Ук о раїнське Православне Слов an Orthodo Ukraini x Word

Офіційне видання Української Православної Церкви в США The Official Publication of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA

Рік LXII Чис. III-IV, березень - квітень, 2012 Vol. LXII Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 www.uocofusa.org Ukrainain Orthodox Word Óêðàїíñüêå Ïðàâîñëàâíå Ñëîâî З † редакторського His Beatitude Constantine, Metropolitan His Eminence Antony, Consistory President столу... His Grace Bishop Daniel “...Почувши, що Ісус іде в

Єрусалим, прийняли пальмове Founded in Ukrainian as “Українське Православне Слово” in 1950 віття і вийшли Йому назустріч, і кликали, кажучи: Осанна, благословен хто йде в ім’я Господнє, Founded in English цар Ізраїлів!” as “Ukrainian Orthodox Word” in 1952 Без жодної репетиції і без жодної пропаганди люди Editor in Chief висловили свої почуття у His Grace Bishop DANIEL прославляючих викриках, у Editor - Fr. Ivan Synevskyy вітанні галузками, у величному масовому супроводі. Чи робили Editorial Office: це щиро? UOW Мабуть, що так, бо не PO Box 495 зустрічаємо, щоб хтось чинив South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 насильство над тими людьми і Tel.: (732) 356-0090 змушував їх. Навпаки, дехто бажав закрити їм уста, але тоді би Fax: (732) 356-5556 “заговорило каміння”. E-mail: [email protected] З такою ж щирістю за кілька днів люди будуть кричати “Розіпни” і їх також ніхто не зможе зупинити. Це ще раз The Ukrainian Orthodox Word is published bimonthly підкреслює, що людина може змінювати долю свою і долю цілого by the Office of Public Relations людства. Ці зміни може робити досить часто і зовсім протилежні of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. між собою. Людина хитка ... Віримо в Христа ... чи маємо свою віру і використовуємо Його у своїх цілях? Subscription price: Син Божий постійно закликав, щоб вірили в Нього і слухали $30.00 per year; $60.00 foreign countries; Його слова. Цей акцент ставив, бо знав, що люди мають $2.50 per single issue; $3.00 per back copy. егоїстичну схильність використовувати іншого у своїх цілях, або Subscriptions are renewable each January. ж розуміти по-своєму. А потім, якщо щось не так, то приходить Midyear subscriptions are prorated. розчарування. Причиною розчарування не є власні помилкові All articles submitted for publication, переконання, а винен інший. В даному випадку люди думали, typed no longer than two pages double spaced, що Христос буде політичним визволителем, а Він закликав до should be mailed to the UOW on a disk or духовної переміни і це спричинило ненависть і бунт навіть e-mailed as an attachment to the Editor-in-Chief. Photos серед найближчих. become the property of the UOW and are not returned. Таким чином можемо припустити, що бажання розіп’ясти Comments, opinions and articles are welcomed but must Христа - це був крик розчарованих людей, які вину за свої хибні include the author’s full name and address. Articles are переконання скинули на невинну людину, яка просила лише published at the discretion of the Editorial Staff, which повірити у Нього. reserves the right to edit, and may not necessarily reflect Що ж ми очікуємо від Христа? Хочемо, щоб Ісус Христос, наш the views of the Editorial Board and/or the UOC of USA. Спаситель став виконавцем наших бажань і потреб? Чи хочемо, схилити свою голову перед Ним і виконати Його святу волю? The deadline for each issue is the 1st of the month Що є причиною наших розчарувань в Бозі? Чи часом ми не to the publication date. подібні до тих, котрі підтакують, бо є так, як вони хочуть і, якщо не є по-їхньому, то засуджують? POSTMASTER please send address changes to: Піднімаючи галузки, звернімо увагу на нашу віру, щоб вона Ukrainian Orthodox Word була зрілою і витривалою, щоб її вистачило не на один день ... PO Box 495 Осана! Тобто - Спаси нас, Господи! South Bound Brook, NJ 08880

2 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 THE PASCHAL EPISTLE OF THE PERMANENT CONFERENCE OF UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX BISHOPS BEYOND THE BORDERS OF UKRAINE To the Reverend , the Diaconate in Christ, the Venerable Monastics and Faithful Laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Beyond the Borders of Ukraine and on their native soil.

Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen!

Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters us today bringing resurrection and in Christ Jesus, a new life beyond our imagination. We greet you with the all-joyous Where frustration and disillusionment and most important feast-day, the with life reigns, there Christ brings a Glorious Resurrection of our Lord, new life filled with new meaning and Jesus Christ. new joy. The Resurrection of Christ is Let us, brothers and sisters, the pinnacle of our expectations and greet “This chosen and holy day, the hopes, the fulfilment of the Lord’s first, the Queen and Lady of Sabbaths, promises and the beginning of re- the Feast of Feasts and the Festival of newed life in the Lord Jesus. Festivals on which we bless Christ to The Resurrection of Christ is the all the ages.” (Easter Matins, Canticle 8) immovable foundation upon which May this day mark a new begin- is built His Church, which calls all to ning in our relationship with God, our salvation and preaches eternal life family, our church and society. after death. “Christ is risen from the With this new joy we greet all of dead, and has become the first-fruits you scattered throughout the world of those who have fallen asleep.” (I and in Ukraine. May the Risen Christ Cor. 15:20) always be with you. May He be a con- It is this foundation, that the enemies of Christ stant source of our unity and may He guide us in our com- and His Church have attempted to shake and shatter mon future here on earth and to eternal life in heaven. throughout history, for they correctly know that without the Resurrection the Divine Christ is no longer divine and Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! is reduced to a mortal prophet, teacher, healer. St. Paul writes to the Corinthians, “And if Christ is not risen, then Pascha 2012 our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty.” (I Cor. 15:14) With Archpastoral Blessings, It is because Christ rose from the dead, that the faithful are inspired and have the spiritual strength to + Constantine wage battle against the enemies of God – the wolves Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the among the sheep, that sow discontent within the Church, USA and the Diaspora; that attack the teachings of Christ as being irrelevant to +Yurij the advances in modern science, technology, philosophy Metropolitan of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of or the needs of today’s social issues and relative morality. Canada; It is because Christ rose from the dead, that we heed +Antony His directives to, “Go into all the world and preach the Archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA; gospel to every creature.” (Mk. 16:15). It is the unbelievers, +Ioan who say, that this or that country will never be Orthodox. Archbishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the Diaspora; It is because Christ rose from the dead, that we accept His authority and submit to the truths, that He +Jeremiah has passed on to us through the Holy Apostles and Archbishop of the South American Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church; their episcopal successors and regard them higher than the philosophical ponderings of those who say, “We are +Ilarion greater than Christ”. Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; Following the crucifixion on Golgotha the Lord’s +Andriy Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada; followers were consumed by great sadness and feelings of hopelessness. Then the Risen Christ appeared among +Daniel them bringing new hope and victory. He also comes to Bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 3 ВЕЛИКОДНЄ ПОСЛАННЯ ПОСТІЙНОЇ КОНФЕРЕНЦІЇ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ПРАВОСЛАВНИХ ЄПИСКОПІВ ПОЗА МЕЖАМИ УКРАЇНИ Всечесному Духовенству, у Христі Дияконству, Преподобному Монашеству і Побожним Мирянам Української Православної Церкви Поза Межами України і на Рідних Землях.

Христос Воскрес! Христос Воскрес! Христос Воскрес!

Дорогі Улюблені Брати і Сестри Він і сьогодні приходить до нас у Христі Ісусі, даруючи нам воскресіння і нове Вітаємо Ваc з все-радісним життя понад нашими уявами. Де і найважнішим святом, Світлим розпука і розчарування царюють в Воскресінням нашого Господа, Ісуса житті туди Христос приносить нове Христа. життя наповнене новим змістом і Воскресіння Христове вер- новою радістю. шина наших сподівань та надій, Вітаймо, брати і сестри, “Цей сповненням Господніх обіцянок і урочистий і святий день, єдиний, початок оновленого життя в Гос- днів Цар і Господь, свято із свят, і поді Ісусі. торжество із торжеств, і в цей день Воскресіння Христове неру- хвалімо Христа по віки!” (Великодня шима основа на якій поставлена Утреня, Ірмос 8) Його Церква, що кличе всіх до Нехай же цей день буде новим спасіння і проповідує вічне життя початком у наших відношеннях з після смерти. “Та нині Христос во- Богом, з нашою родиною, з нашою скрес із мертвих, - первісток серед церквою і суспільством. покійних.” (І Кор.15:16) З цією новою радістю ми вітаємо всіх Вас Якраз цю основу вороги Христа і Його Церкви розсіяних по цілому світі й в Україні. Нехай Воскреслий старалися розхитати і розбити протягом історії бо Христос завжди буде з вами. Нехай же ж Він буде добре знали, що без Воскресіння Божественний постійним джерелом нашого єднання і нехай Він Христос вже не божественний і тим зведений до провадить нами в нашому спільному майбутті тут на смертного пророка, учителя, зцілителя. Св. Павло землі й на шляху до вічного життя на небесах. пише до Коринтян, “Коли ж бо Христос не воскрес, то проповідь наша даремна, даремна також віра ваша.” Христос Воскрес! Воістину Воскрес! (І Кор. 15:14) Тому, що Христос воскрес із мертвих вірні мають Пасха 2012 р.Б. натхнення і духовну силу змагатися з ворогами Бога – з вовками серед овець які сіють неспокій серед З архипастирським благословенням, Церкви, які нападають на вчення Христове, ніби +Константин воно недоречне перед осягненнями модерної науки, Митрополит Української Православної Церкви в США і технології, філософії або перед викликами сучасних в Діаспорі; суспільних питань і відносної моралі. +Юрій Тому, що Христос воскрес із мертвих ми слухаємо Митрополит Української Православної Церкви в Канаді; Його наказів, “Ідіть по цілому світові, та всьому +Антоній створінню Євангелію проповідуйте!” (Мк. 16:15). Це ж Архиєпископ Української Православної Церкви в США; невіруючі кажуть, що ця або та країна ніколи не буде +Іоан православною. Архиєпископ Української Православної Церкви в Діаспорі; Тому, що Христос воскрес із мертвих ми визнаємо +Єремія Його авторитет і покоряємося правдам котрі Він Архиєпископ Південно-Американської Єпархії Україн- передав нам через Святих Апостолів і їх епископів- ської Православної Церкви; наслідників і вважаємо їх вищими за філософські +Іларіон міркування тих, котрі кажуть, “ Ми більші за Христа.” Єпископ Української Православної Церкви в Канаді; Після розп’яття на Голгофі учні Господні +Андрій перебували у великому смутку і в почуттях Єпископ Української Православної Церкви в Канаді; безнадійності. Тоді Воскреслий Христос з’явився +Даниїл серед них подаючи їм нову надію й перемогу. Єпископ Української Православної Церкви в США

4 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 St. Thomas Sunday Провідна Неділя The Council of Bishops and Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA cordially invite all Christ-loving faithful, in particular our youth of all ages to participate in this year’s SAINT THOMAS SUNDAY PILGRIMAGE. ªïèñêîïàò òà Êîíñèñòîðiÿ Óêðà¢íñüêî¢ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¢ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ çàïðîøóþòü âñiõ Õðèñòîëþáèâèõ âiðíèõ, çîêðåìà íàøó ìîëîäü, âçÿòè àêòèâíó ó÷àñòü â ÏÐÎÙI ÏÐÎÂIÄÍΡ (ФÎÌÈÍΡ) ÍÅÄIËI 2012 ðîêó. Come and share in the light, grace and Прийдіть розділити світло, радість і благовість Gospel of the Risen Lord with others! ВОСКРЕСЛОГО ХРИСТА!

Bright Saturday: April 21, 2012 Світла субота: 21 квітня 2012

10:00AM in 10:00 год. ранку Літургія в церкві- St. Andrew Memorial Church пам’ятнику св. Андрія

6:00 PM Vespers and Confessions 6:00 год. вечора Вечірня і сповідь in St. Andrew Memorial Church в церкві-пам’ятнику.

Sunday: April 22, 2012 Íåäiëÿ: 22 квітня 2012

9:30 AM Eucharistic Liturgy. Celebrated 9:30 год. р. Божественна Літургія, by His Beatitude Metropolitan очолена Блаженнішим Митрополи- Constantine, Archbishop Antony, том Константином, Архиєпископом Bishop Daniel and pastors of local Антонієм та Єпископом Даниїлом у and distant parish communities. співлужінні місцевого та приїжджого духовенства.

11:30 AM A to the Cemetery’s Great 11:30 год. р. Після Літургії відбудеться Memorial Cross for the celebration of a Panakhyda похід до центрального хреста-пам’ятника for the repose of the souls of the departed servants і Панахида за спокій душ слуг Божих: св. п. of God, His Holiness Patriarch Mstyslav, His Beatitude Патріарха Мстислава, Митрополита Іоана, та Metropolitan John, and all departed hierarchs, clergy всіх спочилих єпископів, священиків і вірних and faithful of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of USA, УПЦеркви, а також за спокій душ жертв ґеноцидного along with the victims of Stalin’s genocidal famine of 1932-33, the голоду 1932-33 р.р., Чорнобильської трагедії; всіх тих, що victims of the Chornobyl disaster, those who sacrificed their lives for the життя своє поклали в боротьбі за волю й незалежність України і freedom and independance of Ukraine and the USA and the victims of the США, за жертви терористичного нападу на США 11 вересня 2011р. 11th September 2001 terroristic attack upon America as well as our fallen та всіх загиблих воїнів. soldiers throughout the world.

May the souls of our beloved find rest among the saints and their memory Нехай душі наших улюблених зі святими спочивають, а be eternal! пам’ять про них буде з роду в рід! Activities: Додаткові пîäiї: Sat. & Sun. afternoons: Youth Activities Суб. і нед. після обіду: Молодіжна активність Sun. 2:00PM: St. Sophia Seminary Open House Нед. 14:00: День відкритих дверей семінарії св. Софії Sun. 3:30PM: Meet our Father Bishops during an Ice Cream Social Нед. 15:00: Зустріч з нашими отцями Владиками у Свято- at St. Sophia Seminary (all ages) Софіївській Семінарії за морозивом (вік учасників не вказано) Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 5  äóñi ìîëèòîâíîї âäÿ÷íîñòi Âñåìîãóòíüîìó Áîãîâi òa ç ïî÷óòòÿì ðàäîñòi, ñîáîð ºïèñêîïiâ Óêðàїíñüêîї Ïðàâîñëàâíîї Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ ñåðäå÷íî çàïðîøóº Âàñ íà ñâÿòêóâàííÿ 40-ëiòòÿ àðõèºðåéñüêîãî ñëóæiííÿ Áëàæåííiøîãî Ìèòðîïîëèòà Êîíñòàíòèíà Ñâÿòà Ëiòóðãiÿ: ñóáîòà – 19 òðàâíÿ, 2012 î 10:00 ðàíêó Óêðàїíñüêà Ïðaâîñëàâíà öåðêâà Óñïiííÿ Ïðåñâÿòîї Áîãîðîäèöi 116 Ella Street McKees Rocks, PA 15136

Ñâÿòêîâèé áåíêåò: 19 òðàâíÿ, 2012 o 13:00 ãîäèíi LeMont Restaurant 1114 Grandview Ave.; Pittsburgh, PA 15211

Áóäü-ëàñêà, ïîâiäîìòå ïðî ñâîþ ïðèñóòíiñòü äî 22 êâiòíÿ, 2012 ðîêó Áîæîãî In spirit of heartfelt gratitude The ALL SAINTS CAMP to Almighty God together with the abundant joy, Committee is honored to announce that the Council of Bishops of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA HIS BEATITUDE warmly invites you to joyful METROPOLITAN CONSTANTINE and ecclesiastical celebration of the 40th will begin the celebration of the 40th anniversary anniversary of Episcopal Consecration of of his consecration into the Episcopacy of our Holy Ukrainian Orthodox Church of U.S.A. His Beatitude by celebrating the Divine Liturgy Metropolitan Constantine at St. Thomas Chapel, All Saints Camp at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 5, 2012, Divine Liturgy: in conjunction with the Camp Open House. Saturday – 19 May, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. Dormition of the Birth-Giver of God Immediately after the Divine Liturgy, a “camp lunch” Ukrainian Orthodox Church honoring His Beatitude, will be held for all attendees, 116 Ella Street followed by a “Be a Camper for a Day” Program. McKees Rocks, PA 15136 Everyone is invited to participate in this Agape Feast and Celebration: joyous and memorable event. 19 May, 2012 at 1PM For further information, please contact LeMont Restaurant Christine Mills [email protected] 1114 Grandview Ave.; Pittsburgh, PA 15211 or Pani Matka Mary Anne Nakonachny R.S.V.P. by 22 April, 2012 [email protected] 6 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 It IS Pascha not Easter! By Fr. Michael Harper I hear occasionally from some-one who sometimes the Passover had foreshadowed since the first Passover accuses the Orthodox Church of being “foreign”, and so which celebrated the liberation of the Israelites from slavery unsuitable for the British. A few days ago he sent me a card in Egypt. Let us remember that because the word “Pascha” saying “the word in English is Easter”. My reply was “the word is in its origin a Hebrew word, by using it we are a witness in Greek (and, therefore, English), is Pascha”. to the Jewish community, for whom the Passover is still one This is a much more important subject than a mere of the most important words in their religious faith. dispute about words. If the word in Orthodox believers living in the English is Easter, then one is bound to West have always been under pressure ask “what word?” Was there some word in all directions to conform to western which, when translated into English, ways, ideas and practices. There is became “Easter”? The plain answer is nothing new in this. The Crusades were “no”. There is one simple reason for the worst and most blatant attempt by this, Jesus Christ in the days of his flesh the West to bring the East to heel. But never visited these shores, and his the pressures continue, albeit in more words were not written in English. He subtle ways. And one example of this spoke Aramaic, and his sayings were is our constant temptation to drop recorded in Greek, as were the words of the word “Pascha” and for clarity (and the other NT writers like Paul and Peter. sometimes charity) use the western An example of the desire to replace the word “Easter”. But perhaps the time has word “Pascha” with “Easter” is the King come for us to make a stand against James version translation of Acts 12:4 this. In our increasingly secular and which describes the arrest of Peter by pagan society the use of a pagan word, Herod and his intention “after Easter of which no one knows the meaning, is to bring him forth to the people”. The hardly suitable to describe the greatest Greek word here is pascha, and all modern translations day in the Christian year. When most people knew the rightly now translate the word “Passover”. Christian meaning of the word “Easter” one could perhaps We need to realize also that there is no equivalent make out a case for using the word. But not today! word for “Easter” in the Greek language, for one simple but To be practical important reason, the word is an Anglo-Saxon word for a There are still some for whom the word “Easter” has pagan festival. The word in its original use is entirely pagan. all the right resonances. Let us not want for a moment to According to the English Church historian Bede, it derives deprive them of that blessing. Easter for them does not from a pagan spring festival in honor of Eastra or Ostara a mean hats, chocolate eggs, parades or watching football; Teutonic goddess. It has no associations whatsoever with it means the Cross of Christ and his glorious Resurrection. Christ, His death and Resurrection, or indeed anything But let the Orthodox stick to the right word, which is Christian. Is it not, therefore, unsuitable to be used to “Pascha”. Let us use it in our own circles, and discard the describe the greatest day in the life of the Church? The pagan word “Easter”. We should do this - not to be different, French, Italians and Spanish do not make the same mistake. but to be truthful. Their words come from the proper source - Passover, which However, when we are in mixed company, for the sake in Greek is the word “Pascha”. of clarity (and charity) let us use both words, if possible with Pascha is derived from the Jewish word Pesah which a simple and humbly presented explanation. For example means “Passover”. And here there is a direct link with the - “We shall soon be celebrating Pascha - or as you call it New Testament. In 1 Corinthians 5:7 we read, “for our ‘Easter’”. Or, “we shall soon be celebrating Easter, or as we paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed”. According to St call it ‘Pascha’”. John, Christ was crucified at the very time that the paschal We should encourage the West to unite with us in lambs were being killed. There is another link with the Old using the right word, which is Pascha. Testament because of the importance to the Jews of the And finally, let us not get dragged down with a dispute Feast of the Passover. The verbal form means to protect and about mere words. St Paul warned believers in his day “to to have compassion as well as “Passover”. The experience avoid wrangling about words, which does no good but of the Israelites was literally a “Passover”, but it was also an only ruins those who are listening” (2 Timothy 2:14). The experience of both God’s compassion for his people, and a important matter here is not what the Festival is called, great act of protection, as for example, the passage through but the reality of the Death and Resurrection of Christ. the Red Sea. The crucifixion and later Resurrection of Christ Yes, Christ is Risen! If we can agree there, then what we took place during the Passover Feast. So for Christians call it, important though that is, can be seen in its proper Christ was clearly the Paschal Lamb, the fulfillment of all that perspective. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 7 WHEN DO ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE PASCHA?

by Metropolitan Makarios

Many people ask why Pascha of these cycles arose between the under the Orthodox Church is of- Eastern and Western Churches; ten celebrated on a different date the Eastern Church adopted a 19- to that of the Western Churches, year cycle whereas the Western Catholic and Protestant. The Church employed a less accurate question is justified, for we live in 84-year cycle, which resulted in a situation in which the majority of more differences. In the West the Christendom celebrates Pascha vernal equinox was observed on under the Western tradition. 18th March, while in the East it was observed on 21st March. The precise determination of the date of Pascha has preoc- The issue was finally brought cupied Christians throughout before the First Ecumenical Synod at Nicaea in AD 325, which de- the history of the Church and creed that Pascha must not be has been a divisive factor which calculated according to Passover, continues to the present day to but that it must be celebrated be a source of controversy be- after the vernal equinox, specifi- tween the Eastern and Western cally, on the Sunday following the Churches. first full moon occurring after Those Christians who origi- the date of the vernal equinox. nally converted from Judaism Subsequently, the regulation celebrated Pascha in accordance concerning Passover was inter- with the Jewish calendar, on the preted as requiring that Pascha same day that the feast of the be celebrated after Passover. The Passover, ‘Pascha’, was celebrat- By the third century AD, all Eastern Church then reverted to ed, that day being the 14th of the the Churches had agreed upon the original method for the determi- lunar month of Nisan, regardless of celebrating Pascha on the Sunday nation of the date of Passover and the day of the week upon which it following 14th of Nisan. This date was consequently of Pascha. fell. The Churches of Asia Minor fol- determined in accordance with the Since AD 325 the “loss of time” lowed this practice whilst the other Jewish calculation of Passover, on the has resulted in a “forwarding” of cal- Churches both in the East and in the first full moon following the vernal endar dates and hence 21st March at the time of the Synod at Nicaea now West, always celebrated Pascha on equinox. Following the destruction corresponds with 3rd April. There- the Sunday following this date. of Jerusalem in AD 70, however, the fore Pascha may not be celebrated The Christians of Asia Minor Jews of the Diaspora depended upon local pagan calendars for their calcu- before this date or after 8th May by held that this date was that of the lations. The feast of Passover con- the Orthodox Church. crucifixion of Christ, whilst the Chris- sequently sometimes preceded the Although the Eastern Church tians of the other Eastern and West- vernal equinox and most Christians has neglected consideration for the ern Churches believed it to be the abandoned the practice of regulat- progressive loss of time since AD date of the Last Supper, held on the ing the date of Pascha through the 325, the Western Church has also day preceding the crucifixion and be- date of Passover in to avoid neglected this, in addition to not ing a Passover meal. The Gospel, of the inaccuracy occasioned by the having taken into account either the original method for the deter- Saint John asserts the former and the dependence on these calendars. Synoptic Gospels assert the latter, a mination of the Passover date or The alternative to depending discrepancy for which an explanation the accurate determination of the upon Passover for the determination has been attempted by pointing out vernal equinox, without which an of a date for Pascha was the system that the Synoptic Gospels followed accurate determination of the date of ‘paschal cycles’, each paschal cycle Jewish practice in considering the of Pascha is impossible. The present having a duration of several years, discrepancy is consequently a result 14th of Nisan to have begun on the throughout which the full moon oc- previous evening and hence, from a of all the above-mentioned factors curs on the same day of the year, and will not be resolved unless new calendar point of view, on the eve- with only some exceptions. Once standards of accuracy are sought ning of 13th of Nisan. again differences in the employment and effected.

8 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 “The Problem of Evil” Rev. Dr. Michael Danczak, D.P.M., MA or is it “The Paradox of Free Will”? Part 2: Continued from last issue.

In the previous part of the discussion on the “Prob- lem of Evil”, I examined the philosophical implications of an ineffable God who, through an act of creation, pro- duced intelligent agents who demonstrate the capacity for rational decision making. I also established that, by His very nature, God is the penultimate good, so any action taken by Him must also, by His perfect virtue, be good. The beings created by God, however, do not have this all-perfect nature; they are endowed with the capacity for progression toward a state of near perfection, which is dependent upon a pattern of conscious selections with regard to an ever changing progression of circumstances in life which would be consistent with a desired outcome of goodness. Within this movement along the path to Paradise, there is always the possibility to exercise this capacity of unencumbered choice improperly resulting in a selection of an act which produces a result which is contrary to the preferred state of goodness; This contin- gency produces harm, which diminishes absolute value which its creator had “programed”. Any attributes of Free of the desired imperative. That harm is considered evil. Will, self determination or self awareness in Mankind Also, within the previous discussion, it became would be lost; this would mean that God would become clear philosophically that evil is not the creation of God a divine puppeteer controlling all aspects of the human but result of the imperfect judgment of Mankind. It also existence. became obvious that any general intercession by God The question then becomes: is there support within in the overall occurrence of evil within the created realm the Dogma and Doctrine of the Christian Faith which was logically inconsistent with the natures of both God affirms the philosophical presentation and defense of and Mankind. God and the role and origin of evil in the world. Before If God routinely acted to “abolish” evil in the universe, we begin to answer those questions, we must, as in the a negation of the Free Will of Mankind would occur; the last discussion, define the terms and parameter that we removal of that capacity for unrestricted judgment would will be utilizing. inherently alter the nature of Man; the continual Divine First, we must accept that God, as described, is the intercessions would create a situation where a perfect, being which appears in the initial premise of the “Problem incomprehensible, ineffable and omnipotent God would of Evil”: “If there is a God...” and, as in the preceding be constantly reestablishing His creative decision with discussion, He is eternal, ineffable and inconceivable, regards to the outcomes permitted by His created by nature. Philosophically we have accepted this as a beings; obviously a situation such as that just described premise of discussion but theologically we must provide would redefine His state of ineffable perfection into that a basis of such qualification. of one of constant variation under the indirect control God is a transcendent incomprehensible being of the created and, as a result, He would cease to meet and as such occupies a level of existence beyond the the criterion accepted for God; In order to prevent the understanding of those who he has created and, as such, inherent denial of perfection created by a continuous He cannot be understood in a prima fascia manner by alteration of the outcome of human Free Will, God would those who are not at his level of existence. This is an have to cause a predetermination of choice in the life acceptable statement of philosophical and physical fact, of Man therefore negating the ability of Free Will; this with the codicil that God can choose to reveal to the would mean that Mankind would be reduced from a created beings that information about Himself that would sentient rational being, which was the intent of the divine be comprehensible to them in a manner which would creation, to that of an automaton which would perform facilitate understanding. This process, in theological only those actions and demonstrate those behaviors terms is called revelation. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 9 Logically there are two forms of revelation: personal, show compassion.” But He said, “You cannot see My where an individual has an encounter with and receives face, or no man can see Me and live!” Then the Lord communication from God and corporate, where a large said, “Behold, there is a place by Me, and you shall stand group of people directly experience or witness evidence there on the rock; and it will come about, while My glory of the presence of God. The description of the formation is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock of the revelatory process is a topic for another discourse and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then so it will not be elaborated upon at this time, but suffice I will take My hand away and you shall see My back, it to say, for the purposes of this discussion, a record but My face shall not be seen.” (Exodus 33: 18-23) of these revelatory encounters with the ineffable exists This incomprehensibility is supported in the New within the Holy Christian Church in the form of the Holy Testament by the Prologue of the Gospel of John, where Scriptures and within the Holy Tradition of the Holy it is written: “No one has ever seen God; It is God the only Orthodox Church. Son, who is at the Fathers side who has made him known.” The Holy Scriptures dem- (John 1:15) and later in John onstrate both components of with the statement by Jesus: revelation, the personal and “Not that anyone has seen the the corporate; the Old Testa- Father except the one who is from ment (which is not the current God; he has seen the Father.” Hebrew Bible or Protestant Old (John 6:46) Testament, again a topic for It was not until the In- later discussion), is primarily a carnation of the Son of God, record of personal revelations Jesus Christ, that God was ac- which were accepted and re- cessible on a corporate level. corded by the Jewish peoples Prior to the coming of Jesus; as credible divine communica- the interactions with God were tions from God; the Gospels highly personal through the and the Book of Acts of the Prophets. Moses, Daniel Eze- New Testament, on other other kiel, Isiah, Hosea, Jeremiah, hand are, for the most part, a Jonah, Micah as well as many representation of corporate revelation of Our Lord, God others had encounters or epiphanies with God. Most of and Savior Jesus Christ, the second person of the Holy these Prophets, at first, did not accept or believe their Trinity who condescended to take on the nature of man experiences; virtually all were scoffed at and ridiculed in order to communicate and relate personally to the by the people who were designated by God to receive created realm. In the case of the New Testament Epistles the Divine communications because the revelations that and the Book of Revelations, they again represent per- the Prophets were conveying were either confusing to sonal revelations through the actions of the Holy Spirit the people or unwanted due to the critical content of within the Apostles Paul, Peter, James and John. the prophecies. For the vast majority of people, when Holy Tradition also represents similar revelatory provided with a statement or warning concerning events processes; the Ecumenical Councils are corporate ac- to come, present circumstances demonstrate enough tions of the Holy Spirit which clarify Church teachings difficulty; asking that the knowledge of the future be ac- and administration. The same premise also holds for cepted presents an absolute incomprehensibility until the Liturgical actions of the Church. Church art, architec- the prophecies are fulfilled. ture, hymnography, and hagiology which are accepted Even the Incarnation of Jesus Christ did not make personal revelation by the action of the Holy Spirit, as the incomprehensible and ineffable God understandable. are the teachings and writings of the Church Fathers. Jesus was constrained, willingly, by the physical, emotional Within this compilation of revelation know as Holy and intellectual limitations of the created. Christ Scriptures, the incomprehensibility and ineffability of condescended to take human firm to fulfill prophesy God is related throughout the Old Testament and placed and provide the teaching necessary for Mankind to on a firm theological foundation. For Example, in the conquer evil. Yes, He could have granted immediate Book of Exodus, when God was speaking to Moses and understanding and wisdom (gnosis) to Man, but, as refusing to allow Moses to view Him after Moses asked mentioned earlier, this is not logically consistent with to see his glory: the act of creation by an ineffable being. The granting Then Moses said, “I pray You, show me Your glory!” of gnosis would have altered the created nature of the And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass human race and as discussed earlier it would have meant before you, and will proclaim the name of the Lord that by the act of alteration God would have had to deny before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be His transcendence which is a logical impossibility. gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will Holy Tradition also expresses the transcendence

10 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 of God, especially within the context of the Divine her naivete and pride in order to seduce her into an Liturgy; the text of the Anaphora Prayers of Liturgy of improper execution of her Free Will, so that like him, St. John Chrysostom, the most commonly utilized Divine she and Adam would be subject to the punishment of Liturgy in the Christian Church of the East relates the God. Eve and, then through her influence on the actions transcendence of God as follows: Adam, allowed evil to become effectively present on It is meet and right to hymn Thee, to bless Thee, to Earth. For their disobedience, God banished Adam and praise Thee, to give thanks unto Thee, and to worship Thee Eve from the Garden of Eden and required that they in every place of thy dominion: for Thou art God ineffable, and their descendents live in exile until such time that inconceivable, invisible, incomprehensible, ever-existing a promised reconciliation could be affected. This is the and eternally the same, Thou and thine Only-Begotten Son “Fall of Adam and Eve”, which was propagated by event and thy Holy Spirit. (NB – emphasis added by author) which has come to be titled “the Original Sin.” The immutable and the unknowable nature of God As stated earlier, Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition is clearly stated and affirmed within the context of this hold that the Devil, or Satan, is the leader of a fallen singularly important prayer that is recited in some form company of angels who openly decided to rebel against by the Priest during the Eucharistic Canon of virtually God, thereby denying His divinity and committing an every Divine Liturgy prior to the consecration of the act of blasphemy and apostasy against the Holy Spirit, Precious Body and Blood of our Savior. the only unforgivable evil; as a result, they were not Within the Scriptural and Traditional revelations destroyed by God due to His ineffable omnibenevolent of the Christian Faith, the philosophical conclusions nature, but given their desire and eternally cast out of of the “Problem of Evil” are fully supported as well. Evil Heaven away from any proximity to God. This is the entered Mankind, and therefore the world, through the “Fall of Satan” to which Jesus referred in the Gospel of actions of the first human beings: Adam and Eve; it was Luke and to which John referred in Revelation. Similar their disregard for the command of God: “you shall not references to the Fall of Satan are also found in the Books eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, nor shall you of Daniel and Isaiah. touch it or you will die.” (Genesis 3:3) that brought evil In Genesis, Daniel, Isaiah and Revelations, it is and therefore sin into the world; this disobedience was clearly described that when a sentient being, human or at the temptation of the Devil, who, knowing full well the angelic, undertook an action that directly, via some form power of evil, enticed Eve into first eating then sharing of purposeful and rebellious behavior, and attempted the fruit with Adam (Genesis 3:4-5). to diminish the all encompassing goodness of God, a One could ask: “If God did not created evil, how condition of absolute evil before God was established. could the devil know of it and speak of it to Eve?” Satan In the case of Satan and the fallen angels, the result was knew of evil because he had already perpetrated it; he an irrevocable banishment from the presence of God. had committed evil before the encounter with Eve. He In the case of Man, it was expulsion from the Paradise, lead a revolt of angels which is recounted in the Book but interestingly Mankind was given the opportunity to of Revelations (12:7-9): reconcile with God. Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels Why the difference in treatment? The reason can fighting against the dragon; and the dragon and his angels be found in the different essentialities of the sets of two fought, but they were defeated and there was no longer any acts. Satan and his cohort understood their actions; they place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown openly and flagrantly committed evil. They showed an down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, open contempt for God and for all He created; God could the deceiver of the whole world – he was thrown down to the have destroyed them; He could have obliterated them earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. for their acts of mutiny and sedition, but he didn’t; He The account is corroborated by Jesus Christ himself cast them out of Heaven and allowed them their chosen as he was speaking to the Seventy Apostles on their path to continually exist far away from His presence. return from their commission when he said; “I watched Being all-merciful, it would have been inconsistent with Satan fall from Heaven like a flash of lightening.” His nature and, therefore, illogical to destroy them, so he granted their desires and permanently separated But how could Eve and Adam bring evil to the world them from Him. if Satan had already committed it in his brazenness in an attempt to overthrow God? Technically, you could This is also a fascinating example of the apparently say that evil was in the world when the Devil was cast paradoxical supreme Divine Love. God did not destroy to Earth, but it was contained and limited to the fallen that which, through the commission of an unforgivable angels; God had punished the Devil and the offending sin, offended Him in the most serious way possible; angels by expelling them permanently from Heaven instead He granted their ultimate desire, even though it and his presence. The Devil had no power on earth was to their overwhelming detriment. He released the except through his influence on the Free Will of Adam Devil and his demons from the bliss of sublime virtue and Eve; this is why the Devil tempted Eve, preying on and allowed them to live under the tyranny of evil, pain Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 11 and anguish. God granted them their freedom to suffer suffering, but, the volitional aspects of evil present an for eternity. interesting dilemma philosophically and theologically, In the case of Adam and Eve, they had no intent because we cannot necessarily establish an immediate on displacing God and raising themselves in his stead; cause of the distress being experienced by some after they succumbed to the temptations of Satan, individuals on the basis of a choice made by themselves Adam and Eve were ashamed of their transgressions; or someone near to them (eg. Sudden death, illness they tried to hide their disobedience and themselves etc.); these circumstance hearken back to the original from Him. They did not challenge the position of God; evil committed by Adam and Eve. The world fell and the in fact, they were afraid. Adam and Eve knew that they effects of the “Original Sin” rippled through the universe had done something wrong but did not understand the bringing decay, death and destruction. One can picture it full implications of their conduct. They did not want to as the wind on an ocean causing the waves to incessantly be separated from God; they mourned their actions but break upon the shore; on some days the waves will be they had made a choice; they disregarded the command gentle causing minimal effect while on others the waves of God and elected to learn of the consequences of evil will break violently damaging all in their path. Just as the through their own experiences. Accordingly God granted wind is unpredictable so is the effect of sin. As a result, their wish and expelled them also from His presence in people who are unassociated with a causation for the evil Paradise but He offered the chance of redemption; Again, which befalls them are victimized by the sin committed being omnibenevolent, he offered them the chance to by someone in the past or at a distance from them. mature and learn the true value of the goodness in which There is no doubt of an ever present evil in the they were created. world; an evil that is without apparent justification yet this It is in these two closely related acts, the “Fall evil does indeed have a purpose. This was philosophically of Man” and the “Fall of Satan” that the nature of evil explained in Part 1 of this discourse and that purpose of becomes clear. With the “Fall of Satan”, evil becomes evil is to reveal an unseen higher value; Jesus explained personified; the natures of the angelic beings who were this in the Gospel of John when he encountered a man lead by Lucifer became so distorted by their pride, vanity who was born blind: “As he (Jesus) went along, he saw a and arrogance that they would eventually acquire the man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, ‘Rabbi, who single mined mission of either conquering or destroying sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?’ the entirety of creation; this is especially true of their ‘Neither this man nor his parents sinned,’ said Jesus, ‘but leader who became know as the Devil, or Satan, (as this happened so that the works of God might be displayed outlined in the Secrets of Enoch and the Lives of Adam and in him.’ ” (John 9:1-3). The works of God are by definition Eve, pseudoepigraphic texts which date from between works of love, so, therefore the higher philosophical 200 BCE and 200 CE.) value, that was referenced in Part I, is in actuality the The personification of evil carries with it a perfect Love of God. connotation of the potential of intimacy in influence; Evil and, therefore, sin, exist paradoxically because a person who is evil by nature is going to attempt to God loves Mankind. The fact that evil and sin exists convince other beings, through the use of distortion and because God perfectly loves mankind presents, what misrepresentation, that they should follow a path similar appears on the surface, to be a problem unto itself; it to his. These naive beings under assault may not have superficially implies that God is malevolent and uncaring the same inclinations toward evil but are deceived by with regards to His creation, but it is a philosophically and pseudo-logic and false promises to undertake actions theologically logical to conclude that evil is a paradoxical which are ultimately harmful to themselves and others or more correctly antimonical, sequela of the overarching and are therefore evil. The only beings in which evil is Love for Mankind. truly personified is Satan and the fallen angelic cadre. Take the parable of the “Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:11- Human beings were not created evil by nature nor 32). In a wealthy family, the youngest son comes to did they become so after the Fall of Adam and Eve; in his father and asks for his inheritance. His father, out fact, despite the professions of depravity by some “false of love, grants it to him. The youngest boy then goes prophets,” Mankind, even after the Fall, maintained and squanders his legacy in a foreign land and ends a nature that is consistent with that in which it is was up in poverty performing menial labor and in a state created. The change in Mankind was a distortion in its of starvation. The son decides to go back to his father ability to make appropriately virtuous decisions; Free because he knows that even the servants and slaves Will has been redirected by forces, emotions or impulses receive better treatment than he. The young man is which tempt it from maintaining an innate closeness to willing to demean himself and accept the position of the Divine. slave in the house of his father rather than suffer in Any act of evil is personal; it is a matter of choice an unknown land. The father, instead of denying this which has an unwanted effect on either God or another wayward son, accepts him back with joy and merriment, human being. Evil always causes some form of pain or restoring him to his previous position. His older brother,

12 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Record of Protest Against the Infringement of Religious Liberty by the Department of Health and Human Services! The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of employees, regardless of the religious convictions of North and Central America, which is comprised of the 65 the employers. canonical Orthodox bishops in the United States, Canada The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Mexico, join their voices with the United States Con- guarantees the free exercise of religion. This freedom ference of Catholic Bishops and all those who adamantly is transgressed when a religious institution is required protest the recent decision by the United States Depart- to pay for “contraceptive services” including abortion- ment of Health and Human Services, and call upon all inducing drugs and sterilization services that directly the Orthodox Christian faithful to contact their elected violate their religious convictions. Providing such services representatives today to voice their concern in the face should not be regarded as mandated medical care. We, of this threat to the sanctity of the Church’s conscience. the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, call upon In this ruling by HHS, religious hospitals, educational HHS Secretary Sebelius and the Obama Administration institutions, and other organizations will be required to to rescind this unjust ruling and to respect the religious pay for the full cost of contraceptives (including some freedom guaranteed all Americans by the First Amend- abortion-inducing drugs) and sterilizations for their ment. Continued from p.12 “The Problem of Evil” who had always been obedient, was piqued by the of their actions. fathers actions; he wanted the youngest to suffer for his So even theologically, the paradox discussed at the actions but the father was overjoyed that the boy had end of Part I holds; the “Problem of Evil” is not with the returned to him and the family and offered unqualified activities of God but with Mankind; humans create evil forgiveness. with wrongful choices; choices that cause harm. God, God so loves Mankind that, upon its creation, however, acts not to eliminate evil but to mitigate its He grants it absolute freedom; He does not coerce or ultimate effects by offering Mankind the opportunity to compel anyone into any course of action; the option atone for the harm caused by its actions. Humanity has for the selection of any path in life is entirely within been given the ability to not only learn to exercise its the purview of the person presented with the options Free will in an appropriate manner but also to approach within decision. To assist Humankind, God has provided those harmed by injurious choices and genuinely ask only one guidepost: Do not cause unnecessary injury for forgiveness; such grace will be granted by God to yourself, others or any aspect of creation. This without qualification; unfortunately, with regard to the unencumbered liberty with the proviso of no harm carries forgiveness by Humankind for acts of evil, Free Will both responsibilities and consequences. When a harmful must be exercised again and while there is a divinely decision is executed, an evil, or sin, is perpetrated; requested outcome, the result is not as assured. It therefore, the causative agent of evil, as expressed becomes the manifestation of a selection by a human earlier, is Man and therefore evil is being between two clear options: to not the result of any Divine activity. reverse the effects of evil through Evil exists at the option and only forgiveness of human transgression with the support of Mankind. Its or to perpetuate the destruction eradication, accordingly, is the cause by evil within creation. Again, responsibility of Man within the out of Love, God cannot interfere; absolute freedom granted by God, He must leave the choice to man but God does not sit idly while His and so through Mankind’s own creation dissolves into oblivion; He short comings, the “Problem of Evil” extends His love to all, first, in the continues. person of His Son, Jesus Christ, who Rev. Dr. Michael Danczak, D.P.M., came into the world to offer Himself MA (Theology) is the Pastor of St. George Ukrainian Orthodox Parish in Minersville as a sacrifice for our sins, but also in Pennsylvania and is an Adjunct Professor of the forgiveness that he extends to Theology, Philosophy and Biology Alvernia those who have a change of heart, University and an Adjunct Professor of or metanoia, and offer repentance Biology at Lehigh Carbon Community College. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 13 Чому ми святкуємо Пасху?

Часто у нашому українському народі празник з Богом і життям рабським, поневоленим гріхом. Пасхи асоціюється виключно зі святковим столом, На відміну від ангела смерти, який забирав життя паскою, писанками і крашанками, але при цьому невірним єгиптянам, Христос дарує вічне життя забувається первинне і основне значення свята. всім, але вимагає, щоб людина сама хотіла спастися, Те, що люди почали забувати про його значення і зрозумівши, що без Бога вона не може прожити і символіку, свідчить той факт, що вони святкують жодної хвилини, прийшла і каялась перед Ним за Христове воскресіння виключно з матеріяльної свої гріхи. точки зору, а при цьому Якщо ще раз приди- забувають її істинне витися до символіки Пас- духовне значення. хи Старого Завіту, бачимо, При цьому Великий що ангел смерти обминав піст, який нас духовно ті будинки, які були пома- готує до Воскресіння зані кров’ю агнця. Тобто Христового, стає для спаслися і залишилися таких людей часом, в живими ті люди, яких бу- якому забороняється динки були «посвячені» лише слухати музику кров’ю агнця. У Новому і їсти ковбасу. Але Завіті агнцем є Христос, постараймося зрозуміти, який приносить своє жит- що таке Пасха, і яке є тя за світ. Агнець, кров основне значення якого спасає людину від світлого Христового смерти і дарує спасіння. Воскресіння. Цей новий Агнець дарує Слово «пасха» (з духовне спасіння і вічне єврейської «песах») життя. Тобто, коли люди- означає «перехід». Для на перебуває у Божому євреїв цей перехід будинку, який є «посвяче- означав перехід ангела ний» кров’ю Агнця, тобто Божого, який проминув Євхаристією, то вона ма- будинки євреїв, що були тиме життя вічне, матиме помазані кров’ю агнця, і те життя, яке прийшов заходив у ті, які нею не нам подарувати Христос. були помазані, і все що Отже, основне значення було первородне у цих Пасхи полягає у тому, що будинках вигублював. святкуємо наше нове на- Також цей перехід чало, нове покликання до означав перехід від святого життя, яке було стану рабства у Єгипті до первісно у раю. Тому кож- стану визволення і видиму присутність Бога у вигляді на людина повинна використати цей новий шанс для стовпа хмарового, про що описує книга Виходу. свого спасіння і для спасіння інших. Що ж для нас, християн, повинна означати Пасха? Пасха нова – це новий перехід від смерти до життя, Поглянувши на значення старозавітної Пасхи, новий перехід від рабства гріховного до свободи постараймося зрозуміти її сучасне, новозавітне Божої, під час якої сам Господь веде ціле людство до значення. «нової землі», первинно нам дарованої, тобто до раю. Пасха у Новому Завіті означає перехід від стану Саме тому нам як християнам не можна забувати гріха, яким була поневолена людина після упадку істинного значення цього величного свята, не Адама і Єви, до стану визволення через воскресіння можна забувати про те, що Господь визволив нас від Христове. Адже у новій Пасці не ангел пройшов серед смерти своїм хрестом, дарував нам нове життя. Саме у домів єгипетських і вбив все первородне, як це було воскресінні Христовому здійснилася уся спасительна у Старому Заповіті, а сам Бог прийшов і визволив місія Бога щодо людини. І саме тому свято Пасхи усіх від смерти. Христос дарував нам новий шанс для має таке надзвичайне значення для історії спасіння спасіння, дарував можливість почати життя заново всього людства. і зробити вибір між свобідним синівським життям Написав Роман М. 14 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Чи настане Великдень?

Описані події відбулися 1976 р. у Львівської обл. церкву. Всередині освітлено лиш кількома вогниками Великдень для галичан – це завжди «празник на підофірниках і свічками біля Плащаниці. Досить празників». Квітень, на який майже завжди припадає простора, але низька, без куполу, мурована стара це велике свято, щороку приносить нам свої вибагливі церква вражає своєю таємничістю. Полискування подарунки. То сонечко ласкаво розсміється й осипле тьмяного світла додає святости іконам і розписам землю теплими поцілунками, все заграє, забринить на стінах. Храм поступово сповнюється вірними – і довкола, зазеленіє, а потім розцвіте. То знов- через кільканадцять хвилин уже залюднений вщерть. таки зимою наверне після теплої Присутні набирають відваги, днини і навіть снігом посипле відчуваючи поруч побратимів, на юну зелень. А найбільше і починають співати страсних любить квітень розплакатися пісень та запалювати щоразу весняними дощами, наробити більше свічок. Уздовж храму довкола калюж, непролазних колінкує черга людей – цілувати боліт на ґрунтових дорогах, за Плащаницю. городами. Біля півночі має розпочатися Саме таким був Великдень відправа. Всі співають, моляться і цього року. У Великий Четвер і чекають. Уже давно минула служили по церквах Страсті. А дванадцята, потім перша, друга... у Страсну П’ятницю ще більше У церкві стало душно, по шибках потемніло від чорних хусток і стінах стікають краплини роси. жіноцтва та дівчат, котрі потягнули Кілька жінок з перевтоми зомліло, вулицями наших містечок та сіл до їх винесли надвір, але ніхто не винесених у храмах Плащаниць. покинув храму сам, з доброї волі. Багато церков у ті часи були Десь біля третьої ночі дівчата вже зруйновані, інші – замкнені. взяли фани, чоловіки – хрест і До декотрих люди приходили Плащаницю. По церкві роздали молитися самі, а вряди-годи й зі кожному свічку і зі співом: священиком. Пізно, десь близько «Воскрес Ісус от гроба…» пішли з одинадцятої години, приїхала обходом довкола храму. Сумно без електричка зі Львова. Тут же прибула ще одна – з священика на Великдень. Сумно і страшно за нього, мостиського напрямку. І з одної, і з другої висипали за отця. Мав приїхати. Що з ним? Чому нема? Може, люди, практично повністю звільнивши вагони. Той, посіпаки десь перестріли і вже збиткуються над ним, хто це бачив, міг здивуватися: чому у звичайному коли ми тут чекаємо і молимося?.. селі раптом майже всі люди виходять із вагонів? Процесія стає біля замкнених дверей храму. Що тут таке має відбутися? Літні жінки допомагають Шикуються у ряди фани. Всі ще досить довго стоять одна одній зійти вниз сходами вагону; чоловіки мовчки, ще чекають… підтримують кого за руку, кому подають сумку. Молодь «Слава святій єдиносущній і нероздільній тримається трохи осторонь, ніби їх ніщо не стосується Тройці…», – раптом чути дзвінкий молодечий голос – побоюються. отця! «Христос воскресе», – вибухають голосом люди Довга вервечка людей потягнулася заболоченою навпереміну зі священиком. Сила повертається, сільською вулицею. Під ногами чавкає, довкола панує повертається і помножується. Страх забувається, вже аж дзвінка тиша. Ця людська юрба, вже висідавши ні про що не думаєш, нічим не живеш, тільки одним з вагону, вражала саме незвичайною поведінкою. «Христос воскресе...» Люди намагаються обходитися без слів, без ліхтариків. Далі кілька годин служби пролітає як одна Минають сільську раду... Дихання затамували, а серце мить. Закінчується відправа, а ти ще би перебував у грудях гупає так, що, здається, чуєш його удари на чуванні, хочеться, аби йому не було кінця. То, власними вухами. Вікна сільської ради яскраво напевно, передсмак Неба. освітлені – не сплять, чогось сподіваються. А що Окрилений, зміцнілий, радісний люд виходить із чекає нас? Чи будемо нині у рідній церкві, чи приїде церкви. Священик губиться між гуртами святочного священик, чи вчуємо так жадане слово про Христове люду. Нині все обійшлося, нас ніхто не смів зайняти, Воскресіння?.. Що там, за селом?.. бо нас було багато, і ми були разом. Та ще й мали силу Ледь мерехтить слабеньке світло у вікнах храму. від Бога, що назавжди Воскрес. Силу на все життя. Проходимо через вузьку браму дзвіниці і заходимо у Єрм. Методій Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 15 Сучасність спонукає до байдужості, Христос - до святості!

Слово “байдужість” викликає у нас засудження. У наведеному вище, ймовірний “п’яниця” не потребував наш час у байдужості можна звинуватити будь-кого. такої допомоги - він лежав у теплому магазині під Будь-які проблеми, що стосуються нашого побуту, накрипям. Із цього можемо зробити висновок, що можна підвести під один спільний знаменник: “Комусь коренем, джерелом зараження навколишнього до цього байдуже”. Наприклад, байдуже, що у час пік середовища байдужістю є байдужість до самого транспорт у нашому місті переповнений, що дороги себе. Саме вона дозволяє перейти заборонені межі у незадовільному стані, що людина з особливими і, здавалось би, не завдати нікому шкоди, окрім себе потребами (інвалід руху) взагалі не може скористатись самого. Однак це спричинює байдужість родини, яка з транспортних послуг, оскільки вони у нашому місті починає сприймати те, що один із її членів зловживає непристосовані для таких людей. Хоча вони такі алкоголем (чи ще чимось иншим), і байдужість самі громадяни, як і ми, а виходить, що теж комусь суспільства, яке починає сприймати як норму речі до них байдуже ... Цей перелік ще можна довго ненормальні. продовжувати, а це лише ті проблеми, що стосуються Наступне питання: як викоренити цей корінь транспорту. А якщо згадати наші під’їзди, коридори, байдужости, як зарадити людині, що байдуже ліфти, подвір’я ... Виникає закономірне питання: якщо ставиться сама до себе? Єдиний спосіб - звернути нам від цього погано, то чому нам до цього байдуже? її увагу до себе самої, тому що ні наші старання, ні Відповідь просто парадоксальна: тому що байдужість молитви святих, ні навіть Бог не допоможуть такій допомагає нам у цьому новочасному суспільному людині, доки вона сама не почне собі допомагати. гармидері зберегти нерви, дожити до наступного Слово “байдужість” містить у собі дуже важливу ранку і розпочати знову новий день, переповнений частину - “дужість”, тобто це слово окреслює не проблемами. Уявіть свою нервову систему у кінці немічність людини, але її “дужість”, силу, потужність, яку робочого тижня, якщо протягом кожного дня ви вона не реалізує. Відповідно, допомога такій людині переймалися б тим, що впихаєтесь у переповнену буде виглядати дещо смішною - це так, як запрягти маршрутку, кожен раз робите зауваження, коли вас коня до мерседеса, який сам має сто кінських сил. штовхають і т.п. Найпростіший спосіб уникнути Те, що ми можемо зробити - побачити, що мерседес зайвих нервувань, викидів злости - стати до цього - це потужна машина, а не бричка, а в стосунку до байдужим, не зауважувати, не звертати уваги. людини - побачити образ Божий. У притчах про Не так давно у нашому заблукану вівцю, про блудного місті трапився випадок, сина Господь навчає прийняти, котрий шокував усіх, і був не відвернутися, але звернути висвітлений у мас-медія. В увагу любови-прощення. Саме одному з магазинів помер через звертання своєї уваги і чоловік і пролежав цілий день розривається коло байдужості. на підлозі того ж магазину. Якщо б у тому випадку з мертвим Що саме могло виховати у чоловіком у магазині хоч хтось серцях усіх тих людей, котрі там один звернув свою увагу - через були, таку кам’яну байдужість, мить біля нього був би вже майже жорстокість? Відповідь натовп людей. Через увагу та знову ж таки парадоксальна: прийняття ближнього можемо байдужість виховує байдужість. зменшити байдужість цього світу. Мабуть, серед нас немає такої Навіть вийти з переповненої людини, що не бачила б маршрутки через “перепрошую”, п’яницю, який би безпорадно а не через “відійдіть” буде кроком лежав на тротуарі чи газоні... до поцінування Образу Божого, а Чи в когось виникає справжнє співчупя при не до байдужості до нього. спогляданні такої картини? Мабуть, що ні, як пише Найважчою ж є байдужість до особистого і Святе Письмо: “Хто виправдає того, хто грішить духовного життя. У притчі про сіяча Господь сам проти себе?” (Сирах 10:29). Найпростіший говорить про слово, що потрапляє у серця людські, спосіб допомогти такій людині у такій ситуації - це і про перешкоди, які заважають йому там прорости. покласти її у зручніше місце, де б вона не змокла, не Найпоширенішою перешкодою слову Божому у змерзла, просто виспалась, протверезіла. У випадку, наш час є скеля байдужості - або цілком гола, або ж

16 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 New Website!

St. Sophia Ukraini- an Orthodox Seminary launched its brand new website - stsuots.org The site will be updat- ed with fresh news and events. It has all basic informa- tion about the seminary regarding admissions and academics, contact infor- mation and more... Donations are accept- ed through PayPal sys- tem. Come and visit us!

Сучасність спонукає до байдужості, Христос - до святості! Продовження зі ст.16 з тонким родючим шаром. Зовні ситуація виглядає так, тут розбудовується і вирує “життя”, звернене до що віра християнська шириться, до церков приходять упалої природи, для задоволення всім пошкодженим тисячі людей. Внутрішньо ж виглядає так, що є безліч і викривленим, тому таке “життя” не є тим Життям, яке тих, кого задовільняє поверхнева віра, хто готовий дарує Бог. Такий напрямок “розвитку” є фактичним із цікавістю зробити кілька кроків у прекрасний світ відходом, полишенням християнства. християнства, однак мало є тих, хто годиться йти Живучи у такому світі бай- шляхом вузьким і тернистим, дужості, нас може підстерігати залишаючи позаду попередній ще одна спокуса - з погордою спосіб життя, відкинувши його і засудом ставитись до людей принади, повстаючи проти своєї збайдужілих, від чого нас засте- волі, своїх страстей. Правдою рігає святий Єфрем Сирійський, є й те, що сучасній людині говорячи: “Коли недбалими по- здобувати святість є значно бачиш людей, навіть які постарі- важче, аніж колись. Сьогодні ли у монашестві, тоді мусиш бути необхідно значно більше праці, дуже обережним, аби, по-перше, боротьби, мужності і мудрості, не піти їхнім шляхом і, по-друге, щоб виростити і зберегти набувши стриманості, не ви- плід віри. Саме тому багатьох полонить спокуса носитися перед ними, бо це значило б поступитися байдужості у формі питання: “А навіщо воно мені?” зарозумілості у перемозі над собою. Послухай, що ска- Християни сучасності стають байдужими до того, зано: Будь уважним до себе, ретельно оберігай свою що є об’явлене Господом - забувають про вічність, душу!” Можливо, у світлі саме нашої святості хтось про те, що Бог став людиною для того, щоб людина покине свою байдужість до Бога і до ближнього ... стала богом і була вічно з Ним у Небі. Вся увага Написав Ігор Я. переходить виключно у земну площину життя. Саме Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 17 Sunday of Orthodoxy Celebrated in Chicago Metropolitan Area! On Sunday, March 4th, 2012, six hierarchs from celebrations and fellowship in the spirit of the Feast. Let us honor Orthodox Churches who are members of the Assembly of those who have come before us and preserved for us the integrity the Canonical Orthodox Hierarchs of North America presided of Holy Orthodoxy. Let us be ourselves icons of the Living God, over the Vespers service at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox filled with faith, hope and love, and thus fulfill our Lenten struggle, Church in Oak Lawn, IL, commemorating the feast of the and be counted worthy to worship the Holy Resurrection of our Sunday of Orthodoxy. Each year on the first Sunday of Great Lord Jesus Christ…” Lent, Orthodox Christians around the world commemorate His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the the restoration of icon veneration, first celebrated in 843 Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of A.D. in Constantinople. the USA was a main speaker at the Pan-Orthodox Vespers Service. In his remarks the bishop stated: “…When people talk about the future of the Holy Orthodoxy in general terms, the usual issues are prominent in the discussion – ministry, lay people involvement, membership, finances, the role of the Church in education, moral and social issues of the society, vocations etc. However, the most important issue lies much deeper. The challenge that faces us, to put it simply, is the question of continuing to believe in God in the world of the twenty-first century with all its uncertainties. That is the fundamental issue for us as followers of Christ. We are faced with a situation which might be summed up as “secularized existence” Many persons live as though God did not exist and place themselves outside the problem of faith versus non-belief, as if God disappeared from their existential horizon… …As Orthodox Christians, we are called to be living icons of the Lord. Just as people look upon icons for a variety of rea- sons, so many people look to us for a wide range of reasons. To some, Orthodoxy is a fascinating example of ancient religion As an expression of the “oneness” of the Orthodox and Eastern mysticism. Then, there are those who see Orthodox Church, Orthodox hierarchs, clergy and faithful from many Christians in terms of exotic rites and rituals. There are others jurisdictions gathered on this day in cathedrals and churches who will see us as wood-worshipers. The seventh Ecumenical around the world, to proclaim with one voice, “the faith of the Council clearly condemned those who accuse us of worshipping Apostles…the faith of the Fathers…the faith which has established idols, saying: “Anathema to those who apply the words of Holy the universe.” In their Sunday of Orthodoxy encyclical the Scripture which were spoken against idols, to the venerable icons. bishops addressed the faithful stating, “The Sunday of If we are true to our faith and desire to draw close to God, then Orthodoxy is most auspiciously placed at the beginning of the His Divine Grace will pour Great Lent as an encouragement for all of us to proclaim, and out of us. Though not all most importantly act, according to the ‘right belief’ of our Faith. people will see it in us, it We give honor to the memory of the Righteous by our authentic will be there, just as this engagement in the spiritual disciplines of fasting, praying, and same grace comes from almsgiving. Through the help of our All-Merciful and Loving God, the holy icons. Some our sacrifices and spiritual efforts can bear fruit in our lives and will perceive this shin- in the lives of our families, church communities and society. What ing grace within us. The is more, these days of grace, repentance and transformation icons are a reminder to prepare us to become partakers of the Resurrection of our Lord us of our purpose in the Jesus Christ at Holy Pascha. spiritual life… As the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North … While our society and Central America, we exhort all the faithful to celebrate this and the world around us Feast with special joy, and with a shared sense of our common may be trying to get us to Faith. The Assembly includes every canonical Orthodox presence believe that this is a time in our region, and as such is a living icon of the varied traditions when it’s “every man for that have been carried to the New World by faithful Orthodox himself,” our Faith and Christians from around the world. We encourage mutual our Church tells us that 18 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 God has composed the body so “that the members may have Sendeha (Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer in Palos Park, IL), Fr. Silouan Rolando (Holy Trinity Ukrainian together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (I Cor- Orthodox Church in Goshen, IN), Fr. Mykola Dilendorf (St. inthians 12: 25-26). I believe that these words apply to our Holy Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL), and Orthodox Church today. This is a time when our Church should John Charest (Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox be doing even more to build up the body of Christ, to serve her Church in Palos Park, IL). Several dozens of Ukrainian people. The measure of our progress as a Church today will Orthodox Christians of Chicago Metropolitan Area traveled not be building projects, and new iconography projects, etc. We to Oak Lawn, IL and took part in the evening prayers service have a far more challenging task: caring for the people in the with their bishop, many of whom are active participants of parishes, which is a much more difficult “building program,” but Chicago Pan-Orthodox Choir, under the leadership of the a far more rewarding one… choir director of Ms. Gordana Trbuhovich. … We ourselves must live out the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Prior to the evening service of the day, in the morning Christ. We must beg God to purify us through confession and of the 1st Sunday of Great Lent – the Sunday of Orthodoxy, pious practices that bring saving humility. Only then can we be His Grace Bishop Daniel joined the faithful of Sts Peter and a parent, a brother or sister, or even a friend. We must begin Paul Ukrainian Orthodox parish in Palos Park, IL for the Divine now to practice what we preach: mercy and love, peace and Liturgy of St. Basil the Great and the service of Orthodoxy joy. I beg all of you, at all times, to work hard and be dedicated with the procession of icons. to your parishes and your Holy Orthodox Church. We need to The parish choir, under the direction of Subdeacon Yurij help each other to commit ourselves in building part of the path Czepynsky, sang responses for the Liturgy, while seminarian toward the Kingdom of God.” Bohdan Melnykovych from St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South bound Brook, NJ and the Subdeacons and altar servers of the parish family assisted the bishop about the Holy Altar of the parish temple. At the Small En- trance of the Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Daniel presented an ecclesias- tical – a spiritual “sword” to the pastor of the parish community – Fr. Vasyl Sendeha, who prayerfully entered into the 5th year of his service in our Lord’s Vineyard. Some 50 priests and about 500 faithful participated in The children and the youth of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrai- the Vespers service with the following hierarchs: Metropolitan nian Orthodox parish carried icons in a solemn procession, Yakovos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago, chanting hymns glorifying the fullness of Orthodox Christi- Archbishop Nicolae of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese anity and its triumph over false teachings. The procession in America & Canada, Bishop Longin of the Serbian Orthodox concluded with the entire congregation reciting the Procla- Church of North America, Bishop Peter of ROCOR, Bishop mation of Faith. Ilia of the Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America, and His In his homily for the Sunday of Grace Bishop Daniel of the Ukrainian Orthodoxy, Bishop Daniel spoke of the Orthodox Church of the USA. spiritual foundation of the first Sunday Representing parishes of the of Lent – the Sunday of Orthodoxy and Chicago Deanery of the Western exhorted the faithful to bear witness Eparchy of the UOC of the USA, and to the Gospel in their local community participating in the Vespers service and their homes. were Archimandrote Pankratiy (St. At the end of the prayer service, Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox the bishop took part in a Lenten dinner Cathedral in Chicago, IL), Fr. Walter prepared by the parish family and Hwostik (Protection of the Birth- blessed a newly refurbished parish Giver of God Ukrainian Orthodox hall of Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian Church in Milwaukee, WI), Fr. Vasyl Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 19 OCF college conference by Michael Kochis There is a popular show on the Travel Chan- nel entitled, “No Reser- vations.” In it, the host, Anthony Bourdain, spends a few days in a particular city or region in the world, immersing himself in the area’s life and culture. Although Bourdain is not always the most upstand- ing of characters, he has a gift for weaving a compel- ling narrative in the way he connects with the people he meets, explores the setting, and draws out certain themes about the human condition. I could not help but feel like such a journalist when I was asked to write a reflection on my time at the 2011 OCF College Conference at An- Orthodox friends. Each day, I continued to meet more tiochian Village last December. For one, I did not have people from all around the country, but it seemed like we much experience with pan-Orthodox gatherings before, all had at least something in common besides our faith. so I wanted to meet students from a variety of At night, we would stay up until the early hours of the cultural backgrounds besides my familiar Ukrainian next day, going to bed not because we wanted to leave heritage. Secondly, for those few days I was there, I each other but because we realized we needed at least wanted a retreat from the everyday life I was used to. some sleep to stay attentive the next day. In addition to A week and a half into my winter break from school, I late at nights, the coordinators planned social times into was ready for a change of scenery, and little more than our schedule, giving the opportunity to work out with a a week before celebrating the Nativity, the conference new buddy at the weight room, play board games in a found me at the ideal mind set to try something new lounge, or just sit and talk with somebody new. and to resituate myself as an Orthodox Christian. No, I When we arrived at Antiochian Village, I was did not have a camera crew, but in nearly every other impressed with the quality of the accommodations, respect, I was ready for the new experience, and I hope from the dining hall to the rooms, which resembled a that I am able to share my sentiments on this worthwhile hotel (without locks on the doors, which was nice to experience with you. think about). We had most of our services in the Saints The thing that made College Conference most fun Peter and Paul Chapel. The iconography was beautiful, was the people I was with. When I got to the airport, and for me, it was noteworthy to see the “Our Father” there was already a of other students who had inscribed in Arabic on the ceiling. The room was full, but gotten there earlier. Immediately, they introduced I was struck that everyone there was a college student themselves and welcomed me into their conversations, like myself, giving the service an even stronger sense and fortunately, this friendliness was a common trend of unity amongst the gathered faithful. I could try to throughout the entire trip. On the drive to Bolivar, I describe the services—compline, orthros, or vespers learned more about the others, hearing about their with what I would estimate as over 200 of us crowded previous friendships from the Greek Orthodox Youth together—but it would not do the live experience justice. of America (“GOYA”) sports leagues or other Orthodox At my home parish of St. Vladimir’s in Ambridge, PA, and gatherings, but it was clear that I was never on the “out” at church in Princeton, I always serve at the Altar, so of any clique. It was unique to share experiences that being able to stand with everyone else and really focus only other churchgoers could appreciate, things I have on the readings and service was particularly meaningful. never really been able to talk about before with my non- I enjoyed hearing different chanting styles, and again, it

20 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 was beautiful to think that exclusively college students separate from the others, and each presenter had his or sang all the songs. We had three services on each of the her own particular message; however, I could not help two full days, including a Divine Liturgy at the St. Ignatius but feel they were really saying the same thing. I would Chapel, separate from the building where we had been have trouble defining what exactly that message is, but lodging, on Friday. The last day, we also celebrated a there is something about our faith that is very personal supplication service at the Saint Raphael shrine. and very universal at the same time. Throughout workshop sessions by various contribu- All in all, the same chapels and many of the same tors and keynote addresses by His Grace Bishop Michael, friends will be back at Antiochian Village when I return we received many different perspectives on the theme of next year, but College Conference will not be a four- “Raise me above this world’s confusion,” originally from a day experience out of the year for me. To return to my Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos, but, as we learned, an beginning analogy, on the way home, I thought about idea of dire importance to us. As we named forces that the “take-home message” from the stay. As Bourdain contribute to this confusion, from the media to peers and would do, I had to distill my experience into one distinct even parents, it became clear that at AV, none of those idea that the viewers would be able to hold on to. It voices were present. With that in mind, I could undistract- helped me to understand what it means to be closer to edly listen to what the speakers had to say. There were God. At AV, we had time to sit quietly and reflect upon seven workshops offered, and we had the ability to pick God and our relationship with Him, and personally, that which ones we wanted to attend; while I heard good was the biggest thought I gained from the retreat—the things about all of them, I was able to find a balance of importance of turning away from everything going on in topics that I found interesting. My first workshop was the world around me to make sure that I have the right with Sister Ignatia, who shared her personal experiences focus, and to realize that we are least likely to hear God and taught us about private communication with God when we are too busy listening to and thinking of other as a necessary supplement to communal prayer. While things. That “turning away” does not necessarily mean that session was very personal, the next one, by the Antiochian Fr. Antony Ba- hou, focused on social tempta- tions and dating, which I heard has always been a major topic of college students’ concern. It was impor- being alone, though, for I am glad to have met many tant to be there with similar-minded students to hear other students who have just the same goal in mind. that we are not the only ones who feel certain ways when On that note, I encourage all Orthodox college we are confronted by many external forces that often students to attend such a conference if they can. If cost go against what we believe. The third for that day was may present an issue, there are many scholarships about iconography of the Theotokos by the priest-monk offered that can help, and not even four full days is hardly Fr. Igumen Mefodii, explicating the rich visual and theo- a significant sacrifice of what many of us have as at least logical symbolism of three different depictions of Mary: a three-week break. I would especially encourage other the Lady of Tenderness, the Guide, and Lady of the Sign. Ukrainian Orthodox college students to go, for out of While I have seen them all before, I now have a greater the over 200 students participating, I found only one appreciation for them. The second day, I listened to the other Ukrainian, and although we spent a good bit of rousing Coptic priest Fr. Anthony Messeh deliver a rivet- time together, we certainly felt underrepresented. Finally, ing talk about what it means to fear God, and then Niko even if you cannot attend College Conference next year, Tzetzis talk about meaningful Orthodox relationships do all you can to be a part of your school’s Orthodox and how social media and websites stack up. While these Christian scene. If you find others, go to church with one- or two-sentence synopses only brush the surface them, or even better yet, start your own OCF if about the types of workshops offered, the important you need to. I am sure your local priest would be more message I wish to convey is that there are a variety of very than willing to support you; even at big schools, OCFs relevant personal, social, and spiritual topics. In college, are often only comprised of a few students, so do not be I am used to going to a class, having a professor lecture intimidated. Tying this back into the conference’s theme, about a topic for an hour or so, then leaving that class college students live in a world with much confusion, and going to a completely different one. Here, there was and it always helps to make it through with support a very different feel. On one hand, each workshop was from others.

Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 21 Let the Children Come to Him

Youth Workers’ Conference Reflections Antiochian Village, January 25-28, 2012 Demetra Perlegas

During the last few days of January during an others. We are to teach young people by our example unseasonably warm winter in what I call the American that all human beings are made in the image of God, Holy Land—Western Pennsylvania, a group of about and therefore, we are to show them a generous faith 60 Orthodox Christian youth workers gathered at the where we show unconditional love and mercy to our Antiochian Village from all over North America, spanning fellow human beings. almost every Orthodox jurisdiction. The presence of Among such great spiritual training, here is a list of three Orthodox hierarchs gave us extra grace and additional jewels of wisdom for youth ministry I gained encouragement—Bishop Thomas of the Antiochian from this wonderful conference: Orthodox Archdiocese, Metropolitan Alexios of the • To listen to our youth and to encourage them to Greek Orthodox Archdiocese, and Bishop Irineu of the listen to the Word of God. Orthodox Church in America, who are the members of • To present them with Christ by the example of the Committee for Youth of the Assembly of Canonical living a true, honest and chaste life ourselves, Orthodox Bishops. They each stated that the goal of showing them that we put Christ first. the Assembly and the Committee for Youth is unity of • To invite them into an encounter with Christ the Orthodox faithful and unity of the Orthodox youth. through our ministry programs, but especially It was a true image of the Orthodox Christian Church through reaching out to them and offering a per- in America and a true witness to the reality of our unity sonal relationship with us. To remind them of the in Christ, a granting of His prayer to His Father in John power of repentance when we fall short, but also 17:21, that we all “may be one.” to show them the great joy of having Christ in our Father Bogdan Bucur’s keynote addresses focused lives and to be hopeful for even greater things to on sharing both a living and generous faith with our come in both this life and the next. (From Father youth. These sessions, as well as every workshop Philip Rogers’ talk ‘Come and See.’) that was conducted by many talented and God-loving • In our work we are to have a good knowledge of speakers, all served to train us as youth workers for all the Holy Scriptures and to be prepared to answer levels of ministry from Orthodox camp programs, youth their questions about them as honestly as pos- ministry, Christian education, and Orthodox Christian sible. Fellowship college ministry. • To encourage the youth, their families and our- Father Bogdan beautifully demonstrated a most selves to minimize the ‘useless sounds’ of the perfect pedagogical method of teaching—the use of world and to replace them with the sounds of the Scriptures. He taught us in this way by a detailed holiness, as Bishop Thomas said. study of Exodus, where Moses introduced the people • To provide opportunities for them to connect of Israel to God—emphasizing that this is the work of with the Orthodox community either in the par- youth ministry. Those of us called to youth ministry are ish, in summer camp programs, and when they to introduce young people to God, much like Moses go to college, so that they may experience the did with the people. He spoke about how this process same love as that of the community of the Holy involves a gradual description of who God is by the use of Trinity, on a regular and continual basis. the Scriptures. He encouraged us to not present God as • For both lay and clergy leaders working with the a concept, but as a dynamic, living reality with Whom we OCF college ministry, the mission is to keep col- have a continual loving relationship. The living God and lege students connected to their Orthodox faith a living faith in Him is transformative, and not a simple by encouraging and guiding students to have pietism, tradition, moralism, or belief out of fear. When programs that will help them cultivate an Ortho- these things are separated from faith in a living God, dox spiritual life both on campus and in the local and then shared in this way with our young people, they parish, to form strong bonds of fellowship with will reject it. He encouraged us to show our youth the other students and people in the parish, and to challenging path of pursuing and loving the Living God, perform service to others in the name of Christ. who transforms us, and whose work we do in complete There also should be an effort to encourage par- humility and in the utmost sincerity. We are also to show ents and parish priests to include as criteria for them that our vertical relationship with God is directly college selection, the presence of an Orthodox connected to the horizontal relationships we have with parish and an OCF chapter. 22 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 I am so very grateful to my parish of Saint It is always an experience of a taste of Paradise Nicholas Orthodox Church in Charlottesville, Virginia when I spend time at the Village, and it was especially true for supporting my attendance at this gathering of youth this time. At this conference, we not only worked together workers. I was greatly blessed in being in the company to gain more wisdom and enlightenment to share our of so many fellow Orthodox Christians who struggle to faith in our youth work, but also, we had the opportunity love Christ daily in their lives and who generously share to come together in worship and in fellowship, enjoying themselves with our young people to inspire them to being in the presence of each other and our Lord Jesus tend to their salvation. Christ, who unites us always, regardless of the physical distances between us.

Note: Demetra Perlegas is the youth coordinator at St. Nicholas Parish. In addition to Demetra, our archdiocese was represented at the conference by Denise Spoganetz (Co-Director of Mommy & Me/Daddy & Me Camp), SbDn. John Charest (St. Peter & St. Paul – Palos Park, IL), and Robert Prokopchak (St. Peter & St. Paul – Lyndora, PA). Our director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Natalie Kapeluck Nixon, was a presenter at the conference.

Парафіяни церкви Св. Тройці в Ірвінгтоні, Н.Дж. влаштували урочистість відзначення 20-ліття священослужіння о. Івана Лишика. Урочистість відбулася 15 січня 2012 р. в церковному залі парафії під час Різдвяної гостини.

Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 23 Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center www.UkrHEC.org

Genealogical Resources at the Center Archive Генеалогічні ресурси в архіві центру While many of you may already know that the Center’s collec- Багато з вас вже знають, що колекції Центру містять релі- tions contain religious and historical artifacts, and items of folk гійні та історичні експонати, і предмети народного і обра- and fine art, it is less widely known that the UkrHEC archival зотворчого мистецтва. Але менш відомо про архівні фонди, collections have a substantial number of unique and important що мають значну кількість унікальних і важливих докумен- documents that can be used for genealogical research. These тів, які можуть бути використані для генеалогічних дослі- documents cover in time much of the 20th century and in ge- джень. Ці документи охоплюють більшість 20-го століття ography the US, Germany, and Ukraine. They tell not only the територій США, Німеччини, та України. Вони розповіда- stories of individual families, but also the history of Ukraine ють не тільки про окремі родини, а також про історію Укра- and Ukrainian-American immigration. їни та української імміграції до США.

Baptismal, matrimonial, and funeral records The collections include a limited number of parish record books from the US and Displaced Persons camps in Germany. On the right is a page of baptism records from 1922 in Export, PA. It is interesting in that the priest identified the ethnicity of the par- ents, which included Serbs, Ukrainians, and Rusyns. Below is a baptism record from Munster-Lager DP Camp in 1947 of a pair of twin boys. Unfortunately, they both died two months later.

Метричні книги У фондах знаходяться деякі метричні книги з США і з ні- мецьких таборів біженців. З права метричні записи хре- щень з 1922-го року в церкві містечка Експорт, штату Пен- сільванія. Вони цікаві тим, що священик визначив етнічну приналежність батьків, між ними серби, українці і русини. З низу запис хрещення близнюків у таборі Мунстер-Лаґер в 1947-му році. На жаль, обидва померли через два місяці.

To view high-resolution images of our genealogical documents, visit Високоякісні зображення наших генеалогічних документів our website. можна знайти на нашій інтернет-сторінці.

24 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Український Історично-Освітний Центр www.UkrHEC.org

Records of the UAOC Документи УАПЦ The archive also has administrative records of the Ukrainian В архіві також знаходяться адміністративні документи Autocephalous Orthodox Church during the post-WWII period. Української Автокефальної Православної Церкви з після- Among them are hundreds of relief aid distribution lists, which воєнного періоду. Серед них сотні списків осіб, які отри- have the names of all Ukrainian Orthodox individuals who re- мали гуманітарну допомогу через Церкву. Зліва список на ceived humanitarian aid through the Church. On the left is a part якому зазначено особи які одержали смалець в таборі Бра- of one such list indicating recipients of lard in the Braunsch- уншвайґ 9-го серпня 1949-го року. weig DP camp on August 9, 1949. Крім того, УАПЦ ретельно зберігала службові відомос- In addition, the UAOC kept meticulous records of all indi- ті про усіх осіб, які працювали для церкви. З правого боку viduals working for Church. On the right is the employee record бачимо службову анкету Параскеви Татаркової, яка співала of Paraskeva Tatarkova, who was a singer with the episcopal в єпископському хорі в Майнц-Кастелі. На ній записані її choir in Mainz-Kastel. It lists her birthplace and date, her par- місце і дата народження, імена її батьків, і її освіта та по- ent’s names, and her education and work experience. передній робочий досвід.

If you think the UkrHEC archives might have information Якщо в архівах центру є інформація, корисна для вашого useful for your family history research, please contact archivist генеалогічного дослідження, зверніться до архівіста Ми- Michael Andrec at [email protected] or at 732-356-0132. хайла Андреця на [email protected] або 732-356-0132. We would very much like to make our genealogical informa- Ми б хотіли, щоб наша генеалогічна інформація була до- tion available on the Web, but currently the resources needed are ступна на Інтернеті, але в даний час брак фондів на такий not available. You can make it happen by sponsoring a UkrHEC проект. Ваше спонсорство оцифрувального проекту може digitization project. зробити це реальністю. If your family has Lemko or Rusyn roots, you may be in- Якщо у вашій сім’ї лемківські чи русинські коріння, terested in the April 29 workshop by Mike Buryk on doing прибудьте 29 квітня на доповіді Михайла Бурика про genealogy research in the Sanok region of Poland. See our генеалогічні дослідження в Польщі. Деталі можна web site or Facebook event listing for details. знайти на нашій інтернет-сторінці. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 25 Altar Servers Retreat Êîíôåðåíöiÿ Âiâòàðíèõ Ïðèñëóæíèêiâ Organized by the Chicago Deanery of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Îðãàí³çîâàíà äåêàíàòîì îêîëèö³ ׳êàãî, Óêðà¿íñüêî¿ Ïðàâîñëàâíî¿ Öåðêâè â ÑØÀ With participation of His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC of the USA Çà ó÷àñòþ Ïðåîñâÿùåíí³øîãî Âëàäèêè Äàíè¿ëà, ïðàâëþ÷îãî àðõèºðåÿ Çàõ³äíî¿ ºïàðõ³¿ ÓÏÖ â ÑØÀ 18-21 ÷åðâíÿ 2012 ðîêó Áîæîãî 18-21 June, 2012 ïðè Óêðà¿íñüê³é Ïðàâîñëàâí³é Öåðêâ³ at Sts Peter and Paul Ukrainian ñâ. Ïåòðà ³ Ïàâëà â Ïåéëîñ Ïàðê, ²Ë Orthodox Church in Palos Park, IL For additioanl information, please call: 8410 West 131st St. Çà äîäàòêîâîþ ³íôîðìàö³ºþ òåëåôîíóéòå Palos Park, IL 60464-2122 íà (708) 361-5165 Registration: $150 Age group - 10 and up Ðåºñòðàö³ÿ: ³êîâà ãðóïà - â³ä 10 ðîê³â

26 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Archpastoral Visit to St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruсes, NM! His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Ruling Hier- arch of the Western Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA visited St. Antho- ny of the Desert Ukrainian Orthodox Mission during the weekend of March 16-18, 2012. He was accompanied by seminarian Yurii Andreiko of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. Bishop Daniel met parishioners informally over coffee on the morning of the 17th March, then spent the afternoon in conversations with individual members of the parish who had re- quested or been assigned time with him. These included catechumen Lt. Blake Davenport, who will be chrismated at Pascha, Reader Steven Foglesong, members new to the parish in the last year, and several others. At the conclusion to Vespers at 5:00 PM on Saturday, Bishop Daniel spoke at length to those gathered, including a number of first- time visitors to the parish, about the meaning of Christian faith in this age and specifically during Lent. After his talk, people were treated to a At the Small of the Liturgy, His Grace festive supper and further conversations with his Grace. Bishop Daniel presented an ecclesiastical award – a The Chairperson of the Mission Board of Adminis- spiritual “sword” to the pastor of the parish community tration Joni Foglesong officially greeted Bishop Daniel – Fr. Gabriel Rochelle, who prayerfully entered into the on Sunday morning at the door of the church with kind 7th year of his service in our Lord’s Vineyard in the Holy words and the traditional bread and salt. Vladyka served Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. the Divine Liturgy and preached to a packed church, Every available member of the parish was present focusing on the inner meaning of the Lenten journey. on this Sunday, and those who could not be present sent greetings and expressed regret at their inability to attend. Following the Divine Liturgy, another banquet was held which provided a lot of time for conversation with Bishop Daniel and Seminarian Yurii. The parish council met with Vladyka Dan- iel over supper for the conclusion of his visit, and discussed future plans and hopes for St Anthony Mission. St. Anthony of the Desert Mission in Las Cruсes, NM began in October 2007 with only a handful of contacts, and has grown now to a full fifty members: thirty-nine adults and eleven children. Sub-deacon Theophan Mackey, is completing his first year at St. Tikhon’s Semi- nary with wife Kristi and daughter Maya Sophia. Reader Alfred Henderson is currently working in Kuwait, but we anticipate his return in June. Sub-deacon Vladimir Laven is working for the US Navy on Crete. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 27 St. Sophia Seminary Celebrates Patronal Feast of the Three Hierarchs! by Subdeacon Vasyl and Ilona Dovgan

the USA in preparing those who will lead parish life as pastors of local parishes. The bishop stated that the feast of the Three Holy Hierarchs is one of the most important feast days for the seminary, as chapel – the very foundation of the Seminary’s life – bears the name of the Three Holy hierarchs. Seminarians, along with their sacred Music instructor Dr. Michael Andrec, led the chanting of the Divine Liturgy. Very Rev. Fr. Bazyl Zawierucha and Rev. Fr. Ivan Synevskyy delivered short sermons in English and Ukrainian languages, addressing several dozens of faithful of the local communities, who On February 11-12, 2012, St. Sophia Ukrainian battled the snowy day to join the seminarians in the Orthodox Theological Seminary celebrated its patronal celebrations of the day. Both preachers reflected upon feast, commemorating the Three Holy Hierarchs Basil the the historical meaning of the Feast and presented a brief Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom. account of each of the Saint’s lives and their dedicated Although named in honor of the Holy Wisdom – St. service and love for the Word of God. Sophia, the seminary chapel is under the protection of At the end of liturgy, Bishop Daniel greeted those these three great Hierarchs of the Eastern Church, noted in attendance, especially the clergy and the parishioners for their great piety and wisdom. of the Church that traveled from Pittsburgh, PA; Johnson His Grace Bishop Daniel celebrated Archpastoral City, NY; Philadelphia, PA; Trenton, NJ; New York City, NY; Divine Liturgy of he Feast on Saturday, February 11, 2012, South Bound Brook, NJ. Addressing the seminarians, so to enable the local clergy and the faithful to share His Grace stressed the importance of academic studies the joy of the feast day with the faculty and the student and called upon the student body to embrace the love body of the Church’s Academic Institution. Very Rev. Fr. for Sacred Texts and Tradition of the Church in the Bazyl Zawierucha, Provost of the Seminary, assisted by tradition of the Patron Saints, adhering to our Lord’s a dozen of clergy greeted the Bishop at the entrance to Commandment of love. He exhorted the academic the Seminary. body to familiarize themselves and to study the social Responding, the Bishop greeted the faculty, and moral needs of the faithful in order to provide the students, guest clergy and faithful on behalf of the adequate pastoral response to the challenges of the Rector of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological 21st century. Seminary His Beatitude Metropolitan Constantine and The liturgical celebration concluded with the His Eminence Archbishop Antony, President of the melodious chanting of “God grant many years…” to the Consistory. He expressed his gratitude to Almighty hierarchs of the Church, her clergy and faithful. God for the blessings bestowed upon the Seminary, its Following the Liturgy, the participants took part seminarians and professors, who invest themselves in in a splendid luncheon, which was prepared by the securing the future of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of seminary’s cook, Mrs. Maria Morozovska.

28 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Собор Трьох Святителів в каплицi Свято-Софіївської Богословської семінарії Iподиякон Василь тa Iлoнa Довган

Щороку 12 лютого ми святкуємо свято Собору Трьох Святителів: Василія Великого, Івана Златоусто- го та Григорія Богослова. Це свято було встановлене 1084 р. єпископом міста Евхаїти Іваном, якому три святителі з’явилися уві сні і сказали припинити су- перечки про те, хто з них є більшим чи меншим, бо вони «одне у Бога», і все, що вони робили за життя і після смерті, було задля єдності і миру. На честь цього свя- та було освячено багато храмів, серед них і ка- плиця Свято-Софіївської Богословської семінарії. Отож, 11 лютого у капличці відбулася Архиєрейська літургія за участю Пре- освященішого Владики Даниїла та всечесних отців. – Восокопреосвященнішого Архиєпископа Антонія. Перед початком служіння отець Василь Завірюха Також Владика наголосив, що зовсім не даремно разом із духовенством ґречно вітали Владику Даниїла каплиця, в якій багато часу проводять у молитві при вході до семінарії. Згодом усі разом відправили- семінаристи та місцеве духовенство, освячена ся на спільну молитву. Літургію супроводжував спів іменем Трьох Святих. Адже життя цих трьох студентів-семінаристів під керівництвом Михайла Ан- святителів є дійсним та достойним прикладом для дреця. Під час літургії були виголошені красномовні священнослужителів і тих, хто збирається ними проповіді на українській та англійській мовах отцем стати. На завершення Владика Даниїл подякував Іваном Синевським та отцем Василем Завірюхою. семінаристам, вірним та священикам які прийшли Священнослужителі розповідали про походження в цей день розділити радість і молитви з нагоди цього свята, про життя та діяння трьох святих і ак- храмового свята семінарії. Особливу подяку центували увагу на тому, що неможливо когось із Преосвященіший висловив духовенству, яке прибуло цих святителів назвати більш чи менш значущим з різних парафій, зокрема з Пітсбурга, Філадельфії у житті Церкви, всі вони жили і творили в один час, штату Пенсільванія; Джонсон Сіті, Нью-Йорк Сіті вони однаково прославляли Бога, сіяли любов між штату Нью-Йорк; Трентону та Баунд Бруку штату Нью- людьми, навчали прикладом Христа, писали псалми Джерзі. Звертаючись до студентів семінарії, Владика та Божественні літургії. Вони були богонатхненними Даниїл закликав їх бути старанними та люблячими, людьми і об’єднювали свої молитви та зусилля заради так, як цього вчить Христос, а викладацьку «родину» віри в Бога, заради збагачення духовності вірних і на- - плекати духовність та любов до Бога у серцях вернення на путь праведний невірних. Тож сьогодні студентів. вони є достойні хвали та звеличення в однаковій мірі. Після молитовного збагачення все духовенство Владика Даниїл привітав із цим великим святом та вірні розділили разом святковий обід, що був усіх присутніх від імені ректора семінарії – Блаженного старанно та смачно приготовлений кухарем семінарії Митрополита Констянтина та президента консисторії – пані Марією Морозовською. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 29 Rev. Lewytzkyj Seminarian Foundation of St. Andrew’s Society Scholarships to Seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary! Стипендійний фонд о. Левицького SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. Ten seminarians were Саут Баунд Брук, Н.Дж. Десять семинаристів були awarded scholarships on November 12, 2011 at St. Sophia нагороджені стипендіями 12 листопада 2011 року в Ukrainian Orthodox Seminary. Funded by the Rev. Wolodymyr Українській Православній Семинарії Святої Софії. Кошти Lewytzkyj Seminarian забезпечені Фундаці- Scholarship Founda- єю стипендій для се- tion thru St Andrew’s минаристів імені отця Society/ UOC of USA, доктора протопрес- $10,500 was awarded витера Володимира for the 2011-2012 aca- Левицького через demic year. Товариство Святого Scholarships of Андрія Української this Foundation are made in honor of the Православної Церкви living, or in memory в США. 10,500 дола- of deceased souls. рів виділено на 2011- The 2011-12 award 2012 навчальний рік. dedications include: Стипендії цієї in Blessed Memory фундації виділяються of Very Rev. Mykola на честь нині живих Metulynsky, Eugene осіб або в блажен- Micevych, Yarolsav Kor- ну пам’ять померлих. sunsky and Eugene Os- Призначені фінансо- tapczuk (MN); in honor ві нагороди на 2011- of the families of Anne 2012 навчальний рік Ferreira (OR), Dr. Greg- включають: в блажен- ory and Lili Sitka, Bob ну пам’ять протопрес- Morris( MN); the Wayzata Community Church, St. Katherine UOC parish, St. Katherine UOC Sisterhood (MN). витера Миколи Метулинського, Евгена Міцевича, Яросла- ва Корсунського та Евгена Остапчука (всі - Міннесота), на Since 1990, the Rev. Lewytzkyj Scholarship Foundation честь родин Анни Ферейра (Орегон), доктора Григорія та has awarded 425 scholarships to deserving seminarians studying at three Western Ukraine. The past success of the Лілії Сітка, Роберта Морріса (всі - Міннесота), Громадської program is demonstrated by the large number ordained Церкви в Вайзата, Української Православної Парафії Свя- clergy serving parishes across Ukraine which have been тої Катерини та Сестринства цієї парафії. recipients of these scholarships. In 2011, concern over the З 1990 року, Фундація Стипендій для Семинаристів deteriorating economic and political climate in Ukraine, along імені отця доктора протопресвитера Володимира Левиць- with a desire to provide a broader curriculum to students кого виділила як нагороди 425 стипендій для заслугову- from Ukraine, resulted in the program to refocus its support ючих семинаристів в трьох семінаріях Західної України. to students studying abroad at St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Попередній успіх програми демонструється великою Theological Seminary in South Bound Brook, NJ. The criteria кількістю рукоположеного духовенства, що отримали for scholarships are merit and need based for qualified can- свого часу нагороду цими стипендіями та зараз служать didates from the poorest Ukrainian families. в парафіях по всій Україні. В 2011 році, занепокоєнність Tax free donations are accepted to expand this mission різко погіршеною економічною та політичною ситуацією program to a greater number of students from Ukraine. Do- в Україні разом з бажанням забезпечити більш широку та nations may be made to Rev. Lewytzkyj Fund/St. Andrew’s So- охоплюючу навчальну програму для студентів з України ciety, c/o V. Vizir, 1023 Yorkshire Dr. Los Altos, CA 94024. For привели до переведення мети допомоги до студентів, які more information, contact Luba Lewytzkyj at 952.440.5822 навчаються за межами України, особливо в Українській or [email protected] Православній Семинарії Святої Софії в Саут Баунд Брук, Фундація Стипендій для Семинаристів імені отця Нью-Джерсі, США. Критерії для допомоги базуються на доктора протопресвитера Володимира Левицького, Товариства Святого Андрія, нагороджує стипендіями академічній успішності та матеріальній потребі для ква- українських семiнаристів ліфікованих кандидатів з найбідніших Українських родин.

30 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 ВОДОХРЕЩА У ПАРАФІЇ СВ. ПОКРОВИungrateful. ВThe САУТФІЛДІ,offering your gift at the МІЧ. altar, and there Forgiveness servant har- you remember that your brother has Написав Юрій Розгін bored Фото: vindic- Єлисаветаsomething Симоненко against you, leave your gift ВодохрещаRefusing to forgive (Водохрища, some- tiveness rather thereйого before Водохрещам. the altar andВ Україні go; first цей be Водохреще,one who hurt Водохрестя, us is aВодо- than rejoicing. reconciledобряд був to радісноyour brother, та сердечно and them свяття)dangerous або spiritual Богоявлення, affliction Свято- Vindictiveness comeприйнятий, and offer бо your в нашому gift (Mt. 5:24).народі, покровськаthat affects ourГромада families, в Саутфілді, our is a caustic віддавна,The commandment вода, річка – була is crystal свята Міч.,parishes, відсвяткувала and ourselves. у середу It 18-го polluter of soul clear.річ, оскільки We need вода to forgive живить those все житwho- (Навечір’яeven reaches Богоявлення) deep into і в чет- that prevents a trespassтя і без водиagainst – життяus before неможливе! God will верsociety. 19-го січня. Після Великого person from forgiveЧин Великого us our trespasses. освячення We води are освяченняThe commandment води, яке відправив to showing com- debtorsв Українській to God. We Церкві, are saved описаний through отецьforgive Павлоis crucial Боднарчук in the (в се- passion on oth- Hisв українськомуmercy. “ Lord, if требнику You should Петра mark реду,Christian з ним life. співслужив In the parable о. ofАндрій ers. iniquities,Могили, Lord ще вwho 1646-му could stand? році, маєBut Алексієв,the “Wicked з Сербської Servant” Православ (also - We are like thereобрядові with Your відмінності there is forgiveness” від грець- ноїcall Церквиthe “Ten в Thousandмісті Ecorse) Tal- , вірні the first ser- (Ps.ких 129:3-4 чи інших LXX). слов’янських We have accumu- бого- наливалиents” in Matthew її в посудини, 28), the щобLord взяти vant when we latedслужбових many sins уставів but the (в Lord тому is faithful числі додому.Jesus Christ firmly warns that if we do gain forgiveness from God but refuse to toі forgive московського) them if we іforgive ці відмінності others. not forgiveКоротко our про brother, еволюцію then God цьо will- forgive those who have offended us. If відзеркалюютьForgiving others вікові is possibleтрадиції only на- гоnot Свята. forgive Наus. початку християн- self-absorption captures our soul, if we byшого the power українського of God. When народу. we forgive, ства, TheСвято parable Різдва uncovers і Хрещення a demand- nurture the pain that an offense causes we discoverПісля it Свята heals theБогоявлення, pain caused byо. святкувалисьing moral requirement. разом It як discusses Свято us and build a wall of anger around it, theПавло offense відвідував against us. доми Anger парафіян abates, Богоявлення,how a King forgave “Свято the Світла”,debt of a then we become susceptible to the andі благословляв the self-absorption їх, просячи that ласки kills Святоservant. Богоявлінь. Yet, the servant Але refusedвже від to selfishness(На фото: Велике and освячення ingratitude води у Парафії that compassionБожої і благословення finds no home для in всіхour 13-гоforgive століття,the smaller Хрещення debt of another Ісуса afflictedСв. Покровиthe soul в Саутфілді, of the first Міч.) servant. членівheart. родини. We start Отець to fulfill Павло the command кропив Христаservant. святкувалосьHis heart was so як hard окреме that he свято.This Спочатку, is a spiritual в malady(скроплював) of the first освяченоюto be holy водою even as всі our кімнати Father in вheaven домі, практиціthrew the відбувалосьsecond servant тільки in jail. одне Великеorder освячення that can lead щоб us вониto distance наповнилисьis Holy. Святим Духом і щоб в цьому води,What а саме motivated в Навечір’я the Богоявлення. servant’s ourselves Проте зараз from God. є доміIt can evenпроявилось lead to БожеHow Царство. do we startВін благословляв to forgive? We загальноприйнятоюcruel behavior? Why did практика he withhold освячуватиspiritual воду death. двічі: членів родини, щобobey допомогти the scriptural їм очиститись command to і щобpray першийhis joy from раз the в second Навечір’я servant? Богоявлення, What а другийThe Lord раз commands – ця родина us that стала, if we якfor казав those Св. who Іоан offend Золотоустий or persecute “малою us. наprevented саме Свято him from Богоявлення. imitating the noble have offended our brother,церквою”, we should - малоюPrayer громадою opens сповненою the heart to the молитви power of і behaviorУкраїнська of the King? Церква Why прийняла didn’t he цейleave обряд our Велико gift before- любові and make на протязі our року.God that makes forgiveness possible. гоshow освячення the same води compassion в той час the колиking доrestitution нас прийшло (Mt. 5:2). OurВідвідини gift will be о. ПавлаWe follow підбадьорюють the example іof скріплюють Christ who християнство.imparted to him? Іпатіївський літопис (1148acceptable р.) згадує to God почуття only if weналежності first prayed до Святопокровської when hanging on the Громади Cross, про ВодосвяттяThe servant на was території selfish Київської and reconcile Русі і називає with our brother.- родини. “If you are “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do (Lk. 23:34).” Ordination May God grant to them many, Anniversaries happy and blessed years!

Rev. Fr. George Bazylevsky March 08, 2003 March/ Rev. Fr. Walter Hvostik March 19, 1995 April Rev. Fr. Gregory Czumak March 24, 2001 V. Rev. Fr. Michael Kochis March 27, 1995 V. Rev. Fr. Mykola Krywonos March 28, 1981 Deacon James Cairns, II April 10, 2010 Rev. Fr. Zenoviy Zharskiy April 11, 1998 V. Rev. Vasyl Shtelen April 12, 1978 V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha April 12, 1981 Rev. Fr. Vasyl Sendeha April 14, 2007 V. Rev. Jakiw Norton April 24, 1977 Deacon Mikhail Sawarynski April 25, 2004 V. Rev. Fr. Todor Mazur April 27, 1992

34Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Óêðà¿íñüêåUkrainian Ïðàâîñëàâíå Orthodox WordÑëîâî Ðiê LXI ×èñ. III-IV, áåðåçåíü-êâ³òåíü,31 2011 32 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Winter at St. Vladimir’s Cathedral!

St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Chapter has visited parishioners who can not attend Philadelphia, PA has been extremely busy this winter. Our church. The director of our Sunday school also brings winter schedule typically starts with our annual parish cards and drawings from our school children. The Christmas Bazaar. A mainstay and major financial project parishioners light up when Daria O’Byrne, director of of the year, for the first time in decades we made some our religious education program shares the cards from major shifts to the Bazaar this year. Two weeks before the children. the Bazaar we held an indoor flea market. The Bazaar is We visited Pani Hordienko who is over 100 years a neighborhood favorite and the first annual indoor flea old and was a long time choir member. We also visited market was a success with the neighbors. with Mrs. Berezowski - a longtime UOL member. As part of our visit we bring treats and sing several carols. On Theophany Eve, January 18th, our UOL Chapter sponsored its 3rd Annual Theophany Eve Supper – Holodna Kutya. Following Compline Service 40 people joined in the church hall for a lovely Lenten supper. As part of our Holodna Kutya we set one large table so that everyone could enjoy the dinner together. This year we sang carols prior to dinner. After the dinner, everyone joined together in the temple for the first blessing of water. On Sunday our chapter celebrated with a Theophany Brunch. The whole parish joined for the blessing of the ice cross. The annual event is a great joy! The cross, funded by Mike Fesnak and David Sembrot, is a beautiful ice carving of an Orthodox cross. Following the blessing of the cross the entire parish came into the hall for warm soup and salad. Once the Bazaar was cleared out we prepared for Our season ended with a celebration at our Annual St. Nicholas. Our Sunday School students eagerly waited Malanka. Philadelphia’s Malanka can not be beat. The for the arrival of St. Nicholas. This year, the children event is full of fun, with young and old on the dance sang beautifully as they waited for St. Nicholas to arrive. floor. DJ Al Shinn is wonderful and makes each Malanka The children have been getting lots of practice singing. a great night. This year the young children learned some Each Sunday Pani Laura Naumenko leads the children line dances prior to the music starting so they were quite in singing the Communion Hymn. a hit during the Macarena and Kolomeyka. The Malanka For several years the St. Vladimir UOL chapter has is a family event with very young children, parents and sponsored a family night at Dave and Busters. As part of grandparents. We had a delicious meal with chicken, this family event we dine together in the restaurant and sausage and meatballs. Following the fantastic dinner we enjoy the arcade games. Both young and not so young were able to burn calories on the dance floor. The event attempt the video games. The best aspect of the event chaired by Al and Debbie Shinn is always a huge success. is that families attend, so you have multiple generations enjoying the video games. This year approximately forty people joined in the fun evening. For the first time our Alexander Koshetz Choir sang at a local Philadelphia concert of carols. Over fifteen choirs sang at the concert, and for the first time, our choir under the direction of Karen Ferraro performed. The choir sang three carols at the concert and sounded beautiful. Our next event of the season was our annual caroling to visit our shut-ins. For over a decade the UOL Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 33 Nativity of our Lord Celebrations in our Parishes гçäâÿí³ Ñâÿòêóâàííÿ â íàøèõ ïàðàô³ÿõ

Парафія Св. Покрови в Саутфілді, Міч.

Написав Юрій Розгін

У Навечір’я Різдва Христового, посту Пилипівки). Цим разом, члени Велика подяка всім, хто брав 6-го січня 2012-го року, в Українській Сестрицтва ім. Св. Княгині Ольги при участь у підготовці й здійсненні Святої Православній Катедрі Св. Покрови Катедрі і приятелі Святопокровської Вечері. (Катедра) Велике Повечір’я від- Громади працювали кілька днів, під Святкування Різдва, 7-го січня, правив о. Павло Боднарчук, а йому керівництвом Джорджії Керелюк і розпочалося в Катедрі Різдвяною допомагали іподиякон (subdeacon) Вари Сірої, щоб приготувати страви. Службою, яку відправив о. Павло, а Андрій Стойко та вівтарні прислужни- Родинну Святу Вечерю розпо- йому допомагали іподиякон А.Стойко ки Андрій і Михайло Пауерс, Андрій чинає молитвою господар дому. В і ті самі вівтарні прислужники що й по- Рудиченко, Ярема Петруша, Олег Геба цьому випадку, Голова Парафіяльної переднього дня, плюс, Денис Слюсар. і Данилко Гиґґинс. Під керівництвом Ради, Ю. Король, привітав присутніх Після закінчення Різдвяної Служби, о. диригента Миколи Невмержицького, і попросив о. Павла молитвою роз- Павло прочитав «Різдвяне Послання урочисто співав катедральний хор почати спільну Святу Вечерю а хор Постійної Конференції Українських молитви з Різдвяною тематикою. У проспівав Різвяний Тропар (молитов- Православних Єпископів поза меж- своїй проповіді, о.Павло по- ами України», в якому закли- яснив, що українські Свят- кається: «...Найлегше загоро- Вечірні традиції – це до- дити Христа стінами Церкви, християнські звичаї, яким - обмежити Його...», але «...де Церква надала Різдвяного люди сумують, де люди по- змісту, і підкреслив, що не ранені чи тіло побите, де діти важливо коли ми святкуємо голодні чи люди в потребі, Різдво (за новим чи старим там ми повинні бути... тоді, календарем), а важливо як Різдво буде мати значення у ми святкуємо Різдво: що в нашому житті ...» ньому найважливіше для Було приємно бачити нас. Після закінчення Вели- і на Великому Повечір’ї в кого Повечір’я, хор заспівав церкві і на Святій Вечері в кілька колядок і парафіяни залі – багато гостей, між ними та гості зібрались на спільну Полковника Олега Цєплого, Святу Вечерю з традицій- команданта 101-го Відділу ними стравами у святково Українських Американських прибраній парафіяльній залі, (На фото: о. Павло Боднарчук керує загальним колядуванням під час Ветеранів (Ukrainian American де на почесному місці знахо- Святої Вечері.) Фото: Єлисавета Симоненко Veterans, Post 101); Христину дився колач, (білий хліб, випечений ний вірш). Свята Вечеря, традиційно, Никорак, Екзекутивного Директора із крученого і переплетеного тіста) починається з куті – вареної пшениці Українського Американського Архіву - символ добробуту. (в деяких регіонах України – рижу, й Музею в Детройті; Ярослава Бере- Свята Вечеря – це, традиційно, пшона, жита) з медом, горіхами і тер- зовського, Редактора «Детройтських родинне свято, але в Святопокров- тим маком. Інші традиційні страви на Новин», і багато інших гостей. ській Громаді виробилась традиція Свят-Вечір – це борщ, риба, вареники, В суботу 14-го січня, діти Школи святкувати його спільно (для тих, хто голубці, пампушки з часником і узвар Релігії й Українозавства ім. Л.Українки, так бажає). Це можна пояснити так, (компот). В стравах цієї Вечері пред- при Катедрі, колядували в «Україн- що в цій Громаді було багато самітних ставлені найголовніші плоди поля, ському Селі» і в Українських Кредитів- членів і що Громада почуває себе як городу і саду. ках міста Воррен , що біля Детройту. одна родина. Спільним колядуванням при- Свят-Вечірніх і Різдвяних тради- В Україні, господиня присвячува- сутніх керував о.Павло; його гучний цій притримуються українці, куди б їх ла кілька днів, щоб, для своєї родини, голос не потребує мікрофона і тому не закинула доля, і цим декларують приготувати 12 традиційних пісних він міг виконувати свою функцію пе- свою приналежність до українського страв (Свят-Вечір – це останній день ребуваючи серед співаючої громади. народу. 34 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Nativity of our Lord Celebrations in our Parishes гçäâÿí³ Ñâÿòêóâàííÿ â íàøèõ ïàðàô³ÿõ St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Herkimer, NY

The Rev. Ivan Semko of It was also a tradition in St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Ukraine to go caroling on Christ- Church conducts Christmas Eve mas Eve, but Prylepa said now Service in Herkimer, NY they do it in church “Things have HERKIMER - A small group changed but remain the same gathered in the undercroft of in a sense” she said, adding that St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox the Orthodox Christmas holiday Church on Friday evening, Janu- marks the beginning of the win- ary 6, hoping to preserve tradi- ter holidays such as the Blessing tions from “The Old World” that of Water. are quickly fading. Preserving the Ukrainian “It used to be a tradition Orthodox traditions isn’t just that every family would have important for those who have Christmas Eve supper when families were bigger and immigrated to the U.S., Prylepa said, but it also serves as a many church and choir members, Valentina Prylepa said. reminder of the years Ukrainians spent under USSR rule. “Now we do it in church.” Jordanville, NY resident Wasyl Hula said his parents To celebrate Christmas Eve, a service was hosted immigrated to the U.S. in the 1920’s. He said he has been at the Herkimer church followed by traditional Ukrainian attending St. Mary’s all his life and his father helped build food - without the meat. the Herkimer church.

Caroling at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Trenton, NJ By Olena Lymar On Sunday, January 22, 2012, it was a joyous day sisterhood including mashed potatoes with meat and with singing,unity, and glorifying God with Christmas Borsht. Each choir preformed three to four traditional carols at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church Ukrainian Christmas Carols. In the end, when everyone Trenton, NJ. It has become a tradition that every year, had preformed, all four choirs gather together and sang a parish around the Trenton, NJ area would host a three Ukrainian Christmas Carols and Боже Великий caroling gathering. This year we had four choirs come Єдиний. All the members in the choirs and audience and sing at the Holy Trinity Hall, they were St. George felt a sense of unity when everyone sang together. It Ukrainian Orthodox Church, St. Josaphat Ukrainian was truly a sight to see, all four choirs singing together Catholic Church, Ukrainian Baptist Church of Levittown as one! Everyone was delighted and that many would and our own Holy Trinity Ukrainian Church choir. After like to continue this tradition! church, everyone enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by our

Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 35 New Britain parish’s “ Families for Fontanka Boys” project successfully completes its first year.

In 2010, rive in Odessa St Mary’s in October. parish in The New Brit- “Families for ain became Fontanka” partners with sponsors are Universal Aid now awaiting for Children- news from Ukraine (Ft. the boys and Lauderdale, their plans Fl) and spon- (hopefully) to sored 8 boys coming out of an Peter Panin, works with the students remain in school for a second year. Odessa Orphanage called Fontanka. to assist in legal, administrative, Career choices for the boys include: This is an orphanage jointly admin- housing, and placement exams. auto mechanic, pastry chef, welder, istered by the state and by the Or- Once in a school, UAC then monitors teacher, and one boy wants to be a thodox church, which has a direct each student for compliance with the boxer, so he studies gymnastics. presence in the school. Its student program requirements. In return for In November, 2010, Program population consists mostly of boys a $50 per month stipend, each schol- Director, John Nickleach, made a trip who had been living on the streets arship student is required to work 16 to Odessa. He has made frequent and were picked up by the police and to 20 hours in one of the Odessa or- trips there since 2003. During this brought there. The ages at Fontanka phanages and a time sheet is turned most recent trip, he spent time with are from 8 to 15 years old and the in to the UAC staff. This stipend is the boys, visiting some of them in discipline is junior military . The usually the only money the student their dorms or hostels, and also took Orthodox Divine Liturgy is a part of has to meet living expenses with. the boys out for a very large meal! A the school life. More than 30 parishioners letter of support and prayer written signed up for the program and by Fr. Andrii Pokotylo was also given became the boy’s American “fami- to each student. lies”. The sponsors chose 8 boys-- Anyone interested in further (“Rustam, Vitaly, Vova, Kolya, Victor, information about the Families Vitaly, Stanislav and Anatoly” see pic- program, Odessa orphanages, or ture above) and created the “Families about sponsoring a student, please for Fontanka Boys” program. Each feel free to contact Fr. Andrii fran- boy has a group of sponsors who [email protected] or John Nickleach have joined together as one family. ([email protected]). We’d Some boys have as many as 6 spon- love to see more people join our sors, who then share the $57 per “Families”. The current system of care for month expense between them. Please join our church in offer- orphans in Ukraine is set up in a The boys write regular letters ing prayers for the boys to stay in such way that at the age of 15 these to their sponsors and the sponsors school and learn a skill before they young men are left on their own. As are also encouraged to write back try to transition into the Ukraine a result, these boys are very much to the student. UAC facilitates the labor force. at risk when they leave the school/ translation of letters and then for- orphanage and go into unfamiliar wards them via email to the church’s circumstances of living on their own Program Director, John Nickleach, in an unfriendly society. who then distributes them. The UAC scholarship program In August, the sponsors joined assists young people who are leav- together and created packages to ing various Odessa Orphanages send to the boys, via the church’s and attempting to get ahead in their highly successful Bundles for Ukraine lives. These can be trade schools, program. School supplies, shoes, universities, or technical colleges. shirts, and snacks comprised the UAC, through their Odessa Director, packages, which are scheduled to ar- 36 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Eagle Scout Ceremony On Saturday, to the gener- March 10, 2012, the ous donations parishioners of St. of many of the Peter and St. Paul parishioners. in Carnegie, along During the first with family and week of August, friends of Gregory Gregory orga- Markiw attended nized a group his Eagle Scout Cer- of fellow scouts, emony in Carnegie, family and Jr. Pennsylvania. The UOL Chapter Eagle Scout is the members who highest rank at- worked togeth- tainable in the Boy er from early Scouting program morning to mid of the Boy Scouts of afternoon for a America (BSA). Re- solid week. The quirements include completed proj- earning at least 21 ect was warmly merit and received by the demonstrating Scout Spirit through sustained massive damage following parishioners as well as those groups the Boy Scout Oath and Law, service Hurricane Ivan. While the parishio- who use the church hall throughout and leadership. This includes an ex- ners worked very hard to repair the the year. tensive service project that the Scout damage and to replace those items Gregory’s Court of Honor cel- plans, organizes, leads and manages. lost due to flooding, the upstairs hall ebration was attended by His Be- Eagle Scouts are expected to set an remained a project that kept getting atitude Metropolitan Constantine, example for other Scouts and to be- pushed down the list of things to do Protopresbyter William Diakiw, Rev. come the leaders in life. Many Eagle because of funding. Gregory decided Steve Repa, Rev. John Haluszczak Scout are widely represented in the to make the renovation and repaint- and Rev. Robert Popichak, along military, in higher education and aca- ing of the upper church hall his Eagle with many parishioners, family and demia, major professions, the clergy, Project. He contacted a local Sherwin friends. Everyone’s support and business and politics. Williams paint store and procured generosity was greatly appreciated In 2004 the Carnegie parish a paint donation which was added by Gregory and his family. “Souper Bowl” Sunday at St. Peter & Paul – Palos Park, IL

On February 5th, “Super Bowl Sun- Cepynsky. Bob and Pat Lewandowski day”, Sts Peter and Paul UOL chapter and donated several loaves of great rye and parish community participated in the wheat bread. Anatol and Kathy Bilyk “Souper Bowl” event for the St. Andrew’s coordinated the event bringing all the Society – soup kitchens for the elderly in necessary supplies, the bowls, spoons, Ukraine. Super Bowl decorations. They did all the Ten great chef - parishioners pre- set up, got all the soups piping hot and pared their best recipes. The selections helped with the clean-up. Other parish- were Ukrainian Borscht – Fr. Vasyl Sen- ioners also brought breads and sweets. deha, New Orleans Gumbo – Howard It was only a donation of $10.00 Brooks, Cabbage w/ Pork – Gayle Wo- which bought the bowl and then you loschak, Stuffed Pepper – Janet Ganske, could feast on all the soups as many Italian Wedding Soup – Andrea Manson, times as desired. WOW – this was a Cauliflower/Fennel Puree w/Bacon winner. We collected $875.00 and plan – Harry Oryhon, Baba Lidia’s Green to send St. Andrew’s Society a check for Borscht – George Cepynsky, Vegetable – Karoline O’Neil, $1000.00 for their terrific project of feeding the hungry Chili – Noreen Neswick, and Chicken Tomato Rice – Lydia in Ukraine. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 37 One Year Memorial Service for Metropolitan Nicholas in Perth Amboy

On Sunday March 18, 2012 at 4:00 pm, the faithful Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, of the USA, and a large number of Diocesan Priests, New Jersey, were honored with a visitation by His and faithful of the diocesan parishes of the Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, Locum Eastern Seaboard region. Tenens of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Posted photos show scenes from the Parastas Diocese of the USA to remember the one year anniversary (Memorial) Service and the dinner and speaking program of the Repose of His Eminence, +Metropolitan Nicholas. which followed. Archbishop Demetrios was joined by His Eminence,

Forgiveness Vespers of NY/NJ Deanery with Bishop Daniel! By Subdeacon Vasyl Pasakas South Bound Brook, NJ. His Grace Bishop Daniel, Forgiveness Sunday, and it is natural that we would hear the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC about this subject from Him in the way that we have just of the USA joined Protopresbyter Taras Chubenko, the heard. However, the Lord speaks to us about forgiveness Dean of NY/NJ Deanery of the Eastern Eparchy of the not just today as we are formally about to enter Great Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, as well as Fr. Lent. He is speaking to us about forgiveness all the time. Yurij Siwko, Fr. Ivan Lymar, Fr. Peter Hotrovich, Fr. Oleh In the context of the Our Father, the Saviour is saying to Hucul, Fr. Volodymyr Zinchyshyn, Fr. Myroslav Shirta, Fr. us: If you don’t forgive your brothers their trespasses, Mykola Filyk, Fr. Volodymyr Muzychka, Fr. Ivan Synevskyy, then neither will God forgive you yours. Deacon James Cairns and parishioners of the Deanery parish communities and guests, as well as seminarians of St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary for the beginning of Great and Holy Lent by the celebration of the Forgiveness Vespers and the service of Forgiveness at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Memorial Church, which marks in the Holy Orthodox Church the beginning of the journey of Great Lent. In his homily, Bishop Daniel emphasized that one of the most striking warning words in the celebration of the Forgiveness Vespers, as this relates to our life long faith journey is the word “discouragement.” “We should never allow the devil to discourage us or drive a wedge between our lives and our faith. When we stop practicing our faith, we lose it,” said Bishop Daniel. “Today the Lord is emphasizing to us the need to forgive. It is true that this is 38 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Bishop Daniel Visits Dormition of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God (St. Mary) Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jones, Oklahoma! On Friday 03 February, His Grace Bishop Daniel, Prior to the beginning of the Liturgy, Vladyka Daniel set the Ruling Hierarch of the Western Eparchy of the UOC aside Reader Sandro Gomarteli to the subdeaconate. of the USA arrived in Oklahoma (formerly known as The Bishop also blessed Eugene Hobza, Steven Peck and Indian Territory) for an Archpastoral Visitation to the Mikita Dzialendzik to serve as alter-servers at St. Mary Dormition of the Most Holy Birth-Giver of God (St. Mary) Church. The First, Second and Third Antiphons were lov- Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Jones, Oklahoma. His ingly sung by the St Mary’s choir. At the moment that Grace was accompanied by Seminarian Vasyl Dovgan the choir sang “Is-pola eti despota,” His Grace blessed and his wife Ilona. Bishop Daniel’s Archpastoral visit to the faithful with the “Dikir and Trikir. St. Mary Church in Jones, Oklahoma, caused a spiritual After the reading from the Holy Gospel, His Grace awakening among the parishioners. The members and delivered a sermon, stating “…the Pharisees believed in guests were anxiously waiting to see their Hierarch and a discriminating God who loves good people and hates Spiritual Father. bad people. People behave like the God they believe in. Saturday evening, at the invitation of His Grace So the Pharisees quickly learned to love only good people Bishop Basil of Wichita of Antiochian Christian Orthodox like themselves and look down with contempt on bad Diocese, Vladyka Daniel presided during Great Vespers at people and sinners like the tax collectors… Our Lord Jesus Holy Ascension Antiochian Orthodox Church in Norman, Christ told this parable against the Pharisees because Oklahoma. Great Vespers was served by the V. Rev. Justin they “trusted in themselves that they were righteous McFeeters, Pastor of Holy Ascension, who was assisted by and regarded others with contempt” (Luke 18:9). The tax Archimandrite Rapahael of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox collector, on the other hand, trusted not in himself or in parish community. Following the liturgical celebration, anything he had done but only in God’s mercy. Standing the bishop reflected upon the words of the Psalmist far off, he would not even look up to heaven, but beat his “To you, Lord, I lift my soul.”, stating that God does not breast and prayed, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (v. forget his people; the almighty and merciful God invites 13). This is the man who went home at peace with God us to lift our souls to Him. This means that we should and not the self-righteous Pharisee…This morning, like walk the joys and the sorrows of life in communion with the Pharisee and the tax collector we too have come to Him. We must not rely just on our own strength. God God’s house to offer worship and prayers. Like them we hears us. But, do we truly seek for his support? Each of too hope to go home at the end of this service reconciled us must find an answer to this question as we journey and at peace with God. Then let us learn from the tax through life…” The service was followed by a very elegant collector the secret of worshipping in a manner that is reception in the parish trapeza, lovingly prepared by Holy acceptable to God.” Ascension’s parishioners. Following the dismissal, twenty-two of the church Following the rainy Saturday, Sunday was a wonder- school students presented His Grace with a special gift, ful morning as the sun brightly enlightened everything which they had purchased with money they had person- around St. Mary’s Church and its rays reflected on the ally earned. Bishop Daniel was surprised – and delighted morning dew and on the church’s dome. Peace, Prayer – to receive a large, custom-made cowboy belt buckle and Silence reigned around the church of St. Mary. At inscribed with “+Daniel, Vladyka of the Wild West.” Several that exact moment His Grace Bishop Daniel arrived at jewels emblazoned the buckle alongside outlines of the the church and was escorted by the parish altar serv- State of Oklahoma and a cowboy, holding his horse’s ers and seminarian Subdeacon Vasyl Dovhan. At the reins as he kneels before a Cross. entrance to the church Archimandrite Raphael and the The ladies of the St. Mary’s Sisterhood completed president of St. Mary’s, Oklahoma City Police Captain the day with a lavish Greg Johnston, met feast featuring various His Grace, greeted Oklahoma and eth- him in the name of nic foods which rep- the parish, and asked resent the ancestral Him to pray for the homelands of our pa- church and parish- rishioners – Ukrainian, ioners. Then Bishop Belarusian, Georgian, Daniel started the Di- Lebanese, Mexican, vine Liturgy. Spiritual Romanian, Russian inspiration filled the and Native American. souls of those people We are, to be sure, an who were present. eclectic parish.

Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 39 40 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 George Korol Sportman, Engineer, President of the Church Council George Korol was born in 1937 in Sumy, Ukraine. George has been a parishioner of the Protection His parents Oleksiy Korol and Lidia Petrivna had two of the Mother of God (Sv. Pokrova) Ukrainian Orthodox other children, Lida (later Kytasty) and Paul Constantine. Cathedral, in Southfield, Michigan from its founding in In 1945 the family lived in a Displaced Persons Camp in 1950. Not only has he been a parishioner, but, he has Offenbach, Germany, and after many years the family served as the longest standing Parish Council President, eventually settled in Hamtramck, Michigan, near Detroit, serving selflessly for 22 years. where George finished High School. Cathedral Pastor Very Rev. Father Paul Bod- As a young narchuk has fond man George Korol memories of all excelled at tennis. the work George It is through his Korol has done love of tennis that for the parish. he met his future “George Korol, has wife Phyllis (on the served and devot- tennis court) and ed his skills and created a lovely efforts to improve family consisting and develop our of two children church commu- Jennifer and Paul, nity. His dedi- and two grand- cation, profes- daughters. sional approach, While study- financial aware- ing at the Univer- ness, sincere pa- sity of Michigan, triotism and love George was a for Ukraine, all member of the worked together tennis team which and contributed won the NCAA, to the success and growth of our Ca- National Colle- (Photo: 1. George Korol 2. Members of the Junior Ukrainian Orthodox League, Fr. Paul giate Athletic As- Bodnarchuk (holding the Blessed Hramota, and George Korol, holding the honorary plaque) thedral and the sociation cham- Ukrainian Com- pionship in 1957. In 2007 U of M commemorated the munity. We have been fortunate to have such a Parish 50th anniversary of the championship publically during Council President as George Korol.” the most popular football game of the season (UofM, At the Annual Parish Meeting, held on February versus Ohio State). 12, 2012, George Korol stepped down from his long Upon receiving his engineering diploma (Bachelor held position as Parish Council President. Father Paul of Science in Electrical Engineering), George worked 13 presented him with a Blessed Hramota (Certificate) from years with Boeing, in the missile industry (electronic test the Consistory of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the engineer for the Minuteman Missile Weapon System) in U.S.A., signed by His Grace Bishop Daniel, ruling hierarch Seattle, Washington. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, he of the Western Eparchy, acknowledging his many years had to work day and night, preparing for a missile launch, of dedicated service to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. and possible war. Andrew Smyk, Parish Council Vice President, presented George with an honorary plaque from the parish, which In 1974 George Korol returned to Michigan and will be displayed on the church campus, also thank- worked in the automotive industry for Ford Motor ing him for his 22 years of service. The ceremony was Company, improving the stability of automobiles, espe- completed when the members of the Junior Ukrainian cially focusing on the handling of curves, for which he Orthodox League rolled out a cake (depicting the Ukrai- has received many patents. Additionally, George did nian Flag) to the resounding chorus of Mnohaya Lita research pertaining to transportation utilizing magnetic as everyone got to their feet. The children presented levitation (Magnetic Levitation Transportation System). him with flowers, in gratitude for his constant support, While exploring this field, he worked with the Ukrainian inspiration and encouragement of League activities and Academy of Sciences in Kyiv and has many published the individual members. works on this topic. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 41 42 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Юрій Король Спортсмен, Інженер, Голова Парафіяльної Управи Юрій Король народився в родині Олексія Короля «Форд», удосконалюючи стабільність авт під час їзди, і Лідії Петрівни (з роду особливо, на поворотах, Капнудель) в 1937-му році в за що одержав патенти. місті Суми на Лівобережній Його цікавила, також, Україні. Мав (старших від ділянка транспортації нього) сестру Ліду (пізніше, застосовуючи магнетичну Китасту) і брата Павла - левітацію (Magnetic Костю. Levitation Transportation Під час 2-0Ї Світової System); в цій ділянці, він Війни, родина Королів співпрацював з науковцями опинилась в Києві, а Української Академії Наук в пізніше у Львові, де мати Києві. На цю тему, він має і сестра Юрія співали в опубліковані праці. хорі «Україна» Нестора Ю.Король має двоє Городовенка. дітей: Дженіфер і Павла, і В 1943-му р., німці запроторили родину Королів двоє внучок. до табору примусової праці в Австрії. Після капітуляції До Української православної Катедри Св. Німеччини в 1945-му р., родина Королів проживала Покрови, Ю.Король належав від часу її заснування в Німеччині, в таборах переміщених осіб (Displaced в 1950-му році. За цей час (б2-а роки), Головами Регsопs Camps) в Офенбасі (де мати і сестра Юрія Парафіяльної Управи Катедри були 17 осіб, а між співали в архієрейському хорі Владики Мстислава), ними і Ю.Король, який виконував цю функцію аж 22-а Ашафенбурзі і Фраймані (що біля Мюнхену), де обидві, роки (на 2-ому місці - Федір Іванович Федоренко: 1З співучі, Ліди Королі, знову, співали в хорі Нестора років). Про його працю в Катедрі, о. Павло Боднарчук, Городовенка. настоятель Катедри на протязі 15-ти років, зробив До США. родина Королів переїхала в 1950-му р, такий підсумок: «Юрій Король, як довголітній Голова до Northville, в Штаті Мічиган, а пізніше до Гемтремку, Управи Катедри Святої Покрови, всі свої сили і таланти біля Детройту, де Юрій закінчив High School. присвячував життю та розвитку нашої громади. Ще юнаком, Юрій був добрим тенісистом; Його висока, різностороння ерудиція, професійний на тенісному корті він і познайомився зі своєю підхід у веденні церковних справ, вимогливість майбутньою дружиною, Филис Саґанскі. Будучи від членів Управи, дбайливість та ощадливість студентом Мічиґанського Університету (University в фінансових питаннях, відстоювання інтересів of Michigan, U-M), Юрій належав до університетської громади, планування і здійснення важливих проектів тенісної команди, яка в 1957-му р. здобула чемпіонат в житті громади, щирий патріотизм і любов до України Всеамериканської Атлетичної Асоціації Вищих Шкіл - все це, у великій мірі, сприяло успішному розвитку (National Collegiate Athletic Association, NCAA). В і зросту нашої Катедри та нашої української громади 2007-му році, в 50-ту річницю NCAA чемпіонату, U-M всі ці роки. В персональних стосунках, ЮріЙ Король відзначив тенісну команду 1957-го року на прийнятті завжди старався бути простим, доступним, скорим та прилюдно, під час футбольного (football) змагання на допомогу як і для довголітніх членів громади так і між U-M і Ohio State. для новоприбулих українців. Наша громада щаслива, Після отримання диплома інженера - електрика що мала такого Голову Управи, яким є Юрій Король». (Bachelor of Science іп Electrical Engineering), Ю.Король На Річних Загальних Зборах Катедри 12.ІІ.2012, працював 13 років в компанії Boeing, в ракетній Ю.Король відійшов від головування Парафіяльною індустрії (electronic test engineer for the Minuteman Управою, а цю функцію перебрала Ольга Лісківська. За Missile Weapon System) в Seattle, штат Вашінґтон. свою багаторічну працю, Ю.Король був відзначений виконуючи цю функцію, йому доводилося жити Благословенною Грамотою від Консисторії Української і працювати на військових базах в Каліфорнії, Православної Церкви в США, підписаною Владикою Монтані, Вайомінґу, Північній і Південній Дакоті, Даниїлом, правлячим Владикою. Від Катедри, Небрасці і Міссурі. Під час Кубинської ракетної кризи Ю.Король отримав почесну табличку (plaque) « ... за з Радянським Союзом, в 19б2-му р., Ю.Королеві 22-а роки надзвичайної праці як Голова Парафіяльної довелося працювати день-і-ніч, готуючи ракети до, Управи ... ». можливої, війни. Фото: Ю.Король і Єлисавета Симоненко. В 1974 р., Ю.Король повернувся до Мічиґану Написав Юрій Розгін і працював в автомобільній індустрії, у компанії Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 43 44 Українське Православне Слово Рiк LXII Чис. III-IV, березень-квітень, 2012 Myles S. Goddard and Olena Glushchenko. Sponsors: Leonid Koen and Halyna Didyk, Inna Kazulina. Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl Holy Baptism... Kryshtompol. Goddard, Anna Lorraine baptized and chrismated on August 26, 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child of Myles as of 03/14/2012 S. Goddard and Olena Glushchenko. Sponsors: Valera Kucun and Nadya Senk. Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl Kryshtompol. Bailly, Jacob John baptized and chrismated Grubii, Vera baptized and chrismated on January 29, 2011, on February 18, 2012, in St. Mary Church, in St. Andrew Church, Boston, MA. Child of Artur Grubii and New Britain, CT. Child of John Joseph Bailly Aleksandra Stamova. Sponsor: Maria Grubii. Celebrated by Fr. and Sarah Jo Sirick. Sponsors: Kerry Anderson Roman Tarnavsky. and Laryssa Dilozir. Celebrated by Fr. Andrii Pokotylo. Guralenko, Vladislav Hryhoriy baptized and chrismated Creese, Alexis Emma baptized and chrismated on on March 5, 2011, in St. Volodymyr Church, New York, NY. February 12, 2012, in St. Mary Church, McKees Rocks, PA. Child of Dmytro Guralenko and Inna Guralenko. Sponsors: Child of Edward Edgar Creese IV and Jannett Marie Caldwell. Denys Murmuyenko and Oksana Chakhovska. Celebrated by Sponsors: Mike Stepak and Oksana Byczkalo. Celebrated by Fr. Volodymyr Muzychka. Fr. Timothy Tomson. Hall, Jonathan Robert baptized and chrismated on January Creese V, Edward Edgar baptized and chrismated on 29, 2012, in St. George Church, Yardville, NJ. Child of Michaelvan February 12, 2012, in St. Mary Church, McKees Rocks, PA. Nest Hall and Christina Marie Panin. Sponsors: William James Child of Edward Edgar Creese IV and Jannett Marie Caldwell. Elkins and Olena Wagnew. Celebrated by Fr. Petro Levko. Sponsors: Mike Stepak and Oksana Byczkalo. Celebrated by Heim, Sofiya Marie Nikol baptized and chrismated on Fr. Timothy Tomson. September 17, 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child Cucu, Isabelle Sophia baptized and chrismated on January 28, of Michael Wayne Heim, Jr. and Anastasiya Heim. Sponsors: 2012, in St. Sophia Church, Bayonne, NJ. Child of Gaby Mihail Roman Gurvich and Shelby Smith. Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl Cucu and Rosa Maria Perez. Sponsors: Alin Filip, Gil Francisco Kryshtompol. Perez and Isabela Filip, Sabrina Jhoana Perez. Celebrated by Hurmak, Roman baptized and chrismated on January 22, Fr. Mircea Schirta. 2012, in Holy Trinity Church, Cheektowaga, NY. Child of Taras Dobronos, Olivia Grace baptized and chrismated on January Hurmak and Tetyana Brozhyna. Sponsors: Vasil Mykytyuk and 21, 2012, in St. Vladimir Church, Parma, OH. Child of David Oksana Kasijan. Celebrated by Fr. Yuriy Kasyanov. Michael Dobronos and Jaime Lynn Dobronos. Sponsors: Indalecio, Cristian Anthony baptized and chrismated on Michael Dobronos and Sophia Dobronos. Celebrated by Fr. February 11, 2012, in Holy Trinity Church, Cheektowaga, NY. Michael Hontaruk. Child of Steven Anthony Indalecio and Brittanie Ann Lobur. Dowdle, Colin Jonathan baptized and chrismated on Sponsors: Michael Adam Lobur and Samantha Kaye Garcia. February 18, 2012, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child Celebrated by Fr. Yuriy Kasyanov. of Jonathan Andrew Dowdle and Olha Steflyuk. Sponsors: Kopan, Andrew Nicholas baptized and chrismated on Maksym Shemehda and Eileen Volker. Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl December 10, 2011, in St. George Church, Yardville, NJ. Child of Kryshtompol. Nicholas Wasyl Kopan and Tovah Lynn Ross. Sponsors: Aloysius Dumych, Sofia baptized and chrismated on February 11, Shanley and Annie McCarty. Celebrated by Fr. Petro Levko. 2012, in St. George Church, Yardville, NJ. Child of John Dumych Leach, Ariana Marie baptized and chrismated on August 27, and Iryna Vlasenko. Sponsors: Aliaksandr Caravach and Halyna 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child of Damon Gorodynska. Celebrated by Fr. Petro Levko. Michael Leach and Yelyzaveta Arturovna Leach. Sponsors: John Ford, Liam Charles John baptized and chrismated on Joseph Kemmer and Yekaterina Arturovna Kuzmis. Celebrated February 18, 2012, in St. Vladimir Church, Parma, OH. Child by Fr. Vasyl Kryshtompol. of Matthew Robert Ford and Stephanie Marie Tarkowsky. Leach, Sophia Brianne baptized and chrismated on August Sponsors: Gregory John Tarkowsky and Brittany Ann DiPadova. 27, 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child of Damon Celebrated by Fr. Michael Hontaruk. Michael Leach and Yelyzaveta Arturovna Leach. Sponsors: Ford, Katherine Ann baptized and chrismated on February John Joseph Kemmer and Anastasiya Igorevna Levchenco. 18, 2012, in St. Vladimir Church, Parma, OH. Child of Matthew Celebrated by Fr. Vasyl Kryshtompol. Robert Ford and Stephanie Marie Tarkowsky. Sponsors: Lyubeznyy, Aleksandr baptized and chrismated on January 8, Gregory John Tarkowsky and Lauren Margaret DiPadova. 2012, in St. Mary the Protectress Church, Rochester, NY. Child Celebrated by Fr. Michael Hontaruk. of Volodymyr Lyubeznyy and Ivanna Syroyihzko. Sponsors: Glushchenko, Olga baptized and chrismated on August 26, Oleksandr Pylypyuk and Zhanna Polyanska - Wirlo. Celebrated 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child of Grigoriy by Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky. Ohlyeznyev and Maria Bohomolova. Sponsors: Valentin Melnychuk, Daniel baptized and chrismated on January Goncharuk and Ludmila Kasmina, Nina Sushko. Celebrated 8, 2012, in St. Andrew Church, Boston, MA. Child of Yuriy by Fr. Vasyl Kryshtompol. Melnychuk and Nataliya Shlapchynska. Sponsors: Vitaliy Goddard, Abigail Katerina baptized and chrismated on Strohush and Iryna Melnychuk. Celebrated by Fr. Roman August 26, 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child of Tarnavsky. Myles S. Goddard and Olena Glushchenko. Sponsors: Sergey Szwez, Bennett Timothy baptized and chrismated on Kazulin and Nina Minina, Larisa Gbanova. Celebrated by Fr. February 11, 2012, in St. Mary Church, New Britain, CT. Child Vasyl Kryshtompol. of Alexander Walter Szwez and Maryellen Catherine Keeney. Goddard, Elizabeth Nicole baptized and chrismated on Sponsors: Timothy Keeney and Megan Szwez. Celebrated by August 26, 2011, in St. Michael Church, Baltimore, MD. Child of Fr. Andrii Pokotylo. Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 45 Zaccaria, Gabriel Richard Samson baptized and chrismated Kolesnichenko, Oxana of Minneapolis, MN on February 29, on April 2, 2011, in St. John the Baptist Church, Johnson City, 2012, at the age of 92 years, officiating clergy Fr. Evhen Kumka NY. Child of Richard Gabriel Zaccaria and Natalie Demianczyk. of St. Michael and St. George Parish, Minneapolis, MN. Sponsors: Richard Virginia, Peter Tymchenko and Andrea Krywonos, Oleksij of Webster, NY on October 14, 2011, at Demianczyk Kearns. Celebrated by Fr. Zinoviy Zharsky. the age of 78 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky of Zherebetska, Caroline baptized and chrismated on St. Mary the Protectress Parish, Rochester, NY. February 11, 2012, in St. Michael Church, San Francisco, CA. Lededyk, Natalia of Webster, NY on January 1, 2012, at the Child of Danylo Zherebetskyy and Larysa Savchuk. Sponsors: age of 93 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky of St. Vladyslav Stoliar and Oksana Lubas. Celebrated by Fr. Alexis Mary the Protectress Parish, Rochester, NY. Limonczenko. Lozik, Helen of McKees Rock, PA on February 5, 2012, at the age of 88 years, officiating clergy Fr. Timothy Tomson of St. Mary Parish, McKees Rock, PA. Maluk, Michael of Greenville, PA on February 25, 2012, at the Holy Matrimony... age of 69 years, officiating clergy Fr. John Harvey of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish, Youngstown, OH. Miller, John of Aliquippa, PA on January 18, 2012, at the age as of 03/14/2012 of 87 years, officiating clergy Fr. Michael Kochis of St. Vladimir John Dumych and Iryna Cherevko in St. George Parish, Parish, Ambridge, PA. Yardville, NJ on January 28, 2012, witnessed by Aliaksandr Mode, Olha of Manville, RI on December 2, 2011, at the age Caravach and Halyna Gorodynska. Celebrant: Fr. Petro Levko. of 94 years, officiating clergy Fr. Anthony Perkins of St. Michael Vasyl Grychanyuk and Oksana Moskovchenko in St. Parish, Woonsocket, RI. Andrew Parish, Boston, MA on February 12, 2012, witnessed Nechipurenko, Nadia of Rochester, NY on October 12, 2011, by Zurab Zurashvili and Olga Monaco. Celebrant: Fr. Roman at the age of 74 years, officiating clergy Fr. Igor Krekhovetsky Tarnavsky. of St. Mary the Protectress Parish, Rochester, NY. Jeffrey David Kuykendall and Michelle Gloria Walson Pituch, Eugene E. of Davidsville, PA on December 31, 2011, at in Protection of the Holy Theotokos Parish, Allentown, PA on the age of 93 years, officiating clergy Fr. George Hnatko & Fr. February 11, 2012, witnessed by Ken Edge and Mila Rossi. Mark Swindle of Protection of the Holy Virgin Parish, Arnold, PA. Celebrant: Fr. Myron Oryhon. Podolachek, Ann of McKees Rock, PA on January 13, 2012, Jonathan A. Mihnovets and Emily A. Koenig in St. Vladimir at the age of 90 years, officiating clergy Fr. Timothy Tomson of Parish, Parma, OH on January 28, 2012, witnessed by Michael St. Mary Parish, McKees Rock, PA. Mihnovets and Ashley Brown. Celebrant: Fr. John Nakonachny. Schalk, Nadia of Choctaw, OK on January 24, 2012, at the age Denys Murmuyenko and Oksana Chakhovska in St. of 83 years, officiating clergy Archimandrite Raphael of St. Mary Volodymyr Parish, New York, NY on April 24, 2010, witnessed by Dormition Parish, Jones, OK. Paul Matarelli and Zoryana Matarelli. Celebrant: Fr. Volodymyr Truchan Sr., Michael of Bethlehem, PA on February 3, 2012, Muzychka. at the age of 84 years, officiating clergy Fr. Myron Oryhon of Roman Toderyuk and Olena Saftenku in St. George Parish, Protection of the Holy Theotokos Parish, Allentown, PA. Yardville, NJ on January 23, 2011, witnessed by Anatoly Pitz and Turczyn Sr., Michael of Coopersburg, PA on January 28, 2012, Lyudmula Pitz. Celebrant: Fr. Petro Levko. at the age of 91 years, officiating clergy Fr. Myron Oryhon of Protection of the Theotokos Parish, Allentown, PA. Vdovyuk, Valentyn of Sloan, NY on February 17, 2012, at the Asleep age of 46 years, officiating clergy Fr. Yuriy Kasyanov of Holy Trinity Parish, Cheektowaga, NY. Wanko, Victoria of Allentown, PA on March 7, 2012, at the age in the Lord of 85 years, officiating clergy Fr. Myron Oryhon of Protection of as of 03/14/2014 the Holy Theotokos Parish, Allentown, PA. Waterbec, Elizabeth of Butler, PA on January 17, 2012, at the age of 98 years, officiating clergy Fr. Paisius McGrath of Sts. Czekaluk, Panimatka Halyna (Anna) of Allentown, PA on Peter and Paul Parish, Lyndora, PA. February 18, 2012, at the age of 88 years, officiating clergy Zayac, Mary of Cleveland, OH on February 3, 2012, at the age Bishop Daniel of Protection of the Holy Theotokos Parish, of 91 years, officiating clergy Fr. Dennis Kristof of St. Nicholas Allentown, PA. Pro-Cathedral Parish, Lakewood, OH. Danylenko, Natalia of Somerdale, NJ on December 30, 2011, Zigmund, Helen of Newington, CT on February 23, 2012, at the at the age of 86 years, officiating clergy Fr. Volodymyr Khanas age of 92 years, officiating clergy Fr. Andrii Pokotylo of Nativity of St. Mary Protectress Parish, Philadelphia, PA. of the Holy Theotokos Parish, New Britain, CT. Fartusznyj, Olha of Philadelphia, PA on February 14, 2012, at the age of 88 years, officiating clergy Fr. Volodymyr Khanas of St. Mary Protectress Parish, Philadelphia, PA. Imondi, Leslie A. of Woonsocket, RI on January 17, 2012, at the age of 66 years, officiating clergy Fr. Anthony Perkins of St. Michael Parish, Woonsocket, RI. Kogut, Alice of Bellingham, MA on December 23, 2010, at the age of 82 years, officiating clergy Fr. Anthony Perkins of St. Michael Parish, Woonsocket, RI.



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Year LХІІ Issue III-IV, March-April, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Word 47 Українське Православне Слово Ukrainian Orthodox Word P. O. Box 495 South Bound Brook, NJ 08880


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Get involved in the life of your Church! The success of all Church sponsored events depends upon your participation!

All Saints Camp Open House Teenage Conference 5 May, 2012 8-21 July, 2012 All Saints Camp All Saints Camp - Ages 13-18 Emlenton, PA Emlenton, PA

40th Archpastoral Anniversary of Jr/Sr Ukrainian Orthodox League Conventions Metropolitan Constantine 26-29 July, 2012 5 May, 2012 Hosted by All Saints Camp St. Mary’s UOL Chapters Emlenton, PA Allentown, PA

40th Archpastoral Anniversary of Mommy/Daddy and Me Camp Metropolitan Constantine 31 July - 4 August, 2012 19 May, 2012 All Saints Camp - Ages 4-8 + (Parents) Dormition of Mother of God UOC Parish Emlenton, PA McKees Rock, PA Young Adults Memorial Day 2012 College Age Mission Trip to Ukraine 25-28 May, 2012 1-19 August, 2012 All Saints Camp Sponsored by the Consistory Offices of Youth Emlenton, PA and Young Adult Ministry and Christian Charity

Church School Camp Annual Family Fest 24 June - 7 July, 2012 31 August - 3 September, 2012 All Saints Camp - Ages 13-18 All Saints Camp Emlenton, PA Emlenton, PA