Crisis of ‘indifference’ A3 B1 ‘Promote the Good of C1 The Cross shows need for New Every Man and of the A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI and Evangelization, says Whole Man’ the of the of Columbus

Demolition of fish cages in Taal Lake sought

FOLLOWING the massive fish kill incident, a Catholic has called for the disman- tling of fish cages in Taal Lake. Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles said that aside from being an eyesore, the fish cage opera- tions are killing the lake, declared a protected area. Since May 26, some 800 metric tons of dead milk fish (bangus) and tilapia were seen floating on Taal Lake in Talisay. “I’m thankful that the tawilis and maliputo Taal / A6 June 6 - 19, 2011 Vol. 15 No. 12 Php 20.00

By Roy Lagarde

THE continuing apathy Church summit to towards the poor has spurred the ’s social action arm to hold a nationwide summit on poverty in an attempt to tackle plight of poor come out with concrete actions to improve the life of the underprivileged.

The National Secretariat for Social Action, Justice and Peace (Nassa) of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the said it is another effort to understand poverty from the perspec- tive of the poor themselves. Nassa executive secretary Fr. Edu Gariguez hopes that the summit will bring them to know the real causes of poverty and decide “which way to take.” Gariguez claimed that the current economic policies are going towards a direction “no different” from the past administration. “If we look at the Philippine De- velopment Plan, for example, it’s like only a few are going to benefit from it again,” Gariguez said. It is also evident, he said, in the allocations of the national budget for 2011 which, according to him, has lopsided priorities. “All in all, it seems like there’s noth- ing new really,” he said. “Let’s discontinue the lapses of the past administration,” the priest said. “Current economic policies which do not really benefit the people should be improved.”

Multi-sectoral participation Organized by Nassa, the upcom- ing summit on July 3-5 is convened together with other government agencies on agriculture, agrarian reform, health, labor, education and social welfare, in conjunction with basic sectors and non-government The Episcopal Commission on Social Action, Justice and Peace chairman and Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo (extreme right) joins other environmental advocates as they run over a streamer organizations. of Mining Act of 1995 during celebration of World Environment Day, June 6. The advocates bike around the Circle as they called for a reform in the government’s “flawed” mining policy. He said around 300 participants

Photo courtesy of CBCP-NASSA Summit / A6 Senate OK to postpone Prelates ARMM polls upsets bishops CATHOLIC bishops in Southern Philippines oppose moves expressed disappointment over a decision to postpone the elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The bishops described the Senate’s ap- to introduce proval of the bill delaying the ARMM polls set on August 8 as an apparent example of “Manila imperialism.” divorce in PHL “The law is not respected and, we, here in Mindanao are not given the opportunity SOME prelates voiced out the Filipino Catholic faithful to choose our own leaders,” Basilan Bishop their strong opposition to yet not to follow the bad ex- Martin Jumoad said. another controversial mea- amples of ‘de-Christianizing’ “We want the elections and not the imposi- sure that touches on the core countries. tion of (national) leaders,” he said. of Filipino culture which the “[Instead] they (other coun- Cotabato Auxiliary Bishop Jose Colin House Committee on Revi- tries) should follow our ex- Bishop Martin Jumoad Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo

ARMM / A6 FILE PHOTO FILE PHOTO sion of Laws in Congress has ample of Catholic fidelity,” began discussing last June 1. the 66-year-old prelate added. Butuan Bishop Juan De For his part, Puerto Princ- Dios Pueblos said the pro- esa Bishop Pedro V. Arigo, posed divorce measure also looks at the scheduled hear- More funds for RH Bill mean less known as House Bill 1799, is ings and deliberations as a leading towards immorality “waste of time and taxpayers’ in a society which begins at money.” for basic services―solon home. “There are more important ALLOCATING millions of pesos ticians, come election time, drum kahirapan.” helped uplift the plight of the Pro-divorce advocates is issues to address,” he said. for House Bill 4244 means slash- up the need to help the poor and “We can even see that the bud- impoverished if these were pushing for the measure, The introduction of the ing the budget that would have get them out of poverty. gets for education, for tertiary provided with funding, the leg- saying only the Philippines is divorce bill may be part of otherwise been spent on educa- “Pero kapag titingnan na- educational scholarships, skills islator said. left without a divorce law as the government’s psycho- tion and other basic services, man po ‘yung legislation na- training, livelihood projects, She expressed feeling some- Malta, also a Catholic coun- logical strategy against the said a member of the House of min through the budget, hindi assistance for farmers, agrarian what ashamed, that government try, has recently passed its Catholic Church because of Representatives in a recent press naman po lalagyan ng pondo reform beneficiaries, are being policy sometimes ends up priori- own divorce law. the recent criticisms leveled conference. ang mga ahensiya na talagang cut,” she added. tizing the wrong things. But Lipa Archbishop Ra- by various Catholic leaders Zambales Rep. Ma. Milagros makakatulong para maiahon These are the good pieces “Sabi ho ng kabilang partido, mon C. Arguelles called on Divorce / A6 Magsaysay pointed out that poli- ang mga mahihirap sa kanilang of legislation that would have RH Bill / A6 Bishop urges calm over Spratly dispute No divorce, a A CATHOLIC bishop has called for ways to resolve the matter. We owe it to cused China of behaving like a bully in calm and restraint on all parties in- our people and to the world to advocate the South China Sea. distinction for volved in the disputed Spratly Islands and work for peace,” said Iñiguez. The Communist giant, however, al- in the South China Sea. “Always go for dialogue and not layed fears that China would use its PHL―CBCP Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez conflicts,” he said. growing economic and military power BEING the only country in the world said intimidation should be avoided The bishop made the statement amid to threaten its Asian neighbors. that has no divorce law is an honor that over an island claimed by China and the recent flaring up of tension between Chinese Defense Minister Liang every Filipino should be proud of, a several of its Southeast Asian neighbors, the six countries claiming the island Guanglie said that “democracy in inter- former president of the Catholic Bish- including Vietnam and the Philippines. chain in the South China Sea. national relations” and respect for “each ops Conference of the Philippines said. “We should always look for peaceful Smaller neighbors have earlier ac- Spratly / A6 Illustration by Bladimer Usi Distinction / A6

Listen to the CBCP Online Radio at: CBCP Monitor A2 Vol. 15 No. 12 World News June 6 - 19, 2011 U.S. Bishops to issue Document

onWASHINGTON, D.C.,Assisted June 3, 2011― Suicide cian-assisted suicide does not promote The U.S. bishops will debate and vote compassion because its focus is not on on a document on physician-assisted eliminating suffering, but on elimi- suicide at their spring general assembly, nating the patient. True compassion, which will be held June 15-17 in Seattle. it states, dedicates itself to meeting The document, “To Live Each Day patients’ needs and presupposes a com- with Dignity,” will be the first statement mitment to their equal worth. on assisted suicide by the full body of The statement says that “compas- the Conference of Catholic sion” that is not rooted in such respect Bishops (USCCB). inevitably finds more and more people “After years of relative inaction whose suffering is considered serious following legalization of physician- enough for assisted death, such as assisted suicide in Oregon in 1994, the those with chronic illness and dis- assisted suicide movement has shown abilities. a strong resurgence in activity,” said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston- Human Dignity Houston, chairman of the USCCB Com- Patients with terminal illness de- mittee on Pro-Life Activities. serve life-affirming palliative care “This renewed effort has led to the that respects their dignity and worth. passage of an Oregon- law in “Assisted suicide is not an addition to Washington by popular referendum palliative care,” the release said, “but in November 2008, a state supreme a poor substitute that can ultimately court decision essentially declaring that become an excuse for denying better assisted suicide is not against public medical care to seriously ill people, policy in Montana, and concerted ef- including those who never considered forts to pass legislation in several New suicide an option.” England and Western states,” Cardinal Citing the example of the Nether- DiNardo continued in a press statement lands, the statement points out that issued by the bishops’ conference. voluntary assisted suicide has led to “The Church needs to respond in a case of involuntary euthanasia. timely and visible way to this renewed Also, the statement explains, the challenge, which will surely be pursued practice undermines patients’ freedom in a number of states in the years to of love and true mercy” that John Paul The issues the bishops will discuss rights and the ethical principles of the by putting pressure on them, once come,” he added. II pointed to in “Evangelium Vitae” is include the hardships and fears of medical profession.” society has officially declared the sui- That response will come in the form of the model for those who offer palliative patients with chronic and terminal ill- The bishops will also address argu- cides of certain people to be good and the final document to be issued following care. Truly compassionate palliative nesses, concern for those tempted to ments of the assisted suicide movement acceptable while working to prevent the bishops’ meeting later this month. care means eliminating suffering, not commit suicide, the Church’s opposi- that claim its agenda affirms patient the suicides of others. Once the worth the sufferer, the bishops explained in tion to physician-assisted suicide, and “choice” and expresses “compassion” of a person’s life is diminished, their Love and mercy a statement that summarized the main “the consistency of this stance with the for suffering. freedom and autonomy is diminished The text will highlight that “the way points of the document. principle of equal and inherent human The bishops’ statement says physi- as well. (Zenit)

Vatican Briefing Spanish royalty meet with Palestinian President visits Benedict XVI Benedict XVI and the president of the Palestinian Authority on June 3 discussed peace in the and a state for WYD organizers Palestine with internationally recognized borders. Mahmoud Abbas visited the Pope at the Vatican, going on to meet with MADRID, , June 2, 2011— Youth Day and discover a vision the Holy Father’s secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Ber- From the Spanish royal family to of hope and joy for a life in which tone, and Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for the royalty of the soccer world, the ‘civilization of love’ is not relations with states. According to a Vatican communiqué, organizers are merely a utopia.” the “central issue of the cordial conversations” was peace in receiving a wave of well wishes As a sign of their affection, or- the Holy Land. (Zenit) and collaboration from Spanish ganizers presented the Prince and celebrities. Princess of Asturias with World Music brings pope to reflect on God’s fidelity Earlier this week the Prince and Youth Day T-shirts for their Princess of Asturias, the heirs to daughters and a World Youth Though mankind feels the weight of the evil that exists the Spanish throne, received rep- Day watch for each of them. in the world, God does not abandon us. He never betrays resentatives of the World Youth The Prince of Asturias, Felipe and never forgets, Benedict XVI says. The Pope made this Day Organizing Committee and of Spain, was in Rome for the reflection May 27 after a concert offered in his honor by the the Madrid Vivo Foundation to recent of Pope John president of Hungary, Pál Schmitt. The concert marked the show their support and enthusi- Paul II, where he bid farewell to Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union asm for the work these organiza- Benedict XVI with the words, and the bicentenary of the birth of the Hungarian musician tions are doing to prepare for the “Holy Father, we await you in Ferenc Liszt. The Holy Father offered various reflections on event, which is set to take place Madrid!” from around the world at the a fulfilling experience in transmit- the music, pausing in particular to speak about the setting of Aug. 16-21 in Madrid. Vicente Calderón Stadium. ting the message of solidarity.” Psalm 13. (Zenit) The prince and princess re- ¡Gracias! Enrique Cerezo, president of The sporting event will be open marked on the great social signifi- In other World Youth Day the Atlético de Madrid team, to the public, and not only to the Croatia seals Church’s right to educate cance of World Youth Day, which news, the Foundation of the affirmed that “being able to participants of World Youth Day, The and Croatia sealed a treaty to implement an will be a unique opportunity for Atlético de Madrid soccer team, contribute to events of this mag- and the proceeds will go toward agreement on Catholic schools in the country. Archbishop Spain and its capital city. along with the World Youth Day nitude is always an extraordinary funding World Youth Day and Marin Srakić, president of the Croatian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rou- organizers, revealed that a celeb- opportunity.” to a charity project carried out in and Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor, confirmed the agreement co, the archbishop of Madrid rity soccer match will take place “World Youth Day,” he con- collaboration with the Founda- May 23 at the Episcopal conference headquarters, reported and president of the youth day on the final day youth event. tinued, “has an understanding of tion Atlético de Madrid. the bishops’ news agency. The agreement was signed 15 years organizing committee, spoke to The initiative, titled “¡Gracias!” solidarity that goes hand-in-hand There are currently about ago and will now be implemented. The document recognizes the royal couple of the “many (Thank You!), will feature a face- with the ideals of the Foundation 400,000 young people from 182 the Catholic Church’s right to establish schools of all types young people from around the off between a select group of Atlético de Madrid, and it gives countries registered for World and grade levels and specifies the respective obligations of the world who will come to World former soccer players and others young people the chance to have Youth Day in Madrid. (Zenit) state, including regarding teachers’ salaries. (Zenit)

Italy releases over $33 million in Vatican bank assets Rome’s attorney general has released 23 million Euro (over $33 million) in assets belonging to the Institute for Religious The of Sendai takes on Japan’s Works, also known as the Vatican bank. The money was frozen after an anti-money laundering investigation was launched against the president of the bank Ettore Gotti Tede- emergency: ‘New Creation’ schi, and the general director of the Institute, Paolo Cipriani. The Institute for Religious Works is under the auspices of the SENDAI, Japan, June 3, 2011―The diocese of walk with them.” supports all those who are in need of help. Vatican. (CNA) Sendai has put a structured plan in place to Responding to urgent needs after enor- Currently, the Centre consists of a head- support people affected by the earthquake mous damage was done to the entire coastal quarters and several secondary centres in Pope urges peaceful resolution to Israeli-Palestinian and tsunami of 11 March, entitled “New area, the diocese of Sendai has raised some buildings and on various church grounds conflict Creation.” fundamental pillars for its action, basing in the affected area. From now on, accord- Pope Benedict XVI expressed the urgent need to resolve the The plan was decided on 15 April and has them on establishing and promoting the ing to the needs of these areas, the centres Israeli-Palestinian conflict as he met with Palestinian Presi- since been developing in practice. The bishop “Sendai Diocese Support Centre” as a foun- will continue to give active help to the best dent Mahmoud Abbas in a June 3 audience at the Vatican. of the diocese, Msgr. Martin Tetsuo Hiraga, dation for relief efforts and asking that all of their abilities. “A central issue of the cordial conversations was the troubled said: “We feel the mission to be close with contribute to this effort. Currently, the diocese of Niigata operates situation in the Holy Land. Particular stress was laid on the this great number of people who are suffer- The Centre was formed on 16 March under refuge centres and aid to those affected by urgent need to find a just and lasting solution to the Israeli- ing. To execute this new project, we must the responsibility of the Bishop of Sendai to the disaster. Similarly, the diocese of Saitama Palestinian conflict, one capable of ensuring respect for the live according to this attitude: be a Church support, strengthen and increase its area of helps our brothers of the south coast of Fu- rights of all and, therefore, the attainment of the Palestinian that seeks a new creation, striving—where rescue. It brings together the staff, equipment kushima, particularly in the city of Iwaki. people’s legitimate aspirations for an independent State,” our forces allow—to maintain a special and and material which may be required. The diocese of Sapporo is helping the com- reported the Vatican press office.(CNA) profound approach to people and the most To finance this activity, donations received munity of the Church of Miyako and its sur- isolated places in a way that allows us to be through Caritas Japan will be used. Continu- roundings. The archdiocese of Tokyo, thanks close the people who inhabit them, so we ing in a spirit of charity, the Centre not only to its international pastoral centre, supports Vatican calls for stronger assistance to victims of can revive them, give them strength and assists Catholics affected, but also all these activities. (AsiaNews) piracy Shipbuilders and owners must adopt stronger security mea- sures to prevent their vessels from falling prey to pirates, and international maritime organizations must be committed to helping the families of sailors held hostage, the Vatican Lebanese Christians seek unity despite political differences said. “The phenomenon is not decreasing, considering that BEIRUT, Lebanon, June 2, For Mgr Rahi, Lebanese Chris- ment was expected on two top- ties with respect to Hizbollah’s already (in 2011) there have been 214 new episodes with 26 2011—The separation of reli- tians, independently of their ics, namely the sale of Christian- weapons and the international ships and 522 sailors still held hostage by pirates,” said a gion and politics, the defence of political beliefs, have a “collec- owned land and the ways to tribunal investigating the mur- statement May 26 from the Pontifical Council for Migrants Christian-owned land, a greater tive responsibility” to promote enhance the Christian presence der of former Prime Minister and Travelers. (CNS) Christian presence in public the values of the Gospel and in public institutions. Rafik Hariri. Apparently, the institutions and the promo- the teachings of the Church in “Christians represent 30 per issues were discussed but noth- Caritas elects French secretary general, re-elects tion of the common good “for society. cent of the public work force. ing is known as to what was cardinal president the betterment of the country, “We are here to examine our This is inacceptable,” Bishop said. Members of elected an official from the society and government” were reality and decide how to im- Salim Mazloum said. Still, the first comments fol- French charity Secours Catholique to be their secretary general the goals laid out by Maronite prove it, despite [our] differ- “Only by participating in lowing the meeting were posi- and they re-elected Honduran Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Beshara Rahi at a ent political beliefs, which still public institutions can Christians tive. Participants also decided Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa as president of the confederation meeting with 34 Maronite po- follow our values and culture, maintain an active presence,” the to set up a committee to prepare of 165 . Michel Roy, director of international litical leaders, from both the in light of the teachings of the patriarch said. further meetings so that “Leba- advocacy for the French Catholic charity, was elected by ruling coalition and opposition Church and Lebanon’s special Some observers expected non can remain an example regional representatives making up the Caritas executive parties, held at the Patriarchal character.” members of the ruling ‘8 March’ of democracy and freedom.” committee. His election was confirmed May 26 by delegates See in Bkerke. Before the meeting, an agree- coalition to cause some difficul- (AsiaNews) to the Caritas Internationalis general assembly. (CNS) CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 A3 June 6 - 19, 2011 News Features Crisis of ‘indifference’ shows need for New Evangelization, Pope says VATICAN City, May 30, 2011—Pope often distracted and insensitive. That Benedict stressed the urgency of evan- is why the new evangelization must gelizing modern society, saying that find ways to make the proclamation of House Committee Christians today face the task of reach- salvation more effective, the salvation ing a world that grows increasingly without which life is contradictory and apathetic to the message of the Gospel. lacking in what is essential.” on Ecology assailed “The crisis we are living through,” he Pope Benedict observed a growing said, “carries with it signs of the exclu- “phenomenon” of people in modern so- sion of God from people’s lives, a gen- ciety “who wish to belong to the Church eral indifference to the Christian faith, but who are strongly determined by a for endorsing and even the intention of marginalizing vision of life that is opposed to the faith it from public life.” is often seen.” The Pope made his remarks on May “It is important to make them under- Laguna lake project 30 to members of the Pontifical Council stand that being Christian is not a type for Promoting New Evangelization, as of outfit that one wears in private or on MANILA, June 2, 2011—The fishers’ they prepare for their upcoming synod special occasions, but something living group, Pambansang Lakas ng Kilusang in 2012. During the meeting, which will and totalizing, capable of taking all that Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalaka- take place Oct. 7-28 next year, bishops is good in modernity.” ya) slammed the House of Representatives and other participants from around He emphasized that the entire Chris- (HOR) for endorsing the controversial the world will discuss the late Pope tian community “is called to revive the P18.7 billion (US$432.62 million) Laguna John Paul II’s vision of proposing the missionary spirit in order to offer the Lake Dredging Project. The project has Christian faith in new ways. new message that persons of our times already been cancelled by the Aquino Pope Benedict explained that “the are hoping for.” government last December 5, 2010. term ‘new evangelization’ recalls the The “lifestyle of believers needs real Pamalakaya national chair Fernando need of a new way of evangelizing, es- credibility,” the Pope said, adding Hicap calls the endorsement by House pecially for those who live in a situation that Christians should be “much more Committee on Ecology, composed by like today’s where the development of convincing” because the “condition of Representatives Dan Fernandez, Max- secularization has left deep marks on the persons to whom it is addressed” imo Rodriguez, Rufus Rodriguez, Ma. even traditionally Christian countries.” is dramatic. Evita Arago, Justin March SB. Chipeco, He noted that “proclaiming Pope Benedict asked the council Edgar San Luis, Rodolfo Biazon, Christ, the sole Savior of the world, is members to outline “a plan to help the Roy Duavit and Isidro Roridguez Jr., as more complex today than in the past, entire Church and the particular differ- “betrayal” against the Filipino people but our task continues to be the same ent Churches in the commitment of the and the environment as a whole. as at the beginning of our history. The new evangelization; a plan whereby the “What these congressmen did was mission hasn’t changed, just as the en- urgency of a renewed evangelization a triple platinum betrayal of national thusiasm and courage that motivated takes charge of formation, particu- interest. It is a red carpet endorsement the apostles and first disciples should larly that of the new generations, and of near future across-the-Laguna Lake not change.” is united to the proposal of concrete environmental catastrophe and grand The Church’s message, he said, signs capable of making the Church’s massacre of fishing rights and people’s “needs to be renewed today in order response in this particular moment livelihood. We don’t need the P 18.7 B to convince modern persons, who are clear.” (CNA/EWTN News) investment if it will mean destruction to more than 6 million people in Laguna Lake,” Hicap said. In the House Committee Report No. 1022, the aforementioned lawmakers have recommended to President Benigno Rome foundation offers course to help C. Aquino III, to reconsider the project as it was necessary to prevent more flood- ing in and other areas surrounding and near the lake. The lawmakers also stated in their educators train healthy priests report that the loan contract and other commercial financial terms offered by VATICAN City, May 27, 2011— A cini, a psychologist and expert in didates also need to understand when follow” in other parts of the world. the Belgian contractor Baggerwerken Rome-based Catholic foundation is religious formation, said the course a candidate is unfit. The course was designed as two Cloedt En Zoon (BDC) is a “laudable offering a course to help educators is designed to ensure candidates for “There are people who cannot be- intensive, three-week seminars in a financial package” and therefore “will ensure the spiritual and psycho- the priesthood and religious life are come priests, and it’s not just a question two-year period. It is open to priests, not be disadvantageous to the Philip- logical formation of candidates for formed as whole people, with healthy of the right formation,” he said. religious and laypeople who educate pine government.” the priesthood and the consecrated and deep relationships both with God Lutz said that future priests and re- candidates in seminaries or religious Pamalakaya and the Sagip Laguna life. and others. ligious need to be well prepared for a communities, as well as psycholo- Lake Movement have protested the Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, who served The classes listed in the prospectus life of celibacy, but insisted that celibacy gists, doctors and others who sup- dredging of the lake for it is deemed for many years at the helm of the address the spiritual and psychological was not the cause of sexual abuse of mi- port their work from the outside. more ‘corporate’ than ecological since it Pontifical Academy for Life, said development of candidates. Sexuality is nors. Instead, celibacy “renders a priest The Congregation for the Doctrine will pave to the “privatization” of the big- May 27 that the crisis in the church discussed from the cultural, biological free to develop his pastoral relations” of the Faith released a letter May gest freshwater lake in the country. The over the problem of the sexual abuse and psychological points of view. A and put all his energy and enthusiasm 16 ordering bishops’ conferences groups are referring to private companies of minors by priests was an impor- section on immaturity and psychologi- in his pastoral work, he said. around the world to draw up guide- that might capitalize on the newly reha- tant factor in establishing the course, cal problems will include a discussion Helping candidates learn to live hap- lines to protect children from harm. bilitated lake, thus taking away the source but not the only one. about masturbation, homosexuality and pily in celibacy, he said, is much easier The letter reiterated the need for of livelihood for more than 100,000 fishing The Italian cardinal is president of pedophilia. than helping a candidate overcome a bishops and religious communities families in the Laguna Lake. the Ut Vitam Habeant Foundation, Dr. Manfred Lutz, who heads the tendency toward narcissism, a pathol- to exercise special care when accept- In the meantime, the same report which is working with the Camil- psychiatry department at a German ogy he said was very difficult to eradi- ing candidates for the priesthood or stated that due to the “arbitrary” cancel- lianum International Institute of the hospital and has acted as a consultant cate even with good formation. religious life and to provide them “a lation of the project, the State might face Theology of Health Care to offer to the Vatican on the sex abuse issue, Cardinal Sgreccia told reporters the healthy human and spiritual forma- sanction as the Kingdom of Belgium the course in Rome beginning in said the formation of a candidate for the course is the first of its kind to be of- tion” and a clear understanding of might file a case against the Philippine November. priesthood or religious life is essential, fered to Catholic educators and “if the the value and meaning of chastity. government. If this happens, the law- Canossian Father Amedeo Cen- but those responsible for preparing can- course is good and effective, others may (CNS) makers argued, the Philippines might lose a lot of money in litigation. (Noel Sales Barcelona) RH legislation a ‘cultural intrusion’—CBCP lawyer MANILA, June 1, 2011—While wholesome ideals, built on taxpayer-funded procurement Philippines formulated by the sertions of cultural imperialism. the formulation of Philippine Christian values, and now they and distribution of the “full Population Fund “Based on the documents, laws is essentially based on the attack the very groundings of range” of birth control drugs, de- (UNFPA)—a document that the laws and ordinances for the needs and conditions of the those values by attacking reli- vices and services, a six-year sex details the agency’s goals and local government councils are country’s citizens, the crafting gion. When we talk of religion, education program in all schools, directives on population and already ready, so the officials of the Reproductive Health (RH) we talk of values,” she added. and the provision to employees reproductive health policies in wouldn’t have to bother draft- bill cannot be attributed to Fili- The RH bill continues to face by their employers of these same the country—as indicative of the ing these from scratch. They are pino lawmakers but to foreign growing opposition from civic family planning drugs, devices foreign origins of RH legislation. responsible for the template that organizations, said Atty. Jo Au- groups, child development ex- and services. Implications of the RH bill’s was used,” Imbong pointed out. rea Imbong, Executive Secretary perts and concerned families Also included in the bill, which imperialist nature expressed by International bodies United of the Catholic Bishops’ Confer- who assert that the measure proposes a P2 billion annual several lawmakers, social ana- States Agency for International ence of the Philippines (CBCP) violates Constitutional and re- budget for its implementation, lysts and newspaper columnists, Development (USAID) and Legal Office. ligious freedoms, and risks the are a two-child ideal as regards have often been met with skepti- UNFPA are the ones primarily “It’s really introducing a differ- well-being and proper formation family size, the classification of cism by RH supporters, dismiss- involved in this, the lawyer said. ent culture and replacing our own of children and the youth. artificial contraceptives as “es- ing these as mere speculation or “You can see that the defini- with something else. It is a cultural House Bill 4244—or the Re- sential medicines,” and puni- baseless opinions. tions and the terms—the lan- intrusion [in which] you supplant sponsible Parenthood, Repro- tive actions for those who speak However, according to the guage—[in international and a beautiful thing with something ductive Health and Population against the measure or who lawyer, publicly available docu- local documents] are the same. that is alien,” Imbong explained. and Development Act of 2011— refuse to abide by its provisions. ments which reveal the UN’s In essence, the substance of the “It’s quite disturbing because is the latest version of a piece Imbong pointed to the Sixth directives for countries such as RH bill is not Filipino.” (Diana

© Ronalyn Regino / CBCP Media © Ronalyn Regino / CBCP our culture, as it is, has very of legislation that mandates Country Programme to the the Philippines support such as- Uichanco) Commercial interests, lack of information behind support of RH MANILA, June 3, 2011―Sectors that Based on the DKT International web- this includes philosophies which run “While it is difficult to question the The RH Bill continues to meet mount- stand to gain materially from a re- site that detailed figures concerning counter to our identities as Filipinos. motivations of people pushing for the ing opposition from civic groups, faith- productive health law are among the the Philippine market, the company’s We are now a nation that is experienc- RH Bill, it is quite apparent that the based organizations, and child devel- supporters of House Bill 4244, asserted program in 2010 sold over 40 million ing the most resistance of religion in advocates are misinformed about the opment experts and family advocates, Sarangani Rep. Emmanuel “Manny” condoms, over 27 million oral con- its history, and part of the blame may ill effects of contraceptive use and its with protest demonstrations being held Pacquiao. traceptives, over 1 million injectable go to Catholic professors and teachers social costs. We have observed that in various parts of the country. When asked why something like an contraceptives, and over 30,000 IUDs. who teach about the faith but have been many people have made up their minds The opposition is due mainly to RH bill is being proposed by Filipino DKT is the distributor of Trust con- amiss in stomping out relativism in their in support of the RH Bill for misplaced the measure’s mandate of taxpayer- lawmakers and being supported by doms and other birth control drugs and students from its first onset,” he said. reasons,” he lamented. funded procurement and distribution many despite being a naturally life- devices, as well as Frenzy condoms. “Filipino Christians and Catholics must “Sadly they continue to refuse to of a “full range” of birth control drugs respecting and God-fearing people, the Anthony Perez, founder of Filipinos now realize that there is the need to edu- accept the arguments, insisting on and devices including abortifacients, solon said that this can be attributed for Life, posits that moral relativism is cate our young people in the right way looking at it as a religious issue and an six-year sex education program from partly to the presence of big companies at the root of some people’s positive so that they do not fall victim to wrong occasion to go against the Church―in Grade 5 to 4th year high school in all in the local birth control industry. regard for the RH bill despite being doctrine and moral relativism,” he added. the face of extensive scientific evidence schools as well as among out-of-school “Sa tingin ko ‘yan ay suportado ng reared with time-tested family values. For Chet Espino, convenor of Families on the negative effects on the users’ youth, provision of birth control drugs, mga naglalakihang companies dito sa “It’s due to the pervasiveness of Against the RH Bill, a lack of correct physical, psychological and emotional devices and services by employers to atin―’yung mga gumagawa ng mga moral relativism. For decades, we information prevents many who profess well-being; its adverse effects on the their employees, and punitive measures condoms, pills. Iyon ang sumusuporta have embraced everything Western, a pro-RH position from forming sound economy, let alone the moral fiber of for those who speak out against the bill. dito para lumakas ang [business] nila.” from clothing to food to lifestyles, and judgments about the issue. society in general.” (Diana Uichanco) CBCP Monitor A4 Vol. 15 No. 12 Opinion June 6 - 19, 2011


New Evangelization

LAST month Pope Benedict XVI formally instituted a new Illustration by Bladimer Usi dicastery or a new department at the named the “Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization.” Apparently, this has been in his mind for sometime now, perhaps taking cue from the Novo millennio ineunte of his predecessor, now Blessed John Paul II. Expectedly, this dicastery will become very handy during the forthcoming 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in October 2012 that will dwell on the topic “New Evangelization for the Transmission of the Christian Faith.” Human nature has not escalated a bit. And history has been repeating itself rather consistently. “What was, will be again, what has been done, will be done again, and there is nothing new under the sun,” or so says Qoheleth in Ecclesiastes. But in the last decade, or even farther down to the , the mode of understanding and expression in the context of rapid technological advances had been incomparable in time. Secularism, for instance, would have been understood and expressed differently, and perhaps more sluggishly if loosely during the time of the galleons of the colonials than, say, the Facebook that circulates influence in a “viral” way—as viral as the contagious Arab spring in the Middle East that is continuing today or the total demolition of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia (FARC) in 2009. During the first plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization held last month at the Vatican, the Holy Father addressed the participants: “The crisis being experienced bears in itself traces of the exclusion of God from people’s lives, of a generalized indifference toward the Christian faith itself, to the point of attempting to marginalize it from public life. In past decades it was still possible to discover a general Christian sense that unified the common feeling of whole generations, growing up in the shadow of the faith that had molded the culture. Today, unfortunately, we are witnessing the drama of a fragmentation that no longer consents to a unified point of reference; moreover, we often see the phenomenon of persons who wish to belong to the Church, but are strongly molded by a Oscar V. Cruz, DD vision of life that opposes the faith.” The crisis that the Pope mentions is, of course, viral. Which is ‘Two children policy’ why, it is kind of alarming. Thus, taking note of this, he stressed Views and Points that the New Evangelization need to address “the need for a renewed method of proclamation, especially for those who live in a context, such as the present one, in which the developments MALACAÑANG is bent on lies. Solution: Make the families ture professionals and experts, people “carrying”—supporting of secularization have left heavy traces even in countries with doing away with poverty in the smaller or fewer instead of if they are thus the ultimate and providing for—the many a Christian tradition… New Evangelization will have to be country. Good! It has prepared multiplying and/or enlarging resources for the socio-economic elderly on top of them. In simple responsible for finding the methods to make the proclamation development of the country. words, this is the phenomenon of salvation more effective, without which personal existence a legislative vehicle for the pur- houses. remains in its state of contradiction, deprived of the essential.” pose. Great! It is ready to spend This is all that Malacañang Without saying much less of an “old” or “aging” society. billions to accomplish its design knows and understands about knowing it, Malacañang is And this is precisely the reason A legislator who, on National TV, proclaimed at the floor “I am to propel the economic develop- people: The lesser in number, aiming for a deadly inverted why countries in such a pre- congressman who happens to be a catholic but not a Catholic ment of the country. Bravo! the better. The lesser people pyramid of people as to their dicament are importing people Congressman” is not too far from the case in point. How? Plain and simple! Do eat, the more food there is. The age with health implications. to man their factories, to build not allow babies to be born. lesser people are housed, the The natural and sound py- their structures, to care for their Do not allow wives to become more houses there are. The bet- ramidal structure of people elderly and to attend to many mothers. Do not allow hus- ter Filipinos there are, the better is that the many young ones other agenda. bands to be fathers. Get rid Philippines there is. are at the base in support of Recently someone advocated Emergent values of people for the lesser they Never mind the truth that the few elderly in top thereof. the old and tiring maxim of are, the better. The food on the people are capital for trade and But Malacañang is now doing population control. When a table is not enough to feed the industry. It does not matter that the exactly the unsound and couple has but two children, they HUMAN rights is another emergent value. As with democracy, children around it. Solution: people mean productive labor dangerous opposite, viz., the are awarded with this and that awareness of this value was heightened during the martial law Lessen the children instead and beneficial employment. So pyramid is upside-down. Its privilege. Question: What about era because of numerous abuses, tortures, summary killings and of making the food more. The what if children are potential base is on top and made up of couples who have no children? “disappearances” which happened then. The idea that power and houses available are few and/ productive workers or efficient many old people. Its tip at the Are condo units and other perks authority could be abused and human rights totally disregarded or small to accommodate fami- managers, if they stand for fu- base are composed of few young waiting for them? Cute! by the state and by those who held the reins of power sensitized us to the value of human rights. The political assertion of this value, however, has remained Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS generally weak. Current discussions regarding compensation for the victims of human rights abuses under the military regime has failed to generate massive public support for the victims of human rights abuses. And personalities who were closely Justice at last! Love Life connected with that past oppressive regime and profited from it have managed to stage a political comeback, thanks partly to the cohesiveness of our elite class and the still strong influence of regionalistic loyalties, but partly too to what we talked about in TWELVE years ago, Kay filed a case of Even during her stay with the Sisters, her she got pregnant. She lived-in with this our Exhortation on Philippine Politics two years ago regarding multiple acts of lasciviousness, incest and constant thought was why her father singled farmer for a couple of years and experienced the corruptions of the political system. rape against her father that started when her out to be abused among her three other battering herself. When she could not take she was nine years old and stopped only sisters. And to think that she was the eldest it anymore, she returned to her family and The same weakness and ambivalence in value commitment that when she was placed for safe-keeping in the daughter. She said he exhibited such a ha- begged her mother to take care of her son. have just been referred to above are evident likewise in the way Good Shepherd Home for girls and women tred for her. It is a miracle how she was able to go back we regard social justice or egalitarianism. While the traditional in crisis. That was in 1999. She was 14 years Like most victims (survivors would be to college to graduate. value system has mostly fostered a paternalistic value orientation, old then. And with the help of the Sisters, a better term), her anger, depression and After living-in with the farmer, she had a social justice and egalitarianism are beginning to redefine the way she was able to file the case in NBI against confusion brought about negative behavior, couple more illicit relationships. Looking we view inter-class relations. Today we hear of certain public her abuser. But after filing the case, she did driving people away from her. She was ir- back, she says there was always this ques- officials or policies of governance being described as “pro-poor” not receive any word at all from NBI or from ritable, impatient, selfish, jealous and lazy. tion in her mind—“Will I ever be able to love or “anti-poor,” an indication that there is a growing consciousness any court. She did not seem to have any drive in life and be loved?” of social inequalities and the need to do something about them. It was a big surprise then when one day, even if so many opportunities were offered Basically, she was looking for love in the Participative processes have become an important venue for wrong places since she never experienced articulating these egalitarian values. But these values still have her father was arrested from his own home her. She did finish high school in spite of the to find expression in social policies. and put in their provincial jail. At first, she many blocks along the way, and somehow, that original love from her parents. What and her siblings thought he was being arrest- she also worked her way through college, was supposed to be a loving act between Since culture is in a very real sense a people’s collective psyche, it ed for being an illegal logger, well known in finishing BS Education. Her mother had married couples was rammed down on her can bear deeper and deeper scrutiny, and the knowledge that comes his town, and a financier of many anomalous always resented her decision to file a case in rape and violence. from such a scrutiny is thus a form of self-knowledge. What we activities. But later on, she found out it was against her father. She revealed that her She would fall into a relationship too have attempted to present here is by no means exhaustive and it precisely for the case she had filed. Besides mother was a battered woman herself and quickly in order to answer the nagging is our hope that a more thorough analysis of Philippine cultural the case of rape on 52 counts, she had also worked herself to the bone while her father question of “Will I always feel so alone?” values—and a deeper awareness of their implications—will be filed a case of frustrated homicide when he spent most of the ill-gotten cash he got for And because she realized that she doubted spurred on by this brief and selective description of our culture. came home drunk one day and shot her on his drinking sprees with other men. and distrusted all men, she would test it by Why the task of analysis is a necessary and constant one should the chest. She was rushed to the emergency To pay for her college tuition, she would going into risky behavior. As with most be clearer after we look at why we have to be more concerned room, underwent surgery for profuse bleed- go to the next town to buy bread early in sexually- abused survivors, she was full of about our culture from the standpoint of our faith. ing of her lungs and was told she had a fifty- the morning and sell to her classmates and fear, hoping that someone would hold her ―Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Culture, 1999 fifty chance of surviving. teachers. She was in her senior year when Love Life / A5

Fr. Roy Cimagala [email protected] The world of public Candidly Speaking opinion

IF the Church really has to tackle now the media, the Internet, the a more subsidiary role. The more and grocery stores, frequently the challenges of today more ef- blogosphere, social networks, etc. prominent role should fall on the informs me about her business fectively, I think it has to be more It´s important that as we tighten who should be more active developments. active in the world of public opin- always to our faith, we also know here. They have to act not as longa I suspect she does it to fish out Pedro C. Quitorio ion. That´s where a lot of action is how to loosen ourselves and manus of the , but as citizens some ideas from me, since I had Editor taking place these days, action that flow with the times. We need to consistent to their faith. business experience before priest- both reflects the flowing signs of proclaim, explain and defend the My experiences in school where hood. Her info enriches me, since Pinky Barrientos, FSP Gloria Fernando the times and helps to shape them. faith there. I work and my exposure to the it expands my world, forcing me Associate Editor Marketing Supervisor Without leaving behind or ne- My opinion is that we, priests, businesses of friends and rela- to go beyond my preferences, glecting, but rather enhancing and for example, should try to meet tives tell me how important it is learn new things and enter some- Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos to monitor developments continu- how into the minds and hearts News Editor purifying the traditional means, all kinds of people where they Circulation Manager the Church has to go beyond are—in the immense variety of ally and act promptly when pru- of people. Market trends reflect Kris Bayos Marcelita Dominguez preaching to the choir. She has human conditions—and try to dence dictates some intervention people´s state of mind, among Features Editor Comptroller to step into the more tricky and bring them where they should be. is needed. Our fervent prayers other things. challenging waters of the secular But they have to be met first where and good intentions would not The world of public opinion world. I think this is what Pope they are. And that can mean to get be enough if action is not taken. nowadays precisely needs the The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Communica- Benedict has been saying when ¨dirty¨ with them. For example, though I have not presence of the Church, the indis- tions Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and business offices talking about communications. Of course, we have to clarify been involved in business since pensable contribution of faith and at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. True, we should not leave the that when we say Church involve- I became a priest 20 years ago, I religion, since at the moment it is Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.; ISSN 1908-2940 pulpits, but neither should we ment in public opinion, it does somehow get to know the pulse becoming a metastasizing blob of get stuck there. We have to go not only mean the priests and of the market because my sister, views and positions that confuse

LAYOUT BY KRIS BAYOS BY LAYOUT to the modern Areopagi that are bishops. In fact, they should play who owns a chain of department Candidly Speaking / A7 CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 A5 June 6 - 19, 2011 Opinion

Bp. Leonardo Y. Medroso, JCD, DD Abp. , SJ Voice of the Laity and Tidbits the RH Bill Pastoral Companion

AMIDST the tensions and animosities which follows the laws laid down by the Constitu- senses feel and the unaided brain perceives, RH Bill has roused and whipped up, we are tion, instead of resorting to contraceptives, that is, the material surface of things. It inspired to observe the persistent vigilance sterilization and condoms, artificial means penetrates through what is merely visible All-Natural Family of the lay faithful. They have been there ever that downgrade human sexuality from and appreciates the invisible yet evident present in every discussion and debate to what should be a loving act of the man and workings of God in the daily occurrences Planning: Going defend the sacredness of life and the rights the woman into a mere exchange of bodily of living. It is the very same faith that we of the family, never giving up the traditional fluids for the sake of a fleeting pleasure. As have all received during our baptism. But, stand of the Catholic Church vis-à-vis the Mr. eloquently put it: “(RH thanks be to God, our Christian family and beyond the RH Bill many and formidable challenges put for- Bill)... is a naked attempt to impose a hedo- our Church have patiently nurtured this THE controversy over the Reproductive Health Bill has lately ward by the proponents of the proposed law. nistic sex-oriented lifestyle upon individu- faith through the teaching of the word of been reduced to a zero-sum proposition where concerned Yes, they have made the bishops proud. They als and families—one in which marriage is God and the administration of the sacra- citizens are simply asked to say either “Yes” or “No”. On are courageous bunch of individuals who reduced into a State-mediated partnership ments. The word of God serves as the light their part, the Catholic Bishops in their Pastoral Letter of 30 have stood up for the Commandments of between two individuals whose primary to whatever happens to the baptized, giving January 2011 have rejected the RH Bill, pointing out various God and morality, the value of self-sacrifice purpose is to engage in a mechanical State- the daily event in life a deeper meaning objections—e.g., the non-consideration of moral principles, a and discipline. supervised exchange of carnal sensations than what is being sensed and felt; the sac- contraceptive mentality that includes the adoption of abor- Many of them are faceless personalities while doing everything to avoid its most raments allow the baptized to continually tifacients, compulsory sex education that infringes on the yet brilliant and propound in their exposi- natural consequence, namely, the conception commune in a personal way the God who rights of parents, and the use of public funds for population tions of the faith to show to the postmodern of a child” (Cf. The Truth and Half-Truths created him and the God who saves him. management methods that go against the moral conscience of citizens the existence of the bigger picture of About Reproductive Health, p. 4). It is within this environment that the faith faith communities. human life. I see them in Congress explain- Mr. Leonardo Montemayor, FFF National of our lay faithful has developed. In time On the other hand, the CBCP letter also articulates what the ing to the representatives of the people the President, in the name of the Federation of there has developed in them a sensitivity for bishops stand for—in particular, that we are pro-life, and for value of human life and the importance of Free Farmers, issued an official Statement divine activity, the instinctual appreciation the “responsible and natural regularization of births through the objective standard of actions and non- against the RH Bills in Congress, upholding to give to God what belongs to God. Natural Family Planning.” negotiable principles of morality in the the sacredness of human life and integrity of Our lay faithful who keep the faith have I. It is in this light that here in the Archdiocese of Cagayan legislation of a nation; I view them in T.V. the Filipino family as the bedrock of Philip- a world-view in dealing with the affairs of de Oro we can review and strengthen our All-Natural Family parrying the objections brought forth by the pine society, and, among others, declared: the universe. They uphold that the ultimate Planning program as a positive and proactive alternative to the RH Bill promoters, casually shrugging off “Filipinos in general and farmers in particu- reality is God – the Creator of the universe RH Bill. In our program, All-NFP has three connotations: (1) We some comments meant to put them on the lar consider their children a blessings to their and, therefore, utterly distinct from it. He is are including all modern scientific NFP methods; (2) We are spot and embarrass them, patiently explain- families and as assets to society. In contrast, a personal God, eternal, and self-sufficient reaching out to all parishes and chapel communities; and (3) We ing the stand of the Catholic Church on the the RH bills seem to treat pregnancy as a (Gn 1:1; Col 1:16). He has no beginning and are promoting NFP all the way, without back-up contraceptives. beauty of life and the deep respect for the disease and child-rearing as an affliction, no end, a God who is a person, not a force. Since the start of our All-NFP program in the latter half natural laws that govern the human body in both to be prevented or even eliminated.” Man is created by this God according to of 2006, we have already recorded more than 3,500 couple- the use of sex; I read them in the newspapers Such a manifestation of courage and His own image and likeness. As such he acceptors. Ninety percent of our 58 parishes and chaplaincies and magazines, expounding the need for heroism bespeaks of an interior life that possesses a nature that is unique in its value have conducted orientation seminars followed by trainings of discipline and morality in the exercise of has grown mature; a Christian soul that and dignity, possessing within himself the more than 2,000 NFP volunteer counselors. These counselors sexuality, procreation, and love life. is alive and sensitive to the promptings of faculties of the intellect to know the truths have their homes in nearly 500 chapel (or barangay) communi- For them, the nation will be better off if it the Spirit; a faith that sees beyond what the Tidbits / A7 ties where they provide information and follow-up on all NFP methods to resident households. As of December 2010, these counselors have given more than 1,500 chapel-level orienta- Atty. Aurora A. Santiago tions for roughly 22,000 couples. Moreover, over the past two years the provincial govern- The essence of not ments of Misamis Oriental and Camiguin as well as the city of Cagayan de Oro have started their own NFP programs. They using contraceptives Duc in Altum have asked us for assistance in the services of our NFP trainors and in sharing our training manuals, which include values formation. In this regard, we have not hesitated to assist these WHILE the lawmakers are busy Not every woman has the them college education, produc- with using contraceptives—side LGUs in the promotion of NFP, particularly since they have debating about the RH Bill, did privilege to experience the ing professionals out of them, effects including stroke, cardiac issued executive orders and set aside their own budgets for it occur to them that had their bliss to bear children and to making them good citizens arrest, blood clots and gallblad- the promotion solely of NFP. In their report for 2010, the NFP mothers resorted to contracep- experience the joy of becom- and God fearing, are not really der problems. trainors of the Provinicial Government of Misamis Oriental tives, they would never have ing a Mother. My siblings and impossible tasks to do. The will They should open their eyes conducted 345 barangay classes in the 24 municipalities of the been in Congress? Had they ever I thank the Lord that we are and determination to live an and ears to the dangers pose by province. In Cagayan de Oro, the city government has trained thought of the possibility that a born to parents who never used honest and decent life is need- contraceptives to the health of 721 NFP service providers in 62 barangays. child might have been born who contraceptives. We thank our ed. Similarly, the government women. As Chet Espino, conve- We view this relationship of assisting local government units could have saved the Philippines mother Gloria and our father should have the political will to nor of Families Against the RH as engagement, not collaboration – since we keep the church’s from poverty had its parents Benito for having nurtured us, provide the basic necessities to Bill, stated “it is quite apparent NFP program separate and not dependent on the LGU’s pro- not take contraceptives or use cherished us, cared for us and the poor while the poor should that the advocates of RH Bill are gram. Nonetheless, with the widespread promotion of NFP condoms? educated us to become what we not depend on dole-outs from misinformed about the ill effects by both church and local governments, we can truly say that Blessed are the Mothers who are now—professionals, good politicians. of contraceptive use and its so- the whole area of the archdiocese has become “NFP territory.” bear children. Blessed are they citizens and all standing firm To my Mother Gloria, I wish cial costs. Sadly they continue to The LGUs in their Responsible Parenting Movement-Natural who have experienced the gift in the faith. you all the best, good health and refuse to accept the arguments, Family Planning program have taken cognizance of our six- of Motherhood, of carrying and We did not come from a God’s blessings on your 94th insisting on looking at it as a reli- step approach in implementation. These are: (1) parish orienta- nurturing for nine months the rich family. My Mother is a birthday on June 13, the Feast of gious issue and an occasion to go tion of key leaders; (2) training of NFP counselors; (3) chapel babies in their womb until they housewife while my Father St. . against the Church―in the face community orientation; (4) counseling of individual couples; brought them out to this world. was a World War II veteran of extensive scientific evidence (5) monitoring and tabulation; and (6) ongoing values forma- Blessed are they who have been who could not work due to the *** on the negative effects on the tion. The LGUs have focused on the orientation of municipal given the capability on how to sickness he suffered for serving The pro-RH Bill legislators users’ physical, psychological and barangay heads followed by the training of Barangay raise babies, to educate them and our country during the war. should monitor this news from and emotional well-being; its ad- Health Workers. These BHWs in turn help in conducting to bring them up to what they My parents made us aware the the U.S. Just a few days ago, the verse effects on the economy, let classes on NFP in their localities. become now. value of education, the best U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- alone the moral fiber of society II. Going beyond the step-wise implementation of NFP in Once the RH Bill becomes a gift they could bequeath to us. tration or FDA announced that in general.” order to reach out to the more remote areas, what is of greater law, less and less women would Through the veteran’s pension they are conducting a safety significance for us is the overall acceptance by LGUs of our enjoy such opportunity. The of my father and some income review of contraceptives or birth *** four pastoral guidelines and core values in promoting natural Philippines will be like most from a small sari-sari store and control products containing Let us ask the Lord for His family planning. It is good to keep these parameters in mind of the European countries – ex- shoe store, my parents were drospirenone, a synthetic female divine guidance and assis- since these are the points for dialogue with proponents of the tinct population, majority of the able to send us all to college; sex hormone or progestin which tance to enlighten the mind RH Bill in its present form or with some future modifications. citizens are nearing old age, the some of us were able to get may pose a serious risk of clots to of our lawmakers, for them Our first core value which we consider a first and non-nego- youth is quickly vanishing. The scholarships. women who take them. The Ger- to find in their heart the rejec- tiable principle is that we are Pro-Life. We uphold the dignity same situation is now observed Our parents’ experience is man pharmaceutical maker is tion of RH Bill. Below is the of human life from the moment of conception. We condemn in Asia particularly in Japan and more than enough proof that now facing lawsuits for misrep- Oratio Imperata, a mandated abortion which is also proscribed by the Philippine Constitu- China. raising seven children, giving resenting the dangers associated Duc in Altum / A7 tion. We consider All-NFP as a proactive program that helps prevent the tragedy of unwanted pregnancies and resort to abortion. All-NFP also provides an alternative to contraceptive Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL methods that may be considered as abortifacients. Our second core value is the exercise of Responsible Parent- hood as the goal of our All-NFP program. Instead of “reproduc- The Gordian knot tive health,” church documents prefer the term “procreation” Spaces of Hope to stress the parents’ exalted role in giving birth to another person, body and soul, i.e., “transmitting by procreation the di- vine image from person to person.” (Familiaris Consortio, 28). I WAS recently in Cagayan de Oro to cel- We grounded our realities with the follow- formation especially for the youth had The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines convened by ebrate mass for a good friend’s mother who ing realizations. The bigger picture is that a emerged. We began with a realization that the Catholic Bishops in 1991 explicitates the meaning of respon- had turned 80. The morning after the celebra- large proportion of Catholics (about 85%) most young people, like older Filipinos, sible parenthood, synonymous with responsible procreation: tion, I was at the airport for a 5:30 am flight to are not evangelized or catechized. There is have not really read the bill and only have Christian parents must exercise responsible parenthood. Cebu―or so I thought. I presented my ticket a fundamental gap between the teachings of impressions of it! We need to get them to read While nurturing a generous attitude towards bringing new to the airline personnel. She took a look at it the Church and many Catholics even before and make up their minds along a Christian human life into the world, they should strive to beget only and, with eyes squinting to check her observa- we deal with the RH bill. framework. But engaging the youth, and even those children whom they can raise up in a truly human and tion, noted that the ticket was indeed for that Are we reaching the youth? An informal older people, requires that the approach be Christian way. Towards this end, they need to plan their fami- day and time—only that it was from Cebu survey in Metro Manila done by a priest in EPIC (i.e. engaging, participatory, image-rich, lies according to the moral norms taught by the Church (PCP to CDO! The person who had purchased my the last quarter of 2010 among graduating and have consistent connection), as a youth- II, 583). (To be continued) ticket had overlooked the detail and so did I. students from non-Catholic universities show trend expert tells me. The same person tells It was a “senior moment” as we would that 70 to 80% of them favor the RH Bill. An me, youth mindsets now change once every Love Life / A4 conveniently say. Well, as I would sometimes informal FB survey by a well-known advertis- three years! say to myself, I am only too glad that I still ing person of students from PUP and other With the short attention span of young hand in the dark, tell her that he all her legal papers. She has not have mostly “junior moments” rather than mass-based colleges (Question: “Purely from people and their need for EPIC, effective understands her and that she been charged a cent even if the the other way around. a marketing perspective, what do you think communication is crucial. The process of will be alright someday. lawyer would travel five hours I was able to purchase another ticket for a of the Church’s approach against the RH bill? conscience formation must propose, rather The helplessness that the away from Manila to attend the noon flight. Meanwhile my friend, his wife, What are they doing right? What can they do than even give the impression of an imposi- abused experienced during the court case in the province. and I had breakfast together. During our better?”) concludes: “Church responses all tion (“The Church proposes, she imposes violence carries on for years, Last week, Kay sent me a text meal, the conversation drifted over to the over the place; no focus in the overall CBCP nothing” John Paul II). It avoids demonizing needing people who can offer message—it will take only three issue of the RH bill and what we were doing communication strategy.” In short, according and a negative approach, especially sweeping them alternatives instead of tell- more court hearings and her about it. Although we had our initiatives, we to this survey, there is need for a well-thought statements. “Fear is useless, what is needed is ing them what they should do. father will be sentenced for life. felt that we needed to do more, particularly out and consolidated communication plan. trust,” our Lord Jesus reminds us. They have to be helped to real- Her mother and family have ac- in the area of communication. We decided to Are we doing any better among students in This calls for a Gordian-Knot approach. ize that they can regain control cepted the fact of his deserving meet again in Cebu and to invite others in the Catholic universities? According to legend, Alexander the Great’s of their life, unlike during the imprisonment. She is being hired Church’s network. On the other hand, there is the result of on- conquest of the known world came about time when they felt that all was for a permanent as a grade A few days later we met in Cebu with a line votation on RH debate over ANC last 8 when he cut the Gordian knot – a rope that lost – their dignity, their future, school teacher this June. group of concerned Catholics. An initial dis- May 2011 with 34% agreeing that the bill be had been drawn into a highly complex knot their health (some have gotten And she admitted, for the cussion looked at the Church’s communica- passed and nearly twice at 65% that the bill be – using his sword. Earlier leaders had tried infected with STD), or their very first time in her 24 years of life, tion effort on the RH bill. The group saw the trashed. But, I was told, youth bloggers had a to slowly untangle the knot to no avail. This life (abusers often hold them at she was able to sleep peace- need to complement existing Church efforts different opinion. story is symbolic of efforts that cut through gunpoint or threaten them with fully, thanks to the persistence on the bill. In my experience, I have met young people convoluted realities threatening to overwhelm a knife) . and full support of so many Several focused group discussions with who initially favored the RH bill but eventu- or bog down any effort to solve the problem. Kay was assisted by the bishop people that God has sent into young people and three other gatherings with ally had a change of heart. All of them began The RH bill controversy is akin to a Gord- in her own province (she has her life. If it seemed that the the larger group later, a picture had emerged. by getting information on a single dimension ian knot since it includes many issues and become an active member of her doors of her family support In the meantime we had touched base with of the bill and latched on to it. When further proposals brought together into a knotted parish) to pursue the case. The were closed, all this time, God the and the CBCP questions were raised, they eventually saw whole. Hence, the bill could mean different Good Shepherd Sisters helped had some windows wide open commission on social communications. We that the bill leads to more problems than things to different people. There is need her get a pro bono lawyer who for so many other persons to decided to focus on the youth even as we provide real solutions. to untangle the different issues so that the has generously been attending give her strength, wisdom and would support efforts to lobby our legislators. A case for a long-term effort at conscience Spaces of Hope / A7 the court hearing and preparing love. CBCP Monitor A6 Vol. 15 No. 12 Local News June 6 - 19, 2011 CBCP taps bloggers in RH bill fight THE Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the However, many participants offered their Philippines (CBCP) has tapped Catholic own thoughts on the appropriate approach bloggers to strengthen its fight against a for Catholics engaged in blogging. measure on contraceptives. Carlos Antonio Palad, a young profes- The CBCP has been seeking to engage sional and blogger, cited the need to be pro- more with the online world particularly in active in campaigning against the RH bill. its campaign against the reproductive health “Do not be afraid. Let’s engage our en- (RH) bill. emies (in the RH bill debate),” Palad said. On June 7, officials of the CBCP’s media af- Quitorio said the meeting was also aimed fairs met with several bloggers, increasingly at creating a network of volunteer bloggers aware of the role that faith-based blogging is who will spread the “Gospel of Life” in playing in spreading Catholicism. cyberspace. “Let’s make a new media. Let’s crusade Last month, the CBCP has launched an for a new media founded on solid grounds,” online portal resources on pertinent issues Quitorio told the bloggers during the meet- related to family and life issues. ing. The portal ( also “Media is not only about talking or writ- contains independent position papers, as ing, it’s more than that. In our context (as well as scientific and medical documents that Catholics), it’s about delivering Christ’s back its stand against the RH bill. message,” he said. “So another reason is that we are trying The meeting, said CBCP Media Office to create a voluntary support system to that Director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, was not (portal),” Quitorio said. designed as a how-to seminar, but rather “What we want is not just media in the to acknowledge the role of blogs in modern Church but media as Christians,” he said.

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media © Roy Lagarde / CBCP communications. (CBCPNews)

Divorce / A1 Distinction / A1

against the Aquino adminis- Love for the family is at the bill and divorce bill are the the problems. Cheaper Medicines tration, he said. core of the cultural identity upshots of globalization. Cruz said both RH and di- The Committee on Revision of Filipinos and should not be He said these ideas (RH bill vorce bill seem to be diversion- of Laws chaired by Pangas- destroyed through divorce, and Divorce) are all imported. ary tactics to divert the interest Act a failure—HEAD inan Congresswoman Marlyn said Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz “Hindi ito kulturang Pilipino.” of the people away from the L. Primicias-Agabas 6th District, during a press conference at the While the country is facing real issues. IT’S a total failure. This was But, many Filipinos earn less ) summoned stake- CBCP in Intramuros on June 3. many social liabilities and natu- “In short, and I hope I’m the description of militant than this wage and that man- holders on June 1 to discuss the “Kung sasabihin sa akin ‘kayo ral calamities, Cruz asked why wrong ,there is some kind of doctors from the Health Alli- aging an illness entails other issues pertaining to the contro- na lang ang natitira, Pilipinas, divorce is being brought about manipulation going on pre- ance for Democracy (HEAD) costs that may eventually versial “Divorce Bill” na walang divorce,’ Salamat sa instead of dealing with and cisely to take the attention of about the Republic Act No. render even the lowest-cost Principal authors of House Diyos! That is a distinction! I’m resolving the country’s many the people away from the real 9502, also known as Uni- treatments unaffordable, ac- Bill 1799, Gabriela Representa- very proud of that!” he said. problems. problem,” he said. versally Accessible Cheaper cording to HAIN’s study,” tives Luzviminda C. Ilagan and The Philippines holds the CBCP Secretary General The consequence of divorce and Quality Medicines Act the lady doctor said. Emerenciana A. De Jesus, said distinction of being the only Monsignor Juanito Figura said in western countries gives ex- of 2008, since most of the Rivera said that only by the “sheer number of petitions country in the world that has the Church is exercising “pas- amples on the disastrous effects Filipinos still cannot buy weakening the influence of the that have been filed since 1988 no divorce law after Malta re- toral prudence” by teaching, it has on families, said CBCP essential medicines because ‘monopoly’ of transnational for the declaration of nullity of cently legitimized divorce in a reminding and asking people Legal counsel Atty. Jo Imbong. they remain costly. pharmaceutical companies in marriage under Article 36 of the referendum. what their priorities are in the “Let’s look at the western Citing a 2009-study pub- drug pricing in the Philippines, Family Code (commonly known He said the Filipino culture face of many pressing problems countries, it was a disaster. De- lished by the Health Ac- that essential medicines and as ‘annulment’) show that there is renowned internationally as in the country today. stroyed family, destroyed chil- tion Information Network other pharmaceutical products are just too many couples who family and children oriented. Will a divorce bill answer dren, destroy stepchild/parents (HAIN), HEAD secretary can become affordable. are desperate to get out of failed In fact, he said when the Holy the country’s problems such as relationship, everything is in general Dr. Geneve Rivera HEAD believes that es- marriages.” Father was once asked what the poverty, graft and corruption havoc. Now do you want that said that essential branded sential steps in establishing a Ilagan and De Jesus claimed Filipino culture was noted for, and criminalities, he asked. to happen in this country,” she medicines remain unafford- national, a truly Filipino drug that official figures disclosed 19 the pontiff said it was ‘love for Instead of entertaining on the asked? able, while the cheaper ge- industry must be undertaken. women were victims of marital the family’. possibility of divorce, he said Those examples are irre- neric brands—when given “While the immediate goal violence daily. And this is seen through ex- the government should focus futable, “kitang kita na” she at a private medical facil- is to put an end to the monop- They also quoted a PNP report tended families, where grand- more on helping to strengthen added. ity—also become costly for a oly pricing that has kept our which revealed 72% of the dif- children, even in laws some- the family, and the husband- The Philippine Constitution worker who is not receiving people captive for decades, ferent forms of violence against times live in the same house. and -wife relationship by find- mandates the protection of the a minimum wage. the more long-term goal is to women in 2009 which reached Amid the controversy of Re- ing out the reasons why they family, Imbong said. It “recog- “On the other hand, treat- institutionalize fundamental 6,783, was wife battery. productive Health Bill or House break apart. nizes the sanctity of life, and ment courses using generic changes in the entire drug in- According to the authors, the Bill No. 4244, divorce as a legis- Figura said poverty, unem- marriage as a sacred union.” medicines in public facilities dustry because this is the only DSWD has likewise recorded lative proposal surfaced, mak- ployment, prostitution, are You don’t destroy or attack are generally affordable based way to ensure affordable and marital violence as the high- ing the CBCP question where the ‘social cancers’ that the something that is sacred. It is on the salary of the lowest accessible medicine,” Rivera est among different forms of the legislators are heading to. government should deal with not even the Church that said paid government worker. said. (Noel Sales Barcelona) violence against women at 1,933 The archbishop said the intro- instead of coming out with it but the state, she added. cases. (Melo M. Acuña) duction of reproductive health temporary remedies to address (CBCPNews)

Summit / A1 from different marginalized sectors an assessment of the country’s real AMRSP and the Department of En- gress of the Philippines; while Kaloo- and ancestral domains have been will be attending along with Catholic situation to the government before vironment and Natural Resources kan Bishop Deogracias Iniguez will threatened by large-scale mining. bishops, priests and religious, but President Benigno Aquino delivers his (DENR) will assist Borongan diocese. host the consultation for laborers from Climate change has also begun to convenors are yet to decide on the second State of the Nation Address in Bacolod will also get its’ help from the National Capital Region with the take its toll on the rural poor. This summit’s exact venue in Manila. Congress on July 25. AMRSP together with Climate Change DILG and Climate Change Congress was revealed in consultations made The Church official is hoping the Congress of the Philippines. of the Philippines. by government offices like the De- event would gather the broadest in- Regional and sectoral consultations On June 22, simultaneous consulta- partment of Agriculture, Department puts on the government’s programs Consultations are set to take place tions will be held in Tuguegarao and ‘A vicious cycle of dependence’ of Agrarian Reform, Department of and policy directions and the way by in various dioceses in preparation for Sorsogon with Archbishop Diosdado Gariguez said the summit is an Environment and Natural Resources which poverty will be eradicated. the upcoming national summit on Talamayan and Archbishop Leonardo appropriate follow-up of the Second along with the Climate Change Con- He also said that people’s participa- poverty. Z. Legaspi, OP. The National Secre- Rural Congress held in 2008. gress of the Philippines. (with reports tion may also be harnessed in partner- Simultaneous regional consulta- tariat of Social Action and the Depart- The Second Rural Congress report- from Melo Acuna) ship with the government. tions are scheduled in the cities of ment of Agriculture will provide the ed that the rural poor are “trapped The gathering, Gariguez added, will Cotabato and Malaybalay on June back-up services. in a vicious cycle of dependence and also look into the country’s progress in 14-17, with Archbishop Orlando Que- Meanwhile, Bishop Ramon Villena hopelessness because they do not have Spratly / A1 the attainment of the Millennium De- vedo, OMI and Bishop Juan de Dios will host the conference for the South- access or control of their assets.” De- velopment Goals (MDGs) especially Pueblos as convenors, respectively. ern Tagalog region on June 25. He will spite bumper harvests, the rural poor other’s core interests” was necessary to in education and poverty reduction. The Association of Major Religious be assisted by the Climate Change have not enjoyed them. ensure peace. He said recommendations will be Superiors in the Philippines as civil Congress of the Philippines. Farmers still have to own the land Specifically, the Philippines is con- made on how to address such pressing society organization, is in charge of Manila Archbishop Gaudencio B. they till while fisherfolks are displaced testing the reported placing of a buoy issues to food insecurity, vulnerability the two events Cardinal Rosales will host on June 26 and deprived of their fishing grounds and posts by the Chinese government to climate change and the impact of The Diocese of Borongan is set to the discussions with the urban poor either through pollution or encroach- near a bank in the part of the South the global change. hold consultation simultaneously from the National Capital Region ment of large-scale fishers. China Sea that Manila claims as its ter- Gariguez said they will present with Bacolod diocese on June 19-21. assisted by the Climate Change Con- Even indigenous peoples’ culture ritory. (CBCPNews)

Taal / A1 RH Bill / A1 were spared from the fish kill. kaya daw po naghihikahos ang each year. livelihood opportunities ―not ang ibig sabihin ay baka nagku- masking this point. Kailangang Bangus and tilapia are non- gobyerno ay dahil walang bud- “Bilang mambabatas alam nila population control and contra- lang po ang ating pamahalaan in maintindihan ng mga tao na natives species of the lake and get for stretching. Nanggaling na ‘yan, na kapag magdagdag ka sa ceptives-dispensation ―as the the implementation of the law,” kapag naglagay ako ng pondo are killing the lake,” Arguelles mismo sa kanila ang stretching... isa ng pondo, may babawasan, key to the improvement of lives she explained. sa pambili ng contraceptives, said. eh di kung linagyan pa po ng may pagkukunan ka. So ano pa and the elimination of poverty, “And as far as I’m concerned, may mababawasan na basic “In fact, I am pleased with the pondo na pambili ng condoms yung pagkukunan nila just to according to research. ‘yung bawat provision ng RH services na hindi kayang ibigay fish kill of bangus and tilapia at contraceptives, eh di you accommodate what they want?” “There are so many laws bill at ng Magna Carta [of] ng gobyerno.” because they will kill Taal Lake stretch [the budget] further. So The Zambales congresswom- that we have passed. Kung Women, Section 17, 80% po ng Magsaysay is among those like what they did in Laguna alin po ang willing i-sacrifice an became instantly recogniz- talagang gusto niyo ng isang RH bill, encompassed na po scheduled to interpellate Al- Lake,” he said. ng pro-RH legislators sa budget able among both camps of the batas na dapat pangalagaan ng Magna Carta,” Magsaysay bay Rep. Edcel Lagman, the The prelate called on the para lang po namin maisingit Reproductive Health (RH) issue ang kalusugan ng kababaihan pointed out, adding that the only principal author of the Re- government to make the ang gusto nilang pondo para sa after a May 22 television debate ―pregnancy complications at iba significant element in the repro- sponsible Parenthood, Repro- lake “100 percent fish cages procurement of condoms and about the measure. There she pa― nandoon ako. Dapat nga ini- ductive health measure that is ductive Health and Popula- free” to save it before it is contraceptives?” exposed the fact that an already implement na ng pamahalaan not included in the existing law tion and Development Act of too late. Magsaysay stressed that her existing law ―theMagna Carta [ang Magna Carta of Women] is the budget for procurement 2011, or the RH Bill, before “The lake should be returned co-legislators are aware of the of Women― encompassed a ngayon, dahil batas na ‘yan eh. of condoms, oral contraceptives Congress adjourns on June 10 to Batangueños because most process, as they are involved huge portion of the RH Bill; ‘Yun lang po kung nakita nating and injectables.” for a six-week recess. (Diana of its investors and operators in working out the budget for she also stressed education and talagang may namamatay pa, “That’s why I don’t mind un- Uichanco) are Koreans and Taiwanese,” he said. ARMM / A1 Aside from maliputo and tawilis, the world’s only com- Bagaforo also echoed the same sentiments, continue,” said Bagaforo. was already an amendment of the Organic combatants that “it is business as usual” mercial freshwater sardine, the adding that the ARMM elections should Jumoad, for his part, warned that the Act of the ARMM. in the region. lake is also home to endemic push through as scheduled. postponement of the elections could result Republic Act 9054 or the Organic Act He, however, advised ARMM stake- species duhol, one of the only “The principle of autonomy is violated to renewed political tensions in ARMM. for the ARMM provides that the President holders to “continue to fight for autonomy three freshwater sea snakes in with that (Senate) vote,” said Bagaforo. “The possibility of discontentment only has supervisory powers and not con- and self-determination.” the world. Voting 13-7, the senators voted for the breeds lawlessness… If the heat is too trol over ARMM. And for ARMM politicians, he urged: Arguelles said the eco- passage of Senate Bill 2756 that would much, the pressure cannot be controlled,” Congress’s votes in postponing the “remove your price tag!” nomic benefits the people synchronize the ARMM elections with the he said. ARMM elections (the Lower House had Mercado congratulated the seven sena- could get from the fish farms national mid-term elections in 2013. earlier approved a bill cancelling the tors who voted against the cancellation of in the lake is only temporary The move is seen as concurrence to the de- Lethal blow to autonomy scheduled ARMM elections in August) the elections, calling them “the Magnifi- compared to the damage it sire of President Aquino, who had long clam- Fr. Eliseo Mercado, OMI, also the chair- also gives power to the President to ap- cent Seven.” will create. ored for the postponement of the elections person of the Kusog Mindanaw, said that point his hand-picked people to govern They are Senator Chiz Escudero, Sena- But he said many people focus to pave the way for much-needed reforms. what the Senate did in voting 13-7 in favor ARMM, which runs counter to the Organic tor Serge Osmena, Senator , on immediate economic gain ir- Bagaforo said that the decision may not of the postponement of the ARMM elec- Act. Senator , Senator respective of the damage to the sit well with the ARMM residents and tions was a “lethal blow to the little auton- Mercado said that the postponement , Senator Jr. same sources they are dependent generate negative reactions from them. omy and self-determination” of the region. of the ARMM elections is also a blow to and Senator Bongbong Marcos, Jr. (CB- on. (CBCPNews) “I think the protest on that decision will Mercado said that what the Senate did the peace process as it gives license to the CPNews / Bong D. Fabe) CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 A7 June 6 - 19, 2011 Diocesan News Hundreds of Daet faithful march against RH bill DAET, Camarines Norte―An converged in downtown Daet of destroying the values of the estimated crowd of more than for a short program and a con- Filipino family. 500 individuals marched towards celebrated mass officiated by Fr. Prof. Rex Bernardo and vice downtown Daet, bearing placards Cirilo Edgar Eboña, Diocesan chairman of St. and banners, signifying their Commission Head on Family and Parish Pastoral Council argued stand against the proposed Re- Life and assisted by Fr. Fidel Era that no one has the right to kill productive Health bill currently and Fr. Andrei Uy. the helpless unborn child even for being debated in Congress. Representatives of various or- the reason of physical deformity. A cross section of society that ganizations spoke their sentiment Speaking from his experience, includes women, children, youth, against the proposed measure, Bernardo stressed that his disabil- elderly and professionals braved now known as HB 4244 or the ity did not hinder him from serv- the early morning sunlight on Responsible Parenthood bill. ing the community and becoming May 28 to participate in the “Walk Archimmedes Yanto, a lawyer a productive citizen. for Life”, belying the popular representing the Catholic group Mayors from the two biggest notion that the bill is overwhelm- (CFC) stressed municipalities in Camarines ingly endorsed by the majority of that the provisions of the bill are Norte also graced the event in the Filipino people. very much against the core values their personal capacity. Daet Majority of participants wore of their group, which are “Pro Mayor Tito Sarion and Labo T-Shirts emblazoned with slogan God, Pro Life, Pro Family and Mayor Dindo Pardo spoke about that reads: “Choose Love: Pro Pro Poor.” their personal convictions on Love, Respect Life, Pro Life.” Engr. Victorio Corporal of the being Pro-Life in raising their The march was spearheaded Council of the Laity lambasted respective families. by the Catholic group Knights of the evil intent hidden on the The “Walk for Life,” the first of Columbus and supported by the proposed bill, which is control- its kind in Bicolandia, was widely Council of the Laity of the Diocese ling the country’s population so covered in the local media and of Daet. as to protect the interest of the was featured in the Bicol TV Patrol

After the march, participants wealthy nations at the expense News of ABS-CBN. (CBCPNews) C ont r ibute d P hoto Don’t join bandwagon supporting divorce, priest cautions faithful SAN PABLO City―The Philippines doorstep.” Speaker Feliciano Belmonte, a wid- on the side of morality no matter what ended the infamous dictatorship in our should maintain its uniqueness through- Oblepias was reacting to calls from ower, was also quoted as supporting happens. archipelago. out the world of being the only country lawmakers who took advantage of the the move, saying, “It is very difficult to He said “it is good to stand out He also noted that we are the only against divorce, a priest in Laguna said. news that an avid Catholic Malta has let two people who cannot live together uniquely in terms of morality. No to country in the world whose Pamban- “Even if we are the only country in finally approved to legalize divorce in continue to live together.” divorce.” sang Kamao Congressman Emmanuel the world that has not legalized di- their country. Sen. , chair of the Senate “Our uniqueness is a sign of our faith- “Pacman” Pacquiao holds the first ever vorce, it does not mean that we have A daily newspaper quoted Gabriela committee on youth, women and family fulness to Him. Christ is not asking us in boxing history to win an 8th division to join the bandwagon that supports Rep. Luz Ilagan as saying, “Let us not relations, was also quoted as support- of anything. He is just asking us to be boxing Championship. it,” said Fr. Jerry Oblepias, Director keep our country in the dark ages… I ing the proposal “to expand the defini- faithful to Him,” he said. The Philippines is also eternally of the Family Life Ministry of the San appeal to my colleagues in Congress tion of annulment of marriage granted The priest urged fellow Filipinos unique for being the only Christian Pablo Diocese. to let the legislative mill run its course under Philippine law on grounds of not to be afraid of being unique. After nation in the Far East. And there are He said “divorce remains to be part of on the divorce bill without further psychological incapacity.” all, as Filipinos, we are used to being countless other traits which make Fili- the death culture that seeks to destroy delay and give Filipino couples in Oblepias however, was adamant unique in the world. We are the only pinos different from other countries and the family. Once the family is destroyed, irreparable and unhappy marriages in saying that as an independent and country which held the Church-backed the rest of the world, the priest added. degradation of values is surely at the this option.” Catholic nation Filipinos should stand peaceful EDSA People Power which (Fr. Romy Ponte) inaugurate new Mati friary MATI, Davao Oriental―The donors, assisted Alo and Berdon tude to the Lord for turning this friends and benefactors of the Briefing Order of St. Augustine (OSA), in the laying of the cornerstone. dream into a reality. Augustinians. Province of Sto. Nino de Cebu Half of the 20-hectare property Berdon for his part also ex- About seventy percent of the PNoy, JCPC urged to defer sale of Agus, Pulangi plants has inaugurated its newest com- was donated to the Augustinian pressed his gratitude to the bish- perimeter fencing project covering CAGAYAN DE ORO City—The Coalition of Mindanao munity last May 26 in Mati, Order by the heirs of the late Mr. op and the land donors, citing the the twenty-hectare area was already Power Consumers urged President Aquino and the Joint Davao Oriental. Benito Rabat while the other half value of the educational aposto- completed to the ground- Congressional Power Commission (JCPC) to defer the sale or Mati Bishop Patricio H. Alo, was acquired by the Augustinian late of the Augustinian Order as breaking. The construction of the privatization of the Agus and Pulangi Hydro Power Plants DD, and Rev. Fr. Eusebio B. Province of Niño de Cebu the main reason for accepting the friars’ residence will soon start, fol- in Mindanao. In a resolution, the CMPC said that “the best Berdon, OSA, Prior Provincial of through the University of San invitation of the bishop to estab- lowed by the school administration evaluated solution” to the Mindanao power crisis “is not nec- the Santo Nino de Cebu Province, Agustin- Iloilo City. lish an educational institution of building and classrooms. essarily the immediate sale of the aforementioned plants but headed the cutting and This property will hopefully be higher learning in Mati. At present, the friars assigned in the unbundling of the NPC-Mindanao Power Rates in order to the blessing of the corner stone the future site of the Colegio de Present also during the af- the newly established community attract more investors in the generation sector.” (Bong D. Fabe) (capsule burying) during the San Agustin (or the University fair were Rev. Fr. Rommel D. are Fray Efren del Rosario Objaan, groundbreaking ceremony of the of San Agustin – Mati Campus). Par, OSA Assistant General and OSA (House Prior), Fr. Alfonso Federalism pushed to solve Mindanao conflict Friar’s residence. During the program that fol- around 30 friars representing the Dayon Sedurifa, OSA (Sub-Prior), GINGOOG City—Members of the House Committee on Con- The St. Agustin Friary in Mati lowed the groundbreaking, Mrs. different Augustinian Communi- and Rev. Ronald Peñaflorida stitutional Amendments have agreed that the federal form of is the 15th community of the Gayta mentioned that the es- ties in the Philippines. Siaga, OSA (Procurator). government is ripe for implementation in the country and is Augustinians of the Province of tablishment of an educational Other guests who graced the The members of the commu- the needed vehicle for the long-term solution to the so-called Sto. Nino de Cebu. institution in Mati was a dream momentous occasion were priests nity expressed gratitude to all Mindanao conflict. “A shift to the federal form of government Honorable Corazon N. Malan- Bishop Alo had shared with her and from the different the people who supported and is the answer to the issue of autonomy raised by our Muslim yaon, Governor of Davao Orien- father, then mayor of Mati. parishes and religious congre- took part in this historic event of brothers and sisters in Mindanao. But we can only implement tal, and Mati Councilor Glenda She said that her heart was gations, officials from various San Agustin Mati Community. this through Change,” Committee chairperson Rep. Rabat Gayta, one of the land filled with a deep sense of grati- Local Government Units, and (Rev. Ronald P. Siaga, OSA) Loreto Leo Ocampos (2nd District, Misamis Occidental) said. (Bong D. Fabe) Candidly Speaking / A4 Episcopal Church joins Catholics in rejecting RH Bill people more than enlighten them. what these schools have been doing for years. whole and organic, alive, and not a dysfunc- INITAO, Misamis Oriental— The primate of the Territory of The topics and issues discussed there are And we can expect more biases of this type, tional , more dead than alive. Southeast Asia and Europe of the International Communion not anymore merely economic, social or po- since we now hear not only RH, but also di- At the moment, we see a Christianity that of the Charismatic Episcopal Church (ICCEC) urged the flock litical, but do have eminently spiritual and vorce being floated as another issue. We have does not know how to connect conscience with in the Diocese of Northern Mindanao to reject the reproduc- moral implications. There´s a lot of ignorance, reason to suspect then that more issues of this Church magisterium, spiritual life with prayer tive health bill and protect the unborn. Archbishop Loren confusion, outright error and, yes, malice, kind will come—same-sex marriage, abortion, and sacrifice and recourse to sacraments and Thomas Hines said that the issue of the RH Bill is more than insofar as the spiritual and moral dimensions euthanasia, etc. That seems to be trend in the ongoing formations, etc. just a moral or as some sectors say, emotional, issue. “It is a are concerned. world today. So we have to brace ourselves We have to see to it that appropriate struc- spiritual issue and thus the fight for the rights and sanctity of In the current RH debate, for example, I real- for them. tures, both hardware and software, are put up. life is a spiritual battle,” he said. (Bong D. Fabe) ize how deep and extensive are the anti-Church Of course, we have to reinforce the traditional We have to review the programs used in the and anti-religion sentiments of many people, means—basic catechism in parishes, schools radio stations, TV channels, newspapers. We RH bill supporters bankrupt of sensible arguments, including those who were educated by our so- and families. Catholic schools should see to it have to train the right personnel, and inspire priest says called Catholic schools. It makes me wonder that they teach integral Christianity, one that is many to enter into the new technologies. SAN PABLO City―Those who say that Church oppose the reproductive health bill because it would lessen their income Spaces of Hope / A4 from the administration of the sacraments are bankrupt of sensible arguments to justify the bill, said Fr. Jerry Oblepias, Filipino youth can discern the the RH bill with the youth re- is stories that will change minds through media, both traditional Director of the Diocesan Family Life Ministry in Laguna. realities that undergird the is- quires, first of all, creating spaces and hearts. As one branding and new. In short, the Church’s “They could be bankrupt of arguments for saying these base- sues. But this is not all. Once for young people to be informed expert puts it, “There is noth- sword would consist of an overall less and shallow speculations,” he said. (Fr. Romy Ponte) these realities are identified, of the reasonableness of the ing like real-life stories to move communication plan that brings these realizations must be com- Church’s position in order to people. The arguments must hit different groups together for a Manila will not fund contraceptives – Mayor Lim municated effectively. facilitate their acceptance of such the gut to be persuasive. Ratio- united front. MANILA—The city government of Manila has never and will In the case of the RH bill, GKN position. This can be through nal arguments will only add But the engagement should not not spend even a single centavo on contraceptives, Mayor is of the opinion that the promo- face-to-face meetings and the to the debate which cannot be rise and fall with the RH bill for said. Lim said he would instead allot the city tion of a contraceptive mentality use of blogs, the YouTube, Face- resolved. Stories. Stories. Stories. promoting life should be proac- government’s limited funds to education and basic services. is a dominant spirit in the RH bill. book, and other forms of social There is power there.” tive and continuing. But this is “We never bought contraceptives and we will never use the This mentality deserves to be re- networking. It also maximizes Of course, these efforts must another story. city funds for it,” he said. (CBCPNews) vealed for the evil that it really is. the use of stories. Principles and be reinforced by creating me- I thank God for my senior mo- Cutting the Gordian Knot of data are certainly needed but it dia materials for disseminating ment in CDO.

Tidbits / A5 Duc in Altum / A5 and facts of life, and of the will to love came from God, he too has to return to prayer for special intention for the life from conception to natural death. We the cause of life. the good and the beautiful. This God Him. But as he was endowed with the dismissal of RH Bill. Let us lead our pray for your divine We make our prayer through Christ our communes with man. He is a God of freedom of choice, he can attain only family, officemates and neighbors in healing, comfort and peace for all affected Lord. Amen! history—a God who not only hears that purpose of his life by choosing the this prayer. by past abortions. the cry of the poor, but had left His good and avoiding evil. By that, he is Help us serve actively in alleviating the Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us! throne in heaven and became man in made responsible for all the decisions Oratio Imperata for the Respect of all sufferings and troubles Rosa of Lima, pray for us! Jesus Christ, taking everything human and actions that he has done to his life, Human Life of all women with pregnancy problems. We Saint , pray for us! unto Himself except sin. His purpose to render account to the Creator, and pray that all our is to free man from sin, the curse of be judged accordingly. God, our loving Father, Creator and lover leaders and legislators may be guided by *** suffering and death. To do that He It is this kind of world-view that of all life, You the grace of the Birthday greetings go to my accepted His own death, a death that gives our lay faithful courage and per- fashioned in your own image and likeness Holy Spirit to act responsibly on this critical Benito, Bishop Jesse Mercado, Fr. is ignominious, death on the cross (cf. severance to stand up in defense of the every human person. present issue. Robert Ramos, Merle Desiderio, Marie Ph2: 6-8). In this world-view man is to Catholic faith. The Church is deeply Give us the strength and courage to defend Perez, Fe Abina, Boy Marcelo and Man live here on earth with a purpose. As he proud of them. and protect human Mary, our loving Mother, to you we entrust Caballero. CBCP Monitor A8 Vol. 15 No. 12 People, Facts & Places June 6 - 19, 2011 Blessed JP2 special stamps issued in PH THE Philippine Postal Corpora- tion has issued on Monday a Jescom Music limited edition of Blessed Pope John Paul II stamps. The stamps have a denomi- ministry marks 25th nation of P7.00 and quantity of 140,000 pieces. Also issued is a souvenir sheet with a denomi- year with recollection nation of P40.00 and quantity of 7,000 pieces. The First Day JESUIT Communications is celebrating Cover includes the block of four its 25th anniversary in the music ministry stamps. with a choir recollection at the Chapel of the The papal stamps feature his Eucharistic Lord, SM Megamall on June 11. pastoral visits in the Philippines The event, dubbed as an “afternoon of and the millions of Filipinos who friendship and camaraderie” and of “rekin- gathered to welcome him. dling the commitment” to the music ministry “Usually the first day of issue will actually start at 10:00 am and will go on of the stamps of a particular until 4:00 pm. person, places or event has a Bro. Atoy Salazar, SJ, Director of the Jesuit special interest among collec- Music Ministry, and Fr. Manoling Francisco, tors,” information officer Alvin SJ, will guide the recollection while Hangad Fidelson said. and Bukas Palad will lead the participants Stamps enthusiasts and col- in song and prayer. The recollection will lectors may avail of the stamps culminate with a Holy Mass in the afternoon. at the Postage and Philatelic Participants will be issued tickets for Department located at the his- P50.00 donation to help defray cost of recol- toric Manila Central Post Office lection materials and ensure a comfortable Building in Liwasang Bonifacio. seating arrangement. John Paul II passed away on Tickets will be available at Tanging Yaman April 2, 2005, and was beatified outlets at the 5th level of SM Megamall, Loyola in Rome last May 1 before an House of Studies, and Jesuit Communications. estimated 1.5 million pilgrims Interested individuals may also log on to from around the world., connect with organiz- Since his death, thousands of ers on social networking sites (www.facebook. people have been supporting com/bukaspalad and the call for his beatification and bukaspalad), email at [email protected], sainthood. (CBCPNews) Photo courtesy of Philpost or text/call +63916-5759798. (CBCPNews) Pauline Juniors tackle commitment, collaboration in annual assembly THIRTY-THREE temporary professed help a religious live a balanced and members of the Pauline Family gath- integrated life, both among peers and ered for their 2nd Pauline Juniors’ Con- the people they serve. ference last May 23-25, aimed to deepen He also said that a climate of safety their commitment as young Paulines and freedom is created when one lives working in, for and with the Church. within the parameters of his/her com- The assembly was also an opportune mitment as a consecrated person. time for the young Paulines and their Peñaredonda meanwhile, expounded formators to cultivate the friendship on Pauline mentality and spirituality and the spirit of collaboration that char- through her talk, “Soul and Body for acterize their being brothers and sisters Evangelization,” guiding the Juniors in in the Pauline Family. affirming their dedication and commit- The Pauline Juniors were composed ment to the as an expression of the Society of Saint Paul, Daughters of their authentic love for God. of Saint Paul, Pious Disciples of the Di- She invited the Juniors to constantly vine Master and Sisters of Jesus Good cultivate a life of interiority, by allowing Shepherd, four of ten Institutes founded the spirit of St. Paul to lead them into C ont r ibute d P hoto by Blessed James Alberione. being happy Paulines and to possessing Participants took for their theme the Vinoya conducted a seminar-work- work with the youth, and c) the youth titled “Navigating through Ministerial the spirit of Christ as he did during his words of Blessed John Paul II: “Meet shop on “The Reality of the Youth To- themselves. She also highlighted several Boundaries” aimed to guide the young lifetime. Christ Who Gladdens Your Youth” on day” aimed to strengthen the Juniors’ coordinates for a critical reading of the Paulines in learning about ministe- The Shepherdess sister also facilitated which the seminar-workshop given living of the Pauline charism and mu- youth that are helpful for accompani- rial boundaries and on what makes for the “Circles of Love” activity where the during this three-day conference fo- tual understanding and friendship that ment of the youth. The talk served as healthy and holy ministerial relation- Juniors affirmed each other about his/ cused. characterize their being Paulines. an eye-opener for the Juniors about the ships. her giftedness as a Pauline. The three-day assembly had Pau- She also discussed the world and context of the youth they are minister- Gamutan stressed the importance of The three-day conference was held line formators as speakers: Sr. Noemi language of the contemporary youth ing to through their specific charism in maintaining boundaries as a form of in the various Institutes of the Pauline Vinoya, FSP, Sr. Narci Peñaredonda, from the viewpoints of a) scientific re- the Pauline Family. accountability to the people we serve. Family in Manila area. (Sr. Maria Jose SJBP and Fr. Alan Gamutan, SSP. search, b) the experience of those who For his part, Gamutan gave an input According to him, good boundaries Lorilla, FSP) Church ensures Pinoy WYD Markings delegates return home THE Catholic Bishops’ Confer- “not just to become tourists.” INSTALLED. Fr. Jean Rollin Marie Flores, SSP was installed as parish priest ence of the Philippines (CBCP) is “They can also be screened of the Our Lady of Sorrows Parish by Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal ensuring that Filipino delegates based on their involvement in Rosales on May 29, 2011. Fr. Flores is a member of the Congregation of their communities,” Garganta the Society of St. Paul, whose apostolic ministry is evangelization through to the upcoming World Youth the means of social communication. Day (WYD) celebration in Spain said. would return home. The ECY is assisting Church- CELEBRATED. Nine members of the Society of the Divine Word (Central based applicants in their docu- Province), one of them a former diocesan priest have professed their final CBCP’s Episcopal Commis- vows at the Divine Word Seminary in Tagaytay City last Sunday, May 22, sion on Youth (ECY) said there ments and acting as the “visa 2011. Bangued Bishop Leopoldo Jaucian, SVD was main celebrant during are about 436 youth from various coordinator” with an endorse- the Eucharistic celebration while Fr. Jimenez, SVD accepted the vows. Those ment by its chairman, Bishop who professed their perpetual vows were Sherwin Tristan Aromin, Binmaley, dioceses whose applications are Pangasinan; Louie Chris Gregorio, ; John Paul Marquez, , “being screened” by the Church. Joel Baylon of Legazpi. Pangasinan; Reniel Nachimma, Mayoyao, Ifugao; Sedfrey Nebres, Legazpi Fr. Conegundo Garganta, ECY “It is us who will be asked by City; Gilbert Razon, Digos Davao del Sur; Peter Tran, Vietnam; John Mark the (Spanish) consulate [on] the Veloso, Tagbilaran City; and Fr. Peter Li Mei from China.The newly-professed executive secretary, revealed missionaries are awaiting their first-ever mission assignments. that around 1,500 youths more standing of the participants so have signed for WYD but they it’s really a huge responsibility,” CONFERRED. The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has conferred the already belong to other groups. Garganta added. Ecclesiastical of the Order of St. Sylvester to nine illustrious Cebuanas, distinguished by their works of charity and long service to the As far as the Church is con- “So it is very important for us Church. Anita Cabinian, Julia Gandionco, Rosa Maria Garcia, Con- cerned, he said the ECY is follow- to ensure the sincerity of those chita Go, Lourdes Jereza, Lourdes Vilma Lee, Anita Sanchez, Alita Solon and ing the usual procedures of ensur- who will be going to Madrid,” Mariquita Yeung were conferred the papal award for their selfless service he reiterated. to the Church and the underprivileged during ceremonies held at the Cebu ing the applicants’ “real intention” The Church official acknowl- Metropolitan Cathedral on May 25, 2011. in joining the celebration. Photo courtesy of ECY “Our part is more on deter- edged that some Filipino del- DIED. Fr. Ariel Sumpay, 38, of cardiac arrest, May 13, 2011. Fr. Sumpay egates did not return from the was the parish priest of Nuestra Señora de Salvacion Parish in Banga mining that their participation in their parishes or dioceses. August 15-21 is not just limited Caves, Ragay, Camarines Sur in the Diocese of Libmanan at the time of is really meant for that purpose “Their documents should re- to those who are active in the 2002 celebration in and his death. His body was found afloat the waters around Daruanak Island to celebrate and share faith,” ally satisfy their objective and Church. Germany in 2005. in Pasacao. According to Diocese of Libmanan website, Sumpay was with Garganta added the Spanish the staff of Caritas Diocese of Libmanan (CDL) learning the rudiments of Garganta said. intention in joining the actual According to him, what is re- diving in relation with CDL’s current ECC-sponsored Coastal Resource For instance, he said, one way celebration,” Garganta said. ally important is the applicant’s consulate has set June 30 as the Management, when the event happened. of doing it is by looking at the ap- But the CBCP official said the “groundedness” in their inten- deadline for all visa applications. plicants’ “level of involvement” WYD celebration in Madrid on tion to join the gathering and (CBCPNews) Daet youth sign manifesto against RH Bill Swiss leaders hold training YOUTH delegates to the annual Diocesan and the rights of the unborn child.” The manifesto titled “Statement of the for Chiro counterparts Youth Day held in Daet have added their The delegates identified the problems Youth of the Diocese of Daet on RH Bill,” was opposition to the RH Bill by signing a state- present in the pending bill, namely: viola- signed by all the delegates and turned over THE Chiro leaders from Hoho Rocksaroonie”, based on ment rejecting the proposed measure being tion of the value of life; violation of moral to the Representatives of the two districts of had a trainers’ training with the story of Chiri Hoho Rock- deliberated in Congress. values and principles; and a violation of Camarines Norte. their Swiss counterparts in saroonie, a sad clown who is A total of 490 delegates representing 18 the younger generation’s value for true Themed “Tayo Tayo” (Let Us Stand), the Silang, last May 19-22 in looking for happiness. parishes and four quasi-parishes of Daet freedom. celebration also coincided with the theme preparation for the 60th anniver- Pascal Vonlanthen and Erich diocese met on April 28 to 30 to hold the They also expressed concern on the effect of the CBCP Year of the Youth: “Stand Firm sary of Chiro Philippines in 2012 Schwyter, leaders from Jung- annual diocesan youth day and celebrate the of the RH bill on their own future and of the in Faith, Do All Your Works in Love (1 Cor. Chiro will celebrate its 60 wacht and Blauring (JuBla) in CBCP Year of the Youth. coming generations. 16: 13-14).” years of existence in the country Switzerland taught Chiro lead- Through the statement, the youth ap- The youth asked the president and mem- The three-day event was highlighted by next year by holding a national ers from Northern and Southern pealed to the “legislators to abandon the con- bers of Congress and Senate to listen to the signing of the manifesto and the conclud- camp in Baguio City from April Luzon about risk management, troversial and faulty Reproductive Health their words, even as they appeal to “love us ing Eucharistic celebration presided over by 28 to May 1. The nationwide public relations, and group lead- Bill and strongly endorse (only) those bills genuinely, fight for our future unselfishly Rev. Fr. Ronald Bardon, the Diocesan Youth gathering is themed “Chiri ership. (Jandel Posion) and resolutions that uphold and protect life and let us live freely.” Director. (CBCPNews) CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 B1 June 6 - 19, 2011 Pastoral Concerns ‘Promote the Good of Every Man and of the Whole Man’ (Address delivered by Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Holy See’s permanent representative to the U.N. offices in Geneva at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries [LDC-IV]; held May 9-13 in Istanbul.)

Mr. President, still millions who have little or no access who are entering the employment sector. by the presence of such actors as corpo- at an affordable price in case of shock and 1. The LDCs’ development paradigm to the goods and benefits that develop- In LDCs for example, the agricultural rations, private foundations and private they can play a moderating role against implemented over the past years has ment offers. An honest evaluation of the value added for workers rose three times investors. There is, we believe, a need and the volatility of local prices. proven ineffective. Since the early 2000s progress that has been made is reflected in more slowly than the GDP per capita over room for all of these actors for they can The “developmental state” plays a the continued growth (7% per year from the words of the Holy Father who writes the last 20 years. At the same time, LDCs’ bring different perspectives, modes of unique and key role in the development 2002 to 2007) in many LDCs has not trans- that “...progress, remains an open ques- dependence on imported food commodi- operating and can thereby make unique of a country and with other regional and lated into an improved situation for the tion, made all the more acute and urgent ties has greatly increased (multiplied by contributions to the development that is international authorities is expected to people. The number of very poor people by the current economic and financial 3 between 2000 and 2008). As a result it is needed in LDCs. coordinate appropriate and constructive has actually increased (more than 3 mil- crisis. If some areas of the globe, with among the 2.5 billion people dependent In this environment, however, the role plans. In addition to the tasks already lion per year from 2002 to 2007). In 2007, a history of poverty, have experienced on agriculture for their daily sustenance of the state and of regional, international mentioned above, the responsibility of 59% of the population in African LDCs remarkable changes in terms of their that one finds most of the people who and global authorities is critical and must mobilizing the domestic resources that was living on less than USD 1.25 per day. economic growth and their share in world suffer from malnutrition and hunger. be supported and respected. Combined are regarded as a critical component 2. Currently the growth in many of production, other zones are still living in Any growth model that is adopted with the Catholic perspective on the re- of stable financing for government these countries comes primarily from a situation of deprivation comparable to therefore must recognize and strengthen sponsibility of the state to guarantee the priorities and development needs has the exploitation and export of natural that which existed at the time of Paul VI, the central role of agriculture in economic public order and promote the common been identified as essential. This is a resources, especially mineral reserves, and in some cases one can even speak of activity; thereby reducing malnutrition in good, these bodies must play a pivotal tedious and complicated undertaking, while growth across other sectors is not a deterioration.”2 rural areas and increasing production per role in orchestrating and directing LDC especially where no basic framework or robust or consistent. Unfortunately the In numerous other evaluations, in- person in order to enhance local, regional development. This can be especially infrastructure exists to advance such an growth that is realized in the extractives cluding the aforementioned UNCTAD or national food independence. challenging in a post-conflict context and objective. Alongside the other resources sector is the subject of many controversies report, we have been reminded that a Investments to improve productivity especially so in a “failed state” situation. like FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), on revenue distribution and local commu- comprehensive and inclusive framework are required in the areas of seeds, train- The teaching of our tradition, when ODA (Official Development Assistance) nity impact, and only creates a significant for international development is essential ing, sharing of tools for cultivation and it comes to the responsibility of govern- and remittances from local citizens work- number of jobs ments to enact the legal framework and ing abroad, these domestic resources will in the explor- rules so that financial and commercial play an essential role in any development atory and build activities fulfill their social purpose and plan. up phase of the function smoothly, has consistently Corporations: The presence of private project but very asserted a positive role for a limited corporations in communities, societies few that are government, that is neither libertarian and countries continues to grow and long term. This or collectivist. It became clear during they have a far reaching impact wher- correlates with the 2008 financial crisis that the market ever they are located. Their influence ILO research does not naturally contain in itself the on development, depending on their that shows the ingredients for an automatic correction size and footprint, in local communities labor force in of errors and would have led to a collapse and across broad sections of society can LDC countries of the financial and economic system if be significant and should be monitored increasing by the states had not acted. The rescue of and evaluated by the state. They should 2.5% per year the banks, necessary as it has been, did also be expected to fulfill their obligations but the op- not prevent the painful impact of the as good corporate citizens by keeping portunities for crisis on the population since ultimately in mind according to the Holy Father employment the correction of the market’s vagaries is that, “business management cannot are not com- carried out to the detriment of popula- concern itself only with the interests of mensurate with tions, states have a duty to intervene the proprietors, but must also assume re- either the ro- pre-emptively to avoid such suffering. sponsibility for all the other stakeholders bust growth or “The articulation of political authority at who contribute to the life of the business: the demand for the local, national and international levels the workers, the clients, the suppliers employment. is one of the best ways of giving direction of various elements of production, the The impact of to the process of economic globalization. community of reference.”7 these limited It is also the way to ensure that it does Private Finance and Development; The employment not actually undermine the foundations presence of private finance institutions opportunities of democracy”. and actors, such as private equity and is experienced While recognizing the benefits of hedge funds, in countries and regions particularly by free trade to promote development and across the world continues to increase. the young and therefore the urgency to close the gap Facilitated by the continued expansion those who are and integration entering the of all aspects of work force for the first time. The success if any enduring results are to be achieved. of the means for marketing. Structural the global finan- stories are found in countries that have In the Catholic Social Teaching tradition changes are also demanded according cial system, their created some productive capacities such the pillars for such framework have been to the specificity of individual states. presence pres- as horticulture, in the cases of Uganda and identified as follows: respect for human For example, we must ensure security ents a unique Ethiopia. Ghana and Kenya that are not dignity; protection of human rights; care of land tenure for farmers, especially for set of challenges LDCs have also shown good performance of creation; participation in community, those with small landholdings. The cus- in LDCs. It is in this area. subsidiarity and solidarity. Other pillars tomary right of land ownership may be important that 3. The analysis of this current reality in that are judged to be constitutive of an reconsidered. A clear property right gives LDCs be in a po- the LDC group has led UNCTAD, in its integral development plan are education; the farmer the opportunity to pledge his sition to benefit Least Developed Countries Report 2010, natural resource exploitation; agriculture; land in exchange for seasonal credit to from their pres- to propose a new international develop- manufacturing; trade; financial services; purchase necessary inputs. In addition, ence and assure ment architecture that calls for a more infrastructure and technology. the aim of land tenure has now become that their activi- comprehensive approach to the chal- As we continue to reflect on the specific increasingly important in the face of the ties are making lenges of development. It should be noted challenges which development presents expansion of the phenomenon of land a contribution to that at the session of the UNCTAD’s Trade in LDCs it remains imperative that these grabbing. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 80% of lasting develop- Development Board (TDB) dedicated to pillars serve as a guide in our efforts to the land is occupied by poor who have ment. LDCs, the majority of the groups were in promote and sustain an approach to no land title. Once again favor of the proposed new international development that is integral and authen- Across all sectors of society from agri- Pope Benedict architecture for development. Several tically human.3 culture to manufacturing to delivery of reminds all ac- groups also insisted on the need to include 5. The second theme deals with the services we must remember that decent tors in this space specific considerations for post conflict kind of growth necessary for ‘integral work “expresses the essential dignity of and this applies management situations, the reconstruc- human development”. every man and woman in the context of especially to tion of infrastructures and agricultural Any approach to the challenge of their particular society: work that is freely those investors production, while others have insisted development must recognize that “the chosen, effectively associating workers, in LDCs that, that regional approaches to these issues development of individuals and peoples both men and women, with the develop- “What should be be considered. depends partly on the resolution of prob- ment of their community.”5 Work is not a avoided is a spec- The Holy See supports this new ap- lems of a spiritual nature. Development commodity. Decent work gives everyone ulative use of fi- proach and will focus its intervention must include not just material growth the opportunity to use his own talents and nancial resources on three themes. but also spiritual growth”.4 Too often the to be creative; it is a motor of sustainable that yields to 4. The first theme looks at the Pillars of use of quantifiable metrics and economic growth at the service of the common good the temptation “integral human development”. criteria to measure such realities as gross and so it must be a central objective of of seeking only In the encyclical letter “Caritas in domestic product or the narrow horizon the new architecture. The final goal, then, short-term profit, Veritate” that was released on 7 July of stock market growth fails to capture the is the creation of a “work that makes it without regard 2009, Pope Benedict XVI reviews the full measure of what it means to be hu- possible for families to meet their needs for the long-term foundational teaching on development man, fails to appreciate the transcendent and provide schooling for their children, sustainability of that was presented in the encyclical let- dimension of the person and therefore without the children themselves being the enterprise, ter of Pope Paul VI, “On the Progress of what it takes to promote the development forced into labor; work that permits the in the Doha Development Round, the its benefit to the real economy and at- Peoples (Populorum Progressio)” in 1967: of the whole person. workers to organize themselves freely, implementation of the commitments to tention to the advancement, in suitable “development cannot be limited to mere Growth therefore that promotes “in- and to make their voices heard; work introduce duty free, quota free access to and appropriate ways, of further eco- economic growth. In order to be authen- tegral human development” is one that that leaves enough room for rediscov- the market for the LDCs should be accom- nomic initiatives in countries in need of tic, it must be complete: integral, that is, is inclusive of the pillars already men- ering one’s roots at a personal, familial panied by adequate measures to protect development. It is true that the export it has to promote the good of every man tioned above and evaluated by how well and spiritual level; work that guarantees farmers against price volatility which of investments and skills can benefit the and of the whole man.”1 It is important it promotes sustainable development those who have retired a decent standard has a strong impact on food security for populations of the receiving country. that we recall this foundational teaching and communities, creates decent jobs, of living.”6 several reasons: high prices make food Labour and technical knowledge are on the nature of development and recover alleviates people’s poverty and protects 6. The third theme to be kept in mind is unaffordable for the poor and temporar- a universal good. Yet it is not right to its central truth as we reflect on the specific the environment. A model of growth the role of the State in promoting “integral ily low prices give farmers the incorrect export these things merely for the sake challenges that the LDCs present at this that includes these objectives will build human development”. information on needed seedlings after of obtaining advantageous conditions, ministerial conference. a domestic economic and commercial The number of institutions, agents harvest for the following year. To pre- or worse, for purposes of exploitation, Since 1967 numerous theories and cycle that is sustainable, respects the and actors in the development space has vent price volatility or at least weaken without making a real contribution to approaches to development have been environment and promotes develop- increased exponentially over the years. its impact, local food crops need to be local society by helping to bring about a proposed and tested and this has resulted ment. Among the necessary elements in The official development commitments protected against sudden disruptions robust productive and social system, an in a much deeper understanding of the this growth model, especially in LDCs, of governments alongside those of volun- in international prices. For example, the essential factor for stable development.”8 complex and evolving challenges that are a vibrant agriculture sector and job tary organizations have been substantial establishment of regional stockpiles of 7. Conclusion any consideration of this topic presents. creation across a number of sectors that during that time. They have now been raw food (cereals, oil, sugar) can have a In conclusion, Mr. President, LDCs con- It remains however true that there are will engage the large number of people joined and in some instances are dwarfed twofold benefit: these stocks can be sold Promote / B7 CBCP Monitor B2 Vol. 15 No. 12 Updates June 6 - 19, 2011 The Canonical Imperatives of Priestly Sanctity (Part I) By Fr. Jaime Blanco proper conduct, leaving it to each perfection—followed by five organization of cooperatives, Sacraments. Following is just a provision specifies further the Achacoso, J.C.D. faithful to make responsible use numbers outlining a set of vital education in NFP). summary. availability of clerics for pastoral of his freedom to act accordingly, duties for clerics. In other words, Properly speaking, the pastoral assignments by limiting their Canon Law stipulates what is what follows is not just a set of function consists in exercising A. General Provisions: absence from the diocese. Introduction juridically binding and hence desiderata, but rather a set of the tria munera Christi, which 1) General availability for Indeed, it would be much The universal theme of the owed if not outright enforceable. norms which clerics must follow can be summed up principally pastoral assignments: Unless more difficult for clerics to fall Year for Priests, launched by In short, Canon Law adds the note if they are to fulfill the juridical in delivering the salvific means they are excused by a legitimate into unhealthy activism—with Pope Benedict XVI on 19 June of exigency to the desideratum of obligation to pursue holiness set entrusted by Christ to the impediment, clerics are bound initiatives that are not strictly 2009 was: Faithfulness of Christ, priestly holiness. by c.276, §1. Church—i.e., the Word of God to undertake and faithfully pastoral—were their presence Faithfulness of Priests. That The Code of Canon Law In this issue and succeeding and the Sacraments. In other fulfill a duty which has been in their own ecclesiastical entire year was a wonderful expresses this in a general way two issues of the CBCP Monitor, words, it would imply a serious entrusted to them by their circumscriptions more strictly occasion for the whole Church in c.276: I propose to tackles these five impoverishment of the person Ordinary (c.274, §2). More than enforced. to reflect on the identity and Can.276, — §1. In leading their paragraphs of c.276, §2, which and mission of the priest, not specifying any task, this norm 3) Prohibition from assuming ministry of priests, which is lives clerics are especially bound I refer to as the Canonical to say of the Church herself, to binds the cleric to undertake public office: Clerics are forbidden none other than the identity and to pursue holiness because they Imperatives of Priestly Sanctity. reduce their spiritual mission to and faithfully fulfill—i.e., carry to assume public offices which ministry of our Savior and Lord, are consecrated to God by a new merely material tasks. out and faithfully execute to entail a participation in the Jesus Christ himself. Allow me to title in the reception of orders as 1st Imperative With this I do not in any way completion—any and all pastoral exercise of civil power (c.285, §3). recall at the outset what is specific dispensers of God’s mysteries in Can.276, §2 — 1º First of all, deny either the timeliness or assignments entrusted to him by The relevance of this norm to the in the sacramental character the service of His people. they are faithfully and untiringly utility of many works aimed at his bishop. canonical imperative in question received in : not only is quite clear: The cleric cannot a participation in the priesthood give his 100% dedication to the of Jesus Christ (which is proper to pastoral ministry, were he to also the universal or royal priesthood participate in the exercise of civil of all Christ’s faithful), but government. rather a configuration inpersona For the priest, the Lord’s Christi capitis, which therefore mandate to render unto Caesar constitutes the priest in a sacred what is Caesar’s and to God what minister—alter Christus, ipse is God’s takes on an absolute Christus—in the midst of the value: The priest simply owes community of believers, at the 100% of his potencies to God and service of and in order to nourish his Church. Aside from strictly the of all pastoral duties, the priest simply the faithful. As Bl. John Paul has no other time or energy for II explained in much else. , n.14: “For the sake of this 4) Prohibition from engaging universal priesthood of the new in business: Clerics are forbidden covenant Jesus gathered disciples personally or through others to during his earthly mission (cf. Lk. conduct business or trade either 10:1-12), and with a specific and for their own benefit or that of authoritative mandate he called others, without the permission and appointed the Twelve ‘to of legitimate ecclesiastical be with him, and to be sent out authority (c.286). It is interesting to preach and have authority to to note that the prohibition is cast out demons’ (Mk. 3:14-15).” quite all-encompassing: neither However, that entire year’s personally nor through others, reflection might very well be neither for their own benefit an exercise in futility, were it to nor for other (i.e., not even for be left precisely at the level of their flock). speculative thought. In effect, The logic again is quite simple: there is abundant literature on a priest is ordained for pastoral the life and ministry of priests— tasks—the tria munera Christi— from charming biographies like and not for other activities, unless those of the Curé d’Ars himself to o legitimate authority permits treatises like those of Alphonsus (obviously for special reasons). Ligouri; from Papal Exhortations (To be continued) F i l e p ho t like Pastores dabo vobis to veritable Instructions like the Directory on One observes that by itself, to fulfill the duties of pastoral alleviating the socio-economic, In effect, one cannot help but the Life and Ministry of Priests. c.276, §1 may be doomed to go ministry. political or even medical wonder if the aforementioned NOTES: the way of many well-meaning Before going any further, I conditions of the people, carried cases of wayward initiatives of Despite all these, however, 1 but ineffective pastoral initiatives think it is important to clarify out by ecclesiastical organizations individual priests could have John Paul II, Post-Synodal Exhortation, there continues to be glaring Pastores dabo vobis, 25.III.1992. To my manifestations of lack of priestly and guidelines. Staying within the concept of pastoral ministry. with the help of the Hierarchy. prospered had they been totally mind, this is one of the best syntheses of holiness, not just in the past but that section, one remains in the In effect, under the guise of What I want to do is to point consumed by assignments of a the Conciliar doctrine on the identity and even in the very year that was level of a desideratum, or in more pastoral ministry, almost out the danger of substituting genuinely pastoral nature from mission of priests. supposedly dedicated to foster juridical terms a pretension. Such every conceivable initiative the genuine pastoral function of their legitimate hierarchical 2Congregation for the Clergy, Directory on priestly sanctity and fidelity. pretension needs to be articulated has been taken up by ordained the clerics with other charitable superiors. the Ministry and Life of Priests, 31.I.1994. into enforceable norms. Put ministers—ranging from works works, thereby confusing the 2) Duty of residence: Even if I consider this as the best little manual for Hence, the importance of the life and ministry of priests, a veritable Canon Law. Because Canon another way, the pretension of of purely material beneficence priestly mission of the Pastors they do not have a residential vademecum specifically for the secular Law begins where theology priestly holiness needs to be (e.g., relief of calamity victims) with that of the faithful in general. office, clerics nevertheless are not clergy who many times suffer precisely ends—i.e., in the level of due if spelled out into a set of normative to socio-political and economic The Code of Canon Law spells to leave their diocese for a notable from a lack of specifically secular spirituality, conduct. initiatives (e.g., education for out this particular imperative period of time, to be determined as compared to the members of religious not enforceable human conduct. orders or societies of apostolic life who Whereas moral, sacramental This is what c.276, §2 sets the upcoming elections, parish- abundantly, both in general by particular law, without at least enjoy well-defined norms and means of and even pastoral theology can out to do, clearly stating: In based mechanisms for the provisions and as regards the the presumed permission of their ongoing formation that safeguard fidelity only indicate what is fitting and order for them to pursue this protection of the electoral process, administration of each of the proper Ordinary (c.283, §1). This to their vocation. Criteria for preparing the altar (Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university, answers the following query:)

Q: In our archdiocese there is no uni- altar cloth with another simple cloth or The crucifix should be placed upon cross is large enough, it may double as an served in the decoration of the altar. formity in the way the altar is prepared cover so as to keep it clean at all times. the altar or near it (see GIRM, No. 308). altar cross. Should there be a fixed cross During Advent the floral decoration or laid out for liturgical celebrations. If desired and useful, another cloth may The cross should be large enough to be in the sanctuary, the processional cross of the altar should be marked by a In some cases, the altar is dressed as a also be placed underneath the altar cloth. visible to the faithful. In general, there is placed out of view after the moderation suited to the character of conference table; in others, the stone These undercloths may be of a different should be only one crucifix in the altar . this season, without expressing pre- is never seen the whole year round, color and of a heavier textile than the area. Benedict XVI has promoted the Two, four or six candles may be placed maturely the full joy of the Nativity of with the exception of Holy Thursday altar cloth. This helps avoid creases and practice of placing the cross at the center near or upon the altar (GIRM, No. 307). the Lord. During Lent it is forbidden when it is stripped. My question is: gives Seven for the altar to be decorated with flow- How should the altar for liturgical greater may be ers. Laetare Sunday (Fourth Sunday celebration be arranged?—V.A.F., stability used if of Lent), Solemnities, and Feasts are Bamenda, Cameroon to the al- the di- exceptions. Floral decorations should tar cloth. ocesan always be done with moderation and A: Total uniformity is probably not It is bishop placed around the altar rather than possible—and maybe not even desir- also a cel- on its mensa.” able. In the first place, the missal itself possible ebrates Regarding other elements neces- offers several legitimate options, and to use Mass. sary for Mass, No. 306 of the GIRM second, the most appropriate layout an an- The can- gives the overarching principle: depends on such factors as the size of tepen- dles may “Only what is required for the celebra- the altar and sanctuary area as well dium, be ar- tion of the Mass may be placed on the as the possibilities of each parish. I or fron- ranged mensa of the altar: namely, from the will attempt to illustrate the various tal. This in sever- beginning of the celebration until the possibilities so that at least a common cloth al ways, proclamation of the Gospel, the Book denominator can be established. usually but they of the Gospels; then from the Presenta- The altar should be covered by at comes should tion of the Gifts until the purification least one white altar cloth (see the to the not ob- of the vessels, the chalice with the General Instruction of the Roman ground scure the paten, a ciborium if necessary, and, Missal, No. 304). It should at the very in front view of finally, the corporal, the purificator, least cover the entire top of the altar of the al- the ritu- the pall, and the Missal. In addition, table and preferably hang down on tar. It is al action microphones that may be needed to either side. It may also have a hanging usually on the amplify the priest’s voice should be fringe on the front and/or back of the a good- altar. In arranged discreetly.” altar, but this is not obligatory. It may quality some Therefore, it is not good liturgical be plain or adorned, in accordance fabric places practice to leave the corporal, missal, with local tradition. If other cloths and the cus- microphone, etc., habitually upon are used, then the white altar cloth often tom has the altar. is always the uppermost one. embroi- devel- We have not been able to offer our This cloth is obligatory for Mass and dered oped reader a uniform criterion for the ar-

may be removed after the celebration. with li- of us- rangement of the altar, but then this However, it is probably best to reserve turgical ing two lack of total uniformity is something the symbol of the stripped altar for symbols. It may be white or the color of of the altar between the priest and the candles for weekday Masses, four for contemplated by the Church herself. Holy Thursday and , and the liturgical season. Its use would not people, but the present norms do not feasts, and six for Sundays, solemnities We hope that what we have offered for this reason it is best to leave the normally be recommendable if the altar require this position. It is also possible and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. will at least offer some guidance altar cloth habitually upon the altar. is itself a significant work of art that is to suspend the crucifix above the altar or With respect to flowers, GIRM, No. in removing obviously erroneous Outside of Mass it is good to cover the best left exposed. on the wall behind it. If the processional 305, says: “Moderation should be ob- practices. B3

CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 B3 June 6 - 19, 2011 Features

(Starting this issue, this section will serialize the ALFI RH Issue Papers of the ALLiance for the FAMILY Foundation, Inc.―Eds)

The Demographic Issue ALFI RH Issue Papers #1 o F i l e Pho t

HB 4244, Section 3, Guiding Principles, (j) be imposed on parents having more than (average exponential growth rate) used blames this on the absence of a population not have any population policy fertility There shall be no demographic or population two children. by the UN the Philippine population policy in our country. How then do they rate went down by more than 50%. What targets and the mitigation of the population In Section 20 of the proposed bill when growth for 2010-2015 the Philippine account for the decline in population could be the possible explanation for this growth rate is incidental to the promotion of the proponents identify two children growth rate is down to 1.68%. Why does growth from 3.54% in the 1950s to fall? reproductive health and sustainable human as the ideal family size, they belie NSCB use an estimation method different the current growth of development. their claim that their bill from the standard used 1.6%? This attempt to deny population targets is not a population control by the UN? Could this be It would seem that is contradicted by the provision that legislation. Repeatedly intended to confuse people the insistence of HB defines the two-child as ideal family size. they emphasize that the and bolster the claim that 4244 that couples be This policy statement will ultimately be population growth of the the Philippines has a high given Reproductive translated as a target to field workers. Philippines is too high, the population growth? The UN Health assistance is Section 20, Ideal Family Size. – The family size is too large and World Population Prospects based on the claim State shall assist couples, parents and that the population of the 2010 Revision show a very that fertility in the individuals to achieve their desired family Philippines is too large. substantial decline from Philippines remains size within the context of responsible The NSCB website the 3.54% of the 1950-1955 high. NSCB estimated parenthood for sustainable development estimates the average period to the current rate Total Fertility rate for 1958-1962 to be 7.09 What is even more surprising is and encourage them to have two children annual rate of increase of 1.68%. The proponents children per woman and for 2006 this was that when we look at NSCB estimates as the ideal family size. Attaining the of population for 2007 of the HB 4244 claim that estimated to be down to 3.20 children per on Contraceptive Prevalence Rates ideal family size is neither mandatory as 2.07%. But using the the Philippines has a high woman. This would mean that during (the % of currently married women nor compulsory. No punitive action shall standard computation population growth and the entire period that the Philippines did Demographic / B5 Women’s Rights ALFI RH Issue Papers #2

HB 4244, Section 2. Declaration blood pressure, blood clots, of Policy, paragraph 2 states: stroke, heart attack, depression, “Moreover, the State recognizes weight gain, migraine, dark spots and guarantees the promotion of on the skin; difficulty in breast gender equality, equity and feeding; Increase in sugar level women’s empowerment as a (for diabetics); AIDS virus more health and human rights concern. easily transmitted to women on The advancement and protection the pill. of women’s human rights shall be * Return of fertility for women central to the efforts of the State who stop taking the pill may to address reproductive health often take a year or longer. care. As a distinct but inseparable * Since the pill is an abortifacient measure to the guarantee of it can induce abortion before women’s human rights, the the woman’s first full term State recognizes and guarantees pregnancy. In this case the the promotion of the welfare and woman’s risk of breast cancer rights of children.” increases by 50%. Section 3. Guiding Principles Depo-provera is long acting

(d) The provision of medically protestin hormone that is injected o safe, legal, accessible, affordable into every three months. Its and effective reproductive health mode of action is to also decrease

care services and supplies is ovulation, inhibit sperm transport F i l e Pho t essential in the promotion of and change the uterine lining. It cardiovascular arterial diseases. legal, affordable, effective natural Reproductive Health Rights women who will suffer from people’s right to health, especially has the following side-effects: * All chemical contraceptives and modern methods of limiting and refer to the rights of couples, the harmful side effects of of the poor and marginalized; * Women who take Depo- are associated with liver spacing pregnancy; individuals and women to decide these contraceptives? Are (k) Gender equality and Provera for two years or more tumors which do not manifest Section 4 also defines freely and responsibly whether or we willing to put at stake women empowerment are central before the age of 25 will have harmful even when they become Reproductive Health Care refers not to have children; to determine the financial viability of elements of reproductive health at least 190% increased risk in malignant. to the access to a full range of methods, the number, spacing and timing of PhilHealth to cover the medical and population and development; developing breast cancer. Given these side-effects how facilities, services and supplies that their children; to make decisions expenses this will involve. The proponents of HB * Depo-Provera reduces bone can promoting a Reproductive contribute to reproductive health concerning reproduction free This Government program is 4244 claim that their bill density and worsens the woman’s Health program that is anchored and well-being by preventing of discrimination, coercion specifically targeted to the C, champions the advancement cholesterol level. on the distribution of oral and solving reproductive health- and violence; to have relevant D, E socio-economic classes and protection of women’s * Women using Depo-Provera contraceptive pills promote the related problems. It also includes information; and to attain the of our society. Targeting the rights. The medical facts for at least five years have 430% advancement and protection of sexual health, the purpose of which highest condition of sexual and program to the poor is the regarding the following side- increased risk for cervical cancer. women’s rights? is the enhancement of life and reproductive health; mandate found in: effects of oral contraceptive * In US 50,000 women have Respect for the rights of women personal relations. The elements Nowhere in all these definitions SEC. 13. Roles of Local pill (OCP in short) belie this participated in law suits against and the guarantee of freedom of reproductive health care include: does it make any reference to Government in Family claim: pharmaceuticals producing of choice should go hand in (1) family planning information inform women of the harmful Planning Programs. - The * The low-dose pill is a injectables citing complaints hand with full information and services; effects of contraceptives and LGUs shall ensure that poor combination of two types of irregular bleeding, scarring, about the health risks and the (2) maternal, infant and child the need for a competent families receive preferential access of artificial hormones— painful muscles, and headaches contra-indications of the various health and nutrition, including medical professional to ensure to services, commodities and estrogen and progestins Norplant, the Patch, the artificial contraceptive methods. breastfeeding; that women who have manifest programs for family planning. taken by women for 21 days “Morning After Pill,” the monthly This is the real meaning of (3) proscription of abortion contraindications are not given The role of Population Officers at out of a 28 day cycle. It injection Lunelle, hormone informed choice in medical and management of abortion these chemical contraceptives municipal, city and barangay levels works by suppressing but impregnated IUDs and vaginal ethics. This is not the tenor of complications; given the heightened harmful in the family planning effort shall not eliminating ovulation, inserts. Except for Norplant the following provisions of HB (4) adolescent and youth risks that these contraceptives be strengthened. The Barangay thickening the cervical mucus, all these others are new and 4244 which pertain to freedom reproductive health; would pose to their health. The Health Workers and Volunteers and by changing the lining unsearched. of choice: (5) prevention and management of fact that can be easily verified at shall be capacitated to give priority of the uterus to prevent * They all use the same Section 3, Guiding Principles reproductive tract infections (RTIs), the field level is that the working to family planning work. implantation of the fertilized chemicals as the Pill and can be a) Freedom of choice, which is HIV and AIDS and other sexually definition of informed choice The poor are the least ovum. expected to generally have the central to the exercise of this right, transmittable infections (STIs); used in HB 4244 is the “narrow” able to afford extra medical * OCP’s increases the risk of same effects. must be fully guaranteed by the (6) elimination of violence against definition of simply listing all the expenses. Are we going to breast cancer by 40% if taken * In 2004—when 800,000 State. women; available methods. Naturally this be responsible for adding before a woman delivers her women were on the patch in the g) The provision of reproductive (7) education and counseling on definition is not compliant with the the medical expenses to the first baby. Secretary Cabral US—the risk of dying or suffering health information, care and supplies sexuality and reproductive health; standards of medical ethics. Where already heavy burden of publicly acknowledged that a survivable blood clot while shall be the joint responsibility of (8) treatment of breast and is the respect for the advancement poverty they face? the pill causes breast cancer using the device was about three the National Government and Local reproductive tract cancers and of women that HB 4344 boasts? Might it be said that the although she later claimed times higher than while using Government Units; other gynecological conditions and There is another corollary serious shortcomings of this that the pill reduces ovarian birth control pills. (Associated Section 4, Definition of Terms disorders; ethical issue involved. In other bill arises from the fact that cancer. Does she mean to Press, from Federal Drug Safety defines Family Planning refers to (9) male responsibility and countries particularly the US this should have been jointly imply that taking the pill is reports under the Freedom of a program which enables couples, participation in reproductive health; many pharmaceuticals have had studied by the Committee just a matter of choosing from Information Act) individuals and women to decide (10) prevention and treatment of to face legal suits as a consequence on Population and Family a menu of cancers. * In fact all chemical freely and responsibly the number infertility and sexual dysfunction; of the harmful effects of chemical Relations and the Committee * The risk increases by 70% contraceptives have proven to be and spacing of their children, acquire (11) reproductive health education contraceptives. HB 4244 is a on Health. It is therefore if taken for four or more years highly associated with heart and relevant information on reproductive for the adolescents; and Government funded program. respectfully moved that this before the first child is born. blood abnormalities: blood clots, health care, services and supplies and (12) Mental health aspects of Are we financially prepared to bill be recommitted to the * Other side effects: high hypertension and premature have access to a full range of safe, RH care; foot the medical bill for all the Committee on Health. CBCP Monitor B4 Vol. 15 No. 12 Features June 6 - 19, 2011 Divorce a Felix Manalo and his family gross injustice of 16, strong case vs RH Bill to children who similarly graduated high to discipline. They always follow misis ko baka mapasama pa By Fr. Romulo O. Ponte school,” she revealed. my orders. This was the reason siya dahil alam kong maraming “Juliana was the inspiration, perhaps why our children are nagkakasakit dahil lamang sa pag By Diana Uichanco FELIX A. Manalo, did not challenge and big help financially blessed by God with success), inum ng iba’t ibang gamot para finish even grade one due to for her younger brothers and Severina told the Inquirer. di manganak” (I was afraid to THE cost of divorce on children was among the crucial poverty. He married Severina L. sisters to aim high and dream to let my wife take contraceptives points repeatedly brought up at yesterday’s Congressional Dimaculangan, a native of Tiaong, work abroad,” she said. Hands-on family care because I know of women who committee hearing on the divorce bill sponsored by Gabriela Quezon who finished grade 5 and “True enough, despite being She said she’s hands-on in experienced complications after Representatives Luzviminda Ilagan and Emerenciana de born him 16 healthy children. high school graduate only, taking care of their children. She taking birth control medicines). Jesus. He was 18 and she was 14 when Roberto was bold enough to saw to it that they are all home Severina said, she delivered all “A bill like this can open the floodgates for all to be able they were married 44 years ago. apply work in Saudi Arabia and safe before evening or early in her children naturally without to get a divorce for irreconcilable differences, which may be Manalo said he inherited he luckily succeeded.” the evening. complications and at 64 she is a dispute between couples on even minor matters. But the more than a hectare of land in “Our 6th child Matilde also “Nuong binatilyo pa mga lalake still very healthy and capable of point is, solving the problem may lead to another problem, Brgy. Santiago Dos, about eight finished high school and she was ko minsan sila’y napapainum sa helping her husband attending of families being destroyed, children growing up with only kilometers in the interior part of also very fortunate as she got mga kaibigan at mga kanayon. to their pet project—a newly one parent. That is one of the worst punishments that we can San Pablo where they do their employed as an OFW in Canada.” Hindi ko hinahayaang uminum established fishpond and they give to a child. When one is absent and only one is present, farming. “I am really grateful to God that sila ng labis. Pinupuntahan ko are contemplating to construct a when the most ideal for the family life is to have two parents my OFW children abroad were na kaagad duon sa inuman at swimming pool inside their one- taking care of the child, in one home,” said Cagayan de Oro Beginnings very sensitive to the needs of their pinapakiusapan na sila’y umuwi hectare compound. Rep. Rufus Rodriguez. They till their own farm. They siblings back home. They all send na dahil masama ang masubrahan “In the history of divorce in the Western countries, the sell their own products at their money here without being asked sa alak. Hindi ako umuuwi pag Not health hazard perils and social cost are unquantifiable. In fact...10, 15, 20 three vegetable vending outlets to help us support their younger hindi ko sila kasama,” (When my She does not believe that bearing years after divorce, the suffering is still there. The children, in the market. siblings to school. They also send male children were still adolescent several children could cause her the divorced couples, suffer. The social cost is very high,” “I rented the vending spaces some amount to increase our they sometimes attend drinking health problems or could lead said Atty. Jo Imbong, Executive Secretary of the Catholic with a few pesos since the time capital in the market,” the father sessions with few friends in the her to die. “Alam mo ang bilis Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Legal Office. the San Pablo City market was recalled. barrio. I give them instructions not ko manganak. Wala akong “The destruction of the lives of children, delinquency, rebuilt from the ashes almost 20 to drink too much. When I think kaproble-problema. Minsan suicide―everything else happens after the divorce,” she years ago,” he said. Heavy burdens turned light they need to go home, I would hindi pa dumadating yong hilot added. “We earn just enough to Felix said, “our heavy burdens of approach my kids and convince tapos na akong nakapagluwal ng Under the divorce bill, or House Bill 1799, a petition for support our children’s daily maintaining the farm, our business them to return home. I would not aking baby na walang problema,” divorce may be filed on any of the following grounds: de needs. We were also able to send and supporting the studies of go home without my sons with (I give birth so easily. I have no facto separation from one’s spouse for at least five years; them to elementary school in our the rest of the children were me), the mother recounted. problem. There are times when I legal separation from one’s spouse for at least two years; barangay.” beginning to be manageable and She added “Kahit ang mga anak have already delivered my baby irreparable breakdown of the marriage as a result of the “My small kids then were easy because my children abroad ko ay pumupunta sa bayan (which smoothly before the midwife grounds for legal separation; psychological incapacity; helping us in the farm and in never abandoned us back home.” is about 8 kilometers away) hindi could arrive). irreconcilable differences. the market during free time. But “Ngayon, walo (8) na ang mga ko hinahayaan na sila’y hindi When asked about the Co-author de Jesus explained that the measure is meant to we see to it that they go to the anak kong nagtrabaho sa iba’t subaybayan. Pag oras na ng uwi government’s plan to legislate the help those who are suffering from unsuccessful marriages public school nearby. Ito lang ibang bansa sa Canada, Taiwan tinitiyak kong kasama ko na sila Reproductive Health (RH) Bill to to come clean. ang tanging maipapamana ko sa at Saudi Arabia. Nagawa nila pagdating ko ng bahay.” (Even reduce children per family to two “Kailangan talaga ng isang distinct amendment sa ating mga anak ko kahit kaming mga yon sa pagtutulungan.” (Eight when my children are in the city or three children, Manalo said, if Family Code, which we call ‘divorce law Pinoy-style.’ Hindi magulang nila ay di nakatapos ng of my kids are now employed proper, I would make it a point he had only two or three children, ito anti-marriage; in fact, inasmuch as we appreciate and pag-aaral,” the 64 year old Felix in Canada, Taiwan and Saudi to follow them up closely. When he would not have known what approve of good marriages, we recognize that we have narrated. Arabia. They did it by helping it’s time to go home I made sure it means to progress as a family. economic, political and other components of our society that He said life was too difficult one another), he revealed. they are with me in going home). really can cause failure of marriage...and the relationship is during those times when they The 12th daughter Mary Rose The husband on his part said Faith in God irrevocable,” she said. were raising their first few who is a Computer Engineer that in disciplining children Manalo, who just celebrated “Having said that, we still can help especially our women children. “But to educate our is now employed in a banking they should start when they his 64th birthday last May and siyempre lahat ng gustong kumawala sa relasyon na children in school was among our institution in Manila. Thanks to are still young. “Dapat simula 30 confessed that life with a hindi na sila maligaya, nakakaramdam na sila ng pang-aapi, priorities as a family.” the generous support of her older pa sa musmos pa ang mga bata big family like theirs is full of at ang mahalaga rin dito ay hindi na sila magkaka-stigma. Due to their meager income siblings abroad. simulan nang pangaralan ng mga challenges. But their great faith in Dadaan sila sa isang proseso na kikilalanin na hindi sila Severina, 60, said, “we struggled Courtesy of brothers/sisters mabubuting asal at mabuting God had sustained them through lumabas sa isang relasyon na hindi naging matagumpay,” to support the studies of our eldest help abroad, the 14th child gawi para paglaki nila sila’y thick and thin. the solon pointed out. daughter Juliana who could only Marilou who is graduating in magiging mababait. Pag malalaki The father admitted the family Ilagan expressed her belief that enacting absolute divorce finish a Medical Secretarial course Psychology course is aiming to na matitigas na mga ulo, hindi mo had also their share of griefs and in the country “may even strengthen the sanctity of marriage. at a local college”. make it to Taiwan very soon. na madidisiplina,” (Disciplining tribulations. One of them was the Now people will not take you for granted. People will be “But luck was upon us as she Back here in San Pablo, three and educating children on good untimely death of their eldest son very conscious that there are vows to be maintained, there was able later to work as an of his sons are attending to their moral characters should start Proceso, when he was still about are obligations to be fulfilled.” overseas worker in Taiwan,” businesses in the city and two when they are still very young to 20 years old. enthused the mother. became political leaders in the ensure they grow up being good A neighbor said, perhaps he The oldest son Proceso was a locality. The two other youngest adults. It’s difficult to discipline was the one who was allegedly tragedy because he died a violent siblings are still finishing college when they are already big kids killed by an NPA due to mistaken death due to miss-identity at the studies. and hardheaded). identity. age of 20. On his birthday celebration, Discipline, hard work Natural family planning Manalo saw to it that his newly Generosity helps Felix Aquino Manalo and Severina told the Inquirer she bought statue of the Risen Christ, The mother said, Juliana’s job Severina Laylo Dimaculangan was into natural family planning. the Mother of Perpetual Help, in Taiwan was a big boost to the admitted it was not easy to raise She did not even bother knowing and family as she did not hesitate to their 16 children but discipline, the location of their Health other images of would voluntarily send money back had work, mutual cooperation Center to get medication during be blessed by their parish priest home to help her sibling’s needs among members of the family pregnancy. simultaneous with the blessing of in school. “Napakabait talaga ng paid off. The couple told the Inquirer, they their newly harvested fish farm, a anak kong iyan.” “Nuong una napaka dali agreed never to use contraceptive few meters from their compound. “At those times, we could namang pagsabihan ang mga medicines as they believed they The couple said, once the only afford to send our 3rd son bata. Sumusunod sila sa aking would only cause complications budget is ready, they would o Digno until high school due to mga sinasabi. Ito marahil ang in their child rearing. construct a chapel on top of a hill financial difficulty. The 4th son dahilan kung bakit ang mga anak Manalo said, “Ang gamot to house the newly acquired holy Roberto could also finish until namin ay pinagpala ng Diyos,” nakakasama sa katawan ng tao. images for the family’s private F i l e p ho t high school followed by Melvin (Children in the past were easy Pag pinainum ko ng gamot ang devotion and for others too. Constitutional considerations “Would absolute divorce legislation be pursuant to the text, context and spirit of the 1987 Constitution? In light of repeated declarations in the Constitution, how could absolute A loving mother fights for her babies divorce strengthen the Filipino family?” asked Imbong. determination to save her children. She and filed Kidnapping and Failure to Return According to Article XV, Section 2 of the 1987 Philippine By Fr. Shay Cullen found the courage to go to the authorities a Minor under Article 270 of the Revised Constitution, Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is and the media. Eventually with the help of Penal Code against the Sarmiento couple the foundation of the family and shall be protected by the Raffy Tulfo, a well known broadcaster who on September 20, 2010. Later, Olongapo City State. Likewise, The State recognizes the sanctity of family IN hospitals and in the hovels of the poor, referred her to the Manila Public Attorney’s Prosecutor Melani Fay T. Banarez, ruled in life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic vulnerable, impoverished illiterate mothers Office, they filed a petition for Habeas Corpus favor of Teresita and the case was filed in autonomous social institution. are hoodwinked into parting with their against the Sarmiento couple for the twins to court. “How would absolute divorce make the family an inviolable children under a pretext and many never be presented to the Olongapo Court. Branch It went to Court Branch 73 where the social institution? It is untenable to say that by destroying see them again. Here is one true ongoing 73, then under Judge Consuelo Bocar (now same case for Habeas Corpus had been the family, it is strengthened, and by dividing the family, it is story of a court battle in which a brave and Judge Pamintuan) where Lourdes Sarmiento filed and heard and where the accused made inviolable,” the lawyer said, adding that it is precisely determined mother is fighting to get back is a social worker. Lourdes Sarmiento was, and is still is the the absence of absolute divorce in the Philippines that has kept her twins taken from her when they were The Sarmiento couple failed to present Court Social Worker. The odds were stacked many couples together through thick and thin till the end. barely one year old. the twins to the court, yet nothing happened against Teresita. On April 25, 2011, the judge A law on absolute divorce already threatens to violate the On August 17, 2007, Teresita Legaspi gave to them, Lourdes Sarmiento being a Social Norbert Pamintuan did not inhibit himself matrimonial vows even before they are pronounced, Imbong birth to twin boys in a hospital in Olongapo Worker of that same court. However, but dismissed the kidnapping charges. He stressed, making couples “open to divorce even before they City, Philippines. Being a poor illiterate according to Teresita, after office hours Mr. has dismissed up to seven child rape cases in fact get married.” mother and abandoned by the father of the Rico Amparo appeared with Chito Santos based on affidavits of desistance. “Stripping marriage of its inviolable nature is to openly children, she could not pay the hospital bill. and Teresita was brought to the Public Judge Pamintuan ruled in favor of tell to every child born of the marital union that he has but Riza Mendoza, who was then visiting the Attorney’s Office close to the court room Sarmiento, his own accused social worker temporary parents, and has also a temporary family. This hospital offered to pay the bill if Teresita gave and offered Php100,000 (€1,633, £1,413) saying “probable cause to issue a warrant is nothing less than gross parental injustice to the children her one of the twins as collateral. Desperate to withdraw her petition. She adamantly of arrest against the accused-spouses is they brought to this world,” she added. and afraid of the police, she did. By November refused as it was tantamount to selling her wanting” and because the mother did not Rep. Rodolfo Fariñas weighed in on the 2007, the baby was not returned so Teresita twins. The Olongapo court issued a subpoena get hysterical or emotional in the court and permanence of the institution of marriage. begged for help from Lourdes Sarmiento, for Rico Amparo at his address in Cityland demand back her children and because she “Ang kasal ay for better or for worse. Hindi naman po the Olongapo Regional Trial Court Social Condominium, Makati. The subpoena was signed an affidavit of consent of adoption puwedeng puro ‘happy-happy’ lang. At sa Amerika alam Worker. Within two weeks the child was not served. according to Judge Norbert Pamintuan. niyo may divorce. Mahigit kalahati sa kinakasal doon, [end returned. Teresita was overwhelmed with Teresita was now desperate. By November Teresita denied she ever gave consent, up] divorced...dahil puwede eh. Ngayon kung ayaw mo na joy. 2008 Rico Amparo and Rosa Erlinda Amparo a mother giving away her new born is sa mister mo, puwede naman maghiwalay. Pero huwag ka Then the babies fell sick and Teresita had filed a petition to the Makati Regional Trial highly unlikely. She is illiterate, not have nang magpakasal ulit para matuto naman tayo... kung mistake no money for a doctor but Lourdes Sarmiento Court Branch 144 for the adoption of Joshua reached grade 5 and can’t read English legal natin eh panagutan naman natin yung mistake natin,” the and her husband Romeo offered to help. and Justine Legaspi using the affidavit documents. She has been fighting for her congressman remarked. Before taking the twins to the hospital they of consent which Lourdes Sarmiento got children for almost four years. Besides, the Imbong ended her statement by alluding to the basics of made Teresita sign a paper she could not Teresita to sign allegedly under a pretext. judge should have inhibited himself and the State’s duty to the family. read or understand. That was the last time By December the Makati court wisely denied not pass judgment on his own social worker “Would it be incongruous to ask why this much is being she saw her babies. without prejudice that petition for adoption who is the accused. By now in May 2011, the proposed in Congress on how to remedy ‘difficult marriages’ When she challenged the Sarmiento saying in effect that the affidavit of consent dedicated Prosecutor Ria Sususco, a special while practically nothing is said and proposed to strengthen couple, they told her she had no right to the was null and void. prosecutor from the Department of Justice, marriages and prevent marriage failures?” babies because she had signed an Affidavit Yet there was nothing further Teresita is fighting the case for Teresita. However the No specific date has been set for another committee hearing of Consent to Adoption. The twins, Joshua could do. All the forces of the law, money and judge has ruled against the prosecutor and on the bill, which was filed under the Committee on the and Justine were given to a couple by the power were working against her. It looked denied all her motions for reconsideration Revision of Laws. name of Rico and Erlinda Amparo in Makati City. Teresita was devastated and in shock like there was no justice in the Philippines. and the mother was never allowed to testify for a few days but then she rose up with But she would not give up. She took courage on her own behalf. Isn’t that Justice denied? B5

CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 B5 June 6 - 19, 2011 Statements ‘To Proclaim Jesus We are not the vine, we are only Christ ... Seems More the branches

Complex Today’ (Homily of His Eminence Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, archbishop emeritus of Cebu, at the conferment of the ecclesiastical award of the Order of St. (Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the participants in the Sylvester, at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral, May 25, 2011) THE Holy Father, first plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the Pope Benedict XVI has honored us New Evangelization, at the Vatican on May 30, 2011) once again with the conferment of the Ecclesiastical award Lord Cardinals, persons who wish to belong to the Church, essential. Dame of the Order of Venerable Brothers in the Episcopate and but are strongly molded by a vision of life Even in one who remains linked to St. Sylvester to nine the Priesthood, that opposes the faith. his Christian roots, but lives the difficult illustrious Cebuanas, Dear Brothers and Sisters, To proclaim Jesus Christ the only Savior of relationship with modernity, it is important distinguished by their WHEN last June 28, at First Vespers of the world seems more complex today than to make it understood that being Christian works of charity and the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter in the past; but our task remains the same as is not a sort of uniform to wear in private long service to the and Paul, I announced that I wished to at the dawn of our history. The mission has or on particular occasions, but is something Church. institute a dicastery for promoting the New not changed, just as the enthusiasm and the alive and all-encompassing, able to take up As I congratulate Evangelization, I gave an operative beginning courage that moved the Apostles and the first all that is good in modernity. you, Dames Anita to a reflection that I had had for a long time disciples must not change. The Holy Spirit I hope that in the work of these days Cabinian, Julia on the need to offer a concrete answer to the who pushed them to open the doors of the you will be able to delineate a plan able Gandionco, Rosa moment of crisis in Christian life, which is Cenacle, making them into evangelizers (cf. to help the whole Church and the various Maria Garcia, being verified in so many countries, above all Acts 2:1-4), is the same Spirit that moves the particular Churches, in a commitment to Conchita Go, Lourdes those of ancient Christian tradition. Today, Church today in a renewed proclamation of the New Evangelization; a plan where the Jereza, Lourdes Vilma with this meeting, I can see with pleasure hope to the men of our time. St. Augustine urgency for a renewed proclamation will Lee, Anita Sanchez, that this new pontifical council has become said that one must not think that the grace take care of formation, in particular for the Alita Solon and a reality. I thank Archbishop Salvatore of evangelization was extended only to new generations, and be combined with Mariquita Yeung, I Fisichella for the words he addressed to the Apostles and with them that source of a proposal of concrete signs able to make also thank you for the me, introducing me to the work of your grace was exhausted, but that “this source evident the answer that the Church intends work you have done first plenary assembly. for the Church and for My warm greetings the underprivileged.

to all of you with my Media © Roy L agarde / CBCP Through your encouragement for the , you have contribution you will given the Church in Cebu a heart that truly cares for the poor. make to the work of the There are many who profess to take the cudgels for the poor new dicastery, above all in nowadays. They say they empower the poor by giving them view of the 13th Ordinary control over their lives. Yet, instead of providing them basic General Assembly of the medicine, they gave them contraceptive pills that can cause Synod of Bishops that, cancer. Instead of curbing corruption so that basic services may in October of 2012, will reach the poorest of the poor, they focus on pushing a bill that in fact address the topic has been rejected so many times before, as if it is the only bill that “New Evangelization for really matters for all Filipinos. the Transmission of the It is difficult to be Catholic nowadays. To profess the Catholic Christian Faith.” faith nowadays, in its integral fullness, is to be labeled “medieval”, The term “New “outmoded”, “bigoted.” We are the ones given all kinds of names, Evangelization” speaks yet we are also accused of name-calling. of the need for a renewed We are challenged to argue our case with sobriety and method of proclamation, intelligence, yet, no matter how you explain the matter especially for those who comprehensively, only sound bites, taken out of context, many live in a context, such times portraying the Church in a bad light, see print or is carried as the present one, in on television. Sometimes one wonders whether the media are which the developments deaf, blind or simply biased. of secularization have We have said it before, and will say it again, contraception is left heavy traces even in immoral, and no one has the option to be immoral, whether you are countries with a Christian rich or poor. They would argue that contraception is immoral only tradition. The Gospel is the for Catholics, and many Catholics do not even think it immoral. ever new proclamation of Reducing morality to a matter of faith or personal opinion is the salvation wrought precisely what the Church is warning against. If today they say by Christ to render everyone must be given freedom of choice, and the object of the humanity a participant choice is contraception, tomorrow they will say everyone must in the mystery of God be given freedom of choice, but the object of the choice would be and in his life of love abortion, homosexual marriage, divorce or euthanasia. You may and to open it to a future say it is far-fetched, that contraception is far less serious a sin than of sure and strong hope. the ones I have mentioned. But the logic by which contraception To underscore that at this is pushed is the same logic by which all the others are proposed: moment in the history the key words are “freedom of choice” and “moral relativism.” of the Church she is The argument goes as follows: because we cannot agree on what called to carry out a New is moral or not, we might as well allow everything and anything. Evangelization, means After all, everyone must have freedom of choice. intensifying missionary It is true, the RH Bill prohibits abortion today, but the language action to correspond fully of the bill already prepares the way for abortion to be legalized. with the Lord’s mandate. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the current US Secretary of State The Second Vatican and former First Lady was quoted as saying thus: “… If we’re Council reminded that talking about maternal health, you cannot have maternal health “the groups among which the Church manifests itself when it flows, not when it to offer in this peculiar moment. If, on one without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes dwells are often radically changed, for one ceases to be poured out. And it was in this hand, the whole community is called to contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe reason or other, so that an entirely new set way that, through the Apostles, grace also reinvigorate the missionary spirit to give abortion.” (end of quote) Do you really think they will stop at of circumstances may arise” (Decree Ad reached others, who were sent to proclaim the new proclamation that the men of our contraception? Gentes, 6). With farsighted understanding, the Gospel ... what is more, it has continued time await, it must not be forgotten that Morality is the limit of freedom. Or rather, morality is the the Conciliar Fathers saw on the horizon to call, up to these last days, the whole body believers’ style of life needs to be genuinely perfection of freedom. We become more free by moral choices. the cultural change that today is easily of his only-begotten Son, namely, his Church credible, convincing all the more when We become less free by immoral decisions. Some say we Bishops verifiable. Precisely this changed situation, spread throughout the earth” (Sermon 239, the life situations of those who see it is do not listen that we are narrow-minded and are concerned only which has created an unexpected situation 1). The grace of the mission is always in need all the more dramatic. It is because of this of preserving our power at the expense of those who wallow in for believers, requires particular attention to of new evangelizers capable of receiving it, that we wish to make our own the words poverty. I say we listen first and foremost to the Chief Shepherd, the proclamation of the Gospel, to give the so that the salvific proclamation of the Word of the Pope Paul VI when, for we are not the vine, we are only the branches. Apart from reason for one’s faith in situations that are of God will never diminish in the changing in regard to evangelization, he said: “It is Him, we can do nothing. different from the past. conditions of history. therefore primarily by her conduct and by Some say we should listen to what the people say. “Vox populi, The crisis being experienced bears in A dynamic continuity exists between her life that the Church will evangelize the vox dei.” I say, if such is the case, then should have listened itself traces of the exclusion of God from the proclamation of the first disciples and world, in other words, by her living witness to the Israelites who wanted to return to slavery in Egypt, and people’s lives, of a generalized indifference our own. In the course of the centuries of fidelity to the Lord Jesus—the witness of Barabbas should have been hailed Messiah instead of Jesus, for toward the Christian faith itself, to the point the Church has never ceased to proclaim poverty and detachment, of freedom in the the crowd preferred that rebel over our blessed Lord. of attempting to marginalize it from public the salvific mystery of the death and face of the powers of this world, in short, the So, after all is said and done, when the dust of this battle settles, life. In past decades it was still possible to resurrection of Jesus Christ, but that same witness of sanctity” (Apostolic Exhortation will the poor have hope for the future? Let us not use the name discover a general Christian sense that unified proclamation today needs a renewed vigor “Evangelii Nuntiandi,” 41). of the poor in vain. If you really cared for the poor, you would the common feeling of whole generations, to convince contemporary man, often Dear friends, invoking the intercession have crafted laws to bring down the cost of medicine and basic growing up in the shadow of the faith that distracted and insensitive. Because of this, of Mary, Star of evangelization, so that she necessities. You would have liberalized restrictions to attract more had molded the culture. the New Evangelization will have to be will accompany the bearers of the Gospel investments, clamp down on corruption to encourage investors, Today, unfortunately, we are witnessing responsible for finding the methods to make and open the hearts of those who listen, I focused on building homes and schools and infrastructure to the drama of a fragmentation that no longer the proclamation of salvation more effective, assure you of my prayer for your ecclesial shelter and educate and promote development. Instead, the consents to a unified point of reference; without which personal existence remains service and impart to all of you the apostolic nation’s energy is wasted on a bill that, in its positive aspects, is moreover, we often see the phenomenon of in its state of contradiction, deprived of the blessing. already in place, but only needs implementation. Some argue we are just too many, our meager resources are Demographic / B3 overwhelmed by the sheer number of people to house, to educate, to hire, to feed. They conveniently forget that the Marcos years saw using contraceptive methods) it all common sense insisting on created by this legislation. sexuality education becomes the most aggressive population program in our nation’s history. would appear that the level of the passage of this bill? In the Based on National Census a success the 10-15 year old It did not bring us anywhere, for unless we root out corruption contraceptive prevalence in the words of the Honorable Cong. Statistics Board data 2000, about population will become another from our system, we will always have meager resources, whether Philippines is low compared to Raul Del Mar, this bill pushes 24 percent of the Philippine market. This could mean another we are only 40 or a hundred million. other countries. If women are open an already open door. What population is above 20 years old. 4 Million potential users that will I would like to apologize to our awardees if I used this occasion not inclined to use contraception is the sense in spending so much Based on the same statistics, about translate to another P48 billion. to engage in polemic over an issue that has no bearing on today’s what then explains the fall in money to force fertility down 50 percent of that are females. This means a total market of P180 festive occasion. But does it not have any bearing at all? Is not fertility? This data would indicate when it has been going down This would translate into 11 billion! This is a great travesty— the essence of this award the catholic character of your work? that clearly contraception cannot since fifty years ago? million women as a target market. if this bill were to pass rich I chose to speak on this subject today because of its urgency. I explain the decline in fertility in It is important to discover At a P1,000 a month budget for multinational pharmaceuticals chose to speak on this topic on this occasion because as Catholics the Philippines. the true reason behind pushing contraceptives the annual take of will be enriching themselves out awarded for loyalty and devotion, you need to understand what It is hence clear from the this bill. There is every reason the pharmaceutical companies of the hard-earned tax money of you believe, so that in understanding, your faith may grow ever data that a Reproductive to believe that in fact the engine will be a cool P132 Billion per the Republic of the Philippines. stronger, your devotion ever more fervent, your work to help the Health Program anchored promoting the legislation of these year. Of course since a huge part So many other worthwhile poor and support the Church ever more zealous. on the promotion of modern bills come from multinational of this market belong to class C, priorities in education and health May the Lord bless you and your families. May the Lord bless contraceptives is not needed in pharmaceutical companies who D and E an enabling legislation will have to be foregone! our nation and enlighten our leaders. Amen. the Philippines. Why are the would like to cash in on the is needed to make sure that the It is therefore fitting to move for We are not the vine, we are only the branches proponents of the bill, against potential market that would be government can foot the bill. If the rejection of House Bill 4244! CBCP Monitor B6 Vol. 15 No. 12 Reflections June 6 - 19, 2011 The Tower of Babel Pentecost Sunday - Year A (John 20:19-23) June 12, 2011

By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD not only for trying to make a name for risen Lord is active in the world, reconciling themselves on their own initiative and quite all men to God and to one another. Thus, independent of God, but also for refusing one of the theological meanings of the event SINCE all political parties in the Philippines the command of God to fill the earth (1:28). is that Pentecost is a time of reconciliation are expected to offer platforms through Of course, others think that their sin consists and communion. Indeed, from linguistic which they can help solve national problems, in trying to build a tower with its top in the evidence, there is no doubt that the account would it be a sound idea to bring them sky (11:4) as a sign of pride and rebellion in the First Reading (Acts 2:1-11) is meant to together to discuss the ills of the country? against God, but there seems to be no basis reverse the experience of Babel. Luke says One could not agree more. It might be for this conclusion. At any rate, as used in that the Jews who came from every nation recalled that, a decade or so ago, an “All the narrative, the story is meant to teach us under heaven and were staying in Jerusalem Parties Conference” summit was organized about the ongoing sin of man and, when witnessed the outpouring of the Spirit on the to bring together 12 national parties, eight read together with the next , which apostles, “they were much confused because regional parties and 12 party-list groups, to focuses on , about true greatness each one heard these men speaking his own address problems of our political system. whose origin is God (12:2), and about the language. The whole occurrence astonished But amid the disclosure of the result of a birth of Israel through whom all nations will them” (Acts 2:6). If in the story of the tower UP survey indicating that Filipinos were be blest. Originally, however, the story was of Babel, people were confused because becoming disenchanted with our kind of an aetiological legend about the origin of of their different languages, here the Jews democracy and system of government, the diversity of languages and nations. In who came from every nation on earth were the summit, which has “Modernizing the v 7, the Yahwist writer uses the word balal, confused because each one heard the apostles Political Institutions of a Democratic and which means to mix, to confuse: “Come, speaking in his own particular language. Prosperous National Community” for let us go down and confuse the language.” Thus, Pentecost overcomes the division of its theme, opened on sour note, as one The city, with its tower, was left unfinished men at Babel. That is why Luke uses tongues daily headlined it. The LDP (Laban ng because Yahweh confounded the speech of as of fire (v 3) to convey this signification. Demokratikong Pilipino), the PDP-Laban and the builders; hence, its name became Babel This means that through the tongue of the the Reporma-Lapiang Manggagawa boycotted , or confusion. In English, the word babble Spirit, which is ultimately charity, all men it. The party-list groups Bayan Muna, Bagong means confused or incoherent speech. will be reconciled. Pentecost is thus a time Alyansang Makabayan and Sanlakas refused Because of the confusion of language, people of reconciliation and fraternal communion. to join it. Each opposition party. of course, could no longer understand each other; on It might be difficult to expect our political had its own agenda for not coming to it, but the contrary, unable to reach agreement, parties to be reconciled to one another and nationalism, reconciliation and communion they could not be united. Hence, the quarrel establish fraternal communion so that the could hardly be invoked. If anything, all among nations, and their lack of communion country could move toward achieving this shows how fractious and fragmented and reconciliation. Because they could not the kind of society that our constitution we could get—a dubious distinction that get through their head, they were fractious envisages. But a Christian always expects could be duplicated in many attempts to and fragmented. that the Church be a community of forge national unity. If this event had any Today, we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. reconciliation and communion. And indication, it is that we are still far removed For Christians, it is not simply the 50th day precisely because the Spirit that was poured from being a people of reconciliation and after the Lord’s resurrection; rather, it is out at Pentecost is active in the Church, such communion. also the time when the Church, through the a community could be promoted if Christians This brings to mind the famous story of outpouring of the Holy Spirit, received its are to be informed with a spirituality of the tower of Babel (Gen 11:1-9) in the First mission to bring all people to God. Thus, in communion. According to John Paul II in his Reading of Pentecost Vigil. According to the Gospel, Jesus gives the Holy Spirit to the Tertio Millennio Adveniente, this spirituality the narrative, the people of Shinar wanted early Church: “As the Father has sent me, so means that we are able to think of our to build a city with a tower, but God I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit. If you brothers and sisters in the faith within the punished them. As can be inferred from v forgive men’s sins, they are forgiven them. If profound unity of the mystical body; it 4 (“to make a name for themselves, lest we you hold them bound, they are held bound” means sharing their joys and sufferings; it be scattered”), it seems that they sinned (John 20:21.23). Pentecost signifies that the Babel / B7 The enriching and unifying role of Poking fun at the Holy Spirit colored people Reflections on Pentecost Sunday Trinity Sunday - Year A (John 3:16- 18) June 19, 2011 By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB Experience shows that sin remains a sad that come to her from her “human reality to this very day, both in ourselves component.” The Holy Spirit, present With these words, John makes and around us. in her as her “soul,” is the divine Power By Msgr. Lope C. it clear that the purpose of JESUS freed us from sin through his passion, Jesus knew it would be so. That is why he that keeps the Church alive, constantly Robredillo, SThD Jesus’ coming is to give us death, and resurrection. Thanks to him, repeatedly promised and eventually gave renews her, guides her into an ever greater eternal life, which is John’s salvation is made available and offered to the Holy Spirit to the Church that she might appreciation of the truths of revelation, term for salvation. Elsewhere, all human beings. But this does not mean continue his healing mission in the power sanctifies her, and strengthens her against ON June 1, 2011, the however, John describes the that we are all herded into heaven. Christ of the Source of all unity, wholeness, and all dangers and oppositions. Department of Health-Food purpose of Jesus’ incarnation destroyed sin, but not our freedom. It can holiness. And so the mystery of the Incarnation and Drug Administration and death in terms of gathering still happen that we say once again “No!” Thus, Jesus completed his redemptive continues—God saving men through men, (DOH-FDA) issued a warning people: “Jesus would die for to God. work by commissioning the Church to not just through the all-holy Jesus, but also against using intravenous the nation—and not for this As long as we live on earth, sin remains a carry on the struggle against all that divides through the ministry of frail and defective skin whitener (Glutathione 4) nation only, but to gather “possible accident” caused by a number of mankind, all that makes us selfish, proud, people, sanctified and strengthened by the because it could lead to death. into one all the dispersed factors, the main ones of which are the devil’s aggressive, and oppressive. Spirit of love, unity, and holiness. But the product is so popular, children of God” (John 11:52). temptations, the negative influence of the And this is what the Church has been We will never be able to fully appreciate because it is claimed to whiten If salvation is about gathering environment in which we live, and especially doing in her 2000 years of existence, in the importance of the role of the Holy Spirit the skin. Probably millions of people into one community the moral weakness of our wounded nature. spite of all the limitations and weaknesses Filipinos want to change their Holy Spirit / B7 color because, according to that experiences the life of them, white is beautiful. That God, then we can say that it is why entertainers have to is Jesus who, by his coming, whiten themselves, if they do communicates this divine life The source of all life and goodness not want to appear ugly and be to the community. No wonder laughed at. But as Nestor Torre then that elsewhere in the New Reflections on the Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity correctly pointed out in one of Testament, we are told that this his columns, “it really is quite life that comes from God first of By Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB Jesus is essentially a “mystery God alone could reveal what funny-peculiar to see Filipinos, all flows to Christ who in turn of love”—a love that is both the He is like in His very being, many of whom are rather dark- shares it with the community: source of all that exists, and the as well as in His relationship complexioned themselves, “In Christ the fullness of deity IT would be much more fulfillment of all creatures. with all that exists, especially poking fun at black people… resides in bodily form. Yours is comfortable for us to believe The love of the Father, Son, mankind. He did just that, For their part, our black a share of this fullness in him” in only one God who is also and Holy Spirit is so perfect especially in the life and teaching entertainers should also stop (Col 2:9). A similar teaching one person. Such is the faith of and so pervading as to make of Jesus Christ. poking fun at themselves and can be found in the letter Judaism and Islam. Such is also of the three Divine “Persons” From Jesus, we learn that we their coloring. They’re aiding addressed to the Christians in the God that can be “discovered” one single reality – the Blessed are all intimately related to the and abetting the cruel bias of Ephesus: “May Christ dwell by philosophy. Trinity. This term is not in the Blessed Trinity and immensely the racists, which won’t change in your hearts through faith But the God revealed by Jesus Bible. It has been created by loved by Him. We are not for the better until they are and may charity be the root Christ is a much richer reality. He the theologians to express in a only created in the image of bluntly made to realize that and foundation of your life. spoke of God as “Father” who has concise manner the mystery of this tri-personal Love, but also black can be beautiful and is Thus you will be able to grasp a “Son,” and of a “Spirit,” who one God who consists of three redeemed and sanctified by Him. definitely not funny! Above fully, with all the holy ones, the is the expression of their mutual Divine Persons, equal in majesty, In Baptism, we are created anew all, it’s we, the members of the breadth and length and height love, and binds them together distinct from one another, but and brought even closer to the local entertainment audience, and depth of Christ’s love, and in love. The God revealed by undivided. Trinity / B7 who have to change. For experience this love which decades now, we have poked surpasses all knowledge, so fun at people just because they that you may attain to the Fr. Francis Ongkingco have dark skin, or flat noses, fullness of God himself” (Eph or are ‘vertically challenged,’ 3:18-19). or look and speak ‘funny’ or Salvation or eternal life WHATEVER come from the Visayas—all is therefore achieved when superficial factors that don’t Christians share Jesus’s life of define the kind of persons love that has its origin in the that they really are. And yet, Father. Because they share in The smile because our colonizers have the life of the Father and Jesus, successfully taught us to use Christians therefore become Caucasian standards or beauty one with the Father and his as our own, we look down on Son and with other Christians “WE can wait here for a while. It won’t be is to be with God, and once you’re inside, God can do that. We can only discern or non-whites, not realizing that who receive this divine life. long before he arrives,” the man said. The there’s no way to describe what it is to be perceive things in a more precise manner we are in fact poking sadistic Understandably enough, two men sat down. with God. But in your case Dimas, we have what men intend to do.” fun at ourselves!” the same letter describes “What do you call this place?” the other to wait a little till he comes.” “Wow! But I don’t even recall what Torre finds our racist attitude Christians as “one new man” man asked. “Till he comes…,” Dimas simply happiness means. I just remembered the wrong on the ground that color (Eph 2:15). Consequently, “It doesn’t really have a name. I mean...,” repeatedly whispered the angel’s words. word when you asked me how I felt. I don’t does not define who we are there cannot be division in he scratched his head. “ really “Of course, you must be experiencing an even know ‘what to feel’ is right now! What and that it has a cruel, painful the Christian community. doesn’t make any sense to give it a particular indescribably happiness now that you’ve and where I am now, however, doesn’t have effect on others. On the feast Precisely because God, by name.” made it!” his angel mused. a word. It’s like having something at the tip of the Trinity, however, we as sending Jesus to communicate “Why is that?” “I don’t know…,” he said. “But what of his tongue, knowing fully what it is but Christians are given a deeper his life to us, shows himself as “Simply that this place is what you call about you?” one is incapable of expressing it.” basis for rejecting it. But before the Father of the community, ‘heaven’ when you were still alive,” the “If for a moment we can call it happiness, “Well, when He comes you might even going into that, let us see first all of us who share his life have other explained. then you can say I’m beyond happiness. forget yourself,” the angel teased him. the principles that the Gospel become brothers and sisters. “So this is heaven…,” the other man You don’t realize the joy angels experience “Was that supposed to be a joke?” Dimas teaches us: “God so loved the Whatever and whoever we repeated. “So why can’t we simply call it when the one they were entrusted to finally asked and laughed. world that he gave his only are, we form one family where by that name?” reach this place.” “By the way…,” the angel said. “I hope Son that whoever believes there is no division: “Each one “Because you’re about to enter it and the “Aren’t you supposed to know how we you don’t mind me asking you something.” in him may not die but may of you is a son of God, because One you find here is what naturally defines feel?” Dimas asked. “I don’t mind. Besides, even though have eternal life” (John 3:16). Poking / B7 the place,” the angel explained. “To be here “Well, yes. But we can’t read minds. Only Whatever / B7 B7

CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 B7 June 6 - 19, 2011 Social Concerns Bukidnon governor taps Church leaders to implement livelihood program By Ann Noble local government and the church in “People tend to trust the clergy’s During the forum, Indigenous to help them attain improved food the implementation of the provincial sincerity in the implementation of the Peoples Apostolate (IPA) director sufficiency and cash income. livelihood program. program rather than us politicians Fr. Pablo Salingua said that it needs AIMING to counter insurgency by Poverty was seen as one of the root whom they think they could pay more than providing the constituents Eye opener providing sustainable livelihood to causes of the unrest especially among back during elections,” the governor fund for their livelihood. Fr. Virgilio Delfin, president of the province’s needy constituents, the grassroots thus the need for an laughingly added. What is lacking is the proper the church-run San Isidro College, Bukidnon Governor Alex Calingasan immediate action in order to attain “Tapping the church’s help may formation to make the recipients ready lauded the governor’s effort in has tapped the help of the clergy of peace and order. give this initiative more meaning to to handle whatever livelihood projects countering the worsening peace and Malaybalay diocese to assist in the the people and they might value it are entrusted to them, he added. order situation with the livelihood implementation of the provincial Failed to reach target to sustain their livelihood, unlike in “Proper formation, to mold the implementation partnership with livelihood program. During the livelihood partnership the past where most recipients just people’s character to be more the church. The move is part of the peace forum held Monday, appreciative to what Fr. Delfin said the initiative is an initiative jointly handled by the local June 1, Calingasan is given to them and eye opener that the government could government and church leaders of admitted that the learning to value it work with the church in its programs Bukidnon. provincial government should be the first steps for the people. He asked though that a The partnership in the is not satisfied with the in the implementation comprehensive research study on the implementation of the provincial outcome of its livelihood of this program,” indigenous peoples should be done. government’s flagship program was projects saying that the Salingua explained. The Lumads constitute the majority conceptualized after the bishop of program did not really The priest, being the of recipients of livelihood program Malaybalay, Bishop Jose Araneta- improve the economic head of the diocese’s considering they are located in the Cabantan along with Cagayan de status of the constituents apostolate for the hinterland areas where there is an Oro Archbishop Antonio Ledesma as what was projected. indigenous peoples of influx of rebel groups. and some local leaders paid a visit to Calingasan said the Bukidnon has worked The livelihood partnership forum the governor to discuss the issue of provincial government with the Lumads or was also attended by some IP insurgency and the peace and order has poured around natives of the province. leaders, the academe, the Bukidnon situation of the province. P47 million in various He said it is important environment office represented It was learned that various livelihood projects and for the government by Cecille Egnar, representatives incidents of NPA attacks have indigency support to the to acknowledge the from the Philippine Army and of happened in the province, the latest people but still, poverty culture and traits of some agri-based multi-national of which was in the remote town of lurks especially in the its own people to fully companies operating in the province

Malitbog where the local authorities’ O remote hinterlands. O understand why the like A Brown Company, Del Monte post was overran and the policemen “This is the reason why livelihood projects in Philippines, SUMIFRU and Bukidnon disarmed by alleged members of the many people, especially Archbishop Antonio Ledesma Bishop Jose Cabantan the past failed to uplift Sugar Milling Corporation (BUSCO). FI L E P HO T New Peoples’ Army. those who have lesser FI L E P HO T the economic condition Calingasan is also keen on tapping The business sector also decries the education, succumbed of the grassroots. the support of the business sector to harassment and rampant extortion to the enticement of the NPAs to join squandered the money given to them “It’s important that with formation, assist the livelihood program as part activities of individuals claiming to them because they have nowhere else and remained poor,” Calingasan, a we also have to educate the people, of each company’s corporate social be members of NPA and collected to go and these rebel groups promise devout Baptist said. especially the natives,” Fr. Abling as responsibility. revolutionary tax from businesses them reforms so naturally they he is fondly called, said. Ruffy Magbanua of A Brown operating in the province especially would be converted to join them,” Need for formation Salingua presented at the forum Company acknowledged the the multinational companies engaged Calingasan said during the forum. The clergy however said there is a IPA’s BB 4IP’s 2Dev project which governor’s effort saying that the in agribusiness. Calingasan saw that the church has need for formation before the people is Bridging Bridges for Indigenous company has already funded several The meeting between the Governor direct connection with the people, could appreciate the government’s peoples Towards Development. IP scholars and also planned on and church leaders paved the way even in remote barangays through efforts to alleviate the peoples’ In it, he presented the project goal setting up a school of living tradition to forge partnership between the its various apostolates. discontent. which is to connect with the IPs and for the Lumads.

Poking / B6 Whatever / B6 of your faith in Christ Jesus. All of Consequently, in a Christian common vocation, we have one that has no connection with the we’ve only just met, I feel like can’t even recall what pain is you who have been baptized into community, there cannot be any single destiny” (Puebla 334). No everyday life of the Christian. you have known me ever since,” now that I’m here.” Christ have clothed yourselves discrimination on any basis—be doubt this statement is based on In the past, we looked at God in Dimas replied. “But there must have been with him. There does not exist it sex, power, merits, wealth, the Constitution of the Church: himself, and we tried to explain “If you recall, you just shared something that He did that among you Jew or Greek, slave culture or race. Earlier, we noted “Although by Christ’s will the Trinity in terms of Greek with Him the singular honor of caught your soul’s attention. or freeman, male or female. All that discrimination of colored some are established as teachers, categories that are difficult to accompanying Him crucified to Dimas paused for a while, and are one in Christ Jesus” (Gal people is wrong on the ground dispensers of the mysteries and comprehend unless one has a a cross,” the angel said. thought deeply. Then he said, 3:28). The early Christians saw of its superficiality and its effect pastors for others, there remains, background of Greek philosophy “I guess I didn’t have any “Yes! I do recall what it was that the implication of this teaching. on others. But a meditation nevertheless, a true equality with and culture. Here, however, we choice,” Dimas replied. finally moved me pray to Him.” Luke tells us, for example, that in on the Gospel provides us regard to the dignity and the simply tried to present how the “Maybe that of being crucified, “What was it?” the early Church, the Christians with a deeper basis: we have activity which is common to all Trinity is experienced in our lives, yes. But of turning to Him and “After He spoke with that were one in heart and in mind. become one with Christ. All of the faithful in the building up of and we found that, among others, asking Him to remember you, woman…,” No one claimed anything as his us share in the status of being the Church” (Lumen gentium, our faith in God as Father and in when He enters His Kingdom, “You mean His mother?” own; rather, everything was held God’s children. Therefore, no 32). This why is our racist his Son makes us realize that it that I believe was a free choice “That was His mother?” in common (Acts 4:32). In other one can claim superiority over streak—poking fun, for example, is wrong to discriminate people you made.” Dimas asked. “She was so calm words, the Christian community others. In the words of the at colored entertainers and at our on any basis, precisely because of “Well, I guess I came to my and she’s so beautiful!” is a place where people are Latin American bishops, “we colored neighbors—is wrong, their fundamental equality that is sense about my entire life. I “Well, let’s not get distracted,” accepted and welcomed. are all fundamentally equal, and nothing could make it right. guaranteed by God’s sending his realized what I had done, and the angel said. The basis for accepting and and members of the same If we stressed this implication Son to the world so that it may be how all that was not going to “Oh, yes. I don’t know exactly welcoming every Christian to race, though we live our lives of the Gospel today, it is with saved. In this sense, Nestor Torre outweigh all the injustices I have how to describe it,” Dimas the community is simply the amid the diversity of sexes, the purpose of showing that the hits the nail on the head: “Let’s committed,” Dimas said. continued. fact that he is a Christian—he languages, cultures, and forms doctrine of the Trinity need not all agree to stop being racist and “And yet, mysteriously you “So what was it?” partakes of God’s divine life. of religiosity. By virtue of our be taken as an esoteric teaching sadistic—right now.” uttered a prayer to Him, and to “After He spoke to His mother which He replied with granting and said some other things I you entrance into paradise with didn’t quite understand, He Babel / B6 Holy Spirit / B6 Trinity / B6 Him.” turned to me…,” “If you can call it a prayer, “What did He say?” implies the ability to see what is positive in the Church and in each of us. Without him Divine Pattern since we are made adopted well, I guess so…,” Dimas “He didn’t say anything,” in others; it means knowing how to make the Church would be just a human institution, children of the Father, brothers/sisters of the sighed. “I never learned to pray Dimas clarified. room for others, bearing their burdens, and destined to perish like all other institutions, Son, and temples of the Holy Spirit. We will even as a child.” “But you both spoke, right?” resisting temptations that constantly beset empires and civilizations. But the Church find our fulfillment and complete happiness “But what exactly was it that “Yes, but only after He looked us and provoke competition, careerism, will last until the end of time only because in Him alone. made you ask Him for that at me with those eyes as though distrust and jealousy; and above all, it means the Lord of Life animates her. Our lifetime on earth is not enough to request?” He knew me all His life…,” our contemplation of the Trinity dwelling in Thanks to the presence of the Spirit, the gift of fathom all the preciousness of the personal “When we got to Calvary, I “And?” us. If people can see this spirituality shining salvation and all other gifts of the Risen Christ relationship that binds us to each Divine was struck about how serene and “And He smiled at me!” on our faces, they will certainly recognize the are channeled to people, especially through Person. It is only in the life to come that we peaceful He was. And yet, I could miracle of Pentecost working in the Church those sacred acts that we call “sacraments.” In shall see this wonderful God “face-to-face,” see how much He suffered more * * * and, who knows, our political structure and particular, the forgiving love of God becomes i.e., we shall come to know Him as He really than my companion and me.” system could be affected in the long run. a reality for us, today, through the sacrament is in Himself and for us. And this “knowing” “Did any of these impressions “There are some exchanges And the Babel among our political parties of Reconciliation, which enables us to rise after and loving Him will be the essence of the change as they were crucifying of love which can be made only will be transformed into reconciliation and every fall, purified and strengthened by God’s eternal blessedness which will make us you?” on the Cross.” (St. Elizabeth of communion. forgiving love. perfectly happy for ever. “I don’t recall now, since I the Trinity)

Promote / B1

tinue to face enormous challenges the institutions and actors from as they search for the resources all sectors can and must support Name ______and the path to development the efforts of all LDCs to achieve CBCPMonitor (Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) for their citizens. There remains their goals as members of the one no easy formula for success but human family. the promise of solidarity can be SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address ______a foundation for the renewal of NOTES commitment by those who have ______[1] Paul VI, Encyclical Letter, Populorum wrestled with this challenge for Progressio; On the Development of The CBCP Monitor is published Phone No.: ______Fax No.: ______E-mail: ______decades and a guidepost for the Peoples, no. 14 fortnightly by the CBCP Media new actors in this space. There are [2] Benedict XVI, Encyclical Letter, Cari- Mode of Payment numerous different and essential tas in Veritate: Charity in Truth, no. 33. Office, with editorial and busi-  Check/PMO enclosed  Cash Payment roles and responsibilities for the [3] Ibid., no. 23 Pope Benedict reiterates ness offices at 470 Gen. Luna successful implementation of the this approach when he writes; “Many (Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.) areas of the globe today have evolved St., Intramuros, Manila. PO Box development process in the LDCs. considerably, albeit in problematical 3601, 1076 MCPO Thus, the Holy See anticipates a and disparate ways, thereby taking their • Domestic ______new Programme of Action for place among the great powers destined the LDCs for the coming decade. to play important roles in the future. Yet 1 Year Php 500.00 Signature it should be stressed that progress of a 2 Years Php 900.00 Now is the time to translate into merely economic and technological kind concrete action the commitments is insufficient. Development needs above • Foreign: Asia that have been made in these days. all to be true and integral.” 1 Year US$ 55.00 The future well being of the LDCs [4] Ibid., n. 7 • All Other US$ 80.00 PLEASE SEND TO: depends to a great extent upon [5] Ibid., no. 63 the spirit of gratuitousness that CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines [6] Ibid., motivates our common efforts. 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612 [7] Ibid., no. 34 Or e-mail this at [email protected] Working together in a coordi- nated and cooperative fashion [8] Ibid., no 40 CBCP Monitor B8 Vol. 15 No. 12 Entertainment June 6 - 19, 2011

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor  Disturbing  Below average  Acceptable  Average  Wholesome  Above average  Exemplary  Excellent

The paranormal investigation job to establish a strongly-focused TITLE: Dylan Dog of Dylan Dog (Brandon Routh) story. The role of Elizabeth which CAST: Brandon Routh, Sam takes a back seat after the death is like a wall flower has no impact Huntington, Anita Briem, of his girlfriend at the hands of a at all despite the surprising Peter Stormare, Taye vampire clan. He does not accept revelation of her connection to the Diggs, Brian Steele, related cases like the mysterious villains at the end of the film. The Kurt Angle, Marco St. antagonists are not as remarkable John,Courtney Shay death of a rich importer which Young, Gabrielle Chapin appears to be murdered by a so viewers could hardly hate DIRECTOR: Kevin Munroe warewolf. However, when his them. Nevertheless, Dylan Dog: WRITERS: Thomas Dean friend Marcus (Sam Dead of Night as an italian Donnelly, Joshua Oppen- Huntington) becomes the next comic adaption is entertaining, heimer victim, Dylan does not have primarily as an effect of the GENRE: Horror, Suspense/ second thought of going back to tandem of Dylan and Marcus. Thriller the business of penetrating the The humor brought by the RUNNING TIME: 107 min. world of vampires, warewolf, character of Marcus is effectively and zombies. The mysterious carried by Huntington. Routh, Technical Assessment: 2.5 Moral Assessment: 1.5 people behind these creatures on the other hand, hardly acts CINEMA Rating: For viewers turn out to be Dylan’s friends with on this film like an eternal good age 18 and above. whom he maintains relationships looking zombie. He survived all for old time sake. In the course of the fights and hard beats of the his investigation for the case of beasts yet preserves the good to take on bigger responsibility the rich importer whose daughter looks as if nothing touches his of ensuring victory of good becomes his close allies together face. The gory scenes of dead over evil. However, if Filipino with his dead friend Marcus who corpses and worms are not myths has manananggals, is now a zombie, he discovers necessarily in bad taste but the kapre, tyanaks, the European that the key to stopping the director has the tendency to culture has vampires, zombies deadly creatures is an artifact prolong and overdo. The make- and human warewolves. This burried with one of the vampire up and overall production design European supernatural forms in the crypt. Dylan got this are fine but there are more to is the context of the film Dylan artifact sooner, but of course, his desire with regards to lighting Dog: Dead of Night and it shows “friends” would not like it and and compositions. The special that they do exist and live among they want to make sure they have effects are a bit of a hard sell too. the living like normal people. the artifact in their possesions. Overall, the film falls average in The film naturalizes zombies The film Dylan Dog: Dead of the technical aspect. culture. It shows dead corpses Night is a combined comedy and The film shows how friendship and body parts as commodities suspense thriller. Whilst there is is valued and that a friend is willing which is contrary to the respect a central character, it does not to sacrifice in order to seek justice that Filipinos give to bodies of help to put subplots together for a lost friend and be motivated departed love ones. MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi

Look for the images of TITLE: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides the Holy Trinity, Crucifix CAST: Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Ian McShane, Kevin and Chalice with Host R. McNally, Astrid Berges-Frisbey, Sam Claflin, Geof- frey Rush (Illustration by Bladimer DIRECTOR: Rob Marshall Usi) WRITERS: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio Buhay Parokya GENRE: Action/Adventure, Comedy RUNNING TIME: 137 min. Technical Assessment: 3.5 Moral Assessment: 2.5 CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 14 and above.

SYNOPSIS: Cross- ing paths with the enigmatic Angelica, Captain Jack Sparrow is not sure if it’s love -- or if she’s a ruthless con artist who’s using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the “Queen Anne’s Revenge,” the ship of the legendary pirate Blackbeard, Jack finds himself on an unexpected ad- venture in which he doesn’t know whom to fear more: Black- beard or Angelica, with whom he shares a mysterious past.

TITLE: Kung Fu Panda 2 CAST: Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Gary Oldman, Cross, Jackie Chan, Jack Black, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Dustin Hoffman, Lucy Liu, Michelle Yeoh DIRECTOR: Jennifer Yuh WRITERS: Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger GENRE: Animation, Action/Adventure RUNNING TIME: 91 minutes. Technical Assessment: 4 Moral Assessment: 4 CINEMA Rating: For viewers of all ages.

SYNOPSIS: In “Kung Fu Panda 2,” Po is now living his dream as The Dragon Warrior, protecting the Valley of Peace alongside his friends and fellow kung fu masters, The Furious Five. But Po’s new life of awesome- ness is threatened by the emergence of a formidable villain, who plans to use a secret, unstoppable weapon to conquer China and destroy kung fu. He must look to his past and uncover the secrets of his mysterious ori- gins; only then will Po be able to unlock the strength he needs to succeed. CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 C1 June 6 - 19, 2011 KCFAPI top sales The Cross force bask A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI in Kuala and the Order of the Lumpur sights By Vanessa Puno

SEVENTEEN top sales force of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Asso- ciation of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) basked in Kuala Lumpur’s prime attrac- tions last May 24-26, 2011, as a reward for their commendable sales performance for 2010. Dubbed as “Asian Trip,” the tour around Kuala Lumpur, a melting pot of races and religions, is KCFAPI’s reward for sales agents who sustained effort and admirable skills in achieving an optimal performance in reaching the sales targets from January to December last year. According to Gari San Sebastian, Fraternal Benefits Services Manager who was part of the group, the fraternal counselors and area managers who joined the tour had the time to bond, recharge, relax and be inspired to do more for the rest of 2011. The tour to a chosen Asian country is being given annually to top sales produc- ers intended to motivate them to attain creditable sales performance each year. The top sales force of 2010 have also Kuala Lumpur / C2 The top sales force pose with the Petronas Twin Towers as background during their visit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. FCs attend FST in Manila Incoming Luzon Deputy, youngest NEWLY appointed Fraternal Counselors (FCs) from to hold the post in KC Phils , Bicol and Cordillera attended the 5th Circle No. 1320 at age 17. Batch of fraternal service training (FST) at the Fr. George At 22 years old, he was elevated J. Willmann SJ Center in Intramuros, Manila last May as a 4th degree , the young- 17 to 18, 2011. est in his batch. The FST was conducted by the Fraternal Benefits In a short period of time, he Group (FBG) of Knights of Columbus Fraternal Associa- gained the respect and trust of his tion of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI), a mutual benefit brother Knights. He was entrusted association. the responsibility as a Grand Speakers of the training were P. Teodoro, Fra- Knight of Council No. ternal Benefits Group (FBG) Vice President and Gari San 5310 at 26 and was re-elected for a Sebastian, Fraternal Benefits Services Manager. second term in 1982. Teodoro discussed on the ways participants can im- In 1988, at age 33, he was elected prove their skills in sales performance such as techniques as Faithful Navigator of the Padre and approaches and on directing themselves to work their Gomez Assembly sans having best in every sales opportunity. served any position in the assem- Meanwhile, San Sebastian zeroed in on the Knights bly, since it was apparent that his of Columbus insurance arm’s plans, products and its talent and dedication to the Order background. had earned him the status. His He also oriented the 11 participants with the Order’s INCOMING Luzon State Deputy natural ability for holding the said significant role in society and its contribution towards Sir Knight Arsenio Isidro G. Yap, position was highly commended the realization of the vision and mission of KCFAPI. at 56, is the youngest among the by the members of the assembly (KCFAPI News) The Newly Oriented Fraternal Counselors with FBG Manager Gari M. San Sebastian incumbent and past State Deputies that he served his duty for three of the Knights of Columbus in the consecutive terms, “the only one Philippines. so honored to this day since the Yap, fondly called “Boy” by his establishment of the assembly in peers will be taking over the post of 1955. The New Mindanao State Deputy Luzon State Deputy now Supreme His loyalty and ardor secured him Director, Alonso L. Tan on July 1. various positions in the Knights of BROTHER Balbino Fauni was initiated to 1975, he finished the Degree of Bachelor of He attributed his appointment by Columbus Luzon Jurisdiction; as become a member of the Order on 1997. A Science, Commerce, major in Management Supreme Knight Carl Anderson District Deputy of District M-44 year after that, he was requested to charter at the Notre Dame of Dadiangas College in to hard work and his “credibility for two terms from 1995-97, State a council at Doña Soledad Subdivision in General Santos City. in holding positions” in the said Auditor from 2000-01 and State General Santos City where he became the Sir Knight Fauni was initiated to the organization. Secretary from 2007 to 2011. Charter Grand Knight of Immaculate Con- First Degree on February 16, 1997 at the Being the only former Colum- His ability to lead is also shown ception Council No. 12608 for two years, and Holy Cross Parish Council No. 10457 and bian Squire as Luzon Deputy to be his dominant trait by the was appointed as the District Deputy. was elected as 3-Year Trustee in 1998. He among the aspirants, it was evident positions he held and maintained Balbino was born in Alapan, Imus, Cavite became the Charter Grand Knight of the that he was honed at a tender age outside the KC Order. 65 years ago. He attended his elementary Council No. 12608 to become the future leader of the At 18 years old, he began hold- school at Anglo Chinese School in 1958, in Columbian year 2000 to 2002. He was Knights having exhibited the abili- ing several positions in a family- and finished his secondary school at the elected as a 3-Year Trustee of Council No. ties and skills. He joined the youth owned corporation, the Alysons’ Notre Dame of Dadiangas Boys Dept. 12608 in CY 2009-2010. arm of the KC Order at 13 and be- Chemical Enterprises, Inc., where in 1962. In 1966, he finished Bachelor of In the year 2002, he was appointed as Dis- came the Chief Squire of Gomburza he is currently the Chief Operating General Science major in Psychology at the trict Deputy of M-85 up to year 2006 and as Luzon / C2 University of Sto. Tomas in Manila, and in Mindanao / C2 Incoming Visayas KCFAPI donates tables, chairs to Deputy-Sir Knight Rodrigo Intramuros Day Care Center KCFAPI will surely put a smile on every kid Nonato Sorongon in the Intramuros day care center this coming academic year. BROTHER Rodrigo is a native of Sta. Bar- Through the well supported fund raising ac- bara Ilo-ilo. He was born on September 4, tivity of the KCFAPI gift-giving committee the 1947. He was a graduate of Human Re- Brgy. 658 Day Care Center in Intramuros was sources Management at Naval Training provided with thirty tables and chairs instead Center Memphis Tennessee. Afterwards, of the school supplies the KCFAPI initially he became the US Naval Instructor/facili- intended to give to twenty beneficiaries. tator on Leadership and Management. The gift-giving committee this year drew It was on April 9, 1996 when he first inspiration from Fr. George Willmann, the joined the Knights of Columbus as a 1st founder of KCFAPI, who during his lifetime Degree Knight at Nevada USA he then spearheaded socio-civic projects addressing ascended to becoming a 2nd and then the needs of the youth and children. 3rd degree Knight on September 4, 1996 A substantial fund was raised from the and on July 25,1998, He became a 4th Council Membership Director where he activity dubbed “Search for 2011 KC Sikat” Degree Knight at Bacolod City, Negros was one of those who were awarded with among KCFAPI employees, which enabled Occidental. a Caribbean cruise. the committee to buy tables and chairs for the His active participation in his council Mr. Sorongon is married and blessed twenty beneficiaries. branched out to holding of various posi- with two children who are both settled Barangay representatives Kagawad Ricky tions such as Past Grand Knight, Former now abroad. He is a retired US Navy Martinez and Sec. Joan Dayao received the District Deputy, Past Regional Secretary, where after returning to his homeland, donations from KCFAPI officials led by gift- Past Visayas State Secretary and Past he presently holds the position of Visayas (From left) VP-FBG Joseph P. Teodoro, Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, State Secretary Arsenio Isidro G. Yap, Pres. giving committee chairman Ronulfo Antero Alonso L. Tan, Brgy 658 Kagawad Ricky Martinez and Secretary Ms. Joan Dayao, MACE President Antonio T. Yulo, State New Council Development and Jurisdiction Executive Secretary and as a G. Infante, Vice President, Information & BC EVP-Ma. Theresa G. Curia, Arsenio Lopez and Gift Giving Committee Chairman VP-Information and BC Holders’ State Council Reactivation Director. He Municipal Councilor (Sanguniang Bayan Services Mr. Ronulfo Antero G. Infante. Intramuros / C2 was also a recipient of the Knights of Co- Member) of the Sta Barbara Ilo-ilo. (Juno lumbus Circle of Honor Award as State Amaris Mancenido) CBCP Monitor C2 Vol. 15 No. 12 The Cross June 6 - 19, 2011

Hilario G. Davide, Jr. 2011 Vis-Min Executive Sales Visitation DYNAMIC Fraternal Counselors, Chairman’s Message Team Leaders and Area Managers THE month of June 2011 has a from Visayas and Mindanao who very special significance for the qualified in the yearly Presidential Philippines and imparts a special Visitation challenge, have gathered message to the Filipino people. at Sarrosa International Hotel lo- We will celebrate on 12 June the cated at Ayala Access Road, Mabolo, 113th anniversary of the Declara- Cebu City on May 14, 2011 for the tion of our Independence, and on KCFAPI Executive Sales Visitation. 19 June the 150th anniversary of A day before the event, Vice Presi- the birth of our national hero Dr. dent for Fraternal Benefits Group, Jose P. Rizal. The declaration of Mr. Joseph P. Teodoro called a independence put an end to the meeting of VISMIN Area Managers nearly 350 years of foreign rule and Team Leaders administered characterized by oppression and injustice, and gave birth by FBSD Manager, Mr. Gari M. San to a nation of freedom and democracy. Sebastian at the Cebu Service Office More than breaking the colonial yoke, the Declaration conference room. was a sacred charge to build up the institutions of our The qualifiers were described country, to shape the frontiers of destiny and to mark as the cream of the crop Fraternal out the great epochs that have yet to come. The birth Counselors for their laudable pro- of Jose P. Rizal was God’s gift to the Filipino people; duction in the first quarter for the he nurtured the spirit of one’s love of country. With year 2011. VP-FBG, Joseph P. Te- his bloodshed in martyrdom on 30 December 1896, he odoro welcomed the attendees and sparked the revolution that hastened the Declaration of gave a lecture on a range of selling Independence. techniques and schemes heading to sages. The Executive Vice President, Ms. Ma. recent State Convention: “I Am My Brother’s Without Rizal and the 12 June 1898 Declaration of In- the 2011 Annual . The three Theresa G. Curia provided KCFAPI Updates Keeper”. dependence the Philippines would not have been what it state deputies namely: Bro. Alonso and the Association’s financial highlights Fellowship Dinner culminated the VISMIN is today whose standing in the community of democratic L. Tan, Bro. Dionisio R. Esteban Jr. followed by the President’s Report of Bro. Executive Sales Visitation, a vehicle promot- nations is a model for new and restored democracies. and Bro. Sofronio R. Cruz for Luzon, Alonso L. Tan. KCFAPI Chairman, former ing virtuous camaraderie among Fraternal Without Rizal and the Declaration of Independence the Visayas and Mindnao, respectively, Chief Justice Hilario G. Davide, Jr. focused Counselors from Visayas and Mindanao as Filipino people would have remained in slavery. delivered their inspirational mes- his stimulating message on the theme of the well as KCFAPI officers. (Allen C. Bohol) Let us then rejoice as we celebrate the 113th anniver- sary of our independence and the 150th birth anniversary of Dr. Jose P. Rizal. KC Philippines Foundation Above all, let us on bended knees thank God for his continuing love and blessings for the Philippines and Messages of the Filipino people. Scholar Graduates With Honors MS. Sonia Richelle B. Mag- daraog, a scholar of KC KC Scholars AT last, my four years of studies in St. John the Alonso L. Tan Philippines Foundation Inc. Evangelist School of Theology in Palo, Leyte (KCPFI), recently graduated has ended successfully. I owe these for a great Cum Laude with the Degree part on your philanthropic foundation which President’s Message of Bachelor of Science in Civil fully provided for my financial obligation in the THE Columbian Year 2010-2011 is Engineering from Catand- seminary. I thank the Almighty Lord for your about to end several days from now uanes State Colleges, Virac, existence which is ever benevolent to extend the and a new one to begin on July 1st Catanduanes. She is one of needed support to indigent seminarians like me. 2011. While we still have about one the sixteen KCPFI scholars May He bless your foundation forever. month left, it is wise to zero in on what who graduated last March All I can do and say is to express my humble, we can do in order for our councils and April 2011 from vari- wholehearted and sincere acknowledgment, to attain its goals for the Columbian ous colleges and universities and appreciation of God’s gift given to me Year. around the country. Ms. through your ever magnificent foundation— Foremost is on the submission of Magdaraog is the daughter truly a source of strength and inspiration and a the reportorial requirements such as of Bro. Rey and Sis. Evelyn wellspring of life for seminarians. audit report, fraternal survey, lists of Magdaraog of the Knights I infinitely owe my life in the seminary chosen officers, application for star council and service pro- of Columbus Council No. through your renowned foundation for with- gram recognition and Form 100. 4266 located in Virac, Cat- out it, I would not have been where I am at Second is the required new members’ recruitment target. anduanes. She has been a present. Third is service program undertakings left unaccom- consistent honor student Now, as I am getting nearer to the altar of plished. since high school and was God, I vow to dedicate my whole being in Fourth is the promotion of the fraternal benefits program of active in various school ac- the service of God through our Holy Catholic the Order handled by KCFAPI. tivities and organizations. Church. At this time allow me to take the opportunity to welcome Ms. Magdaraog received a Together with my family, I pray and wish for three (3) distinguished Knights who will assume mantle of five-year scholarship grant your eternal existence always ready to extend leadership in the three (3) Philippine Jurisdictions. They are: from the Foundation start- assistance to seminarians in need. Arsenio Isidro G. Yap for Luzon ing with schoolyear 2006-07. Deep in my heart and soul, I express my Rodrigo N. Sorongon for Visayas Currently, she is enrolled in thanks and solemn gratitude to your founda- Balbino C. Fauni for Mindanao a six-month review course in preparation for the Civil Engineering Licensure tion. Let us all extend our helping hands and prayers that they Examination in November. As of to date, the KC Philippines Foundation, Inc. Long live and God bless us all. will succeed and surpass the achievements of their predeces- has successfully provided assistance to 263 collegiate, 114 vocational and 1 high sors. school students from all over the country. Congratulations to Ms. Magdaraog Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ, To my fellow State Deputies Bro. Jun Esteban and Ponying and to our newest batch of KCPFI scholar-graduates. Cruz and all other State Officers and District Deputies I offer SEM. Anthony G. Salazar my thanks for their generous assistance and congratulations Intramuros / C1 for a job well done. I AM writing to express my sincere gratitude Vivat Jesus. Holders’ Services; Alonso Tan, KCFAPI President and Ma. Theresa Curia, KCFAPI Ex- to the KCPFI for making me one of your scholars ecutive Vice President, at the KCFAPI head office last May 23. for five years. The financial assistance you pro- Mindanao/ C1 The large amount raised from the recent employees’ fund raising activity was mainly vided have been of great help to me in paying achieved through the sustained effort and support of the KCFAPI employees, fraternal my educational expenses, and allowed me to a DD, he organized two councils the First Pacific Metro Marketing counselors, benefit certificate holders and friends. concentrate more of my time in studying. I am namely: Lanton Council No. 13769 Incorporated. Two years ago, he Joseph P. Teodoro, Fraternal Benefits Group Vice President likewise donated t-shirts deeply appreciative of your support. and FVR Council No. 14065, all in received the Top Agency Manager to the Intramuros day care students. I recently earned my degree in Civil Engi- General Santos City. In 2004, Bal Award given by the Caritas Health The considerable amount generated from fund raising activity held from March to neering at Catanduanes State Colleges. After Fauni was appointed as Secretary Shield, Inc., General Santos Branch, April also enabled the committee to extend its gift-giving activities to beneficiaries se- a month of vacation, I am planning to take a of the Association of the Knights where he works up to the present as lected from each of the KCFAPI service offices in Visayas and Mindanao. Ten selected 6-month review before taking the Civil Engi- of Columbus in the Diocese of the Agency Manager. students from each service office will be provided with school supplies. neering Licensure Examination in November. Marbel (AKCDM) which lasted Brother Bal received a District “The gift-giving committee is very thankful for the all-out support given by the em- Thanks to the Knights of Columbus, I am one- to 2007. In 2005, Kuya Bal, [as Star Award for M-85 during his ployees. All these were made possible because of them,” said Infante. (KCFAPI News) step closer to becoming an engineer. he is fondly called], was elected leadership in CY 2004-2005, and Thank you again for your generosity and Faithful Navigator of Sarangani support. The Knights of Columbus had not only a recipient of Perfect Attendance Kuala Lumpur / C1 Bay Assembly, ACN1770. A year Award from year 2000 to 2006 in his helped me financially but also became one of my after that, he was appointed as council. From 2002 to 2009, Kuya achieved the titles of Fraternal districts of Kuala Lumpur. inspirations to study well. I promise you I will the Provincial Secretary for Gen- Bal was a consistent awardee of Counselor (FC) of the year, FC Run- San Sebastian challenged the sales work very hard and do my very best to reach eral Santos City and Sarangani Giver of Life Award for his council ners up, Area Manager (AM) of the force to perform better for a higher my goal and eventually give something back Province, CY 2006-2007, and later 12608. Year, AM Runners up, and members reward. He said they can aim to par- to others. I hope one day, I will be able to help became the Regional Secretary for Outside of the Knights of Co- of the Fr. Willmann Knights of the ticipate in the FOCUS Challenge 2011 students achieve their goals just as the Knights Region XI-B, Diocese of Marbel in lumbus, Bro. Bal also had been an Round Table (WKRT). incentive program which runs from of Columbus helped me. CY 2007-2008. At the same time he active Purok (village) Chairman Among the tourist attractions January to December 2011, wherein was elected as the President of the at Doña Soledad Subdivision in visited by the group include the an FC must attain a target of 5 million Sincerely, AKCDM from 2007-2009 and prior 2002-2004, and was reelected in King’s Palace, National Museum, first year contribution income and to Sonia Richelle B. Magdaraog to the end of his term, he was ap- 2008-present. As a Member of the Monument and Mosque, Indepen- get a free ticket to an Asian tour and pointed as the Regional Secretary Board of Trustee, he is also an ac- dence Square, Chocolate Gallery, as a bonus, the privilege to attend the Luzon / C1 for Region XII composed of the tive affiliate of South Mindanao KLCC (Twin Tower), and the Pu- supreme convention. Dioceses of Kidapawan, Marbel, Habitat for Humanity in General trajaya. Lorenzo Dufale, Sr., the Fraternal Officer. He became the president of the Philip- and Cotabato (KIDMACO), up to Santos City. Prior to their departure for Ma- Counselor (FC) of the Year achieved the pine Association of Chemical Suppliers, Inc. the present. Married to Ruby Adrinela, a laysia, the Fraternal Counselors and highest first year contribution income from 1997-98. Sir Knight Bal Fauni worked government High School teacher, Area Managers were given a tour and insured fifty creditable new paid Even in his formative years, he was devoted with the Metro Drug Corporation Bro. Bal was blessed with four briefing at the KCFAPI headquar- lives. to serving the Church, showing his love for God and was awarded as Top Salesman children; three of whom were ters on May 23. Conrado Dator, Jr. of Southern by becoming a member of the Knights of the of the Region (Mindanao) in 1979- successfully employed, while the Ma. Theresa Curia, KCFAPI Ex- Luzon Lakers, the Area Manager of the Altar of Our Lady of the School 1980. In 1990, he was able to achieve youngest still in sophomore high ecutive Vice President pepped them Year attained the highest number of Chapel at 12 years old until he was 16, from the Best Area Manager citations by school. with her welcome remarks while new paid lives. Second in rank is Efren 1967-1973. Since December 2000 up to present, San Sebastian presented a video Casupanan of Central Luzon Believers he is the overall lay coordinator of the Most Holy that gave an overview of Malaysia’s who attained his total first year contri- Redeemer Parish Pastoral Council. culture, population, weather, food bution income target and at least 80% Born on May 15, 1955 in Manila, Yap obtained and what the participants had to of his total number of lives target and his bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts major in paint- expect and bring to the trip. Josefino Valencia. ing at the University of Santo Tomas in 1977. He Sharon Santos Ang of Sams The three runners-up FCs of the Year, married Ana Maria V. Rubio on July 8, 1979 with Travel gave the itinerary, travel Teofilo Samson, Reynaldo Segismundo whom he is blessed with five children. reminders, tips and provided the and Danilo Tullao, also took the oppor- In an interview with CBCPNews, Yap dis- awardees with tour kits. tunity to relax in Kuala Lumpur. These closed his vision of improving the operation, The awardees were later treated runners-up have attained at least two policies and programs of the Luzon Jurisdiction to a dinner at the Zamboanga res- million first year contribution income during his term beginning July 1, 2011. taurant in Malate Manila, together and have insured a minimum of forty- “I want change or reform. I don’t want stagna- with Alonso Tan, KCFAPI Presi- eight creditable new paid lives. tion. I see the need to upgrade the system; not to dent, Joseph Teodoro, Fraternal Others who also joined the elite circumvent but to enhance it so that it becomes Benefits Group Vice President, Ms. group were members of the Fr. Willmann even stronger and efficient,” he said. Curia and Mr. San Sebastian. Knights of the Round Table (WKRT); Recalling his years as a fine arts student with The sales force enjoyed their Jose Larry Mendoza, Maria Teresa De his classmates, he said they were formed to ex- stay at Hotel Sentral Pudu where La Mota, Jeffrey Rey Guillermo, Diego periment, “We explore, we look outside the box, they were billeted for two nights Marquez, Angel Rivada, Angelito Lat, we experiment,” and that particularly in devis- Members of the KCFAPI board and some KCFAPI officers during the signing of which is located at the center of Veronica Casupanan and Lauro Evan- the National Convention Manual of the Knights of Columbus of the Philippines ing procedures, that he has contributed uniquely on the occasion of the May 19, 2011 board meeting. commercial, business and shopping gelista. to the Luzon Jurisdiction. (CBCPNews) CBCP Monitor Vol. 15 No. 12 C3 June 6 - 19, 2011 The Cross Why John Paul II was beatified Blessed Pope John Paul II was an extraordinary witness of faith and love, seeking unity with Christ above all

By Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson

DURING the days leading up to the beatification his funeral Mass when hundreds of thousands Pope John Paul II. Pope Benedict XVI’s episcopal of Blessed John Paul II, I was frequently asked by of people chanted, “Santo Subito!” (“Sainthood motto—”Cooperators veritatis” (“Co-workers of journalists whether I thought the Vatican was rush- now!”). the truth”)—provides a key to our understanding. ing John Paul II’s path to sainthood. My answer To be sure, the beatification of John Paul II is not If we recognize the fundamental responsibility of was simple: “If the Lord had not wanted John Paul a scorecard on his papacy. Rather, it is a judgment a bishop to be a teacher, that is, to be a cooperator II beatified now, he would not have granted the on his living the Christian life. But the beatification with the truth, then the pope is an unparalleled miracle that was attributed to his intercession.” does tell us something very important about the example of this teaching office. The so-called “waiting period,” which was papacy of his successor, Pope Benedict XVI, and As Pope Benedict observed in his homily, during shortened in the case of Pope John Paul II, is one about the papacy in general. his 23 years of service as prefect of the Congrega- way to help ensure that procedures are followed Many may remember the common wisdom tion for the Doctrine of the Faith, he was one of and requirements are met. The important test is among journalists that was expressed during the John Paul II’s closest co-workers. In that capacity, that the pope and the Congregation for the Causes conclave held after the death of John Paul II. Some he came “to revere him all the more.” Benedict of Saints are satisfied that all the standards have thought the pendulum had swung too far in one also referred to the “witness of faith, love and ap- been fulfilled. direction and that the new pope needed to be a ostolic courage” of Blessed John Paul II, whom he As Pope Benedict XVI observed in his homily “corrective,” to return the Church to some unspeci- said exemplified “a personal and communitarian during the beatification Mass May 1, he wanted the fied “middle ground.” existence directed to Christ.” cause of beatification “to move forward with rea- While the image of a swinging pendulum may In the closing words of his homily, Pope Benedict sonable haste” because “of the ways God’s people be appropriate in a secular political context, where gave the clearest reason for the beatification of John many projects essential to their ministry. But our showed their veneration” for John Paul II and “be- public attitudes shift back and forth between the Paul II: “He lived out in an extraordinary way the greatest privilege has been to experience their “wit- cause this is what was pleasing to the Lord.” political left and right, it is not adequate to under- vocation of every priest and bishop to become ness of faith, love and apostolic courage” and in The world saw the extraordinary witness and stand a Church guided by the Holy Spirit along completely one with Jesus.” our own way to be their co-workers in this sense. heroic Christian virtue that marked the nearly 27 the sure path of salvation history. For more than three decades, the Knights of May the prayers of Blessed John Paul II sustain us years of John Paul II’s papacy. We might say that A shining example of this reality was the elec- Columbus has been privileged to be “co-workers” in this work. the world pronounced its judgment on him during tion of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to succeed with these two great and has supported Vivat Jesus!

Joseph P. Teodoro Angelito A. Bala For Brother Knights by Brother Knights Frequently Asked Questions Q. What are the conditions to claim Sales Performance Posts Growth double indemnity?

KCFAPI insurance contribu- the Fraternal Benefits Group. dent and Sis. Ma. Theresa G. will maintain, if not, heighten A. KCFAPI offers, for a small addi- tion from new businesses The Executive Sales Visita- Curia, KCFAPI Executive Vice the sales records they made tional consideration, a supplementary posted a positive growth of tions held in Morong, Bataan President. in 2010. contract that provides the insured an about 21% compared with the (for Luzon) and in Cebu City The State Deputy Award To keep the momentum go- additional amount equal to the face record last year. (for VisMin) is one of the key which ended May 31, 2011 ing, KCFAPI has prepared the value of the benefit certificate (BC) The record growth is ex- factors for improved perfor- spiced up the enthusiasm of Fraternal Benefits Group a new if the cause of death is by accidental pected to increase by May mance. The inspiration and the awardees to nail-down 50% organizational set-up which means. Accidental death is defined as 31, 2011 based on favorable challenges were provided of the requirement for the an- will result to recruiting more “death of the insured must occur as a reports from the field. This de- by Hon. Hilario G. Davide, nual awards. new fraternal counselors and result from bodily injury effected directly and independently velopment is attributable to a Jr., KCFAPI Chairman, Bro. The Kuala Lumpur trip will better training, supervision of all causes through external, violent and accidental means number of factors initiated by Alonso L. Tan, KCFAPI Presi- assure that the top performers and motivation scheme. within 180 days from the date of accident which have caused such injuries and of which, except in the case of drowning Atty Rizal V. Katalbas, Jr. or internal injuries revealed by a medical examination or an autopsy, there is a visible contusion or wound on the exterior of the body, and provided that such accident occurred during the effectivity of the coverage”. The supplementary contract is From the Legal Standpoint attached to the BC upon issue date and the provision states that the accident must occur before the end of the BC year prior to the insured’s sixtieth (60th) birthday. The contract provision A Case of Reinstatement does not apply if the BC was converted to Reduced Paid Up or Extended Term insurance. Moreover, the contract does not in any way affect the cash values of the BC. KEEPING your insurance coverage in force is crucial as it issued a check, representing the full refund of the payments Note that from the definition above, the death of the insured spells the future of your loved ones, paying your contribu- made by the insured on Policy No. 9011992. must have resulted from accidental bodily injury. Only those tions/premiums on time is equally crucial since it is the life- The petitioner requested for reconsideration but was denied bodily injuries which resulted from acts that are unforeseen line of your insurance coverage. One should therefore keep by the insurer. or unexpected are considered. A person carrying a heavy abreast with his or her premium/contribution payments, for The petitioner then filed a Complaint for Death Claim with load on his back may suffer strain or back pains. The person failure to pay your contributions on time may cost a lifetime’s the Regional Trial Court alleging that the insurer engaged may have suffered accidental bodily injury but the injury is investment. in unfair claim settlement practice and deliberately failed not the result of an accidental means. But if he trips over an A case in point. The husband of the petitioner applied to act with reasonable promptness on her insurance claim. object, falls and breaks his arm, the injury has resulted from for a life insurance policy with the insurer. The insurer, then The insurer in its answer maintained that Policy No. 9011992 an accidental means. issued Policy No. 9011992 in favor of the husband wherein was rendered void by the non-payment of the premium and It is also worth repeating the phrase “directly and inde- insured’s wife and the petitioner in this case was named as non-compliance with the requirements for the reinstatement pendently of all other causes”. Insurers insert this condition the primary beneficiary. of the same. to eliminate pre-existing conditions, such as abnormalities The terms of payment of premiums are on a quarterly basis. After trial the RTC rendered a decision in favor of the or diseases, as loss causes and restrict recovery only to those The Policy also contained a provision giving a grace period insurer. Based on the evidences presented it was shown injuries caused exclusively by accidents. If a man suffers a of 31 days for the payment of each premium subsequent to that the insured failed to pay his premiums after the 31 day heart attack and falls, the heart attack is the immediate cause the first. If the premium remained unpaid until the end of grace period and as a result, his insurance policy lapsed, of any injuries sustained and has not resulted directly and the grace period, the policy would automatically lapse and in accordance with the provisions of the insurance policy. independently of all other causes. Injuries as such are not become void. Also, a perusal of the provision on the 31 grace period in the compensable. But if an insured suffers internal bleeding and From issue date up to October 1997 the insured paid the insurance policy and the conditions for reinstatement in the infection that led to his death following a vehicular accident premiums due. However, he failed to pay the premium due on application was not ambiguous. in which he was involved, it is possible that the contract will 24 January 1998. As the 31 day grace period passed-by without The case was brought to the Supreme Court. Among the is- be held to cover the loss of life if it can be proven that the making any payment his policy lapsed and became void. sues raised by the petitioner was whether or not the insured disease, injury is the direct result of the accident. This follows The insured submitted an Application for Reinstatement, was able to reinstate the lapsed insurance policy on his life the doctrine of proximate cause which reads: through his agent, together with the premium due. However, before he died. “In the event of the concurrence of several causes, the loss the insurer notified the insured that his Application for Rein- The Supreme Court affirmed the ruling of the trial court. will be deemed to have been caused by the dominating peril statement could not be processed because the overdue inter- When Policy No. 9011992 lapsed this was not disputed by so long as there exist an unbroken chain of cause and effect est amounting to P322.48 remained unpaid. The insurer then the insured. All the more when he filed an application for between the peril and the loss, whether or not the peril is ac- instructed the insured to pay the amount of interest and to reinstatement through the agent this constituted an admission tive at the consummation of the loss.” file another application for reinstatement. The insurer’s agent that his policy had lapsed. Then when the insured submitted The injury suffered must also be a result of external and vio- also advised the insured to pay the premiums which became his application form along with the unpaid premiums, the lent means showing visible wounds or contusions on the body due on 24 April 1998 and 24 July 1998, plus interest. amount paid was sufficient to cover only the overdue premi- of the insured. Most courts consider all force violent including On 17 September 1998, the insured submitted a second ums and did not include interests, hence Insular did not act the bite of a tiny insect but the accident must sufficiently show Application for Reinstatement, including the amount of on the application and his payment was treated as a deposit. abrasions, bruises, cuts on the corpse. Exceptions are made in P17,500.00 inclusive of overdue interest on the premium. The By the time the insured submitted a second application for the contract such as accidental drowning or internal injury as Application for Reinstatement was received by the insurance reinstatement the subsequent premiums were also due. That exposed/revealed in an autopsy. agent’s husband who then issued a receipt for the amount the same day the second application was submitted through the (Some texts, definitions and concepts were lifted from the book, insured deposited. insurer’s agent the insured died. Modern Life Insurance: A textbook of Income Insurance” by Robert On that same day, 17 September 1998, the insured died of Looking over the provisions in the Insurance Policy and Mehr and Robert Osler.) cardio-respiratory arrest secondary to electrocution. the Application for Reinstatement the court opined that said Not knowing of the insured’s death, the agent, forwarded provisions in the insurance policy and reinstatement were the second Application for Reinstatement and P17,500.00 clear and did not need further interpretation. Thus the rein- deposit to the Insular Life. However, upon learning of the statement of Policy No. 9011992 depended on the insured’s The Cause of Father insured’s demise Insular Life deferred action on the second compliance to the conditions under the application for rein- Application for Reinstatement. statement. Unfortunately, at the time the second application The insured’s wife filed a claim with Insular Life but was was submitted, the insured died. For this reason, Policy No. George J. Willmann, SJ denied by the latter on the ground that his Policy had already 9011992 could not be considered as reinstated since one of EMULATING the virtues that Father Willmann, may we call lapsed, and failed to reinstate the same. Furthermore the the conditions in the Application for Reinstatement is that it bespeak of sanctity of a person, on all Brother Knights, their Application for Reinstatement, stated that it would only be must be approved by the insurer during the lifetime of the like Father George J. Willmann, families and friends to respond considered reinstated upon approval of the application during insured and in good health. (Lalican vs Insular Life Asurance is what we need today to draw to the following appeal: the applicant’s “lifetime and good health”. Likewise Insular Co. Ltd. G.R. No. 183526, August 25, 2009) us into a deeper living out • Submission of testimonies of the fullest meaning of our on Fr. Willmann’s heroic vir- Catholic Faith in the context of tues; “The Father McGivney of the Philippines” increasing secularism. Thus, • Recitation of Prayer for A Primer on Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ we believe, is one of the most his Beatification in private and important objectives in initiat- during K of C meetings and Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ. is referred to as the “Father Mc. Givney who were like sheep without a shepherd, that led him to the ing the Cause of the good Fa- affairs; of the Philippines” because, like founder of the Knights of Knights.” ther George J. Willmann. • Invocation of his interces- Columbus, he vigorously pursued the growth of the Order and dynami- His Ministry As prescribed by the Congre- sion in our prayers; cally worked for the radical transformation of faith into action. •Fr. Willmann’s first 10 years in the priesthood was mostly gation for Causes of Saints in • Submission of Reports on His Life confined at the Ateneo where he held various ministries; his Rome a person may be elevated answered prayers through the •Fr. Willmann was born on June 29, 1897 to very devout competence was hailed as session director of the first National to the honors of the altar if he intercession of Father Will- Catholic parents in Brooklyn, New York. He had one brother Eucharistic Congress with over a million participants. has lived up to a “heroic” de- mann; and four sisters, one of them became a of the Franciscan •On the 10th year of his priesthood he was allowed by his supe- gree of the supernatural virtues • Visitation of his tomb in the Missionaries of Mary assigned in Mindanao. riors to serve the Knights of Columbus. It was here that, according of faith, hope and charity, as Sacred Heart Novitiate Ceme- •Belonging to a (Jesuits), Fr. Willmann came to Fr. James Reuter, he found “his corner of the sky…it was a new well as the cardinal virtues of tery, Novaliches, Quezon City. to the Philippines in 1922 as a seminarian to teach at the Ateneo; blood for the Knights. It was a turning point in their history. It prudence, justice and fortitude •Membership to Fr. George J. returned to USA in 1925 to finish his theological studies. After was a new vitality, a new vision, a new direction, new life.” and temperance. We believe Willmann . his ordination to the priesthood in 1928, he came back to Manila •Past Supreme Knight Virgil C. Dechant summarizes the min- that Father Willmann practiced This is a challenge for all of fired up with a strong sense of mission. istry of Fr. Willmann with the Knights of Columbus this way: them all to an exceptional us Knights of Columbus who •Imbued with the Ignatian spirituality, Fr. Willmann had a “Father Willmann spent 44 fruitful and productive years in the degree. dearly love Father George J. burning zeal to work for the poor – in fact, “it was his concern Philippines, serving young people, the poor, the sick, the orphans, In order to establish and Willmann, SJ. for the poor, for the underprivileged, for the men of Manila the oppressed, the lonely and the desolate.” widen the fame of Sanctity of CBCP Monitor C4 Vol. 15 No. 12 The Cross June 6 - 19, 2011 KC Luzon holds 7th Family LD Tan to Squires: Be steadfast in Day, mini olympics faith, continue to be AT least one thou- Winners were sand members of proclaimed imme- disciples of Christ the Knights of Co- diately after the lumbus and their games and were IN addressing the Co- the Luzon Columbian immediate fami- awarded with tro- lumbian Squires, the Squires continues to soar lies participated in phies and youth arm of the Knights up the membership lad- the KC Family Day by Luzon Deputy of Columbus, Luzon der, ahead of everyone, and mini Olympics Tan, assisted by Deputy Alonso Tan said and during my term of held at the Amo- Yap, Martinez and that they must be stead- office a number of Squires ranto Sports Com- Eroles. fast in faith and continue were awarded the “Body plex in Quezon The Over-all to be disciples of Christ. of Christ” and the instal- City last May 7. Champion for this “May you not be in- lation of area chairman Dubbed as “7th year’s Mini-Olym- fluenced by the modern for every archdiocese/ Fr. George J. Will- pics was Manila ways of our world today diocese,” he said. mann, S.J. Fam- Council 1000 of and continue to propa- SK Tan added that ily Day and Mini- Intramuros Ma- gate the teachings of our Squires have likewise Olympics 2011”, nila followed by Lord Jesus Christ,” Tan proven themselves wor- the recent sports Council 12125 of said. thy of emulation when event had the big- Puntorin, Valen- In a message delivered they participated in the gest turn out of at- zuela City as first to 282 participants of the Knights of Columbus’ tendance since the runner-up. Coun- 6th Luzon State Circle “Walk for Life” rallies KC began the ac- cil 5124 of Balut Convention at the FVR promoting the sancti- tivity seven years Tondo, Manila gymnasium in Baguio ty of life and the fight ago. and Council 14359 City on May 20-22, Lu- against the Reproductive The family event of San Sebastian zon Deputy and Supreme Health/Responsible Par- aims to encourage Recoletos, Cavite Director Alonso Tan en- enthood Bill. strong comrade- City were pro- couraged the Squires He also emphasized ship among the claimed 2nd and to carry on their good the important role of the works and “continue Counselors who have Knights with their KC Family in action, during one of the sports events held on the occasion of the 7th KC Luzon Family day and Mini-olympics. 3rd runners-up, immediate fami- respectively. The honing their skills for the become an inspiration lies. the KC family paid tribute to Fr. The highlight of the event was said councils received good of the Order and of for the Squires. According to Supreme Director George J. Willmann, S.J., Father the lighting of olympic flame by and cash award. the nation.” Aside from their par- and Luzon Deputy Alonso Tan of Knights of Columbus in the State Advocate Justice Jose Reyes, Other councils who bagged special The outgoing Luzon ents, the counselors also “the objective of holding such Philippines. Jr., assisted by State Warden Pas- awards and given trophies and cash Deputy also expressed act as mentors to the an event is to enhance physi- The activity started with a cual Carbero and State Council award were Council 1000 for the Big- his thanks for the ex- youth to become effec- cal fitness, health consciousness celebration of the Holy Eucha- Director Eroles. gest delegation with 141 members; tended support of the tive leaders of today’s and above all to promote closer rist presided over by Fr. Rudy The games started at 9 a.m. and Council 12308 of Sta. Teresita, Quezon Columbian Squires dur- generation. relationship, friendship and ca- Magbata, Assistant Parish Priest lasted until four in the afternoon. City for the Best in Uniform; Council ing his term. The Colum- Through the Squires maraderie.” of St. Parish in Forty-nine councils with their 10582 of Calumpit, Bulacan as the Far- bian Squires has 10,575 program the young men Tan in his message also stressed Quezon City. family came from different parts thest delegation; and 20 year old Ms. members in 509 Circles are being formed to be- that the Knights of Columbus as a The event was organized by of Metro Manila and nearby prov- Ruby Christine Domingo of Council in Luzon. come good leaders of the family organization advocates the Luzon Deputy Tan, Ex-Officio inces of Cavite and Bulacan. 12125 as the Best Muse. Citing several achieve- organization, community involvement of family members in Chairman, State Secretary Ar- KCFAPI employees with their The organizers awarded 69 ments of the Luzon and the Church through KC activities. senio Isidro Yap, Ex-Officio Co- immediate families, and Colum- gold medals, silver medals and Squires which received “leadership training and “We are a family organization, Chairman, State Program Director bian Squires competed for the place bronze medals each to the de- praises and prestige not moral guidance needed while members of the Knights of Bonifacio Martinez, Chairman, in the 15 events. serving winners for individual only in the Philippines to succeed in life.” Columbus are Catholic gentlemen, State Council Director Elmer The basketball game has more and group events. but also in the Supreme The convention had service activities and social events Eroles, Vice Chairman, and State participants this year compared to Everyone enjoyed the fun- Council, Tan honored the theme “Columbian usually include the entire family. I Athletic Events Chairman Noel the usual number of delegates who filled activity which was con- these young gentlemen Squires: Young Disciples, congratulate our brother Knights Lacanilao. participated in the past years. cluded with closing remarks who stand to their motto, Standing in Faith with who are here today with their fam- KCFAPI Executive Vice Presi- Meanwhile, the Columbian from State Secretary Yap. “Be Worthy.” Christ.” (KC News) ily members, as players or even as dent, Ma. Theresa Curia was also Squires held its investiture in the KCFAPI, and Nestle Philippines “The membership of cheerers only,” Tan said. present to witness the event to- afternoon, adding 11 new members sponsored the sports event. (KC This is also an event at which gether with KCFAPI employees. to the KC youth organization. News) Regional Refresher Seminar of Families of KCFAPI, Formators held subsidiaries celebrate SPIRITUAL Formators of Regions 1 (Ilocos), Tolentino, Jr. on “Christ in the World”; Luis 3 (Central Luzon) and Cordillera Administra- Adriano on “Christ in the Churches”; and tive Region (CAR) specifically of the areas of Greg Gonzales on “Christ in the Bible”. Benguet-Lagawe, Tabuk, Ifugao, La Union, The re-training of formators followed the Family Day at Pangasinan, Northern Tarlac and Northern refresher seminar. Adriano gave an orien- Nueva Ecija have convened for a refresher tation on what are expected of a spiritual seminar and re-training course on May 22. formator while Tolentino gave pointers on The seminar held in Baguio City was public speaking skills and techniques. An Ocean Park concretized through the efforts of Diocesan actual individual presentation of the forma- Coordinator Salvador Aspuria and direction tors was facilitated by the Chairman and and guidance of Luzon State Spiritual Forma- Team leaders. tion Chairman Luis Adriano, Jr. The spiritual formators are the ones tasked Resource speakers were Edwin Dawal, to equip and hone the Knights to become who talked about “Christ in the Knights of practicing Catholics who conform to the Columbus”; Raoul Villanueva on “Christ in teaching of the Church and to be knowledge- the Mass and Christ in the Church”; Jaime able in the Catholic faith. (KC News) KCFAPI to award academic Excellence THE Knights of Columbus Fra- inspire with courage the mem- A parent of the applicant or ternal Association of the Philip- bers of the KC family to excel the applicant himself or herself pines, Inc. (KCFAPI) will confer academically which could serve must also be a benefit certificate the Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ as an asset in forming a ‘strong holder of the insurance arm of EMPLOYEES of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Award for Academic Excellence Catholic society.’ the KC Order with a face value Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) and to members of the Knights of The various categories of this of P100,000.00 or higher to re- its subsidiaries: MACE Insurance Agency, Inc., and Columbus and children who award are as follows: Elemen- ceive the award. Keys Realty and Development Corporation with have shown an exemplary aca- tary level for Valedictorians of Fr. George J. Willmann, SJ their families enjoyed the first ever outdoor experi- demic performance this Colum- graduated class 2010-2011; High medallions and certificates will ence of the “Family Day” held at bian Year from July 1, 2010 to School level for Valedictorians be awarded to all the qualified on May 28, 2011. June 30, 2011. of graduated class 2010-2011; applicants, and awardees will The Manila Ocean Park, located behind the The awarding ceremonies Collegiate level for four or five have the prestige of having their in Luneta is said to be “the first will be held in their respective year course Cum Laudes and names and pictures posted at marine-themed park in the Philippines” that gives KC councils or districts to be higher of graduated class 2010- the KCFAPI website and pub- shelter to diverse marine life. facilitated by the KCFAPI area 2011; and Bar or Board passers lished in the Cross supplement One hundred thirty-six employees and their im- managers. of examinations given from July of CBCP Monitor. (Vanessa mediate families had glimpses of wild water crea- The program is aimed to 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011. Puno) tures and incredible vistas most of which are found in the belly of the deepest seas. The group met and greeted Icis and Ira, the South American Sea Lions, and watched them display their intelligence and charm in an entertaining live show. They were captivated by jellyfishes that danced elegantly in the water. They also learned about the different jellyfish species from the smallest, largest and the most dangerous. After lunch, children were treated with fun games, trivia games and bring-me contest. In the afternoon, the participants were enthralled by the wonders of the sea in the Oceanarium, a breath-taking marine life exhibit of over “5,000 va- rieties of marine creatures from around 300 species, all indigenous to the Philippines and the Southeast Asia.” They walked through the underwater viewing tunnel, stretching 25 meters and witnessed how different reef fishes interact with each other. The Committee on Family Day led by BRO Man- ager Edwin B. Dawal expresses its gratitude to the KCFAPI Management headed by Executive Vice- President, Ma. Theresa G. Curia for the unique and memorable Family Day spent at the famous ocean park. (KCFAPI News)