Town Council

Bill Richards Town Clerk

Tel: 01494 774842 Fax: 01494 582908 Email: [email protected]

th 24 January 2020 Dear Councillor,

Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE to be held in the Council Chamber , The Town Hall, Chesham, on


when the business set out below is proposed to be transacted:


1. Apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest. 3. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 6th January 2020. 4. To receive and consider the Minutes of the Chesham & District Transport Users’ Group meeting of 7th January 2020. 5. To receive and consider planning applications received from the Chiltern District Council since the last meeting of the Committee and any planning applications and comments delegated to the Ward Members and Chairman of the Committee and to note previous planning comments submitted. Plans are available for inspection on Chiltern District Council’s website . 6. To receive and consider decision notices received from Chiltern District Council since the last meeting of the Committee. 7. Information Items

Yours sincerely,

Bill Richards Town Clerk Publication Date: 24th January 2020

Chesham Town Council, Town Hall, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1DS Twinned with Friedrichsdorf Germany; Houilles France; Archena Spain Chesham Town Council continued . . .

Councillor Circulation

Councillor Qaser Chaudhry Councillor Peter Hudson Councillor Tony Franks Councillor Noel Brown Councillor Roderick McCulloch Councillor Diana Varley Councillor Alan Bacon Councillor Nick Southwor th Councillor Joseph Baum


Minutes of a Meeting held at Chesham Town Hall on Tuesday, 7th January 2020 at 7.30pm

Present: In Attendance:

Chris Emery (Chairman (CE) Michael Browne (MB) Cllr. Rod McCulloch (Deputy Mayor) (RM) Maria Jarmola (MJ) Cllr.Nick Southworth (CTC rep) (NS) Georgina Lomnitz (GL) Alan Wallwork (Secretary) (AW) Andrea Polden (AP) Brian Wright (BW)

Action 20 /01 Apologies for Absence and Welcome

Apologies were received from Mark Brookes, Janice Gardner, Ralph Hilsdon, Jenny Richardson, Carolyn Spencer and Maureen Winders.

CE welcomed MJ to the Meeting, who was attending for the first time.

20 /02 Minutes of the Meeting of 10 th December 2019

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 10 th December 2019 were approved and signed.

20 /03 Matters Arising

 The proposed visit to Chesham signal box, was still under consideration. AW  AW reported that he had kept the leaflets distributed by all local candidates in connection with last month’s General Election. Cheryl Gillan had stated that one of her six priorities was to campaign for fast local trains, which in her words were critical to local businesses and commuters. Accordingly, the Meeting agreed that AW should write to her in an effort to get the fast off-peak services from Chesham restored. AW

20/04 Treasury Matters

CE collected the £2 annual subs from those present and would arrange for the proceeds to be banked.

20 /05 Federation of Met Line User Committees Association (FOMLUC)

CE gave a resume of the meeting with TfL senior management just before Christmas regarding delays and cancellations to Met Line services resulting from the introduction of new automatic signalling around the Baker Street / Finchley Road area. In addition it was noted that a number of local issues had been tabled for the forthcoming FOMLUC Meeting with TfL to be held at Baker Street on 16 th January 2020.

Initials ……

20/06 Ongoing Operational Issues

The following issues were discussed:-  CE reported that the Met Line had been adversely affected by issues caused by the new signalling, on 10 out of the past 30 days.  Mention was made of the inconsistency in excuses offered by LU staff at Baker Street, for disruption to services caused by the new signalling.  The incorrect information which was regularly displayed on the indicators at Harrow on the Hill and Baker Street.  Short working of Chesham trains Southbound, causing commuters to be regularly de-trained at Harrow on the Hill. In the Northbound direction, the issue was that as a result, many Chesham trains started at Wembley Park without any information being made available to passengers.  There were numerous complaints both at the Meeting and on various social media sites about the chaotic service on Monday 6 th January 2020.  The lack of sufficient entry / exit gates at Chesham Station which regularly caused delays. CE undertook to check if there was a TfL safety standard on the maximum time taken to enter / exit station platforms. CE

20 /07 Step -Free Access at Station

AW reported that many external organisations including Amersham Action Group had repeatedly expressed concern that there was little visible evidence of construction work at Amersham. A similar situation was evident at Harrow on the Hill where

despite wooden hoardings being erected at platform level, no work appeared to be CE/AW going on behind them. Again, this would be raised at the FOMLUC Meeting.

20 /08 TfL Fare Increases AW mentioned the headline statements from the Mayor of London that fares had again been frozen for 2020. However, as usual, the devil was in the detail and he referred a list published on the TfL website and highlighted some increases, particularly with regard to daily capping.

20 /09 Changes to Local Bus Services AW drew attention to a number of recent changes to local bus services, all of which can be found on the Bucks CC website. Of particular interest was the slight alteration to timings on Route 105, caused by Carousel cutting out the stop at the Prison at Bovingdon due to the poor road surface on the approach road.

20 /10 Junction to Become a Super Hub? The Meeting considered a paper which contained proposals for a new Watford to rail service together with similar new links to the East towards St.Albans and Luton, which would result in Watford becoming a local transport super-hub.

It was noted that the draft rail study had been due to be part of a public consultation th on 6 January 2020.

20/11 Expressway Proposals It was noted that the proposed Expressway through Aylesbury Vale, mostly running alongside the East-West rail link, had attracted much criticism both from locals and also from environmental groups, which was likely to lead to the scheme being reviewed.

Initials …… 20 /12 Any Other Business  The S7+1 unit had again recently been reported on the Chesham branch.  AW tabled an extract from the Daily Telegraph stating that the opening of the Elizabeth Line had again been put back, this time to summer 2021, according to ’s latest official assessment, with full services across the route not coming on-stream until mid-2022.The forecast opening would be two and a half years beyond the original deadline, and another three to six months past the revised window set last year by the chief executive, Mark Wild.

20/13 Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 18 th February 2020 at Chesham Town Hall, at 7.30pm.


Chairman Distribution Those Present + Apologies + Ralph Adam + Peter Crabb-Wyke + Anthony Wood + Sandra Milton + Mike Armstrong + Ray Delahunty + Bill Richards + Maria McGwynn + Colette Littley + Andrew Bosi + Andrew McCallum + Roger Smith + Mark Shaw + Andy Clarke

Initials ……


1) PL/19/4284/SA 18 Moor Road Chesham WATERSIDE

Description: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed: Loft conversion with rear dormer and roof lights on front elevation

2) PL/19/4325/SA 62 Berkeley Avenue Chesham LOWNDES

Description: Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed:Outuilding for agricultural vehicles

3) PL/19/4326/FA Halcyon, Lycome Road Chesham NEWTOWN

Description: Single storey side extension in addition to front and rear dormers

4) PL/19/4330/FA 13 Little Spring Chesham VALE

Description: Single storey rear extension

5) PL/19/4360/SA 156 Bellingdon Road Chesham ASHERIDGE VALE

Description: Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed:Single storey rear extensions and a loft conversion

6) PL/20/0057/KA The Rectory, Church Street Chesham ST MARY'S

Description: Tree works in accordance with a submitted schedule - all within a Conservation Area

7) PL/19/4478/FA 300 & 300A Berkhampstead Road Chesham NEWTOWN

Description: Increase of height of the roof ridge

8) PL/19/4457/FA 14 Wey Lane Chesham ST MARY'S

Description: Removal of existing single storey rear porch, amendments/addition to ground floor rear and side fenestration and installation of proposed rear dormer.


9) PL/20/0116/PIP Land rear of 18 Botley Road Chesham TOWNSEND

Description: Permission in Principle for residential development of 4 dwellings

10) PL/19/4365/EU Just the Car, 112 Latimer Road Chesham WATERSIDE

Description: Application for a Certificate of lawfulness for existing: To establish that the lawful use of the site is within Use Class B2 (General Industry)

11) PL/19/4402/FA Land to the Rear of 104-110 Chesham LOWNDES

Description: Six new dwellings, garages and single storey rear extension to No.108 with associated works, including: demolition works to No.108, provision of vehicular access, parking, turning areas and landscaping.

12) PL/19/4481/FA 152 High Street Chesham ST MARY'S

Description: Part two storey side extension, part two / part single storey side extension

13) PL/20/0102/FA 11 Poles Hill Chesham ASHERIDGE VALE

Description: Single storey right side/rear and left side extensions with rooflights, change of porch roof from hip to gable and changes to external material, windows and doors.

14) PL/20/0122/TP 21 Stanley Avenue Chesham LOWNDES

Description: Crown reduction of a Sycamore (T1) and an Ash tree (T2) protected by a Tree Preservation Order.

15) PL/20/0142/FA 27 Codmore Crescent Chesham HILLTOP

Description: Removal of existing Chimney, insertion of a roof window and Juliette balcony.


16) PL/20/1050/VRC Site of 163 Chartridge Lane Chesham LOWNDES

Description: Variation of condition 13 of planning permission CH/2016/1400/FA (Demolition of No 163 Chartridge Lane, provision of a new access road and erection of 7 dwellings) to allow change of design of front gables on plots 4 and 5

17) PL/20/0153/FA 18 Upland Avenue Chesham RIDGEWAY

Description: Demolition of existing outbuildings, erection of part two storey, part single storey side and rear extension, front porch, alterations to windows and doors.

18) PL/20/0190/KA Nat West Bank Plc, 13-15 High Street ST MARY'S

Description: T1 and T2 - Sycamores - remove both trees within a Conservation Area


1) PL/19/3564/FA 61 Berkley Avenue Chesham LOWNDES

Description: Demolition of existing garage, single storey side extensions, rear extension, loft conversion incorporating roof lights and a juliet bacony to rear, changes to windows and doors. Comments: The Committee has NO OBJECTIONS to this application. Decision: Refuse Permission 2) PL/19/3771/VRC 11A Codmore Crescent Chesham HILLTOP

Description: Variation of condition 3 of planning permission PL/19/2831/FA(increase in roof height and addition of rooflights to side elevations to accommodate loft conversion) to allow three additional rooflights and changes to materials. Comments: The Committee raises its concern on the possibility of the increase in height resulting in it being overlooking. Decision: Conditional Permission 3) PL/19/3825/FA Thomas Cook, 62 The Broadway Chesham ST MARY'S

Description: Change of Use of back of premises into a single residential unit (UseClass C3) with replacement of doors and windows Comments: The Committee has NO OBJECTIONS to this application Decision: Conditional Permission 4) PL/19/3833/FA 7 Eskdale Avenue Chesham TOWNSEND

Description: Single storey rear / infill extension, part two / part first floor extension. Comments: The Committee has NO OBJECTIONS to this application Decision: Conditional Permission 5) PL/19/3909/FA Unit 3-4 Phoenix Business Centre Higham Road Chesham TOWNSEND

Description: Changes to doors and windows in front elevation and insertion of front and rear rooflights. Comments: The Committee raises its concern on the intensification of usage and, moreover, seeks clarification of the number of flats being actually built. Decision: Conditional Permission


6) PL/19/3923/VRC 157 White Hill Chesham TOWNSEND

Description: Variation of condition 7 of planning application PL/2018/0461/FA (Demolition of existing house and erection of replacement house) to allow for the removal of high level side windows and changes to first floor rear window/doors. Comments: The Committee recommends REFUSAL of this application having noted the inappropriate plan to change the pitched roof to flat roof. Moreover, it raises concern on the building being overlooking to a school (raising safeguarding queries) and being out -of- keeping with the existing street scene. Decision: Conditional Permission 7) PL/19/3620/FA 14 Vale Road Chesham VALE

Description: Single storey rear extension. Comments: The Committee has NO OBJECTIONS to this application subject to the comments of the District Council's Tree Officer Decision: Conditional Permission 8) PL/19/4027/VRC Land at 206-208 Chartridge Lane Chesham LOWNDES

Description: Variation of condition 13 of planning permission PL/10/1831/VRC (variation of condition 7 of planning application PL/18/4372/VRC (Variation of Condition 14 of planning permission CH/2018/0854/FA (Demolition of Nos. 206 and 208 Chartridge Lane and erection of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings along Chartridge Lane and one detached dwelling to the rear, associated hard landscaping, parking and altered vehicular access) to allow amended design of semi-detached dwellings on plots 6 to 9) to allow detached garage to plot 5)to allow amendment to plot 5 garage, replacement of brick retaining walls with timber sleeper retaining walls & insertion of obscure windows to side elevations of plots 6-9

Comments: The Committee has no comments on the application but, if approved, would like it tot be conditional on non-opening, obscured glass windows

Decision: Conditional Permission

9) PL/19/3973/FA 235 Berkhampstead Road Chesham NEWTOWN

Description: Single storey ground floor infill extension, loft conversion with rear dormer. Comments: The Committee has no comments on this application due to the plans being imcomplete and would therefore ask that the planning authority request revised drawings from the applicant. Decision: Refuse Permission



10. Prior Notification – NewCity Property Partners 64 The Broadway.

Change of use of first floor offices & rear ground floor access lobby from (B 1(a)) to two residential units (c3).

11. Prior Notification – Thomdell Developments (2) Ltd., Seymour House, 60 The Broadway.

Prior Notification under Class O of Part 3, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 – Change of use of part of the building from offices to two self-contained residential flats (Use Class C3).