Catalog of technical options for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh The Authors: Ayan Majumder - Consultant, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Andreas Ulrich - Researcher: Waste/Sanitation Management, IWMI, Colombo, Sri Lanka Avinandan Taron - Researcher - Investment and Institutional Analyst for RRR business development Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank TA Hub South Asia and the DevCon team, in particular, for their support during the preparation of this catalog. The authors are grateful to Dr. Pay Drechsel ((Senior Fellow/Advisor - Research Quality Assurance, IWMI) for his invaluable guidance. Suggested citation: Majumder, A.; Ulrich, A.; Taron, A. 2020. Catalog of technical opons for solid waste management in Bangladesh. Colombo, Sri Lanka: Internaonal Water Management Instute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 115 p. Copyright © 2020, CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), Internaonal Water Management Instute (IWMI). Fair use: Unless otherwise noted, you are free to copy, duplicate or reproduce, and distribute, display, or transmit any part of this report or porons thereof without permission, and to make translaons, adaptaons, or other derivave works under the following condions: ATTRIBUTION: The work must be referenced according to internaonal citaon standards, while aribuon in no way suggest endorsement by WLE, IWMI or the author(s). NONCOMMERCIAL: This work may not be used for commercial purposes. SHARE ALIKE: If this work is altered, transformed or built upon, the resulng work must be distributed only under the same or similar license to this one. Disclaimer: This catalog is based on a review of technical options and personal experiences of team members in implementing different projects. The catalog is not a comprehensive compendium and there could be other technical options that are not presented in the catalog. A feasibility assessment of the technical options presented in the catalog must be carried out before they are considered for implementation in different cities in Bangladesh. The information in this catalog was compiled by the authors and IWMI's Publication Unit was not involved in the production of the catalog. Therefore, any errors are the sole responsibility of the authors. Photo credits: The photographs/visualizaons used in the catalog are mostly sourced from different manuals, guidelines, compendiums and webpages available in the public domain. All other photographs were taken by Ayan Majumder while working in different projects and from field visits. All technical drawings were prepared by Ayan Majumder. Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh Contents 1. Introducon and overview 1 6.2 Medical waste treatment facility 48 1.1 The SWM service chain 3 6.3 Overview of C&D waste treatment 51 1.2 Regulatory framework related to SWM 4 6.4 Sanitary landfill 54 1.3 Current status of SWM in Bangladesh 8 7. Resource recovery 56 1.4 Waste generators profile 10 7.1 Decentralized biomethanaon plant for bulk generator 58 2. Management at Household level 11 7.2 Decentralized organic waste converter for community 60 2.1 Types of waste 13 7.3 Centralized composng facility 62 2.2 Waste quanficaon and projecon 14 7.4 Plasma Gasification 66 2.3 Sampling and characterizaon 15 7.5 Overview of RDF treatment 70 2.4 Waste segregaon at source 16 7.6 Centralized material recovery facility for dry waste 72 2.5 Storage of waste 17 7.7 Plasc to fuel technology 74 3. Involving stakeholders for implementaon 18 7.8 Resource Recovery at disposal site 76 3.1 Implementaon mechanism & public parcipaon 20 Annexure – Selected detailed technical designs 80 3.2 Informal recycling sector 25 A1 Technical design detail of transfer staons 81 4. Collecon 26 4.1 Door to door collecon 28 A2 Technical design detail of centralized innovave zero waste 4.2 Primary collecon framework 29 treatment facility 91 5. Transportaon 30 A3 Technical design detail of centralized medical waste treatment facility 93 5.1 Transfer staon 32 A4 Technical design of controlled landfill 95 5.2 Secondary collecon & transportaon 39 A5 Technical design detail of decentralized biomethanaon plant 99 5.3 Street sweeping 41 5.4 IT enabled monitoring 42 A6 Technical design detail of decentralized organic waste converter 101 6. Treatment & Disposal 43 A7 Technical design detail of MRF facility for dry waste 103 6.1 Innovave and modern zero waste treatment 45 A8 Technical design of resource recovery at disposal site 107 Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh Acronyms & Abbreviaons APC Air Pollutant Control HIG High income group Nm³ Normal cube meter AWC Automac waste converter HP Horse power O&M Operaon & maintenance BOT Build own transfer IEC Informaon, educaon and communicaon PCC Plain cement concrete C&D Construcon & demolion IT Informaon technology PPEs Personal protecon equipment C/N Carbon nitrogen KMPH Kilometer per hour PPP Private Public Partnership CC Compleon cerficate kWh Kilowa hour PRSP Poverty Reducon Strategy Paper CDM Clean development mechanism LCV Low capacity vehicle PWM Plasc waste management CH₄ Methane LDPE Low-density polyethylene RCC Reinforced cement concrete Co₂ Carbon di oxide LIG Low income group RDF Refuse derived fuel LPG Liquefied petroleum gas DBOT Design Build own transfer RFP Request for proposal MIG Middle income group DG Diesel Generator SAARC South Asian Associaon for Regional MOA Ministry of Agriculture Cooperaon DPR Detailed Project Report MOEF Ministry of Environment & Forest SEMP Sustainable Environmental Management ECR Environmental Conservaon Rules Programme MRF Material recovery facility EHS Environment, health and safety SLF Sanitary Landfill MS Mild steel EMS Environmental management system SQFT Square feet MSW Municipal solid waste EPC Engineering procurement construcon MT Metric ton SQM Square meter E Waste Electronic waste NEMAP Naonal Environmental Management SWM Solid Waste Management GOB Government of Bangladesh Acon Plan TPD Tons per day HDPE High-density polyethylene NGO Non Government Organizaon ULB Urban local bodies Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh Preface he catalog of technical opons for managing verified in technical sessions aended by IWMI and Municipal Solid Waste has been produced by DevCon looking at the raonale for selecng Tthe Internaonal Water Management Instute parcular technical opons, including their (IWMI) for the Technical Assistance Hub for South advantages and disadvantages, and suitability in Asia (TA-Hub SA) located in Dhaka, Bangladesh. TA-Hub the context of Bangladesh. As requested by TA-Hub SA is managed by Development Consultants (DevCon) SA, detailed technical designs used to illustrate and supported through the Bill & Melinda Gates specific technical opons within the SWM value Foundaon. One of the tasks of TA-Hub SA is to chains and discussed during the technical sessions support the Department of Public Health Engineering have been included as annexures in this catalog. (DPHE) on behalf of the Government of Bangladesh These technical design scan be considered by in acvies related to the planning and implementaon relevant individual praconers, and consulng of Solid Waste Management (SWM) projects in over agencies, in Bangladesh for implementaon in the 60 cies of the country. In order to support informed future. decision-making among related public stakeholders, The SWM technical catalog prepared by IWMI team TA-Hub SA requested the producon of two catalogs focuses on waste segregaon as a requirement and of selected technical opons for solid waste explores opons for treatment, disposal and management (SWM) and fecal sludge management resource recovery. IWMI looks forward to providing (FSM) value chains currently implemented mainly in assistance to TA-Hub SA as required during on-site South and Southeast Asia region. assessments and preparaon of feasibility studies This catalog is a compilaon of technical opons for for the implementaon of urban SWM projects in SWM value chains, based on brief descripons, Bangladesh once Covid-19-related travel photographs and illustraons. The opons were restricons have been lied. Catalog of technical opons for Solid Waste Management in Bangladesh Methodology in selecng the Technical opons Overview of the Catalog • Review of SWM projects & programs in Bangladesh • Structured but compact overview of technical opons that are currently implemented within SWM programs in South- and South • Review of different publicaons on SWM technical opons along the East Asia service chain keeping source segregaon as an important parameter and targeng treatment and resource recovery within the SWM • Systemac, short and well visualized presentaons of current planning. technical SWM opons including summarized consideraons about planning, implementaon, operaon and maintenance. • The review was further narrowed to technical opons that are currently implemented within SWM programs in South- and South • Inclusion of selected, small-scale wastewater treatment opons East Asia under the category of containment. • Discussions with TA-Hub and government partners on SWM technical • Descripon and rapid assessment of main performance indicators of opons in South and South-East Asian context which can be technical SWM opons presented. customized to Bangladesh • Descripon of prefabricated containment and treatment opons. • Interacve and demand-based selecon of technical opons which • Demand-based provision of detailed technical designs of selected can be implemented
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