Five Video Clips from | 10 Oct 2021 17:53:02 Five Video Clips from Afghanistan PLAYLIST by Lisa Akbary

After the Regime made the playing and hearing of music illegal and impossible, in the past twelve years music in Afghanistan has come back to life and taken a new and modern path. There is no place in the country, where you don’t hear new hits, no shop or home where music videos aren’t screened and watched on TV.

Just recently the show Estareya Afghan (Afghan Star) similar to was one of the most popular shows in the country. Music and music videos of the new era in Afghanistan are a synergie of classical instruments and sounds, Bollywood and Western Style. But one phenomenon is constant: its all about love and peace, in a country that is still facing insecurity and political crisis.

Artist: Brishna Ameel Track: Sola

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Breshna Amel is a famous Pashton singer that is consequently refusing poppy candy music videos but rather well known for a traditional way of singing and video productions. She is admired for her high and soft voice. In this song Amel is singing about the peace that she wishes for her country in a rather poetic way.

Artist: Valy Track: Pashtou – Attani

Is another music video is a classical example of Afghanistans modern music videos: a lot of kitch, beaches and of course a love story. Valy is a famous Afghan pop singer that has even made it in . Born in and living in he is an example of famous Afghan singers producing famous pop songs from abroad. This video is however critizised to have nothing to do with «Atan» the traditional Pashtoon tribal dance. Page 1 of 3 Five Video Clips from Afghanistan | 10 Oct 2021 17:53:02

Artist: Naghma Track: Chal De Meene Ta Jor Kare De

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Naghma is a prominent Afghan singer that started her career in the 1970’s. As Farhad Darya, the American based superstar, she sings in both languages, and pashto. This video shows a concert of Naghma, probably in Afghanistan. As you can see: not a single woman is in the crowd.

Artist: Shafiq Mureed Track: Khanda Ko

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This video in another national language, Hazaragi, is a nice example of a revamped traditional music video style (and it even has English subtitles here). This song celebrates the spring and invites to «laugh and forget about all worries». As many Afghan videos it gives a snapshot of Afghanistans breathtaking landscape and nature. Shafiq Mureed is a famous pop singer from Laghman and has produced many concerts and music videos in Afghanistan.

Artist: Jawid Sharif Track: Yak Qadam Pesh

Jawid Sharif is the booming star of present day Afghanistan. He is singing in dari and his Hit «Yak Qadam Pesh» was a super hit last year, playing up and down everywhere in . He took part of the jury of Estareye Afghan (Afghan Star) and is the most famous dari singing popstar of the new generation.

→ Published on September 03, 2014

→ Last updated on September 21, 2021

Lisa Akbary lives and works in Afghanistan since 2009. While her profession is to be a development and policy advisor for the region of and the Middle East, she has a heartbeat passion for civil society, art projects and creative initiatives in Page 2 of 3 Five Video Clips from Afghanistan | 10 Oct 2021 17:53:03

«her countries» that are unfortunately mostly reknown for bombs, conflicts and instability.

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