Wp Snpl (&mtb mti> (Mmriat la*1 INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866)


By ERNIE PYLE LONDON, (BOP.) Jan. 21.—During A topic of exceptional timelines,s A new era in the local history, heavy week-end raids on Malta, the was chosen by Dr. Henry ^Wilkinson, possibly in the world history, of the SRITAIN'S NEW PRODUCTION DRIVE LONDON.—Food isn't a very ro­ enemy suffered severe losses and Senior Medical Officer, when he English-Speaking Union is now fore­ mantic subject. You've never heard since last Thursday, according to spoke on the pasteurization of milk shadowed. Yesterday morning, the of a medal for valour being presented x official reports from Valetta, thirty- in Bermuda at the weekly luncheon to a war hero because he lived on one Union signed a six-months' option nine enemy aircraft have been meeting of the Hamilton Rotary LAND SEA & AIR FORCES I WIDESPREAD RIOTS TAKE DRIVE TO FILL BRITISH meal a day. The girls don't fleck to purchase "The Cedars," an old destroyed. This figure includes Club at the New Windsor Hotel yes­ around the English farmer who makes three-story building opposite Vic­ nineteen now confirmed as beinn; terday. Dr. Wilkinson also touched IN ASSAULT ON TOBRUK I PLACE IN RUMANIA MUNITIONS FACTORIES two potatoes grow where only one toria Park on Dundonald Avenue, destroyed during Sunday's raids- on the subject of the water situation grew boforo. But believe me, food in which belonged to the estate of the eleven by fighters and eight by AA in tlie Colony, saying it was a more this war as in most other wars is late C. V. Ingham. serious problem than ever before. Defences Pierced Five Miles Iron Guard & Army Clash & Industrial Registration Is only a jump or two behind planes and fire. The old quarters of the E. S. U. on Before the guest speaker was in­ Tense Situation Develops Planned By Government big guns in importance. A Middle East R.A.F. communique Church Street will be vacated as On Broad Front Yesterday received from Cairo last night was troduced, President Lawrence Smart soon as "The Cedars" has been reno­ And as each month passes the food _, ^ * ,,-M^ .,, . . issued befor e confirmatioc n of Sun- announced the completed results of vated and made ready. The official BELGRADE, Jan. 21 (CP).—Diplo­ LONDON, Jan. 21 (Reuter).—Mr. problem will become increasinela v . ,, *.' ,, ., • , CAIRO Jan. 21 (CP).—Military *r;ays full toll was available. It the distribution of Christmas toys. opening date is likely to be on Feb­ matic advices from Bucharest said Ernest Bevin, the Minister of Labour, vital to both sides. Ultimately, per­ a tiers here say that the fall of Tub- states "A further raid was made on There were 2,800 toys donated, and ruary 10, if His Excellency the Gov­ that there has been severe fighting revealed tonight that the Govern­ haps years from now, it may be that in Libya can be expected any Malta on Sunday by a large force of of such a splendid variety that every ernor is able to attend on that day. between Iron Guardists and the ment is soon to call up men and food will decide who is to win this child was able to have three presents. low .They said this after a enemy bombers, JU87's and JU88's. A special committee is now formulat­ Rumanian army, and that it is women of all classes, irrespective of war. Girls received either a doll or toy, cial co:.:muni'*i'e had stated that. escorted by fighters. No damage ing plans to make the opening an spreading to many parts of the their normal occupations, to fill mun­ It is too early yet for any food and one other present, while boys ns' defences have been was caused to R.A.F. personnel auspicious one. country. General Antonescu, the itions factories and the civil defence shortage to begin making deep marks were given toys, books and games. penetrated for a distance of five or property. Our fighters in­ For several days, the ESI", has Premier, is reported to be establish­ forces. Mr. Bevin said that a bill on the warringpopulations. They say One thousand presents were dis­ e a broad front.' tercepted the enemy and shot down been considering several sites, but ing a military dictatorship in an ef­ to provide for industrial registration food is still plentiful in Germany, tributed personally to under-privi­ Australian WOODS led by a crack four JU88's and five JU8?'s. In addi­ the former home of the Ingham fort to control the situation. by age groups will be read shortly. and I know that England is in good leged children, and 600 others were :ish regimen 2 the first. shape. That is obvious to anybody tion, at least six other enemy air­ family was decided upon because The trouble apparently arose He explained that this bill will also presented through their parents. attack; "nrried the unci. craft were brought down by AA. of its central location and its many when the Government placed police give the Government control over who just eats a The Salvation Army distributed 400' r>peri f.irces ...agn the outer fire." spacious rooms. One particularly powers in the hands of the military. industries engaged in certain types There is ratiomnga , •1 course, presents, jhe Sunshine League s of tlie important port Referring to these losses of Ger­ appealing aspect was the downstairs The Iron Guard police refused to of vital war work which would be Prices are highI,, and som things are handled 50, and 30 other presents man bombers in the Malta raids. portion of the house Here there e case of Bardia. the Army, obey orders from the new chief of declared as national industries. so scarce they 1hav e alnn t ceased to were given in answer to "letters to The Times" says that the inter­ is a room which takes up the whole Air Force are working in police, and a riot broke out in front This Government control would exist. Bui of tho basic hings that Santa Claus." vention of the German air force in length of the building. It will be oration. Today, while of the Bucharest prefecture in include powers to dismiss or permit; are needed 1 keep body and soul to- Mr. Smart voiced he sincere t hanks much-needed support of the Italians converted into a lounge and wiU .urged on the land front, which two men w*ere killed- employees to leave their jobs. get her, tin situation in London of the Rotary Club tto al:i 1l: the. person:>- s j is on a considerable scale. No at­ be used as an assembly room- It - Royal Navy proceeded to Iron Guardists took a stand in The high level of industrial output! hasn't reached any dead seriousnes who donated toys and other gifts, "•• tempt has been made to conceal the will also serve as a place to hold en­ :;. Earlier, the R.A,F. the courtyard of the building and a attaned last summer had been main­ and expressed grat tude to the Sal- British losses suffered, including tertainments, dances, etc. led the Italian defences clash with soldiers occurred. Mean­ tained, and in many cases increased, j vation Army and those members '"Dispersal" is becoming more and the causing of a cruiser to become '•vernight raids. while, 500 Iron Guardists marched said Mr. Bevin. The output of es­ of the Club who spent a great deal of CLUB LICENCE? rent westwards to Derna through the streets in a demon­ sential weapons was still going up more the theme of England in war- a total loss and damage to an air- time in'he collection of the presents. It is understood that the E.S.U. ince cut off by the British stration. Two tanks arrived and at­ and would reach formidable propor- I time—dispersal cf troops, of factories, craft-carrier and a destroyer, In stressing the importance of the are endeavouring to obtain a club aile at sea the warships tacked the crowd. Two more per­ tions in the first quarter of this year. of children, of food. The bombings "But it should be recognized that pasteurization of milk for Bermuda, licence. However, it is believed that any escape by water. Be- sons were killed. Eachweeksince the beginning of Feb­ have brought that about. for six months the maintenance of Dr. Wilkinson made it clear that a 2ntec Scatter every vital thing all over some difficulty has been experienced fOO and 30,000 ItaUan sold- The Iron Guard has apparently ruary an increase has been made a sea route under the noses of the great factor in health safety is to be n 20,( England in tiny units and small The E.S.U. have about 450 members ipped within the town, been building up arsenals through­ in the production of aircraft for ac­ enemy has cost us practically noth­ gained through it. "When public are tr; groups—that's the keynote. confidence is somewhat restored, who pay annual dues of 21/- (tn.> the siege, the British forces out the country, for they are ail tive service. ing, and there is nothing either Mr. Bevin said that many 'pianos Today only 80,000 of London's one the milk business will be put on a organisation is non-profit making*. .get I jp artillery batteries and well supplied with machine-g|ns, astonishing or alarming in the fact million children are left in the city. better basis," he declared. The licensing authorities have point­ -in for the assault. Sand- hand grenades and rifles. German had been flown across the Atlantic that it has cost us something now. ;d -ch­ They are all over England. ed out that the annual membership ve given the Italians some soldiers are being rushed from their in bad weather without loss. Moreover, other factors must appear I Dr. Wilkinson pointed out that They tell me that the soldiers, nothing of the goodness of milk is dues of the club must be 25/-. it©, bi i: today the weather clear- positions near the Bulgarian border NAVAL SHIPBUILDING UP in the profit and loss account of with some exceptions, eat and sleep The Junior Service League, which Navy moved into position, to quell the street fighting in a num­ Referring to shipbuilding, Mr. German intervention. Hitler has lost through the pasteurizing pro­ in groups no larger than 30. Army cess, neither does pasteurization occupied quarters with the E.S.U. and General Wavell sent ber of Rumanian cities. Bevin stated that naval tonnage often declared his antipathy to under construction was already trucks are always parked a good 50 produce any different taste in the on Church Street, will be given an< tanks against Tobruk's Reports here say that General fighting a war on two fronts. The greater than it was in the last war. yards apart so a single bomb won't milk. He thought also that the small space in the new building Room defi ne.es. The advance on land Antonescu has placed soldiers in S7 Diversion of any part of the air Merchant shipping tonnage com­ get more than one of them. Factor­ dairyman will not suffer in any way will also be provided for the ladies irted by machine-gun fire Rumanian factories in order to reserves to a new front cannot on pleted in the last six months showed ies have branches everywhere. And through the establishment of pas­ of the American Emergency Fund. R.A. r. fighters. The latest corn­ prevent sabotage. Three reasons the long view be displeasing to us. an increase of more than one-third I as for food, it is stored in thousands teurizing plants on the larger farms, Members of both these groups are ique ea vs that the advance is for the disturbances are given in "We have reason for confidence over the first half of 1940. of nooks and crannies all over Great saying that the larger farms will mostly members of the E.S.U- Balkan capitals: that the Luftwaffe will be no more Reviewing the problem of man­ Britain. not be able to establish large herds Already work to renovate the 1) Increasing resentment at the successful in the East than during S, Jan. 21 (Reuter .— Brit- power, Mr. Bevin, said the use of There are stocks of food in empty but will have to call on the small premises is under way. The house Antonescu Government and tlie the great offensive last Autumn in dairies to supply them with milk Lai Forces have penetrated manpower in the handling of cargoes garages, in old meeting halls, in at present is being painted both German occupation; the West. for the pasteurizing plants. and inner defences of To- and in building and repair work must unused theatres, police stations, inside and outside Some members 2) Attempts by followers of King "While the air battle in the East according to reports from be improved. He said the solution barns, cellars. No one-night blitz, Dr. Wilkinson told how he had have contributed articles of furni­ Carol to pave the way for his return ] is thus in its preliminary stages, zi.t the final assault on the was a permanently mobilised labour no matter how terrific, is going to advocated the processing of milk to ture, .and furnishings which will be and *. would seem to be well Continued on page 4 Continued on Pace 4 Continued on Page 2 used to achieve a modest decoration 31 bitter rivalry between extrem­ Comtinued on Page 5 A special communique O O O motif. Simplicity, it is said, will be ist and more conservative members night by Cairo G.H.Q. the key-note of the Iron Guard. ortly after noon today, KENNEDY WANTS U.S. TO CANADA INTERESTED IN MRS. E. W. ROBINSON AND DOG POPULATION PROBLEM In all, there are about sixteen '•ops, actively supported ISTANBUL, Jan. 21 (CP..—The rooms in "The Cedars." On the •; al Navy and the Royal Turkish wireless announced that the STAY OUT OF WAR I BERMUDA LILY BULBS DAUGHTER DIE IN RAID FAR FROM SETTLED main floor, to the right, there are successfully penetrated Government "has gathered a great i two large rooms. They will be turn­ mier and outer defeno:s of part of the army in Thrace, where i ed into reception rooms, while to the a depth of over five miles it awaits any possible action." Testifies Before House's Three Growers from Ontario Killed Instantly When Bomb 5-Months' Dog Food Supply; left of them the office will be locat­ . front. The advance is ed. Some of the rooms have fire­ Many prisoners have LONDON. Jan. 21 (Reuter). Mes­ Foreign Affairs Committee Are Here To Investigate Hit Their Home In England Imports May Be Stopped places, and the larger ones will jen taken, including one sages from various Balkan capitals | serve as card rooms and will be used .eral. The 9,000-ton Italian tonight tell of a tense situafton in WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (CP).— An opportunity for Bermuda lily More news has now been received The effort by the House of Assem­ also for private parties. n Giorgio, in Tobruk har- Rumania. The exact position is by Mr. Joseph P. Kennedy, retiring U.S. bulb growers to establish a consid­ by Mr. E. W. Robinson, of Hamilton, bly (which it is believed origlnaled r. flames, together with a no means clear, but the reports indi­ Ambassador to London, told the erable export market in Canada has about the fat* of his wife and eldest from the Executive Council) to de­ OUTDOOR FUNCTIONS POSSIBLE ; dumps of stores, petrol cate that events there are moving been offered through the cutting off daughter, who were killed during crease the number of dogs in those House of Representaties' Foreign "The Cedars" is located on a rapidly. of the entire Japanese market. September in a bombing raid made Islands by increasing the registra­ Affairs Committee today that he mound above Cedar Avenue, and is Armed police are patrolling the Three bulb growers from Weston, over Richmond, England. tion fees has not been wholly suc­ 'ACK LAUNCHED IN favours aid to Britain. He said it is surrounded by broad lawns. The streets and buildings housing wire­ Ontario, Canada, are now in the cessful. The opinion was expressed MORNING in America's interests' to prevent a At first, he received a cable from grounds take in about seven aver­ less stations are closely guarded. Sen­ victory by Hitler, but that America Colony to investigate the market England notifying him that his wife in the Assembly that many owners today, G.H.Q. issued a tries have been posted on some Min­ possibilities and to buy Bermuda lily would not be able to afford the pre­ age city lots. It is expected that should stop at the point of war when Isabel Annie, and his daughter, Coral, outdoor functions will be staged in iue stating that Imperial istries. A Rumanian Legation spokes­ it would be necessary to send troops bulbs that can be grown in Canada. sent licence fees of 10 - and 20/- died in an air raid, their home being the warmer weather. So that these he Western Desert had be- man in Belgrade admitted today abroad. The gentlemen are Mr. A. Lawson, completely destroyed. He had, at for male and female dogs. the assault on Tobruk. The that "certain demonstrations" had Mr. Alex Yesslestyw, and Mr. W. Van that time, just received a letter from Latest figures from Police Head­ Continued on Page 2 Mr. Kennedy said that if America U1K iue said that the attack taken place in Bucharest, but he said der Zalm, Mr. Lawson and Mr. Yessel- Mrs. Robinson stating: "I would quarters reveal that there are now O must fight, it was better to fight in s.un shed early this morning, that order was quickly restored. Re­ styw arrived by Atlantic Clipper on rather stay and help out in the cause.' 2,943 dogs and 453 bitches registered, ports from Rome say that quiet now her own backyard. Mr. Kennedy thi jperations were proceeding Sunday, and Mr. Van der Zahn ar­ which represents a total of 200 to 300 £50 FOR WAR FUND BY reigns, but these same reports make objected to several parts of the "lease- Since then two of his other daught­ ;fac rived in the Excalibur on Monday. in excess of those registered in 19-10. it clear that there have been demon­ loan" bill proposed by the President ers (he had four), Marjory and Zenna, mig Jilt's news means that the These gentlemen have already Prominent among the objectors SALE OF PAINTINGS strations by Iron Guard elements. for aiding Britain and other demo­ have written him. lmi >eri£ .1 forces have gone through inspected several lily fields in the to the amended Dog Licence Act was cracies resisting aggression, although A couple of days before the bomb­ the Ita! ian defences in a day's opera- Colony, and they stated yesterday His Honour the Speaker, who claimed An additional £50 has been added CURFEW IS DECLARED he added that to get the job done the ing raid occurred Marjory and Zenna tions. that it is likely an export trade can that it would.be better to provide a to the Bermuda War Fund for Tonight, the Rumanian wireless power conferred by the bill would have began a journey to visit their mother The cruiser San Giorgio, which is be established. dog-catcher to round up many of another Spitfire through the sale of announced a curfew in Bucharest, to be given to someone. and sister at Richmond. They were reported to be abalaze, was already They reported that the possibilities the stray animals. five paintings by Mr. Miles Wcod. and people were instructed to be intercepted by friends, who wished to known to be out of action as a result Mr. Kennedy reported that some of there being good lily flowers this The Royal Gazette and Colonist Mr. Wood has already sold other indoors before ten o'clock because spare them as long as possible from of bombing attacks, and the Italians high British officials thought Ameri­ year were good, in spite of the recent has learned that there are now 50,000 paintings and donated the proceeds, after that hour all public places would the experience of visiting the scene are said to have removed some of the ca should go to war, but others did gales, and said that there is a definite lbs of prepared dog food in Bermuda. £70 to the fund. be closed and transport stopped. of the tragedy. However, on reach­ cruiser's guns for the defence of the not. Those favouring the entrance market in Canada for .the Bda. bulbs. It is estimated that this is a five Mr. Wood has painted a number of This evening the Premier, General ing Richmond, they learned that harbour. The capture of a large of the United States felt that they Canada has been obtaining lily months' supply, based on the num­ watercolours of Bermuda scenes. Antonesu, issued a proclamation to a bomb scored a direct hit on the number of prisoners already, with an wouldfind a way"to carry it through." bulbs from Japan, but all shipments ber of dogs registered. All the money realized from the sales the nation which was read over the house where their mother and sister Italian general among them, would Those opposing believed that Ameri­ from that country have been halted, There is every likelihood that per­ of his paintings has been donated to Bucharest wireless station. The were staying. It was a high explosive indicate that the British break­ can entry into the war would cut and Bermuda now has been offered a mits for the importation of this dog the fund for Spitfire 'planes. proclamation began with an appeal bomb, and the building was badly through is on a considerable scale. unique opportunity to step into this food will be refused in future. The latest contributorp to the by General Antonescuf or support from Comtinued oa Page 5 damaged. Mrs. Robinson and her It is less than a week since the trade in a sizeable manner. Last If the dog food now here was di­ fund through the purchase of these the nation. The Premier declared daughter, obeying orders, rushed to British troops first made contact year, with adverse weather and little vided among all the dogs registered, paintings are: Mrs. Stephen Raphael, he had received the leadership of the the ground floor but were instantly with the Italian outer perimeter de­ demand, Bermudian growers were not based on it being a five months' £20; Colonel and Mrs. Mann, £5; country at one of the most difficult UGHTING-UP TIME • killed during the explosion. fences of Tobrufc, and only sixteen able to dispose of their bulbs in the supply, each dog would receive only Miss Harvey, £10; Mrs. Alberga, £10; Continued OD Page 5 Continued on Page 4 Continued on Page 5 6.12 p.m. quantities of former years. about 2.9 pounds a month. and Mrs. H. Butterfeld, £5. Now's Your Chance! Make Tout Money Spit-Fire — Bermuda War Fund (Slogan by Harry Monk) THE BOYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1941.

E.S.U. Plans New HQ. On Pasteurization of Milk and between dairymen and dairymen, ASSEMBLY MEETS TODAY » LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Cedar Avenue Soon Public Health but between dairymen and the sellers," he stated, pointing out that ani> QU. & atig the price of milk is fixed. He said The House of Assembly meets to­ And I contend in all seriousness, Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 day at 2.00 p.m. DOCTORS'DILEMMA? that granted the authorized presence the ultimate competition is between may be held, a certain amount of protect it from dirt and disease as Listed as ordeis cf the day are: INCORPORATE of some eighty or more automobiles fresh milk and tinned mtyk. landscaping will be done to the long as twelve years ago, and had Consideration of the petition of the THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Es Hamilton Parish, on the Island, the whole thing be­ Referring to undulant fever again, (MR COLONIST AND DAILY NEWS grounds. met with stiff opposition on all sides. Bermuda Railway Co., Limited, re­ Jan. 20/41. comes archaic. Dr. Wilkinson said it was not found PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT No attempt will be made to de­ He said that in the course of award­ lating to exemption from taxation, The Editor, The day of the doctor, and the in children, who are the greatest ing shields to dairymen a few things and second reading of the United The Koyal Gazette & Colonist. night, if you will, must be something tract from the old Bermudian style drinkers of milk, but among middle PROPRIETORS were learned about milk conditions States Base (Customs Duties Remis­ of a nightmare struggle through of the building; rather, it will be aged men, who are probably the group in Bermuda. One thing he learned sion) Act, 1911. HE BERMUDA PRESS. LTD. immensely important duties at a even more emphasised. As one who drink less milk than any other. Sir: was that the dairy business is REID STREET. HAMILTON fantastic snail's pace, while staff spokesman of the E.S.U. said, "We CLEAN UP DAIRY HERDS Even in this day and age, it is still run under considerable difficulty. cars, watering carts, prison lorries will try to carry out the idea of possible to see in our railway coaches, •"Competition is hard, and being "Pasteurization is not the end of signs bearing that quaint legend, and trucks zoom past his door. some of the old Bermudian tradi- the problem," he said. "The next EDITOR: E. T. SAYER i hard, the help is not overpaid," he Why must this one most impor­ tions- MANAGER: E. C. MCLAUGHLIN "Bermuda the motorless Elysium" said. "Wages run low and many thing is to clean up the dairy herds." NO NIGHT RAIDS ON Although officials of the E.S.U Well, well, "bn't that nice? tant service be hampered and jep- boys are employed, and delivery is He said it would not be an easy thing BRITAIN: FEW IN DAY Now having recognized this fallacy pardized? I have no idea at all. were unaware of it, last Saturday long and somewhat difficult." to do, but anthrax, hoof and mouth SUBSCRIPTION RATES as belonging to the higher brackets Has anyone? was the anniversary of the found­ disease and other things were cured. Dr. Wilkinson likened^the dairy LOCAL I—ONI YIAR 40/- SIX MONTHS SOI- What is thus gamed? Who may be ing of the local chapter of the Undulant fever is fly-borne or wind- LONDON, Jan. 21 (Reuter).—Up to rOREIGNI—TO UNITED STATES ANO CANADA ol complete and utter misstate­ business to the grocery stores, say­ • 12.00 PER YEAR. TO GREAT BRITAIN. BOl. ment, let us survey the automobile offended by what? What amenity, E.S.U. in 1922. Since then, the or­ borne, which adds to the difficulty a late hour tonight there had been PER YEAR ing that it suffers from over-com­ ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE PREPAYABLE not already thoroughly shattered, ganisation has made progressive of cleaning it up, he added. no reports of enemy air activity over situation here, logically and with a petition. He also said it is obvious can conceivably be threatened. strides. Only recently it was visit­ this country. There were no raids dispassionate eye. that often even the most energetic "It is in the interest of the dairy­ An entering wedge, one may say, ed by the founder of the E.S.U. it­ last night, but London had three WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1941 Elysium we may well have. Motor­ employees of the dairies are not the men themselves, as well as of the for a broader use of cars. One may self, Sir Evelyn Wrench. It will be raids during daylight today and less we certainly are not. Nor will keenest observers of dirt, and as consumer, that the herds be cleaned say it, but it no longer means any­ some bombs were dropped on we ever again revert back to that remembered that Sir Evelyn voiced most of the dairying is done before up," Dr. Wilkinson said. The era­ thing. Obviously the wedge is already the outskirts of the city and m SPOTLIGHT ON THE state. the hope that larger quarters might daylight, "when a person is not at dication of undulant fever should be deep in the wood, and the light taps the Home Counties. Some damage That being the case, it might be be found for the E.S.U. in Bermuda. his best," dirt is not always detec­ looked upon as being as much in the BALKANS? interesting, and perhaps conceivably that might be administered by the He stated that Bermuda had an ex­ favour of the farmer as of the person was done to houses, but very few , I table. introduction of a few more highly ceptional opportunity to foster the who buys the milk. casualties have been reported. productive of results, to consider the Dr. Wilkinson said he had learned Widespread disorder, street necessary cars, certainly could not distribution of these machines and ideals of the organisation—a better some years ago from Dr. Bigelow, He said that at the present at oat fighting and bombings in Ruma­ split the tree wide open. the services to which they are allot­ understanding among the English- the Commissioner of Health in Mas­ £7,000 is being used for the installa­ nia are featured in news des­ More doctors? I doubt if that ted. speaking peoples. He envisaged, sachusetts, of a certified dairy where tion of pasteurizing plants. He also would solve the problem, unless, patches from Sofia and other Such an analysis is extremely sim­ with larger local quarters, the birth conditions were as perfect as they said that with the whole dairy busi­ er problem of water, saying that now like the slogan, "A chicken in every sources. Reports are vague and ple. To begin with, the use of cars is possibly of a world centre for the could be, and yet a disease had got ness using pasteurizing proceesses the water supply faces greater danger pot," we make it "A doctor in every obviously incomplete, but it ap­ confined practically to four absolute­ E.S.U. in this Colony. Officers of the in and killed off a large number of the distribution of milk would con­ than ever before. Dr. Wilkinson said household'' pears evident that black trouble ly essential services. local E.S.U. were able to tell Sir cattle. ' 'There is nothing here which tinue to be as wide and great as it is this danger would be increased by is brewing, and that some of First, fire protection. I can imag­ Better doctors? Ah yes. Here I Evelyn that memberships had al­ would make that condition less dan­ now, and that the little farmer and large numbers of 'planes flying over­ the broth has already boiled ine no dissenting voice being raised agree. Better and bigger doctors; most doubled during the past year. gerous," he declared. dairyman would not suffer. head and with gun firing occasional over. It is not yet clear whether against this mnovatioi'. doctors with half a dozen arms and On January 18, 1922, the meeting He urged the people to reserve salvoes which would be likely to crack an extra brain or so, doctors divorced He said Bermuda has scarlet fever, the Rumanian Iron Guard have Second, defence, and here again to found the Jpcal chapter of the whatever strength is left for the grat- water tanks. from the need of time or opportunity sore throats, and diptheria. A great been the aggressors, but it is there can be no major disagreement. E.S.U. was held at the home of Miss for study and research, doctors im­ many people could become infected made known that they have both It has been suggested that, at the Moncure Robinson's mother, "Bell- pervious to fatigue and the demands through one cough by a dairyman received and inflicted casualties, moment, these cars appear more in Air," Paget West. Miss Robinson into a bucket of milk, pointed out the as have also German soldiers, the nature of convenient and com­ of sleep, and above all, doctors equipped with seven league boots, was given much of the credit for doctor. civilians, and. as one despatch fortable gadgets, rather than essen­ starting the chapter. Before that, FORMER APATHY reads, "communists." tials. Let's pass that over, for at with a couple of spares tied on be­ cyv Playhouse % hind. the Colony had been represented The Rumanian Premier, Gen­ any time they might well become by Mr. R. C. H. Hallett (now the Act- Dr. Wilkinson said the matter Yours etc, eral Antonescu, assuming the things of the utmost urgency, and ing\ Chief Justice) and Mr. F. C. gave him a great deal of apprehension, if they are no more than a small al­ D. M. K. and three years ago he attempted to role of pacifier, yesterday at­ Thoma, whose names appeared The Fun and Laughter You've Been Asking For! tempted a radio broadcast to most invisible rivet in the armour of among 10,000 others in the annual get the dairymen to establish a com­ the Empire, that justifies them. the populace. He was telling the list of the society. Thirty members munal pasteurizing plant and to Elsa Maxwell's use proper bottling and capping people of the dangers of the Third, ambulance service, patently "SHORTY" HALL, POPULAR joined the chapter on the opening REVIEW — One of the gand- a necessity. methods. "The dairymen at that m times and the difficulties of gov­ day. est comedies of this or any ernment, his government, when Fourth, sanitary service, that is to CARRIAGE DRIVER, DIES time showed no great interest in it," At the meeting in 1922 were many year is Elsa Maxwell's Public he was suddenly cut off the air, say, street cleaning, garbage collec­ he said. Deb. No. 1" tion and disposal and things generally prominent persons, including the He said he was heartened by one story of a spoiled heiress who and for five minutes his pro­ Diminutive Jehu Was Popular Governor of Bermuda and the gramme was replaced by Nazi connected with the public health, or two of the dairymen showing an — Also — turns "Leftist" was produced American Consul- interest, and stated that since that and Fascist communiques. He a necessity in any civilized com­ With Residents & Visitors by Darryl F. Zanuck with a munity. time two or three others have done urged a return to order in the PLANS FOR FEBRUARY 10 carefully selected cast headed Note that, with the exception of a so. "The Portuguese, particularly "The Road to land, hinting that rebellion Diminutive Isaac (Shorty) Hall, few trucks for public work, all these On February 10. if it is possible to the younger men, have shpwn a by George Murphy and Brenda against the Nazi yoke could do who for decades was a widely known four services to which cars are as­ open on that date, along with His considerably greater mental grasp Joyce. Others seen in the no good and might do great Bermudian character, passed away signed, deal directly or indirectly Excellency the Governor, Mr. Wil­ than our own dairymen," he said. Singapore" harm. on Monday morning in the home of comedy are Elsa "Maxwell, with matters of safety, health and liam H. Beck, the United States Con­ On top of everything else, Dr. with Amid the dribs and drabs of his sister, Mrs. Ray, at Spanish P6int I Mischa Auer, Charles Ruggles life and death. For such we have let sul General, will attend the func­ Wilkinson said, undulant fever had news and comment coming from He was in his middle sixties. BING CROSBY down the bars and made exceptions tion. Invitations will also be ex­ shown itself. In 1938 there were two and Ralph Bellamy. Rumania and other quarters only Isaac Hall was always known as DOROTHY LAMOUR to our laws, and this is right and as tended to the American head­ cases, in 1939 there were three cases, one thing is clear, viz: that Hitler "Shorty," and few people knew his BOB HOPE it should be, for such matters take quarters of the E.S.U., so that a re­ and last year the disease had taken is having considerably more real name. He became famous as precedence over amenities and an­ presentative may be sent from the hold in 13 cases, one of which result­ trouble in the Balkans than he- carriage driver who drove the largest cient customs and concepts. United States. ed in death. While not trying to British News with SIDI BARRANI 2.45 anticipated. He owes much of team of horses, although he was 7.45 But think a bit. Isn't this set up detract from the seriousness of the PUBLIC DEB. No. 1' 3.00 this to his back-stabbing, cow­ only four feet nine inches in height. Sir Stanley Spurling, who has been 8.00 just a bit incomplete? Is there no a moving spirit in the signing of the disease, Dr. Wilkinson said it was "ROAD TO SINGAPORE'' 4.20 !).20 ardly vassal, Mussolini, and he is The term "Shorty" was an affec­ probably as mild a reminder of dan­ other exception which should be al tionate one, as the veteran carriage option for the new premises, yes­ News Repeated — 10.45 not likely to forget it. It is not lowed, to round out the picture ger as there could be. probable that Hitler ever count­ driver had many admirers of his terday gave his view of what was Purely as a matter of logic, if nothing contemplated. He said that the He stated that it was unusual for ed very much upon Italian aid, ceaseless and kind treatment of Bermuda's Doors else is there not one glaring omis horses. idea was to create a feeling of friend­ death to result from it, but said un­ but it is equally improbable that sion? ' dulant fever made it more evident When he was interred at Pembroke ship and understanding among Eng­ Largest Open he calculated upon Italy's so Let us agree that we have mobi­ that milk should be made safer Church at 5.00 p.m. on Monday, lish-speaking people. Bermuda, he •TOLODIAL rapid approach to collapse. It lized our mechanical forces against and the people have more confidence Theatre 7.15 many old associates in the horse and remarked, had an exceptional op­ X^ 0-PF RA H01ISF is disconcerting to have an ally the common enemy, disease fire in the milk supply. "It has made carriage trade were present. portunity at this time, as the estab­ whose forces evince no other epidemics, death. We have swift it clear, too, that competition is not qualities than fieetness of their It is believed that "Shorty" Hall lishment of the American bases here At — 7.45 ambulances for transporting the would bring greater and greater REVIEW — "Bringharn Young" fleet and feet, if for no other sufferer to the hospital ajfter illness came originally from Tucker's Town PREMIERE SHOWING! reason than that their continual to work with the late T. Y. Lamb at numbers of United States citizens written for the screen by strikes. AFTER. Isn't that just the to the Islands. Already, he pointed running away has a tendency to point? the Bull's Head Livery. He stayed in "Brigham Louis Bromfield, depicts the the same employ until Mr. Lamb re­ out, th%re were many English peo­ bolster up the courage of other Under the distinguished pat­ courageous westward trek of peoples and to change them from In other words we are equipped tired from business about ten years ple who were making Bermuda their with excellent gear for locking the ronage of His Excellency the Young" the Mormons to find a place potential to actual enemies. The ago. Mr. J. N. Lamb, a brother of home. stable door after the horse is stolen Governor and Mrs. Hastings future may or may not bring a the owner of the Bull's Head Livery The E.S.U., he added, could become where they could live as they As things now stand, our vastly Brooke —Front ier smaii'* blood-letting in the Balkans, but then employed him to work for J. E. a club for these people so that "the believed. overworked physicians are often if it does, not all of it will be Lightbourn and Company, where he people of the two nations could The Censorship Players with physically unable to provide the es­ red. It will be mingled with the did odd jobs until almost the day he get together." He concluded by will present under the direc­ TYRONE POWER The film stars Tyrone Power, sential ounce of prevention, leaving black blood of the Huns. died. saying that the plan fulfilled what tion of Mr. MILES WOOD: the Colony to underwrite the pound Linda Darnell and Deir. Jagger, In the old days, "Shorty" Hall Sir Evelyn Wrench had had in mind, Apropos of the mess into of cure. To me this adds up to noth­ who portrays Bringharn Young, was always in demand as a carriage because Bermuda, being between which Mussolini has misled him­ ing even remotely sensible. At — 9.55 driver. Such people as the late Mrs. 3 ONE-ACT PLAYS the man who wanted 27 wiyes. self and the Italian people, there England and the United States, was Now these same doctors are more John Cox Watlington, the late Miss are further rumours of rescue geographically the best place for In The Bermudiana Grill intimately concerned with life and Dagmar Dickinson and the late Mr. "Charlie McCarthy, Spectacular, stirring enter­ work to be done by the Hitlerites the growth of a world centre cf the health than any of our other motor Stuart Penniston, to mention but tainment not to be cussed. to save Italy and adjacent terri­ E.S.U. Thursday. January 30 ized services, and yet are denied the a few, always asked for "Shorty" Detective" tories for themselves. Earlier means for efficiently carrying out A prominent officer of the E.S.U., 8.30 p.m. when they wanted a carriage from who asked to remain unidentified, accounts had it that Nazi officers their duties.. All this is comparable the Bull's Head Livery. would be sent to teach the Ital­ to requiring the officers of a me said that in the words of Prime Min­ Reserved seats will go on sale Carriage drivers themselves admit Somers Opera House—St. George's ians how to fight, and lead them chanized division follow the fight in ister Winston Churchill (when he today at The Bermuda Press that "Shorty" took more people to to it. Now the story is that there one horse shays. visited America in 1931): "The coop­ At — 8.15 — "RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" and from weddjngs and funerals 5/- and 3/- will be a combining of forces un­ eration of the two great; English- I believe this to be tragic tomfool­ than anybody else. He also


LOCAL CALEDONIANS TO The British Navy's Victories DOCK WORKER COMMITTED PERSONAL OBSERVE BURNS' NIGHT TO SUPREME COURT Mr. and Mrs. Chesley White cele­ brated their twenty-fourth wedding — FINE RUMS — Of Peace Is Charged With Theft Of anniversary on Monday evening with Annual Function Tonight a buffet supper party at their home At Trinity Hall, Hamilton Whisky On The Docks 'Gladhome," Fairylands. Among chose present were Mr. and Mrs. Old Jamaica vV*. J. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fully matured and of fine quality. Despite the fact that war conditions The diligence and quick-witted- Record of Civilian Protection & •Lines, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cousland, have either eliminated or altered ness of an Extra Revenue Officer and Mrs. U. Flagg, Mr. and Mis. Irving many annual functions in this a shipping clerk were responsible foi Lusher, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Am- country, members of ths six-year-old the arrest of a coloured dock worker Merciful Aid through the Years bard, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Conyers, Choicest Barbados Bermuda Caledonian Society never who is alleged to have stolen a bottle Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dickinson, Mr. Demerara — Dominica. forgot the Immortal Memory to of whiskey on Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Edgar Russell, Mis. C. Scotland's bard, Robert Burns, who from Shed No. 7, Front Street. The BY "TAFFRAIL' Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Herald Harnett, was born at Alloway, near Ayr, 182 prisoner, Horace Bentley Light- Mr. and Mrs. Jack King, Mrs. T. O. years ago. Tlie Royal Navy of Britain has a An officer in a destroyer showed bourne, wa$ committed for trial in the Supreme Court, in Hamilton Cov9l, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Doe, In previous years, dinner parties tremendous tast today. It fights his inventive genius by manufact­ Mr. N. Hall, Miss Queenie Penboss, Gosling Bros., Ltd. Police Court yesterday morning. Somerset revering the memory of the famous against the ships, the submarines uring babies' feeding bottles out of Mr. Arthur Cooper, Mr. Alan Waters, HAMILTON St. George's Lightbourne is specifically charged whose works are linked with and t?h air forces of Germany and soda-water bottles. This ship missed, Mr. and Mrs. Herbeit Chris*ensen, 7092t» with stealing a bottle of John Haig those of Shakespeare, Wordsworth Italy, and attacks their military by a matter of minutes having her Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seliey, Mr. Fred­ whiskey, the property of John F. and Longfellow, were held in this bases. It enforces a rigid blockade complement increased by one. The erick C. White, Mrs. Leicester Cur­ Burrows and Company, from a place country, Scots residents carrying of those countries. It keeps open and baby was born ashore. tis, and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Davidson. out the observance wi'a' the honours. defends the sea-roads by which sup­ In some ships, officers and men of deposit inside the shed. His ar­ THE ONLY HOTEL IN BERMUDA However, circumstances alter cases... plies reach Britain. And it alone camped out as best they could for rest was brought about through the and local Caledonians have arranged weeks at a time to provide the re­ alertness of Robert Charles Alberton OVERLOOKING ITS OWN BEACH I makes possible communication be­ a soiree which is being held tonight fugees with shelter. This meant Sims, a dock clerk employed by the tween the world and the British ANNUAL MEETING OF ST. at Trinity Hall, Hamilton. Isles. discomfort, to say the least of it, firm of Harnett and Richardson, and The arranged programme will In this war, the Royal Navy has particularly in the destroyers, where Extra Revenue Officer Warren Archi­ GEORGE'S METHODIST CHURCH bald Ruberry. :Iude a talk on "Burns' Life", once again proved the tremendous space is very cramped. But the sailors Elbow Beach Hotel • be delivered by the Rev. James W. weight of a British sea-power in battle didn't care. It was their job. The Lightbourne stated during the The annual business meeting of SPECIAL PLATE DINNER 5/- PER PLATE Purves, Minister of the Church of and in economic war. Navy, proud to do what it could and Lower Court hearing that he had St. George's and St. David's Island itland here and Chaplain to the But the Royal Navy has a wider adaptable as ever, entered thorough­ stolen not one but four bottles of Methodist Churches was held on Served from Seven to Eight Nightly rrnuda Caledonian Society; Scot- ly into the spirit of the thing, and whiskey, and that he had been aided field of activity, and one that affects Thursday evening in St. George's Also Si songs will be sung by Mr. Walter the peace and progress of all lands. seems somehow to have enjoyed it­ in drinking the contents by five Methodist Church. other men. He said he took two th, well-known baritone vocalist; Every day, aboard the ships of the self. One of the first items of business Table d'Hotel and a la carte dinners bottles from a broken case at first, i reels, highland flings and Schot- British Navy, the chaplain reads a SINCERE TRIBUTES was the reading of the following re­ and after the liquor had been con­ ches will be given under the direc- prayer written in the seventeenth I have read many letters of grati­ solution : Dancing Saturday Nights !' Mrs. Nicholl, instructress of tude addressed to the British Admir­ sumed he took two more bottles. century. "In view of the great change com­ MUSIC BY ERNIE LEADER dancing. During the evening, That prayer describes the Navy as: alty by foreign Governments. I have Mr. Sims was the first witness. ing to the East End of Bermuda, and will be a programme of com-] "A safeguard . . a security for such read, too, many touching tributes He stated that 50 cases of whiskey the prospective influx of people for Formal Dress Requirea' Restricted Clientele • singing and a series of dances | as pass on the seas on their lawful from private people of various na­ had been stacked in the Shed, having the construction and establishment 6526tw.eitp. : he ent ire assembly. been taken off a freighter lying ! occasions". tionalities who have been helped. A of United States Naval and Air Bases, r. .T. M. Waterston, Pr phrase that occurs very frequently alongside the dock. He said that ssident of This the Royal Navy is indeed. Its taxing to the utmost the moral and > Society.will be in acton is: "I shall be grateful to the British one of the cases was,broken, but that lance and work for the security of the seas religious resources and strength of Navy all my life." it had not been broken before it was n Night never ceases. Gunboats and sloops St. George's therefore be it resolved, taken out of the ship. 1 Exe- | are always in the Red Sea and Persian One man wrote: "I was truly proud that the Synod of the Wesleyan Second Annual Gulf to prevent traffic in slaves, and of the quiet efficiency, and still more SUSPICIONS AROUSED Methodist Church of Bermuda, as­ the[ru nning of arms and ammunition- of the kindly spirit, with which the He told the Court that he saw the sure the minister and official Board I . j Little white gunboats far inland up task of evacuating us was carried accused going to a toilet not far from of the St. George's Circuit of its deep Belmont the rivers in China have frequently out ... I could only marvel at the the Shed, and that he later saw him interest in their growing problems HALF A CENTURY REPUTATION unfailing kindness and considera­ in the company of several other men and activities, and its readiness to P S FOR THE been called upon to protect lives and DR.LEGLERCS LIVER"-*- * KIDNEYS property, to rescue and succour the tion of each and every sailor to all going to the Old Yacht Club Steps. give them every possible support. the refugees, especially to the old, The accused appeared to be carrying Furthermore, that the Synod extends Benefit Ball P victims of floods, and to assist re­ D LEGLS.iGS Fo«AN/EMIA; lief work during epidemics. the feeble, and the children. It was something under a coat he was its fullest sympathy to the congre­ i Ni»V FRcNCH REMEDY ' simply wonderful." wearing. gation of St. David's in the changes :-.MHONNO.3 AN INCIDENT IN CHINA An old Irish lady, rescued from a Mr. Sims said that he andthe Extra thrust upon it, and particularly to Thursday, January 30th, 1941 the families being moved to meet the r Neurasthenia. Chronic Weaknesses, &c. _ An incident that occurred some dangerous situation, and given the Revenue Officet got on their bicycles a ..Oa. either ri'tne.iy Chemist or Malli exigencies of war, and devoutly pray in aid of the ... i'.iverbtucklt.l.N.U.S.LonJon.Enff' years ago in China comes to my mind. captain's cabin in a destroyer, wrote: and rode to the Old Yacht Club they may be sus- FRENCH REMEDY. "May God and Our Lady bless and steps. He saw the accused put a bottle that in the crisis INSULIN FUND Seamen and marines had to be landed Grace, that they Hit i protect the British Navy for ever­ to his lips. Mr. Ruberry then rode tained by Divine APlONNOl at an up-river port, and for hours an I enjoy the favour more." along Front Street to find a police­ may continue tc of the RAPION No.2 armed guard of steel-helmeted men. the Lord Jesus." Another grateful person wrote that man. and fellowship o: stood shoulder to shoulder facing a | f thanks was also for- BERMUDA WELFARE SOCIETY HERAPIONNo.3 the sailors themselves had not been Mr. Ruberry said he first received A vote ->•• Bladder Catarrh. No.3 for Blood A frenzied mob that shrieked at them I Miss Rosalie and Lillian Diseases. No. 3 Tor Chronic Waakneim. ashore for weeks and were themselves information which caused him to warded u Chemists, or either No. return Mail, and bombarded them with missiles. ' DANCING — SUPPER — ENTERTAINMENT Mfd Co.HaventockRd.N.W.8.Lon',o» If a single man had lost his temper short of food; but went shorter still investigate the case of liquor from a Hayward for the acceptance of a and struck out there would have been so that the rescued could be fed. man named Burrows, a cooper in the copy of "Methodism in Eastern Brit­ Supper Served at Midnight a ghastly outbreak of violence. The Another wrote: "We shall bless the employ of Harnett and Richardson. ish America," donated by them to Dancing 'Till i situation was saved by the steadiness British Navy, which again has proved He found one case broken open, the Official Board. Reports were and good humour of the men. They its right to be called an Ambassador and told Burrows to place it under also received from the various socie­ Tickets including Supper - £1-0-0 per Couple were wonderful. They smiled at the of Peace." the pile of other cases. He received ties and organisations, including mob. They even shared their rations Throughout its long history, the another report soon after 3.00 p.m., the Ladies' Aid and W. M. Auxiliary. A Prize will be presented to with the children. Royal Navy of Britain has been a this time from Sims, and discovered Tlie financial reports shewed ali "The Belle of the Ball" The Navy has a long record of re­ safeguard for those in distress or that more bottles were missing. allocations met, and substantial lief work in hurricanes, earthquakes, affliction. Mr. Ruberry said he went and credit balances. Special Ferry from Belmont Dock at 2 am. It is clear proof of the power and The Executive officers were thanked and other disasters. It has frequently found P.C. John Marshall. He Dial 1301, Mr. W. S. Evans, Maitre d'Hotel protected civilians during revolutions adaptability of the British Navy that saw the accused go to Chancery Lane, for their cooperation during the year, and riots. It bas, in innumerable in­ it can turn from these tasks of peace where he was arrested. Mr. Ru- jan d a new set of officers were appoint­ 7038tn>w. s.w.th stances, given aid to ships in distress to the stern duties of a great war, berry said he found an almost full ed to carry on the work. —ships of all nations. and perform them with all the vig­ bottle of whiskey in a barrel in the Before the war, the cruisers Exeter our and courage of a fighting race. lane, which he took to the Police and Ajax, which afterwards became Today the British Navy is in battle Station after the constable had es­ ?rve delicious Vita-Weat Crisp- famous in the battle of the River or on the watch on all the seas of the corted the prisoner there. *ead with alt your meais, eithei Plate, took an active part in relief world. It is a vital element in Bri­ P.c Marshall said the accused was tain's plan for victory. But it should •lain or with butter, preserves, work after an earthquake in Chile. holding an open knife with the blade They transported many refugees, be remembered that, when there is pointed outward at the time of his heese, soups, etc. and carried in their aircraft the no war job to be done, the Royal arrest. When ordered to close it Navy is still busy, every day, in the r family will enjoy its appetis- vaccines necessary to save life. Lightbourne did so without making Every year, normally, one of His interests of humanity and the safety any move to use it, and then gave, it Sf She £oves -ispness and pleasant nutty of the seas. Majesty's ships visits the lonely is­ up. , and you will know they land of Tristan da Cunha, in the ACCUSED'S STATEMENT e eating a valuable food, rich in South Atlantic, to land stores and LLOYD GEORGE UNINJURED IN A signed statement made by the t.he vitamins and goodness of supplies for the inhabitants. This accused was read out by Sergeant visit is one of the island's few links AUTOMOBILE MISHAP Fergus Ferguson. "I got a job today English Polo Coats e whole wheat grain. with the outer world. with West and Paschal at Number LONDON, Jan. "21 (CP). David ' ta-Weat, the perfect English During the Civil War in Spain, 7 Shed," the accused said in tbe Lloyd George was reported today statement. "I started work at 9.15 ispbread, is packed In airtight British men-of-war, large and small to have been involved in "a road mis­ a.m. I was one of a party stacking r were converted into floating hostels hap," while on his way to Criccieth, tons to keep it fresh and crisp. cases of whiskey at Number 7 Shed. for hundreds of refugees. Officers, where his wife died yesterday. One of the cases of liquor came ashore And what woman doesn't love these superlative including Commanders gave up their When near Carrig-y-Druidion, his broken and was stacked with the cabins to women and children, Decks car twice hit obstacles, shaking him Despite the war the rest of the cases. This broken case London tailored classics. were screened off to provide living severely, but he is expected to arrive contained bottles of whiskey. I do known in UJS.A. as quarters. Meals were served in re­ by train for his wife's funeral today. British tradition of utmost quality is preserved in lays with seamen acting as cooks not know how many. and waiters. "I took out one of the bottles. I this current range —- 100 percent Chinese camel­ BRITISH NATIONALS IN TOKYO believed the brand of whiskey was Mi-Wheat Bluejackets nursed the babies of made by Johnnie Walker. When I took the hair gives glowing warmth, soft piled luxury in a tired mothers, entertained the older RECEIVE WARNING bottle out of the case I put it in my raPEEK FREAN children on improvised swings and coat pocket and then walked up near coat as lightweight as a cloud. The London a_T KJ*' Agents: merry-go-rounds, and gave them TOKYO, Jan. 21 (CP).—The Brit­ the Old Yacht Club steps. I gave ..»SgS«!«w? e HZ**4>l ButterfielP.O. Boxd 533 & , Co. Ltd. sweets and chocolates from the can­ ish Consulate today advised Biitish tailoring provides, in both balmacaan and step •aaMj—^j-tjj***^ ' two drinks out of the bottle to a "•'•'* ™- •"•*" Hamilton teen. subjects "who have no important reason for remaining in Japan, to friend. After I gave my friend a collar models, that easy perfect fit that this coat leave, before the impending crisis drink and was about to take one my­ expected through straining of Ameri­ self I saw a constable coming, and I should have. Buy this coat now, to wear anytime, can and Japanese relations comes to ran up the alley by Dunkley's store. a head." I placed the bottle in a barrel of trash. everywhere. few-Hudson Bicycles They were advised to leave by re­ A constable then brought me to the gular shipping routes. station." BURNABY CYCLES o— Prior to giving the statement, 7002ts.eitp. LATEST SHIPPING LOSSES Lightbourne told the Sergeant he had bought the bottle the night be­ Misses Sizes BY GREAT BRITAIN fore in Frith's Liquor store. Admitting that he had stolen four 10 to 18 £9-10 up LONDON. Jan. 21 (CP).—Britain bottles, Lightbourne said that five m lost nine merchant ships totalling other men and he went to the mor­ 30,226 tons during the week ending tuary wharf, where they drank one Women's Sizes January 12, the Admiralty reported Silver wood's Evaporated Milk of the bottles. He said they went to here today. During that period the 30 to 40 £11-10 Reid Street next and drank the li­ Germans claimed that a total of For the same price you not quor frm another bottle. He added 42,700 tons had been sunk. that later he took two more bottles, only receive a superior quality o saying he was the one who took them Canadian Irradiated Milk but WINNIPEG.—The Trans^Canada because he was the only one with an also a LARGER TIN (16 ozs. Air Lines is helping the Dominion's overcoat under which he could hide war effort in more ways than one. net). them. In one month recently, a total of 71 Lightbourne was remanded in aircraft instruments were over­ ORDER SILVERWOOD'S from hauled in the TCA instrument shop custody to await trial at the next criminal session of the Assizes, to your Grocer today. here for the Royal Canadian Air Force. Four aircraft purchased in the United begin the first week in February. States by the Department of Mu­ "Good Milk Makes Good Meals" nitions and Supply were ferried to ferry service in the United Kingdom points in Canada by TCA pilots and and maintenance personnel at Van­ one plane was flown from Winnipeg couver from time to time gave in­ JOHNSON «c COOPER, LTD. to Trenton, Ontario. struction and assistance to a Royal TOA pilots gave 166 hours flying Canadian Air Force bomber squad­ Distributors instruction to pilot applicants for ron. Page 4 THE ROYAL UAZETTJS AND COUJ1N1ST DAILY. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1941.

NEW JAPANESE-SOVIET PACT Dispersal Is England's War- a lb. more for rabbits than they dare FOUR SEAMEN FROM charge their customers. The upshot WAR HONOUR CONFERRED WORK/, OVERWORK, MTIGUE Bring on Time Theme is that plenty of rabbits are wasting MOSCOW, Jan,. 21 (CP).—Japan TORPEDOED SHIP ARE SAFE ON R.C.N. COMMANDER away in warehouses. an<4 Russia today signed a new Continued from Page 1 * * * fisheries agreement permitting the NERVOUS The cut in sugar is probably what Japanese to work in Russia's Far Relate "Nightmare" Of 18wip e out any notable portion of Commander H. G. DeWoIf, Is pains the average EngUshman most. East waters, and replacing the pact Britain's stored food. The EngUsh people have always been which expired at the end of the Days In Open Lifeboat And speaking of dispersal, the Min­ Husband of Bermudian istry of Food keeps only a skeleton used to tremendous quantities of year. From an East Coast Canadian staff of 250 in London. The bulk of sugar, probably a great deal more Bermuda once again is linked with ACIDITY Nervousness is far more often Port. Jan. 21 (CP).—Four survivors the Ministry's staff of about 2,500 than was good for them. Doctors war honours conferred ruccntly by the cause of Acid Indigestion of the British freighter Carlton, are in the country. think this cutting of sugar consump­ His Majesty the King this time upon than improper food. A tired GtfO A GREAT.I sunk on December 20, are recovering England began working out a war­ tion in haU wiU be a fine thing for the two Nova Scotians. The recipients body, overworked brain, or in hospital today after being landed time food-control plan four years national blood pressure. of decorations for distinguished wai nerve tension can easily up­ last night. "» befcre the war started. It even had The stores are nearly sold out of service are Commander H. G. DeWoli ikQuiek'tdlef LINIMENT ! set your stomach. Sixteen members of the Carlton's all the ration books printed and wait­ candy. I went to one today, and it of Halifax, and Sergeant Anthony ISBSSE crew scrambled into a lifeboat fol­ ing months before the war. had just one box of candy left. Choco­ Condy, of SpringhiU, both natives Doctors point out that fa­ lowing the torpedoing, but eighteen The first rationing was not put in lates run from 2/6d. to 5/- a lb., and of the Maritime province. tigue, especially nervous tfouu/ank W\ effect until four months after the they're not very good either. Many fatigue, usually upsets the days in the open boat lashed by icy C-ommander DeWolf,. whose wife ANAM normal functions of your seas accounted for twelve of the sea­ war started—that is, last January. of the pieces are fiUed with dry cake. prior to marriage was Miss Gwen stomach. The gastric glands 0» men. Another eighteen men, in­ Bacon, butter and sugar were the first When you eat in restaurants, the Gilbert, eldest daughter of Mrs. T. pour out far more acid than cluding the captain of the vessel, items dealt with. finest places give you two small St. G. Gilbert of Somerset and the you can use for digestion. who boarded another lifeboat, have * * * cubes of ^-jgar with each cup of cof­ the late Mr. T. St. G. Gilbert, was Your stomach valves don't ikeCZUkaluzen,. not been heard of as yet. The term rationing is often mis­ fee; the mediumsjpriced and cheap mentioned in despatches and com­ operate when they should. The four survivors told of the leading. When a certain food is ra­ places only one. And I hate to drink mended "for able control and cool­ The result is well known—as ifoutmd "nightmare" since the Carlton's tioned, that does not necessarily coffee with one cube of sugar. ness of judgment" during the rescue acid indigestion. And fortu­ sinking, 500 miles off Ireland, by an mean the country is running short of Back in Lisbon I kept shpping of 857 survivors from the torpedoed nately the relief for this is just as well known. Italian submarine, which followed it. It means that the government cubes of sugar into my pocket from liner "Arandora Star," while Sgt. BOTH IN them for five hours before sinking considers this particular food to be the hotel table, and I arrived here Condy received the MiUtary Medal Drop one or two tablets of Alka-Seltzer in a glass of them. They fought back with a puny essential, and so it begins rationing with about 20. So for a while I had for conducting a motor convoy from water. Watch it fizz into a to conserve a surplus for the far fu­ Hotchkiss machine-gun. an extra one to drop in each cup of the outskirts of to the Channel sparkling, refreshing solu­ ALKA The first member of the crew to die ture. coffee, but they're all gone now* Coast when France was over-run by tion! Drink it. Quickly it re­ was a 60-year old cook, who passed Also, many things are rationed to If I were making this trip over again the German invadeis. lieves pain and neutralizes SELTZER away just after Christmas. The next insure an equal distribution—so the I would throw away my shirts and Commenting editorially on these excess acidity. rich people won't eat up all the thingt four were negro firemen who had bring three pounds of sugar. feats "The Halifax Mail" recently Double-Acting Relief drank salt water and went mad. the poor couldn't afford if there were For years doctors have prescribed sepa­ stated in part: "These are not the 25,000,000 sufferers from acid 1 The next was the mess-room boy, no such controls. first awards for gallantry granted to rately the different medicines contained Mrs. E. W. Robinson and indigestion, headaches, rheuma­ who went the same day the cabin- Today in England it is almost im­ men from this Province (Nova Sco­ tism, colds, and other common in Alka-Seltzer. Now you get them com­ boy died. possible to get onions, raisins, eggs, Daughter Die In Raid tia) during the present conflict, nor, aches and pains have tried and bined and standardized to give you swift, proved Alka-Seltzer. Not a laxa­ V These deaths were followed by lemons or cheeses. Yet none of these doubtless, will they be the last; but sure relief. Besides, it's economical be­ A healing and soothing lini­ tive, you can take Alka-Seltzer those of the fourth engineer appren­ things is rationed, because the gov­ Continued from Page 1 they are typical. They are granted at any time for the many symp­ cause it is good for so many common ment which has for sixty ernment considers them nonessential years been in popular de­ tice and the third officer. Next was The two daughters remained tem­ not for chance de.ring or foolhardy toms caused by excess acid. ailments. Keep a bottle always handy! to sturdy, healthy living. It is ready mand for the relief of all the junior wireless operatol. porarily in Richmond. One day, actions; they have been awarded for j to let them go out of existence for the external and internal pains. 'I'll remember those eighteen days during another raid, a bomb fell personal bravery, indeed, but a brav­ duration. all my Ufe," said Able Seaman John within fifty yards of this house and ery that called upon all the initiative Morris of Birmingham, when telling Today rationing applies to the the lady who had been caring for and the resource of which they were CANADIAN of the men waiting for death to choose following items in the foUowing ways: capable." the girls decided to vacate the resi­ the next victim. Bacon and Ham.—Four ounces a dence. The girls then went to Es­ Regardless of his own personal The Chief Officer, George Robin­ week per person. (Peacetime con­ What balance have HEALING sex, where they are now. safety, Commander DeWolf man­ sumption aveiages 5.6 ounces.) son of Newcastle-on-Tyne,was in com­ Mrs. Robinson and her daughter oeuvred a lifeboat loaded with sur­ mand of the survivors, all of whom Butter.—Two ounces of butter and Coral were nurses. The former was vivors with expert skill, although you in the— . OIL suffered from frostbite and exposure. four ounces of margarine a week. serving in a hospital at Richmond,* high seas were raging at the time of Manufactured by Captain Learmont was in charge of ^Before the war, people averaged and the latter in one at London. the rescue operations. NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., Limited seven ounces of butter.) Toronto! Canada Q\ the unfound boat. It was not their first experience Sugar.—Eight ounces a week. (Con­ Bank of good Eyesight? with war work, as they had been sumption has been cut .more than B.W.I. ORANGES FOR BRITAIN active in Bermuda during the 1914- nah; it used to be 17 ounces on the 18 MEN DROWN IN LOSS 18 hostilities. average.) LONDON, Jan. 21 (CP).—Mr. G. When the present war commenced, Actually, that is more important thai* Whole Wheat Bread OF BOSTON SCHOONER Tea.—Two ounces. (Pre -war con­ Hall, the Colonial TJnder-secretary. the mother and daughter took up sumption was 2.9 ounces.) But tea told the House of Commons that the state of your account in sterling 01 nursing abroad and, before long, BOSTON, Jan. 21 (CP).—Eighteen is not really short in England, as you the Food Ministry has arranged for dollars, for if your eyesight should fail doing active work. Before the fa­ men were drowned almost within can get it in any restaurant and nearly the purchase from the British West tality occurred, they had three life would scarcely be worth living ever We have tried many sight of their homes as the Boston every grocery. Consumption is down Indies of the available supplies of months service behind them. if you could earn a living. grades of Whole schooner Mary E. O'Hara, home­ only about one-fourth. oranges there. Mrs. Robinson was born in Eng­ ward bound from a week at the Meat.—The rationing of meat is Wheat Flour but not land, and the love she had for her fishing banks, split open in a col­ based on price rather than weight, one is so satisfactory native land drew her home, where New Phase of the War In the Let our expert optometrists check Usion as it approached Boston Har­ because of the many qualities avail­ as our "Special" she knew she could be of some help. your balance in the Bank of Good Eye­ bour. Five half-frozen survivors able. People today are aUowed to Mediterranean sight. Proper care now may be the mean; Whole Wheat Flour. were dragged to safety from the buy l/10d. worth of meat per person No other produces protruding mainmast of the sunken per week. This means about two NEW U.S. AMBASSADOR TO Continued from Page 1 of conserving it if not of increasing it foi that delicious nutty schooner by the crew of the trawler pounds of fair beef. Fowl is not ra­ the air battle in the West continues. years to come. flavour so appreci­ North Star. tioned, and there is a good supply. BRITAIN NOT YET NAMED The curve of enemy losses by night They told their rescuers the Mary As an example of how rapidly is rising, and on Sunday night no ated by Whole WASHINGTON, Jan. 21 (CP).—Mr. Wheat Bread enthu­ E. O'Hara apparently struck a things change, since I wrote the above, fewer than five raiders were destroy­ barge and that the remainder of the two days ago, the weekly meat al­ John G. Winant, 51, one-time Re­ ed. Efforts long made from many siasts. If you are not publican Governor of New Hamp­ I crew of 23 had faUen from the rig­ lowance has dropped, and pork liver, angles against night bombings are The Astwood Dickinson Co. getting this Whole ging one by one as their hands kidney, heart and sweetbreads have shire and Director of the League of showing some results. The recent Wheat Bread you froze. The schooner sunk so fast been added to the rationed list. Nations International Labour office records of our sixteen months of Front Street HAMILTON are missing a really there was no time to launch a dory. The government makes mistakes in 1938, was reported authoritatively air attacks on Germany are impres­ good thing. The that cause some confusion, as all today to be President Roosevelt's sive. Our raids have become pro­ JAPANESE DIET HEARS governments do. For example, in choice to succeed Mr. Joseph P. gressively more numerous and remedy is simple— dealing with rabbits the government Kennedy as Ambassador to Britain. heavier and, unlike the enemy's Your grocer sells it. MATSUOKA'S FORECAST set a maximum for the retailers but Later this report was denied, and raids, they have constantly been di­ none for wholesalers. As a result, it was said an announcement could rected where they will do most harm British made TOKYO, Jan. 21 (CP).—JForeign the groceryman must pay a penny be expected in a couple of days. to his war machine." It is made as follows: Minister Matsuoka told the Japan­ GARDEN TOOLS SMALL LOAF 4d. ese Diet -that Japan, Italy and Ger­ Dependable tools that will work well many will accompUsh the goal of a and wear well — in full assortment at LARGE LOAF 8d. new order "if they're only given reasonable prices. SANDWICH LOAF 1/- time," and expressed the hope that the United States will bend its ut­ most efforts to aUay the impending | crisis of civilisation. FRITHS Hardware BERMUDA He also claimed that British colon­ Front Street Hamilton Dial 1179 BAKERY, LTD. ies and dominions are interfering in various ways with Japanese ship­ Telephone 1080 ping. |*#W***



Clever Joan. Popular Joan ! She always has dancing partners gal ire. For she never takes chances wit K underarm BRICKS odour. She I >llows her hai h with Mum — to be • te from offendinsr. WIRE-CUT and PRESSED Mum is a delightful, quick way of 4SS>\^&* protecting your daintiness. A fingertip- also ful under each arm, before or after dressing, and your freshness is assured. VENTILATING BRICKS Mum does not prevent healthful per­ spiration— it just removes every trace Buy British Goods of odour for a day at a time. Soothing to skin; harmless to fabrics. Buy a large economical jar of Mum at your Chem­ Photo—Knudp^n •4CM-M ist's or store today. 9M-I Hamilton GODET & YOUNG St. Gegrge's NEW E.S.U. HEADQUARTERS—"The Cedars," on Cedar Avenue, Hamilton, which is likely to be acquired by the English-Speaking Union as its headquarters. (Story on Page 1.) TAKES THE ODOUR OUT OF PERSPIRATION


GEORGE ! YANKEE STORE Mc MANUS Copr. 1940, King Features Syndicate, Iric. World rights reserved. ' 6623ts.eitp. THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1941. Page 5

. Land, Sea and Air Forces In TRADE AGREEMENTS WITH BRITISH PRESS COMMENT LOCAL SOCCER MATCH COMMUNIST NEWSPAPER DELICIOUS Assault on Tobruk BELGIAN CONGO SIGNED ON ROOSEVELT'S SPEECH AT PROSPECT TOMORROW IS BANNED IN BRITAIN Women's Continued from Page 1 RAINCOATS A Soccer League fixture between I days since Bardia fell. General British Government Also Pronounced Doom of Nazism teams of the 4th Cameron High­ LONDON, Jan. 21 (OP).—Scotland On Monday we received Wavell has been steadily concentrat­ Says Daily Express landers and Staff & Departments is Yard men raided the offices of The from England a complete, ing large forces around Tobruk, and Makes Pact With DeGauIIe scheduled for play tomorrow after­ Daily Worker, the Communist news­ fresh ' new stock of it is thought in London that he may noon under the supervision of the paper, and stopped its publication raincoats. Serviceable, | have been waiting for the sandstorms LONDON, Jan. 21 (Reuter).—It was LONDON, (BOP.) Jan. 21—The Bermuda Football Association. The as it was going to press, shortly after nicely cut, and available whieh have swept the desert for the officially announced tonight that an impressive and heartening address kick-off is timed for 3 o'clock. the journal had been banned by the in your choice of several agreement relating to the Belgian past week, to subside before launch­ which Mr. Roosevelt delivered on the Although the Camerons have lost Home Secretary Mr. Herbert Morri­ colours, this is the very Congo has been signed by the Brit­ SHiLPS KEEP TEETH WHITE ing his attack. historic occasion of assuming the one match in the Bermuda League son. type of medium weight, VAND MOUTH HEALTHY British patrols have been going oui ish Foreign Secretary and the Bel­ office of President of the United inexpensive coat you competition to H.M.S. Malabar, they Mr. Morrison indicated that he | nightly to gather precise informa­ gian Minister for Foreign Affairs. States for a third term and which need for use right now Agents—NICHOLL & ASHTON LTD. were checked by the S & D. several was satisfied there had been system­ tion about the Italian defences. One effect of the agreement will be was heard clearly by listeners in weeks ago, the match ending in a atic publication of matter calculated Sizes 32 to 42 During these patrols it was found to increase Britain's vital gold this country, is fully reproduced tie. Both sides will be at full strength Complete that the. tank traps surrounding sources. to foment opposition to the success­ by the majority of newspapers and tomorrow, and the Scots are hoping ful prosecution of the war. He also 28/6 Tobruk were so deep in places that All available Congo gold produc­ GAS SERVICE is also the subject of editorial com­ to clinch the points and get nearer banned The Week, a newsletter pub­ the patrol had to bring up ladders to tion and foreign exchange will go — with — ment in most. Inevitably, the event championship honours. lished and edited by Claude Cock- go down into them and measure their to the Bank of England, against pay­ A, R. MERCER is contrasted with the reported burn. size. ment of sterling. Britain will buy meeting of the dictators. CHANGE IN DATE OF B.M.R.A. 9wwfMc Gas The outer perimeter of the Tobruk ; great quantities of Belgian Congo The Daily Telegraph says: "By an RIFLE SHOOT ANNOUNCED defences is 30 miles In circumfer-! products, including copper and apt trick of fate on the very day Cooking — Water and House ence. Unlike Bardia, Tobruk pos­ palm oils. Mr. Roosevelt was recalling to the sesses a second line of defences, Heating — Refrigeration and Another important agreement has people of the United State% their An impromptu rifle shoot, under with a circumference of about 11 Industrial uses been concluded between the Brit­ high destiny in the progress of the supervision of the Bermuda Min­ miles. This, and the fact that the Torpid Liver Action BERMUDA UTILITY CO. ish Government and General de freedom, the two dictators of the iature Rifle Association, has been outer defences were completely arranged for the evening of Tuesday, Pitt's Bay Road — Dial 1978 Gaulle's Council of Defence. The unholy alliance for enslavement of What would it be worth to you to be free of guarded by barbed wire, added con­ Exclusive distributor In Bermuda for British Government undertakes to the world met in one more of their January 28, at the Par-la-Ville rifle torpid, sluggish liver action, and the indi­ "Pyrofax" Gas, Magic Chef gas ranges, siderably to the work of the British buy the French Cameroons' total range in Hamilton and is timed to gestion and constipation whicli accompany secret conferences." this condition? etc. engineers in advance of the main output of cocoa, and certain other start at 7.30 o'clock. "Of that meeting nothing is Among the ingredients contained in Dr. 6112-fm.eitp. assault. This arrangement is a change frcm products including a large propor­ known, but it is assumed that it re­ Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills is found bile salts, tion of the Colony's bananas. that announced in. these columns R.A.F. RAID BEFORE ATTACK presents an effort to retrieve a situ­ and bile salts are about tlie only substance yesterday. The shoot was first which acts directly on the liver. ation which has ceased to be as planned to be held on Thursday cf This seems to be a good reason why PrOtGCt your An R.A.F. communique revealed amenable to Axis control as it was 'WILD BILL" DONAVAN this week. A big entry list is ex- I Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills should help today that, as in the case of Bardia, a few months ago, and it is generally you by arousing the liver action and supplying pected for next Tuesday's shoot, the Children from the attack on Tubruk was preceded CONFERS WITH KING BORIS taken to mark a further stage m a good flow of bile to stimulate the digestive by heavy raids by British bombers. programme for which will appear in system and the bowels. the process by which MussoUni jjp These raids took place on Sunday a later issue. This is t he natural waj- to obtain relief from Dangerous Colds SOFIA, Bulgaria, Jan. 21 (CP).— |toaking Italy subpervient toi the congestion of the liver which may develop night, and in the course of several o I Colonel WilUam ("Wild Bill") Dono­ Nazis as the price of aid in avoiding into serious disease. Why not get started attacks direct hits were made on the m . _ van, United States war observer, ar­ the military defeat of his regime. Drive To Fill British today with Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. marine repair shops and military rived here today to consult with "As to the new chorus of threats barracks. Munitions Factories King Boris and his ministers. and warnings which can already be While Tubruk is falling, British Observers speculated whether heard from the usual Axis propa­ Continued from Page 1 mm Imperial troops in East Africa are what he told the King will have a ganda centres, it leaves unmoved a corps, good management and the use Dr^ChaseVlte Pills pushing deeper into Italian Eritrea, '•')*&. //'AS/, bearing on Bulgaria's decision con­ British pubhc already keyed up to of every available citizen. The whole and a report from Cairo says they have uh: cerning German pressure. vigilance by its own leaders and for buUding problem is to be reviewed already reached a point 30 miles east o ; whom the final outcome of the and hostels are to be supplied for mzm of Kassala. The retreating Italians struggle has been put beyond workers, to save them long journeys. are stronger in numbers than was doubt." Mr. Bevin said he has used and thought, and are now stated to be Widespread Riots Take Place will continue to use his enormous not less than two divisions. They are The Daily Telegraph expresses this In Rumania power more in a directory sense than being hard pressed by British armour­ feeling in its remark: "The voice in a compulsory sense. He said the ed units and motorised infantry. from Washington has now pro­ Continued from Page 1 number of people engaged in muni­ The pursuit continues day and nounced the doom and the ultimate periods in history. He had striven tions production at this moment night across difficult and hilly coun­ failure of all the power of Nazism, /CHILDREN are particularly sus- to ensure the security of Rumania's was greater than in July, 1918. He try, but constant contact with the invoking against it an 'irresistible \^j ceptible to co.'ds. Give them a frontiers and had brought before the expected that an arrangement would enemy is being maintained. impact' of the faith and energy of ily dose of Haliborange and fortify Fuehrer and the Duce Rumania's soon have to be made for the regis­ The Italians are withdrawing as the great western democracy." '.em against these infections. It is struggles and aspirations. tration of men of nineteen, as well fast as they can, according to reports The Manchester Guardian stresses licious to take and children love it. General Antonescu's proclamation as those of thirty-six years of age. from the front, and are making for Mr. Roosevelt's reaffirmation that r adults too, Haliborange is continued: "Before God, before the There also would be a survey to see Agardat, which is the terminus of the democracy is in the end the most .•'lent for preventing infection by nation and before history, I confess to what extent women could do men's only railway in Eritrea and the main unconquerable of all forms of hu­ coughs and colds. ~™ I that these four months of govern work, both in the services and offices, point of communication with man society. The News-Chronicle and to arrange for men to do produc­ ment have been the most difficult frontier region and the important I says: "Hearing the President's confi­ tive rather than office work. a man could have faced for his coun­ Red Sea port of Massaua. dent words above the din of battle; try. I have founded a legionary Mr. Bevinjconcluded: "I am con­ Both in Italian East Africa and we felt we could almost see the movement. vinced there will be a great response Haliborange Abyssinia, British bombers have flame of liberty leap high." At this point the broadcast was to wise leadership, however difficult created more havoc. Direct hits I interrupted, although the station the tasks." were scored on a supply depot remained on the air. There was at Assab, in Eritrea, and at Negeili, silence for five minutes, but when in Abyssinia, administration build- the announcer resumed he merely Kennedy Wants U.S. To Stay iterated his view that Amei iea should ^uZZ^cdM^^ ings around a motor transport park j lanufactured & Guaranteed by read German £and Italian com­ keep out. Mien & Hanburys Ltd., London were set afire and partly gutted, and Out of War muniques. Thero was no reference to Mr. Kennedy's appearance drew large numbers of vehicles were des- I chemists, Stores, etc., in BM'.l. the non-completion of General An- the biggest gallary yet to attend any •alive for B.U"./.,H.S.HALSAIX, troyed. The raiding British forces Continued from Page 1 fo the Committee's hearings. The L>rt of Spain, TRINIDAD. tonescu's proclamation. lost no 'planes. down i lu' flow of materials to Bri­ retiring ambassador refused to answer H2.3S.B.W.L The Vice-Premier and leader of the A former Abyssinian Minister stat­ tain, said Mr. Kennedy. many questions on the ground that Saves So Much Iron Guard, Horia Sima, left Buch­ ed in an interview in Cairo today that Mr. Kennedy said he approved a they covered diplomatic secrets. arest for Berlin tonight, according in the first Abyssinian war against proposal to keep the President from He said the British morale was per­ to a Sofia despatch. Tlie despatch | Time and Labour the Italians, the Abyssinians were using U.S. warships for convoy duty, fect. "There is less turmoil over adds that he is going to the German not properly armed. He added: unless Congress consented. He added there than among people I have met capital for a full discussion of the "Now we have large quantities of that it was quite unlikely that Bri­ in the United States. I can­ Order from your Dealers The difference Rumanian problem, - between our low prices arms and a well-trained army. Abys­ tain might land troops on the Con­ not immagine anything better," decree imposing the death sen­ 7086TW. sinian chiefs are rallying around tinent and defeat the Nazis, and he re- said the Ambassador. nd what you pay for qual- tence on murderers of German sol­ roceries (elsewhere? the Emperor whose throne will be tV £ diers in Rumania was published in restored with the aid of Britain." Bucharest today. This is a sequel to The answer NAZI AIR BASE RAIDED the assassination of Major Doring, - ours are Cash Prices — a member of the German military hence the substantial sav­ In addition to their activity in mission to Rumania, on Sunday night. The assassination led to the ings! Africa, bombers of the R.A.F. Middle East Command have carried out resignation of the Rumanian Minis­ Ask about our "D. A." Plan heavy attacks on enemy bases in ter for Home Affairs. the Mediterranean. Catania in Sicily, The German wireless announced the base of the'German dive-bombers tonight that the Greek charged with now operating in the Mediterranean, the murder had been sentenced un­ "Yes, we're happy to say GOSLING'S was bombed agam last night. Seven der court martial law in Bucharest enemy aircraft on the ground, two The German official news agency GROCERY of them large, twin-engined bomb­ tonight described an atempt on the ers, burst into flame and fires they're here at last from Reid St. Opp. Bermuda Press life of the director general of the visible for sixty miles were started Rumanian railway. among airdrome buildings. Reports from Sofia say that Ru­ On the previous night, British manian and German troops are as- England !"- bombers attacked the Italian port i „*_.«„ . * „• •-.».„.- -, M -, PS sistmg in the maintenance of order BUCKLEY'S of Brmdisi where the railway station L . , I «mw. ,_ j _» j 1.1 ^ Thiv s evenings curfew proclamation STAINLESS was bombed and considerable dam- over the Bucharest radiv o indicates age was done. At the same time, that there is serious internal unrest, WHITE RUB Valona, the Italian port in Albania, since the announcer concluded with was the target of its heaviest bomb­ the appeal: "Brother soldiers, do not ing attack. Valona was raided again shed any more of our peoples' blood." The newest and yesterday during daylight, and high explosive bombs caused considerable damage near the jetty and the fore­ ivities on the Albanian front. An the finest shore. artillery duel in the central sector." Two more attacks were made on Yesterday the Italians launched a Malta last night by enemy bombers, vigorous counter attack against tho but both attacks failed. The targets Greek positions in the Telepini sec­ IMMEDIATE RELIEF of the enemy machines appeared tor but the attack was successfully to be one of the British airdromes, but repulsed with heavy losses to the FOR HEAD the raiders flew at such a great height enemy. The Greeks also took a num­ PHILIPS and RCA RADIOS in order to avoid the gunfire and ber of prisoners and materials, fin THROAT and searchlights that their bombing be­ London Italian casualties in the Al­ came indiscriminate. No bombs banian campaign were officially esti­ CHEST touched government property, but mated today at 50,000.) | civUian property was bombed and ROME, Jan. 21 (OP).—The ItaUan These two famous English made-sets, PHILIPS and the RCA ("His Master's COLDS other bombs fell into the sea. There High Command acknowledged today was only one serious casualty. that Fascist troops had abandoned Voice") have been in great demand. They have just arrived, and we shall be CONGESTIONS AND The Governor of Malta, broadcast­ Kassala because of "necessities of a INFLAMMATION ing today, said that Malta was con­ strategic nature." fj^ pleased to show and demonstrate them. As ours was only a limited shipment AND 30 OTHER USES tributing very definitely towards a British victory. He added: "I know we advise your early selection. that the people of Malta will con- NOW SOLD BY ALL I tinue to rise to the occasion and show DRUG STORES the same spirit that has won the ad- BABY CARRIAGES I miration of the world in past months.' in the VA size AND PRAMS FIGHTING IN ALBANIA double size 2/3 A grand selection to choose ATHENS, Jan. 21 (Reuter).—In from — and reasonably priced DISTRIBUTED BY THE Albania artillery duels to the central too! BERMUDA GENERAL sector of the front have been raging today but gradually the Italian fire BERMUDA TRADING CO. AGENCY began to weaken and the Greek fire REID HALL BUILDING became more effective. CHESLEY E. WHITE Somerset Hamilton St. George's HAMILTON Tonight's Greek communique re­ 6850tm.w.f.tp. 7097*i*w. 7088fw. ports: "Successful limited local act­


NBC-RED NETWOBK NEWS are well on the way to doing what V 7.30 a.m.—News Summary RADIO PROGRAMMES 8.30—Don Goddard, News BRITISH RADIO EXPORTS we set out to do." 9.00—News Here and Abroad 1.45 p.m.-—Condensed News Before Britain explores new radio 2.45—News Summary WORTH £2,000,000 markets the climate of each terri­ 7.15—Associated Press News (Split Net­ Wednesday, January 22nd work) s tory is artificially created in her 8.15—Newsroom of The Air LONDON.—A record radio export, 12.00—Associated Press News (WEAF) laboratories and here all compon­ NBC-RED NETWORK * * * round about £2,000,000 in value, will, ents are tested in conditions at least it is anticipated, have been establish­ WEAF, 660 kc/s; WLW. 700 ke/s: WKHJ, NBC-BLUE NETWOBK as severe as those "Under which they 610 kc/s; WGEA, 2150 & 15.33 me/s; WGEO, ed by Great Britain during 1940. will eventually be required to work. S.53 mc/s. WJZ, 760 kc/s; WLW, 700 ke/s; KDKA, 980 •-Vs; WRCA, 17.73 me/s., 15.81 ts 1147 me/s.; Britain sold 70,000 sets overseas The temperature of the new terri­ 00 noon—The Man -I Married—Sketch WPIT 1147 me/s, 1541 At 1147 mc/s. during 1939 of an approximate value .15—Against The Storm—Sketch 12.00—1 Love Linda Dale—Sketch tory and the moisture content of 30—The Road of Life—Sketch 12.15—Clark Dennis, Tenor of £400,000. Components, valves ana 45—David Harum—Sketch 12.30—The Wife Saver its air are reproduced in a humid­ 00—The Citadel, sketch »2.45—Thunder Over Paradise—Sketch accessories increased the total to ity cabinet. Chokes, loud speaker 15—Tlie O'Neills—Sketch 1.00—Betty Randall, songs £1,400,000. The Radio Manufacturers' 30—Four Showmen, quartet 1.15—Southernaires windings, tuning coils, transformers ,45—News 1.30—National Farm and Home Hour CHAPTER I AY banked the ship so that she balancing precariously, half her War Export Group thereupon plan­ and so on are all soaked in insulat­ 00—Piano Recital 2.15—Between the Bookends K could get a better look at the body above the top of the fuselage. ned for the year just closed an ex­ 15—Frankie Masters' Orchestra 240—Talk -THE tired motor dragged the runways of the airport. She saw a She held the wheel steady, let­ ing material of high melting point: 30—Friendly Neighbors—Sketch 2.45—News Summary weather - streaked mono­ port of 160,000 sets, valued at £1,000,- 45—News Summary 3.00—Raising a President, talk yellow biplane taxi out onto the ting Dixon do the maneuvering so no matter how high the temperature 50—Dance Music 3.15—Let's talk it over plane through the clearing cement runway from the ramp. that Pat could more easily seize 000, and of components and so on the wire will remain unaffected. It 00—Betty Crocker, talk 3.30—U.S. Navy Band the container as it washed through 15—Arnold Grimm's Daughter skies of the morning. The wings "Snap into it. Fat! Greg Dixon's also valued at £1,000,000. is not unusual for a wave change 4.00—Orphans of Divorce, sketch taking off in the refuel ship." the air. She counted the seconds. 30—Valiant Lady—Sketch 4.15—Amanda of Honeymoon HUl and fuselage were dull, their "We have concentrated on the ex­ .35—Sight of The World 4.30—John's Other Wife, sketch Pat dabbed at her soiled face Then she saw the cable whip free, switch to get 50,000 rotations with­ 00—Story of Mary Marlin 4.45—Just Plain Bill, sketch golden glint stripped by No­ with lotion - drenched absorbent knew that Pat had managed to port of complete sets," states Mr. out showing signs of undue wear. 15—Ma Perkins—Sketch 5.00—Mother of Mine, sketch get the supplies on board. 30—Pepper Young's Family vember storms. The motor's cotton. R. P. Browne, secretary of the Group, In short, throughout its manufac­ 5.15—Club Matinee, variety show The gasoline hose plunged down­ 45—Vic and Sade. sketch 5.55—Associated Press News worn parts clattered and "Greg Dixon's nuts about you," "because they are better from the ture, the radio set is given the sever­ 00—Backstage Wife, sketch 6.00—King Arthur, Jr., sketch she said. "You ought to do some­ ward. She saw it whip and lash in 15—Stella Dallas, sketch 6.15—Irene Wicker's Stories clacked beneath its droning thing about it." the air, then straighten out. She point of view of sterling. Figures est tests from actual bumping to .30—Lorenzo Jones, sketch 6.30—Bud Barton, sketch overtone. heard the fuel splash and slosh 45—Young Widder Brown 6.45—Tom Mix straight Shooters 'That's a smart idea," Kay received to date indicate that we delicate electricity. 00—Girl Alone, sketch Habit sent Kay Falconer's glance snapped. "Til ask him to slide into the tank behind her. 15—Lone Journey, sketch 7.00—News The ships bounded, bobbed .30—Jack Armstrong—Sketch 7.05—Three Romeos. vocal trio over tbe instruments of the con­ down the refuel hose and have a .45—Life Can Be Beautiful 7.15—Sports Broadcast trol panel. Then her eyes, red- cup of tea." ahead, rocked by unpredictable .00—Bobby Byrnes' Orchestra 7.30—Musical Programme rimmed with fatigue, turned to Pat pulled on her helmet. "How currents. One second the hose .25—News 7.45—Lowell Thomas, news gaze through the window beside much longer are you going to push above her was as taut as a violin .30—Orchestra 8.00—Easy Aces, sketch string. The next, it bellied limply. .45—Pearson's Sports Page 8.15—Tracer of Lost Persons her. this wheezing crate?" 00—Fred Waring in Pleasure Time 8.30—Echoes of New York Half a mile beneath, she saw the "Until tiie motor quits. And Then she felt the ship jar sick- 15—Newsroom of The Air 9.00—The Quiz Kids brown and green checkerboard of from the way it sounds, it won't be eningly. She dimly heard Pat 30—Cavalcade of America 9.30—Dramatic Sketch scream. Above, Dixon's ship pulled 00—Hollywood Playhouse 10.00—Roy Shield's Revue the San Fernando valley. Ahead of long now." 30—Plantation Party 10.30—John B. Kennedy, News her the creviced hills rolled lazily "That's good," said Pat, and away like a frightened gull. 00—Time To Smile—Eddie Cantor 10.35—Spin and Win with Jimmy Flynn into the California haze. then caught herself. T mean, I 30—Mr. District Attorney 11.00—Story Dramas hope we stay up a long time for HE control wheel jerked and Paton and Baldwin s .00—Kay Kyser's College of Musical 11.15—Bob Hannon. tenor Below, her eyes found too-famil­ Knowledge 11.30—Doctors At Work, Talk iar landmarks. The slate-gray run­ your sake. You have to have the Ttwisted in her hands. She tried 00—Press News 12.00—News ways of Union Air Terminal at publicity. But too much up is too the rubber pedals. They were hay- NBC-BLUE NETWORK NEWS 7.30 a.m.—News Summary 8.55—Esso News Reporter (WJZ only) 9.00—News Here and Abroad BERYL 9.10—News From The Nation's Capital 9.55—Associated Press News WHY RISK A 1.25 p.m.—Esso News Reporter (WJZ only) 2.45—News Summary 5.55—Associated Press News DISAPPOINTING 7.00—Esso News Reporter (WJZ only) Angora Knitting Yarn 7.45—Lowell Thomas 10.30—John B. Kennedy ^FAILURE? 12.00—Esso News Reporter (WJZ only) BAKE WITH 1.00—War News # * * at pre-war price! COLUMBIA NETWOBK ROYAL WABC, 8.60 kc/s: WCAU, 1170 kc/s; WCBX, 21.57, 15.27, 11.83 & 9.65 mc/s.; WCAB, 2142, 1547 As 9.59 mc/s. 12.00—Short. Short Story 12.15—Martha Webster—Sketch Knit yourself a luxury sweater at a Send today for free 12.30—Big Sister—Sketch 12.45—Aunt Jenny's Stories Royal cook book! 1.00—Kate Smith. Ted Collins, News thrifty price! This angora yarn is soft Contains 95 photo­ 1.15—When A Girl Marries graphs Shows you, 1.30—Romance of Helen Trent 1.45—Our Gal Sunday as a kitten, easy to knit with, and step by step, how to 2.00—Life Can Be Beautiful bake cookies, cakes, 2.15—TheWonian in White, sketch biscuits ... 89 easy- 2.30—The Right To Happiness warm as fur. It comes in eight lovely 2.45—Road of Life, sketch to - follow recipes, 3.00—Young Dr. Malone carefully tested. 3.15—Joyce Jordan, sketch colours, green, yellow, turquoise, 3.30—Fletcher Wiley.sketch 3.45—My Son and I pink, sandringham, blue, peach, as Clip this adver­ 4.00—Mary Margaret McBride tisement and send 4.15—Golden Treasury of Song to: 4.30—A Friend In Deed well as white and tan. Make an eve­ 4.45—Children also are People 4.55—News VI. S. PURVIS & CO. LTD. Dept. 10331 5.00—Portia Blake Faces Life ning bolero or a sports sweater— I'.o. Box 19, Hamilton, Bermuda 5.15—We, The Abbotts 5.45—Kate Hopkins, sketch 6.00—The Goldbergs this is an "angora" season! 6.15—The O'Neill's. Sketch 6.30—Columbia Concert Orchestra Site felt the ship jar sickeningly—heard Patsy scream 6.45—Scattergood Baines 7.00—Bob Trout News 7.05—Edwin C. Hill, news Burbank Angered the green of the much up for me. Besides, I think wire, too. She looked behind her. A Nice Assortment 7.15—Hedda Hopper's Hollywood surrounding fields. She saw the Clarke's going to ask me to marry She saw Patsy, her eyes round 7.30—Paul Sullivan, News tile roof of the administration him as soon as we land. with fear, pulling herself forward. 2/9 half ounce ball of Men's 7.45—The World Today 8.00—Amos 'n' Andy building, the tops of oblong hang­ "Even in spite of Aunt Mathil­ "Kay!" Pat yelled. "The refuei 8.15—Lanny Ross. Tenor ars occupied by a trio of airlines. da?" hose got away from me! The han­ Lumber Jackets 8.30—Meet Mr. Meek Then she looked at the clock on '"Even in spite," Pat replied. "It dle hooked the wires and tore into 9.00—Big Town, dramatic show looks as if I'll finally get to meet in Various Colours 9.30—Dr. Christian, Sketch the instrument panel. It told her the tail surfaces!'' 9.55—Elmer Davis. News it was refuel time. the old witch. I think she's been Kay steadied herself, as she saw 10.00—Fred Allen. Comedian trying to steer Clarke off because 11.00—Glenn Miller Orchestra She dispatched her hand upward I'm in pictures " that Patsy was close to hysteria. 20/- and 22/6 1130—Sports Quiz and backward, sent it exploring ""Get into your parachute!" she TRIMINGHAM^ 11.45—News of The World "She's probably worried about snapped. She was already wearing the wall of the gasoline tank which your spending habits," Kay sug- 12.00—Sports News bulked behind her. It found a hers. COLUMBIA "NETWORK NEWS . . . „ a gested. "It's costing Clarke Ruth- Established IH44 PEARMAN'S MEN'S SHOP silken mop of hair Her fingers *rford lent t0 back this flignt She felt the ship wash,, skid, roii 7.30 a.m.—Early Morning News New Windsor Bldg Hamilton clamped down, tugged. You got him ^ buy the snip sup. out of control. A quick glance out 7.05—Edwin C. Hill. News the window showed her Dixon wa.s 7Q33tm.ei. to s25. 9.55—Elmer Davis, News An angry protest smote her ears. piy the gas. and pay me a sal- Hamilton St. George 11.45—News of The War kicking the refuel ship alongside. 12.00—Press News (WABC only) "Cut it out, Kay!" ary " He was waving his arms wildly, 12.00—Bob Trout, News (other Stations) She turned and looked up anx- "We're advertising his Golden trying to pantomime the extent of 12.05—Edwin C. Hill (Split Network) iously at Patsy Lane's round, tired. Lion gasoline, aren't we, with the 12.55—Bob Trout, News (Split Nework) oil-smeared face in which sleepy pretty ship? His Rutherford Refin- tn|°a™age, , ,. ..^ , CANADIAN BROADCASTING blue eyes blinked. ing Company'll get it all back She heard herself say: So long jittering, snatched at her CORPORATION andHow'r yawnede w. e"Hav doin'?e w" ePats toppey askedd the, W^U.rmofsooa old gas-f for a spray of his j^pjM«Bl When she 12.00—News Bulletin Kay nervously watched Patsy parachute, hanging on a hook. Her 12.05—Maritime Farm Broadcast mark?" press her slim, coveralled body be­ fumbling hands untangled the 12.30—Big Sister—Sketch Kay turned her eyes to the clock harness. She tried to straighten it 12.45—Life and Love of Dr. Susan tween tank and fuselage, work her 1.00—News, Canadian Press again. "One hour and fifty-seven way toward the tail of the ship. out. It tangled more. 1.15—Vocal Recital minutes to go. But we've got to "Take it easy!" she warned. "Be Kay leaped from her seat. "Easy, can't stop 1.30—Concert Varieties refuel again. Think you can do it? honey!" careful when you clear the hose!" 2.00—The Happy Gang The grind's got you groggy.Patsy." 2.30—Maritime Schools Broadcast She seized the parachute, un- 2.45—Pops Concert Patsy sighed. "I can make it. QHE turned, looked through the snarled the webbing, slipped the 3.00—Against The Storm. Sketch darling." She waved a hand at the 3 windshield She saw Greg Dixon harness expertly over Pat's foie- 3.15—Road of Life—Sketch arms SMART ECONOMY gas tank. "That's the darndest biplane up to meet the - lowered it so that the leg coughing 3.30—News Broadcast send his st ,s r ag ge! the fl r thing to sleep on. Why did I come Goiden Lion. His cheery wave from "J ? . , n °P , ?° * .*. 3.33—U.S. Navy Band to sDend ten or twenty n,„ «>r,r.r #.r^tr.it c^t » carmine Back mto it! she ordered. 1Pat - 4.00—Story of Mary Marlin up here to spend ten or twenty ^e fr0nt cockpit sent a warming sy got her feet thl0U h the eb 4.15—Ma Perkins, Sketch years busting an endurance rec- thrill through"her S w - 4.30—Pepper Young's Family ord? Me. with a real bed at home. thrilslowll througy heh herpulle. d the biplane bing- Kay spun her around. 4.45—The Guiding Light. Sketch And I used to think working in above her. Through the upper part snapped the heavy chest buckles, 5.00—Presenting Helen Weber she 0.15—Club Matinee, variety movie serials was hard!" Df the windshield she watched his .*? worked, the ship lunged Is to be found in our collection 5.30—Teatlme Tunes She stretched, added, "I ought ship inch forward, jockey for posi- w1^* „„„„„„,„,, ..«-„„, - 5.45—"Shop to Save", talk Pats ma ra 6.00—Closing Stock Quotations to slap you down. That yank on tion. The mechanic lowered the y screamed. Kay! Were 6.15—News CJ>. my hair jerked me away from a can containing food, water and going to crash! We're going to of Printed Glosheens and Cre­ 6.30—Popular Songs die!" 6.45—BBC News ringside table at the Trocadero. coffee. The wind whipped the cable 7.00—Questions of The Hour Clarke Rutherford and I were de­ into an uncertain arc. 7.15—Message From Sandy McPherson stroying filet mignon and absorb­ The planes pounded in the (To be continued) tonnes now being shown in our 7 30—Music Recital rough air. Worry lines creased her (The characters in this serial are 7.45—"What about the Italian People?' ing champagne — and Fred Mac- 8.00—The Little Revue Murray was two tables away, smil- forehead as she pictured Pat out fictitious) § 8.30—Serenade for Strings ing at me." behind, snatching at the can while Copyright 1940. by Gateway Books House Decorating Department 8.57—News Bulletin 9.00—Big Town, dramatic show 9.30—Family Man these attractive prints may be 10.00—Melodies for You Some 10,000 people are now employ- woolens and the normal needs at 10.30—The Question Box 11.00—National News SIX MILLION TROUSERS ed in preparing, spinning, and weav­ home are now strictly controlled. A 11.15—Britain Speaks obtained 11.30—BBC Radio News Reel FOR BRITAIN'S ARMIES ing the 16,000,000 yards of serge alone. constant supply of raw wool con­ CANADIAN NETWORK NEWS Almost the same length of lining tinues to reach Great Britain and, as fine cough leads to another. The danger 9.15 a.m.—Canadian Press News will also be needed by the 250 cloth­ for exports, a cross-section inquiry grows with lightning rapidity and unless 1.30 p.m.—Canadian Press News LONDON.—Enough cloth to stretch ing contractors in England, Wales, of the industry has just been com­ 6.45—The BBC News from Yorkshire to New York, back to you treat it quickly, serious damage may 7.30—Canadian Press News Scotland and Northern Ireland who pleted showing that sinkings amount be done to delicate membranes in the I 8.57—News Bulletin Yorkshire and out to New York again, to no more than one twentieth of throat, lungs and chest. Give your child j 9.00—BBC News are turning the material into com­ From 3/- per yard up 11.00—National News is being woven for Britain's armies one per cent. Beechams Lung Syrup.The soothing effect 11.30—BBC News Reel plete battle dress. is instant. Nasty phlegm is loosened. The | in the spring. pain and tightness go, coughing stops. It will be made into 5,000,000 While these contracts, and a furth­ DAVENTRY, ENGLAND blouses and 6,000,000 pairs of trousers. er order for 1,500,000 more Army TIDE TABUf FOR JANUARY Following is the schedule of news broad­ greatcoats in the heavy cloth specially casts given by the B.B.C, London: More trousers are needed because Stations GSF 15.14, GSB 9.51, GSQ 11.75, produced in Yorkshire, do put a High Water Low Water Sun- GSC 9.58. they wear out more quickly. Already Sun­ at News broadcasts by the BBC are given the tailoring trade of Great Britain certain strain upon the heavy sec­ Date A.M. P.M. A.M. PJH. rise set at the following times: tions of the woolen trade, there re­ 7 00 a.m. has turned out 12,500,000 blouses 22 4.04 520 10.26 10.29 7.20 5.42 9.00 a.m. and 14,500,000 trousers, but the new mains ample plant and personnel for 23 5.09 525 11.35 11.30 7.19 5.43 —give her 12.00 noon 2.00 p.m. effort is the largest single order given the more usual cloths in demand 24 6.09 6.26 12.00 12.35 7.19 5.44 A. S. COOPER & SONS 4.45 p.m. overseas. 12.30 6.4a p.m. since the war began, and it is only an 25 7.01 7.20 126 7.18 5.45 9 00 p.m. instalment of what will be eventually The contracts represent only six 26 7.50 8.09 1.21 2.14 7.18 5.46 9.30 p.m.—Britain Speaks B942fth.eilp. 9.45 p.m Headline news and commentary required. per cent, of Britain's output of 27 8.34 8.54 2.11 2.57 7.17 5.47 LUNG SYRUP {HIS NAME IS TOM- WE'LL YEAH--NO NANCY Hi 5 MAMA WANTS WAIT SENSE 1 M. TO BORROW SOME OUT US ALL I ASPIRIN FOR A HERE/ GOING < DIZZY SPELL: J N .' They're A Headache British HP- By f t3 Best EW«E avr.sMitrV»M rami S»1IMI«. •»»•*. The Electric Light Co. BUSHMULER T»i. ius.v.». !••<. <*».—*ll ttiikia iwnrt THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1941. Page 7

V A MODEL SHELTER as part of his Victorian Gothic mas­ terpiece. After half-a-dozen more visits we Hardly more than a heap of rubble finished the evening at a "model" LONDON LETTER is left of what was said to be "one of shelter, deep down below a great fac­ the most effective features of Barry's tory. Before we could go in we had THE LARGEST By "THE LONDONER" design." More than the work of to give the password at the gates, Barry, however, has disappeared, for for such is the home-loving quality SELLER there stiU existed remains of the of the EngUshman that the shelter­ LONDON, Jan 7 (By mail):—Those for although a number of them did Cloisters buUt in Tudor timtis, and ers were jealously proud and rather in who donot know London may not fall on the building they were quick­ even of the original design of the exclusive about "their own place" realise the significance of the vile ly extinguished by the Guildhall fire Court, which goes back to Richard act of vandalism which the German squad. The Church of St. Lawrence We were . then taken through IPs reign. twisting passages and down a steep England airmen perpetrated on the night of Jewry, built by Wren in 1671, stands The fan tracery ceiling of the Tudor Evening fUght of stairs to the gayest cata­ Sunday, December 27th. at the corner of Guildhall Yard. It remains was considered comparable comb it is possible to imagine. In raining their incendiary bombs was set on fire by incendiary bombs to that of the Henry vn Chapel in on the City of London they could have and shortly afterwards the roof and The regulations f orbidding smoking Westminster Abbey. had no motive other than that of clock tower crashed down, sending had been relaxed for the evening, Accessories! BROOKE wilful destruction. For in the masses of sparks and burning timber but the air conditioning plant keot NO SERIOUS DAMAGE on. the Guildhall, which* in tum the atmosphere pure. A dance was "square mile" which comprises the The damage to the Houses of Par­ City, no military objective is to be caught fire. proceeding, but Father Christmas interrupted it to hand out the pre­ Uament themselves is, however, con­ found. Into it, on the other hand, Guildhall, which was built over fined and not serious, in spite of the BOND are crowded many of the noblest 500 years ago, and partially .restored sents, and to announce that a pudd­ ing weighing 14 lbs had been offered fact that the bomb feU not many i buildings that the genius of British after the Great Fire of 1666, was re­ yards from the Chamber architects has conceived. duced to a mass of blackened, smok­ as a prize for the best individual Essentials in perfect taste and of "turn". Luckily no damage was done to TEA The City of London is a self-con­ ing ruins. the famous single i hammer beam the type so necessary for correct tained unit. It has its own govern­ The Great Hall, which for centuries The competition was won by a youth of seventeen who gave a fine timber roof of Westminster HaU, evening wear, dress shirts by English ment, and its own police force. has witnessed the greatest of the which is the usual entrance for It is ruled by the Lord Mayor and his City banquets, was the first to catch performance on the mouth organ; and American makers. The famous v the rector was decisively beaten in a Members of Parliament, through U23t» court of Aldermen, who are elected alight. The flames spread to the corridors and lobbies with division Consulate, the popular Manhattan, by the freemen of London. Council Chamber and beyond. boxing match; the L.C.O. official led the party in community singing, lobbies near by. Even the King of England has to The famous monuments in Great and the well known Arrow. The and the dance went on. . Westminster HaU was built by recognize the authority of the Lord Hall had a varied fate. Many were Richard 11 and is one of the finest collars attached or separate. At midnight we left them with the Mayor when within the confines of badly damaged, but, perhaps signi­ mediaeval halls that have survived reflection that south-east Londoners the City. When he enters on formal ficantly, the well-known figures of in Britain. Most of its famous roof need more than the terrorism of occasions, the British sovereign has Britannia and the British Lion were is of new wood, however, since much H tier's airmen to prevent them to ask the permission of the Mayor. untouched. The huge monument to of the original timber had to be re­ celebrating as their ancestors cele­ The narrow roads and alleys and the Duke of Wellington and those moved at great cost some years ago Separate dress collars..1/- and 1/6 the old timbered houses, relics of to the famous statesmen Chatham brated. owing to decay. Black dress bow ties 3/6 and 4/6 the past centuries, render the City and his son, WUUam Pitt, were also BRITAIN'S CIVIL AVIATION AU the painted Victorian glass has undamaged. particularly susceptible to fire. The During 1940, British civU aircraft been blown out of the great south Stud sets from 3/6 Great Fire of 1666 virtually destroyed have flown five miUion mUes, and THE CHARTER OF LONDON window, and the memorial commem­ the City. Only a few buildings of have'carried, besides passengers and orating members and officers of the Silk waist coats 17/6 note escaped without some damage. AU but a small portion of the fine freight, nearly 30 miUion air mail two Houses and their sons who fell Largely owing to the skill and stained glass windows were smashed. letters. in the war of 1914 has been damaged Cummerbunds from 9/6 courage of the City's fire-fighting It is interesting that the only re­ Even in mid-winter, when severe But in a corridor, the broken win­ services, this German attack failed to maining panes are some of the orig­ weather adds to the already con­ dows of which over-looked Cloister Black silk hose from 2/6 do damage comparable to that which inal glass of the 1435 buUding, which siderable hazards of war-time fly­ Court, there stood, severely firm, a the Great Fire caused. But the des­ also survived the Great Fire of 1666. ing, approximately 100,000 mUes are bust inscribed: "Randolph Henry Dress braces 4/6 truction has been severe. Most of the administrative offices being covered each week by the fly­ Spencer-OhurchUl, 1849-1895"—the And Dinner suits from £7. 10. 0. were also destroyed, but the greater ing-boats and landplanes of British father of Britain's present Prime Min­ EIGHT WREN CHURCHES part of the records and historic treas­ Airways. ister. DAMAGED ures had been removed to safety Despite the overrunning of the Guildhall has been severely dam­ some months ago. Continent by Germany, contacts aged, and thus a modern tyrant has The greatest treasure of the Guild - with Europe have been regularly FOREIGNJXCHANGE had his passing revenge on the source haU was the Charter granted to Lon­ maintained throughout the year. The foUowing are the official and home of resistance to despotism don by WilUam the Conqueror. Ijs On the Lisbon service recently 400 exchange rates in England, The and lawlessness in the past. For 66 words in Anglo-Saxon, inscribed passengers were carried in a month, United States and Bermuda. It would be mighty hard to pick a within the historic walls of the on a smaU piece of parchment six as weU as much maU and freight. favourite in this threesome. And it is Guildhall, seat of the Corporation of inches long and less than two inches On these flights it is not uncommon ENGLAND doubly hard to pick a favourite among the City of London, the Common­ wide, are the basis of aU the rights for the passengers to be of many US. DOLLARS the six luscious ice creams you can wealth of British Nations had its and privUeges which the City of different nationalities-. Not long Buying at $403J make with Jell- O Freezing Mix. Every beginning. London has enjoyed through the ages one is different, delightful—makes just ago, eight countries were repre­ SeUing at $4.02i the finest ice cream you ever tasted. The Central Criminal Court, This destruction of so many price­ sented in one aircraft—Great Britain, CANADIAN DOLLARS Costly? Difficult to make?—just the famous to visitors to London as the less treasures, the pride of Londoners Poland, Norway, Belgium, France, Buying at $4.47 pposite. All you do is open a tin of Old Bailey, was damaged. and the admiration of the world, has Japan, Hungary and Luxemburg. SeUing at $4.43 Jell-O Freezing Mix, add milk and Sir Christopher Wren's famous caused a deep pain in the hearts of During the summer and autumn, THE BERMUDA SHOP cream (or evaporated milk), place in church of St. Bride's with its spire, Britain's people, but has done noth­ the Transatlantic fUghts of the UNITED STATES Queen St. Hamilton lectric refrigerator and freeze. Stir which the poet Henley called "a ing whatever to hamper their war flying boat Clare and Clyde, which Buying Sterling at $4.02 only once after that. That's simple madrigal in stone", is a charred shell. effort. started at the height of the invasion SelUng Sterling at $4.04 and the cost is less than buying your Store hours during January and February: St. Lawrence Jewry, the Lord Mayor crisis and were completed after ten BERMUDA 1.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., closing 12.30 noon on Thursday and 10.00 p.m. Saturday ice cream. Your family—your friends of London's official church, is also BRITAIN'S SECOND WAR-TIME will marvel at its goodness. crossings without incident or inter­ U.S. DOLLARS burned out. Five other churches are CHRISTMAS ruption, gave to the world incontro­ Buying at _. - $4.04 6 LUSCIOUS FLAVOURS seriously damaged. In all, eight Britain's second Christmas of the vertible proof of the falsity of the Wren churches have suffered an ir­ SeUing at | $3.99 Six luscious flavours—Strawberry war passed almost as quietly as re­ Gerrnan claim of an aerial blockade • Tutti-frutti • Maple Walnut • reparable loss. gards enemy activity, as did its fore­ of Britain. CANADIAN DOLLARS Chocolate • Vanilla and Orange Pine­ I St. Paul's Cathedral was once again runner. But the people of Britain Since Italy entered the war and Buying at $4.47 could not know this, and many of SeUing at $4.39 apple—try them all. Recipe on every in danger, and was once again saved -France sought an armistice, aircraft tin. And remember, Jell-O Freezing ' only by the heroism of London's them spent the night underground. Mix works just as well in hand belonging to British Airways or citizens. Wren's lovely Chapter This did not, however, prevent it under charter to that company, freezers. Buy several tins today. being almost as cheerful as in peace i House, however, was gutted. have served thirty-four countries. CUSTOMS HOUSE time. The people of London and of Thus Hitler may claim, in one HOUSE OF COMMONS BOMBED night, a substantial addition to his the other large cities imported their ** JELL-O record of senseless destruction of the festivities mto their shelters, which Though they have now attempted it Rate of Exchange ! noblest works of man. they had earlier decked out in aU twice, the men who fired their own their Christmas decorations. Reichstag have faUed to achieve the The foUowing rates of ex­ [n«»»>\ FREEZING GUILDHALL REDUCED TO RUIN ' In many of the larger air raid destruction of the British Houses of change were in force at the shelters, parties and concerts had Parliament. The destruction of Guildhall was Customs House on Tuesday been arranged. One in Soho, where Cloister Court (by Westminster MIX _ not due directly to incendiary bombs, January 21 most of London's continental res­ HaU) is badly damaged, however. U.SA _. $4.03 taurants are situated, had an excel­ It used to be part of the ancient Pal­ Canada $4.45 lent cabaret; another, in Covent ace of Westminster, destroyed by Hong Kong l'S Classic Models! Garden, had a "swing band, the fire in 1834, and was restored by the Japan ..-_...... __ 1/S HEALTH AND VIGOUR strains from which were heard in the 19th century British architect, Barry, street long after midnight. Many of London's deep under­ thanks to ENO ground raUway stations were almost unrecognisable as such. For weeks Crossword Puzzle New feather weight Don't be content with half-health. they have been acting as air raid Hie " glad to be alive " feeling that is shelters, and the people who go there ;BT LABS MORWS; flannel dresses, had not only decorated them, but ANSIVEK ro •l Cn> in Ohio the sign of real health and vigour can ACROSS 3—Exist madethem as confortable as possible. PREVIOUS PUZZLE 4—Came together smartly and cor­ 1—Pait ol nower 5—Enthusiasm only come from inner cleanliness. A 1—Pried t-68 dish 6—Goddess of night POORER LONDON CELEBRATES 7—Eye rectly styled in the 13—Pretty IRI,* TB P p C T 5 R i N D 8—Dissolve sparkling glass of Eno's ' Fruit Salt,' 14—Telegrapn again A c w E E T 1 9—Female sheep The people of one of London's 15—Man's nickname HE E S u 10—Chinese measure desirable tailored the famous household corrective for poorer districts in the south-east, 16—Subject to import P|F t\ T 5 S A, M M E D fc il — Mistake? in printing IS—Concerning ? p 1 V **S M U 12—See-saw 19—Remark abbr.i s <** * fc where I spent Christmas Day, cer­ O n—Comparable type, the collection digestive ailments, first thing every 21—Headgeal 1 F su ri His &E 20—A fever tainly did not allow the war to spoil 22—First person N o dp •St v fc b 21—Funny-bone morning, will ensure that your system, P Chide constant!* At >-•-*F ; S \rV L|| >E L N 23—Pertaining to birth their traditional celebrations. In 25 -Pretty icol.i T**B"** T0 0 •*? E 24—Sports has just arrived fea­ 20 Bolivia tabbr.i vt fc fact, the toys for the chUdren were | O fBs P u c-rj) A N A 27—Fool islang) is kept thoroughly free from poison­ 27-Dish ol vegetable!- T N I8-Acted more plentiful than ever before, 29—Detace til T E R s et • E ti Bends down turing the newer ous food waste and restore health andl 30—Dissect T R i M s V 1•Jf e A 0 5 J2 Amount held in arm? thanks largely to the generosity of 31—Sargo \ 1* p •E N D E (S V A fi (N Pertaining to high 33—-CaUed oy messcng' i 1 E N mountains styles in detail. 1. A, ft t R 8 i>L vigour to the full. t Get a bottle of| various individuals and societies, 34—Abyssinian title U O V it Used grudgingly 3*i— Journey E 1? 1 11 U—Sect mcluding the American Red Cross. 38—The (Spanish pl.) O 5 T E K r> **4 N 42 —Provincial English Eno and see the 39—Swallow quickly li. § By mid-day, the streets were empty, 40—SuBix: tumor stile 43—Watering place 45—Enclosure difference it can and the great ware-houses and the 44—Concerning 46—French lily Designed by Anne 45—Throb -Tended cattl« 47—Fire residue docks were deserted. For famUy 49—Ancestor ol Irish 48—Make mistake make to your parties were taking place as usual in 50—Absolutely DOWN 51—Sun god Foster and very, very 52—Peaceful S3—Man's nickname health. the small working-class homes. 54—Leans -Kind ot beetle In the local Rest Centre, a con­ modestly priced 25/- IO 1*2. verted school, where those whose 1 *Z 3- M "5 | *7 8 a? u homes have been destroyed are fed Button fronts, shirt­ \ and sheltered, a larger number of >H waist, all with self school teachers and voluntary helpers >3 (some of whom were Cambridge un­ lb IB belts ... In Green £NOS FRUIT SALT dergraduates) worked hard to pro­ 15 m "* words Eno and 'Fruit Salt" are registered trade mark- vide a Christmas dinner, a concert P Blue, and Beige. All ai and a dance for about 200 guests. W 1IO I went with the rector, an official I % sizes. 2.O. 23 2U as of the London County Council, and f| i | Father Christmas on a gift-giving I A*-) tour pf some of the shelters. atfe 1ai •28 DAVID KNUDSEN i They were all gaily decorated, and ZZ THE CAMERA STORE i everywhere the shelterers were staging 30 Queen Street and dancing as though they were spending Christmas in the most 31 32 •« 3H 35 3k | normal circumstances. i The Town House % % First we went to a vast vault be­ 37 38 3*} ; CAMERAS, PROJECTORS, SCREENS low some raUway arches, which acts West End — Hamilton FILM & ACCESSORIES as a shelter. It was crowded with % mMl M2 MB over 1,000 people. The good natured MO % Store hours during January and February: Bell fir Howell, Eastman Kodak & Agfa enthusiasm was so great here that % \$ M 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 pjn., closing 12.30 noon on Thursday and 10.00 p.m. Saturday Father Christmas lost bis eyebrows MU M5 Mb vn 4ft M

BRITISH VICTORY IS NOW Italy has proved a failure. In fact sessions in the Pacific, because the amazing thing has been that Britain, weakened by war, will be ' CALLED UP TO M. Germany has so far not raised a unable to protect them herself from New real hand to help Italy out. And an aggressor, whoever it might be, CLASSIFIED A Japan, despite the apparent bonds and they certainly won't be able to A. B. Hart, Historian, Asserts of the Rome-Tokyo-Berlin axis, can­ protect themselves. Importations ^ - not a not be considered as a potential ally, ADVERTISEMENTS Help Marks Turn in War because Japan knows that if Ger­ SAYS WE MUST TAKE GREENLAND RATES Minimum 3 lines equal ap­ many wins she will eat Japan up. proximately to fifteen words 2/6. wish but a In 1914 Albert Busbnell Hart, the Moreover, no matter what hap­ Each word over three lines at 2d historian, now 86, predicted that Then there's always the threat to per word. No display lines. Only pens as a result of the war, Green­ bonafide ads. under these headings the Allies would win the World War; Germany that rests with Russia, land must be added to the United will be accepted and are strictly reality if payable in advance. in 1916 he said that the United Russia who will never play No. 2 to States. It is too near us to be the States would enter the war; in Germany's No. 1. The Russians coveted prize of any nation with you choose March, 1938, he foresaw another would never accept a German-dic­ aggressive tendencies. tated peace for Europe, and if it LOST European war, Professor Hart, who As to the possessions we now hav?, came to an issue over Germany's a — for nearly half a century was Pro­ it is impossible to argue down the Near Transportation Office, Hamil­ coveting the oil and the grain of fessor of History at Harvard until fact that a comparatively small ton, Wednesday afternoon, 15th Wadson's the rich Ukraine, Russia wduld his retirement in 1926, gives his group of airships might bomb the January. PARCEL CONTAINING l fight. views on the European war's out­ locks of the Panama Canal, thereby ARTISTS OIL COLOURS, Brushes, I have said before and I say again RALEICH Est. 1887 come in this article, written for separating the two vast boundaries and some Periodicals. Finder reward­ that Russia always will be a stum­ THE ALL-, STEEL BICYCLE The Associated Press: of the United States, so far as sea- ed on returning to Box ABC, Ber­ bling block to Germany's aims. At By ALBERT BUSHNELL HART power is concerned. muda Press. least three times, it's been an­ I think that Germany can be de­ Then there are the Hawaiian Is­ nounced that they're going to be feated by Oreat Britain in two lands, an outpost to be held at any good friends, good schoolmates eat­ years at the most, provided the sacrifice of ships or men. To allow NO UNDUE OPTIMISM AT BRITAIN IS PREPARED TO DEATH AND FUNERAL OF ing out of the same.lunch basket, English can receive a sufficient and the Hawaiian Islands to be occupied WANTED but it has not worked out. Russia continuous supply of the materials by any nation other than the Unit SHIPPING LOSS CUTS REPRESS REDS WELL-KNOWN CRICKETER always breaks away. She wants to of war, a responsibility that rests ed States would mean the eventual GOOD WATCH DOG, not too young, with the United States. be captain or she won't play. (male). Write Box 7109, Bermuda LONDON, (BOP.) Jan. 21.—During capture and transfer of California In fact, I believe that the next Now, as to the world situation aft­ Press. the week ending llth January, nine Subversive Activities Have Cleveland Symonds, Member and the whole Pacific Coast down to four weeks will constitute the acme, er the war. First of all, the Ger­ Sw. British ships were lost of a total ton­ Mexico. Now Gone Far Enough? of the Western Stars CC. the crisis, of the war, because it will man people would have to get rii nage of 30,326, and no AUied or neu­ The Republic of the United States To Exchange—A BUGGY, in goo be within that period that public of Hitler; there could be no perma­ tral vessels. During the same period cannot endure if any combination of condition,' for a Light Victori; LONDON—There are growing indi­ The funeral of Cleveland (Bant) opinion must crystallize on Presi­ nent peace with this man who has the Germans claimed to have sxink powers, European or Asiatic, finds will pay the difference. Write Bo: cations that the Government, which Symonds, of Cox's Hill, Pembroke dent Roosevelt's viewpoint that we shown himself to be a tyrannical 42,700 tons. Although the lower a lodgment south of California any­ 7106, Bermuda Press. has maintained a double standard West, took place on Monday after­ must fortify Britain in order to off­ despot. :; figures in recent weeks are regarded where between the Golden Gate and 7106 w. for the treatment of ^Leftists and noon. Mr. Symonds died of a para­ set ultimate invasion of this It would be useless to attempt any as satisfactory in authoritative cir­ the Isthmus of Panama. Rightists, is about to crack down on lytic stroke in the early hours of country. permanent League of Nations, be­ >>d. USED BERMUDA STAMPS, w cles and as a tribute to unceasing the Communists and their sympa­ Sunday morning. The service was cause Germany has shown in the effort? to improve the methods of The United States is in no danger pay 2 - hundred until Jan. 30t thizers who are engaging in sub­ held at St. John's Church, Pembroke, past she cannot accommodate her­ "A couple of sentences from Mrs. L. R. Selly, O. R. Loblien, Ltd., Ham fighting the menace to the mer­ of invasion so long as Britain stands, versive propaganda. with the Reverend Eustace Strong and, further, I don't believe there self to any genuine league with the Martin Johnson's I Married Adven­ ton. cantile marine, over-optimism is ;h The Fascist party which carried officiating. nations and would probably act the ture 7107 w. discouraged and it is emphasised is any liklihood of this country en­ on an anti-war campaign, has been same way again. "The lion kills to eat. Otherwise there are still* many difficulties to The deceased was well known as tering the war as long as she keeps dissolved for all practical purposes a sportsman in Bermuda, and was Britain supplied with the arms and ' However I believe that there migh c he saldonis disturbs a living thing FURNISHED COTTAGE, suitable o overcome. or two. Near Ferry. Modera since and no fascist publications are particularly noted as a cricketer. ships she needs. well be some sort of World Con­ except in self-defence or when startl­ rent Reply fullest particulars the Communists have enjoyed a sort Members of the Western Stars But I do say flatly that if it should gress working toward a peace based ed. When attacked or wounded, he of charmed life, not only publishing Sports Club, of which he was a mem­ on justice. Even the vanquished never retreats, but fights as long as Box 7108, Bermuda Press, appear that Britain were to be sub­ 710S::w. The Daily Worker by holding public ber, led the cortege from his home jugated, this country would have should get a share of the pie, and there is a spark of life in his magni­ ficent body." meetings like the People's Congress to the church. A wreath made in to send an expeditionary force to I think it would he helpful if Ger­ at which speakers advocated the es­ a star shape was carried by Ser­ Europe. I believe that Germany re­ many were given colonies of some "The widow of the late explorer was UNDER-SECRETARY TO FOOD tablishment of a people's government geant Adderley, of the B.M.A., at alizes that, too, and fears the possi­ sort to take care of her expanded writing about the jungle lion of Af­ MINISTRY RESIGNS and making peace with the enemy. FOR SALE the head of the cortege. bility. I population. rica. But how will her words apply It was suggested in reliable sources But I don't believe the United to the Lion of Britain at bay." The deceased is survived by his TWO YEARS' LIMIT? LONDON, Jan. 21 (CP).—Mr. Rob- that the Cabinet has been recon­ wife and two daughters. He was the States should attempt to play too (World-Telegram, N.Y.) BUILDING LOT, at Mullet Bay. St George's. From Railway to Roac •rt B thb; • sent Mr. Churchill his sidering the situation and has de­ second son of Mr. and Mrs. Trounsell As to the two years' time I have prominent a part in any after-war as Parliamentary Sec- cided that, "while fun is fun, matters set, I don't believe either of the settlement. This country still will and 75 feet wide. Phone 2631. Ber James Hilgrove Symonds. muda Brokerage and Realty Co e Ministry of Food, after have gone about far enough.'" A full The body was borne from the house sides at war can hold out any longer have territories of her own to guard, report of tie proceedings of the Peo­ 704lfm. eitp. ?o;mr.ons coiranittee had to the hearse by some of Bermuda's than that. Moreover, the odds are I don't believe it is beyond the In the estate of ple's Congress, which was attended v with conduct deroga- best known cricketers, including decidedly against the Germans he- realm of possibility that this nation 16' SAILING DINGHY, 6' beam by about 2,000 delegates from trade iignity of the House, Amon Hunt, Captain of the Somer­ cause she has no real allies. i may annex Canada and British pos- David Augustus Glasford union locals, chiefly those with cent complete refit, £35 A l*.ittee said Mr. Boothby set Cricket Club, E. Swainson, of deceased trong Leftist leanings, has been Box 7083, Bermuda Press il interests in the realiza- the St. George's C.C, and Howard h interests in Britain. submitted to Mr. Herbert Morrison, Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1876 Minister for Home Security. Bascombe, Sylvester Lee, Dick Mal­ lory and Reynold Smith, all of the All persons having claims against Western Stars Sports Club. this estate are requested to send ALL LEGISLATION PREPARED At the church the body was car­ toftw»OILBERTS0N particulars of such claims to the FOR RENT ried by the officers of thv Stars, undersigned on or before tli«• All the legislation necessary to si­ li'upyriEht: 1940: By Ely Culbertson.] East, not West, would have to hold ROOM SUITABLE for one or Messrs. Hammond Haywar 1, Ever- the club ace; [2] East would have to 20th February. 1941, after whicli FOR SALE lence the Coirmunists has already In most situations a player can well ard Smith, Schofield Bean. Sinclair afford to take his time and think out hold the ace without the queen; 131 date the Executors will distri­ persons, 10 minutes walk f; been enacted, but the Cabinet hith­ Adderley. George Trott, and Roy the best solution. His " huddle " gives East would have to make a bad play, bute the assets of the deceased City. Meals optional. Dial 3236 erto has been reluctant to invoke Outerbridge. The Choir of St. no worthwhile information to the or at least a bad guess. In less time without regard to claims of "Uf/4 \v. ei. to tu- 28. its powers, partly in fear of alienat­ Monica's Mission led the singing of enemy. Some plays, however, depend than it took North to finish laying which they shall not then have out his cards declarer decided that he COTTAGE, in Pembroke, furnishe Several Choice Properties ing considerable Labour support and, the hymns. entirely on rapidity for their success. notice. equally important of widening the This applies specifically to plays of a did not care for his chances to estab­ or unfurnished. Dial 1574. lish a club trick. That decision made, branch which exists diplomatically psychological nature: To ruses, traps, 7069 tu. ei. to m27. and other coups which would auto­ another one became automatic. With­ between London and Moscow. Dated the 20th January, 1941 A. COTTAGE and 1 acre, Paget matically fail if there were any evi­ out the flicker of an eyelash, and with APARTMENT in Azure Lodge, Wa no perceptible hesitation, declarer West, near South Shore. However, there has been no Rus­ DEATH OF MR. GEOFFREY dence of planning back of them. The wick, £3. 10. 0 per month App neat little gambit used in the follow­ played the diamond deuce on West's Price =£1750. sian response to repeated British ef­ M A Gibbons, Dial 1261. forts at conciliation with the Soviets, DODGE ON MONDAY ing deal well illustrates this point. king. West was neither a beginner nor an GRAY & SMITH, 7110tw. but on the contrary there have been South, dealer. B. COTTAGE on large lot, Both sides vulnerable. expert. What is more, he gave rea­ Attorneys for Joseph Josiah many indications of improved under­ Mr. Geoffrey Dodge, of New York Fairylands, Price £3000. Rubber bridge. sonable thought to the low card, the Glasford and Executor. FURNISHED ROOM, with or withoi standing between the Communists Paris, and Bermuda, died on Monda* four spot, that East had played on board. 10 minutes Hamilton Di and the Nazis. In some quarters NOBTH the first trick. But he finally con­ evening at his home at Somerset • 10 4 2 1975. C. TWO STOREY HOUSE, Ser­ here it is suspected that when Pre­ Bridge at the age of 54. Funeral ser­ cluded that a continuation of dia­ 7084tw. 7091 w V843 monds was as safe as any shift. De­ pentine Road, Pembroke, mier Vyacheslaff M. Molotoff visited vices will be held at Sandys Parish • 6 Price £1250. clarer, he thought, might well have Berlin recently he agreed to direct Church today at 4 p.m., with thn *K J 854 2 the ace of clubs singleton, and in that Soviet agents to spread discontent Rev. A. V. Sullivan officiating. An WEST EAST case the only way of preventing the D. TWO STOREY HOUSE, and to create industrial unrest. obituary will appear in tomorrow's *?3 4.5 establishment of dummy's club suit MRS. R. G. ROBINSON VQ10 72 V K J 6 might be to shorten dummy's trumps, FOR SALE Euclid Avenue, Woodlands, It is pointed out that in recent issue of The Royal Gazette and Colo­ • K Q 10 3 498764 Price £1150. nist. > via a forced ruff, and thereby rob it Attractively Furnished weeks propaganda from the extreme •- Q 9 6 m% A 10 7 3 of an entry. I am not entirely justi­ Left has been almost identical with SOUTH fying We'st's reasoning, but the fact 4? A K Q J986 ONE LARGE CHOICE LOT E. COTTAGE on Euclid Ave. that emanating from Berlin. Some is that he continued with a low dia­ HOUSES Situated on the Rockville Communist documents recenti.. pub­ V A 9 5 mond. To his horror, declarer did Woodlands, Price £1050. • A J2 Property, Pembroke West lished here sound like a paraphrase effects of bombing and the bad con­ not- ruff in dummy. He discarded a For Rent 4, None heart from that hand, won with his of a recent Reichsfuehrer Hitler ditions of the shelters. They havf Special prices quoted in Price £800 T. TWO STOREY HOUSE on The bidding: own jack of diamonds, then after speech calling on the masses to unite been widely quoted in Germany an**" Sterling for Long Leases Clarence Avenue, Woodlands, South West North East cashing the spade ace, laid down his against capitaUsts in almost com­ it is believed they were calculated to Apply Price £1800. t spades Pass 2 no tromp Pass heart and diamond aces. After that PROPERTIES FOR SALE munistic terms. help the Nazis in dealing with their it was a simple matter to ruff two 3 spades Pass 6 spades Pass Telephone 2188 M. A. GIBBONS own people and those of the Conti­ 6 spades Pass Pass Pass hearts in dummy. Dial 1261 nent generally. SOlltm.w.s.tp. TASS REPORTS CRITICIZED North's slam-urging five spade bid 7090 w.th. Although not proportionately may appear a little on the optimistic Tomorrow's Hand. Apply more numerous in Britain than in side, but the fact is that North was North, dealer. In addition, attention has been the United States, Communists an somewhat on the spot. A four spade North-South vulnerable. called to the extraordinary dispatches bid would almost, surely be passed by Rubber bridge. politically very active and rather South, since North would have given M. A. GIBBONS sent from London to India by repre­ effective in some industrial centres NORTH sentatives of Tass, official news agency no sign whatever of assisting ability. AQ J io Dial 1261 here. Their agents are strategically And since North actually did have *t A 7 3 2 These give exaggerated accounts of placed, in many cases occupying im­ potential strength in his club suit, buy or rent 7ft8Zftu.w. * A K 7 2 the situation here, magnifying the portant key posts, in factories. They his singleton diamond and his three *A K have had some success in winning trumps, it would have been cowardly WEST EAST to suppress that information. *»« AK 854 the confidence of the working people Unfortunately, however, the hands V8 5 y K in by posing as a bulwark against fas­ nt badly, a fact which became appar­ cism, and with their affiliated "in­ • 10 9 • Q J 8 5 Just Arrived... ent to the declarer when West opened ^*J965432 4Q10 7 HUMBER nocent" committees, they are in (he diamond king and the dummy SOUTH position to achieve some success in was spread. A lightning glance dis- AA732 Hot Shot Batteries undermining the British war effort •lo^ri that two heart tricks would VQJ964 have to be lost unless the defenders • 64 3 by interfering with production. could be enlisted on the declarer's *» That the government is alive to own team. Much more quickly than bicycles 6 Volt and 9Volt Mr. Culbertson will discuss this the description requires, South saw the danger is shown by the recent hand in tomorrow's column. speech in Scotland of Mr. Ernest >h,it he might steal a club trick for a Bevin, Minster of Labour, when in lienri discard if, on a low club lead HARDWARE frum dummy, East were unwise Write your bridge troubles and Phones {SMASTERS CO. retorting to a heckler, he declared that •tu' , ;h to put up the ace Un l|ar of problems to Ely Culbertson. care -ASTWOODS the government knew what the Com­ • leton queen in declarer's handj. ->< this paper, inclosing a self- munists were up to and from where r! ' .'lis fortuitous happening wouid addressed, stamped envelope. •KWtTI i. they were getting their orders. ie three separate conditions: 11]


BERMUDA LAUNDRY HARRY F. CLEANERS & DYERS Hamilton *S cmm. im ir pJnqyiMt tiggi O'NEILL ' Tr». »•«. MSTlX. OS.—** lUMl 37Kta.vJ.eit*->.