Subfam. ORCHIDOIDEAE 兰亚科 Lan Ya Ke Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-Chi), Lang Kaiyong (郎楷永 Lang Kai-Yung); Stephan W
3. Subfam. ORCHIDOIDEAE 兰亚科 lan ya ke Chen Xinqi (陈心启 Chen Sing-chi), Lang Kaiyong (郎楷永 Lang Kai-yung); Stephan W. Gale, Phillip J. Cribb, Paul Ormerod Terrestrial or very rarely epiphytic plants with root-stem tubers or fleshy, short to long rhizomes, rarely mycotrophic with leaves reduced to colorless sheaths. Tubers, if present, ovoid, spherical, ellipsoidal, digitate, or cylindric-fusiform, solitary or in clusters, hairy or glabrous; rhizome, if present, fleshy, elongate. Leaves spirally arranged, 1 to many, basal or arranged along stem, deciduous or rarely persistent for more than a year, often sheathing at base, usually green, rarely spotted or veined with silver, red, or gold, rarely purple spotted or shaded beneath. Inflorescence terminal, erect or arching, 1- to many flowered; peduncle usually terete, gla- brous, hairy, or glandular; bracts linear, lanceolate, ovate, or elliptic, usually glabrous and green. Flowers small to large, usually resupinate, flat to tubular, often showy; pedicel often obscure; ovary distinct, glabrous or less frequently hairy or glandular, lacking an abscission layer. Dorsal sepal free or often adnate to petals to form a hood over column; lateral sepals usually free, sometimes connate and oblique at base to form a spurlike mentum. Petals entire or 2-lobed, often adnate to dorsal sepal; lip usually lowermost in flower, usually deflexed, entire, 3- or 5-lobed, or 2-partite, occasionally callose or with 2 basal glands, often saccate at base or with spurlike nectary; nectary fusiform, clavate, or cylindric,
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