer staon – (Cross secon) Descripon and funconality of Different components and Units:

• Upramp – to allow incoming pper vehicle • Tipping plaorm (G+1) – to host the vehicle to be staoned before unloading • Hopper – to unload the waste from pper • Chute – to transfer waste from (G+1) to ground floor compactor • Staonery compactor with detachable container – to compact the waste inside it • Hook loader – to roll on and roll off the container • Truck chassis – to carry the compactor container to the disposal facility • Down ramp – to allow pper vehicle to exit aer unloading into the hopper.

82 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+1 Elevated transfer staon

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning

• Quanficaon of waste • Site clearances, cung of bushes • Characterizaon of waste • Necessary surveys, invesgaons, monitoring etc., as required • Excavaon, site filling, leveling work • Mass balance for different service chain in line with the proposed • Earth Compacng treatment and disposal mechanism • Filling of Aggregate/ PCC bed • Capacity esmaon of the transfer staon • CC & RCC Work as per drawing • Brickwork as per drawing • Area statement • Finishing Work including Plastering ,Painng &Tile work • Idenficaon of locaon for transfer staon • MS Truss work for roofing and shed • DG Set as per specificaon • Environmental assessment • Fixing mechanism for hopper, chute, and staonery compactor • Social assessment an stakeholders consultaon • Lower operaonal area • Geotechnical, topographical survey and ground water quality analysis • Upper operaonal area • Road base and Floor development • Schemac design and layout preparaon • Drainage system • Infrastructural planning • Boundary wall • Leachate collecon tank • Block cosng • Water storage tank • Financial and investment mechanism • Vehicle parking (both for operaonal vehicles and staff vehicle) • Implementaon mechanism • Drivers’ room • Electrificaon and solar roof installaon • Contract modality idenficaon • Toilet, plumbing, sanitaon& pit • IEC requirement • Office room • Vehicle washing bay • Monitoring framework • Minor maintenance bay • Operaon and maintenance aspects. • Ramp.

83 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G-1 Underground transfer staon

Operaonal visualizaon of transfer staon

Receiving hoper

Container Compacon unit Waste loading mechanism (G-1) floor

Side view Top view

Container being lied by the hook loader for disposal

84 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G-1 Underground transfer staon

Scemac design of staonery compactor and hook loader Descripon and funconality of different components and units:

• Receiving bay – to allow incoming pper vehicle • Underground bucket (G-1) – to receive the unloaded waste and then conveying to the porta • Staonery compactor with detachable container – to compact the waste inside it • Hook loader – to roll on and roll off the container • Truck chassis – to carry the compactor container to the disposal facility • Shed – to protect the transfer staon and compactor unit from rain.

85 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G-1 Underground transfer staon

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning

• Quanficaon of waste • Site clearances • Characterizaon of waste • Necessary surveys, invesgaons, monitoring etc., as required • Mass balance for different service chain in line with the proposed • Excavaon, site filling, leveling work treatment and disposal mechanism • Earth Compacng • Capacity esmaon of the transfer staon • Filling of Aggregate / PCC bed • Area statement • CC & RCC Work as per drawing • Idenficaon of locaon for transfer staon • Brickwork as per drawing • Environmental assessment • Finishing Work including Plastering ,Painng &Tile work • Social assessment an stakeholders consultaon • MS Truss work for roofing and shed • Geotechnical, topographical survey and ground water quality analysis • DG Set as per specificaon • Schemac design and layout preparaon • Detailed assessment of subsurface condion • Fixing mechanism for receiving hopper and staonery compactor • Infrastructural planning • Access road and Floor development • Block cosng • Drainage system • Financial and investment mechanism • Electrificaon and solar roof installaon • Implementaon mechanism • Toilet, plumbing, sanitaon& pit • Contract modality idenficaon • Office room. • IEC requirement • Monitoring framework • Operaon and maintenance aspects.

86 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+0 Ground level transfer staon

Scematic view

87 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+0 Ground level transfer staon Scematic view

88 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+0 Ground level transfer staon Sectional view

89 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 1 Technical design detail of G+0 Ground level transfer staon

Descripon and funconality of different components and units: Important procedures for feasibility study

• Compactor and container – compacble with hook loaded truck • Quanficaon of waste mounted chassis for transportaon of waste • Characterizaon of waste • Hook loader – with self loading/unloading mechanism to list & carry • Mass balance for different service chain in line with the proposed the container to the disposal site. treatment and disposal mechanism • DG Set – 15 Kva 3 phase to run the compactor • Capacity esmaon of the transfer staon Oponal components • Area statement • Shed – to protect the transfer staon and compactor unit from rain • Idenficaon of locaon for transfer staon • Concrete flooring: designed to withstand the load impacts from the • Planning for no of required unit, based upon the disposal locaon, & vehicles used for collecon and transportaon of waste vehicle speed • Drainage system – to collect and convey the rainwater. • Block cosng • Financial and investment mechanism • Implementaon mechanism Important procedures for installaon and commissioning • Contract modality idenficaon • IEC requirement • Site clearances and earmarking • Monitoring framework • Planning on the access road and turning radius • Operaon and maintenance aspects. • Shed and brickwork (oponal) • DG Set as per specificaon • Drainage system.

90 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 2 Technical design detail of centralized innovave zero waste treatment facility

Plan Secon

Descripon & funconality The inner wall is made of ceramic rich refractory coang compound. Ceramic applied over inner walls of chamber to protect from corrosion and erosion. Dioxins, difurans and parabens are destroyed inside the machine itself, a mul layered sprinkling system comes along with the equipment. The equipment is made in Stainless Steel with higher grade SS 304 which is anrust and corrosion free. Prefabricated heang modules consisng of vacuum formed ceramic fibre is being used to enhance temperatures.

91 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 2 Technical design detail of centralized innovave zero waste treatment facility

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning

• Assessment of waste quanficaon • Design, drawing, and project implementaon meline approval • Physical characterizaon of waste (especially for glass, metal and • Site invesgaon and surveys inert percentages) • Obtaining NOC , permits etc. from the statutory governing bodies • Assessment of moisture content of waste • Water supply & Electric supply connecon • Idenficaon of land • Construcon of Weigh Bridge Facility for • Preliminary environmental and social screening of the site • Measurement of MSW received at project site. • Preparaon of drawing, layout and site infrastructure design • Access road, boundary wall, site office construcon • Implementaon meline and contract mechanism • Construcon / Installaon of plant will all allied equipments • O&M aspects, role of individual stakeholder, and implemenng agency • Infrastructure • Cost recovery mechanism • Trial run

92 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 3 Technical design detail of centralized medical waste treatment facility

Components & funconality Ram Feeder - Bio-hazardous Waste is loaded into the incinerator through the kiln faceplate by a horizontal, hydraulically charged ram feeder. Rotary Kiln - The kiln is comprised of a refractory lined carbon steel shell encircled by two steel riding rings. Discharge Breeching - The discharge breech is designed to collect the ash discharged from the rotary kiln and to allow the larger parcles to drop out of the flue gas stream prior to entry into the secondary combuson chamber. Ash Slide Gate - The boom ash from the incinerator is discharged through a slide gate valve. Secondary Combuson Chamber (SSC) - All gaseous products of combuson from the rotary kiln incinerator pass into the refractory-lined vercal SCC. SCC Emergency Stack - The outlet of the SCC represents the end of the combuson reacon. Hence, it represents an ideal locaon for the emergency stack. SCC Auxiliary Fuel Oil Burner - The purpose of this burner is to maintain the SCC chamber at the design operang temperature. SCC Waste Combuson Air Fan - Combuson air for incineraon of the liquid waste is blown into the SCC adjacent to the point of injecon. Evaporave Cooler - Flue gas enters the top of the evaporave cooler through a horizontal connecon to the inlet plenum. Dry Lime/Carbon Injecon System - Purpose of the system is to neutralize HCl in the flue gas & to collect Dioxins, Furan & Metals via acvated carbon adsorpon. Fabric Filter - The dirty or contaminated gas enters the fabric filter module through an inlet in the hopper. Packed Tower/ Vent Stack - A wet scrubber with integral vent stack is provided for final acid gas scrubbing prior to the discharge of the cleaned flue gases. ID Fan - A radial blade, high pressure induced dra fan is supplied to maintain dra control in the incinerator system. Programmable Logic Controller

93 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 3 Technical design detail of centralized medical waste treatment facility

Process flow diagram Important procedures for feasibility study

• Assessment of waste quanty from different medical and healthcare establishment • Registraon with concerned medical associaon for hand over of waste to the medical waste incinerator agency • Segregaon of autoclaving and sterilizing item from the incinerable biomedical waste stream • Check for calorific value • Environmental screening and assessment of the incineraon site • Provision of wash disposal in hazardous waste management disposal site.

94 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 4 Technical design of controlled landfill

Liner system Gas venng system Vegetave layer 0.45 m

Barrier layer of clay with permeability 1 X 10-7cm/sec 0.6 m

Gas venng layer of granular material with permeability 1 X 10-cm/sec 0.6 m

Municipal Solid Waste ( above G.L. and 5m below G.L.)

Drainage layer of permeability not greater than 1X10-⁷ cm/sec 0.3 m

HDPE Geomembrane liner (1.5 mm)

Amended local soil with permeability 1X10-7 cm/sec 0.9 m

- 3.0 m (minimum), Ground water level

95 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 4 Technical design of controlled landfill

Leachate management system

96 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 4 Technical design of controlled landfill

Seconal Details of Top Liner System

Closure View

97 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 4 Technical design of controlled landfill

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning SN Criteria Feasibility • Site earmarking and topographical survey • Geotechnical invesgaon and ground water level • Excavaon and backfilling 1 Lake/Pond 200 m away from the Lake/ Pond • Bund, peripheral road, and access construcon, electricity etc 2 River/streams 100m away from the river/ stream • Construcon of underground sump 3 Flood plain No land fill within a 100 year flood plain • Construcon of weighbridge • Compacon of clay layer at the boom 4 Highway Away from 200 m highway • Installaon of 1.5 mm thick HDPE liner 5 Public parks 300 m away from public parks • Tesng of liner at site • Installaon of gravel layer 6 Wet lands No landfill within wet lands • Laying of header pipes 7 Habitaon 500 m away from the nofied • Laying of feeder pipes habitaon area • Construcon of boundary wall, admin building, water supply, ulity etc • Tesng of load cell at weighbridge. 8 Ground water table Ground water table > 3m 9 Crical habitat area, Approach for selecon of landfill site reserve forest, protected area, • Earmark a “Search Area” taking in to account locaons of cies ecologically sensive • Collecon of preliminary data area No landfill within the Crical habitat area • Idenficaon and Evaluaon of Potenal Sites 10 Air ports No landfill within 20 km • Screening and short-lisng of potenal sites to arrive at best sites • Environmental Impact Assessment 11 Water supply • Assessment of public percepon for the selected site schemes/ wells Minimum 500 m away • Final Selecon and noficaon of the site.

98 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 5 Technical design detail of decentralized biomethanaon plant

Descripon & funconality of different components

1. Pre-treatment The organic waste shall be fed to the Biogas Pulverizer/ Homogenizer where the material shall get homogenized and sieved /shredded for size reducon < 10 mm Biogas outlet material. Aer a retenon me of few Feed Filter press for digested slurry hours in the Pulverizer/ Homogenizer, the Feeder chamber waste is fed into the AD (Anaerobic Unloading conveyor F C D Digeson) unit. 6 m area B 2. Digeson 6 m Screen Inlet The AD unit is provided with recirculaon. Shredder E During the anaerobic digeson process, A Use the material passes through the AD unit. The Screened effluent Outlet digested residue is extracted from the AD Liquid Gas holder unit from the boom. The biogas generated is collected at the top. Shed for further composng

10 m for solid residue 3. Bio-gas Producon Layout plan The bio-gas generated through 10 m Biomethanaon process will be used for Power generaon. 4. Power Generaon from Bio-Gas The gas stored in the gas holders is fed to Biogas engines to generate electricity. Necessary ulies, basic safety requirements and instrumentaon are considered for proper operaon, monitoring and control of the plant performance. The capve power will be ulized from the Gross generated power. 5. Slurry Dewatering The residue le aer the anaerobic digeson will be dewatered and dried. The dried solid can further be sold as organic compost.

99 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 5 Technical design detail of decentralized biomethanaon plant

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning

• Idenficaon Of source of generaon and markets The plant should be equipped with all infrastructures including plant, building, machinery and other necessary ulies as required. There • Waste quanty esmaon should be a weighing machine consisng of a pot for collecon of the • Characterizaon of waste waste and weighing of the waste. There should be provision of water and electricity to be consumed during the period of Construcon and O&M of • Effecve segregaon mechanism the plant. • Collecon mechanism The plant should be designed, built, operated and maintained for a period • Storage provision of at least 10 years. The plant would produce energy and compost adhering to disposal standards. During operaon, it shall follow all • Provision of accepng waste from addional source applicable standards as per prevailing regulaons of naonal/ internaonal guideline and standards. There should be a segregaon unit in the area • Idenficaon of market and necessary survey for end product sale allocated for segregaon. The waste from the idenfied market(s) would (compost) be transported to plant site. In case the designed waste quanty is • Provision of power ulizaon to grid or capve completely treated in less than a spulated period, the provision should be kept for collecon and treatment of addional waste from other • Idenficaon of place for installaon market sources. • Basic environmental screening of the site The Energy produced would be transferred directly to GRID or shall be • Earmark of the area ulized for capve purpose and the compost would be packed and handed over to the implemenng agency. • Preliminary layout preparaon • Revenue esmaon • Financial mechanism of the project • Implementaon model.

100 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 6 Technical design detail of decentralized organic waste converter

Process flow diagram Descripon & funconality of different components SN Components Details

1 Inner tank The tank is comprised of inner blades aached to the sha and are designed for mixing, hammering and shredding. 2 Outer body Outer body is made up of MS Powder coated. 3 Oil bath The oil uniformly heats the inner tank and retains the heang heat for a long period of me, resulng in lower system power bills and beer energy Management. 4 Master & Slave- Prevents downme if a heater failure occurs, heang system resulng in a beer upme. The machine uses a direct drive technology wherein 5 Direct drive the main sha of the machine on which the mixing technology blades are fixed is directly coupled to the geared motor by a planetary gearbox. This results in beer load distribuon to main sha and beer mixing. It also prevents main sha breakage due to metal fague and stress. 6 Odor The ODS ensures odour removal from the hot air that management is let out through the machine venlaon system. 7 Motors and All motors and control equipment are of controls Internaonal quality, resulng in beer efficiency and durability.

101 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 6 Technical design detail of decentralized organic waste converter

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning

• Idenficaon of source of generaon and • The system should be equipped with shredding mechanism as part of the process to obtain the installaon– housing sociees, instuons, desirable finished product offices, big medical establishments, shopping malls with large food court etc. • All equipment should adhere to the highest quality. Document supporng quality of systems and equipment must be provided by the supplier during installaon • Assessment of status of segregaon of waste into dry and wet • Control panel should have emergency start / stop buon • Willingness and public consultaon • The protecve cover should be provided for shredder and blade parts and other important part of the system • Quanficaon of assured waste quanty and commitment • The mechanism used for opening / liing of lids for loading/unloading should be easy to handle • Characterizaon (physical) of wet waste • System should have sturdy/heavy duty construcon to last for at-least ten years • Idenficaon of area of installaon • Two sets of Instrucon manual should be submied to the concerned authority • Preliminary screening of the instalment • Biomass / waste shredder: Suitable contact surfaces with 3 HP motor, sink & segregaon tray. locaon Shredder will be used to shred organic food waste and garden waste. The other parts should be epoxy coated • Power supply, water supply and access establishment • The motor for vessel rotaon: Should be a heavy duty geared motor, connuous duty with proper insulaon. MCB (Miniature Circuit Breaker) should be of make of reputed brand • Feasibility provision for installaon of mulple unit, for future. • Weighing scale: 1 to 100 kg capacity • Stand for operator: Suitable stand may be provided for operator of suitable size • Other electrical components: All remaining electrical components should be suitable for outdoor condion conforming to the best standards.

102 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste

Process flow diagram Possible input Expected output • Paper • Bladed Paper • Metals - Ferrous and Non Ferrous • Bladed Plascs • Plascs • Bladed Ferrous Metals • Glass • Bladed Non Ferrous Metals • Cullet - Crushed Mixed Colour (Glass)

103 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste

Descripon & funconality of different components SN Components Funcons

1 Weighing scale Weighing of incoming waste and sorted recyclables

2 Weighbridge Weighing of large quanes of incoming waste

3 Sorng table Manual sorng and segregaon of recyclables

4 Pay loader Loading of incoming waste into conveyor system, sorng tables; loading of baled recyclables into outgoing vehicles; moving of residual or biodegradable waste out of the facility into the adjacent disposal site

5 Conveyor with hopper Receipt of waste from pay loader and movement of waste for segregaon

6 Conveyor system Mechanized and regulated movement of waste for segregaon

7 Trommel Segregaon of mixed waste or recyclables based on parcle size

8 Magnet separator Separaon of iron-bearing materials

9 Air classifier Separaon of materials such as paper and plasc based on size, shape, and density

10 Bole perforator Perforaon of plasc boles prior to compacon to opmize baling

11 Baler Compacon and binding of recyclables

12 Forkli Movement of baled waste within MRF

104 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste

Plant schemac layout

105 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste

Important procedures for feasibility study Important procedures for installaon and commissioning

Accessibility, land use, and geology need to be considered when sing A typical MRF is sited within a warehouse-type building with concrete MRFs. flooring and enclosed by a perimeter fence for security. It will have the following components: (i) receiving or pping area, (ii) sorng/processing • MRFs need to be located close to exisng roads, but traffic resulng from the movement of waste collecon trucks should be considered. area, (iii) storage area for recyclables, (iv) residuals storage area, (v) equipment area, (vi) space for an office, and (vii) loading area for residuals • These facilies must be near or within urban areas that generate the and processed recyclables. It should also be provided with the basic inputs to be processed for recyclables. connecons for water and electricity and adequate space for the entry • A minimum buffer zone of 100 meters is used for sensive receptors and exit of waste trucks. Provisions for washing and a sepc tank must be such as schools, hospitals, parks, and residenal areas. included. The warehouse design will minimize the placement of columns that could interfere with the efficient movement of materials and • If the area is zoned, MRFs are preferably located in an industrial zone equipment, and facilitate the installaon of higher ceilings. Receiving areas or close to a sanitary landfill to facilitate efficient movement of waste should have the capacity to receive at least 2 days’ worth of the MRF’s from various generators and disposal of residual or biodegradable processing capacity in ancipaon of equipment breakdown and to provide materials. materials for the second-shi operaon, if required. • MRFs should be sited in flat or gently sloping, stable areas to reduce excavaon cost and avoid problems of slope stability.3 Flood-prone areas should be avoided. • Assessment of quanficaon and characterizaon of waste to understand the extent of % in the potenal review stream • Market assessment for recovered material selling.

106 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 8 Technical design of resource recovery at disposal site

Process flow at disposal Site

Important procedures for feasibility study • Waste characterizaon study at the disposal site • The market for RDF, i.e., cement factory should be idenfied and ed up prior to resource recovery operaon at the disposal site • The nurseries or potenal buyers should be idenfied for ulizaon of the soil enricher, out of the pre-stabilizaon process • The suitable disposal locaon, the low land area or should be idenfied for transportaon and disposal of process

107 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh

Annexure 8 Technical design of resource recovery at disposal site

Important procedures for installaon and commissioning Applicaon feasibility

• Idenficaon and earmarking of the area to be bio-minned • Idenficaon of locaon for installaon of resource recovery equipment • Waste density analysis at representave secons and depths • Topographical survey and volume calculaon of waste • Slope stabilizaon • Windrow forming for pre-stabilizaon process • Addion of addives like bio culture, raw compost or cale dung for speedy fermentaon of waste and achieving of thermophilic temperature range of 55 to 65 degree C. • 7-10 days stabilizaon period for each batch or windrow • Coarse material screening through rotary/horizontal screens. • Separaon of course material, fine aggregates, soil enricher, plasc (combusble porons) • Bundling of combusble fracon • Earmarking a secon in the site for intermediate storage of rejects • Aer resource recovery installaon of equipment & machinery • Reclaiming the land

108 CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) is a global research-for-development connecting partners to deliver sustainable agriculture solutions that enhance our natural resources - and the lives of the people that rely on them. WLE brings together 11 CGIAR centers, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the RUAF Global Partnership, and national, regional and international partners to deliver solutions that change agriculture from a driver of environmental degradation to part of the solution. WLE is led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and partners as part of the CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future.

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